YOU are the final boss

>YOU are the final boss

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>You have to kill every party member you recruited

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Name whatever you deem an appropriate amount of games faggots.

Surely no game like this actually exists...


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Closest that comes to mind is killing the aeons at the end of FFX.

Sundered, embrace path

>to get the best ending you have to throw the fight
for all tales of Symphonia 2 got wrong that last fight was pretty cool

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Banner Saga 2
Diablo (kinda)
SMT 1, 4, Apocalypse, Starnge Journey
Dragon Warrior

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Bioshock Infinite

LISA: The Painful
A masterpiece that you should play
Pretend Joyful doesn't exist

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Tales of Xillia 2
But it's for the bad end

MGS5 sorta

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One of your end game choices in Arcanum does this.

if you dont mind a bit of indie
The 7th stand user gives you the option to fucking murder your friends at the end
Then replace the big bad and end the world

Tales of Xillia 2, you legitimately become the final boss for a group of JRPG kids in one ending, also probably the best ending.

>The massive empire is the good guys

Dark Side path in KOTOR

>Game berates you for it

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Link's Adventure, also Ocarina or time where you have to fight shadow link

Soul Nomad

first one that came to mind, although t b f you only kill several, not all


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>Final boss recruits members for their party

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>The church is good

>You are God

SMT IV/Apocalypse depending on the route you take.

Breath of Fire 4

>The church is good
>The pope is a party member

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