Are they satisfied with themselves now?
Are they satisfied with themselves now?
Other urls found in this thread:
They are. Have you looked on Twitter? This is actually what they want and they don't even deny it.
based quinn. is he /our guy/?
I'm honestly more pissed off at the NITW dev team than I am Zoe Quinn.
How dare he not apologize for rape before killing himself.
same. attention whore going to attention whore but when you throw a damn friend under the bus just to preserve your image it's a damn shame they are not dead instead
I like this Ampharos a lot and I want to give it a big hug
Holy fuck Ampharos Chad
Legit if they had supported him even a little he wouldn't be dead right now.
I won.
They're PROUD of this. It's every feminist's dream, to commit murder and not only get away with it, but be applauded for it.
This is a hoax, they paid Killer Quinn to force this narrative onto twitter, he's not dead, he is just a faggot that wanted out.
Agreed especially since anyone in the industry would know what a lying whore she is
What did you win?
Look, I don't think making those accusations publicly on twitter was appropriate, but zoe isn't ultimately responsible for the guy killing himself. It sounds like he had some serious mental troubles for a long time, and many others have accused him of abusive behaviour. It's not on victims to ensure the mental well-being of abusers, even if in this case I wish zoe had dealt with this situation more delicately.
This is satire, right?
Makes sense. Dude gets to start a new life as a corpse, and Quinn gets more patreon pity bux.
>OP makes the same thread for the 50th time in a row
GO beg for (You)s somewhere else you shiteater.
According to the artist himself. No.
This. What a bunch of actual cucks. Imagine being so spineless you throw your friend out to the gutter after him being ACCUSED of something.
Dude is a cunt, but doesn't deserve a fork in his brain.
I'm FTM.
It's disgusting how quickly they turned on him. The left eat themselves in way that is wholly unique to them
>see sites like Ars Technica report on the ALLEGED sexual harassment
>comments mostly support guilty until proven innocent mentality
>guy kills himself
>Ars is completely quiet
Why are these sites so intellectually corrupt? Ars is the same site where one of their writers was a paedo and they didn't say shit either. What's an actual good tech site anons that isn't SJW shit? Are there any left?
Show screen caps them them being proud
No, and they never will be. Not. One. Single. Person will take responsibility for this, and they'll all feel good about themselves at the end of the day because they were "morally right."
it's easy to lie on twitter. if she was really raped she should have taken it to the cops.
tfw gamur grrl has a higher kdr than you
I seriously just wanted to know how he died.
Some are probably horrified, but they're also horrified to what will happen if they show they're horrified, so it balances out.
Assisted suicide. That is to say assisted by the hitman Zoe paid.
I hope she knows his blood is on her hands
It was not the Zoe accusations that did it, it was the company that fired him and killed all his projects due just "believe wamen" that did the job.
Four and a half years.
Four and a half fucking years.
Why is this url not in the autoban filter?
Do you want to guess why you have no real friends, and why no one actually likes you or wants to stick around you?
>rapist kills himself and Yea Forums is upset about it because le gamer girl
I should have expected.
>it wasn't quinn's accusations that lead to him being fired and disowned by his family and friends
are you retarded?
She didn’t even say she was raped. Just that he was a bad boyfriend. Those fags ruined him over something as dumb as that
Fuck you and fuck Infinite Fall with a rake.
I don't know you and I don't care to know you
Did that game take place during the ending of To the Moon?
I used to think these disgusting SJW cunts only existed on twitter and youtube cringe videos, but I'm starting to encounter more and more of them in real life
whats the world coming to boys?
He wasn't even accused of rape
While this is true, it was her accusation that caused all this shit, you should blame the fucking company and his family above all else for being so fucking horrible.
If they were sane people, they would require a minimum of proof before just crushing him like some chinese lady and a kitten.
This. It's not rape if she has an orgasm. That's just a straight up fact, dawg.
a community of sociopaths
>Be a bad BF to someone for a month
>Get slandered your whole career destroyed years later because your gf was running low on patreon money
>even you sister abandons you
>an hero
Twitter is just a lynch mob now
Why are so many people killing themselves over internet comments. People aren't even saying kill urself that often anymore.
But what if they were to die.....
Ampharos! Ampharos!
Scott Benson
Bethany Hockenberry
Jon Manning
Paris Buttfield-Addison
Charles Huettner
These are the soulless monsters that brought this upon the man
Well, the problem is when the comment make your overreactive boss just fucking fire you, and your overreactive family disown you.
he didn't kill himself over internet comments.he killed himself over getting immediately fired because of internet comments
>Lose everything
>Plan to kill self
>One last tweet, an inspirational one like the normalfags love (actually just a lie)
>"I understand shit is fucked for me but I declare myself innocent and as such I have nothing to hide, I will continue my dream of making video games although still feel a little paranoid about this whole 180 everyone did on me, there's a lot of people that hate me without evidence so just know if something happens to me, someone else did it"
>Wait a couple weeks
>Commit sudoku
>Everyone's fingers point at the cunt
>She's 100% done and now stuck in legal trouble that will cost her thousands even if she gets out of it
It was so easy to destroy her, he only needed to sacrifice himself in that specific way, he had the potential to secretly go out like a hero... Like a true an hero...
Men off themselves everyday. No one give a fuck.
He basically lost his entire career, what he loved doing and kept him going.
and everything else
christ imagine major news sites naming you as an "accused sexual abuser", picture and all
Yeah I'm sure that would have got his job back.
People think the internet is the same is real life now.
>It's not on victims to ensure the mental well-being of abusers
Why the fuck are you assuming he was an abuser? Listen and believe? Am I being baited?
Zoe then activates "pussy shield" which is 100% effective against attacks made by males without enough evidence to convene a grand jury and nothing changes.
maybe he shouldn't have been an abuser then
I want to satisfy myself with this Ampharos
What you're talking about, abuser?
You raped me, so you should not be posting those things.
What if this quinn whore got the democrats to assassinate the guy?
The Clinton family did it for years, i'm sure she had connections.
>instead of any of that, he activates the Trump curse by wishing he'd die on Twitter
What a sorry existence that faggot had.
I honestly hope they get theirs before Zoe does
right here.
too many incel losers that would throw themselves in front of a pussy, to even die for it, just to hear the pussy say a general thank you to them.
god I hate these types of manchildren
This kind of people just have "job sniping" as an sport.
Imagine being such a seething micropenis that you have to make sõyjack edits of everything you hate.
I mean, you could always kill them
Nope, no counter. Men have poisoned the well of truth and the Jews have weaponised that fact to make sure that only the chosen narrative can be heard.
I thought you guys hated NITW
We don't even have confimation if he killed himself the only source on his death is his sister who immediately hid her twitter and just said he 'died' and not how.
The press release by the NitW team also just says 'died' without confirming if it was a suicide before they hid their Twitter. What kind of shady shit is going on?
all it would take for most of them is rape accusations. Really hoping for that, true or not that they just get slammed with the very poison they used to kill this man,
I do hate it. That doesn't mean I can't hate twitter and its users too.
And everyone still does, even more so now that we know what kind of sneaky tosspots the other devs are. Keep up champ.
just because I dislike a person doesn't mean I approve these types of outcomes
based but also fuck off
In my opinion you Americans need an actual war or conflict or something because the lack of a real threat has people focusing too much on dumb shit like this that escalates too far because everyone blows it out of proportion
Lmaoing @ your life, rapist.
I said it therefore it's true. You should kill yourself because now your life will be ruined over my baseless claims.
social media has fucked society beyond beyond repair
>hate NITW for being pretentious libshit trash
>hate literally who for being pretentious libshit trash
>hate Alec for being pretentious libshit trash
>enjoy the whole situation because it doesn't involve me at all
I heard he was a leftist, that alone means I wouldn't have sympathy for him, but this situation is all around fucked. By the very principle of it I'll pray for him.
we unironically need a WW3 to thin the numbers of low iq breeders
and when I say we I mean us in the USA and those of you in europe who let even more insane shit slide
Based Ampharos poster
so are you an unironic shill for this shitty news site?
Clever and hilarious post.
They just need to purge the bourgeois. All this twitter drama and other stupid bullshit is the malaise of the middle class.
yall realize the accusations against the guy came from people more reputable than zoe quinn
sounds like he got caught and then made a choice
I do, but there’s a universal code of “don’t fucking betray friends or family” and these retards did it
>>She's 100% done and now stuck in legal trouble that will cost her thousands even if she gets out of it
That's not how that works and even if it was, she'd make a kickstarter or gofundme or whatever is popular right now and get funded in a few days.
caught doing what? being a bad boyfriend?
no one cares. actually, scratch that: no one should care.
Yes like a random contractor who said he flirted with her and then blamed that for why she got fired. And then deleted her twitter.
In fact all the 'reputable sources' have deleted their twitter. Quicker than Quinn did. Hmmm.
go back to resetera
Agreed, the thing that gets me is that it only took 4 days for the poor guys life to fall apart. There wasn't anyone taking some time to listen and make hard decisions.
And seriously this is the shit that builds shooters if this dude wasn't depressed.
Don't start crying about Europe. Americans and their precious twatter are to blame for all of this bullshit
I’ve yet to meet one that can outsmart bullet.
it's not all about quinn though is it. the whole fucking platform of twitter -- its bread and butter, -- is an orgy of life-ruining cruelty.
You know, for being a Trump hating faggot Alec sure grabbed em by the pussy a lot
Yes, but this don't justify the shit that happened.
>he deserved to die he badmouthed based orange man!!
Used to be you would just spank the bitch.
damn now that is real abuse
Nukes killed world wars.
We need to find a new "politically correct" way to kill dumb people.
>those of you in europe who let even more insane shit slide
Sorry Billy-Bob, but the SJW parts of Europe are the way the are because they've been Americanised. The vast majority of Europeans know or knew someone who has experienced the horrors of war on their home soil. 0% of Americans can attest to this.
The people causing this shit aren't the ones who are gonna be in the trenches and you know it.
Aside from the obvious repost, the dev team literally said how Alec Holowka was clearly a shitty guy in need of help. His meds started but were not enough. I guess you could say Quinn was the final straw in him killing himself, but dude was basically over the edge already. Stop giving her power you fuck wad.
I bet the cancer came from germany.
It always comes from germany.
Given that many people who knew him, (co-workers, friends, exes, family) have come forward and said they're not surprised by the accusations made by zoe and others, and his well-documented poor mental state, it seems very likely he was emotionally abusive. IIRC, he was also accused of harassing by a co-worker earlier this year. That doesn't mean he deserves to be raked over the coals on twitter though.
That's the other thing that's hilariously fucked, people thought Zoe was saying he fingered her but it's obvious by the phrase she meant just like scratching and dragging her around the house. Not even Zoe Quinn is retarded enough to think this was a plausible story yet twitter fags ran with it for a MUH RAPIST narrative.
Well, yeah. He outed himself as a libshit so my convern for his life also decreased.
When was the last time some dude got free twitter sympathy by saying that he had a shitty girlfriend?
The shit, is this from a new Philly season or something? I don't remember no violent pussy grabbing from the 12 seasons I've seen.
Are the episodes even good these days, I remember s12 being pretty dull
She knew this and that’s the reason she pushed him, dumb fuck. His problems don’t all exist in separate vacuums, these things are related
They're dilating to this.
EVIDENCE. Any number of people can ACCUSE someone of something,and the more popular a person is, the easier it is to form a coordinated group to do so. None of it means anything until actual fucking evidence appears.
Boycott Infinite Falls
Be neet dude encourage more mens to be neets and then nobody gonna fucking reproduct this faggot humanity anymore
So thats why you talk like a girl!
That's because they're all newcomers to the internet. Most people on the internet now only started using it in the 2010s. Old-timers like me who have been using it since the 90s learned a long time ago not to take anything on the internet seriously. But now the internet is flooded with billions of people who haven't learned that lesson yet.
>may I order another round of immigrants with rape on the side? thank you
Good to know driving people to suicide on the internet doesn't actually get you in any trouble. Time to go bully mentally ill trannies
This is legit scary for me, last year i was wrongly accused of rape by a classmate i used to date at university and my life went to shit, i was cast out of any social circle.
I used to have all kinds of suicidal toughs even when im not usually like that, right now i put my life in order again and taking legal action, but man it was hard and still is.
This shit needs to stop, it's so easy for a girl to ruin someone life.
>inb4 Larping
no, but honestly i wouldn't want this to happen to any of you anons.
Asking an alleged victim for evidence is just as bad as allegedly raping them in the first place because it's forcing them to allegedly relive the alleged attack. So only an alleged monster would allegedly do that.
>I 100% look like chick but still call myself a dude
That's nice faggot.
>le reddit brain number
What? There is more than one faggot?
>date a roastie
>they get toastie
Hope you learned your lesson.
>zoe is a woman
>gets through it alright
>continues living off patreon bucks and looking for more people to kill
Listen to yourself. Shitty woman wanted to kill shitty man who shared her political beliefs by playing the long game to make sure he was vulnerable when she struck.
Tell me why you think she wanted to kill him.
She didn't want him dead, she wanted him "gone". However that manifested itself is fine by her.
Sure in some cases, but not this one. Read the post by the dev team.
You raped me. You raped me at that party we went to back in 2005. You got me drunk, you led me into that bedroom, and you raped me. I will now go online and describe to everyone how you raped me. I will contact your employer and tell them that you are a rapist. I will find the social media of your colleagues and school friends and tell me all about how you raped me. I will find your family and neighbors and tell them that you raped me. I will totally destroy you because YOU. RAPED. ME.
This isn't a criminal court case, moron. Given all the circumstances and personal accounts, you'd have to be braindead to think Alec did nothing wrong at this point.
No. All men should be held responsible for the rapes that other men commit. How are we going to end this cycle of sexual violence if all males are not held responsible for the atrocities committed by other members of their gender? It is on men to apply pressure on other men to not rape women. Alec Holowka's actions are a reflection of gross societal mistreament of women and every single man on this Earth needs to feel shame over this.
You jest, but I've SEEN this behavior against the cult simulator guy. Yesterday.
America had been in permanent wars for nearly 20 years. Some could argue for even longer The American people just is completely disconnected from it thanks to the entire political class, the industrial military complex and the complacent media.
I'm very curious what the abuse is/was, was he a super high grade contentious tier asshole?
Or things blown out of proportion?
>What's an actual good tech site anons that isn't SJW shit?
I would like to know this too. /g/ is not a good substitute. Notice Ars and Anandtech are identically politically aligned in the forums and front page commentary.
Also note how verbose those Ars fags are when articulating their leftist nonsense.
no it was worst, she was a socially awkward tomboy.
Where is the proof? If it WERE real why didn't they forward the case to the police? A guy had his life ruined, killed himself and you believe his abusers.
wow, very clever.
>Rape from 10 years ago can be tough to prove. How do we solve for that?
>Oh! You just don't have to prove it.
Okay but where’s the evidence?
Yeah, the post was me basically riffing on actual dialog I've heard from people I know. In all my years of being left leaning the one thing that makes me want to start a pogrom is other lefties.
Who caused the British to lose control of the Middle East and who has been bombing/arming the region for the past few decades?
Think about it from his perspective. It was more than just mean internet comments that pushed him over the edge. And I think it was more than losing his career too. He was like the quintessential social justice developer and the social justice mob, his "friends", and even his family still went after his blood over a fucking tweet from an obvious liar who has zero evidence. And he predicted this would happen years ago but basically brainwashed himself into believing he was the crazy one because he didn't want to believe that the social justice mob he was surrounded by were all sociopaths. Zoe's bullshit probably forced him to have a moment of clarity and realize he was wrong about them. Which meant he was completely alone
>believing anything that's written on the internet
I bet you read The National Enquirer for their hard-hitting exposes and factual news articles as well.
I know this user and he gave off very big 'rapist' vibes before. I had to warn other anons to avoid him. I am not surprised to learn he is a serial rapist.
That's what happened to me, I one day suggested to a guy I was dating that he should wear a native american costume for halloween, he went batshit crazy about "cultural appropriation" it was an eye opening moment.
>Racecar Johnny’s in this one too
You can’t tell me this isn’t satire
Gone from what, the internet? Game development? However that manifested is fine by her? I think you are giving her way too much credit. Besides, dude was not an angel. Him abusing a depressed purple-haired woman does not sound that crazy. I'm sure it was like any metoo thing. Say something and run away. Quinn is already nuclear waste in large swaths of the internet.
I wish I could rape too.
No I was gonna find some tomboy to be my gf... look like it time for me to be shut in neet now
Dude's life was already on the verge of ruin. To put all of this on Quinn is giving her power. Stop being retarded and pushing her up more and more.
I always knew that was a rapist, but to learn that you are as well? I should've seen that, too. I can't wait to tell everyone online!
So why doesn’t anyone just, y’know, kill her?
Similar thing happened to me. But luckily she didn’t know any of my friends and she couldn’t get me ostracized by anyone but her own shitty clique
>CBT/DBT therapy
That's a pretty bad choice of acronym.
Probably, women are fucking insane creatures.
>Him abusing a depressed purple-haired woman does not sound that crazy
The woman not reporting it to the police does sound crazy though
dude, stop being a rapey faggot
Fuck off Zoe, we're not giving you screencaps to help boost your patreon donations.
It's a 100% real. The author gets real mad when you point out that >her caricatures are more popular than >her main character.
Because this is hell and she ain't leaving.
Zoe Quinn apparently gets raped every other weak. She's apparently too fucking stupid to pick and choose her friends, or she's just a fucking rat. The latter is much more possible.
Anyone who believes what she said may as well kill themselves because they don't constitute as human beings anymore.
I already said she was a shitty woman.
>If it WERE real why didn't they forward the case to the police?
There are a million reasons why someone wouldn't take this to the police. It's likely a wasted effort given how hard it is to prove.They may not want to go through all the stress and trauma of reliving abuse.They may not want the abuser to end up in jail, etc etc.
Occam's razor. What's more likely? That Alec is a mentally unwell guy that was emotionally abusive to people in the past? Or that his sister, exes, co-workers, and friends are all liars?
God she’s my guilty pleasure
S13 was actually a good return to form except for the fucking finale which was complete garbage, and took itself way too seriously with one of the most out of place segments in the entire series history.
My friend was also abused by I won’t name their name though because the last thing she needs is a hate mob
>There are a million reasons why someone wouldn't take this to the police
There are a million reasons why someone would falsify a "twitter testimony" about abuse in relations to a famous person. Stop being a fucking puppet.
No seriously if she’s this monstrous why hasn’t anyone made her an hero?
I was metooed at my job a year ago, nothing happened, accusations proven false. people still bring it up occasionally, most women won’t even talk to me.
That roasties gonna lie of course.
Not only is that stupid from an actually solving the "problem" stance, (whatever you thing the "problem" actually is) but saying shit like that props her up even MORE. So yeah, you might just be zoe.
Let her make her sex games and just let it go.
Why the fuck should I lower myself to her level? Eye for an eye is stupid as shit, it's real nigger mentality.
It's not even that hard to prove if you actually care about it. Rape kits are definitive evidence. The problem is that it's hard for victims to come out and most just want things to go away, so they destroy the evidence and pretend things didn't happen. That's why rape is hard to prove, because women are idiots who care more about their feelings than justice.
The fact that she's coming out about it on social media and shouting to her friends to destroy this man's social life for her own gain is why it seems like shit, she's literally making money off of someone's death now.
You know that logic to why she wouldn't report also applies to why she would not make a public callout right? 10 fold.
>She made someone commit sudoku
>Just let it go bro
Nah man some people just straight up need to be killed.
You’re not lowering to her level, you’re taking out the trash my man
punitive rape is the answer in minecraft
i was fucked because she was friends of my "friends" they didn't doubt in turning their backs against me, or at least don't go near me to cover their asses.
I think the biggest blow was discovering that i was alone, i mean everyone knows that you can't really trust anyone, but living that shit hurts.
im in a similar situation, there isn't any evidence and never will be, but reputation is already fucked so nobody talks to me, but i have my life far away from that circle of people so its fine.
Go larp somewhere else glownigger
It's during times like those that I remember the original GG mess and the whole connection it had to CIA. I wonder if someone still has that image.
You're right, and if it were just zoe making these claims, you'd have a point.
Looks like the average girl from Finland
If you honestly believe that about an outspoken, lying, game "developer" then you are a lost cause. Take your own advice is probably my best suggestion. Life isn't worth living being so angry and bitter.
Also "She made someone commit sudoku" - citation needed
not really? making a twitter post is hardly the ordeal that taking someone to court is.
Considering the circumstances, Occam's Razor indicates that they were all liars.
wtf even washed out pornstars look better than this human garbage. do incels really like this kind of abomination?
Found it. It COULD be very well that all of this twitter cancel culture mob is an attempt from the unacknowledged programs from the shadow organizations from the US govt to weaponize social engineering.
_ ____ __ ____ ____ _________
Why would it not be more likely for everyone to raise claims? Especially because the ones who made the claims are Quinn's followers? (The post by the NitW team verbatim quotes several tweets that were initial responses by Quinn's followers like the 'I was told to stay away from Alec' one)
One or one hundred, doesn't make a single difference, there's a reason why courts don't accept this kind of bullshit, BECAUSE IT'S EASY TO LIE ABOUT IT.
Not when the guy commits suicide and you receive thousandss of death threats and have to close your social media platforms that are you main source of income that isn't Patreon.
heres an even easier explanation.
the rape accusation was a lie and she didnt want to spend money for a lawyer and go for a trial especially when she knows its a fabricated story
What is that and why is it wearing a death mask?
ever heard of the presumption of innocence? or the perhaps the burden of proof?
what's the evidence? while we're at it, what even are the accusations? can you even name what the alleged abuse entailed?
Scares the shit out of me every time I read it. Fucking hell man.
For a lesbian leaning person so conscious of women's rights and the ills of patriarchy, she sure does get raped a lot.
>Or that his sister, exes, co-workers, and friends are all liars?
now you're just putting words in people's mouth.
Actual statements which are closest things to evidence, a lot of which is still very questionable.
all those fucking people on the thread about the dev team departing saying "it's not the companies fault that he did it" "don't go after the dev team they did nothing to him, he did it to himself" "they have no blood on their hand". fuck 'em all. granted, it does provide an interesting what if the team didn't just throw him away like trash and kept him. They'd be barred from every convention, blacklisted, seen as harboring the antichrist,he could come out and try to save face but that would only delay time. I feel that his only options are to chemically castrate himself, donate all money to zq, or go into witness protection after being found not guilty from it being just Libel. Fuck #metoo/belivesurvivors for creating witch hunting in 2019 and making only evidence being hearsay and guilty never innocent. Thankfully these people are fucking nobodies who, hopefully, get their angry mail cancelling a creator tossed to the bin.
This user once jammed his fingers in my bumhole and called me a dirty slut who lives to suck benis. I was afraid to tell anyone until now. Please give me a (you) and donate to my patreon
This is not a court. Different evidentiary standards apply when trying to convict someone of a crime. That's why people get off murder even when it's very likely they did it.
You are stupid like a nigger.
You're fired user, we don't have rapists working here at Yea Forums.
I dont get it. If he sexually assaulted her, why didnt she file a police report? Or contact a lawyer to sue him for trauma?
Why did she instead just announce to the world via twitter that he assaulted her? What good does that do?
the hilarious part about your post is that, if you are not baiting, you probably don't realize how retarded you are. There is a REASON why court cases and laws are the way they are. Mainly, in this case, because the core concept of INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY, means that BASELESS ACCUSATIONS can't be weaponized by ill intentioned people. By not following this basic PRACTICAL AND WORKING standard, you are leaving your own perception of reality open to easy manipulation. Go on keep being retarded, it'll kill you one day, deservingly so.
>one of their writers was a paedo
I'm glad he was at least caught and convicted
Shhhhh, this is not the place for facts or logic.
said the tranny nigger.
She literally never goes to the police about anything. There was that story from the photographer that had Zoe tell her she stabbed a guy in the face and he died and she didn't go to the police about it.
Don't forget prison time; you know Zoe would have taken it to court.
And no, don't pretend the person who spoke in front of the UN would have lost the case.
after the meeto stuff and Harvey Weinstein I assumed the higher up's in Hollywood were trading those pics around themselves and thats how they got leaked.
Yes, because that worked so well for Maddox.
>spoke in front of the UN
The Womens UN which is not the UN, it's just a shitty spinoff that lectures 3rd world countries on giving women equal rights.
Oh fuck he actually killed himself over this.
Or quite honestly she did it herself because it would draw attention away from what she did, her connection to DARPA and their project of weaponizing social engineering is still there, she is the perfect type of sociopath that would accept to be the public face of a project like this.
If she goes to the police and they investigate it's very unlikely that what they find will her case look more believable. If she just shouts about it on Twitter she'll garner support from the massive web of people she associates with all over the industry, she'll get articles and videos dedicated to her case, and she'll attract people to her Patreon.
Ever since GG she's subsisted entirely on the support she gained during that time. It's literally her job to start shit on Twitter.
Now watch out for the cultist simulator guy.
>Why did she instead just announce to the world via twitter that he assaulted her?
Because it's a tried and true method for her to get money and support during lean times
Remember this is the woman who claimed to have been mugged for her monthly rent that she was carrying around at the time in exact hard cash, and people on twitter upon hearing the news were tripping over themselves to organize donations for her without seeing a single shred of actual evidence. Chelsea van Valkenburg is a pathological liar with a support network willing to swallow whatever shit she feels like putting out, whether it's admitting to killing and burying a man, or abuse allegations that her abusive boyfriend, of many several, walked her around the house on her hands while he lifted her solely by intense fingering
No she wouldn't. She'd have to actually prove something if she went to court. Plus, she'd open herself up to counter accusations she'd have to respond to and couldn't hide behind social media mobs.
Going to court would be her worst case scenario. Then again, she can afford slime lawyers all on her own, and you'd better believe she'd get "donations to help the cause!!!" from inbred moron fangirls besides.
If facebook and twitter shut down forever life would improve for everyone.
nothing more cringe than nu-jack edits
I like how the original inciting incident, the Skyrim composer getting allegations, has faded into the background. It probably is gonna be settled normally and the claims will be dropped.
Imagine the funk
How come you all are pushing the narrative that they only cut ties with him due to the rape allegation when their official statement on it clearly denies that?
this is the stupidest fucking thing anyone has said ITT. we have been in a perpetual "war on terror" for 20 years now
>attacking people is justified if they speak words i don't like
The left eating itself as usual
who controls your borders, retard? You don't have to let anybody in that you don't want to, that's entirely on you. so don't go blaming "region destabilization" or some gay shit for your problems. Also that all started with Libya which was a military action LED BY E*ROFAGS
Alec created the majority of the game except the awful story yet had no decision making power within the company whatsoever. He was likely getting gyped on his cut of the sales as well. I'm betting he contested this and the rest of the team used this incident as a convenient excuse to kick him to the curb and steal everything.
These comments are always the worst
>Also that all started with Libya which was a military action LED BY E*ROFAGS
Funny how Clinton had emails about it and CIA involvement on it.
Autists will rule the world
I'm not a Euro, my borders are safe and secure. We throw 'em all onto an island
The image I posted is literally the statement the NitW team posted on Kickstarter so I am not sure what you are talking about
Read some of the comments on the kotaku article
Some of these people are genuinely happy he committed suicide
Sick fucks
while I doubt most people care little for reading the actual statements there is one barely credible reason to doubt many statements. Of course this is all conjecture anyways but whatever.
>I'm honestly more pissed off at the NITW dev team than I am Zoe Quinn.
Same here. Quinn is a ruthless, personality-disordered black widow--there's no excuse for people in the industry not knowing that--and she's just acting according to her nature.
For longstanding "friends" to trip over themselves trying to be the first to slip a dagger between your ribs--that's unnatural and horrifying. It shows you how sick that entire indie clique is.
Alec H.'s mental illness and suicide almost seems like what you'd expect if you trapped a human being in a cage with these alien snake-people.
I'm asking everyone else, such as , why they still think the NITW devs cut ties with him over Zoe's rape stuff when the picture you posted disproved that. I'm linking back to your post, not responding to it - thanks for posting it because I would not have found it myself.
If you think the "war on terror" has ever resulted in any real threat against homeland americans than you are the stupidest mother fucker on the face of the planet.
Oh no no no no no no
Russian deepstate is onto her
Oh I see that was somewhat ambiguously worded
>society crumbles, people fight in the streets, the world burns
>the NEETs draw their curtains to stop the screen flare
Rise up except don't. Just go and sleep or something I guess.
I love how the left prides itself on diversity and fighting for minorities but will absolutely eat you alive for thinking slightly different from them
Of course the extreme right is retarded too but whatever
all these people involved seem damaged in some way. Alec himself, zoe, everyone that was invovled. Even the reactions to his death seem morbid, like children worried about being punished for getting their friend killed.
More proof that lefties on twitter are just 5th column stooges.
Spineless shits threw him under the bus so it doesn't hurt the sales.
I know that's what he (yes, he) says, but I think denying that it's satire is itself satire. It's some kind of meta-satire shtick. Has to be.
>I love how the left prides itself on diversity and fighting for minorities but will absolutely eat you alive for thinking slightly different from them
I love how every right-winger repeats this talking point almost word for word while pretending to be "independent thinkers"
If you look at the artists site it's quite clear that there's no metajoke, no subtlety, nothing but an idiot.
Disconnect art from the artist
He didn’t deserve this
>not an argument
Believe Women. BELIEVE WOMEN!!!!
It's pretty hard not to notice it.
>and his well-documented poor mental state
which was, according to his sister, becoming better in the last few years. guess which action of a certain person caused him to spiral back all the way down over night
Females need to be abused to keep them in line, they're mentally and emotionally equivalent to children.
Imagine if roles were reversed...
Nobody would fucking believe that man was raped by woman even if you provide evidence. But if you call man a rapist, you don't need proofs to ruin his life.
Twenty people standing around a burning building saying "wow that's quite the inferno" can be independent thinkers, but when a building is on fire people tend to say the same things.
The saying goes : "Great minds think alike, but fools never differ."
Get yourself a nice Muslim girl, isolate yourself, raise a family. The west is doomed to rot from the inside out.
Every political side cannibalizes their own.
Oh russia, why couldn't you be more gay male friendly, you'd be so perfect.
This is a very stupid post. You don't need proof beyond a reasonable doubt to merely believe something is true. What if a close friend of yours of many years confided to you that they were raped? What if another close friend of yours tells you they saw it happen? What if the accused rapist had a history of sexually assaulting other women? By your standards, you should presume the alleged rapist is innocent because there's no hard evidence it ever happened.
I’m not even a right winger you shit eating retard, I’m a moderate
Go back to your echo chamber and fuck yourself
I dont really know what happened or who did what
All I'm going to say is that a guilty person wouldn't delete everything. It is clearly an act to hide evidence. Even her patreon is completley nuked
If they believed that everything they posted was the truth, there is no reason to hide it.
>By your standards, you should presume the alleged rapist is innocent because there's no hard evidence it ever happened
obviously I would tell the close friend to wait 5 years in silence and then make a vaguepost on twitter rather than going to the police straight away. it's the only logical answer
>be game developer
>have mental illness
>surround yourself with lefty’s
>participate in their bullshit
>one day, some slut accuses you of sexual harassment
>everyone, your friends, coworkers and even your FUCKING parents, turn their backs on you
>lose your job, your career, your reputation irreversibly tarnished
>decide to just end it all
This is exactly why I’m anti-social. I’ll never willingly surround my self with vultures or people who would stab me in the back at the drop of the hat.
imo it was the current devs of NitW who wanted him out of the picture. they paid Quinn to get rid of him.
SJW shit was literally imported from Germany from the marxist shitheads that were cooking up a new plan when the Natsoc thing resulted in their cuntry got fucked by every dick on the planet besides switzerland, twice.
way to miss the point.
The only full actual statement is the contractors which is basically "Abloo Abloo he disliked me after I rejected his advances". This is not anything like abuse and the romantic advances don't make any sense considering he himself said he was done with relationships. Why would he suddenly hit on some random contractor in 2019?
The other statement literally says 'We don't have to show you proof for our claims'. Even after there's a body now. That's shaky as fuck.
Steam mods have cleaned up the NITW and Depression Quest pages. Cleared out the reviewbombs.
They're just trying to memoryhole this shit like Epstein
They are in the news and they managed to get a bit of clout and Zoe has gotten people to tell other people to donate to her dying patreon.
She knew her truths would echo through the cathedral of misogyny and wake the internet hate machine but she could not stay silent any longer, so she uttered the words that would rouse the beast and sought shelter. And now the first tremors are being felt, heralding the world changing events of gamers rising up.
i wonder what their addresses are ha ha
SJW is litterally communist doctrine started and backed by jewish academics and business types.
>You don't need proof beyond a reasonable doubt to merely believe something is true
Correct, but if you do believe in something without proof, you are a gullible idiot.
>What if a close friend of yours of many years confided to you that they were raped?
Even good people do bad things, really bad things, I've seen and witness people I trusted for 15 years, family members, friends, do horrendous things, absolutely horrendous things. Most people are NOT good, they are morally grey, which means that moments of weakness and wrongdoings are way more likely, and yes, they might be charming and fun and charismatic and you might become friends with them. Rule of thumb being "trust, but verify", precisely because of that. Accusations are easy, people have a lot to gain from them, and it's your job to not allow yourself to become a puppet in anyone's machinations.
You response is pathetic really, emotional appeal gets you nowhere when you deal with someone with experience with reality.
She lied because the money was drying up, and thought
>I’ll just accuse this guy of grabbing me by the pussy!
Thinking that she can boost her numbers up, get attention, all at the expense of a mentally disturbed man. She’s a sociopath and the people who are defending her are abetting her actions.
>be a game dev
>winning money while making your dream and proyects come to life
>some empowered wemin accused you about something on the net
>"well , there are people like that on the internet
>a day later boss fires you
>your carreer screwed
>not a chance to get to work in videogames anymore
>"out it is then"
Recent reviews went from 'mixed' to 'very positive' which is clear evidence of clearing the bombs. Luckily the first on 'helpful posts' is a negative one about it.
Her goons are currently trying to take down any video about Alec. They’re desperate
>He sucks and you rule!
>squeeze a few more patreon bucks at the cost of your "dearly beloved" sjw cuck
sounds like a good deal for her t b h
Felt bad for him until I scrolled past this post. You're barely conscious/don't have a soul if you vote for leftist scum.
Witnessed, even on Yea Forums the keeper of the flame finds a way to speak.
the NITW developer statement was before the death. They have yet to make a statement following it.
Depression quest went to overwhelmingly negative to positive with the most helpful negative review simply saying "Murderer".
>but your close friend told you
>and another friend was eye witness
>you would believe that close friend, right?
you wouldn't tell your close friend to bottle it up until she needs some drama fuel on twitter, would you? you would want the rapist piece of shit to go to jail and that requires a court of law where evidence, including eye witness testimony, is presented and judged. you would tell your close friend to go to the fucking police, if you believe her or not is completely irrelevant
Zoe loves all this attention she's getting, that's for sure.
>It's just the jews
If only you knew how horrid the nightmare runs
>steam mods
You mean Zoe herself.
>make a game called depression quest to "raise awareness" about depression
>bully a guy with depression until he kills himself
I can't be the only one seeing the irony in this
You really only know your true friends in situations like these. Turns out this dude didn't have any.
Imagine the poor parents... Imagine your child offing themselves because some slut made a mean tweet about him and his shitty company decided to just fire him immediately rather than hear his side of the story or anything. I'd sue all involved, or buy a gun.
She accused wizzadchan, a chan known for it's depressed users, of making death threats, all of that during GG. Yes she has always been like that.
new material for future game silly
need that depression quest sequel
I am not making an emotional appeal. My point is you make judgments with imperfect information all the fucking time. Given all the people who knew Alec and worked with him coming out and saying "yeah, this seems like something he would do" including his own fucking sister, it seems perfectly reasonable to me to think it is highly likely there is truth to the claims alleged against him.
Let's assume that Alec H. is this awful sexual predator.
Remember a thing called Gamergate, where ZQ was celebrated across the media as a leader in the battle for women in gaming? She got a book deal, interviews, full support from the gaming press.
She could have crushed Alec LIKE A BUG at any time. NItW hadn't even come out yet. Instead she let this horrible predator continue his reign of terror for nearly a decade.
Why did she do nothing then, and only NOW does she decide to destroy him? Either she was protecting a sexual predator, or she only recently *decided* he was a sexual predator.
If Alec H.'s coworkers considered him so toxic, why did they not separate from him quietly much earlier? They claim they weren't just reacting to ZQ's tweet, but if that's true why did they pick that very moment to renounce him?
And of course he has a rick and morty avatar
apparently SA has lifted their gamergate chat ban but ONLY IF YOU RESPECT AND BELIEVE ZOE QUINN, AND NO BREAKING THE NARRATIVE
SA still a shithole I guess, I might have an inactive account to suicide though
In such many cases, always the orbiter male friends side with the accuser even if they have known the male friend since childhood.
>but zoe isn't ultimately responsible for the guy killing himself.
I dunno. It seems pretty reasonable to assume that her making accusations which ruined his career and sparked twitter outrage might have had something to do with it.
>celebrated across the media as a leader in the battle for women in gaming?
she's not even a women anymore lmao
"its" pro-nouns are "they" and "them"
>#MeToo enabler gets backbitten by his own side
Who could have predicted such tragedy?
is she a mtf? holy fuck she is more masculine than most traps
It isn't the malaise of the middle class, it's the middle class looking for a cause.
I got accused of beating up a girl because I found out she was cheating and dumped her over the phone.
She told everybody at my uni and her new bf (guy she was already with before I ended it) that I'd get drunk and hit her. I didn't even drink.
I got off pretty lightly. People would message my phone and MySpace calling me a piece if shit, hoped I died etc, one guy in public made a big show about wanting to kick my ass but let his girl drag him away like scrappy doo or something.
Then after a few months it just stopped. Thank fuck it was 2005
>"yeah, this seems like something he would do" including his own fucking sister
>neatly ignores the part where she told that the behavior was in line with his old self and that he was on the path to becoming better through medication and therapy
imagine defending someone who caused all the therapy progress of your mentally ill brother to collapse over a couple of days with a single tweet
Zoe is the master of irony. She set up a support group for the victims of online harassment and then led the same kind of mass online harassment she was advocating against.
Even his fucking family turned on him. A dumb sister that tried to guilt him into giving into their demands when his life was falling apart. Then when he killed himself, played damage control shortly after for the same people that threw him under the boss, just for publicity's sake.
I don't get it senpai.
sociopathy is the answer
>bending over for some worthless skank so hard that your dev kills himself
good job retards
why don't you all just commit suicide and give the feminazi cunts everything you own in your will
Yeah, woman are a bad move in 2019. I just tell any that try to flirt that I'm gay.
first draft was "this good that bad" but they realized it was too obvious
>apologizing to SJWs drives people to suicide
Not even once.
She's also donating money to Zoe
Fuck off cunt, you have no fucking clue.
>"well but what if it was someone you TRUSTED and LIKED?"
Are you retarded? The single point of your post was making the supposition that it was a friend of mine, which DOES NOTHING to change the logical basis of the concept that a person is "innocent until PROVEN guilty". The only thing this would supposedly change is my EMOTIONAL reaction to what is being said.
>Given all the people who knew Alec and worked with him coming out and saying "yeah, this seems like something he would do" including his own fucking sister, it seems perfectly reasonable to me to think it is highly likely there is truth to the claims alleged against him
Doesn't, change, anything. Innocent, until, proven, guilty. Most cases of homicide in the west happen by either a friend or a family member due to a discussion while they drink alcohol. Either you're ignorant of this, and then your judgment of how meaningful being a family member is, is irrelevant, or you knew in which case you are idiotic or disingenuous. Hell "sounds like something he'd do" doesn't even mean the person witnessed anything and it might say more about the person than the accused one.
This was a good watch, if you wanted to get into some sociopathy analysis behind the drama shitstirrers.
Just gotta branch out to the clique overall.
What about the fact that she took at least a $100k in donations on her anti-bullying website CON (Crash Override Network) , only to bully a poor sap to suicide.
Hi Zoe, still in the hiding?
Last time I checked, he and his own sister has a falling out in their relationship. However, that is not confirmation. That is merely an assumption of a person's character which is also possible that he didn't commit to grabbing by the vagina and carrying them. Which, I find very doubtful to be able to do. Let's see, a lanky boy being able to carry a "thing" that probably weighs over a hundred pounds and carrying them by the fingers.
he got fired and blackballed and his family and friends turned their backs on him because some retard posted shit. it's not just bad words anymore dude
Its always been like this, it's just social media hasn't always been this way.
Social media is for females what machine guns are for men. Gives each bearer the ability to rapidly dish out the worst we're built to do.
The company will probably go under because of this. No matter your politics no one likes it when someone kills themself over he said she said.
Are you serious? Of course you would need proof beyond a reasonable doubt before destroying someone’s life.
If it was a family member or close friend of course I’d be fucking irate at the abuser and would do everything in my power to make the fucker pay, but I would go to the authorities before making a fucking twitter post about it.
>Badmouthing a woman in public
>In 2019
That's grounds for termination of employment
Fucking hell I am livid. What is fucking wrong with these people?
twitter locked her account down though
Bodies in the basement. Guaranteed.
They've picked their side and they aren't changing it. Standard stuff.
>"I saw 'er... I saw 'er flyin naked! On the back of a goat! To the devil's sabbath she was!"
>"Me too!"
>"Yea an I was always 'earin straaaaange sounds comin what from inside the cave next to her 'ouse. Musta been some kinda devilry there too"
>"Me too I heard that too!"
ITs a good thing multiple people can't lie at once and there's been no obvious historical precedents of "buh why woul many peepl lie lol" ever happening
You either die as SJW or live long enough to become a cyber bully driving one of your supporters to suicide.
it's fun to see how many retards come out and make themselves known for the pieces of shit they are over events like this
last year I was locked away in a house like I was the year before that
Let me ask you all this based on Zoe's supposed timeline and events. Does the tone based on the "thing"s twitter posts which occur around the time of her described events. Does the tone imply someone who was carried by the pussy via finger and abused for around a month? Just saying.
>have mental disorder
>has entire life ruined by evidenceless accusations to the point where he felt the only way out was suicide
>isn’t a victim
>he didn't say he didn't do it before he blew his head off, he's guilty
>a bunch of other woman spoke up about how they were told that he did this by a pathologic liar, and one woman said he was a shitty boss
We know Alec had a talking by his sister and some other friend not long before his suicide. Given the circumstance, I don't think he didn't agree much with what was said in that last conversation.
Imagine letting your own flesh and blood be crucified on the whims of a known liar and pathological cunt. One who stole from charity, sabotage another one, and despite being a self-proclaimed lesbian leaning bi," was apparently raped numerous times by numerous men, and just so happened to regret the relationship she had with this kid. She couldn't keep herself out of drama to save her life, and yet it ended up costing his.
Imagine the whole world finding out you tried to fuck a fat chick.
Its always the Furries.
Why didn't he kill Zoe Quinn before killing himself? If you're going to end your life you might as well take down the person that ruined it with you.
Sad when a fictional zombie bird that is a master of betrayal and manipulation is outdone by these guys.
Guess most of these 'indie devs' are out for themselves, chasing nerd bucks.
>What if a close friend of yours of many years confided to you that they were raped?
I would need proof, otherwise I would be guilty of prejudice.
>zoe still implying men want her this much
fucking hilarious
Maybe they should be accused of rape. Maybe they'll know. And do it with no evidence and nothing more than hearsay through supporters anecdotal evidence that has no been put through verification. Maybe they'll like it.
Death isn’t an acceptable repercussion for ones actions? lmao
was not the man a victim of bullying and harassment? should not therefore he become prioritized over these twitter users? i guess they really are just hypocrites who do not even bother to follow their own line of logic
>just got off from work, got your cut!
What the fuck is wrong with her? What does she achieve from throwing her brother under the bus?
towing the party line
make no mistake these people are evil
Congratulations, you've now been introduced Bandwagon Jumping, it's been around for thousands of years, and occurences of it pop up in the records of the earliest civilizations on the planet.
People lie as individuals.
People lie in mass.
People Lie.
>The single point of your post was making the supposition that it was a friend of mine
No it wasn't. The friend was just an example, it could've been anything. My point is that the requirements for someone to be convicted in court is not the same as it is for something to be very likely to be true. Or do you believe that OJ Simpson is innocent?
>innocent until proven guilty
>innocent until proven guilty
>lol my brother's dead
>here have some money
was this an organized hit or what
Maybe she hated her brother. Maybe her parents are infirm and about to die and leave behind a large inheritance that she didn't want to split.
assuming the tweet is real, goodgirl points from Queen Zoe
It's obvious the 8cucks are here trying to rile up retards for another gamergoy since their dead site is now dead for real.
I wanted to play this game, but I don't think I can stomach getting attached to game where some lying whore killed the creator.
>accusations by zoe quinn
Only if you apologize for eating everything in my fridge
Only Zoe made a claim of a sexual nature. One other person I've seen claimed he was a shitty boss who was bizarrely petty about how she spends money. Nobody has painted a picture of him as a fucking pseudokidnapper.
I can only imagine what this person looks like
The vision I’m seeing is unfortunate
> the requirements for someone to be convicted in court is not the same as it is for someone to be convicted in the court of public twatter
yeah we got that memo fag
You'd be surprised how many people are desperate for pussy, albeit rotten and possibly diseased. That's why you get a bunch of white knights and moralfags wanting to get a piece of that via moral highground. I bet Alex was also liked that. Probably got into a relationship and broke it off with Zoe after much frustration with one another.
That's fucked up. Glad i am the only child.
Every night, I relive that time you put a mason jar in my asshole and filled it with sweets, spanking me and yelling, “HERE COMES THE CANDY!” I remember it every night as I go to sleep. Sometimes, I wake up screaming, just as I screamed that sensual night. I’m telling your boss, your family, but not the police though.
shiggy diggy
>Imagine letting your own flesh and blood be crucified on the whims of a known liar and pathological cunt
>tfw you just realized something like this happened to you
Oh my god.
The boys are back in town.
That's fake but the real one reads no better.
Sister can go fuck herself, desu.
If I was the father, I'd fucking throw her iPhone 11 into the river. Unfortunately, I don't think he's even in the picture.
These people have no fucking clue what they want
Daily reminder: The man was never proven to be a rapist or abuser. We only have the word of a woman who has been caught cheating on, lying about and manipulating people, and several other people who are of like mind and action to her.
just how though
how can you look at that leatherface caked in white makeup and say hey I need that
Holy shit.
His own flesh and blood
He wasn't even a rapist, he was never accused of rape.
He happened to be a robot in the presence of women and the got #metoo'd
So if nothing ends up being true. Couldn't she go to jail for defamation and shit? She has a history of being a liar anyway so I doubt any of this shit was real that she's claiming. Not to mention why didn't she just called the cops? Or is she going to use the same sob story many of the "victims" use?
>crime is ok as long as the family is fine with it
>steal something, oh your sister said its fine
>rape someone? oh your sister said its fine
>leas someone to suicide? oh its ok since your sister said its fine
Nobody other than Quinn, that is.
you're right, nothing to discuss here. thanks user.
People call her a liar because she's been caught lying. Repeatedly. There's no faux pas in calling a proven liar a liar.
You just know
Who is going to pursue the case against her?
there was that skank who was in trouble for telling a guy to kill himself over the phone not too long ago
Why Eileen Mary Holowka
Alex wishes the best for her? But you think he's a liar and a rapist. Why would you support the want of a liar and rapist? Are you supporting a liar and a rapist or something?
Happens all the time. People can have low standards. It's up to people to realize how low and down below they are. Just know when to do it quick and get out before you hit rock bottom. And know who your real friends are.
you just have to not be god fucking awful at discerning people, certain kinds of people are hard wired to be unable to turn on people like that, they have a basic function to try and cooperate with others under sensible circumstances and this idiot surrounded himself with people who don't have that
why are these threads allowed to stay up?
And here I thought everyone had seen these screencaps already. Glad I decided to dump them after all.
It worries me that nobody has considered that this could've been the result of a simple lie.
>but zoe isn't ultimately responsible for the guy killing himself.
liable is a thing
Hair dye straight outta Weimar
I hate zoe more.
Being a leftard is a mental disease
If you delete them people just spam them so having a containment thread is the best way to reign shit in.
>The friend was just an example, it could've been anything
In which case why do you think I would believe someone's accusations, specially if said person wasn't my friend? Are you fucking retarded? Or worse yet, a roastie?
>My point is that the requirements for someone to be convicted in court is not the same as it is for something to be very likely to be true.
But in either case it needs to go beyond, "people said".
read >There is a REASON why court cases and laws are the way they are. Mainly, in this case, because the core concept of INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY, means that BASELESS ACCUSATIONS can't be weaponized by ill intentioned people. By not following this basic PRACTICAL AND WORKING standard, you are leaving your own perception of reality open to easy manipulation
Presumption of innocence is a literal human right.
you know whats most likely? one person lied and the rest of em retards jumped on it and backed it up with no evidence only their own feelings about how the guy was a creepy weirdo so yeah he prob did rape her.
sometimes i wonder if this is karma for those witches burnt at the stake hundreds of years ago since now men are the ones going through this bullshit witch hunt unsubstantiated lynch mob fueled by greed, back then for your neighbors property now for patreon bucks
Just wondering, anyone have the screenshot of her throwing him under the bus while he was still alive? Anyone can post that? The one that said "sounds like him"
the tweet isnt real
This one gave me frostbite.
Did you play the game? There's no way there were any decent humans involved in that monstrosity
>bitch lies to get a quick cash
>kills a suicidal man
She will get away with this, won't she? There is no justice in this world.
Please don't tell me he was the composer for Aquaria.
What a fucking bunch of cultists.
Of course she's jumping on board, gotta get that cash.
Rami Ismail is my single least favorite person on this planet and I hope he chokes on a kebab and fucking dies
daily mass shootings have no effect in the land of the free
That's nothing.
imagine being such a lefty cuck that not even your family defends you when you kill yourself at the mere accusation of some filthy cunt
what an awful way to close your shitty life
The only thing that's well documented is that Anita lies about people, defames them and tricks people into paying for her life while never delivering on the things she got paid to do.
What a fucking cunt, I hope she gets gang raped and murdered.
I unironically agree with Leigh Alexander on this.
When arguing with my friend who is one of these male feminists it finally came down to 'why should I have to change or repent or take it upon myself to lecture other men when I haven't done anything wrong' or something, and his response was
> 'well, we've all benefited from patriarchy, we've all
done things, convinced a girl to do things she maybe didn't want to'.
Hahaha, no we fucking haven't mate, but I see now why hes a grovelling coward, because he's a predator with a pink sash on. He's still creepy as fuck around women, he puts on a different, softer, sympathetic voice when talking to them.
How can you not just talk to them like they're humans? Fuckin fanny, like
I remembering watching videos on the game, looked awful and I thought the people praising it were crazy, turns out it was as bad as I thought
>people on Yea Forums pretending to be angry some SJW committed suicide due to online harassment
Lol what site are we on again? /Pol/ literally prank called an emergency line keeping it busy so 2 people got killed when they heard a situation on a police scanner, not to mention many of the lolcows targeted by this site have committed suicide including young teenage girls.
Zoe Quinn is a BPD pathological liar (just read the statements from other ex boyfriends and her roommates and photographer) but the pearl clutching here like anyone actually gives a shit beyond just drama to shit on "SJWs" is a bit rich especially when this very board had no problem piling on Alec for being a SJW when he was targeted by Zoe.
>Yea Forums is the reason for the state of social media mod mentality
>it's all these TOXIC MEN doing it
That's fairly impressive blindness.
Really? Got a link user? Kinda curious
you're right. A court has ethical standards. You clearly have none, you repulsive sycophant.
>They did it first, so its ok if we do it.
Also I don't think anyone died or had their life ruined from a comment left by a 14 year old troll.
I'm sorry, user.
It's about the principle of the situation, it's about the fact that now a fucking tweet from a lying roasite is enough to ruin your life, it's about this gigantic monster that's social media mob rule becoming even bigger and darker. The concept of "ignore and it'll go away" clearly doesn't work.
Unironically this only not just men but women too
Didn't she gaslight her entire staff into working for free or they just didn't care about the cause or something? This chick is broke and desperate for a new scandal.
>The claims with detail
Yelled at Zoe Quinn and didn't give her keys to his apartment or money, said humilating things to her during consensual sex, "shoved his fingers in her and walked her about the house" even though she said it hurt
Hit on a chick at his new game dev set up, tried to reassign her when she said no, relented when she went spare at him about it and kept her on, criticized her in a shitty way over petty things thereafter
>claims with no detail
Was disruptive for around half the time they made NitW to the point it was in jeopardy at some point
Vague implications he was a shitty boyfriend to multiple women
>Generally agreed upon by most that knew him and admitted to by the now dead guy
Had mental health issues that made him a paranoid nutbag, including old twitter and facebook posts where he admits to going to therapy and taking medication because he had paranoid and suicidal thoughts
That last point is interesting btw. He has documented admissions on social media that he thought he was having paranoid delusions that people in his professional circle were trying to encourage him to commit suicide.
I still don't understand why the Zoe Quinn mob won. Back with Gamergate and everything going on... It was clear that she was a compulsive liar to get her way. Idiots with no credibility are getting way too much power nowadays.
Twitter should make a twitter license where only sane people should tweet. Especially accusations like these.
>idle troll threats are the same as serious allegations of crime intended to ruin a person's life
They are this fucking insane
Article 10 of the UN declaration of Human Rights doesn't only cover criminal convictions you shitheel. It covers lynchmobs like this for a reason.
I'm surprised this twatter justice shit hasn't driven some poor accused fuck to murder a hoe.
I hate it before and I hate it even more now.
I don't even have anything funny to say, I'm sure I'd hate him if I knew his personal stand on politics, but I loved his work. I'm actually fucking sad.
Stop getting hung up on the example. To reiterate, my point is that you can be fairly certain something has happened without having hard evidence. Do you think it's wrong that people judge OJ Simpson as a murderer when he was not proven guilty in court? Applying the stringent standards of criminal courts to making judgments about people in everyday life is retarded.
> said humilating things to her during consensual sex,
Oh cool, so now they're pretending they don't specifically ask for guys to do this
Dating zoe is enough to give any man mental health issues
Yes, one of the token trans staff came out a few weeks ago talking about how they'd worked for free, ruined relationships and burned every bridge possible in order to support Quinn and her non existent game. Only to be completely ignored by her and left homeless.
No one cared.
so we should live life believing every accusation anybody makes? why didnt you believe hitler then when he warned you about the jews? if youd believe a man is a rapist just cuz a dozen roasties said so how can you not believe hitler when he had millions of people backing up his claim? or are you a hypocritical bitch?
Good riddance. Don't harass people, don't get your life ruined
I would have just taken her with me..
Yes. I think one of the trannies she screwed over was well known here, but I don't remember who.
Only dudes that take twitter seriously are effeminate fags. Normal humans just use it as megaphone amplify their messages.
Thanks to this we have more of her fucked up timeline
>Some guy who tried to rape her whom she killed
>Eron the cuck
>The Five Guys
>Some other guy who raped her and she did not kill
>This Alec guy for a month (who ultimately kills himself)
>Alex Lifshitz (now also a confirmed abuser)
What a dating history what a catch
Someone post the stats for twitter where 80% of the tweets are done by 10% of the users and most of them are women.
Hitler didn't have a twitter account. Check and mate.
Would you trust Twatter with that kind of responsibility?
That's because 90% of twitter accounts are bots.
>my point is that you can be fairly certain something has happened without having hard evidence
Nope. Said hard evidence might not be usable in court, you fucking brainlet, but without evidence, I might have a guess that something might have happened, but absolutely NOT certainty. Again, you're acting like a gullible idiot. This is not the case, you are basing your judgment on words alone.
I mean, she took advantage of a person who was already mentally ill. Can't be that hard.
It almost seems like she only wants rapists. And it's plausible since she is *such a good looking girl*
Sorry but that's just funny that people assume everything she says is true just because she is a girl.
No. We should judge accusations on a case by case basis.
>murder = the bad poopoo peepee words
Whats wrong with you?
Many of these issues come from a vocal minority. Whether it be left or right. But when they're vocal, it is very loud. Hence, it's better to just laugh and hate everyone. I would use a bunch of sarcasm against the people who abandoned him to their faces if I ever saw them. They're feeling depressed? Look at the guy that literally killed himself. So much for pity on the internet and real life.
Boys, it's time to invest in onaholes.
And not for nothing but I haven't gone more than 3 weeks without sex in 16 years. Onaholes are 80% as good and you get to keep your money, your free time is your own and you don't need to fill your apartment with redundant floral or inspirational shit.
You don't need to take an onaholes places and it won't accuse you.
Lads, it's time.
I recommend Busty aichan and puni Ana dx (both medium and soft types)
thats twitter's twitter license
I didn't say certain, I said "fairly certain."
You mean catgirls.
But he had big podium and charisma. Check and mate. Plus many of the wealthy in Germany were Jews, so that played a part.
What if he's guilty and the accusations aren't false?
Everyone just ruled that option out because they dislike the accuser?
If they had each other's sexes, they would also have each other's position.
Eh, my hand has always been good to me. It's always been there when I need it. Hell, i'd even call it my right hand man.
You mean creating a tulpa.
Too bad she lied.
You're supposed to believe women everywhere else, user. It's nothing short of a miracle we can discuss this shit here at all.
Gamer gate really is their holocaust.
>oy vey it's anotha shoah
By words alone? Nope. I'm not a gullible retard and I would rather not ruin someone's life.
>he had big podium
Oh shit, analog twitter. I forgot about those. Good point.
Again, Yea Forums has used mobs to hound literal 14 year old girls into suicide and routinely mobs and lies a about people, not to mention supports mass shooters "high score lol", mocks victims families, shares snuff vids and supports retard autistic stalkers like metokur and kiwifarms.
How anyone on this site can honestly pretend to give two shits about online harassment is extremely eye rolling.
Don't lie about how you pretend some SJW Dev killed himself, you don't, people on this site don't, days before killing himself, there were threads here making fun of him for being another hypocritical rapist SJW.
I have no problem shitting over Zoe Quinn and the hypocrisy that she has multiple sexual and domestic abuse allegations against her yet none of the SJWs pretend to care about that, but pearl clutching over online mobs is fucking just tedious knowing what site we're on.
hey we're doing better than last time, at least moot is banning discussion anymore
people are inconvenienced by patterned truths because it makes them feel less intellectual for trusting an instinct.
Call the cops you dumb nigger. Why the fuck are you going on Twitter lmao?
Guys please just listen to Aquaria's soundtrack, please just don't forget the good work he has done.
Everyone else is scared to get metoo'd.
>feel bad for Zoe being harassed
>don't feel bad for the person Zoe harassed into suicide with her internet mob
These people are legit soulless monsters
Unapologetic predatory masculinity
Then he's guilty. Thanks to his untimely death at the hands of a digital hate mob, we'll likely never know the truth.
When the accuser has a long track record of lying like a sociopath then no one should take her accusation ever seriously.
what did a composer die too?
Because not everyone in this site is the fucking same and we don't always put the same value on literally every single life in this fucking planet. Retard.
They should get metoo'd. Know how good it feels having nothing more than hearsay for twitter mobs to back you up
Are people not just keeping 30 feet away from Quinn at all times now?
I'd be scared of getting socially outcast just for breathing the same air as her for five minutes
who made you the judge jury and executioner of this poor cuck? even if he did rape her is the goal of justice rehabilitation or punishment? from what his sister said sounded like he was on the right path now so what benefit was there to anyone to drag him through the mud so harshly all of a sudden? bet my ass youre the type to think deadbeat nigs in jail need to be rehabbed yet when it came to this semi productive member of society he deserved death for rape. yeah youre definitely a hypocritical bitch
He WAS the composer
>giving yourself schizophrenia
Hard pass.
Nah, a lot of people are going with the idea he was a douche
What's made it a discussion beyond ZQ is that he was going to therapy and shit and trying to not be a douche and then this one post from her snowballed into him being cancelled and so he necked himself because of that
The dude was trying to be fix himself and then the mob came for him and that was that
The mob including people who knew him and knew that he had a history with suicidal impulses *specifically* based around a fear that people in his clique would ostracize him
And they did it anyway
That's the only way millennials communicate
>hate mob
Or the weight of having raped someone and regretting it
I don't see how that screencap relates to your post
>other people falsely accuse of rape so this must also be a false accusation
We can shit on people while still empathizing with them. Try it sometime.
The fingering thing confirmed it really to me. Zoe is a sub in the bedroom. This makes it extremely easy for her to turn being dommed into rape allegations.
For how much she sleeps around, probably 90% of the guys in indie scene are worried she will come out against them for the easily twisted Dom stuff they did with her thus are forced to fall in line.
nah, I don't think social media is an appropriate platform for accusations of abuse. What Zoe did was retarded.
I assume her social circle is as sociopathic as her at this point. Or maybe they're just blind cultists.
I'm gonna need a hefty amount of sources. That's like four different statements that all need to be true for your story to make sense.
I'm gonna need a hefty amount of sources. That's like four different statements that all need to be true for your story to make sense.
resetranny derail meme cringe
Poor bastard was socially awkward and not mentally sound. No wonder people didn't like him but that barely means shit if they don't have evidence to accuser's claims. It's all a bunch of hearsay with anecdotes that are unverified to Quinn's claims.
The guy puts their pronouns in their Twitter. So no.
Nice. Sometimes it's just good to have a hip though, something to slap on the ass and throw yourself into.
One of em in a sense.
Don't give me this bullshit. Again this site regularly mobs people who don't deserve it and has driven literal kids into suicide for lulz. People only care about this to pile on "SJWs", it has nothing to do with empathy when literally this board had threads making fun of Alec and joining in on the mobbing days before his suicide.
What the fuck has happened to professionalism and debate in western countries?
Alec suffered from paranoia. Imagine thinking that the indie community would drive him to suicide?
>Or the weight of having raped someone and regretting it
He's called Zoe a pathological liar before. Likely commited suicide because of lack of support and good people around him, it be like that with mental illness.
>we killed a man, cheers!
They are literally a mob.
Our governments showed that it wasn't even remotely necessary.
>Or the weight of having raped someone and regretting it
He was never accused of rape.
New thread
>Again this site regularly mobs people who don't deserve it and has driven literal kids into suicide for lulz.
lmao , when 20 years ago?
So because this isn't a courtroom we should just wave the need for any evidence for this life ruining character assassination?
She could have gone to the police, she could have contacted his employer privately instead of announcing it on twitter. They would both believe her, but it wouldn't have generated the same media buzz as doing it on twitter.
You're defending a woman who killed a man for likes on twitter.
you just harassed me, tell me where you work so i can ruin your life after all you deserve it
this in the main, from the corpse himself
Thread soundtrack:
New thread
Haha, faggot
I agree, announcing it on twitter was wrong. She should've handled it more privately.
And? I'll still shit on the dumb bastard for offing himself over Quinn, but that doesn't change the fact the she (unintentionally or otherwise) riled up liberals on Twitter that ultimately shamed him into suicide. If she didn't bring up these ancient allegations out of the blue, the poor slob would still be alive.
What actually irks me is Zoe and her ilk refusing to acknowledge that their actions actually had consequences.
Really pushing this "he killed himself because he's guilty" narrative hard, huh?
It's not paranoia if it's true.
Dude was surrounded by enemies and liars. His instincts were just trying to warn him of their trechery.
Forgot one.
very mongolian yes
thread deleted. lel
What a fool. He didn’t even wait to see who the last two Smash DLC fighters were!
These fucking mental gymnastics.