What ones in this series are worth playing?
What ones in this series are worth playing?
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The one that doesn't take place in high school
what's smt? do you mean SMT: PERSONAAAA???
None, they're all paid reviews
SMT, Persona, Last Bible, Devil Survivor, Devil Summoner, many great series it has.
4/4A, 3, and SJ
Strange Journey
Persona 1, 2, 3
Soul Hackers
there's a literal bot that spams the user reviews for every smt game
Nocturne, Strange Journey, Digital Devil Saga, and Soul Hackers are the ones really worth checking out. IV: Apocalypse has fantastic gameplay but abysmal plot and cast, take that as you will. Devil Survivor is very "anime" but worth checking out if you like srpgs.
Are the SNES ones not that good? I heard they were pretty good
SMT 1, 2, If...
Soul Hackers
Digital Devil Saga
Kyuuyaku megaten
Strange Journey
honestly all of them are pretty good. I recommend playing the SNES ones first, they're fucking great and pretty "dark"
They good too
They are very janky, even for their time they were primitive in ways. I enjoyed them myself but they are games that I imagine almost no one could enjoy without savestates or a guide at the least. I was able to beat them without save states but used guides for my playthrough, I look back on the experiences fondly but I don't know when, or if ever, I would want to return to them.
Friendly reminder that SMTV is also coming to PS4, while P5R remains exclusive.
pic related
>Friendly reminder that SMTV is also coming to PS4
Stay mad snoyfag.
the devil devil summoner raidou series is also great. The first one has terrible gameplay but everything else about it is awesome. the second one has better gameplay but a less good story.
i hope Atlus will make Raidou 3 someday
>P3 has the highest rating
Pretty accurate.
They're great, SMT 1 with a patch for a map shortcut button is still a good game
that's my favorite series :3
>$50 for Lucifer's Call physical
Yeah no.
Post best SMT songs
Okay. I hope you remember this later down the line.
it's just a remix of the SMT2 disco theme
>Nocturne literally got awards and praise
This webside ruled by reseteras or what?
bretty good. I got sick of the original one
also contributing
Just about everything except Persona
Why would I remember fiction?
god the raidou games are fucking PEAK atmosphere
If you are talking about the main numbered series then I'd say all of them.
Also holy shit I can't wait for SMT V
Devil survivor overclocked and persona 3(if you count it as smt) are my favorites
Lmao autism
Same at least I got three houses to wait out the drought for it
A man of taste
currently playing kyuuyaku megami tensei also known as incel summon demos the snes remake its ok i guess
nakajima and hideto are underrated protags
Shin Megami Tensei : Persona 4
Another Bible
No, it's not coming to PS4. It's a surprise reveal for PS5
Hated the first one but the sequel is really good. Will likely find it reminiscent to SMT2 if you already tried that one.
Yamai is a Switchfag dude. Not happening.
Nine actually has a rad soundtrack and I'm sad it never got localized
They really need to revive Last Bible series, it would easily dunk on Persona.
SMT9 will be a NINE remake.
but why though?
Who hates SMT enough to do this?
Strange Journey
Devil Survivor 1 & 2
are decent starting points
You could start with Persona 1/2/2/3/4 if you need some visual novel breaks, but it seems that you'll then need to complain about the difficulty of the other games. Attempt at your own risk.
why though
probably someone who has been DUELED
You didn't like Persona 5 and Apocalypse?
That's not happening. ATLUS are downright loyal dogs for the most part, so expect Persona to always be on PlayStation, and likewise for SMT & Nintendo. The only exception was the PS2 era, and that was only because they didn't want to use the GameCube because it wasn't powerful enough, or something. Not only that, but the director for SMTV, Yamai, said he likes the Switch for the portability aspect. Console warriors are pretty embarrassing, and I highly doubt you even care for the game. You just want something to shitpost about furiously.
It'd be pretty based if SMT I, or SMT II got remade at some point in the future to go back to the series relative roots (putting aside MT). It seems they plan to remake Nocturne before either of those though, so I don't know what to say. Then again, Nocturne apparently had a lot of cut content that didn't make it into the finale, even the updated Maniax version. Kaneko and co. had a bigger vision for the game, but couldn't do much because of hardware limitations.
I could listen to this on repeat.
Like most people said you can honestly start out with any of the games and be fine. If you pick an older entry (ps1 and before) you might get frustrated at how hard and just old some of the design choices are. But heres some I can suggest based on what I've played
Atmosphere/Characters - Strange Journey (Redux)
Story/Music- SMT 3 Nocturne
Gameplay - SMT 4 Apocalypse
Easy/Entry Level - Persona 4/5
Again theres lots to choice from and outside of the core gameplay/demons all the spin off games have a unique flavour, I'm sure you can find something to like
This song has yet to be topped and probably never will be topped.
>Recommending redux over the original.
Dont do that.
Either or is fine. Im not sure how hard it is to track down the original compaired to the redux so it could be cheaper
you mean Revelations: Persona?
They're not bad, just more repetitive than the modern ones. In SMT1 you can auto most fights and bosses with guns and shocks.
Nocturne remake when?
They're all enjoyable, that is if you like the feel of one you'll probably like the rest. The SNES games are a lot less accessible than everything that came after, so don't start with those. Just start with whichever one intrigues you the most. Personas 3-5 and SMT4/Apocalypse are the easiest to get into, and I bet SMT5 will be great.
>track down
Why on earth would a newcomer to the series bother tracking down old copies of a niche Japanese game series?
Why on earth would anyone other than a collector, physical enthusiast, or an SMT mega-fan bother finding a retail copy instead of emulating?
On topic:
I'd honestly recommend DDS as the best entry point.
It's not mechanically intense/difficult, has a great setting, some of the best music in the series, isn't dated graphically, and helps you get a feel for press-turn and a lot of idiosyncrasies of the series.
You can try a Persona (3 is the only good nuSona), but keep in mind you'll be part of the cancer if you become an exclusive personafag.