keymaster btw lol
Your turn to die
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Q-Taro and the other buff dude are so fucking hot.
I love her!!!
More like
Weirded me out when I realized that she's human and not a doll.
Wait she's human?
She cuts herself and bleeds. Rio Ranger does not bleed. Miley bleeds. Gashu does not bleed.
I don't remember any mention of her bleeding but I guess it would make sense in that context,I think gashu was a human otherwise the neckthingie wouldn't make sense
She cuts herself when helping out the kid in the infirmary.
]We never see Gashu's corpse so we can't assume that he bled. He's also Kai's father but that doesn't mean that'shuman Gashu that we spoke with. Unless the organization is playing 5D chess by making a doll that would rebel against the organization itself
Gashu was also Kai's dad so...
A lot of creators call the creations their children,that's not very uncommon
Kai bled.
Oh I'm sorry I missread that,did I miss that detail or where is it implied that he was Kai's dad?
Kai's laptop had a note telling you to stop his father Gashu.
I completely missed that,thanks bud
>Gashu's last words were to think about your origins
>Gashu is Kai's dad
>Gashu is a doll
>every single candidate has something strange with their parents (adopted, single parent, missing parent, remarriage)
>Sara's dad isn't her real dad and is in the Death Game
Sara's dad is a doll.
>gashu is a doll
secret floor master in training, coming through
>every single candidate has something strange with their parents
Reko and Alice? Mishima? Keiji? Even Shin had normal, loving parents.
What a cutie
Anyone got the picture of Sara's dad with Delta's sunglasses on him?
you already have it
All you need is seme-ks.
He said upbringing. Probably some eugenics thing going on with the whole "acceptable candidates" shtick that Gashu pulled.
Fucking bastard killing best girl why does it keep happening in these games.
Keiji has a single mom. Alice said he knew Reko for 20 years and Reko is 23 years old and is younger than Alice which implies adoption. Mishima and Shin, we don't know.
Where is it? I saw a MEGA link in one of the previous threads but it's only got the 26-ish tracks from the waiting room/chapter 1.
Sara is still alive though.
Exploration D my nigga.
But then why is Nao, Joe or Kanna's sister there to begin with?
Kai brought them, maybe he fucked up
How much variance is Chapter 3 going to have? I just found out that you can keep Alice alive which means there are at least two significant branch points for a total of 4 scenarios.
When Sara shows as much courage as Nao given all that she's been through, then she can try to be best girl. Until then you're just flat out wrong.
That's the whole qualified candidates thing.
Anyone that doesn't have an AI or was on the list presented in 2-2 is simply a casuality of the killing game and were either brought along for shits and giggles, to test the algorithm that the organization has devised, or were merely kidnapped as victims of circumstance.
She already went through more than Nao though.
What if every candidate's family is dolls
What if everyone is dolls.
What if (You) is dolls.
What there's no dolls at all.
Mindbroken lesbian SoL with Sara and Nao when?
If the writer is an absolute madman he'll have 4 branching scenarios like you said.
Otherwise Reiko or Alice will die really early or die giving a big clue to the mystery as a sacrifice. Or just be given the sacrifice in the next main game. Sou route probably leads to bad end so that really narrows it down to two actual endings depending on who died in Reiko vs. Alice. Realistically, expect three.
Author gave himself plenty of outs to avoid having too many branching paths
Have a direct hand in mentor/idol/probably father figure's death
Then see said man get executed and have his head fall of his god-damn neck
Go fucking crazy alongside still being in a killing game and somehow recover.
Now taunted by meeting an AI version of deceased mentor and drives home the pain of never being able to see him again
Sees him again as a malevolent AI and is able to overcome her trauma and attachment to help the others try to escape
May or may not have had to push down a living breathing copy of her friend into a spike pit.
Is given the Sacrifice card because "muh candidates"
Given, the last point she does make an effort to sort of take advantage of it but she didn't really have a choice.
Sou route is the correct choice. Kanna route is so fucking sappy it made me suspicious.
That's still only about half of what Sara went through.
Samurai Onna is the best girl. Deal with it non candidate fags.
Fuck non candidates.
Fuck Nao in particular.
Maybe. Sou seems irrevocably fucked in the head after that ending especially with what he did to Sara in comparison to the Kanna route. Can't see that turning out well if he's actively against everyone else now.
Wrong, but thankies for trying.
Shin mentions that he has a stepdad who married his mom when he was young.
But if I was doll
Who was phone?
He knows how to open collars, he'll be useful to whoever didn't vote Kanna which is Reko and Qtatro
is this the terry bogard guy smashfags are seething over?
this is THE based q-taro burgerburg who will win the game and be heralded into smash as the 5th dlc fighter
Maybe. 4 different routes seems like a bit much even for a professional writer though. Maybe Reiko and Alice will basically say the same things just in their own voice, essentially making them the same character. I just don't see how the sou route can continue into a 3-2 ending.
Stalked for an indeterminate amount of time
Have to shoot a loaded gun at a bunch of strangers and your best friend
Need to personally be the one to reveal that your best friend needs to die
Find out that in addition to killing your best friend you were also killing someone who watched over, protected, and deeply cared for you.
Oh also you fuck up and bring Kanna to more or less a mental breakdown multiple times, which weighs heavily on your conscience.
May or may not have had to push down a living breathing copy of her friend into a spike pit
Has one member of the death game actively trying to get her killed
Witnesses the most deaths of any character
Has a personal connection to the most deaths of any character
AI of her best friend may or may not actively torment her
She has it worse. And I'm not even touching on hallucinations since we don't know how Nao handles things.
Can we talk about how fucking awful Sara's hair is? Its 4 different styles that don't work at all.
Why do so many people hate this guy?
Not saying Sara had it easy, but I'd argue having your mentor, the one man that gave you confidence to follow your dream die in front of you, have his head roll off while you held his corpse in your hands, and then going balls to the wall crazy carrying around his head in a box in a dark room and talking to it probably shows she was going through some major shit.
I totally acknowledge what Sara had to go through with Joe and the button, and then later with Kai. She doesn't seem to show too much of a reaction to the whole Kai thing though.
Maybe that's just because I can relate to having a teacher that you really care about and idolize. Pretty sure I would have checked out after chapter 1 if I was in Nao's shoes.
Mishima is implied to have been a delinquent when he was younger, or at least an asshole, which could be because of a bad childhood/home life.
Because he was ready to kill anyone he deemed a burden, including children. Ginfags hate how he didn't try to sacrifice himself in chapter 2, also.
Delete this post.
Nao will be in smash as the 5th fighter!
>Ginfags hate how he didn't try to sacrifice himself in chapter 2, also.
He does push the button if you don't kill the fake Reko. He tries to protect Kanna if you vote for her. Of course, you'd have to kill the cute girls in order to see those parts, so I guess some people never found out about those.
So Kugie's totally still alive, right? Or are ghost headband things just reserved for candidates?
Only candidates.
What is the Hades incident? I don't remember when it was mentioned ingame
>Gashu does not bleed
Is that ever confirmed?
I'm a Ginfag and I love Q taro, love how he can win the game with the tokens and also love that now he wants to protect the children of the game. He was also megabased when he teamed up with Keiji to lie to Sou.
Who is Sou staring at here?
Can someone this pure survive chapter 3?
Rio looks like such a girl here
Which Sou?
Green Hex Maniac and I love her!
It does make the fact that she's dressed like a soda float even more ridiculous knowing she's just a regular person.
I mean Miley's also a real person and she's dressed like chocolate.
Greenheads in this game are all slightly autistic, please be patient with them.
I wonder whose idea the food-themed outfits was.
The mastermind Sara's Dad, of course.
I disliked him since revolver game in chapter 1. Started hating him once he was even more egoistic and pretending not to be an asshole.
is he the mastermind?
Are you ready for the inevitable shitstorm, lads?
No, it was Sara's dad pretending to be the painting. That's why he was so impressed by her performance when you solve the puzzle.
I'm just making this shit up, but the events of the first floor have been relevant so far, and we still don't know some things that happened then.
>Alice uses Atashi and Ore
>Reko yelled at him for speaking weirdly
>got made fun of which bathroom he uses
Oh I'm ready
Real Sou
The fact she's still included in this anniversary artwork here makes me think that she really will be involved in the final chapter. She just has to be at this point. I really wonder what her story is with Alice.
It's Alice's "doll" body, Asunaro helps yiu change gender by implanting memories inyo a different body
She shows up in Reko lives route
She has a nasty personality because it hasn't been updated yet
Why would they go through all that trouble though? They might as well just use the Alice's male doll that we clearly saw in the doll room.
Is there any reason Alice/Sou isn't the optimal route for an interesting third chapter??
I don't like Alice because it implies you failed a fucking punishment, which tickles my autism.
Sou is just going to be autistic for another chapter
What do you mean?
Because killing fake Reko was the objectively correct choice.
Reko's death is lame as fuck.
>you failed a fucking punishment,
As opposed to succeeding a punishment?
who the hell is this? played up through the chapter 3 demo and didn't see this character
Whatever tard rage he concocts would surely be more interesting than Kanna just sort of standing around being depressed for another chapter.
Also, Kanna's death scene is way better than his.
is the shin rape theory still floatin lads
Sou being an autisic cunt is what makes these games entertaining.
Who's left to be a fun cunt if he dies? Qtarou?
Eh, Kanna started doing shit to help Sou in last chapter so maybe she won't be as passive now.
Anyone who didn't pick that route has severe shit taste
It's still popular in nipland. Nankidai's new anniversary art just strengthened it.
Why's that?
He was entertaining at the start but got boring fast.
Idk. Seems he'll have some strong bantz with real Sou since the two have a personal connection to each other.
Compared to Kanna who is boring and/or outright infurating?
He was the better choice.
When was Kanna infuriating?
Being a completely spineless retard in the first game, for one.
Sou was boring too, like I said him being an autist got boring fast and I would rather have another chapter of Kanna doing nothing rather than Sou just screaming because shit didn't go his way yet again.
the what theory?
I'm glad this thread stuck around for this long
It'd be kind of an odd plothole imo since they saw Gashu shoot himself in the head. That would mean no one looked at Gashu when he shot himself or when he died and saw he did not bleed. Which would be kinda dumb, I doubt at least Keiji would avert his eyes considering his job and his murderous tendencies.
I hope an even more complete version of this track comes back in Chapter 3. Shit gets you pumped. Pic related is my hopes for Nao living when Despair played in the trial though
There's a problem with just assuming unqualified candidates are randos One is pointed out by Sou if you kill him: There is a Joe AI which means he should've been a candidate by that logic. Additionally, they made dolls for Joe, Nao, and presumably the other Non-Candidates. So the Non-Candidates were chosen and accounted for as well.
It's the other killing game from a few decades ago that Keiji talks about
how do you reply?
Am I playing as Sara or did you mean literally me?
>implying you aren't a highschool girl
Let's hear your answer for both
wasn't the original line directed towards mishima? everyone knows that gigachad has hoes lined up
I'm almost sure that certain dolls can bleed, there's no way Safalin and Miley aren't dolls. And that would make a good twist that helps you figure out Sara is also a doll
Take him to a private location and stop being kissless virgin as Sara
I tried to think of something witty but couldn't as me__
for fanservice
We''re probably getting real Sou added to the group in chapter 3 so he might be the one acting like a cunt, and I'm pretty sure we're going to have to go against Keiji in the last main game.
>Take him to a private location and stop being kissless virgin as Sara
a man of taste
The fact that people think that the heavily fucked up Alice/Sou route is going to be the true ending and not the sappy Reko/Kanna route just shows people haven't played a lot of RPGmaker horror games.
I'm hoping for no true end route
I don't think the Reko/Alice choice is going to significantly change the ending, the Sou route is definitely a bad end though.
>Alice said he knew Reko for 20 years and Reko is 23 years old and is younger than Alice which implies adoption
Not necessarily. I'm pretty sure when he's talking about knowing Reko for 20 years he's excluding his time in prison since he had no contact with her during that time. Seeing as he'd been in prison for roughly 2 1/2 years, it could simply be that Reko was near 20 going on 21 when he was arrested.
Sou route is definitely gonna be a bad end since the game goes out of it's way to shit on your for taking it. Reko/Alice doesn't matter probably unless femAlice plays a big role in Chap 3.
Definitely possible. It's either true end or no true end. Generally a bunch of these games have true ends with some bad ends stopping you because of the decision you made for your own sake and preference.
Considering the four branches thing, a combination using four characters may impact what ending you get plenty. Hell, there was one game that literally just gets you four different bad endings for making one bad choice on all of those specific scenes.
>most of the names for floor masters were puns in japanese
huh, that's lost in translation
anyone checked out the manga? theres 3 chapters so far
They are still kinda puns but /vg/person kinda sucked at thinking of punny names to fit the original one.
Sue Miley = Smiley
Rio Ranger = Rearranger (his second name is Realizer)
I got nothing on the other 2
>This chapter 1
>This fucking chapter 1 that crushed my hopes before my very eyes after button mashing like a fucking madman
I wasn't ready
The manga isn't very faithful since Mishima isn't perpetually in the same pose
Sue Miley = Smiley I can see but I literally don't get how would you get Rio Ranger = Rearranger
try saying that with your mouth
Tia Safalin = tears-a-falling
I don't know how you don't realise it
I put a lot of focus on the O and make a brief pause after saying the first name
Naturally the pun works when you string them together. In fact English speakers would naturally string together an "oh" and "r" sound together. Try saying "oh right". You will string it into one word.
Are you an ESL?
>Trying to press the button just makes Nao scream out in agony about how she doesn't want to die and Sara freezes
Why did she and Professor-no-sprites have the worse fate meanwhile everyone else got quick deaths
I wonder which will lead to the more interesting scenario if she shows up, Reko or Alice. I'm inclined to believe that Alice would be more interesting for the obvious 'why are there two of me' shenanigans, but who knows?
Ye and this is the first time I even heard of stringing two words together into one.
English speech does this often, usually when one of the words starts/ends in a vowel while the other starts/ends with a consonant. or when two words share the same sound. I.e. "Next door" = "nexdoor". There are other cases too though.
>or when two words share the same sound
*a similar sound
Is this a thing in both US and UK english or just one of them?
It applies to both because when you speak fluently enough this is naturally how the words begin to sound.
>gets himself killed for nao
>gets "resurrected"
>learns his death fucked her up
>almost immediately tries to get himself killed again
what did he mean by this
He's trying to make Nao suffer as much as possible because he's based and redpilled.
Kanna's death seemed a whole lot more painful than Safalin made it out to be.
Did you forget about Joe??
>he has a new sprite in the chapter 3 files
what could it mean
He was the guy Miley was talking to in cafeteria of floor 1, he was merely pretending to be dead
He comes back again but this time he's disappointed nao is dead and can't suffer anymore
Who has the best tasting armpits in this game? I imagine that Sara has some great tasting armpits, but Keiji looks as if his armpits might taste pretty great too.
Miley has chocolate tasting armpits
Please user, he's just retarded. Has nothing to do with English not being native.
>I imagine that Sara has some great tasting armpits
because it's a garbage thread and it isn't even about video games
no u
based retard