>Stream in a few hours
>Game out in a few days
>Leaks are starting to prop up
Well Yea Forums, are you ready?
Monster Hunter
Reminder that they're spreading unique models 50/50 between normal and subs/variants. For example if regular glav has it, then acid doesn't, and the same for the opposite.
Whens the stream?
19:00 Japan Time, in like 6 hours
7pm in Japan.
So since they will be showing Zinogre gameplay, they'll have to start explaining the Guiding Lands. Garuga will probably be revealed along with this new map. Hopefully they'll bring up some other new monsters too
It is time you guys start apologizing to XX / GU
wait, didn't they just had a dev diary yesterday?
What monster do you want to fuck the most?
That sounds absolutely fucking stupid. Surely they aren't that dumb.
I want Nerg to divebomb me
They are THAT dumb.
desu I don't mourn the loss of hidden scythe because it's a fucking garbage design.
The blade section should've been the tail and the bug gem something that looks like narga's head so the gem glow itself is like narga's rage mode.
>connection to the server has been lost
>connection to the server has been lost
>connection to the server has been lost
Even SFV has better netcode than this
The only notable stuff is some early MR armor set skills, Garuga is MR6 which is up there with elder dragons, and unsurprisingly the Metal Raths are in.
hornfags deserve shit weapon designs.
>DAE le doots XD
Answer me, listfag, how much are you spending on VPNs and proxies to evade your constant bans
I demand an answer
Glav and acid glav literally do have unique models though? Same with brachy. Raging brachy isn't out yet. Dlc monsters arent out yet. No shit some stuff is missing.
You don't unlock luna or jho or xeno weapons upon entering high rank, only after you hunt them do you actually get to see their trees
They’re in my pocket. If you want them, you’ll have to come and take them. If you can.
STILL havent told me how much you spend on vpns. How about your favourite food?
What do you mean? Sorry I'm dumb.
Ignore the resident shitposter
Nice source you got there
I didn't realize it was a shitpost. Thanks.
If I were the resident shitposter I'd have posted a list and the same seven pictures already in order to flood the thread.
>Out of 20 runs the only group in the beta that killed velkhana was majority GS users
Why is GS so broken in iceborne?
Because xbox users are shit at games.
Handler on the front page!
Yeah repost it here too faggot maybe it will fool someone
Post leaks
Made me check
Holy shit based. Not an 87 like every Nintendo title.
Too bad i literally don't care about critics nor reviewers. I trust Capcom and ryozo.
it's fake user
>no leeks
cat posters are fucking faggots confirmed
>i trust capcom
oh no no no
Yes i figured.
...I-i was merely pretending
That's bullshit right ?
that's bullshit but I believe it
No pics cause it didn't happen
why are you guys so gullible
Metal raths are in for sure. Brute tigrex has some good evidence too with the new weapon tree leaks today. same for the narga variant, but its most likely just speculation.
You actually use single shells on normal shelling GLs?
Most of Brute Tigrex’s unique moves have been incorporated into ordinary Tigrex in Iceborne so I’m not really convinced. It’s possible there’s a new variant though.
I really like this picture
WHERE'S the stream?
Don't bother with leaks unless they come with a picture.
Isn't Brute hidden blast and Molten active blast?
>use slinger shot to cancel anything into an instant TCS
This shit is barely even MH anymore kek
can this ever be solo'd? is it even worth bothering? playing a translated iso on my vita and afaik there's no online.
How else are you going to quickly wyrmstake? And he was trying to get whatever burst he could and ground velk. Luckily he got the slam burst and the AI wasnt being cancer.
Haven't tried it yet but it uses all slinger ammo doesn't it?
13 years of classic mh
I genuinely feel as though velkhana'a AI is programmed to run away from the player.
Yes. Monster health in epic hunting quests is sliced to a mere fraction of its normal value. Just bring your highest damage raw weapon and go to town.
Those hunting horn pictures have me worried.
>nearly the entire list of HH shown
>no Zinogre line
I need my fucking guitar, Capcom. Do not fuck me on this.
we already saw the garuga quest is unlocked at mr6
Haven't done zinegro yet
Do you think he meant Lucent Narga but is just too retarded
Frontier never ceases to entertain me.
ah, ok ty. well even at over 50 hours in i'm no where near getting to this point. The final village quest is still giving me troubles.
Zinogre is post story.
Tigrex in IB barely roars, the next Tigrex could be a roar spammer like Brute is
Zinogre is not post story. The story does not end with the everwyrm
I get it, you wrote brid up instead of word up, because the two words rhyme and also because the bird is the word, funny
I really tried to like MHW and Monster Hunter in general, but it just isn't for me. I don't like fighting repeats of bosses to grind for parts to make better gear. I understand a lot of people like looters though.
Thats not what that is.
>2019... I am forgotten
At least you gave it a shot.
Do you really think people will be a little more social in the Iceborn hub ?
I mean like joining other's posted quests and such ?
Tigrex in World got Molten's 4x charge but not the big stomping around into a massive roar which qas Brute's one unique attack
it's an eric andre reference, philistine
As long as sos continues to exist, no, convenience of that magnitude is very hard to just ignore
>Not getting your MR Transporter/Heavy Artillery set ready for the inevitable shitty cannon fight
I agree that it seems monotonous on paper. But there's always room for improvement, new methods of play to be discovered and much better times with less damage taken to be had. You could play a MH game for 10,000 hours and still not master every monster. I'd love to see a Master Rank Tempered "Deviljho in the Buff" quest in Iceborne. It would be glorious.
SOS killed it. Normalfags want that quickplay.
>Ravager Kulu-ya-ku
What the fuck
TerminalMontage is unironically kino
I thought maybe if players can see each other they might want to play with each other. Maybe a few people will join posted quests ?
no I play it because the combat is fucking stellar. I'll play a version of MH with just the Arena challenge.
Personally I never played it. I love the webms though, it gets a little too crazy sometimes.
People already join each other's quests in behemoth and kulve or any specific lobby. Just filter your searches
>this is what frontier does with jinouga
I am not sad I never touched this
But it's not zin.
So how far these leakers are in the game?
Have they reached Ruiner Nergi?
You have good taste Air Raider
>No body
>Return of the crazy one
Very based
Holy hell that tonfa user got YEETED. Is that normal?
>bored waiting for Iceborne, don't feel like farming ATs anymore because there'll probably be new augment tiers and even if there aren't farming will be easier with MR gear
>decide to start learning a new weapon, hammer buffs sound fun
I'm enjoying myself but I feel like 80% of the moveset is awful or pointless and I should just be running around fishing for level 2 charge running attacks or reads on level 3 charge smash. Is there something I'm missing here?
Not zin, just some kind of horrid creature using his skeleton and animations but perverted horribly
L2 Charge dashes for when the monster is an excite bike
L3 Charge headshots when it stops for a couple of seconds
Big Bang combo the head if its stunned/paralysed/falls over
I wish they had given us the Impact damage makes monsters tired thing from X. Toned down off course, shit was stupid.
Hammer is very simple, the hard part is learning how/when to attack.
Mounting is pretty good with it, you can get some good distance if you roll off a ledge and then hit the charge button, and its slide attack is anime as fuck.
Depends on your distance and the monster's activity. Your normal moveset is for when you have an opening near a monster. Triple pound or big bang for the big ones. Charging between openings and just as long as you have to until an opening. Letting loose your charged attack and going into a proper combo is always the right decision when you have time to do so. I do enjoy closing with the lvl 2 charged upswing because it covers a lot of ground, does a relatively large amount of KO damage for the hit, and it's satisfying
Add the triple pound and that's basically it. The satisfaction mainly comes from head sniping.
>I wish they had given us the Impact damage makes monsters tired thing from X. Toned down off course, shit was stupid.
>from X
It's been around since Tri, and it didn't just go away
Sure, I didn't mention Big Bang since that's pretty self-explanatory when the monster falls over. I was really just wondering about stuff like the non-big bang golf swing combo, you're just so stationary and it takes so long that I don't see any reason to use it over just charging to lvl.3 for a headshot instead.
Will you be able to make g rank weapons from scratch or should I start churning out another two or three of each weapon
4U had rage prioritized over exhaust but Gen put it the other way around again. I believe its still like that.
Handler gets replaced
pic related
Golf Swing is much stronger than the superpound and does super high KO, and you can go straight into a charge again afterwards. Plus it reaches higher than the superpound, for assholes like Deviljho
Kulve always worked yes but not the other monsters. I did filter my sessions, i did post great investigations while inside "tempered monsters" rooms but nobody ever joined even when i made it clear anybody was welcome. I'm really banking on the fact the hub will work a bit differently than the base game because my buddies can't play and i'm venturing alone this time and i don't really want to ask Yea Forums for a group since i play casually and it seems many wouldn't be cool with that.
I just miss my bros. If you see a random guy spamming meal vouchers then he's probably someone who wants you to join his quest asap.
The people that actually play in Yea Forums rooms when the game launches are very different from the uptight faggots with massive sticks up their asses that shitpost in the threads about blacklists
abuse slopes, walls and ledges for aerial shenanigans
So you recommend me a /vg/ room?
Not sure about that, dood.
There are situations where you don't have a full charge built up and the monster isn't moving but you don't have time for a big bang combo. This is when you let out whatever charge you do have and combo into a triple pound.
Like said, it's great, and it takes half the time of a big bang combo
No one actually gives a shit as long as you aren't consistently triple carting
lets be honest, people only shitpost here because they are anonymous, when they are in actual rooms and they have a name they are silent, all the time and when confronted they act like faggots and leave crying
I remember trying to get into Frontier years ago. I remeber when you had to fucking steal a random Korean's social security number to register.
i like how in Frontier you can straight up DIE
Autistic as they are, the ones who are actually playing are surprisingly chill
As is every /vg/ and Yea Forums coop thread, really. The lurkers are the one who’re matter. Except UNiST threads i guess
Olala ouai, la montée est raide mais ça va faire du bien de descendre tout ça d'un coup.
On s'voit en haut, allez à Vendredi.
Have the devs mentioned whether any of the new monsters will have LR/HR versions?
I saw something about, apart from the new mechanics, the base game content remains the same
They don't.
>I remeber when you had to fucking steal a random Korean's social security number to register.
What the fuck?
How did people join then?
HR monsters don't have LR version therefore MR monsters won't have HR versions but HR and LR monsters will have MR versions.
You punch in random numbers, not like they'd actually check
Its like putting in a random address to register a Japanese PSN
I hope Ryozo and the other faggots actually balance MR so many new monster's armors and weapons dont get outclassed
why is it always the normalfags that get early copies
it's just not fair
They go to retailers and buy physical copies
PCFags post your waiting face
>they bump a not-so-trash but extremely irritating mob into the highest rank
Well now im scared
knowing how safe the leaks are I believe it's just capcom at this point
I've got no end of other shit to play so whatever. I just wanna see what else is in and then I can distract myself with other stuff until January.
Threadly reminder
>[Notice] September 3 (Tuesday) 7pm-"Monster Hunter World: Iceborn" just before ban on hunting! Premium live broadcast. In addition to the introduction of "Thunder Wolf Dragon Jin Oga" actual machine play, "World premiere game information" is also available! Do not miss it!
>broadcast content
・ CM making video release, guest talk
・ Latest real machine play by developers
・ World premiere game information
・ Announcement of promotions and related information
Just like his first appearance
I get the feeling that he's going to be based on Deadeye
I hope you like windpress on charges and leaping death pecks
He's in
I cantu waito twooo huntah Jin Oga.
She's in!
Gaijins get the piscine squadrons
Leakers get the complete rath package
i've only been playing on and off since behemoth, so i haven't maxed out a bunch of gear and haven't done a lot of augmenting and shit like that. is there anything i should be farming over the next few days in preparation? or is it basically gonna put everyone back at square one and previous gear and weapons will be useless?
Is this a bird wyvern?
I thought they were all shitter low rank monsters.
tried out the beta on console and it just further justified the wait
All you need to do to start MR is to beat Xeno
If you think your armor isn't up to snuff you can kill MR versions of early shitter monsters like Jagras, their weapons will be a safe bet to upgrade as well since you can max them out early.
I just fought gore for the first time. Now farming those feelers. God what a great monster
Usually they are, but that bird is an Elder Dragon tier treath
I want to hear his new theme
First gen MHs didn't have a lot of distinction between monster powerlevels, at least not as big as now.
With the initial roster they made YKK the first wyvern you hunt while Garuga being in the same tier as Rajang because fuck you we can't put him anywhere else at the time.
This is a case of too faithful an adaptation that it overbuffed returning casts
Simply put, Garuga being in the same tier as elder dragons yet can still be classified is now canon with IB.
>Thought the story would take me longer
>Broke the Cap today
How long until I'm out of shit to do?
Can't wait to get four months ban of hunting
I'm a bit behind on things.
We get two new areas, then?
Hoarfrost Reach and The Guiding Lands?
What is the Guiding Lands supposed to be?
HC White Fatalis was already fucking crazy, imagine if we’d gotten a Zenith or Musou White Fatalis.
Where you living under a rock?
craft weapons for your preferred weapon type that seem like they might upgrade into something useful based off of the weapon trees we've seen
It was spoiled when the achievement list for the game was leaked?
Guiding Lands is, according to rumour, a new area made up of biomes from all the other areas, and is probably a post game thing
Post jho getting bitchslapped
Maybe they changed it, back when I did it, punching random numbers didn't work. I had to follow a guide to go a website and look for an ID and find one that still hasn't been used yet.
How was the Everwyrm fight?
the guiding lands trophy has consistently been at even or slightly lower percentage than the everwyrm trophy, and some of the people whose profiles we can see got the guiding lands trophy half an hour after beating the last boss. it's not probably a post game thing. it's a post game thing.
Hi Ryozo, make sure MH6 on PS5 is 60fps okay
Guiding Lands is supposedly a mashup of all the different biomes in the game caused by earthquakes or something.
being born from a broken home will do that to you.
>tfw angry abusive drunk Rathalos treats you like shit and Rathian just cries in the corner knowing she did cheat and has no superior moral stance to stand on.
I dont know, I found this on reddit
Anyone else play the game in MH language with cutscene subtitles turned off?
People meme but Garuga is actually a cuckoo bird. They lay eggs in Kut Ku nests and the poor retards are too dumb to notice their baby is purple and won't stop screaming.
>casted to the street alone
>lost an eye and a ear
>rised up to be a lone wolf
Garuga... had a hard life...
*sips Ancient Potion*
They don't make hunters like they used to...
oh shit one of the most active players is stalkable now.
they raised a region to level 7 five minutes after beating ruiner nergigante.
>playing the game in unga speak
Yes, I do
I'm using MH Language when I play on PC
Remember how people posted that zinogre was not in and got BTFO?
*kills u*
Nothin personnel, hunter
Can’t wait to beat your ass with a full time limit and full gear.
Shut the fuck up old man. You couldn't even kill an old Teostra.
>Confronting the Unknown
Hunt your first variant monster.
8th Aug 2019
7:50:29 AM
>Seen It All
Hunt 30 variant monsters.
19th Aug 2019
11:13:15 AM
It’s been recently theorised that the birds cuckoos cuck actually do know it’s not their child, but raise it anyway because the cuckoos stock around and watch the progress of their child’s growth and will trash the nest if their child dies or is abandoned. It’s called ‘mafia theory’. The Kut-Ku might know the chick isn’t theirs but raise it anyway because if they don’t an angry Garuga is gonna fucking destroy their home.
Ordering by date tells you how long it took to get there
What went wrong with MH2?
Even MH1 and 3 get mentioned more.
>first variant in MR4
guessing it's gonna be tigrex or narga
Damn, that's some handy shit
Ruiner seems like a really endgame thing, way past final boss-tier
Special tracks may be Guiding Lands thing or postgame if it's at the tail end of achievements
Thinking about it, why did the "Investigate 50 special tracks" take so much more time then the "Hunt 30 variant monsters"
Maybe because special tracks unlock the quests and they're more timegated.
Getting a full armor set takes 3-5 fights if you're unlucky with gems and stuff.
Hunt 30 Variants probably counts repeat fights like the Hunt 50 Elders trophy
Never released outside of Japan. Portable 2 got rid of everything unique about Dos.
S. Legiana is probably the first since it's a monster that all players already know, and introduce that one monster can fight differently
oh they got 30 variants before ruiner
well there we go. nobody is going to hunt shrieking legiana 30 times for a trophy while more interesting stuff is still waiting.
I've only played FU, what did the original have?
Maybe the subs count as variants in this game for the trophy.
I forgot about that, would make more sense since legiana is a lower tier monster
i want to love this game, but the combat is just so weird. sometimes I can't dodge roll for no reason at all, there are huge pauses when you put your weapon away and before+after you fire the bow
just tried to switch to dual blades and it's literally one button with a shitty circle move that looks lame
why would they do it this way?
also are there no thrown weapons in the game?
like, i love the hunting and collecting aspect, but the combat is just so simplistic and the controls are so god damn clunky why would they make it this way. it's more a gam
it's more a game of anticipating what the monster is going to do than reaocting split-second to what it's doing.
>why is this giant sword so fucking slow
just because it's weighty does not mean it's clunky. also the circle move is lame because you didn't fill up your bar.
You didn’t actually mistake me for a female right Yea Forums?
Imagine not knowing how to play any weapon and still jumping to conclusions like that.
Pic related is you right now. Focus on being more proactive instead of reactive and you'll perform better.
So when yian garuga was made, did rathalos fuck a yian kut ku, or did yian kut ku fuck a rathian?
This is pretty sensible leak, generally speaking
No more new monsters is a tad disappointing, bu expected
you better not be a reviewer from a website
As if gender would stop me from bashing your dumb head in.
Neither, that’s a meme. It’s based on a cuckoo bird. It’s it’s own species that evolved to lay its eggs in Kut-Ku nests, tricking them into raising its young for it.
Deeper and bigger tower stage.
Yama Tsukami was a different fight because it was tied to the Dos Tower.
White Fatalis was online only and slightly different.
There were a bunch of background systems that changed monster value and quest rates.
Weather, time of day, and season could affect how a monster behaved during a hunt. Egg hunts would become more frequent after the season designated a mating season in the system for instead, and during their designated mating system they could start a quest enraged.
The weather system was also affected by elders so if Teo or Luna were around it would always be extra hot, or if Kushala was there it would be stormy and cold.
Bounty values for monsters changed based on frequency of being hunted. Hunt 10 Rathians in a row and the quest value dropped because they have too many Rathian parts/captures. Don't hunt enough and her quest shows up more and her value increases.
Mostly immersion shit like that with some neat system applications.
>cuck of the skies
>fucking anything outside of his assigned woman species
INCELos can't even begin to stand on the same level as CHADku
>Hey pard, check out how hard I can pee!
The only non Elder dragon monsters that would appear in it were either Raptors or Raths. It stands as one of the worst areas but has a good theme and idea behind it
I wanna learn Greatsword in preparation for Iceborne. What are the must have skills for it?
Tenderizer, critical eye, charger is a must too.
Focus 2/3, whichever you prefer.
The weapon movesets are FAR more involved than the hunter's notes or the training area would have you think. Check some videos for weapons you like.
What killed being social was not putting everything in an online hub. I dunno what the fuck Capcom was thinking, but the big area you normally end up in should have been the entire hub, and the shitty little guild ship shouldn't have existed.
They are a separate line of evolution from Kut-ku that are just aggressive by nature, even picking fights on monsters stronger than they are and getting defeated as a result. Garuga used to show up with a missing eye and scarred ear to show the battle damage they have accumulated throughout their growth
>the reality is that Rathalos was away from home and Rathian date raped Kut Ku when she was lonely
Interdasting, ok thanks fellas.
>tfw had to buy Iceborne on both PS4 & Xbone because I have friends on both platforms that play
>still excited for Iceborne but not sure how many friends on either will stick around when they see master rank because they're all massive casuals who think low rank Anjanath is artificial difficulty
I'll whip these fuckers into shape if it's the last thing I do, I'm getting my fucking money's worth
fuck I’m retarded
clunky in the sense that it won't let me dodge roll immediately like I can do in countless other games. it sticks sometimes, this is irrefutable and really the only problem I have with the game other than the movesets being very simplistic to a point of fault
I hated going through the unskippable cutscenes twice
i'm on ps4 if they flake hard. name's Brokatsu
god forbid you have to commit to your actions even in the most non-committal game in the series
surprisingly, actions have consequences and you can't just cancel out of them at will
Learn your weapon, learn its timings, learn when and how to dodge
You might prefer lance.
I made 3 hunters just so I could see all the cutscenes again. The developers worked hard on them you know, that's why they don't want you skipping them.
Is there going to be a preload for PS4, or is this shit gonna download the 40 fuckin' gigs of shit the second the clock hits midnight?
You do know there's a cutscene viewer, right?
1 or 2 days before IB drops. I'm not sure why this isn't common knowledge
>Return of the crazy one
So does this confirm Ryozo added Yian Garuga to make people seethe?
Unga language based, it's the only way I've been playing it since I beat it. Kind of wish I did my first run with it desu.
Because some games don't do that shit at all and it's random as fuck as to which actually do this. Even shit on Steam won't tell you until like an hour before the game drops sometimes because dev's are assholes and retards.
Based ryozo
Yeah but you can skip the cutscenes in that. I want the organic unskippable experience.
yeah guys i play video games. how is it that I have no problem dodging POST-ATTACK in a game like Nioh but this game won't let me? it's because their timings are all fucked up. I should be able to fire a bow and then immediately dodge, not wait .5 seconds for the game to do nothing. also it's sometimes when I'm just walking around, it'll just lock me out of dodge rolling. you can't defend the game when it's doing something wrong.
it does a lot right and it's got a great model for cranking out a lot of hours, which I'm going to do, but the combat isn't perfect no matter what you fags think
Because you have to actually finish the action before rolling, as simple as that.
this isn't dmc or nioh, you can't dodge cancel out of everything that you want, learn your moveset or fuck off
>it'll just lock me out of dodge rolling
in this case you are either superman diving, which is a good thing, or have a broken controller
You know how I know you're a lying sack of shit? Because bow's dash dancing animation cancels.
>already pre-ordered Digital Deluxe and caught up on everything
Can't wait
no, you have to wait out the game's timer which counts half a second after you've finished your action for no reason
yeah when it feels like it it will. sometimes it won't. idk at the end of the day the game just plays way slower than i feel like it should. i'm not gonna stop playing it but i just don't understand it right now
dude, your controller is broken, either that or you're a fucking turbo tard who doesn't understand that you can't dodge with no stamina.
How many hours till the stream?
So you're saying you want the game to have frame-perfect instant animation cancels after every attack? Instead of players actually having to respect the monster and learn their attack patterns instead of dancing around it like a methhead?
That sounds more like you're just garbage because dash dancing is the easiest shit to do and that's why so many faggots play bow. It's not like you're talking about SA which actually has prolonged ending animations, or DB which has a move that locks you into an animation.
the game is nowhere near perfect, but you bitching that you can't dodge cancel everything isn't an argument, the combat isn't about dodge cancelling, it's about positioning and committing to your attacks, why not take a video of the shit you're complaining about or show it happening to others so we can tell you what you're doing wrong instead of blaming the game for you wanting it to be something that it's not
use google you retarded cuteposting nigger
3 hours 37 minutes
that's not what i said, to dodge cancel ANYTHING actually. Just to dodge AFTER an attack.
you try it, right now. fire the bow and then try to dash dance, then fire again and dash dance in the opposite direction. try to keep going back and forth with any kind of consistency. try it
yeah why the fuck can't I airdash this game fucking sucks
Nioh isn't even frame perfect. It has a lenient input buffer that lets you dodge before the animation is even over and cues it the second the first cancel frame is available provided you hit it in that 5 frame buffer zone.
And action games like DMC are built around animation cancels rather than animation priority like Monster Hunter.
dude the only time i dodge roll out of the way is when i correctly anticipate the monster is going to charge. that's far less satisfying to me than reacting immediately to him charging and dodging out of the way at the last second.
i don't know god damn i just want to move freely
I'm sorry you lack a basic understanding of how animations work. When an action game allows you to cancel an animation with something like a dodge or another attack is COMPLETELY ARBITRARY. There is no universal rule that they follow, it's a decision made by the developer if/when and how something should be cancelable.
Guess what? The monsters are stuck with the same rules as you. They have animations that they're stuck following through on, that you can take advantage of. They can also be forced out of their own attacks if they're hit by a sufficiently powerful attack or a particular tool.
Take the time to learn this shit, it's just a different taste to acquire, if you don't like having to deal with long-term thinking for positioning then just go back to CUHRAYZEE action games, there's nothing wrong with those either they're just a different kind of game.
IG already got that in World user
dodging takes stamina asshole
the games aren't about reaction, they're about prediction
Yes, that's what dash dancing is. It's one of the few true animation cancel routes in the game. You can keep going until your stamina runs out. Are you a retard?
yeah maybe that's what it has been, i have no idea. like i said i just started playing the game fags.
Funny thing is that in french, Velk is refered as she IIRC
>just started playing the game
>doesn't understand the systems
>fucks up something the tutorial tells you about
>complains about it on a mongolian basket weaving bbs
>calls anyone else fags
lmao this dumb fucking cunt can't even pay attention to the goddamned yellow bar
even worse because he was talking about nioh, a game all about ki stamina management
big fucking jokes
Generally when you're new, the smart thing to do is chalk up your frustrations as a result of inexperience instead of flaws with the game. Once you get better, you'll know better.
at least later in the game you get access to an item called Dash Juice which lessens stamina consumption and basically allows you to braindead spam dodges as much as you want
y-you're right user, i am such a f-f-f-f-f-failure :((((
I thought he was talking about the white nargacuga from frontier
Bros I'm so sad right now my ps4 was put into safe mode and I had to erease all my data with mhw it. I'm so pissed
well i still think animation priority is stupid, now that i know what it's called thanks to some user up there. that's a legitimate complaint even if it isn't technically a flaw. i'll learn the game and reserve criticism i'm sorry guys but i just finisehd a stupid egg carrying quest and i was getting angry plz no bully
why couldn't we get a fake nature documentary series instead of a shitty paul ws anderson action movie, I'd love to see all the little babby monsters and mating rituals and nesting and all that other bullshit
>Planet Astera, a faux documentary narrated by David Attenborough
It'd be maximum kino
Because Capcom doesn't think that people will care about it, the sad part is that it's true, shitty WS Anderson action movie with his waifu will attract much more people
maybe he's just complete shit vs teostra's moveset?
just use the ghillie mantle for egg quests it's literal easy mode
"artificial difficulty" is the worst fucking phrase but low rank anjanath was the only key quest i failed up through tempered kirin so i can sympathize somewhat
So here's some basic stuff about MH combat: your position relative to the monster. For most monsters you can draw a line through their length - if you find yourself positioned dead on that line, you need to move out of it. Lots of monster attacks are based on moving along that line at you, or firing a projectile along it. But if you stick on its flanks, they'll either re-orient or throw a move that punishes you on that side.
The best places to put yourself relative to a monster are by the shoulders or along their tail (if they have one). These spots allow easy access to what are often the weakpoints for monsters (head and tail), and afford you the room to move in prediction to a monster attacking. If you can figure out how to move in prediction to a monster's attack, you can punish it, and that's the key to the flow of MH combat - predicting and punishing.
Some weapons are more aggressive in their prediction and punishment (GS, Hammer, Lance), basically putting yourself on that line deliberately because you know the timing for hitting them as they attack.
no you're the retard expecting the dodge cancel works like other game high pace action game and refuses to accept it's gameplay on it's own.
That's not a gen only design though
Then he's a baiting über-faggot
>Says it's a competition
>Doesn't do shit
Get iced, gramps.
I am so envious of you.
I miss being a FU shitter discovering the game on PSP with a friend, getting bodied hard and learning from my mistakes, discovering more and more of the game and getting a better grasp of the clunky mechanics with every day, sharing our personnal discoveries excitedly with my friend.
Back then we weren't looking stuff on the Internet, we played the game blind, so finding out the right meal combinations, how to make consumables, finding hidden gathering spots, and learning things about monsters was so exciting and mysterious.
Enjoy the ride user, discovering MH is one of the best vidya experience I've ever had.
it's really great. what does the leap of faith armor perk do?
not him, but i think it lets you do a superman dive in any direction instead of just when you're running directly away from the monster
On Friday, September 6, 2019, “Monster Hunter World: Iceborn” will finally begin banning hunting!
superman dive never had to be *directly* away from the monster, you just had to not be diving towards it.
>make a documentary
>create a fictional wyverian host
>get david attenborough to voice him
>"And so, another day ends as the sun sets over these forests and hills. After a successful hunt Rathalos retires to his nest where his mate in waiting slumbers. Danger looms over the horizon - a storm is coming, but tonight is just another night."
>"In the mountains beyond Pokke a glint of metal shimmers amidst the swirling winds. If this pair of wyverns are to survive the passing tempest they'll need to be prepared. Even the king of the skies knows to fear the storm."
>"Several weeks have passed and the nest is quiet. What we return to is a tragedy. Rathian did not survive the storm, and neither did her eggs."
>"You may be wondering just what kind of storm could have so easily taken the lives of such a magnificent beast. Though the fury of nature is not to be spoken of lightly, these scars were left behind by a beast that defies understanding. An Elder Dragon."
Daily reminder.
weren't they making some sort of monster hunter video series?
I can't remember the name but wasn't it supposed to come out this year?
there's the movie and there's also a 3d series being made by leafs, it was announced a while back and we haven't heard anything about it since
if you want to dodge cancel out of every attack just play sns, although considering that you the bow's dodging laggy you're probably a lost cause.
yeah It was the 3d thing
I wonder whats going on there
I need a Zinogre theme rip NOW.
Zinogre is bone Gaijiin
reddit has more leaks than Yea Forums, wow.
Can confirm it sounds incredible. Also Stygian isn’t in because Ebony Odo outcompetes it.
>nearly the entire list of HH shown
Where? I've only seen the LS tree.
Post it.
That's perfectly okay. I love my little boy too much to care, I'm just happy he's in at all.
I'm seriously thinking about going to a store, getting PS4+MHW+Iceborne and doing marathon play session until the Iceborne releases so I don't have to wait 4 fucking months for the PC release. Talk me out of it guys.
Do it fag.
sounds like a fun time to me.
do it, if you have the money.
>sub 20 fps
>paid online subscription
>all progress lost and have to grind the decos allover again
The framerate alone should be reason enough.
3 hours until gore
Reddit is a nice platform with better yo than Yea Forums, honestly 4 Chan shoukd go through a site redesign similar to reddit but with some features like upvote and downvote removed obviously. This site is pretty trash from a UX perspective. You can bitch about “reddit culture” all you want but anyone who thinks Yea Forums should stay looking this shitty and not improve itself it retarded
I would have loved a tropical island area, i feel like it's the only biome really missing. The guiding land sounds good because the current biomes look good and i guess we can get it in the next game but if only. If only just one extra zone.
Large beach section with shallow water lagoon, mangrove, tall rock spires with cascades, the vegetation could have been tropical in a different way than the ancient forest's. Monkey monsters, crab monsters, ocean monsters.
why they got to stream at such a retarded time
do japs really wake up at 7
go back
I think you mean steve edgelord
It's set for when Japan gets off of work retard.
Crabs were always garbage you stupid nigger
Okay, so, do we even get to watch the stream today? Or ever? It's super premium mega vip stream only, isn't it?
I mean some gaijins on reddit probably paid for it and will be doing text translations, but I doubt Capcom would just let anyone restream it for free.
jungle has been a map since 2nd gen and its exactly that
Kiss me softly and squeeze my ass, I know you want to you sexy slut
Do you know what time zones are?
I misread pm for am
I guess im the retard
are you fucking retarded? its afternoon in japan when they start streaming.
what do you mean? it's right on their channel
Steve edgelord? Is this the new variant?
You should've never misread anything. Japan uses the 24 hour clock. It says 1900 hours.
He's american.
I googled japan time and added three hours to it
Green Narga's gone it was replaced with essentially Lucent
What about the limited number of tickets available for the premium stream? Is there actually going to be a live event after all? And the stream of it is free or something?
Lucent is the better Narga anyways.
it's free
I have no idea all I know is there's a stream and some zinogre gameplay was promised
>all progress lost and have to grind the decos all over again
>Cheat engine
pc mustard race
im actually a leaf
It’s his new hoarfrost form, he’s now dark and ice type instead of only normal type
Same thing.
Can I go through the entire game with Longsword or will I have to switch eventually?
>dark and ice type instead of only normal type
Edgelord would actually fit Steve perfectly fine without changing his affinity. Because he's all about the sharp edges, get it?
Every weapon type is viable you just need to keep upgrading them.
you can do everything with any weapon
Nope, just PC, Xbone and PS4.
Cool image user. is there sauce?
NOT funny
You can't fight Kush as a DBlet.
Alright cool, I remember getting stuck on Tornado dragon the last time I played. Was going to make a dragon seal blade because I heard it's good for him.
Sorry I had to.
just slope spam bro
does electrical damage contribute to the monster's paralysis gauge at all?
Elderseal effect is barely noticeable if you play well. What it does is power down the elder dragons' "auras". But they can be brought down to zero instantly if you topple the monster by hitting them on the head enough times, which you should always be aiming for anyway.
Huh, well that's good to know.
no, paralysis is its own thing
No. Why would it?
Thunder damage is thunder damage.
Paralysis status is paralysis status - completely different things.
I thought it just made them easier to stun once the status effect procs?
I mean it makes perfect sense if you're thinking in terms of real life
>which you should always be aiming for anyway
pls don't teach this to GSfags
signed, hammer main
should Yea Forums go through a site redesign? yes, probably. should that redesign take even a single hint from reddit? hell no.
Not in the slightest.
Paralysis is a result of a chemical reaction paralyzing your nerve signals. Basically, poison.
Shock is electrical current using your body as a conductor.
So there are no more new monsters? Just variants/subspecies at this point?
Nah, it's retarded but monsters don't get blighted like you do. They should though.
>stream in 2.5 hours
I thought it was in 1.5 aaaaaaaaaaaa
There's that flesh dragon that was leaked.
In multi do we still have to watch cutscenes individually?
I'm assuming he's soling. Anyway, the head is usually the cutting weakspot too, not just blunt, so a big dick damage dealer like a GS gets the priority. KO is just a side effect of blunt weapons bashing the monster's head in. Just gem in flinch free or stick to charged attacks/triple pound instead of the big bang if you can't hit the head without getting inthe way of the other players.
Small fry like DBs and IG should fuck off from the head though.
We don't know
I can agree with that at the very least. One part of reddit I do likebis that you can easily follow a comment chain and if that comment chain is nothing but shitpost you can just collapse all of them at once. They honest would be a feature Yea Forums desperately needs
I almost always see GS users aim for the head. Besides, it's the last weapon I'd complain about in terms of flinch capabilities.
Steal them all and post them here then.
Big dick GSfag should cut the tail first like a hero and not trip hammerfags out of their big bangs.
Youtube time tracking is really awful. Why would you roll it to 2 hours if the time until the stream is greater than 2 hours?
Then at like 2 hours and 20 minutes it'll switch to 140 minutes and count down.
Just use 4chanX, bro.
can someone explain the canteen to me? What is activation chance and fresh ingredients? Does it mean you have to have those ingredients in your item pouch?
Who needs those fucking tails? I have a hundred of them in the stash already. I just want to murder that monster asap and be done with the investigation.
It's okay bro, us SAfags will be over at the tail swinging away now that we have axe buffs and movement options.
Because tails can drop gems too, maybe? Retard
Thanks I guess. When I actually see you around. All 7 of you.
So I'm still playing through the story, should I even bother with a crazy build once I get to it, or just wait for IB. I'm on PC.
Nah, the one with hands for wings.
>Grug complaining about the slowest fellow grug that flinches you the least
I'm not spending time hitting a sub-45 hitzone just because you can't fathom sharing. Go yell at some DB/LS fagola.
Nah you're going to see more of us now that it got buffed. Even worse because the TA autist are saying our weapon is good, but they'll probably disappear by endgame leaving like 10 to 15 of us.
It tells you the fucking time right there. Don't look at the "live in X" thing.
Probably just wait for IB unless you want to do the event stuff when that’s back up.
The final boss, to be fair, we already knew it was gonna be a new monster except if you're a 4fag in denial I guess.
Personally I've been secretly working on my Switch Axe gameplay until it became good.
Nigga I know. I just hate the way youtube does their countdowns.
I have a ton of gems too. Nothing needs stupid Kush gems.
Why would you even want to watch that stream ?
Zinogre hunt and just a "NANI" when Garuga is going to show up that's it
GSfags are the true LSfags desu
Yeah fair enough, it did get quite some buffs. I hope those new fucks don't cart all the time at least.
The fade slash out then axe slam back in is satisfying as fuck. Being able to fade and transform out of more shit is great too.
Anybody got the link to the stream?
I might pick it up again. Played it a lot during vanilla W, switched to CB during HR because SA just didn't have a lot of options for anything really.
well shit man
I thought paralysis was how muscles contracted when you get zapped or something
I know its abscence is really felt.
Crabs rule you barren cunt.
The new jungle area they showed for Zinogre looks like it would fit these really well. But we gotta wait for MH6 I guess
t. raised on video games
>you can catch penguins
goty desu
In World? Yes. Fresh ingredients = more health and higher skill activation chance.
I must say I really don't like that change. Back in 4U the skill chance used to be the same regardless of the freshness, which only governed the max health boost. So there was a decision to make - you could trade the max health boost from the food in order to get your preferred skills. But in World both are tied to the fresh ingredients.
Also, previously you got vouchers from simply using the canteen a certain number of times. But in World they only come from teh arena quests, or the greeting the gluttons event. Really weird choices there, I hope they fix it in IB.
Except you have no reason to hate them, because they provide you with the fucking time too, so you can just ignore the countdown. Unlike fucking Steam.
Don’t know what the guck that is
Capcom's spin-off series, although I'd advice you to ignore Yea Forums X6 and 7.
God Hammerfags are the most annoying of them all
>me want head all for me
>What do you mean, gem in Flinch-Free? What about muh dps?
No, you don't understand. Time is a language and they're Filipinos trying to speak English.
What the fuck does 4 have to do with IB final boss?
Some people thought "Old Everwyrm" referred to Dalamadur because their brains read the word "wyrm" and think it has to be the big snek
There's some guy utterly and absolutely obsessed with 4U here, it's all he thinks about
Can someone post the cleaner, more colourful pic of the final boss
yeah well they should stop lying to me
Those weren't "4fags", those were just dumdums. We already knew that the Old Everwyrm was a winged dragon from the exact same PSN trophy "leak" which we learned of Everwyrm's existence in the first place.
He does look an awful lot like a Gogmazios reskin though.
As long as he's actually fun he's not a Gog reskin
I guess I deserved that one
Bagged a cougar today
Most notisable Elderseal effect is that it allows you to break Nergigante's black spikes.
That's because he's a Fatalis reskin.
If he's anything like Gogmazios I'll be fine with him either way
I've never gotten over how shit Xeno'jiiva was
I dunno about you but "reskin" kind of implies mechanics, not just a design.
And Fatty.
>mfw gog will be the new kulve taroth and we'll have to break off chunks of tar
Bagged a milf today
Sorry, I just used an over-exaggeration so younger anons could understand it a little better.
fair enough
>Garuga armor is the low rank one from previous games, not the X one
Fucking WHY, Capcom?
How was the trunk action
i cant fucking wait anymore while others are already playing.
thinking about just driving to saturn after work and trying to get the masters edition, even though i already preordered the dlc
Never found it sadly
Probably fake
Look at Barioth armor
Place your bets for what’s being revealed in this stream. My money is on variants, one more returning monster and the first DLC announcement.
You know what
I agree.
Is Tigrex a boomer monster?
Is that shara ishvalda?
Very much so.
Supposedly, yes.
It was supposed to appear in the first MH
Good thing it never did
I was cool with that back when breaks actually mattered. Hammerbros knocks him down, GS bros chop them up. Now everything is just a fucking shitfest, because nothing fucking matters, everything drops so easy now.
bong here, went to sleep at 1am, woke up now, any more leaks?
brachy sub leaked
I can hear the crack sips from here
>people are believing any kind of leak which has no pic attached
Come on anons
DMC crossover confirmed.
Garuga is ED tier
You heard right whippersnapper. Get off my lawn.
Are you one of those who believed the Seregios leak hoax just because it had a poorly shopped pic attached?
When did I assume that every post with a pic is true?
But a post without even a shitty pic is even less likeable to be true
but brachy's sub is guildmarm
Here's your next collaboration monster.
n i c e
I humour most semi-believable leaks I see without really believing them.
werks on my machine ;^)
Nah wrong one.
cant believe fatalis is back, was quite the journey, but you unlock him the same way as in mhf2 back then.
A picture has nothing to do with the plausibility of the "leak". Only the "leak's" content and claims do. If it's in line with the known and confirmed facts we already know about the game, it sounds more plausible. If it claims something wild and exceedingly unexpected, or even contradicts known facts, then it's less plausible.
Only the clear pictures of the game add credibility to the "leaks", which is the only kind of photographic "leaks" we should be getting in this day and age, when every cheap ass chinkphone has a 10+ megapixel camera.
Remind me, why area there no humanoid monsters in mainline MH again? Not counting King Shakalaka.
because thats dumb
Because Ryozo furiously masturbates to dragon porn every night
Because shit's maximum gay
That sounds more like an argument for it than against.
if it's in line with the known and confirmed facts then any jackass can make it up
meanwhile zinogre being a post-final boss monster instead of showing up at the same time as the other flagship level monsters is 'wild and exceedling unexpected'
what is leshen
A cross-over event quest. Doesn't count.
Flinch free desu
Also they tried it in World and it was fucking awful
But there are humanoid monsters. (You)
>monster hunter
>man is the greatest monster
woah so deep
tfw want to fight ancient leshen and deal with the bullshit but no one wants to do it with me. solo is too aids with his 64k hp and root
Because it's fucking retarded and we don't need it
Why aren't you counting king shakalaka?
Get Master Rank gear in Iceborne then come back and rape him.
>no one wants to do it with me
There were plenty of Leshen SOS last time it was online. Just join/fire one yourself. All you need to do to carry the quest easily is a wide range heal slut, and possibly flashing the crow nova, in case some retarded doesn't panic dive it. Leshen doesn't have flash immunity like tempered and AT monsters do.
Ancient Leshen could've been a decent fight if they just gave it an arzuros-esque moveset, instead of the retarded, tedious fight that it actually is. It doesn't help that the moron who designed this fight is probably the same moron that designed all the ATs, with their fucking inflated HP pools and ridiculous damage auras.
The concept of a humanoid fight can work, bears are kind of humanoid as it is with their mammalian shape and hind leg standing, or rajang too for that matter, it's just that leshen is a horrible fight that feels completely out of place in monhun.
Reminder that Monster Hunter S isn't for Switch. It's World for Stadia.
because there are already better bipedal monsters
I just want a single player mode for Ancient Leshen, and Behemoth while we're at it
The fight was obviously designed after Leshen fight in TW3, which doesn't fit MH gameplay very well. Probably CDPR had a lot of input there.
There is a single player mode for Behemoth it's called "Cluster Bomb Build"
>It doesn't help that the moron who designed this fight is probably the same moron that designed all the ATs, with their fucking inflated HP pools and ridiculous damage auras.
Except that AT fights are the most difficult and therefore objectively best fights in the series. I'm sorry you can't produce top quality proofs because you suck at the game.
Reminder that there ISN'T Monster Hunter S to begin with.
Same, I don't get why they couldn't give us those.
Correct me if I'm wrong but in TW3 the Leshen actually moves around and doesn't just fucking teleport everywhere
>nips think this is a real leak
Oh shit it's Fartanus
>AT luna/vaal/kush/kirin are the best fights in the series
Dilate harder, and fuck off back to /mhg/ while you're at it
Once every 5 years it'll slowly walk around
But no it's main method of movement is still teleporting
Those collab fights weren't meant to feel like Monster Hunter fights. They are supposed to feel more like the fights in the games these monsters are coming from.
If they do more collabs, I bet some will work better than others.
To be fair, the entire point of the leshen is that it doesn't fight like a mh monster, collab monsters are supposed to be fought as if you were playing the game they're from. It just turns out witcher combat is shit which doesn't lend well to mh combat.
lmao that looks so stupid
He does teleport spam in TW3 too.
Luna, Vaal and Kush suck but fuck you Kirin is easily the best of the AT fights.
It's literally just a superpowered Kirin, there's no gimmick or any bullshit.
That's fair, but the thing is that at least one monster made it out of the collab better, which is the AT Kulu Ya-Ku. I really love that fight, which pisses me off because you can ONLY DO THAT FIGHT ONCE WHY CAPCOM WHYYYY
Except that they are.
I'm starting to think these "leaks" are still made by Capcom. It's f***ing impossible somebody reached MR6, multiple people surpassed MR3 and MR4, and we still haven't seen a single new monster or even pics of the Guiding Lands, except for the Metal Rath weapons.
But I mean, Metal Rath weren't even a doubt to begin with.
Help, Ryozo wants to turn me into bone
Hunters should be able to inflict elemental blights on monsters with corresponding weapons as well. Elderseal is a step in the right direction.
Is Bairoth X in the game or is it just the one variant? I don't think I got a straight answer on that before.
I don't get this meme. What have I missed since the Hidden Cane leak?
>Supper powered worst ED
>Somehow a good fight
AT kirin is exactly the same as regular kirin except most of his shits insta-paralyze or kill you. That's not a well designed fight, it's lazy as fuck.
The only good ATs are xeno and nerg. Teo is decent because he actually feels like a threat now and not just a glass jawed cuck. AT zorah feels exactly the same as regular zorah except it can randomly kill you without warning, which is, fine i guess. The rest of them are just bad.
nice edit retard. Here's the real leak
I find it interesting how people consider more health and damage (which is basically all Kirin gets) to be the peak of ATs. That's just lazy imo; it brings nothing new or interesting to the table.
Brachydios HH is gutted
Subspecies also have no unique weapons outside of Glavenus
Elderseal existed before World, retard. In fact, it was even better than Elderseal.
You can't say that without a source, listfag.
Some people got an early copy by buying the Master's Edition at some shop.
You won't see that here, since nobody here is leaving their house.
So the only leaks we have are from some redditors, that actually leave their house once in a while from what it seems.
And obviously they fucking suck at the game and don't know how to leak properly and leak shit like pictures of their new palico outfit.
>saving a jpg as a png
>I find it interesting how people consider more health and damage (which is basically all Kirin gets) to be the peak of ATs.
That's Monster Hunter fans for you.
Well designed monsters with good AI and varied movesets? Ew, no. None of that please.
Cause there is no new monsters lmoa , the only new ones are "endgame" stuff
>People speaking objective truth are listfag
This community is finished
I guess it helps that I just like Kirin's fight in general and think that adding an insta-kill element to it makes it a lot more exciting.
I love the idea of fighting something that doesn't actually attack you directly but instead just telegraphs lightning strikes, but normal and Tempered Kirin are a fucking joke because it takes forever to be carted by one.
>Zinogre is using the High Rank design for armor
you know what that means Garuga X bros
That's a bit lame, yeah. Maybe it's not the final version though, seeing as it doesn't have the ring around it?
Its literally this pic
Objective truth would mean you have a picture of every single other weapon instead of crutching on the fact that Acid Glav has a leaked picture.
>not even its final form
Question, where are augments on this Horn? Why does it cost so little to make?
>purple blue azure
Why do they do it? Why do they repeat this sick joke?
Becauae nobody gives a damn about gimmicks when the monster dies quickly regardless. World has by far the hardest endgame in the series and anyone who says otherwise needs to take their nostalgia goggles off.
Unless the final form uses Shara Ishvalda materials or some shit there is no need to hide the rest of the tree
I was thinking that too. Final weapon forms usually require mantles and more expensive materials no?
Because Ryozo is punishing us for the sins of PC players cheating.
Where's the stream going to be on? Was looking at the YouTube channel for monster hunter but I couldn't see anything, anyone got a link?
More bait/10
That clearly is the case.
>no augment slots
>doesn't even require a gem
This can't possibly the final upgrade tree, or a real screenshot.
Upgrade paths don't end at generic names like "horn II", they always get unique names (if not unique models). And this is a R10 weapon only, when they go up to R12 in IB. ED weapons go up to max rarity, as usual. And I'd expect flagship weapons to go to at least R11, while R10 being the final tier of sub flagship weapons, like Beotodus/Banbaro. Analogous to HR R8, R7 and R6 weapons correspondingly.
>World has by far the hardest endgame in the series
But it's not difficult at all. This series is even a step below the Souls games and that's sad.
Why does is zeny cost so low for a g-rank weapon?
m8 that can't be the final form. Notice a little something it is lacking that final upgrades always have?
Oh, and these too
Zenny literally doesn't matter in World
Or other modern MHs
Requires more skill than MHW Gs though
Maybe there's no augments for MR weapons. I kind of hope thats the case, they were too strong in base world.
Ok, i ment, why does zeny cost of upgrade for a rank 10 is lowerthen for rank 8 weapon (56k for a rank 8 upgrade)
hazak grosser II ?
diablos tyrannis II ?
world already did it and it seems like they are continuing that trend. some weapons will have unique designs, some wont.
Because Capcom is dumb. At least they have to be to not realize that an attack as powerful as TCS needs a cooldown or something because otherwise you can hit literally every stagger threshold whenever you want and nullify whole fights.
I had to start selling shit because I ran out of money to augment stuff
>Upgrade paths don't end at generic names like "horn II", they always get unique names (if not unique models).
>What is Hazak Aspida II
>No Garuga X
Why would they do this? Does somebody at Capcom have such shit taste that they prefer the LR version?
Why would they just uproot a mechanic like that?
I mean augments wouldn't save that horn anyway with those terrible notes
am i the only one looking for the druid in the clouds
>an attack as powerful as TCS needs a cooldown or something because otherwise you can hit literally every stagger threshold whenever you want and nullify whole fights
So, World is your first game, I take it?
Because that's literally the entire pre-World GS playstyle of Crit Draw spam and headlocking.
That's obviously not the final upgrade, remember that the base game also had part of the tree hidden from sight until postgame
At least there's a bright side to all this
I can't play without health aug anymore.
Fuck chip (a.k.a. cheap) damage.
>why would they release LR and HR armors for monsters that only appear in MR in World instead of G armors
I don't know user. Maybe so they can introduce G armors in the next game when all these monsters are slid into LR and HR.
Where's the fucking stream
Show normal Glav
That's what makes it funnier
Listfag spoke many objective truths and is still called listfag. You're probably one of the people who called him listfag and now you taste your own medicine. That's how being hypersensitive in a society goes.
>listfag said 200 things
>190 turned out to be false or fixed in Iceborne
>b-but 10 were true!
go away listfag
>>Zinogre is using the High Rank design for armor
Thank god. At least not the MH3U G Rank one, fuck was that a disgrace. Almost worse than High Rank Jhen to G Rank Jhen armor
Stop masturbating in public, listfag
The latest lists were nothing but facts, though. Guess why people got so triggered
what are monkey
6th... september... friday... vacation... ... iceborne
This. Also even if Iceborne fixes some problems, it will just have new problems.
We can't get cocky.
Filthy beasts is what they are. I bet you believe that humans "evolved" from monkeys too.
How can one man samefag so hard.
>he went from posting 4 posts full of bullshit to like 10 true things
Yeah, as I said.
90% of the things he said were fucking retarded or lies.
Stop replying to the shitposter directly.
Iceborne WILL have flaws.
NO game is perfect.
Iceborne will still be tons of fun, just like World was, even with all its' flaws.
This one for example was mostly facts. Sorry.
listfag stop samefagging
If this board was all right mods would finally start banning 'hurr listfag' spammers.
in a perfect world..
Yea Forums is basically having generals to avoid /vg/ drama
>mfw /vg/ drama happens anyway
Youre pathetic. Unironically get a life.
Mods should do everyone a favour and just ban every single poster in the general so we can start it again
In a perfecr world you (listfag) would be range banned
Also, how much do you spend on vpn?
Autists can't avoid arguing with other autists. Good intentions, bad idea.
Not only are 99% of those not facts, they're clearly low effort digs against a game you don't like. For every "bad" thing there is in World, there are ten bad things for XX and FU. Don't make me write a counter-list, you fag.
At least moderation here is better, so "he" gets banned regularly. Unlike on /vg/, where he's protected by the janny, and only gets banned due to getting a global ban for shitposting on Yea Forums.
but this is not a perfect world
Meant to quote You can't even stunlock a low rank Nargacuga with GS hitting its wingblades, user.
So you're trying to imply that bone weapons and unskippable cutscenes aren't real flaws?
>Not only are 99% of those not facts
Name 5-10 points that are wrong.
>shitposting Discord boys are up early
Oh good. Guess I'll just wait for the stream to start.
Preach it brother, World is literally flawless and the work of an infallible God
Fucking stop arguing like huge babies and post leaks
1 hour until nothing new guys
Tigrex HH is safe, at least
>returning monsters neutered
news when?
Literally 1 hour from now they’re streaming some Zinogre gameplay then announcing new stuff.
Not even him but >mostly
In an hour
>The advent of news make listfag seethe and resume shitposting
Iceborne news is the Frenzy Virus for listfag. Soon we might have an Apex Listfag on release date
Why are you guys worse than redditors?
Why can you not argue normally, instead of calling everyone a listfag or a worldsperm?
He's been an apex ever since the first range ban. He's gone full deviant.
>Arguing on Yea Forums
Oh nice, where's the stream?
This but unironically just kidding, you're thinking of 3U good sir
The only returning one which you could argue has been nerfed is narga
Anyone else has at least got some buffs, new moves or mechanics
Fuck, Yan garuga got moved from 4* trash to fucking endgame material
When you cant downvote things, you have to resort to insulting people to tell them you disagree with them
Let me drink a little more water first
Why shouldn't we name things by their real names?
But you're right about one thing: you should be arguing with shitposters, because they're not here to debate, but to simply spam their shitposting and ignoring what others say.
So it's best to just report and hide shitposts instead of engaging in what you think is an argument.
What motivates a man to shitpost using the same posts for two years? What drives him to do it across multiple boards and websites? What inspires him to buy VPNs in order to evade bans to keep spamming threads even though he gets caught every time and banned again?
Wanna know something funny? Listfag is still gonna buy and play iceborne, despite his autistic shitposting
There are no news yet. Frenchie just woke up and he didn't post anything new.
I'm saying that out of all the points, monsters being neutered is a false one
The funny thing is that you are mentally deranged, so the shitposting that really bothers you here and you're referring to are probably these three harmless posts:
And these posts (the actual deranged shitpots that make up half the page by now and want to stifle actual discussion about game mechanics pros and cons) are NOT what you are referring to:
But yeah, mods rather ban the first three than the other (or the retards who will reply to this post in a similar manner in three seconds). That's the state of this board.
Because Yea Forums doesn't have ID's so samefagging is impossible to identify.
Listfag doesn't play MH
So he's like you?
New thread bois
That's literally because the marketing happens on Yea Forums and /vg/ isn't in the contract. Unless shitposting reaches off-the-wall points à la Cyberpunk or Bethesda, they'll actually ban criticism here.
I'm bothered by pretty much every post there actually, including your own.
It's all trash that's fellating one autistic faggot who no one should be paying any attention to. Kill yourself or leave the thread, I don't care which
This user is right, that screen is bs photoshop bait
Non shit post thread
Autism and mental illness.
No, I play MH