Literally impossible

Literally impossible

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>haha just git gud at dodging enemies offscreen spamming explosive darts that eat half your health away and toss you all over the palace :)))

Always Be Blocking

I never got past that swimming level because it gave me stage 3 cancer and my hands fell off.

You can do it, it will take some frustration tho, what difficulty are you on?
I completed this on master ninja last month, each difficulty playthrough will make you learn more about the game.

It took awhile but victory was eventually in my grasp, and I continue to clench it proudly to this day.


If I'm always blocking shit how the fuck am i ever supposed to ATTACK

If a dart hits you, hold block until it explodes. You'll take much less damage.

>get hit by dart
>hold block and wait for explosion
>enemy runs up and grabs me making me get exploded
now what faggot

Play better. Fucking christ you coddled faggot. I beat the game when I was 14. What the hell is your excuse?

1. Roll just when it is about to explode.
2. Other thing you can do is quickly jump onto a wall and press the A->Y buttons to use the blue slashing technique which will give you a bit of invincibility frames, that always works for me.

Move around and time the explosion by listening to the hiss, and hit block at the exact moment it goes off.

>j-just don't get hit
that's bullshit i shouldn't have to cheat just to avoid this one attack

Learn the way of the ninja fag

Roll around, if an enemy swipes at you, roll away. When you're not rolling, block. When you're not blocking, attack.

They deliberately added a sound to it so you could time it and know when it went off. There's lots of cues like this in the game if you're paying attention.

Casual filter still doing it's job I see

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just do charge-attacks as much as possible

Nah, it's doable. NGB is one of those games that you think is impossibly hard, then after you beat it, you realize that it was always pretty doable, you just sucked cock at the game.

I have yet to beat it on Very Hard or Master Ninja though but I know it's well-within my grasp. It's more of a motivational thing. I need to get back to it.

Black didn't have spamming Ninjas. You're thinking of 2.

Then attack the enemy HQ to find their agendas, right?

Those fucking black spider clan incendiary shuriken ninjas are a pain in the ass in 2.
What's keeping you from doing it?

Just izuna drop everyone, brah

>What's keeping you from doing it?
I have ADD and keep dropping games, going back to other games, picking other games up, keep meaning to start other games, etc. I wish I could just focus and get my backlog out of the way, but I usually end up just buying new games and beating those or going back to old ones or various multiplayer games I've been playing.

Doesn't help that loading the game up on the 360 takes so fucking long.

>Those fucking black spider clan incendiary shuriken ninjas are a pain in the ass in 2.
Oh yeah, speaking of 2, I still haven't gotten past Mission 2 of Mentor because of those fuckers. Never mind Black, that's perfectly doable. 2 is a fucking nightmare. I want to eventually beat that game on Master Ninja too but I'm honestly not even sure if I can manage that.

If you have an xbox one (I doubt you have one), it loads pretty quickly, both Black and 2.
I'm doing NG 2 on Mentor and I have suffered a lot, I'm on chapter 9 atm, I recommend you do Master Ninja on Black first, because NG2 is a fucking frustration and anger simulator.

literally one of the best action games to date. challenging, weapon variety along with a lengthy movelist, cutting or smacking enemies actually felt good, all done at a speed that didn't feel like shit. but sometimes the camera sucked ass, and some enemies were just awful to go against unless you cheesed them. ninja gaiden 3 doesnt exist

>If you have an xbox one (I doubt you have one), it loads pretty quickly, both Black and 2.
Yeah, that's one of the few reasons why I would ever want an Xbone. I actually think it's really cool that they did that. I hope that rumor about Xbox becoming a service on other platforms turns out to be true, because I'd love to play Black and 2 again on PS5 or Switch 2, especially with the enhancements they made to 2.

>I'm doing NG 2 on Mentor and I have suffered a lot, I'm on chapter 9 atm, I recommend you do Master Ninja on Black first, because NG2 is a fucking frustration and anger simulator.
That was my plan. I think NG2 is just about one of the hardest games I've ever played and not entirely for the right reasons. But from what I remember, Ch. 9 is right about the end of the projectile spam, so the suffering shouldn't last long for you.

If you don't like the darts and arrows just wait until you get to the 2nd game.

Razor's edge is fine


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nah it not, beat it today actually, 12 hours total.
now to get this off my chest: the game is more annoying and obnoxious than it is challenging.
there is just so much not-fun shit in it that makes me wonder why the developers chose to do it.
there are many, but i think the two that best illustrate my problems with it are the ghost fish and the vehicle bosses.
they completely negate everything the game has been teaching you in exchange for a cheap gimmick that is just not fun to keep shooting arrows while standing still/spamming jump slash over and over.
i still take dmc3 or even gow2 over ngb any day because they have way less bullshit and focus more on the fun part of the game.
that said, ninja gaiden 2, although surely not fixing the problems 100%, was definitively more fun in my opinion.

Razor's Edge is probably the most 'meh', middle-of-the-road character action game there is. It really is just 'okay'. It does have some nice ideas though.

It's also way too fucking hard for some reason.

Honestly, I used to HATE Ghost Fish but they really aren't so bad. There's a few easy ways to take them out with the VF as well as the DS and you have Fire Wheels too which make very short work out of them. You're also likely to get ninpo back if you choose to spend it on them.

Vehicle bosses I don't understand, they're some of the easiest bosses in the game. For the tanks, you don't even need to aim, just use the auto aim by pressing the shoot button and then dodge when necessary. And there's only like 3 of those anyway, two tanks and the helicopter.

As for 2, it has easily the better combat system but literally everything else is worse.

That too. I remember enemy encounters in that game would last fucking forever for some reason.

>The final boss in NG3:RE
Fuck that shit.

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It’s halo2 legendary tier levels in terms of tedious. Ultimate ninja in RE was a fucking MISTAKE!!
>Enemies are all time sponges, takes more then minutes/seconds to kill even low mobs
>devs think throwing in late game mobs in the early levels equals hard
>devs think throwing in more enemies on screen is good and almost make encounters seem endless
>enemy AI cheats far worse and go for killing blows instantly
>all your weapons do shit damage against the sponges and if you don’t have an I-frame move, then lmao

>devs think throwing in late game mobs in the early levels equals hard
I mean DMC, Bayonetta, etc do that too.

I hope so, because every Genshin fight has those fire shuriken assholes put in, and there's still 2 fights left with him.

i mentioned the fish and vehicles not for being hard, because they aren't, but because they aren't fun to fight, at all, and easily become an annoyance hopping up and down to kill them or spamming arrows over and over again, why would the devs not cut down on the crap and just let me play the fucking game properly?
and for ng2, not only the combat is better but it is also the only thing the game focuses on, the fighting almost never stops and so does the fun part of the game, also why the linear levels are a pro for cutting down on the time wasted on figuring out where the fuck you are supposed to go and fetch items to progress, plus adding more variety to the scenery.
i just wish they had gotten rid of the "spam arrows" types of bosses, but i do admit that even then the regular boss fights in ngb are better.


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I wonder how cookie face feels about the current state of NG and DOA. To put in all that work to make some pretty decent games only to see them brought down low.

Good job so far, man. NG2 is a brutal fucking game.

> also why the linear levels are a pro for cutting down on the time wasted on figuring out where the fuck you are supposed to go and fetch items to progress, plus adding more variety to the scenery.
The problem is, most NG2 levels are boring as shit to look at anyway. And that interconnectedness, however shallow it was, added to the variety in gameplay of Black.

>but i do admit that even then the regular boss fights in ngb are better.
IMO, both are good (aside from 2's blatantly broken bosses), but 2 was missing the interaction with the environment that Black had. I wish the Genshin fights were set up more like the Fiend Ryu fights.

Meant to quote there, obviously

i think the linear vs open level design is more of a personal matter here.
but on a sidenote, having played ng2 and sigma2, i really fucking wish there was a version with the fixes sigma 2 added (better camera, equip bow and shuriken at once, removing shitty bosses and adding newer better bosses and enemies, etc) but kept the crazy amount and types of enemies from ng2. unfortunately this version will only exist in my wildest fantasies.

>unfortunately this version will only exist in my wildest fantasies.
>tfw no Ninja Gaiden 2 Black with everything you mentioned, plus additional stuff like Unlabored Flawlessness and Dark Dragon Blade for shits and giggles
Oh well, at least there's the Xbone X version. Speaking of, that has Mission Mode included, right?

you gotta buy the mission mode dlc, it's cheap, but still.

Damn, that's some bullshit.

At least they thought to sell it. I was thinking it was lost forever.

What's impossible about it?
If it's God Hand level of bullshitry i'm not going to touch this game.

I know this shit is bait but it makes me laugh. Every time some game journo or normie bitches about a game being too hard, I remember I beat this game when I was fucking 11 years old. It was normal back then for little kids to beat hard action games like this.

user my GF can do this.

I liked the game. even finished it at some point.
but now I feel too old and 30 year old boomerish to play such a fast action meme game.

still better than the PS2 equivalent with that other ninja faggot.


fuck off normie

under rated post

spotted the dark souls zoomer

>start new game on hard difficulty
>suddenly rocket launcher assholes everywhere
That is the first and only game I've ever rage quit I hate those guys so much

So what would you like in a new Ninja Gaiden game, bros?

>return of essence
>return of UTs more like NG2's (but more balanced)
>ability to swap between at least two, maybe three weapons at a time but maybe make weapon switching its own unique mechanic somehow
>Dead or Alive-style danger zones where both the enemy AND you can be knocked into them
>return of armlets
>new ninpo
>bring back all the old weapons, including the Vigoorian Flails and Tonfa
>except for the scythe, give me a new heavy weapon ffs, like an iron club or something
>a new rival like Genshin but with fights more enclosed like Fiend Ryu
>tfw no new NG game in like, 7 years

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>>tfw no new NG game in like, 7 years
it's so ridiculous
remember yaiba? never played it but kind of want to now

What's wrong, zoomie, can't cheese through game with quick saves?

Never played it but always wanted to just because I'm a huge fan of the 3D NG games and wanted to see how badly they fucked up with that one. And I figure the plot and dialogue is probably so bad, it's good-tier as well.

I also haven't played through DmC as well and have always wanted to go through it for similar reasons.

forced meme cock sucker

Be more elusive. Run along walls, jump on enemy heads, etc. You're a ninja, act like it. Also this:

dmc isnt nearly as good as NG

GoW 1-3 was pretty good though. more story driven

>Can beat this game in hard
>Can't go past the mine in Demon's Souls for the life of me
>My cousin breezes through Demon's Souls like it's nothing but can't go past the first Rachel part in normal
Which one of us is the retard? I want to know

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>dmc isnt nearly as good as NG
Nah, for as much as I absolutely love NG, DMC was always superior, for a few very good reasons.I don't want to turn this into yet another DMC vs. NG thread though.

>GoW 1-3 was pretty good though. more story driven
GoW is fucking trash, on both a gameplay and a story level.

I can't get into dmc i don't find most enemies to be very fun to fight against

Meh, I find DMC's more combo-oriented gameplay more varied and fun than NG's combat. But different strokes I guess.


I have the regular version of this and NG2. Are they ok or is it really worth it to spring for the black version and/or sigma version.

Try to get Black so you can play that instead of NG1, it is on game pass for xbox, you can get a cheap deal. For NG2, just stay with the xbox version. NG3 I still don't play tho