If you're not excited for the FF7 remake, then you're stupid.
If you're not excited for the FF7 remake, then you're stupid
Other urls found in this thread:
>Being excited for a waste of resources developing an excellent game I already played decades ago
lol, what kind of cuck does this?
They could have done something new
They should have just remade it as a CGI movie series, that's how I'm going to experience it anyhow since its apparently a PS4 exclusive.
>being legitimately excited about a game I played when I was a preteen
lol do you fags really do this?
they are making something new, dumb user
kill yourselves
>my palette has remained the same since puberty
oh no no no HAHAHAHAHAAH
user, you are setting yourself up.
for excitement
even worse my dude... It's not even the remake of the game but a chunk of it.
okay, retard
0 arguments lol
>$60 for 1/5 of a game
No thanks
im just worried they're going to shave off all the abstract/silly bits that gave the game it's charm
half of the enemy designs are fucking wacky as hell and if they don't translate them all it'll be a massive dissapointment
>replay the complete game I'm already satisfied with for zero dollars
>put myself on a hype cycle for an extended cut of the first five hours with a XV battle mod and Compilation shit mixed in for $60, with no indication they'll finish it in a timely manner or at all
I guess I'm stuck being your idea of stupid.
so far we've seen all the enemies
even the floaty fishes
I've very excited.
>getting excited for a game that came out over 20 years ago except it will be worse
don't tell me people actually do this
looks cool but I don't want to buy a s*ystation to enjoy it
>GOTY 2015: Bloodborne
>GOTY 2016: Uncharted 4
>GOTY 2017: Horizon Zero Dawn
>GOTY 2018: God of War
>GOTY 2019: Death Stranding
>GOTY 2020: Final Fantasy VII
>GOTY 2021: Ghosts of Tsushima
>with no indication they'll finish it in a timely manner or at all
When has SE ever shitcanned an on-going project aside from XV's DLC? I mean fuck, XIV survived its colossal stumble on release and XI is still getting updates.
kys phonefuck
Behold, the godly power of marketing and hype.
I thought the original was whelming at best, might give new one a try if they make it worth it. Combat looks slightly more interesting than basic bitch turn based but the who episodic part is annoying, if they last minute decide to make it a ps5 exclusive I am 100% not playing because fuck sony after the ps4
Better a stupid human than a retarded sheep.
this board tries way too hard to be contrarian
seething nintendoid dipshit.
bitch wont be smiling when she dies in episode 5 in 2045
>apparently going to finish before the raid on Shinra
good source
>They could have done something new
It's been proven time and time again that they really can't
The censored thing is a well known fact, the Shinra thing is just a rumor so grain of salt however I don't trust Square and will need to see hard evidence of where the first part ends.
Honestly, not waiting for the complete edition is kind of dumb
Why is she so cute, bros? I literally switched camps for her
im just really frustrated and disappointed that it will be split into parts, i dont want that at all, the full story and full game has already been created, and they have been talking about this for years at this point
not releasing a full product or even a 50% product on day 1 is just very frustrating
its just a child rant. They are not gonna hold too much if the game is successful and everyone is talking about it in Yea Forums
It's not contrarian to acknowledge that Square cannot make this game in a timely manner. The development will take far too long and it won't be worth the wait as a result. Nobody is going to care 10 years from now when the final chapter is sold for yet another $60.
>melodramatic advent children-esque bent to entire story
>faggot kpop character designs
>zoomer combat
if you played ff7 on release and think this is going to be good you're brain dead
Inflation and next gen prices user, it'll be closer to $70
Why should I play this when I could play RAILROAD TYCOON 3?
All of this hope, goodwill and faith is reminiscent of the hype that preceded FFXV. You guys just never learn, do you.
Square just can't do Final Fantasy anymore
>implying I bought FFXV
People bought two sequels to FF13. The story DLC trick SE pulled was in the second one, and the third still managed to sell.
at this point before ffxv release we all knew it was gonna be shit and that's not taking the leaks into account
XV had massive red flags by this point in it's development that 7R does not have
>Cyberconnect2 was working on this.
>The gameplay is just .hack//g.u.'s skill trigger system but slightly altered.
Yeah I'm pretty excited.
This. FF7 was never good and all of its seething faggot fanboys are only helping prove the point.
>This. FF7 was never good
you are both a dumb human and a retarded sheep bravo
Is it too late to get proper FF5 and 6 remakes?
>They could have done something new
every main-series final fantasy game after ff9 has been hot garbage. i'm totally fine with square just remaking one of the good ones instead of shitting out another xv.
>being excited for a small portion of a game that's been out for over 20 years
>being excited to buy the same game 3-4 times in order to get the full story
>buying modern Squeenix games
all the concept art they've shown is so comfy
>Okay so we want to remake Final Fantasy VII
>But we're gonna throw out the original gameplay entirely
>And change the plot
>And massively increase the scale of the game to the point where we have to artificially split the game into chunks
All of this effort should've been spent on an entirely new sequel, while using the assets to make a more faithful remake as a side project.
You only dislike because they changed Dante's hair Tifa's tifas.
did they really tho
I don't really know, I'm mad about them changing her glove color. I don't really want to play FF7 without turn based combat, KH and FF15 didn't do it for me.
nigger gameplay videos literally showed scenes from inside shinra hq.
having said that, its still gonna be short, like Resident evil 2 remake, gonna be max 10-15 hours.
[Nattou Mania (Sakura Shouji)] FMANIA NANA (Final Fantasy VII) [Digital]
>All of this effort should've been spent on an entirely new sequel, while using the assets to make a more faithful remake as a side project.
imagine having this shit of an opinion. Yikes.
agreed, square has done nothing but show they fuck up anything but turn-based shit
...Please. Go on. Show us all what new thing they're working on.
"Why not both?" says Square.
Yess goyim. Be excited for a game they've sliced up into four chunks! Make sure you spend enough shekels and buy Final Fantasy VII one disc at a time!
I certainly will be excited to see how depressed you get.
I don't think SquareEnix can make an interesting gameplay system anymore. I don't wanna get my hopes up for something that I'll probably get bored of half way through. That and if it's episodic it might ruin the experience by making me wait weeks or months to continue playing.
>apparently going to finish before the raid on Shinra
stop this meme
It's really suspicious how they show you what happens right before Wall Market and what happens right after Wall Market, but not Wall Market.
Maybe they should learn to quit while they're behind, or just quit.
Isn't it coming out on pc?
They can't help but hold it if it's not done. Square can't get anything done in less than 6 years, anymore.
It really seems the same to me.
how so
I dunno, it's not like FF7R was planned to be FF Versus VII.
or started on one broken in-house engine then moved to another broken in-house engine
Sorry, not into jap crap as I'm not a 400lb basement dwelling NEET.
The stop-and-go, pause-a-luscious, "hold a button while you wait to do something" combat and overly long development cycle spring to mind, and no, turning off wait mode isn't going to be viable when your combat options swell beyond the help of any shortcut menu; the power plays will require wait mode.
imagine being this retard
b e a u t i f u l
t. 400lb basement dwelling NEET
So Red's gotta show up right before the ending of part I right?
Here's your Aeristh bro
holy fuck
they already said that you fight two similar doggos when you find him
>FF fan
>calling any one retarded
>he isn't an FF fan
how gay are you bro
i know right
Stubborn retarded Japanese devs/localizers are going to fuck it up somehow. FFXV, Honey Bee Inn, insinuating that women who develop large cup sizes can't be fighters. Every time they've ported/remade a FF game, it's been shit, and this is overhyped even by FF7 standards, which I didn't even think was possible lmao
she cute and wholesome
The GBA port of FF2 was pretty solid.
I wanna tongue dat belly
cheeky grill
I liked it when she got touched by a Korean man in Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders.
Stay in denial and die mad about it
>getting excited for a game on a platform I dont nor never will own
What did he mean by this
>PS4 exclusive
Any hope it'll come to something like Xbox
I didn't wanna mis-remember which game it was and look stupid, but yeah, a few of the classics were okay. Ports have constant missed opportunities/bugs, and after the series started getting milked more they came out with shit like FF6 mobile
Never played any final fantasy game and I'm not gonna start now
but why their actually pretty fun games user
Game was dead to me with the very first gameplay reveal, the sheer fact that they changed the combat system was confirmation that it wasn't gonna be faithful to the original, and enough for me to walk away, then every reveal after that only enforced this.
FF1 was good.
I spent summer vacation of 1998 taking turns playing FF7 with a friend. We did everything and saw everything the game had to offer. I'm not excited, I've done it all before.
t. oldfag
bet you sucked his cock you fag
bet you never saw this scene or this area
Because that's glorified fanfiction pulled out of Nomura's ass to justify multiple full price releases, user...
but the writer's name is Kazushige Nojima
Yeah? Well fuck him too.
Imblying FF7 is good enough to care about it 20 years later.
I'm excited for ff7r because its like ff15 which was kino
I've bought the game 4 maybe 5 times, and still play it every two years.
That being said, the Remake can take a long walk off a short pier.
FF12 sequel was cancelled
FF7, FF8 and FF9 had PS2 remakes that were cancelled
FF13 and 13-2 both had cancelled DLC
KH0.5 was cancelled
KHs cartoon was cancelled
FF7 Gbike was discontinued after a year because no one played it
And XV was god tier
>and everyone is talking about it in Yea Forums
>implying this board is relevant to their decisions
oh no it's xv-kun
FF7R has hold to attack like xv
FF7R is chapter based like XV
FF7R has no jump button like Type0
FF7R will have no real ending until the last part in 2030
FF7R will have genesis and other compilation story content
FF7R is written by current nojima who recently wrote Tidus blowing his head off as canon sequel to FF10 story
original FF7 had 5 writers, Kitase, Nojima, Kato, Nomura and Sakaguchi
7R just has Nojima following Nomura
Nojima and Nomura toghther created the story content in Advent Children, Dirge of Cerberus, Crisis Core and Before Crisis in addition to FFX-2.5 being a joint thing between them
FF7R will have all that unfiltered nojima/Nomura cancer story shit because they have no one like Sakaguchi keeping them in check and kitase is a senile hack now
kys nigger
she loves ffxv so shes based
shoo shoo you dumb chronic shitposter
fuck off nathan
wheres the proofs
shouldn't you be over in /ffg/ spamming about lightning's ass or something
not fighting imaginary enemies here
stop seething at facts
but where is the proofs
the footage, the demos and people who played it, the credits as listed in the trailer and in interviews
nojima said he finished writing FF7R scenario back in december 2015
banora white poster can be seen in 7r
banora white aka dumbapples is a crisis core thing heavily tied to genesis
Oh, fuck no.
Shouldn't you be writing more KH fanfic and sperging out on gamefaqs like the nomura cock sucking faggot you are, nathan?
how is this proofs
where is the sources
>Kitase under the original but not the remake
also literally who is "kato" no such person is credited for writing
>credits in the trailer
I'm sorry what
march can't come soon enough
Tifa 7R combat is literally just Eight's combat from Type-0. Except Eight has actual stances that you have in combat like Wildfire/raging fire Stance or Thunderclap stance or Gale stance etc, Tifa doesn't have actual stances but Eight has the same uppercut spin, downward attack, spinning kick and normals that Tifa has and a bunch of others. Like how Tifa's Triangle attack is Omnipunch then Bash, Eight has Diamond Knuckles to Rising Uppercut on whichever button you assign the Knuckles to.
>Excited for censorship and "ethics" dept meddling
When you deny facts it just makes you seeth harder
ff7r has hold to attack
Kitase directed 7 during his peak and was a writer on it too
he's only producer on 7r letting nomura and nojima handle all story shit
>not knowing Kato
>He went on to work for Gainax, then Square. He is mostly known for having penned the script of Chrono Trigger (based on a story draft by Yuuji Horii), as well as Radical Dreamers, parts of Final Fantasy VII, Xenogears, and Chrono Cross.
The 2015 trailer lists nojima
>resounding financial and critical success of FF14: Shadowbringers just proved that people simply want a good, simple fantasy story with sympathetic characters
>somehow Nomura and Nojima still get to waste millions of yen on their batshit insane shit fiction
it's practically its own game, it's just using the plot and characters as a skeleton
Im too smart for it, user. You wouldnt understand.
so all characters or just barret
where is the proofs
I hope it spurs renewed fanfiction. There's never enough of my crackship couple, most of the best ones were written over 15 years ago now
We've all known since announcement Kazushige Nojima is a writer on the Remake why are you so caught up on affirming that? You're equally obsessed with muh hold shit too. Do you see it as another epic victory against this "Nathan" person? Bloody hell mate you're so hard to understand.
Also if you mean to bring in uncredited writers then people like Motomu Toriyama and Hiroki Chiba should be brought to attention as they too worked on the original are back for the remake
>downplaying Kitase's involvement
kek he's long since confirmed he was working on the game itself and was putting in a lot of work especially on the Shinra HQ where have you been dude
I'm stupid for wanting bastardized gameplay and writing?
this t b h
>Posts artist known for predominantly trap/shemale artwork
i have tried time and time again to get through the first and second disc of ff7 and every single time i get tired of the game and it's retard story right around when aeris dies. ff8 was better. ffx is my favorite final fantasy. their stories are much more coherent and less cringey as fuck to deal with as a whole.
FF7 was absolute garbage with a dumb and convoluted plot. This is the game that ruined Square RPGs forever. Basically turned Chrono Cross's plot into a shitshow as well. Still carries on today with shit like KH3.
These dumb motherfuckers don't realize that things don't need to be complex to be good. If I have to take fucking notes or look shit up on a goddamn wiki, you have fucking failed as a storyteller.
Well do you have a better "You're trying too hard" image?
the one with the red aliens was alright
Best pairing coming through
FF6 is the true GOAT of the FF series.
and you've yet to tell us what has this kato person actually done. I know Toriyama and Chiba were event planners. Toriyama's role is well known because of the story behind it, he wrote the wall market segment and he was responsible for Cloud even having the "cocky pose" that led to his entire character arc becoming a thing. Chiba worked on events throughout the entire game. linking to the chrono wiki of all fucking places as evidence that someone was important to a final fantasy game makes you look like a retard (I just checked and he doesn't even have a page on the final fantasy wiki)
barret is only hold
cloud is both hold or tap, holding fills ATB faster so you never need to tap and only need to hold
so it isn't hold
I love how you're taking one dude saying something as gospel, the amount of conflicting information about this is a fucking sight to behold.
>The game’s combination attacks (“combos”) have a surprising amount of depth to them. The most comparable games are Kingdom Hearts II and Dragon’s Dogma. The combos in the demo are handled with a single button, but with that one button, there are timed combos and button-hold combos. Each contains a large variety of combos and can be mixed and matched. After a few attacks, for example, I would pause and hold the Attack button, initiating a launching move, and then from there I would continue to attack with a much longer combo than if I had simply pounded the button. The depth is very appreciated, and if this game adds more combos in the vein of Kingdom Hearts as the game goes on, then the depth will be truly stunning.
>user with the concern trolling again
>If you don't like thing you're STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have to be 18+ to post here, little fagling.
when's my boi's reveal
"""Ladies""" first, tranny.
yikes dude
seeing him and the turks at tgs would be awesome
I'd be excited if it was an upscaled remake with just higher-resolution per-rendered backgrounds and models.
That already exists, Gigapixel upscaled backgrounds
Tifa’s outfit and fucked up design in general is a huge red flag.
zoomer detected
Wow nathan you're really seething because ff7r has hold to attack and nojima the hack is writing 7r
toriyama is not on 7r and neither is chiba, toriyama is busy directing and heading mobius now especially now that hamaguchi left mobius in 2018 to be co director on 7r leaving toriyama as the single main person in charge of mobius
chiba isn't on 7r either
Kitase is literally just producer on 7r just like he was producer on ff13, ff13-2, lrff13, advent children and the compilation of ff7 itself
kitase on original 7 was director and writer, he became a hack starting after ff10 where he has only been producer since then and not a director anymore
>Kato: FF7, the village where Cloud becomes a vegetable, when he falls into the lifestream, the episode of Cloud and Tifa on the dawn before the final battle, on all of those I wrote them to my own personal tastes... er... maybe I should learn to listen more to what other people tell me (laughs).
He also was responsible for majority of Tifa's story content and dialog since she was a late addition to the game
Cry to your mommy if it bothers you so much.
it is hold just like xv where you can tap or hold
>everyone is a hack
okay nathan
No it's confirmed holding does a looping 3 hit attack string that boosts ATB faster while tapping does a 5hit attack string, holding is the same as in 15 where it also has a 3 hit attack string when holding but if you tap you get 5 hit string not even counting directionals or manual finishers
I've never played an FF game ever but I might give this one a go.
Yuffie is pure
if you say so
>Its another barry makes every FF thread revolve around FFXV
Why do you niggers keep responding after so long. You do realize this nigger literally makes shit up to suit his argument, you should know this if you've ever entered any FFXV thread.
try to be civil nathan, it's unbecoming to get so worked up just because this kato guy is a hack
Keep seething Nathan.
>There's a lot of Final Fantasy XV DNA on show here, but the team has still kept the game incredibly faithful to the PlayStation original
Yuffiechads rise up
nathan we just went over this come on man it's like you're not even listening
>nathan now deflecting by calling others nathan
its ok neithnig we know you're nathan
>another name
oh barry :^)
Hey look its neithnig posting the list of proven shitposters because he's literally on that list
now that's its been discovered you're nathan aka neith you are still on full damage control
but you just said you can tap
Ok nathan
I’m saving for the Final Fantasy VII Remake: Masterpiece Edition. Until then, I’m sitting comfy with Dissadia NT.
like in 15
>turn based
no thanks
>Final Fantasy
>Tetsuya Nomura
none of these things have been an indicator for quality for nearly 20 years.
Barry thinks you have tap combat in FF15 when everyone whos played it know that game was literally designed around holding it and trying to tap it like in any other action game feels bad.
tIFa's TiTs WeRE NevEr thAT bIG!@
Yikes, what happened to your typing, user?
>Dissida NT
More like Dissidia no thanks
Seriously they had a good thing going with 012, they didn't have to turn it into a shittier Gundam VS
>tiny fake looking tits
lmao the state of dissidiafags and their dollface obsession
FF7R waa designed around holding which is why it has hold to attack as the more beneficial method of attack, XV was designed around tapping which is why it has manual finishers and directional inputs, holding is just there for scrubs like you that dont want to learn how to play properly even though it does less damage and takes longer than just tapping and doing manual finishers
>tifa was always korean looking
Kill yourself
Barret is literally only hold to attack
>korean looking
we're not talking about that uggo fan model pal
She looks like Hillary Clinton
nathan on suicide watch
based OP working these incels into a seething shoot
>the absolute state of (You)
scroll and up and look at that dissidia pic THEY ALL HAVE THE SAME FACE
FF7 is overrated piece of shit.
That would been hilarious
There's literally nothing wrong with replaying the original FF7. There's also the possibility the remake ruins the experience.
And if you're a faggot zoomer who's never played it, who cares?
this but ironically
most of your reddit list is untrue. I bet you made this when Tyrone fucked your wife in the kitchen, cuckold
Not even, it's just the Midgar part which was like a quarter of it
oh no no no no
the fuck kind of dumbass plays with their face
>People are gonna pay $60 for 1/5th of a game
>When the original costs
you're poor
Never played Final Fantasy 7.
Not going out of my way to play and overpriced remake when i can emulate the original.
Have a (you)
will they screw up best girl Elena?
what am I supposed to be seeing here
Is it just me, or does Areith look a bit psychotic in this image?
just you
The thing i'm most looking forward to with this remake is all the new cloud ntr trap porn we'll get out it
That is not a argument user
When ff7 was released, it didn't have much in the way of competition. It filled a hole that most people didn't know they wanted; a long story about saving the world and raising fucking birds. It accomplished alot with a notably shitty engine (it was decent at the time, but holy fuck did it not age well) and people were hooked. Now, with a massively increased pool of competition making their names with good rpgs and arpgs, it's hard for me to be excited about a game I'd already played years ago when new shit is coming out. That coupled with the fact that I won't be able to binge the game before getting cut short and having to wait for the next installment, at a full game price, just kills my hype for the remake. It might turn out to be really good, but I'll probably hold out until I can get the whole thing on one single price. If the dev cycle for this game holds the same course, though, I might be an old, senile, pants shitting bastard by then.
tl;dr - I have better shit to be hyped about than this nostalgia-whale baiting remake.
I'm not excited about it because they ruined Tifa.
Nothing from that generation aged well except for the 2D games like SotN
are there any mods worth getting for the original FFVII aside from the upscaled backgrounds and FMVs?
No I don't own a switch
Im just not a tard thats hyped over an over rated game thats average at best but pretends its the best cause "muh nostalgia"
Not gonna be excited until they show us Nanaki
new threat mod
Who was your main 3?
I wish I could've had Cid lead the team permanently, replacing Cloud with Cid was great while it lasted