Now that it's out, what's the final verdict on the new character models? Do the backgrounds look okay? Is it true that the CGI intro is bugged and finishes too early? Do cheats disable trophies? Should I keep Squall at level 7? Refine cards or draw magic?
Final Fantasy VIII Remaster
No one playing?
I wanna play but fuck that censorship man.
I hope Selphie's panties are still there though.
Censorship + ugly new faces, i'm gonna pass on it.
It's not really a lot of censorship. Just a covered bush and slightly less cleavage on an underage main character.
Suggesting the original PS1 faces are prettier is laughable.
did they censor edea and ultimecia?
>Its not really censorship
>Just cleaning things that don't fly anymore
Yeah okay retard.
Selphie's panties were shown in the E3 trailer.
Nope. Shiva isn't censored either. Only Siren's bush and Rinoa has slightly less cleavage.
I never said those things you quoted.
Anyone playing on Switch?
is censored there too?
literally censorship
>underage main character
She's 17
>it's not really a lot of censorship
>points out the only two things censored to demonstrate that not a lot is censored
>everybody claims he said nothing is censored
It's like people are completely fucking retarded because they want to be upset. He clearly pointed out the only two things that were censored. It won't ruin the game.
The new models are nice, but upping the resolution on a PS1 emulator seems to do better in general. The world map looks fucking gross.
Exactly, and since, as you know, FF8 is released worldwide, they gave this underage character slightly less cleavage. It won't bother anybody. Since nobody would ever masturbate to a pixel character that is underage.
>Since nobody would ever masturbate to a pixel character that is underage.
that's all right then. Gonna get this babe on ps4
I mean he was still the best looking guy at the party man
I wish to have a conversation with your parents.
hah yeah who would do that haha
>they gave this underage character slightly less cleavage. It won't bother anybody. Since nobody would ever masturbate to a pixel character that is underage.
I sure as hell didn't jack it to this back then. Surely not. Nope. Didn't happen.
It was either cover the pubes or get the M rating.
and I don't care about Rinoa (not my waifu) so they can cover her up.
Your grandmother used to be that age at one point.
Oh no, grandma was hot
The people making Kingdom Hearts were sexually repressed.
gonna be comfy
Yes, Sir, this is them. How may we help?
I would be but i can't install yet. Waiting on stream.
>going through photo albums
>find picture of great, great grandma as a pin-up model
Fucked up my chances of getting into Heaven i tell you what
Uh, Sir, we're gonna need you to calm down and point out where said "titties" are located. We will do our best to resolve this issue.
EU PS4 user here. Playing it right now. Keep calm. It's worth it. Character models look stunning (compared to the old models that is)
Quistis has never looked better.
>Quistis has never looked better.
gonna fap a lot to this game
>Keep calm
Pull up the old version and have it running side by side with the Remaster for the first few moments up until you meet with Quistis outside the Garden. Then you'll really appreciate what they've done with the new models and wonder how you ever played it with the old ones.
>I only beat 8 once
I forgot everything about the game LOL
I wish I could forget the game and enjoy it for the first time again.
>still have to wait another 12 hours for it to release on steam
Haven't played since it first came out when I was a child. Anybody want to redpill me real quick on the more intricate mechanics that I remember nothing about? junctioning and refining specifically
there's nothing to remember it's mostly memes and shit
i tried to play the original fully modded, it was so fucking bad I couldn't handle more than 2 hours of it. I was interested in this remaster, but it looks almost identical to the original modded version with slightly better character models. Hard pass. the environments are dogshit. they should have done a proper job on the entire game instead of the super lazy con job they did.
She could open my lock, if you know what I mean
Half-way through downloading it on the Switch. Just a couple more minutes and I get to play it. Favorite FF game, but I haven't played it since 2013. I'm excited to play through it with the updated graphics.
uhh, please elaborate, I don't understand what you mean
I almost feel like it would have been better if they just gave the original models higher resolution textures than redoing them. Certainly I would have preferred if they could have added a little more polygons than restart from scratch.
Nigga they were never pubes, they only look like it in the original because of piss low resolution.
Squall looks like some random dude wearing his clothes desu.
She could open my dick with her car keys
Yea Forumsros what version do I get PoS4 or Shitch?
>open my dick with her car keys
I have a new fetish.
You're not gonna get many replies because people are too busy immersing themselves in a nostalgic classic.
My grandparents got married at 13, now I cant even look at a loli without getting the death penalty, the fuck happened to this world
If anyone is playing this game for the first time and wants to know the fastest and easiest way to break it this is probably it:
>When you fight the the winged monster on top of the radio tower, draw the GF "Siren" from it
>learn the move HP-J from whichever GF you get it from, I think it might be Siren actually
>learn the move "L-Mag RF" from Siren
>buy Tents from wherever you can
>refine Tents into 100 curagas and junction to HP
>run around in yellow HP constantly
>when you get a turn spam the refresh button
>within a few seconds you'll get a limit break
Why is this game a smaller size that Final Fantasy 7?
I'm sure someone will make comparison videos soon, but I expect no difference.
I want to know if it has any music bugs or any other bugs. FF7 is best on Switch because it doesn't repeat the bgm after every fight.
3 hours in so far and it’s kinda eh, like I do so much damage compared to how much I take also how much magic can I draw?
what the fuck does refining do?
shut the fuck up onsokumaru
New limit breaks, mostly.
Don't worry about drawing magic too much. It becomes much simpler to refine magic from items. 100 of each spell per person (and of course you can just Junction Exchange all magic and GFs between people so you really only need a set of 3 of each spell)
bigger base damage and accuracy.
Gives Squall sick new Limit Breaks.
...she just got fucked by dumbo.
Quick request.
Can anybody post how the petrification effect looks on the new models? Only on females, please.
Thanks in advance. And yes, it's a fetish.
anyone know anyone playing this blind on youtube? no twitch pls
>Smudged to shit backgrounds.
>Just replace all the fonts with Arial.
>Hire a chinese sweatshop to recreate only the character models and ruin them.
>Distribute only digitally because even Square Enix realizes this is a fucking embarrassment.
I remember the outrage when the remaster of X launched and botched the faces of everyone. I don't understand how there is no reaction whatsoever about this dumpster fire. Its nothing short of an insult to every fan out there.
because no one gives a fuck about ff8 to begin with, game is so fucking boring
You act like a woman. What a drama queen bitch.
People are to busy playing the game fuck boy.
They are ps1 backgrounds blown up to higher resolution with a smoothing filter. Not the best way to do it, but they would look worse without the filter.
Haven't noticed the font change. Will look at this later.
Character models look better. This isn't Batman or FFX. Fuck off.
The other PS1 FFs are not physical either fuckhead.
go away, you are a loser who wants to manufacture outrage and tortanic drama.
lel Fags be bitching about censorship when you could literally just look up higher res porn
This is not tortanic, its a fucking 20 bucks game. The problem is: it was not advertised as that. It is in the fucking name: Remaster. And a remaster it is not. It is, as you pointed out, the same shit as the other PS1 FF's, with the adittion of ruined character models.
I'd have no problem with they completing the digital collection by releasing FF8 the same as IX and VII, as a simple re-release. But they tried to sell us this as a remastered version, same as X and XII, and that is not. It's a fucking scam.
Adding a few feathers to cover siren's pussy doesn't bother me. Who the fuck summons Siren more than once anyway? She's shit.
watched someone else play earlier and Shiva is untouched.
Junctioning is easy, just find what raises your stats the most. Usually more powerful magic is best.
NEVER draw magic besides for missable GFs, it's a waste of time. Play the actually fun card game to gain cards, and refine those using Shiva's(?) refine card skill to gain heaps of magic that will break the game.
Yeah fuck it, I"m about to start this anyway.
I really fucking miss FFVIII
I'll give it a try in a couple of months. I'm currently busy with Astral Chain
Does anyone remember the reward for beating Ifrit trial in less than 10 minutes?
>I don't understand how there is no reaction whatsoever about this dumpster fire.
Because aside from god tier music and creature design, FFVIII is weak as shit.
4:3 ??? Why???? I dont get it... Bought it for Xbox, and now a 4:3 release... Gosh
Dunno. I think it's bullshit since half lf the time it's just running from random encounters. I always choose 20 minutes
It's from 1999, nerd. 16:9 would just stretch it and make it looks like ass.
Get over it you huge gaping vagina.
the FMV's weren't remastered at all
There is a complex as fuck way the game calculates your initial SEED grade based on fire cave and dollet missions. The lower your initial mission time the better.
No other rewards but that.
If your main party isn't Squall, Zell and Irvine you are playing this game wrong.
>There will never be a FF8 spinoff/sequel where you play as Seifer, Fujin and Raijin
I guess idiots will never lean and we are doomed to repeat the same cycle over and over again
Says the retard who just repeats his tired shitposting over and over and over.
I rather a spin off of all three of them getting fucked in the ass by a car...VROOOM VROOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!
>literal proof of the same shit happening
how far are up SE ass?
Look at this loser keep going.
>i've got nothing
Not very far.
10-2 is shit
11 is shit
12 is shit
13 is shit
13-2 is shit
13-3 is shit
14 is shit
15 is MEGA shit
Dissidia is shit
world of final fantasy is shit
type zero is shit
7 Remake will be shit
16 will be shit
17 will be shit
Oh that's right. I think you even lose points for talking to npcs.
>The overworld looks like shit
>The prerendered backgrounds looks blurry AF.
>No analogue support for some stupid reason.
The new character models looks bretty good tho
Quality Yea Forums posts.
the FMVs look like ass now and they didn't even try make them look good
Who is your party then faggot?
It better not be Quistis, she's terrible.
Stop using GF's, user.
user you are confusing remaster with remake.
>Buying censored shit
>Lose a rare card in a Triple Triad game for a Trophy
LOL Who ever made these trophies up is a troll.
Yeah they didn't even edited the part where it says "Squaresoft" LMAO
What's a GF?
Nice try retard
Can anyone confirm if it has full analog movement or it is it 8 direction movement like the FF9 remaster?
There are certain rare cards you get by purposely losing certain rare cards. You can get them back later.
they are the same kind of idiots who defend treehouse censorship for years until we got the unholy abomination that was the fire emblem fates localization and they still defend that shit
No analog support on Xbone. 8 directions and a fucking "walk" button.
don't like the models, speed up on left trigger click is nice.. but I'll stay with the original on an emulator.
What a disaster. Is there horrendous lag on the world map like the FF9 remaster? What about music reset after battle?
I've played only a little, while the world map looks like fucking shit, the framerate was stable and music played normally
Chicken wuss
Not gonna give SE any money, waiting for the pirate booty.
Pig pussy
Looks clean as fuck on my Pro.
Because the pre-rendered backroundss are fixed to 4:3 you fucking retard.
Fuck you
Is it in Unity I wonder, if so uncencoring won't be a problem
Make them look like apes.
So far the only change is Siren. Who cares?
I loved doing this in KH2.
Will they change BOOYAH?
I just woke up bro, gonna have my breakfast and dig in to FF8 just like 20 years ago. I'm old as fuck I know.
Wait, her bush was exposed in the original?!
I do, since I want dem Siren napples and bush
>No analogue support for some stupid reason.
Wtf are you talking about?
It was a feathery vagina plate that looked suspect
Her head isn't fat anymore
A bush and subtle napples will do the trick even if we cant change the rig we can just alpha channel the feathers up
I love how whoever made this specifically for the topic of censorship forgot its a multiplat
the fuck's psi
Whatever i don't stare at pussy for a hour I'm to busy playing the game.
you're just a fag
meant for
Quick request.
Can anybody post how the petrification effect looks on the new models? Only on females, please.
Thanks in advance. And yes, it's my fetish.
face it people, you're not gonna get uncensored tiddy and pubes in super mainstream 2019 releases
Don't care.
>implying oneangryincel does research at all
user, that's a PS4 screenshot
there are no "multiplat" screenshots
So how’s this version superior to the original again?
How do you figure that?
FF has always been fetish fuel. Good luck on your request, user.
zoomer cancerspeak, nobody said "playstation one" in 1994
Well it's not 1994
playstation one i fucked your mom with your dad's dick.
can you petrify bosses in this game?
FF8 remaster out? Hopefully we get more Selphie stuff.
Selphie a stupid and dangerous QT, neat.
And Star Wars wasn't called Episode IV: A New Hope in 1977 either, what the fuck is your point?
>her tummy is more defined in remastered
instant buy
Steam fucked me out of playing for the next 12 hours back to new vegas and fapping in between while getting up to cum inside the a/c hole.
She's cute with her plant-like hair.
it's like saying death stranding is a "PS4 Pro game" or that super mario galaxy is a "Wii Mini game"
the playstation existed years before "playstation one"
I'm planning to play next week. Pretty busy this week. Though it's the first time for me
>cum inside the a/c hole
nigger what
........i wanna fuck your a/c hole.
If it was on PC already, I'd do it...
The moment the PS2 hit the market FF 7-9 became Playstation 1 games for the purposes of common speech. This is not a hard concept to grasp you turboautist. When people talked about backwards compat on the PS2 they said it had backwards compat with PS1 games, not Playstation games.
that's a fetish I wouldn't mind having
BASED petrifag
How much are you willing to pay?
1 dollar and a half eaten hotdog
Hey world of final fantasy was charming and engaging
>kill the spider tank for AP and best SeeD rank
>run away and get to see the cool cutscene where Quistis blasts it with a minigun
Pubes mod when, fellow PC chads?
It was very cute yes.
>Pubes mod
Get over it
obviously the cool cutscene with Quistis
You know it's going to happen sooner or later.
>mfw the original game with qhimm mods looks better than the official remaster
Oh Square Enix, you lazy money-grubbing bastards
>the new character models?
They're absolute cringe. Play the original game. PSX or emulate it, or PC without (!!) graphics mods (because those mods look really stupid).
looks like shit mate. I bet you think those terrible FF7 mods that replace original popeye models with more "realistic" ones looks good.
Problem with the new character models is they clash against everything else, especially in combat.
This user is redpilled.
jesus he looks like a babyfaced faggot
thank god im not the kind of retarded nigger to buy shitty remasters
They look better.
>Play the original game
I have, many times. It's still sitting on my shelf about 6 feet away from me.
Remaster looks good. Could have done better job with backgrounds, but it's okay. Crying that FF characters look anime is about as retarded as you can get.
Fuck off that looks like pure garbage model wise. It's been bad back in the 90s and it's still shit now.
>game still runs at 15fps
Just emulate the original. That gives you a vastly superior experience to the so-called "remaster", both visually and soul/feel wise. Also it looks better than native PSX hardware in some ways (more detailed faces etc). Pic related is the best way to do it (any other settings only degrades or muddies the graphics). If the pixels are too big for you just use 640x448 instead.
I'll play if you fix the filtered out blurry ass shitty cunt backgrounds faggot LOL
>soul/feel wise
Shove your meme up your ass.
Fact: The ORIGINAL faces look MUCH closer to the originally intended design. The so-called remastered face doesn't even have the hair right!
Wait what censorship? What was there even to change?
It was the closer you were to being correct in guessing how long you'll take.
Which you pick doesn't matter, it's more like time remaining as a percentage of what you chose or something like that.
Are you the same fuckwit who kept doing this shit in Resident Evil 2 Remake threads? You are pathetic.
Not a meme, people thought and felt and reacted that way long before Yea Forums existed. In the past we simply didn't use the word "soul".
Ruining the faces and replacing them with something awkward and retarded-looking changes the whole feel of the game. Has nothing to do with any "meme".
It still looks like shit enjoy your not polished pixels.
1999ネンらしく げんさくを プレイするのが 1ばん なんだと
That's pretty gay, but Siren isn't underage or a main character.
What else are people talking about?
Never played a RE game.
nice kuja-face
I'll take right.
>b-b-b-it's new and different, therefore it's better! and this is now canon!
>b-b-but I have to bring up a different game
Just leave loser.
The sexual majority here is 15
> t. squenix employee
Pic related is from the same scene in the game, completely different look on his face. Original on left, remastered on right -- changes the whole feel the character gives off. Call it a change in soul or whatever you want to call it, the change is feeling is there and the effect is dramatic. It's just totally off, just like:
Please, fulfill my request...
Y-you too.
Is there lots of screenshots out yet for the FF8 dumpster fire? No?
Cuck enix finally goes back to a game and not kill it with changed combat dialogue removing scenes enemy's or butchering huge amounts of the game and leaves it just how it should be (for the most part it's not perfect) and you faggots still hate it? go fuck yourselves you entitled losers
Go back to 15 or fortnite!
Made me laugh more than it should. Good on you user.
t. meme
Not a joke. Do you mind posting pictures of any girls in the Remaster turned into stone?
Right looks x10 better but lighting fuck off lol.
The music's wretched but the quality of the visual aesthetic is fine
All this shit is pretty rough, but the real sin and shame is that some fucking how, 99% of the """remastered""" soundtrack sounds worse than 2000's era PS2 MIDI shit
how exactly does one fuck this up?
Hiding in the pub so you neither get to kill it nor get to see the cutscene and also get another team of students killed
>another team of students killed
Fuck em.
You can do that?
Yeah it kills your test score at the end too so it's basically worthless
Nope fix your blur faggot.
Is there a physical release for the switch or is it eshop only?
Help a bro in need, please.
kill it since im min max fag and i've seen the quistis scene 100000 times
>Remastering = Diffusion filter
wait what the fuck is that music
Guys guys GUUUUUUUUUYSSSS!!! I made it perfect.
Gonna be a "yikes" from me
They just gotta hide those scary pixels from people. They know there are millions of people who think visible pixels = baaaaaaaaaaad, and won't buy the game if they see any.
Squenix would be proud of you.
There is a difference between polished pixels and shit pixels.
I'll take left.
>Square Enix
>spending money on a physical release
How can this even be real
Whoever buys this shit is part of the cancer
Why are you guys mad at Square-enix trying to avoid an M rating? It's not their fault that rating boards have gone full retard in the past 20 years.
I wanna lick her tummy kiss her thighs and smell her feet
Just fuck off already you miserable old cunt. Fucking hell.
They caved in to whining SJWs that hold no power until you give them power
who is "they"
the final fantasy men
It's not about SJW's, though, it's about ratings. I didn't hear anyone complain about FFVIII being problematic. They covered up the bush and Rinoa's tits to avoid an M rating in a game that was probably really close to it already considering the topics it covers.
This Quistis card is a BITCH to get wtfffffffff
I guess I'll just wait
I never cared about cold pussy anyways.
It doesn't even matter because you are supposed to do the quiz test in the menu to max out your SEED rank regardless of the starting rank
Finally got 10,000 kills and 1000 skips in IX. Thank Christ they reduced VIII's kills in the remaster
Get some better cards first. From memory the guy at the front gate has some good ones
but they caved in to cero
cero has power unfortunately
You can actually kill it?
My fucking childhood i want it back now
Does this one have the no leveling trophy?
I dare you to put a bullet inside my asshole!
Maybe it will get a warmer reception this time, since the chronologically proximate bar for measuring Final Fantasy games is now XIII and XV rather than VI and VII.
Not him but in the day i got the habit of farming Shumi cards by transforming the Grats in the training center
Shumi early in the game are solid cards
I kind of want to play but the gameplay is so fucking shit. I hope someone makes a mod that makes the game more challanging.
Gigapixel > waifu2x
Even though Gigapixeling the backgrounds looks a lot better than the blurry mess that is the remaster, I still prefer the original to to this and simply sitting further away from the monitor. AI upsizing, even when it manages to look good still has some pretty odd artifacts and makes some details look strange.
>he hasn't known that since at least the year 2000
Is it out already in the high seas?
I agree.
6h for the pc version
Why are you replying to a tripfag you newfags?
>dialog implying two characters had the sex off screen has been removed.
Should I get it on PS4 or PC?
Why is the analogue control fucked? 8 thought I was doing something wrong because Squall is always running.
Whatever you want dude but FFVIII was already on PC
Removing your trip doesn't mean I won't realize it is you.
You can get an username on reddit, why don't you go there?
Sticking my dick in stone would hurt son i mean imagine the chaffing!
haa shit havnt laughed this hard in days
All the ffviii remaster hype convinced me to grab the original off the shelf for a play through, glad I still have a crt setup for my old consoles.
>it's censored trash
>Playing a shit version
Pretty damn good. The game runs fine and keeps all the nostalgic things there.
>Oh no i can't see a pussy now MY LIFE IS RUINED!
Get over it you huge gaping vagina.
I recognize that screenshot anywhere. That's Tsunade right?
This one actually has a lot of soul.
i really don't care about the "censorship". these people need to shut the fuck up. it has nothing to do with the gameplay or anything, and it literally doesn't even make your dick hard. i have seen everything in games, and i would always rather jerk off to fanart or porn. it's literally just an anti-sony hivemind thing and it's fucking annoying. no one cares bitch
N-NO! i um you see uh mm
*sweats everywhere*
cute and shit
still shit
Your taste gets more terrible each line
your shit
I dont think its censorship but a stylistic change
Selphie panties are still in
shut the fuck up
It's literally censorship you literal cuckhold.
Nobody cares as soon as it on steam i'm going to play.
you smell like shit, look like shit, and your taste is shit
Nobody cares what you do it's still censorship.
>Oh no i can't see pussy
Yea ok buddy LOL
Shitty mc shit shit
She looks better now so I dont care
Good discussion
>Good discussion
>Discussion on Yea Forums
>not using Degenerator Limit Break
ff7 is inferior
>ff7 is inferior
I already knew that picture, but thanks anyway!
Ff7 is the most overrated game of all time. It's dogshit. If you like it then you like dogshit lol.
>Ff7 is the most overrated game of all time. It's dogshit. If you like it then you like dogshit lol.
>final fantasy 7
go back to redit
cope harder spic ff7 is still dogshit
Post remastered Shiva
>>final fantasy 7
go back to zoomerville
>cope harder spic ff7 is still dogshit
*Internal laughing*
stay mad dirty spic
>stay mad dirty spic
Why do people like 7? It's a ok game and nothing more.
Are you done yet?
Redit likes it.
>Redit likes it.
>Implying i didn't didn't like it before reddit was a thing
Zoomers LOL
spics aren't people
>I wanna play but fuck that censorship man
Pampered vagina. First world problem loser.
People aren't people
It's like the 4th best game in the franchise.
I played FFVII remastered this spring with limit form and 3x speed on (except for important parts) and I still really enjoyed it. Plan to do the same with VIII.
I'm ready for Yea Forums's hate
yeah but final fantasy is a mediocre franchise
>It won't ruin the game.
It's already shit, that's why
>It's already shit, that's why
FFVIII is fucking trash. Lame, obnoxious characters, dumbass battle system, stupid plot twists. It's all style and no substance. That's what happens when you give Kitase & Nomura the keys.
>FFVIII is fucking trash
at least better than vii
Those backgrounds really do look shit.
>game's plot is stuck forever in a timeloop and you can't change shit with your actions
8 is better than ANY modern final fantasy.
Peepee poopoo hahaha
This desu
I want to get it but I'm currently still playing FE, started Astral Chain, Gun Gun pixies is out this week and I know FF8 is a pretty long game especially with all the drawing needed to make it playable. Also unsure if I should wait to see if a physical version comes out
>8 is better than ANY modern final fantasy.
That's not saying much, people know that after IX, every FF except Lighting Returns is a turd.
This i'm just killing time till it's on steam.
>look at me I'm so contrarian I hate FF7
Original release despite the primitive visuals Squall does look like the actor he was based on new faces are just some generic anime shit
>except Lighting Returns
It's shit
Wow, I was ready to tell you it was just nostalgia talking, but the new one sounds much worse. All the instruments are at max volume, sounds like they're playing independently and just got mushed together.
Tri Ace can't do no wrong user, gameplay is top notch and I don't care about the story if that is the case.
>gameplay is top notch
t. burger
thanks... doc?
>loudness war hit video games too
FFVII is fucking trash. Lame, obnoxious characters, dumbass battle system, stupid plot. It sucks in general.
Damn, I almost bought this. Thanks again 4chins!
There won't be a physical version, so just get it now.
Looks like a clam
>Playing anything past 10
noooo don't remind me
This user is quite literally correct
That's just inside of the rear of the skirt
>Character models look better. This isn't Batman or FFX. Fuck off.
uhm no they dont
uhm yes they do
To any bacterial markets ITT I didn't buy this game because of censorship.
Squall doesn't look like River Phoenix anymore as Nomura envisioned so its shit.
squall looks more anime and way younger
the level scaling is still in so I will pass on this until it's on sale.
I am going to disagree with:
>10-2 is shit
>12 is shit
>13 is shit
>13-2 is shit
>13-3 is shit
they were okay
>Dissidia is shit
NT? Yes. Everything else? They were good.
>world of final fantasy is shit
I will fight you
>type zero is shit
story locked behind NG+ and benched party members not gaining EXP, it was fine
KH3 wasn't great but it was better than FF15 (which is not saying much)
Nomura can suck my ass.
>FF character looks anime
no shit. FF8 is the most anime of them all as well
>I am going to disagree with
>no shit. FF8 is the most anime of them all as well
have you seen cloud? squall is supposed to look like 17 in the remaster he looks like 14 tops
>he looks like 14 tops
Boom Roasted!
Aside from the bad faces, how is the FFX remaster?
rent free
Downloaded it last night before going to bed. Just got off work now and I'm finally getting some time to play through it. I hope it's as good as I remember when I was a kid, I'm already getting massive nostalgia vibes
Good unless your a zoomer.
Absolutely cringe and bluepilled.
Absolutely cringe and blackpilled.
Is there anything extra in the remaster? After seeing how shit it looks, I'll probably just emulate it or use the old steam one with music mod.
>After seeing how shit it looks
Whatever vagina.
built-in cheats. That seems to be it.
It takes the language of the console. Not my fault. I live in Japan so I try to keep everything I have set to the local region language anyway and it's good practice regardless.
>kh3 was better
No it wasn't you cum stain, especially when its the best ff and jrpg in over 20 years
Does it have that dumb chocobo world thing? If someone has only played the NA PSX release then that is something sorta new at least
I don't believe so. It also has a 3x fast forward.
I hate Squall and Rinoa's models in the remaster. Have they lost the ps2 tech demo models too? Those would had been great
Go back unpolished shitty low res pixels fuck boy LMFAO!
It somehow looks worse than the ps1.
>It somehow looks worse than the ps1.
Why would I pay money for the remaster when I can play it for free on Retroarch with superior character models and less background blurring?
that looks like shit and worse than remaster
you must actually be blind if you think that the remaster is better
Holy shit, my eyes.
side by side comparison
Can you finally fuck Quistis? Otherwise, I don't care.
Left looks better.
get an eye examination user, I'm not kidding
it literally looks worse
I got this right at midnight and its disappointing. The models are decent but apply an anime edge to it. There is no voice acting like people were reporting and the backgrounds are blurrier and sometimes contain in it photos of previous models they didn't want to render. And what's the point of a remaster if you aren't fixing the resolution? The game extras like 3x speed and no random encounters togglable are the only big pluses.
those model look great, shame current enix is dogshit
>no voice acting like people were reporting
I want to play it, but I think I'll wait for Christmas sale
Blurry Fantasy 8
Holy shit the blurring is real. This user wasn't joking:
That's what I heard months back was reported, m8.
>someone on Yea Forums
I read articles months back m8. I'm not that upset about it though.
Backgrounds are fine as long as you keep in mind you’re playing a 1999 game at a larger resolution. The character models look more like their artwork counterparts than CG movie models. Battle system is untouched for better or worse. I never played VIII back in the day and I’m having a blast now, everything looks and plays smoothly so far, it’s a decent job or bringing back a classic without removing or altering anything significant. If you want to fap to Siren’s bird pubes, the original PS1 version is still there though.
I just wish you could make Squall wear his SeeD uniform whenever you want. That was always something I wished was in the original game.
Games good, at least
So i’m early in the game but is the story in this game not great? like it isn’t generic by any means but it’s just boring and everyone already seems to just know eachother
Yeah, agreed, I wish you could actually unlock more outfits for every character late in the game
>The character models look more like their artwork counterparts
No they don't they're copied from Dissidia
It's way better than dumb shit like talking dogs and toy moogles/cats
I’m liking it so far, it’s much better than most generic JRPGs out there
Not even Square-Enix can match the quality of their own 1990s games these days
that doesn’t tell me anything about the story
>Should I keep Squall at level 7?
To make it more challenging? Or because you believe that would make the game easier? if the latter, then you must have fallen for the "no point in leveling up because enemies level with you" meme (which is a very new meme - nobody thought or said so since the games release until last year).
Level the fuck up and junction some powerful shit to your STR, and you'll be overpowered in no time. It's absurd how overpowered you can get in FF8. Make your characters strong as fuck and rely primarily on limit breaks - keep their HP in yellow and/or cast Aura or use Holy War etc. At the higher levels with the proper junctioning you can even get some sort of instant-death effect on enemies, they just turn red and disappear without any damage displayed.
Neither does FFVIII
>The game extras like 3x speed and no random encounters togglable are the only big pluses.
which makes no sense because the game already has a "no random encounters" option
It gets silly but that is the standard with FF. My only recommendation would be to have Rinoa on the party for few extra details.
If you access your computer in the classroom and check most of its stuff you get some background info too.
Play it for yourself then you ungrateful pile of shit
>11 is shit
sure thing zoomer I'm sure you played it when it came out 17 years ago.
>playing remaster
>trying to cheese the Ifrit mission for maximum SeeD points
>wait for timer to run down in the post-battle menu before you get to name him
>exit the menu after timer ran out
What the fuck? Did they change it?
boom boom
Of course they know each other. Your at a military academy.
Very fucking blurry
The censorship isn't too bad but it's on principle that I cannot purchase it
It's way too fucking blurry to enjoy
Hard pass. Can't believe people like this shit.
>”dude just waate 50+ hours of your life and find out lmao”
Guessing since no one defended the story it must be fucking shit.
gonna go back to three houses I guess
Are you saying you want her to hold the key to your chastity cage, user?
>what the fuck, where's my ingame porn I'm gonna kill myself they removed a pixel woooooooow
>The character models look more like their artwork counterparts
It's the exact opposite. They now (in the remaster) look as far away from the original official artwork as possible.
Nice nazi picture faggot
>Backgrounds are fine as long as you keep in mind you’re playing a 1999 game at a larger resolution.
They straight up look worse than PS1.
>The character models look more like their artwork counterparts than CG movie models.
They do not. This is the same retarded argument people made for FFX.
OH NONONONONONO Thank god I still have the at least original Version on Steam and thank god for emulator. Holy shit how pathetic.
I wonder why they don't use this ai upscale thing. The models look so disgusting too.... sad
Hey man, it might be later today, but I'll get some pictures for you. I respect your fetish
Can someone point out to me where it says on squenix's report that they're in $1B dollars in debt?
Everyone has been saying they're in $1B in debt and I can't read a financial report to confirm this. Could the FF7 remake really make them go broke? Please respond
He lost a bang? You do realize both are Nomura.
This is why modders need to tackle this shit. The remastered models may not be to everyone's preference, but AI upscaled backgrounds done right blows all of Square's efforts to shame. And we can upscale their FMVs too.
Every bussiness worth their salt is in debt, debts arent bad dumbass
hahahaha I fucking knew it was going to be like this
update the main character models
then update some of the other battle models
let everything else fall by the fucking wayside
>Could the FF7 remake really make them go broke?
That would be hilarious. They deserve it. Hope they sell the FF brand to someone who cares.
Hell, even Capcom or Sega would probably do better stuff with it these days.
Welp, guess I'm pirating it then.
Because they're going to re-sell the game again. If retards bought this one they'll for sure buy an AI upscaled one.
Gaming is fucking dead, people keep supporting shit like this.
It's a lot more than just "losing a bang". Squall is 17 and the original Squall looks /at least/ 17, slightly older actually. The remaster Squall looks 13 at most. Zell looks 10 years old in the remaster.
One is old Nomura, the other is nu-Nomura. nu-Nomura is a very strange guy.
So they just gave Squall a babyface and blurred the shit out of every background. Impressive as usual SE.
Nu Nomura made TWEWY so I prefer him
So what I'm getting from all this is that I should just play the original version on my PS3 (faster load times) on a CRT?
They look much younger, I don't like it...
>rinoa's cleavage
That one really pisses me off. First of all, what Rinoa had could barely be called cleavage; she has a modest bust, and she isn't wearing a push-up. It's just a slightly low-cut shirt. Secondly, her outfit isn't risque by any standards outside of the Middle East. Real middle and high school girls wear way more revealing clothing. There was no need to cover her up whatsoever.
Normalfags with no taste killed it. I miss the times when I was getting weird looks for playing games. Same people are now playing fornite and other garbage flavor of the month games 24/7.
I mean it does seem like they reworked most models, though no one really posts NPCs amusingly enough so they may not have gotten improved much if at all, but everything else was just absolutely lazy. I wonder how much effort they actually put into this "remaster" besides the new models.
What the hell is up with his hair?
Ff7 is my second favorite ff after 6 I havent played it in like a decade though should I
new threat mod
What's most infuriating is that the shilled press and normies will eat this shit and praise it. Such is the state of this industry.
Is this black magic?
There was a really good documentary a few years ago talking about all SE's blunders and how the company was literally about to go under but FF14 saved it.
FFXV brought it down into the dumps and that is why they are resorting to FF7R, their trump card.
If it fails the company will probably be fucked and honestly they deserve it.
This is because a backgrounds shouldn't be 100% sharp, clear, and in focus; this isn't how eyes or depth of field work.
The OG backgrounds are blurry enough to
be out of focus, but not so much that they are smeared messes.
I meant ff8
The real big problem with this remaster, and previous modern ports, is that the characters are too high-definition compared to the backgrounds. Nothing makes FF7 feel more dated than seeing the popeye people super clean and sharp on top of blurred backgrounds, and FF9 made its characters even higher quality in assets yet they suffered the same problem. The backgrounds may not need to be the focus, but if your cast look like they're from a parallel fucking universe laid over top, it clashes horribly and just fucks everything.
Petrifag here. Post them in Yea Forums or in /vg/ if you want. Thank you very much.
When was the last time you put your head outside your basement?
thanks teacher
Ff xv made its money back in release, you dumbasses dont understand how business work. That the game is bad it doesnt mean it makes no money.
Keep telling yourself that Barry.
You do realize SE is a massive company that is also a publisher to a shit ton of games? This is not an indie company that goes under when a game flops (And XV didnt)
I didnt say the game was good faggot
KH3 didn't flop either.
Why do my GFs have HP? Like how do they lose HP? I just summon them and they do their attack, so how can they ever lose hp?
You do realize a lot of them are blunders right? It's a downward spiral, every failure removes more and more consumer interest.
Idiot shitposter.
When you are summoning they shield you with their hp iirc
XV sold like 10 millions and KH3 like 5, how thoss are blunders jesus christ I need to stop coming to these threads.
Excuse me, sir. I work for SquareEnix and would like to speak to you about a possible job opportunity...
You can summon GFs? I thought they're just for junctioning?.
>open picture
>rub eyes
Compare the world map.
50 remasters in and the only good ones are Kingdom Hearts games for some reason.
XV had a massive multimedia marketing campaign on top of it's long dev time, an ungodly amount of money was spent on that property.
why don't brainlets understand ff viii?
Serious question
FFX remaster looks like a chubby tidus
ps2 tidus is best tidus
And their financial reports marks it as a sucess with a shit ton of copies sold, money back.
Was it the mass media hit they expected? No. Did it made its money back? Yes
im literally having a boner these fmvs look fucking amazing
That is not a success.
did they remove the blood in the intro sceene
ff8 was the only one with blood in it
I got nostalgia goosebumps. I wonder how incompetent SquareEnix is, that they can not do stuff like this.
8 chan was such a paradise for discussions and in depth exchanges I can't believe the jew took it out...
Im so fkn mad that I have to go back to this shithole.
yeah FF after this one felt so... rushed? i liked ff8 because of the normal proportioned people, they felt realistic (as much as can be)
"it's just a little censorship"
I beat omega weapon the first time I played this when it was new by learning his pattern and having everyone summon GFs to take the hit from terra break, thought I was real smart
but you're the one defendning a shit tier remaster
>Fighting for corporations that scam their customers and censor art
>Doing it for free
This but unironically.
It's nothing.
More like FFVIII Demastered, amyrightguys
you were real smart. gj user!
I wouldn't care if the face looked better
less than hour to steam release
Removing some tiddys and pussy isn't a big deal. who cares about that in a video game?
I always thought it was a seashell. Fuck I was so innocent back then.
You are right user.
and you're the one crying over some pixel bush
Jesus unironically have sex
PS4 here. Been playing since yesterday.
I hope to at least see a "Overwhelmingly Negative"
>paying for a shitty demaster
kill yourself asap
Never said that and would rather kill myself than buying it.
Go ahead tranny
what the fuck
Waiting for the eventual model swaps on the Switch version if they happen at all. I know I could be emulating but 3x speed boost is a good treat.
good. I don't know how after 15 years of resounding
>don't pre order
>wait for reviews
dumb zoomers still fall for marketing.
New thread here:
I think you should learn to read.
I think trannies would love to buy this shit so they can self insert into these kingdom hearts models.
Just got the MiniMog card from the running boy in Balamb Garden
It is sad
Both look like shit. But the remaster's out of focus backgrounds beside the very in-focus character models literally hurts my fucking brain. Original, unmodded, FF8 on a CRT unironically looks better than both of these.
That looks like fucking shit. The image keeps breaking and blurring
hacked switch master race
>casual options that literally make the game look bad and negate actual in-game systems and gameplay rewards
>big pluses
Just kys.