>made a fortnite account a long time ago because some friends wanted to play it
>haven't touched it in well over a year
>still getting security alerts
I'm glad I wasn't dumb enough to give this company my credit card info.
Made a fortnite account a long time ago because some friends wanted to play it
Using a email based login was a mistake
Same, but for paragon.
Seething steamdrone making shit up
Who do you think you're fooling?
>2 RNB was added to your Mi Credit account
How convenient that all that information that could corroborate this story is blacked out
I heard they send those to try and get you to install the launcher.
>american education
>telling people not to look at something
How Chinese.
The Epic defense force is here
So obviously made up
How would his name and password reset code corroborate anything?
Cope harder mutt sorry you 7000 shitty pixel games you'll never play are now worthless
>self doxing on v
i get these gay alerts every week or so even after i change my password to some 15 character randomly generated code and i've had 2fa on ever since they added it, which tells me they trigger password resets even if the thieving slav on the other end isn't actually guessing your password.
>ad hominem, followed by non-sequitur nonsense about some imaginary games somehow losing value
Okay shill.
So is everyone conveniently forgetting the times steam passwords got leaked because it doesn't fit the mutt narrative
> use pwned email\pwd
> dont enable 2fa
I wonder what could happen.
Are you and the other shills in this thread forgetting that no one mentioned Steam until you revealed its rent-free living arrangement in your head?
Sorry I forgot it was work hours in china, I'll make this thread again later when you're in bed
Happened to me as well with steam a few years ago, if you care enable 2FA if you don't just set the email as spam, that's it
>only chinese people are smart enough to see through my lies
Why would the chinese be on a japanese website?
Have sex
>I'm glad I wasn't dumb enough to give this company my credit card info.
but you were dumb enough to log in through facebook. that was the exploit. HAHAHAHA
This absolutely desperate denial from obvious shills is the most convincing evidence that OP's image is not fake at all. The thread barely got off the ground before it was flooded with your butthurt hysterics.
>implying they get to sleep
Cope with what? You need more practice with English memes, Chang.
> (You)
> (You)
> (You)
> (You)
>This absolutely desperate denial from obvious shills is the most convincing evidence that OP's image is not fake at all. The thread barely got off the ground before it was flooded with your butthurt hysterics.
Cope with how shit your store is lmfao
Hm. I should have known it was just one mentally ill retard.
GOG? Nah it's pretty good.
ban phoneposters when?
>signed up for two step authentication
>never got a security alert
feels good not being a retard
Holy shit so much butthurt in this thread
I cannot even imagine the absolute state of being a brand loyalist.
>giving chinks your phone number
>phone number
I think you mean they email a code to the email you already gave them when making the account
your probably gonna get banned
one of the jannies is pro chink and deletes the tiananmen pastas
Based and free speech pilled.
>implying I had to
Steamies = brainlets
How is the chink still in this thread after accidentally revealing that he was samefagging?
Are they really that shameless? I would've just closed out at that point.
>b-b-but chinks!
Or maybe I'm not a gabe cocksucker like yourself
Enjoy seeing the Epic Store grow and become the market leader. It's just a matter of time :v)
Being that socially retarded is more embarrassing if you're not a chink, not less.
You're projecting, steamie
How is saying that getting caught samefagging and then just continuing to post in the thread is socially retarded projecting?
Do you even know what projecting is? It's not following a clear line of logic, that's for sure.
Steamie it's time to cope.
Quite a familiar situation.
Created my account back in the day to mess around with UE4 and UT4. Everything was okay.
Then Shitnite BR mode dropped and my email started getting spammed with this shite.
Deleted my accout since I don't have any plans on using shitty UE4 for my gamedev needs and UT4 has been dead even before it got frozen on December 2018.
Consider doing the same OP. There's no value to be lost whatsoever.
>be a smooth brain that reuses passwords
>be surprised your shit gets hacked
You chinks are nothing but insects to me, you all need to be killed.
Funny how it's only epic games accounts that are having this problem.
>be a chink spamming same shit on Yea Forums for months
>be surprised when someone's seeing easily through your cover
no one bothers to hack steam accounts because no one wants pixel indie trash anyway
How dare you bumping this anti-Epic thread?