Hows that game coming along? You want to be able to quit your shitty job and live your dream of making money from video games right? Gotta start working on that game!
Indie Dev thread
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I'll do it later, of course. It can wait just one more day.
working on promo stuff for kickstarter
I don't even have a shitty job.
>player sprite is top down view
>house sprite is front on view
looks neat though.
anyone know where to look for how to make a dialogue system? want to setup one where portraits appear and such like most handheld games, so like Fire Emblem or such
>mfw I made 5 different sprites
>Mfw I hand drew them
>Mfw I animated an idle, jump, and 2 attack animations for them
>Mfw I created 90% of the assets
>Mfw I stopped because my coder bailed at last second when I had everything done
how do i into code?
Depends on what engine. I switched to Gadot from Unity, it takes a minute to get into Gadot. After some tutorials and help online I figured out a lot already. Just takes SO MUCH FUCKING TIME FUCK.
your pic depicts exactly where i am up to the state part
Game is coming along fine. As in, I'm making progress. I already know nobody will want to play it, and if by some miracle someone does download it, the unfixable clunky mechanics and boring enemies will make them stop playing immediately.
explain generics and functional delegates plz
tell me about your game
no u~
hope no one plays your game, retard
check out a drag'n'drop engine such as gamemaker or construct if you don't want to spend time on learning actual code
It'll stay as an idea in my head forever.
Exploration or combat?
Well I hope someone does play his game, and your game as well, so there
no one can play my game if I don't actually make one, checkmate retard
I'll start tomorrow, for real this time ahaha
I don't know much about this and decided to fiddle with it because of one game i played but i hardly have the ambition to continue
you sure showed me :^)
Yo wheres this Indie Dev Discord I heard about?
And I'm trying user, I'm damn well putting in the time. Hope your doing well with your own!
I'm not spoon feeding you. There's Google and tutorials all over the internet including Gadot website
Got the new camera/flight system in, just ironing out the kinks with that.
I've made a prototype in game maker and click team fusion. Clickteam is absolutely garbage and gamemaker isn't actually to bad but not a lot of functions and for some reason I'm always limited on what I want to do
kek I wasn't even the user making a game that you replied to
You learn code by coding, no other way.
I am also interested in this. All the Unity tutorials I'm seeing are using the premade tools but I want to know how to code it in with C#
Look one up on GitHub, but I'd suggest getting proficient enough to program one yourself instead of shoehorning in someone else's code.
Havn't checked /agdg/ in a while but your game still looks soulful
yeah but like where do I start? it seems like whenever I try I'm bombarded with assumed requisite knowledge. should I do what that pasta says and start with logic and machine language and all that? because when i encounter stuff i don't know i obsess over it and can't proceed any further
Look I've tried using other resources and the concepts still don't make sense. There's no need to be an ass about it
Sounds like a simple thing to program if you know your way with coding
have you ever uses a List / Map / Hashset / Dictionary? those are the most common uses of generics. its denoted by a letter in angle brackets like ''. T represents a class type that can be substituted for different things at runtime. For example, you can declare List and List, they both use the same List class, but when you interact with them, one gets and set strings, and the other ints. Generics can also be used on a per function basis. In Unity, the most common example is gameObject.GetComponent() where T is the class type of the component you want. (T can actually be any old symbol, but most people use 'T' because it stands for Type. similar to how for loops usually declare the iterator as 'i').
function delegates are sort of like you are assigning a shortcut name to a any function that uses the same inputs and outputs. The use of this is you can start passing these functions around as variables. example (not super practical, but its what i came up with):
public delegate int CalculatorFunction(int x, int y);
public int Add(int x, int y) { return x + y; }
public int Multiply(int x, int y) { return x * y; }
public void OnButtonPress()
CalculatorFunction func;
if (doMultiply)
func = Multiply;
func = Add;
DoMath(func, x, y);
public void DoMath(CalculatorFunction func, int x, int y)
var result = func(x, y);
Debug.Log("result = " + result);
finished my game
it's ok
good cpp resource guides?
Same thing happened to my game
>stressed over it
>was passionate about it
>got someone to playtest it
>released it on time
>ultimately the game was fundamentally fucked, obtuse and not fun
>6 months later, 18 views, 1 download
I didn't expect much else being a literally who dev and zero advertising, but now I know why posts from game devs read like suicide hotline call transcripts
start small, very small. write something like a 4 function calculator or something. (don't be this guy:
Start with an easy language with simple syntax like python, there are many tutorials out there on the interwebs to get you started, "Invent with python" is good for beginners. Once you get the hang of it, you can apply your newly learned skill to any other language
where was it released?
what's with all the flying particles? makes it look like you are flying underwater or something
Space dust is good dust.
finished redrawing the spell cards today
just need to do the fusion ones now
I have experience with programming in general, but I've never made a game before. I've been learning OpenGL these past few weeks so I thought I'd just make an engine myself.
What are some good practices when making engines? So far I just made a bunch of managers/systems to handle things for me (RenderMan, AudioMan, PhysicsMan, InputMan, AssMan, MapMan, etc) but they're still nothing more than blank text files working as a checklist. The only thing I'm keeping in mind right now is to keep the cache happy, use composition over inheritance, and all that basic jazz.
I want to believe I have the right idea about how I should approach this.
Bro you are a godsend. Thank you so much
if you can do art you're already in a better position than a programmer would be. you can learn enough code to get going in a few months even going at a brainlet pace. art takes years and no guarantee of talent
>So far I just made a bunch of managers/systems to handle things for me (RenderMan, AudioMan, PhysicsMan, InputMan, AssMan, MapMan, etc)
That's the right way to do it
Then you tie them all together with a generic "entity" system
Don't fall for the ECS scam because it's stupid
I recommend you have a base entity which has pointers to basic optional components (transform, physicsBody, renderableObject, physicsObject, etc) and then you can optionally extend that entity class to make more specific entities or just assemble entities out of components
Tailor your engine to a specific genre that you want to make
Trying to make a general purpose engine is a huge waste of time and will inevitably lead to optimization issues
>undertale comes out
>rave reviews
>people say how many clones theres gonna be
>4 years later
>0 clones
so uh.. what happened?
well, there are about a billion different ways to solve this (like most software engineering problems), but the way I see it, there are 3 main pieces to this feature: display (how does text and images display on the screen?), input (how do you progress the text?), and data storage (where do the text and images come from).
1) display: we know we want to display 2D images, and we probably want them on top of all the 3D things, so the UI layer is a good place to do the rendering. I'd make a canvas / panel integrated into whatever existing UI frameworks you have that can open and close on command. in this panel, we need a text box, and 1+ blank images for characters portraits. then write a script with functions that take in text and sprites and set them to the appropriate places (add fancy stuff like animations later).
2) input: since we're on the UI, we can just use the UI input system to process clicks to move forward. hook up a button in the script that calls the function mentioned in #1 with different sets of sprites/data.
3) data: there are lots of ways to go about this, if you really want to support a bunch of data i'd go with a database approach. but if the concept of having a library or database of "game data" or "static data" is out of your scope, you could just serialize out a bunch of stuff in the aforementioned script above in an array, and use an internal counter to treat each index in the array as a "page" so to speak.
Thanks dude. Nobody ever really wants to talk about the specifics so this helped a lot.
unreal or unity
First, get a standard calculus text and dive in. You should also get linear algebra and discrete math books as well; make sure the discrete text is proof based.
Once you're a couple chapters in to your discrete book (you will want to have covered basic proposition and higher order logic, and basic proofs), you may begin learning programming and computer architecture. As a litmus test, if you don't know what this statement is
you aren't ready to take the reins of a computer.
Now, forget what you do know about computer programming:
First, you learn boolean logic operations
then, you learn transistor logic
then, you learn how to build functional units from logic gates
then, you learn CPU design
then, and only then, you learn assembly language
then, after you have mastered assembly language (not dabbled, but mastered it), you learn C
then, after you have mastered C, you may learn the higher-level languages of your choice, but you will always use C and assembly as your primary languages because everything else is unnecessary bloat.
By this time you should be finished with your first wave of math and ready for the next: abstract algebra, analysis, multivariate and vector calculus, and, after you have progressed a way in those, topology.
Finally, you become familiar with topoi, and study the internal logic of categories
then familiarize yourself with (general) type theory, and its applications to programming. I also recommend studying how to reformulate mathematics in terms of globular categories for use in automatic theorem proving, because there is an inherent programming-like 'feel' to it.
well. its ugly (but that doesnt mean outright bad, it depends if the rest of the design of the game supports those visuals as they are), the main fuck up there is that none of the images gives a good idea of what it is, the description is vague on the actual gameplay, and there is no video or even gif.
Give the player an idea of what it actually is, its important, nowadays a lot of shit is free and out there, you have to justify the player wasting time to even read your page, so yeah, make him believe that downloading could be worth his time.
I've lost hope. I got the characters, but I can't settle down on a gameplay
Link it or you're a fag
I write novels to try and do this, an even less realistic dream. It’s even worse that it’s autistic fantasy that I spend literally days drawing maps for.
Nice. Off to a good start I guess.
I looked up ECS a while back, and the libraries I saw used too much template magic and memory management tricks. I'm probably better off trying to get somewhere than replicating that. Though the contiguous memory access looks delicious.
Right now I'm just thinking of making a megaman clone, so it's really just a platformer I have in mind. It doesn't look like I'll have to do much tailoring, but I can see it being a problem if I try to do 2D and 3D at the same time. Which I won't, of course.
Most of the assets are ready. Just gotta get the HUD and program made and can get the proof of concept finished.
Post maps then faggot
programming done*
Man, I am tired.
this is such a dumb copypasta, I wish people would stop posting it. I've been a gamedev for 8 years and i have no fucking clue what that greek letter crap is.
linear algebra / advanced math crap is only relevant when writing physics stuff.
low level languages are nice to know to give you background on how to optimize games, but whats the point if you have nothing to optimize?
Please be nice.
Finished this dude here, but im not sure its a fun one. Still gonna have to try it out in a normal combat.
I feel like he takes too fucking long to be killed and the stuff he shoots doesnt feel that dangerous but at the same time too present.
I think Im gonna make each shield thing have less health, less of them, the exposed part die faster too.
Then make his pause between bursts longer, while the explosion radious of each little bomb be bigger, so that when he fires the player must be careful but it isnt something that is happening all the fucking time.
I had the exact opposite problem. Made a bunch of programmer assets, made the basic mechanics and some various shit, artist never came through so that I could refine it down. Oh well.
>the contiguous memory access looks delicious.
to have contigous objects in memory you recopy things once you insert/delete an object so what you gain in iteration speed you lose in insertion/deletion speed, especially if you want to maintain their order
In a lot of ways it really did all come down to the horrible art. In order to mitigate my lack of skill, I tried to "cheat" by making it abstract instead, and I did not have the experience to make the visuals both abstract, but also clearly depict what is happening in the game. The gameplay was too, but that's another issue entirely. Thank you for the feedback
My phone butchered the image. One moment.
it's a troll post
>tfw work and college are draining all my dev juice
at least college is teaching me some programming shit, i guess
This one also marks major cities, and hopefully Yea Forums isn't the issue here.
I disabled downloads on itch because there's a bug where it always goes fullscreen, here's a streamer playing it though
I'm probably never gonna make any vidya on my own because I can't art, music and definitely can't program. I tried to learn, honest to god I did, but shit like just explodes my brain and then IRL shit in the way, and everything just goes to hell.
I don't even have delusions of grandeur, I'd like to dabble on some simple stuff and make something out of them slowly. I made some stuff in RPG Maker, like basic adventures and such, but even with original assets from someone else nobody wants to fucking play a turn-based RPG unless there's some extremely unique quirk to it, and even then it's not a guarantee that anyone will give a shit. In fact, the reason Undertale blew up so much back in the day was primarily because of Sans and his theme, and then everyone creamed over the entire OST and general gameplay afterwards. For all intents and purposes, Undertale made it by accident but I'm glad for the guy. But that shit rarely happens, most simple RPGs never EVER blow up in any way. So the next step is to try 3D which I have never touched, and again, the programming is just not there, or anything else for that matter.
I'm a lost cause but I really do wish you dev anons the best, and may you find success in some way for all your hard work.
it looks randomly generated
the terrain and city placement looks too regular
i made a time stopper and some other shit
well, now its bit late. I wouldnt blame it all on the art, its something that certainly would turn off certain people, I will blame that even knowing that the art wasnt good you didnt try to reinforce what good you saw from it (unique features and such). Ending up just showing still pictures of a game with bad art isnt going to convince anyone.
"unique spell-crafting system", how unique? Buzzwords are common in games, is it trully unique, or are you just making it sound cool? Show it in a video, because the player isnt going to download the game to figure it out by himself.
"fight off bizarre enemies", thats cool, but from the pics I cant even really tell what is an enemy, I wanna see what the combat looks like and how bizarre they can get.
All in all, yeah, its a fight to win that view and download and you got to give all you have, its something that doesnt even have that much to do with how good the game is (at least at the start, if its REALLY good and people talk about it then it starts getting legs on its own merits), its all presentation there.
>, the reason Undertale blew up so much back in the day was primarily because of Sans and his theme, and then everyone creamed over the entire OST and general gameplay afterwards
Undertale blew up because of what it is, you're silly to try an pin its success on one particular thing
That's another issue I ran into during playtesting, the spellcrafting system was very hard for me to describe to people, even in tutorial it took a lot of revisions for the playtester to figure out how it worked. You are right, I think a video would have done a lot to help and I'm surprised it never occurred to me to add one before I released it. In retrospect I probably just hated the project so much at that point I didn't give a shit, I just wanted it to be released so I could move on, so again, no surprise regarding its failure. How people manage to maintain their enthusiasm throughout the whole of a project's life I might never understand.
>How people manage to maintain their enthusiasm throughout the whole of a project's life I might never understand.
making games that arent bad usually helps
>Hows that game coming along?
I'm teaching myself how to use Clickteam Fusion
making a advanced wars/fire emlbem type tactics game about mechs and you can combine two mechs and that's how you up the social link between those characters, what other stuff would you want in this game?
looks good user
No, it was all done by hand except for erosion which I simulated in a program called Wilbur. The city placement is done by landmark and population statistics. Population statistics are calculated by arable land and calories per acre for the local crops.
Here is a document that describes urbanization rates and population of the setting, and lists every city's size.
I am unsure what you mean by the terrain being to regular though. Most of what is on the map is airbrushed. I did use plasma clouds to generate some of the lowland terrain height maps, but all the mountains and extreme lowlands are air brushed. I also airbrushed all the various biomes using various gradient masks.
Rate my HUD
Got any tips?
Ok i need to learn fmod and wwise, because thats industry standard for sound designers nowadays, but how do i learn if i dont have games i can apply them to
>I am unsure what you mean by the terrain being to regular though. Most of what is on the map is airbrushed. I did use plasma clouds to generate some of the lowland terrain height maps, but all the mountains and extreme lowlands are air brushed. I also airbrushed all the various biomes using various gradient masks.
What does this even mean?
>that link
Fucking what?
There have been clones. None of them made any significant impact to get noticed. There is one clone that got a kickstarter reveal recently where instead of a shump battle, it's a 2D beat'em up.
shit nigga, we should combine our forces and get some shit done. Now all we need is the ideas guy.....
How do you do the duelist AI? Just in a general sense. Like, how do they know to fuse good shit instead of normal summoning something, etc.
lol did you add a slide move to the original megaman
I would make the recoil or gun a little more "punchy". Not like shake the whole fucking screen punchy, But it needs some OOMF
>there have been clones
like what?
is that thing eating it's own offspring?
>In fact, the reason Undertale blew up so much back in the day was primarily because of Sans and his theme, and then everyone creamed over the entire OST and general gameplay afterwards.
You do realize that Undertale had a kickstarter, an early demo that received positive reception, and Toby's built in audience, right? Undertale had a ton if factors that made it a success and marketing was one of them. It did not blow up because of one song, especially when the song in question was not in any of the early promo materials, and was from an alternative route that was not easily accessible from day one. Think before you make such ridiculous claims. Toby didn't luck out, he worked for it and you're just trying to come up with an excuse for anyone who fails. Make a good game, market it well and you'll reap the benefits.
yes like 99% of animals do
No, he's eating something elses offspring, he just a hunrgy boi
Having Homestuck's audience captive right when Homestuck was going to absolute shit really helps.
This is a cry for help. Adopt me into your project. I give you free sounds, you give me something to work with using fmod or wwise.
>I am unsure what you mean by the terrain being to regular though
It looks like it was generated from perlin noise
I don't know how to describe it well, the real world has big landmasses, big oceans, big and small islands, in your map everything looks the same size, all the archipelgos are the same size, the seas are all small and the same size as the landmasses
Just Googled FMOD and it looks bloated as shit
Who the fuck needs seperate software to mix their game audio?
>No coding skills whatsoever
>0 artistic skills
Wanted to build a demo/prototype beat'em up game last year as a spiritual succesor to the Streets of Rage series in Unreal Engine. I would have used that demo to contact coders or artists that could be interested in it.
Accomplished some basic stuff with it, like the character only looking left or right, a basic combo with a simplr states machine, locking the camera axis so that it only moves to the right and locking the camera in place and making it move again after a certain condition has been met. Also made the animation without interpolation in order to make it look more like the characters are sprites instead of 3d models. Being able to make the character run with a double tap and holding the move keys.
Then my wife got pregnant with my daughter and SEGA announced Streets of Rage 4 and I decided that it wasnt worth it anymore.
I still got the project somewhere in my HDD, but it's just basic shit
Programmer got the intro text scroll and title screen glowy effect I requested in, trying to settle on how I want to draw the characters and such for the promo material and pinups still.
So what exactly did you bring to the project?
I really like that shade of orange, looks great user
What's wrong with fruityloops or whatever else?
Put Patrick Bateman's review of Huey Lewis and the News
Lots of games do that.
fruityloops is a program you use to make audio, that's a totally different thing, FMOD is a library that plays audio in your game so why does it need some DAW-like software?
more plz
Where do I begin to learn C# for Unity purposes?
watch unity tutorials
Not quickly discernible. Consider using different colors to indicate each charge up step as well. It took me a couple of seconds to understand why it was going down suddenly.
Just learn c# in general
completely overdesigned/10
I see. I have been posting this map for a long time and have not heard this complain before. At this point it would be far too late to fix that. Part of the reason may because you're seeing it centered on the continent of Vuku. Have a look at the political map.
Also at the very least I can guarantee I didn't do random generation for it.
Design documents, characters, enemies, stages, mechanics. I made the GDD with all the content and ideas that were supposed to be in the game. I also wanted to help with basic stuff if my skills could be up to the task
Also in my previous post I meant that the character rotation was locked to only facing left or right, but the movement was set in both X and Y axis just like in any classic isometric beat em up
Also I am unsure how to convey it. Things at the very least are pretty different sizes. It may be a symptom of seeing two polar continents when you're not used to there being a large southern hemisphere landmass. Here it is on a globe.
Look at the real world
All your continents are really close together, you have Japans and Indonesias everywhere, your geography looks really samey
Maybe that's the style you're going for for your fantasy world, but everything looks the same, nothing really stands out and things look repeated, even if they aren't
Nobody wants to work for an idea guy. Unless you are paying people you aren't actually bringing anything to the project. If it's work for free then you better have a really good idea otherwise people would rather work on their own stuff
Would it be better to finish planning my game and then purchasing gamemaker or vice versa?
you need to work on your names
you're using retarded vowels everywhere
off yourself please
oh wait
It does look alot better on the globe, but it still has the same issue of having too many archipelgos and islands everywhere and not enough smooth coastlines
not enough U's
This is a 18+ site, kid.
Well, I got of couple of friends that had judt finished a degree in videogame development that could help move the project forward.
But yeah user you are totally right. I decided to abandon it because it was just not going to hapoen ever, but for 2 to 3 weeks I really enjoyed my time making shit happen, even if it was just basic stuff.
>doing game design degree and learning coding is actually kinda fun
>rest of degree is meh, 3D modeling is a bitch
>can't pass math classes for the life of me but enjoy coding
didn't wanna do CS or IT anyways :(
I wrote several languages for it. All the names for continents are in Inekki.
I did that purposefully because of a period of extreme glaciation. Also because this is an unsmoothed map. Many real world coastlines are smoothed out on education maps and look relatively different on satellite coloration ones. The glaciation in question had glaciers reach the 30th parallel. In terms of earth this would be glaciers covering down to northern Africa and up to Australia.
The archipelago you mentioned, the large one in the east, was cause in the same event that ended the glaciation period when the moon was annihilated and a portion of it struck the planet along the Ijit/Enghi tectonic plate boundary.
I know this explanations probably don't make it sound any better.
I have no idea what I'm doing.
I am unsure of what design decisions to choose. I'm making a rouge like where you kill zombies and try to escape a building, but I'm unsure of what type of building to make it.
I've 2 building types in mind a mansion, a tall hotel/apartment complex.My initial thought was to make a mansion, but I'm not sure the game's mechanics would compliment a mansion.
It's a fps with an emphasis on resource management and avoiding zombies and making noises when possible. The levels are also supposed to be procedural generated, so the mansion layout would need to compliment gameplay mechanics, but I don't see how the gameplay mechanics would benefit from either building types.
I could get out the language documentation too. It is part of 18 different geographic language families. I did translations into the languages for portions of the book as well.
woah woah we got wannabe tolkien here
i dont give a fuck, it's probably gonna sound pretentions and retarded
like all the names on that map
>18 languages
>that map
>100+ countries
>800+ cities
>all that fucking autistic population detail
what is wrong with you?
I didn't mention one particular archipelago, I pointed out that you have them everywhere, and they're all around about the same size, making your map look very regular. Real life does have smooth coastlines too. But I'm not trying to argue or put you down, I'm trying to offer constructive criticism. You don't need to get defensive about it. If you want to improve, you should take that into account, because it looks like something from a random generator
I will take it into account. Thank you for the feedback. Unfortunately I probably won't be editing this map much in the future but I will take that into account if I ever redraw it and consider it heavily on further projects. All feedback is good. I apologize if I sounded defensive.
You are putting form over function
all your baroque designs make the information less readable
Messed up my original image.
I'll mess with colors tomorrow, but do you think the addition of a border would help?
>no trailer or gifs
of course people wont play, if they have to download it to see what it is, you spoon
>bullying random map user
Keep going guys. Maybe next time he'll think twice about posting on Yea Forums.
Well it is what it is. I appreciate the feedback but I'm sticking to the design. I might scale down the end pieces, particularly the tip towards the right as it is rather massive.
It's a bit better, but the counter going up and down is still jarring.
Here's my suggestion:
Have the first segment fill up as blue, then the next as yellow, then the next as green, and so on. Make it glaringly, extremely obvious to the player the state of your bar changed. You filled up blue, now you got to fill up yellow, now you have to fill up green.
Alternatively, add those segments you display with each complete bar fill, and make the bar fill slower the more you have. Picture related. See if that makes any sense.
I'm not sure what it's trying to do. Is it something I hold to power up then release when I have the power I want orn is it doubling back with every section? Maybe just have it fill up with the same animations but slower and without the reset.
>but for 2 to 3 weeks I really enjoyed my time making shit happen
Then you should keep going. That's the only way you'll ever get good at it.
Fuck, you're right. I just assumed it was a sort of meter that charges up and stocks charges as you fill them. It didn't cross my mind that it could also be a power up then release kind of thing. But this is mostly due to the lack of context, so I can't 100% blame the bar.
You're basically muddling around in the abstract as there is absolutely nothing for us to go on here. We have no idea what the actual gameplay looks like or what the layout of the buildings is. Your best bet is to throw together a simple prototype and use that to gather feedback on what works.
I'm trying to finish my design doc at the moment (while working and going to school for software engineering). I need to stop procrastinating on it and manage my time a bit better, I started it around a month ago. I have a friend who's interested in helping with the world building ideas and programming, but I'm pretty sure he'll back out at some point.
So, once that's done and the plot/setting and mechanics are a little more hammered out, I'll move on to making assets and building a prototype.
My apologies. I should I have provided some context. The bar is a health bar. Each big yellow segment represents a health point. Taking a hit makes it the yellow segment crumble down a state (crumbling animation not done yet). To get another hit point, you collect bones from enemies you slain. Collecting bones fills up the red muscle bar in the back. Get enough bones to reach the broken segment to repair up a state.
Think of it kind of like the first Resistance game minus the auto regeneration.
It's already toned down as quite a few people complained that the pistol was hard to control because of the recoil.
I never had issues with it, I guess they react that way since that kind of gun in arcade shooters usually don't have any recoil.
Probably won't reach any further than a basic test, but I want to try making a sort of meta-game where you play a dungeon crawler.
make the room the PC is in comfy
Way ahead of you, saved this for inspiration.
>it takes 4 years of 12+ hour days of study/practice to become a professional tier artist
>that's before you even start animating it
good fucking god I am never gonna make it, playing deltarune recently made me realize the main thing that 100% matters in order to make your game a top meme is the assets. if you don't have A+ character designs and aesthetic, and good music, your game might as well be a turd in the dumpster. I am just a mediocre programmer who half-assed learned my grandmother's piano when I was in elementary school, doing all this shit by myself toby fox style is going to take me like another 10 years. but at this point I don't even care and keep working on it for some mysterious reason. it is weird that so many people are drawn to such a sisyphean task
I know that fucking feel
>Need to get good at modeling
>Need to get good at sculpting
>Need to get good at materials
>Ned to get good at rigging and animating
>AND need to own all the software necessary to accomplish this
How will you ever own so much software?
10 years ago I was looking through Metroid Prime concept art galleries and wanted to become a concept artist. Realized I couldn't draw. I should've stuck with any of the half a dozen attempts I made to learn.
My solution is just to think up a very simple yet recognizable design. You might have to spend a lot of time thinking about how to do it, but once you thought of something, you will be glad you did.
A bit like this.
That's all it takes for a woman to end your indie game journey and kill the dream forever. I seriously hope you're staying solo.
>it takes 4 years of 12+ hour days of study/practice to become a professional tier artist
"professional tier artist" is a nebulous term. If you want to work on cutting edge AAA games and Hollywood - yes, you'll likely need to commit to full days of art for several years, however you can start making money from your art a lot sooner - the standards for a freelance artist are rather low nowadays, as there are a lot of semi-professional gigs floating around in the indie sector that can pay decently well. I don't know if you were ironic or not, but Toby Fox is nowhere near what you consider to be a "professional artist".
>wasted 4 years for university on a degree I haven't used once
>wasted another 4 years being a NEET wanting to die because life is boring and empty
>now want to make a game but art and programming are shit
Time to think about dying some more I guess. It's all I'm good at.
>uses toby fox games as an example
nigga what?
I like undertale a lot actually, and both it and deltarune's graphics are very charming to me but that shit doesn't take 4 years of practicing you dumbass.
Undertale's pixel art is jank as hell. You could create better shit in a year just practicing 1 hour a day.
I'm in the same position as you. Did nothing with my master degree. Now starting to make money from webshops and games. Time will tell if it works or not.
I use Blender for modeling but it's not very good for sculpting, especially when I'll need retopology for characters. If you really want to make it, you need to learn industry standard tools, which includes Zbrush for sculpting and Substance for texturing. Ideally you'd also get Maya but that's completely unaffordable so fuck it, Blender will do.
Omae wa mou shindeiru.
I've been playing around with procedural materials in Blender, and it is really quite powerful. So far I've been able to make any materials I needed.
But I know you're right, if I really wanted to make it in game dev, I should buy Substance and probably Zbrush.
unity has some tutorial projects which come with all the assets you need and then it runs you through how to c# the bits into a functioning game. They also teaches animations and state machines and lighting, that kinda deal.
I've done Ruby's RPG and John Lemons Haunted Jaunt so far, both pretty good.
I got my first job at 16 as a pixel artist after doing it on-and-off for about 8 years while obviously going to school and im not even great at it
it's not that hard
dude literally everyone pirates, even industry pros when it's convenient. imagine believing the "just buy it bro" moralfag meme and shelling out thousands for software you can't afford in 2019
you guys are focusing too much on the undertale part. I know the art isn't AAA tier, my point was more that you just need "appealing" art, or soul, whatever that means. since such a term is nebulous, I figure the best way to hedge your bets is to become a pro so that your art meets a certain minimum standard and you don't have to gamble hoping that your simplified style works.
>imagine believing the "just buy it bro" moralfag meme and shelling out thousands for software you can't afford in 2019
I don't get this either. Is it an American middle-class thing?
soul doesn't have anything to do with ability and undertales graphics aren't actually very good
Everyone knows that things turn into greyscale when you walk outside of time or between dimensions.
youre so wrong it hurts. im an indie programmer too and there are tons of games that have basically shapes as assets and do extremely well. youre just trying to justify your lack of creativity and effort. heres an example:
Mansions are almost always custom made, an apartment complex or projects would be easier for procedural levels, unless you're talking about procedural scenarios.
Lack of creativity is a part of the problem. It's not all just drawing ability. Yeah, you'll get "simple" games like your example, but even then there's still a lot of art going into that.
>makes the correct observation that cruder/simple art can still have appeal based on other factors that people respond to
>well, I guess I have to study 12 hours a day if I want to get anywhere
if you really have bad creativity/aesthetic sense this isnt something that you can fix by just trying harder and it will really take you a long time to work on it. in the mean time, id advise you to finish one trash game by yourself, but it doesnt matter that its trash. just make sure that you go through the entire process of making and finishing the game and then release it on steam. you will learn alot about what making and finishing a game actually entails, youll learn if you actually enjoy the process, and youll learn how to deal with no one paying attention to your trash game.
after youve done this you should partner up with an artist and then you try to make a game together. youll have enough experience as a programmer to know what kinds of things that need to be done to ship a game, and the artist will cover for your lack of aesthetic sense. this is the best thing you can do in the short to medium term, and its what i would do if i were in your situation and i thought that my aesthetic sense was hopeless
I'd argue aesthetic is more important than assets. A distinct vibe is really what sets you apart. There's a lot of relatively high quality indie shit that's not bad, but just looks generic, so it flies under the radar. The big boys like hotline, undertale, va11, stardew, etc. all have a pretty recognizable aesthetic. Even shit with weaker visuals like baba is you or barkley have a really distinct mood.
there's nothing distinct about the artstyle of stardew valley the dude basically traced SNES games
This. Fuck moralfags and fuck niggers
>aesthetic sense
Thank you. I was trying to figure out how to explain what I meant by "still a lot of art". I'm not the guy you were talking to, just somebody with a similar plight. I've given up art long ago because of that lack of aesthetic sense. Sure, I could spend years learning to draw, but I don't know that I could ever learn how to design something in an appealing way. So now I'm a programmer, and eventually I'll hire an artist when I get to that point. Still, I do want to have some artistic ability, just to draw some rough ideas that an artist can take further.
>but I don't know that I could ever learn how to design something in an appealing way
literally just copy other things people are doing and change it to fit your particular needs. then post it on social media (twitter and reddit are good for this) and see if people like/upvote it. because you have bad aesthetic sense you have a harder time telling if something will look good or not to others, so the constant feedback on social media is really helpful
Figured out how to make the text fit the text and not breaking everything in the process.
Also. Does anyone know of any channels that have some nice free music for non-commercial projects? These guys make some nice stuff, but I want to know if there is someone less known.
A simple solution is to have a "dialogue" object containing image, character name and text (Or just text and a reference to the character) and some way to queue them. Then you'd just queue them and have a call to show a window + block movement, pausing etc and bind a button to re-initialize the dialogue with the next item in the queue and pull the previous item out.
Am i gonna make it?
I spend 1 year making this and it's getting close to the kickstarter release, i'm getting nervous
That's a long cat.
Lower your expectations. 8 years ago this would be released for free on Newgrounds. Unless you are appealing to a very specific niche don't expect people to pay for this.
Still take pride in the skills you have developed and learn for the next game.
Honestly, it looks like a beginner's game
Polished, but still has that amateur look
Sorry user
Looks really neat and fun user. A street cat platformer is such a nice concept that I'm not sure why/how it hasn't been done before. My only complaint is the addition of the zoomer arrows. Let the player find their own path.
do your kickstarter, it will probably fail, and then release the game as fast as possible and move on to the next. the game doesnt look very good so you need to work on getting feedback on visuals earlier before spending 1 year on something. but finishing a game is no easy feat so id really advise you to actually release it, dont give up if you fail your kickstarter. the experience you gain from releasing a game is extremely huge and it will make you a lot better and make you make way better decisions for whatever game you decide to do next
>whhahhh I can't do x
>whaaaaahhh the market is already saturated
>whaahh y was lucky and filled a niche but I can't do the same anymore
You people whine way too much, just looking for excuses not to try so you don't have to face hardship and possible failure.
Less whining more working.
It's probably better if nodevs setting out to only make big $$$ never start.
Looks fun actually user. Id pay $5 for it
looking like a begginner's game is not a defining factor, undertale, super meat boy, VVVVVV all of them look like begginner's game and they're all huge a success
user the only thing that really matters is if your game is really fun, keep polishing the level design and make something fun
That's a chatty fucking fish, damn
I like the HUD, and a street cat platformer can be a fun concept. This does look amateur-ish however.
If you plan on releasing this, I would personally recommend doing so on mobile, and maybe steam for a low price.
If you link a blog or social media page, I'd be more than eager to give feedback. I see potential. Good luck user!
actually meat boy is surprisingly polished in its art style and VVVVVV nails the graphics of the amiga or whatever its supposed to emulate.
This game is trying to have regular pixel art and there's nothing refined about it. It does look relatively amatuer pixel art
It's a neat thing, I can see that you've put a lot of love into it, however unless you're only looking for a couple of hundred bucks - don't get your hopes up for the kickstarter.
None of those games look like beginner games. The art direction is simple but not amateur. They all fall under a cohesive, unique and consistent art direction.
Anons game simply doesn't have the same visual level of polish.
Not trying to be a dick, just being honest for their sake.
what does it need to be more polished?
what actually makes it feel unpolished?
he should start with 9 lives
Okay well lets take a look at the indoor scene.
You have the chair / desk which is made up of simple straight geometric shapes. These elements have a single pixel black outline and a directional single tone drop shadow.
You then have the assets in the tank which have 3 toned shading, and no outline.
The framed photo is a pixaleted image with multiple tones, the wall has no shading or texture
The floor has no outline
Theres no consistent lighting direction, some assets are lit from above some at an angle.
Theres no consistent color pallet just seemingly randomly picked colors.
The outside environment suffers from the same issues.
the cat for example has no idle animation apart from the scarf blowing.
It has black outlines and black inner details, it's a bit long, there's no shading ontis belly( it's only towards the back of it), it's feet don't touch the floor, doesn't look like there's any highlights on it
And to add, if you haven't built up a following for your game, kickstarter will do shit all for you.
You CANNOT expect all of your backers to be from kickstarter. About 70% of them will be from your following on social media and 30% of them will find your project on KS. (Probably more for your following and less from KS only). Building your social media presence and audience is super important. If you haven't done that, you're not ready for kickstarter
you dont need to be a "professional tier artist" to make a game
and when it comes to character designs, just copy some character from an old game and change it a little
>You have the chair / desk which is made up of simple straight geometric shapes. These elements have a single pixel black outline and a directional single tone drop shadow.
>The floor has no outline
This. How do you manage to put contrasting outlines on the background shit but not the foreground objects with actual collision?
Also golly gee I sure love mashing through (unproofread) dialogue while I'm being timed
Deltarune has way more animations than Undertale and even Undertale's level would be hard to achieve to people who can barely draw.
Undertale isn't even drawn badly, its details are efficiently lowered to manageable level.
looks great I bet you're that skeleton grapple hook game guy.
OP here he actually start with 9 lives and also has 9 lives at maximum which means you can't get more than 9 lives
and he has a magic scarf that can transform and give him powers
">You then have the assets in the tank which have 3 toned shading, and no outline. "
some assets really need more tones or else you can't really tell what it is
">The framed photo is a pixaleted image with multiple tones, the wall has no shading or texture"
minecraft also has pictures with multiple tones and many games has pictures with multiple tones
">Theres no consistent color pallet just seemingly randomly picked colors. "
I tried limiting the color pallete but the ending result is more appealing (at least for me) with freedom on the colors
i do get the feedback for the floor on the rooms and the wall texture though, i'm gonna improove it since this was the first room in the game it's rather simple, the rest seems cherry picking for me, there's lots of worse games out there
Yesterday was a good day, a lot of free time, made a lot of assets and what matters more I made them fast
Alright bro if you can't take legit feedback then good luck improving.
The game looks inconsistent.
thats a cool looking game but it's not kickstarter material
Try looking at some good games that use pixel art. See how consistent they are compared to yours. It might be more appealing to you, but you any pixel artist worth their salt would just laugh at you if you claimed it was to them. It's not cherry picking.
You also compared Minecraft, a 3D game, to a 2D game. Uh oh.
I really think you should ignore people telling you to tighten up the graphics, you aren't going to make it look significantly better, it looks like the work of a beginner but in the best possible way, it's quite charming
No idea if you will find any success seeing the market is saturated with 2D platformers at the moment but maybe you could
You’re the type of dumb shit that deserves to be bad at everything that they have ever failed at. Enjoy having your kickstarter on the fail list, fucko
That looks like Freelancer. I'm interested.
earthbound and mother usually has 2 shades but then in the battles you get multiple shades on the enemies
also some detail in the scenario have mutiple shades
and the game also has black pixel outlines
is unreal a good engine to pick up if i wanna dip my hands in gamedev while practicing c++?
allright mister PRO show me what YOU did then
do YOU have any successfull kickstarter game?
this is pretty simple and inconsistent too and it got 28k
in the end the gameplay and FUN is what matters
Progress is good but a bit slow! Just waiting for a demo day now so I can get some feedback before I work on anything big.
But until then I've been adding small features and fixing stuff.
Yesterday I added this little doodad that lets you know how full a watering can is. It only appears if you have a watering can so it's not always in the way.
I also added some weather but need to flesh it out more (at the moment it is mostly visual but will water plants if it rains, gonna make it so npcs react to weather and maybe even so certain stuff only appears in certain weather). And I added item vacuuming so it's easier to pick up items now.
Don’t make your own engine. You’re wasting your time.
the world needs programmers who know how to make engines
True, but he said he wanted to make a game.
actually i dont think he did
I was gonna ask if you were really this delusional but I went through the thread and read your responses.
At least you won’t be dying a virgin after you release your kickstarter. Cause you’re gonna do what I say and get fucked.
that game has a consistent art style between the characters and the environments. The characters look like they fit into the world and the world has a good sense of depth. The world isn't pixel art but it still comes together.
You can't come to /indieDev/ and ask if you're 'gonna make it' then get super defensive when you get feedback.
Unfortunately, I have to agree with this post Although you will learn a lot writing your own engine, doing so is going to be strictly inferior to just using Unreal or Unity in virtually every respect.
Those engines have tens or hundreds of thousands of hours of development time, testing, and optimization put into them. They come with tools and workflow support that will save you countless hours of effort.
Writing an engine that you can be confident will work properly on a wide array of hardware, and testing all its features adequately requires an enormous time investment.
Now, believe me, I understand the impulse to build your own engine. It's a lot more fun to work on engine code than gameplay code for me. For a long time, I tried to make games doing everything from scratch, making sure I understood every little step.
But you have to decide whether you want to make money in games, or if you want to fiddle around creating a third-rate hobbyist engine that you will probably never even ship with.
And of course, making a hobbyist engine for education is a great exercise, by all means. You will learn a lot.
But don't fool yourself into thinking that it's a good or even, realistically, a viable way to make a fully featured 3d game.
>Writing an engine that you can be confident will work properly on a wide array of hardware, and testing all its features adequately requires an enormous time investment.
It doesn't if you're just using standard OpenGL and not any fucky extensions that AAA devs use
My sleep schedules made jumps recently and I have spent the last two weeks not actually doing anything because days are passing like minutes, help!
Thinking about making a bank robbing/ general heisting game, any ideas on how to not fuck it up the same way payday did?
there's a difference between good feedback and just cherry picking random stuff and saying i'm gonna get fucked
read back the other comments they were pretty polite
indeed i acknowledge some of the feedback but some things were just pointless
Making a co-op Castlevania.
Seriously considering putting in the ability to hang from one way platforms and jump up them, like Ninja Gaiden Sigma or Shatterhand. I want to encourage splitting the players up a little bit, so I think more vertical options will help.
>You want to be able to quit your shitty job and live your dream of making money from video games right?
Like nothing else. But I am a realist and know it's extremely unlikely I would ever make it to that point, and I'm so easily defeated that I just use that as an excuse to spend my free time playing video games and being FUCKING MISERABLE. I FUCKING HATE MY 20's I DON'T WANT TO DIE BUT LIVING LIKE THIS FUCKING BLOWS thanks for reading my blog.
Looks really smooth user, good job
The part on the end left looks like a roasted chicken.
You are completely delusional. Your attitude is your worst enemy right now.
ok i'm still waiting for you to show me your projects and how you did better
stop being a crab in a bucket
I'm not indie, I work in the industry as a 3D character artist.
But what difference will that make?
Keep sticking your fingers in your ears, see where it gets you.
If you worked in the industry as a character artist you probably wouldn't feel so insecure in yourself that you needed to needlessly put down other people
Im trying to help you, you dumb fuck. I spent time giving you a list of genuine feedback that you just disregarded as 'cherry picking'. Guess what? its a tough fucking industry and kind words won't get you very far.
I like how you say fallacies like that as though you showing your shitpile is a plus and not a huge self-own
I'm not the guy who made the game
Well then stop projecting about insecurities. Says more about you.
>someone saying something negative after YOU FUCKING REQUEST FEEDBACK ON YOUR SHITTY SHIT is a sign of insecurity
Lol there is definitely insecurity involved but it’s not on the person you think it is
I'm not projecting anything, nearly every response here has been crab-bucket nitpicking
The first 6 responses were all encouraging posts telling user to keep it up despite the obvious amateur product.
Guess when peoples started to change their tone towards user?
well you’re doing a good balancing it out with your tasteless hugbox desiring ignorant shitposting gj
saying a game with full animations is less polished than VVVVVV... this is not trying to help
his game needs improovements but come on... VVVVVV has a 2 FRAME WALKING ANIMATION and no idle whatsoever
i like your animations user, specially the running animation, but the scenario needs to improove
not the other guy, but VVVVVV has cohesion at least
Coming in as a complete newbie who has only ever touched Blender for simple 3D models and tinkering, what would be the best engine to start with?
Unreal or Unity? What would be the easiest to work with for a total noob?
>tasteless hugbox desiring ignorant shitposting
this guy responded badly to criticism, but the criticism isn't very good either
Not in the sense that it's wrong but in the sense that it's not that practical
the indoor scene looks amateur for the reasons pointed out but fixing that isn't going to make a significant difference to the final product
Yes that’s called you being tasteless blind naive and ignorant
But it is less polished. VVVVV is extremely consistent and has an conscious aesthetic and art direction. Its simple yes, but its also instantly recognizable. I don't care if its simple of complex but as long as its inconsistent it will look amateur.
It will make a difference though. All user needs to do is simplify the assets stick to a cohesive compound color pallet and pick a consistent art style.
This will also help him speed up his asset pipeline as the process will be the same for each asset.
Either engine will work, and it's somewhat a matter of your personal tastes, your skills, and what you're trying to achieve.
I tried both recently and found Unity to be easier and more intuitive. The Unity scripting system is a lot better imo, you can write gameplay code in c# and iterate very quickly.
In Unreal, you have to either use the visual blueprint scripting system or compile c++ code, which for some reason takes several minutes for even the tiniest change.
Unity also seems to have a better prefab system, I had to go to a lot of effort writing an editor script to overcome some of the Unreal prefab system's glaring problems.
Not all game art needs to stick to a palette
It's got a cartoon / clip-art look to it which isn't bad, a better artist would probably choose more complex colors and a more complex style, but a better artist would also draw better forms, better animations, do better shading, etc.
Criticism should be actionable for someone at their skill level, and he could go through and make things more consistent like with the outlines but the finished result wouldn't be that much better
godotchads WW@?
Reminds me of an old game Alley Cat where you played as a cat in a street. Of course graphics were way more shit in that one.
The clip-art style is clearly damaging his product as its what was the focus of most the feedback. The irony is that if user went for a style closer to VVVVV he would likely be in a better position right now.
If he lacks skill as an artist then he should work within his limitations.
>The clip-art style is clearly damaging his product
I disagree, I think it looks pretty good
Most people have just been brainwashed by NES style color restrictions and think good pixel art needs to use a very limited selection of colors
VVVVVV is just fucking stick figures and shapes, it's programmer art
I'm having difficulty figuring out how to make low-quality art assets, given my lack of art skills. Drawing seems to be recommended as the foundational art skill, but it's ridiculously difficult and impenetrable compared to anything else I've learned, and I'm not sure to what extent learning to draw would actually help me with making shitty vector or pixel art. It's hard to directly practice those skills without any idea of what I'm supposed to be doing, though.
I wish I was interested in making games with ASCII graphics.
>I'm not sure to what extent learning to draw would actually help me with making shitty vector or pixel art.
It doesn't. Pixel art especially has nothing to do with drawing really. Learning to do video game art by learning to draw is like learning to program with a soldering iron
I never said restricted, I said consistent and compound. Its basic shit.
Anyway the end results will speak for themselves. Its up to user if he wants to listen to the criticism or not.
A palette IS a restriction. Are you complaining about his color selection, or the fact that he isn't restricting himself to certain colors?
>citing Earthbound for good pixel art
Maybe if you took after Mother 3 then you'd have a fucking argument.
Thanks for the reply. Unity it is.
'Restricted' is a descriptive term, especially when in the context of a 'Restricted NES pallet'. Stop acting like a pedantic retard.
I already accomplished it. More than any of you ever will at 25.
fuck off tumblrtale.
that one hit wonder was just luck like FEZ
I don't know what you are talking about
Yes it is a restriction but its a necessity for making art look like it's part of the same image/world. In the same way you'd use a ruler to draw a straight line, it's restricting your pencil to one side but the line will look so much better if you used the ruler
I kind of disagree. A palette is about aesthetics. You might use it when you're designing a costume or painting a room to have colors that complement each other, but to make things look like they're in the same world they just need to have a similar saturation/value
I know that c++ is the best language for game development but i heard that it's really hard to learn as first language, what should i do? go straight to c++ or learn another language then move to c++?
Yes. Start studying the full documentation for it. Go through every single page at a pace that's comfortable for you.
the game literally go for a cartoon style... this can be seen on the title screen art
i didn't draw it of course i'm not a good artist to do high resolution so i paid an artist to do title screens and character portraits for me, i wish i had more money to hire the full art though
i experimented a lot before going with the free colors style, i think some limitations are good if you're trying to mimic a specific console but in this case you'd had to scale everything down
since the game runs at 640x360 this is way more than the genesis or the snes could do and why not break the color pallete too?
Just learn C++. Use it to make things you want to and you'll understand it far better than doing a bunch of tutorial shit or toy projects. The fundamentals of C++ are the fundamentals of programming. The only better one would be C but if you want to make games then learn while you do.
I wonder what would happen if somebody took this advise seriously and followed through with it.
>but to make things look like they're in the same world they just need to have a similar saturation/value
What the hell are you talking about? That will just lead to a completely flat image.
if restricting colors would benefit games no one would argue that the super nintendo is better because it can do more colors than the genesis
Why's it better than C or C#?
I scaled that image down to 640x360 and "the supercat" subtitle isn't that easy to read. It's too fine.
Maybe its alright on the copy you have but I'd ask the artist to redo "the supercat" and have it more legible like Naynroo
If the game actually looked like this it would fantastic.
This image clearly has a limited color pallet and consistent style.
Just stick to dark blues, greys, dark reds, and use a muted Orange as your pop color.
Because it has slightly more abstraction than C but not as much as C#. C is "better" but it takes a lot more work to make anything important which is why only critical sections or underlying foundations are written in C.
They would become way overqualified for the games industry and probably end up making a ton of money in some other field
the game is drawn on 640x360 but the actual window is scaled to 1280x720 i was talking about the pixel resolution and not the actual game resolution
see how you're wrong here? you just complained earlier that inside the room the walls had no texture and the shadings were too simple
then now you're saying that the plain color pallet looks better
It does look very amateurish somehow, but I can't quite put my finger on what makes the effect so strong.
Like, the foreground elements don't seem adequately distinct from the background. The whole thing looks noisy and distracting.
Maybe the background should be less bright and saturated so that the foreground elements can contrast with it and pop out.
My god you are so fucking dense. If you have any critical ability you would realize that all the criticism was about INCONSISTENCY of the art.
This image clearly shows a CONSISTENT style.
You are honestly a lost cause.
Ahh I see
You’re an idiot
Thanks for wasting our time
dont try arguing dude, this is what i call "developer blindness" and it happens all the time. after devs stick with one project for long enough they lose the ability to look at it objectively. if those developers also happen to be the types of people that tend to disagree with others they wont listen to anything you say regarding the quality of their project. theyre the kinds of people who blame steam for their project failing because they unironically cant conceive that the game looks like trash and so it must be something else
As a dev working with one of the big existing engines, how much influence do you have over how well your game takes advantage of multithreading, if at all? Like is that even something I should be worried about as some one getting into game programming or should I just go with the old heirarchical class based systems.
Looks fine to me as a gamer but there's a lot of games that looks the same.
Like the other anons said, problem is not so much the color pallette itself but the general art inconsistency. If I were you I would develop the game until its done, then look for an animator or an artist to redo the sprites.
fuggen nice
I also waste a lot of time worldbuilding
i can try doing that if i get a successful kickstarter campaign, where i live there's not much people interested on working with games and even less people skilled with pixel art, hiring someone from another country will cost a LOT
>be on Yea Forums talking about wasting time
I can't be bothered explaining art theory to you
The point is an entire game does not need a palette
On the contrary, It's pretty lazy if your entire game sticks to one palette
You don't have much influence over it, if any, but it really doesn't matter, the only time multithreading matters is dealing with top-of-the-line AAA projects
Pic related. I've been working on recording all my notes into a personal wiki. My maps are unfortunately a lot rougher than yours in quality, but I've got a bunch of them. Climate, air streams in winter / summer, oceanic currents, tectonic plates and drift, planetary system. I'm particularly proud of my astronomically accurate calendar. Language building is probably the toughest part but it's rewarding as hell.
Imagine doing this instead of making a game
An action adventure game like links awakening. The main mechanic is being able to turn into a fireball that shoots forward, which is your attack. It's just that the engine I'm using is really limited for an action game (and also I have no idea how to make enemies interesting or difficult without having them spam projectiles or zoom around like sanic). Wish I had a gif to show.
What engine? Remaking a game in another engine is far easier than making the initial game.
I kind of am making a game too. This is the map for the demo level that I should be releasing shortly
Or you need to get comfy with indie game dev communities (not the San Fran hipster one, avoid that one), get to know people interested in making graphics for games then do the game as collab. Basically get friendly with an artist, talk shit in discord with him, play games etc.
>Unity also seems to have a better prefab system, I had to go to a lot of effort writing an editor script to overcome some of the Unreal prefab system's glaring problems.
What kind of script? When testing booth I highly preferred Unreals approach.
And the code is going along nicely too. I just happen to enjoy worldbuilding a lot.
I understand art theory just fine buddy. Consistent values doesn't lead to a cohesive world it leads to a flat image. Consistent saturation is just a bizarre restriction.
You can't explain it because your understanding is bullshit.
>Basically get friendly with an artist, talk shit in discord with him, play games etc.
It's not like dating, you don't need foreplay
rpgmaker vx ace. It's what I've been using for like 8 years now and it's the only engine I'm familiar with. I can't code.
If you understood art theory then you would understand what I am saying
to make things look like they belong in the same world, color wise, the colors should be around the same saturation / value range (obviously not all the same, similar) because that's how light works
the hue can be whatever you want
how do I learn coding?
Where do I start? Its overwhelming
Say I wanted to make a stalker clone in VR and that I needed to implement some kind of world simulator to handle AI interactions between people and monsters in the world. Surely that kind of thing should be it's own process and not running inside the game engine as behaviors native to AI classes?
What is up with Unity's performance? Especially on post processing, it's awful.
Is it calling the entire thing through C# or something?
Programmers should be doing the bulk of the work at the start to actually get a game going, artist do the bulk of the work at the end. Art is a luxury in the beginning. If you're almost done with art at that point or they're saying they need art before getting a prototype going they were never going to accomplish anything.
It's a bit of a shitty situation that you have to trust each other completely to follow through.
Spoken like a true programmer. If you're good at programming you're not going to be good at art and vice versa. The mentality required for the two could not be any more different. You can overcome it and get decent at both with a lot of effort, but you will always be better at one over the other.
2D engines have a lot of visual scripting available so maybe look into that? It's also never too late to learn especially if you feel you've hit a wall with what you want to create.
You can make use of multithreading to do AI yes, but the main way you improve AI performance is to stagger the updates, ie you dont need to update every agent every frame, you can update an agent every second, maybe faster if they're alert and slower or not at all if they're asleep
I have a game that's a huge simulation with 60,000+ actors all on a single thread because I make use of smart optimization techniques
>If you're good at programming you're not going to be good at art and vice versa
I'm good at both although I'm definitely a programming major
>I'm good at both
What is this
You don't need to be good at programming to make games, you just need to have basic competence. As long as you make sure to fix bugs and watch the performance, players won't see your shitty code. Art is different, it's always in the player's face and they will judge a game's quality based on it even if they don't want to.
Also, do you find yourself spending time writing stories about your world? I can't help it, whenever I start fleshing out one region I start coming with a lot of ideas and stories. I can write for hours. Of course the quality of my writing is shit but I like the concepts I come up with.
How do I actually make the game part though?
I keep making the basis for games in godot, but then rather than follow through with the game I drop it and end up making something completely different a month later.
Programmer here. I want to get better at art but it feels so shit to practice. Maybe it's just my shit vision but I feel like I need to hunch over to see shit and that makes me draw darker than I should.
I spent most of my life doing art and working with game makers until I transitioned to real programming because I wanted to get more ambitious with my games, discovered I was way better at programming than art
>What is high dynamic range
>What is color theory
If you knew anything about art theory like you claim you would understand the importance of compound, complementary, homogeneous and triadic color pallets and why color relationship is a thing including hue.
Just stop embarrassing yourself.
When I do art I often have my face literally centimeters away from the monitor
in a world full of lazy shit like this i'd rather play an oversaturated game
>>What is high dynamic range
Nothing to do with the topic
>color theory
The aesthetic relationship between colors. Reality doesn't give a shit about this and you can see every color everywhere. When you're an artist designing worlds, levels, you make use of color and color theory but that doesn't mean you literally limit yourself to palette for everything. That's what beginners do. You do that when you're creating something symbolic/iconic. A single character or an item maybe. Not an entire level, or an entire game
>I understand art theory just fine
where can I learn "art theory?" I've honestly never heard of it, but my bad artistic taste is one of my major obstacles atm
I guess I need to learn more, I don't quite understand how you can update agents so slowly and not have them miss triggers like events that generate noise.
>I have a game that's a huge simulation with 60,000+ actors all on a single thread because I make use of smart optimization techniques
What kind of game is it?
>celeste with restricted palete and and "muh consistency"
> celeste with fuckyou palletes and crazy pixels everywhere
you all should understand something
Theres an overwhelming amount of places to start. I would say start with some basic color theory videos, also the Dota2 art guide is a great place to start in relation to why art theory is important when making assets.
If you live in a good city try and do a part-time Art Foundation or Art Theory course.
Lots of artists on Artstation will also make art theory tutorials you can check out.
Ah right I didn't realize that user was trying to create a photo-real rendition of reality.
You completely oblivious dude. Every game studio AAA or indie has a style guide INCLUDING color pallets / guides and regulations.
What are you even talking about? That's obviously a palette on the right. It's something like a 4 color triad (triad + complementary). It's like a textbook example of a palette
>I don't quite understand how you can update agents so slowly and not have them miss triggers like events that generate noise.
When a significant noise happens, the noise itself queries the world, finds every actor in the vicinity and tells them the noise has happened
Keep in mind that you can still update an actor and simulate physics at the full 60 FPS while having the AI run slower at 20 FPS or so
It's an RPG/immersive sim
Waiting for 4.0 :^)
I have to say that this dumb count with the cat game makes the regular /agdg/ shitposting seem like a breath of fresh air
Hoooooly fuck are you stupid dude, please promise to post your kickstarter here so i can laugh in your stupid face later thanks much appreciated
were you dropped as a child? The image on the right clearly shows a analogous color pallet. Its completely consistent.
>Every game studio AAA or indie has a style guide
>INCLUDING color pallets / guides and regulations.
not exactly, maybe your game uses pastel tones, it doesn't literally have a 5 color palette and say "use this only"
you should stop arguing the point here, you're out of your depth
Piccolo in DBZ has a clear color palette, he's green and purple, do you think the backgrounds artists give a shit about that? Of course not. Palettes are rarely global
Valve still haven't released Source 2, those slow fucks
>Unity's new ECS thing
>Realise you can't do shit with it in typical gameplay code
Oh no
Source 2 will never come with easy to use or complete tools so it doesn't stand a chance in the indie/faildev scene anyway.
Unless you just want to subvert the industry and consumerbase with your political dogshit
I'm proving them wrong with GZDoom as an engine.
You can't do shit with it until 2021/22 anyway.
>in typical gameplay code
Yes, the point is to change things up from the established model.
no because it's got bloom & other effects everywhere.
The problem is is that the engine code should be in that format, and the rest is too wonky to really consider it.
>inb4 nodevs swarming into lecture people on how you don't need proper tools anyway
Wow dude just wow
A lot of the criticism going towards this cat guy isn't great. I think people are great at picking up whether or not something is reading incorrectly but they don't have the best solutions.
I think you guys are using "palette" to mean different things. One of you probably means palette as in color scheme. The other probably means palette as in set size of colors you are allowed to use like the old Genesis and SNES games. Hard limits.
>and the rest is too wonky to really consider it.
What do you mean?
You need help dude.
and even if it fail it will still be better than anything from you since you didn't even have a single project, not even in a beta state anyway
You need to be friends if you wish someone to collaborate on your project for months or even years without promise of pay.
nah, you just need to work well together
friendship doesn't actually have much to do with it
Because it's laughable at this point in time to even consider any engine being on the same playing field as unreal.
Do this shit in some other engine and then get back to us.
So which one is it, triad with complementary or analogous?
t. Programmer who doesn’t know shit about color other than pimping out my text editor
Better wait for 5.0. 4 isn't going to fix anything, just adding new problems.
just type "color theory" into google image search and you'll learn everything you need to know
What should I draw? I can't even think of anything. Drawing rock after rock or line after line is starting to get annoying but I can't think of anything else. I should probably go complain in the draw thread.
I won't listen to color theory, not even color hypothesis! I only want color fact!
Nice bait m8. Gamedev here, writing from work, cause a build is taking tad too long and I fancy to replying here.
Do you want to make games? Then just fucking start doing it and figure out shit along the way. Figure out your local gamejams or check out You won't get anywhere if you're just moaning about not knowing shit.
But ok. Want a quick start? Here it is:
All games are essentially programing infinite loops of sorts. So open up unity, and try to make a new cube every something frames, and then try to make an old Atari game out of that, like pong, asteroids, or breakout. When I started out doing stuff when I was 10, all I had was gamemaker32, and no resources, yet I figured out how to make a fucking pong. So go head, try making ANYTHING.
For me, it’s the web safe rgb split complimentary tertiary palette
Gameplay code only makes up a small amount of the game, and it's too sprawling to optimize.
Conditionals 8 else ifs deep, structure layouts you don't care about in the moment. There's not enough to optimize at that level except for the basics (Transforms, rotations).
The Blendo Games guy is successful using the (now) open source idtech 4 engine, and of course Ion Fury on Build is doing well.
Using an obscure engine like that is absolutely based.
You don’t know shit about what you’re talking about. There’s plenty of situations with CPU bottleneck coming directly from gameplay code that would benefit from ECS.
>MMO with 100 characters on the screen
>shooter with hundreds of projectiles
>RTS with hundreds of units
>large scale simulation of cars, planes, whatever, that must run some individual logic (see flying cars example)
>large scale city simulator
ECS isn’t a magic bullet but it certainly is a revolution when it comes to handling a massive number of independent logic agents.
The fact that the engine isn’t built on ECS shouldn’t be much of a problem.
Who is its mommy and what does she do?
No he's right
Large-scale simulations nearly always involve multi-dimensional graphs meaning you can't fit it into a one dimensional cache and make it cache friendly. Game objects rarely just update themselves. They need interact with each other and that will never be friendly towards cache. ECS is an over-engineered waste of time
Actually gentleman, I've tried using ECS half a year ago and it indeed was an overenginered piece of promises. Yes, it's fucking needed as butter on bread, but right now Unity's solution is half-baked at best. Or is it?
I would but I'm worried I'll get bullied into killing myself
Everything in that post is just standard topics for an undergraduate computer science curriculum, but presented in an arbitrarily unreasonable ("do this first") way that makes it sound a lot more intimidating than it really is.
The math symbols are all just set theory concepts you probably already know from even dabbling in programming. The upside-down 'A' is like a 'for' loop, the epsilon is "is an element of" and the arrow is a function definition symbol. P usually means power set but it looks like it's just a generic set label in this case leading me to suspect that the whole thing is probably just nonsense. The trickiest part for a typical programmer is thinking of it as an expression rather than an algorithm but even then if you've had experience with modern functional languages you probably already know these concepts.
The electrical engineering stuff is all very basic and something any programmer should take the time to learn at some point. If you know basic high school logic, gates will be very easy. Once you understand CPU basics, assembly language isn't hard to learn by itself, what makes programming assembly hard is actually writing anything large and complicated with it given the very limited means of expression.
Just do it brah who cares if some fags bully you just hide their posts. Some people will like it
retards who don't know anything about pixel art and the point of a limited pallet.
You should kill yourself first, just to be safe!
How the flying fuck is bloom relevant to a color pallet?
Please enlighten me, what is the point in a limited pallet?
>Please enlighten me, what is the point in a limited pallet?
its just like my NES games which makes me feel nostalgic
I don't think so. Many games have bad performance precisely because of the gameplay code (depending on how you define that)
Whether or not Unity offers a good solution to that right now or the close future is a differen question.
Give an example of a game with CPU bottlenecking please. I can't literally think of one other than WoW in some extreme circumstances
faster iteration over components wont fix that though
this is exactly what Ive started doing, working on the programming for little monsters like this has been a blast. YouTube is a fucking gold mine of tutorials that take the time to explain why you do things a certain way and alternative methods.
Does having some sort of 3D animation experience from SFM count for anything at all?
I used to make low effort wacky shit for youtube years ago and people just liked them somehow, at some point I stopped though and the only reason I used SFM from time to time was to practice animating, seeing how I can make movement seem smoother or more realistic, etc. Even if I started new projects, I'd just drop them halfway through now.
Does every fandom which isn't about video games just plain suck at game design? Guys what is it with small fandoms like bronies? it's like they're mentally retarded, it's like they never played a video game in their life. And it's like they never googled how to optimize a video game in their life.
You don't see the bottlenecks cause some people like me have to fucking get no sleep for a month just to get a game working on a potato grade CPU. I fucking hope the new ryzen will wipe a bit the sandy bridge level of performance from market.
I just don't feel it. You can make entity systems that aggregate over ever entity, you can help with allocations that way simply by using for loop counters and pools, and you could even get max cache coherency by having the update data alongside the entity, but I still don't by it for games entirely.
When you take into account the culling systems already in place for a lot of games, that just fucks with everything. It then becomes a question of,
>Is it faster to update 10,000 linearly, 10,000 positions linearly with an isActive check, or 2456 positions after a radial check against the player's position, scattered.
Actually, I might go do that now. I'll be back.
>cause some people like me have to fucking get no sleep for a month just to get a game working on a potato grade CPU
Please tell me any time in the past 10 years you'd had trouble with CPU bottlenecks in a video game
That game looks way better than yours, though.
I remember how I contacted one guy for collab and we have abandoned that shit few months in, but we're best bros now.
Dwarf Fortress
I'm going to contact all indie developers and tell them how you post on incel forum and badmouth them
Tell them he also sexually assaulted you.
Kinda, it shows that you can follow at least some projects through.
Does anyone know why this mesh shrinks when I apply a rigidbody blueprint? Why would just applying a rigidbody do anything to scales?
Makes sense
2 randons
1 to select how many cards he is going to use
1 to put the card on defense or atack position
game system handles the rest
the blueprint
>want to fix issue
>add more issues
The life of a dev
Made about 3 levels on the weekend. I really need to quit this day job.
its what defines pixel art and make it look good.
>Just like make game
fuck you nigger, I am learning box modeling, sculpting and animating before I can tackle it.
Let the man build his world in peace, as long as it's properly fleshed out
I wish I could be a massive combative sperg like the cat guy and ignore every bit of criticism and advice after requesting it. I was starting my art for a game and posted it here, and the replies hurt my fee-fees so much I scrapped the all my assets until I could get better at pixel art. Ended up working out because shortly after the programmer decided he was tired of programming and ruined the project anyway.
Who's the cat guy? We've got map guy now.
that just means you're weak willed
Ban unity from these threads, it's fucking spyware not only for the developer but for end users.
This. Unironically. It is also bloatware.
oh boy do I have news about epic / unreal engine for you.
Anyone here making a visual novel with Unity? Any useful tutorials or tips to share? I don't want to use a meme engine like renpy but I know next to nothing about programming
Are you fucking Unity shills? I think you're Unity shills.
No, it means I actually took what people said and decided to stop until I'd get better. Fix your graphics catfag
The dude in the first half of the thread who did massive samefagging after multiple people explained why his game isn't going to succeed on kickstarter
But the source is all there.
Renpy is great.
arent visual novels like 2d pictures sliding over 2d backgrounds? Unity is not really the engine you should be using for something like that.
Just but Playmaker or Bolt, for Unity.
how does this change the epic launcher, that you need to go through for unreal engine, uploading your steam library and whatnot to their servers?
making something shit, ignoring all criticism and refusing to improve doesnt make you strong willed, it makes you retarded
It's clunky dogshit and every game made with it looks the same (complete ass)
microsoft powerpoint is a better engine for VNs than unity
Is this your project user? It looks really interesting, I love the visual style
Just build from source then? No need for the launcher. God you’re stupid.
>implying anyone actually uses that pile of fucking trash
I'm just rallying against the popular shit here. Unity is more of a threat because people actually think it's good when it's spyware trash.
who fucking cares? Why do you care that Unity is preforming basic telemetry?
There's criticism and then there's people devaluing your work
I don't care what your intentions are with the style. Get someone to do art for you, pronto. There is no excuse and no "idea" good enough to justify this look.
>Spray can from paint, but unironically
>Inconsistent perspectives
>three dots are enough for a face
>pillowshading, sometimes AA'ing but not always??
>I can't tell what it is, but it's gory!!! epic dude
I haven't seen or played your game. I'd be willing to think it's really fun. Would be a shame then if it all came tumbling down because of the lack of an artstyle.
I'm switching to Godot, MIT with no strings attached (except for some plugin licenses to include) sounds amazing desu and they've been teasing to ditch the signal shit and C# mobile exports for some time now.
What's the last one from?
whats wrong with the signals?
It's meant to be reminiscent of Mother, are you a retard?
It's fucking gay and OOP is fucking gay and you know it.
I use signals all the time and hey make things a lot easier for
>tfw college educated programmer
>tfw can't get programming job so I just code my dream game even though I can't draw for shit
The seething art critic claims another victim
Yes, and the people replying to catfag were explicitly explaining the issues with his graphics. People like went through great lengths to highlight specific inconsistencies and he still refused to listen. Instead he listed a much better looking project and claimed his was similar in quality.
They're pretty gay if you've coded in a non-OOP language. Taking this discussion further would lead to a ROP vs OOP argument, so let's not do that here.
makin som tunes for this guy currently
Yeah it quickly turned into "your game is awful and you're a failure" though. which is pretty shitty to see
what is ROP?
Sorry I meant functional programming.
I've only heard of it used to mean "Return oriented programming" which is for writing exploits, lul.
>Get someone to do art for you, pronto.
You guys say that like it's easy, FUCK artfags they're expensive and they're awful to work with
are you seriously advocating for functional programming to make games
Of course not, you have to find a balance but Godot takes OOP too far.
What's Godot's codebase like?
looks like it, I haven't used it but I've seen it uses a hierarchy to represent absolutely everything which sounds like a pain in the ass
What about good old C-style, standard imperative programming without classes? Is there a term for that?
I actually like what you have here. The style is charming
FP isn't the opposite of OOP
Not a game that exists :^)
I think it was more of an experiment, but the guy who made it also did sprites for games. Not sure what happened to him.
I get that, but it doesn't really excuse anything I said. Plus, the fourth screenshot isn't in style with Mother 1 anyway, so who cares. In fact, who cares in general if it's supposed to be reminiscent, I love the Mother games but it's not like everything about their artstyles has really aged that well, so why limit yourself to it if you could do something else?
it is i
I know they are because I am one
I want to at least consider getting more feedback on their art so they can at least somewhat improve it under the advice of others.
He just kept going deeper into denial over his game, which is why multiple people gave up trying to explain the issues and said "well if you don't want to take criticism then whatever"
The game doesn't look bad, but it looks like something that should be free. The only thing that caused people to be even slightly rude was the fact that he wanted people to check it out and give feedback but had to be a defensive prick when people calmly explained his problems. The blatant samefagging to defend himself doesn't help his image.
It turned into that when user started acting like his shit don't stink. No one likes a stuck up snob.
IDK but reading their Unity to Godot or signals page shows how much they like OOP.
It's actually pretty cool, kinda like nested prefabs, I just don't like signals.
that's called based
You get what I mean, first response goes for you too.
how about you put your art talents to work instead of trying to tear down other people?
>using c to program a game
Good luck not only reinventing the wheel, but also making the rubber and refining the metal ore for every single bolt all by yourself.
That's just called OP.
Obsolete Programming.
Or "Faggot", if you prefer that.
>The blatant samefagging to defend himself
I defended him, and I'm not him
He responded badly to criticism which instantly turned into people calling it awful
It makes me angry to see people shitting on games which aren't even bad because they have some personal problem
Happens all the time with artists, not programmers for some reason
Is Construct 2 a legit program to make a game or is it just a meme?
How do you think games 20 years back did it?
it's on the fence between the two
I wouldn't recommend it, use GameMaker
What are you using?
All the gameplay code in Quake 3 was written in a rather strict version of C, and I've modded in that codebase pretty extensively.
It's very enjoyable to work with. There is no reinventing the wheel involved, in my experience. It's just a wonderfully uncluttered and straightforward way to write game code.
I think they can get away with the current artstyle but it's definitely inconsistent. Maybe that's what they're going for, like a shittier Yume Nikki?
>FUCK artfags they're expensive and they're awful to work with
kek this is so true
What are the compile times like?
I can't draw so I think I'll edit some public domain sprites and use them, what are the best sites for public domain assets? Google is pretty gay in this situation.
>image deleted
What was it?
start using Yea Forums x
I'm trying and yeah I could have been more constructive than destructive, but you still shouldn't be the "WELL I WOULD LIKE TO SEE YOU DO BETTER"-faggot user.
>Maybe that's what they're going for, like a shittier Yume Nikki?
yeah but
why would you want that
Guys quit modding 20 year old games, nobody is going to reward you and suck your dick.
I swear to God you have to be a masochistic faggot to work in 20 year old engines and editors and even more retarded to make mods for them. That time spent making mods could have been spent making a new game.
Yeah but it'll be a fucking sweet wheel when you're done.
>yeah I could have been more constructive than destructive
There's nothing constructive about anything you're saying, you're just shitting on other people to make yourself feel better under the veil of "criticism". He didn't even ask for it
Glad you like it, it's more of a stylization to justify the quality of the assets though
>botnet X
no thanks
ArmA 3
The graphics aren't exceptional, but having just a few squads of AI running around the map quickly tank your FPS
It's not uncommon while playing ops with ArmA groups to have sub 20 fps, despite good hardware
>scared of botnets on Yea Forums
I just want to order pizza.
soul as fuck, but not kickstarter material
To all C haters here, you may not like it, but this is what peak code looks like.
-3150 lines of code
-One dependency: SDL2
-Works on Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenPandora, CGW Zero, Nintendo Wii, PSP, XBox and Nintendo 3DS
people just want to be hipsters
Wow it's a NES game
real NES games were programmed in Aseembly
Because he's one man armying it and doesn't have funds yet for a dedicated artist. Shit art can be charming, like Toby Fox hired people and had to make their art more shit because it wouldn't fit in with his own shit art. OP is a level below that but it's not repulsive.
Extremely fast. I just tested it by compiling the game code for the multiplayer part of Star Trek: Elite Force, which ran on the Quake 3 engine.
The compilation finished in less than five seconds total.
I like the style, ignore the people shitting on it since you can't please everyone. It reminds me of Yume Nikki personally. Keep at it.
20 years back 3d graphics and movement were cutting edge, and it didn't matter if your game assets looked like trash because that couldn't be helped. Nowadays there's so much more to do just to make it look presentable.
>no reinventing the wheel
That's not at all true if you're making a game from scratch though. Movement, rendering, camera placement, all of it's been done before and is easier and faster to implement with higher level languages.
>go to cook a meal
>"why are you reinventing the wheel user just order takeout"
>I built on idTech 3, so I didn't have to reinvent the wheel!
No fucking shit. Even if some madman decided to write a C engine, he'd have to reinvent quite a lot of wheels because this isn't 1999 anymore, a lot of shit happened, both in gaming and the CS space.
>Food analogy
I made some small games with it. It is possible to make ok games with it I guess, but it is all in fucking JavaScript and you can get very freak performance problems. It has some upsides like the easy entry and basically no compiling times. I can not recomend it in the long run or for bigger projects. I even made a little money with the games I made with it. It is also an absolute pain to export stuff to any platform besides PC or browser. I was crazy enough to make mobile games with it.
Switched to Game Maker 1.4 about 2 years ago and now use Game Maker Studio 2. Never looked back.
>food analogy
A FULL compile in 5 seconds?
That's like how they say the Linux kernel compiles in 48 seconds with it's 15 million line codebase.
Templates must really fuck with the compiler.
Fuck off. Let him practice his own artstyle, don't ruin his vision.
How do i make an arena game that people will play but also not compare to quake or wont play because its too much/too little like quake?
>a lot of shit happened, both in gaming and the CS space.
not really
You can't write multiplatform games in assembly.
Cooking doesn't take several years user.
Templates + linking are what make compile times so slow
>Not a game that exists :^)
neither does writing the groundwork for a simple game
Make it melee combat only
>faster to implement with higher level languages.
I mean, a matrix is a matrix. The only difficult part about movement and camera placement is the math. Linear algebra. If you understand that, you can implement it with about the same level of effort in C or C++.
Admittedly, it is kind of nice syntactically to have matrix and vector classes, but it's actually not that big a deal to write v3=vector_add(v1, v2) instead of v3=v1+v2.
it's called WASM
Like many anons have said, the game looks soulful and I like the art. Kickstarter isn't impossible, but you better make damn sure you've got an audience before you start it. Twitter is a good place for game dev stuff, despite being a shithole otherwise.
Every day I think more and more about making an engine in pure C. God it would be so great and so fucking horrible to do.
Templates are compile time calculations so of course it adds up.
I told him where his style is inconsistent and how that is detrimental for the game and that maybe shifting priorities in that regard is something he should really consider. He can take it or leave it. Why would that make me feel better about myself
It was charming I guess but also Undertale used that efficiently to break out of its own boundaries with shit like Omega Flowey. I doubt the guy in this thread is going for something like that and he realy shouldn't either. Also just because you're not great at art doesn't mean you have to "try as hard as you can" to go down the road! Sometimes it's better to limit yourself a lot but at least be consistent in it. Look at Minit for example. Binary style, not incredible, not the most original but it absolutely works.
Writing a decent editor so you don't have a completely shit workflow does.
I mean the sequel is pretty popular, even if it had nothing to do with undertale but retained the same style that it has, it'd still be a hit. It's all about soul and good writing.
>Why would that make me feel better about myself
You'd have to be pretty fucking sheltered not to notice others tearing people down to reenforce their own ego
Consider using extern templates, a quite underappreciated C++11 feature.
I can put together a decent 2D map editor in about two days
cooking isn't about reinventing the wheel, it's about refining it.
give me a week for a 3D one
>even though it had nothing to do with undertale
its an undertale reskin using beta content from undertale and the name is literall an anagram of undertale
Just tell me I'm gonna make it one day, Yea Forums.
You've been repeating this idea for like 4 hours now dude. No one is doing this make themselves feel better, that's just your personal projection.
Where the fuck do you think we are?
Don't forget all of the memory management you have to manually handle in C. The math itself isn't problem, it's just that everything requires such a nitpicky eye for detail and you spend 100 lines of code doing what you could in C# in about 10.
Yes, that's a full compile. It passes a bunch of .c and .h files into lcc.exe, and spits out a .qvm file that can be shipped.
Btw, I would infinitely prefer this workflow to what I have to put up with to program in Unreal engine. I don't even know how they make the compile times so slow.
I'll repeat it as much as I want, doesn't make it any less true
Even a journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step. If you keep at it little by little you'll eventually get there.
You don't belong here. GB2R
>I'm on Yea Forums that means being a cunt is ok
Not on my watch
you read my message wrong, I said that the game would have done well even if it wasn't related to undertale, since people like toby's style.
Only if you put in the work, user.
Based anti bully ranger
I'm sure your dad who works at Nintendo will assist you and you also have a black belt in Immortal Dragon School Karate.
Being a cunt is okay anywhere, Suck it up pussy.
Someone should go through the entirety of UE4 one day and remove every template.
I have been seriously considering making a 3d editor to support a fast modular art workflow, with a final mesh I can export to whatever engine I prefer, but there's one thing that makes me hesitant: lighting.
How would you handle such a problem? Just build the whole level in your custom editor, export it, and then light it in a separate pass in the engine's editor?
Or try to add a way to easily switch between editors as you go?
It's not as hard as you think
Why do I like this game's artstyle so much even though its objectively terrible?
it cant be unrelated to undertale because everything in the game is from the undertale beta
Thank you, anons
Prove it.
The fact that actual companies would rather hack UE4 and that "Make your own engine" Tutorials are complete memes that don't even touch making an editor for it speaks against you.
Having alot of experience with both your options I strongly suggest having your editor be able to do lighting for fast iteration time. Having to light your map in another program is cancer. If you're the one making it there's no reason why you shouldn't just make your editor use your engine anyway. The shorter your pipeline the better. Most of my editing tools are accessable from within the game engine itself
I guess you're being sarcastic, but the ability to compile a separate gameplay module, fast, with a nice streamlined engine API would be very nice.
my point still stands, if toby decided not to link it to undertale, story and character-wise, the game still would have done well is what I was trying to say. doesn't matter if it uses undertale beta content, look at DK64 and banjo for example, DK64 had an unused beta world from banjo. two different games though.
Made this one in less than a week
Obviously not proof but it's as close to I can give you
Damn this thread is still going on?
I'll be the first to admit my art is pretty amateur. And I definitely plan on improving my skills so I wouldn't take offense in general.
However, I think a good way to learn and get feedback is by doing things so I won't be postponing the game.
The goal for the kickstarter I have planned is pretty reasonable imo ($450) and tries to take into account factors such as the less appealing art.
Yandex isn't giving me any matches, so I'll assume you are legit.
It looks like complete shit and seems like it has 5% of the important features of the Unreal or Unity editor, but it's still proving your point.
Can you hook up behavior with it, or is it just the map?
And how did you learn to make that? How did you go about it?
$450 is definitely pretty reasonable, I would have even said $1000 would be understandable as well. What does the money go to?
>It looks like complete shit
What's wrong with it?
It's has about 90% of the features it needs for my game, which is you know, the advantage of being able to write your own editor instead of using a generic one
You can place objects aswell as build the map, yes
Not sure what you mean "how did I learn it". How do you learn anything? Practice and build your skills