Basically he goes on a long rant about literally every single confidant in the game, and also explains how poorly written the main plot is.
Same as that guy that made that really long video about MGS4.
I can respect that they very obviously played the game that they're criticizing but you couldn't make me sit through either, especially when I could read their main points in like a minute.
imagine watching 5 hours of that crap,actually,imagine just watching 20 minutes of that crap
Because he's autistic, like anyone who forms contrarian opinions about 3 year old games to seem cool.
holy fuck that's gruesome
To be fair, it is A LOT of flash.
No, only Persona 5 is. He explicitly shows Persona 3 when he mentions other games doing things more effectively.
god i wish that wer eme
he skips over the plot mandatory ones like "Igor", Morgana, Goro, and Sae, and also skips the Twins since he just states the whole thing is absolutely nothing. So of the 21 he only actually covers 16.