Was Dunkey right about Xenoblade Chronicles 2?
Was Dunkey right about Xenoblade Chronicles 2?
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video game youtubers can get cancer
i refuse to get memed into buying this shit
As long as you keep sayin it I’m sure it’ll bear some fruit
I got memed into buying this shit and.
Fuck this game its trash and fuck that dynamic resolution shit that makes the game blurry as shit
I thought you were dead, totaldipshit.
Keep saying it
i could never listen to this fat idiot voice more than a few seconds, literally makes me want to end my life
people are weird
Assuming his videos are legit, he's good at platformers but he's a fucking retard and one of those "I hate JRPGs!" types that probably still lists Chrono Trigger or FF7 as a favourite because they're cowardly.
XBC2 was a masterpiece and his criticism showed he got filtered less than 10hrs in.
turn based games bad amirite fellow redditors xd
He likes earthbound but beside batman his taste is pretty shit and causal which is why he played league for so long.
Literally who?
Some black fag Yea Forums has a hate boner for because /pol/.
pretty much the only thing he gets right in the video is how obnoxious the tutorials are early on in the game and how bad most of the voice acting is early on. it's pretty clear a game like this clearly isn't in his ballpark and despite that he made an alright pretty entertaining video poking fun at the game.
his Octopath Traveler review in comparison is fucking atrocious and completely misrepresents the game. at least his XB2 video is pretty accurate to the first 10 hours of the game.
>look mom I made that thread again
the game is very far from being a masterpiece
fuck off you faker
It's the best JRPG since the PS2 era. It's a masterpiece.
Keep saying it nigger
>Doesn't own a good 4k TV to upscale the resolution to acceptable degree.
Shhh...nobody tell him.
you aren't even making any sense
That doesn't make octopath not hot weeb garbage. Keep coping it.
keep saying it reddit
XB1 is the best JRPG since the ps2 era
I enjoyed the game and his review. Except the part where he feigns disgust at the giant tits. Why does every western gamer pretend to hate the female form?
Bitches like Hoe Quinn pretend to be offended or meaphorically raped and try to lead a social media posse against you.
just stop.
Fuck off back to your containment idiot.
Someone explain to me why I should like Xenoblade, let alone consider it the greatest game ever made. Just keep this in mind.
>I've been burned out on western movies, and as a result I will NEVER tolerate cutscenes. If the game even tries throwing a cutscene at me, it goes into the garbage. No exceptions. No "gameplay ratio" justifications. The ratio will be 100:0 or the game will not be considered
>I hate characters that talk
>I hate games that don't have a consistent FPS
>I hate mindless fanservice
>I hate combat that has quick time events in it. It will be discard even if the QTEs are optional. They can't even be an option.
Xenoblade just seems like a major plethora of issues. Why should I ignore them all?
I'll keep bringing it up so that fucking everyone knows what those people are and how they are ruining shit and running interference for the worst actors in the gaming industry.
And you know what, am I wrong?
>it's pretty clear a game like this clearly isn't in his ballpark and despite that he made an alright pretty entertaining video poking fun at the game.
He's also pretty clearly fond of the environments and landscape even if he cuts it off with a joke.
I just wish you could hear yourself outside of yourself, from an independent perspective
the guy hates JRPGs so he's biased against it so it's not an honest review
Not really but he was 100% right about Octopath Traveler. Literally one of the worst fucking JRPGs I’ve ever played, I have 0 respect for anyone who said that was a good game
If he hates jrpgs so much why does he play mario??? Answer me that you fucking /pol/tard.
You can't.
Why are they dancing like this?
There are major news sources and politicians and cops reading our shit right now.
I'm pretty sure that a case is being built against her and I'm pretty sure that a big ol campaign is being partially built on shaming women like this.
The "incels" and "ebul men" and "mgtow" and "virgins that should have sex" make a larger more powerful majority then you realize.
They put trumps ass into office for fucks sake.
The problem with voting, you don't know who is voting for who and the people who use social media and mob tactics to hurt people don't have easy targets to go after.
>The "incels" and "ebul men" and "mgtow" and "virgins that should have sex" make a larger more powerful majority then you realize.
/pol/ is a mental illness
Because he's one of the many clowns that only wants Nintendo to do nothing but BING BING WAHOO!
>dunkey the cuck hates normal sized boobs
Fuck off, sage.
His forays into film video essays are hilariously entry level and trite.
only about half of your post made sense, my man.
You gotta chill, bro. Try and talk to a therapist. They'll point you in the right direction to get on meds. Trust me, once I got on meds, my life became much better. Give me a min and ill take a pic and post it to you
oh, it used to be similar to me (not about women and gamergate and all that shit but other things)
>Someone explain to me why I should like Xenoblade,
user, you already went in the game knowing that you won't like it. With that, I don't think anyone can convince you that it's a good game (althoughI agree it's not a GOTY-tier game). I, along with a lot of other people, can already admit that this game is a hit-or-miss to Switch owners.
It bears repeating.
Good. This shit is an absolute disgrace to Xenoblade (the whole series honestly), as was X.
>complain about menuing
>read tutorial very slowly
>complain about cutscene and dialogue of ONE scene
sounds like your typical dunkey RPG vid. I have not played Xenoblade 2 and this certainly doesn't sway my opinion whether its good or not. Dunkey likes to over dramatize for lol dude comedy effect. I don't even see the point he's trying to make here.
You're fucked Zoe.
Imagine needing a cuckold e-celeb to shape your opinions.
>/pol/ this obessed with cuckoldy
Hows your wifes son lol.
>Some chuunibyo in an adult body wearing eyepatch because he can't afford contact lens
>Welsh pussy unwittingly compared him to a penis
>Idiot shonen protagonist asks why his friendly weapon is getting all hot and bothered for any hint of sexual references
>A pure woman understandably slaps him
>Based Cringe.txt
tfw played both 2 and torna on portable only
it was comfy
/pol/ is based. /pol/ will always be based. You are the cuck.
Seek help
>Everyone who disagrees with me in the slightest about this video game is a cuckold, a nigger, a feminist, a communist, gay, a pirate and conspiracing to destroy society from within
Can you lighten up a bit, XB2fags?
Maybe not but the game is a fucking terminal cringefest, the writing is atrocious, and you can easily find games worth 80 hours of stat minmaxing without having to endure some virgin's ecchi wet dream where a shota gets doted on by multiple women.
Bonus points for a fight that, despite ending in player victory, gets followed by a cutscene depicting the player losing
Fantastic. Even Lufia 2 anticipated this and had an alternative (if brief) outcome for winning the unwinnable fight.
Christ. Why, though? This game's a fucking mess.