Why do people like these games? The pacing is atrociously slow, the combat is some babby's first tactics game level of simplicity, the art style outside of the portraits is garbage (and only gets worse with Cold Steel's switch to 3d), and the plot itself is like watching an above average seasonal anime stretched out to 50-100 hours a season. I cannot for the life of me understand why this series seems to have such diehard fans
Why do people like these games? The pacing is atrociously slow...
Other urls found in this thread:
Just want you to know that I agree with you on every point, OP. I wish you luck in surviving the thread being flooded by Kusoki fanboys.
I liked it a lot. Great setting, entertaining characters and dialogue, plot that kept me interested. I dunno OP, maybe I just have an abundance of patience, but I loved adventuring around Liberl as a bracer and eventually getting pulled into an adventure that would decide the fate of the realm, if not the entire world. The combat felt fine, I spent plenty of time deciding what abilities and magic to put on whom. There were fights where positioning and AOE were very important and I had to pay attention, but you're right, it was mostly not too challenging. But I never found it too monotonous, and I wouldn't say that's the focus of an RPG like this (RPGs are usually ass easy, you gotta admit. Not everything's Lunar 2 Eternal fuckin' Blue, yanno?)
It reminded me of playing RPGs like Lufia 2, Breath of Fire III, and Chrono Trigger as a kid. Maybe it's designed more for people who grew up with games like that?
And really? You hated the art style? Well, I guess it's too animu for you, I can understand that. But lets face it, if you actually want a long JRPG that feels like a lighthearted anime adventure, you could do a LOT worse than Trails in the Sky.
>Liberl and Erebonia arcs have horrendous pacing
>Crossbell, the only arc with a great pacing wasn't even supposed to exist to begin with
Yep user, you're absolutely redgnosised.
I like a slow burn.
Sounds like an excuse for poorly, glacially placed games that require playing at least two more games to fucking understand the first game.
There's a slow burn, and then there's Trails' "the plot really gets going after the first 80 hours" bullshit. I know that NEET jokes are low hanging fruit around here, but I seriously can't see how anyone could stand this pacing unless you have absolutely nothing going on in your life and just need a game that will eat hundreds of hours of your time.
I like plenty of media that are slow burns, but even with a story of that nature pacing is a factor.
>slow burn
>plot doesn't start until the SECOND GAME
Fuck you, it's comfy
I played these games over 2 weeks on summer holidays. Not everybody has things to do at every waking second. There's having a life and then being unable to have proper downtime.
Just as neets have a problem, people who have no downtime at all also have a problem, it's just a problem that's not spoken about because they're still a benefit to 'the world'.
World building
okay, retard
Based, Trailsfags have been nothing but utter cancer lately and even way before that, what with them now spamming those shitty ”most chad MC" threads on here.
There's having proper downtime and then there's "I have literally nothing better to do with my time than spend 100+ hours playing a mediocre game and hoping it gets good after hour 90"
Which gets assraped and destroyed in Cold Steel, therefore invalidating the only worthwhile incentive to play the previous games.
I disagree, but go off.
Those threads are fine because Trailsfags hate Cold Steel.
t. seething yscucks
I agree with everything you said OP. But the one thing I like about these games are their worlds, too bad the game itself sucks.
Having the characters talk about local issues and civilian habits vs the over-arching plot is equally entertaining to me. I sometimes the pacing from the intros of P4 and P5 could have gone on longer.
>People who like this crap are no-life losers
That's unnecessarily hostile. You're the one that asked why people like it. It's okay you hate the game, but you'd have to be a real asshole to be annoyed that someone dare like a long game that starts out at relatively low stakes and builds up while getting to know the world and characters. Looking at it that way, there's nothing wrong with the first part, besides the blazing need for it to hurry up and get to the OH SHIT TRAGIC PAST AND THE FATE OF THE WORLD part now now now now!! It's like being mad at Fire Emblem 7 for the same reasons. You don't have to like it, but going full 'stop liking what I don't like' is silly.
The team who wrote these lines was too lazy to publish the third game on PSP, or localize Crosbell at all :)
There’s a slow burn, and then there’s global warming. Trails is the latter
>nothing better to do
I guess different strokes work for different folks. I really dislike doing things with other people stemming all the way back to when I was in school. To me, playing video games and reading on my own is a 'better' use of my life than talking to people who already are married/have girlfriends/whatever. I'm never going to get anything out of them anyway.
I have a good job and everything like that but I'm just not that into human contact. If I can take holidays, earn money, and not hurt anyone by playing vidya, I regard that as success.
Why do people like these games? The pacing is atrociously slow, the combat is some babby's first tactics game level of simplicity, the art style outside of the portraits is garbage (and only gets worse with VII's switch to 3d), and the plot itself is like watching an above average seasonal anime stretched out to 50-100 hours a season. I cannot for the life of me understand why this series seems to have such diehard fans
The slower the better
I like playing videogames too user. Thing is, instead of spending 100+ hours playing a JRPG series that doesn't maybe possibly get good until after you've invested literallys days of your life into it, you could have played 5 great videogames that are fun and show why they're worth playing within the first 2 hours.
Trails is the epitome of quantity over quality, and ya'll seem to lap it up and defend the "slow-burn" as a quality unto itself
Those lines already look plenty lazy
This is an awful example considering that FF7's pacing is absolutely amazing. There's a reason that even normies fell in love with that game, from minute 1 til leaving Midgar the game keeps you utterly enthralled
Ah, you're right. I get it now, this is just a troll thread. I thought OP honestly wanted different views, but so far it's just finding excuses to attack and shit on everything in sight. Carry on then.
Sorry, no, you can't do that. Know why? Because not a single Final Fantasy title has dragged out one game's plot for three games, and forced you to pay for the same game three times in a row.
Well, maybe when that hack Nomura gets around to finishing VII-RE.
>maybe possibly get good
It was good from the start.
I don't drop good games.
if you like anime you'll like this, where do you think we are?
To be fair the trilogy was supposed to all be one game but it would of been too long, first game is alright it's just meant to be comfy, the cliffhanger at the end is hype af though.
That's the thing though. All 100 of those hours were enjoyable for me way before the "good parts" happen.
>Because not a single Final Fantasy title has dragged out one game's plot for three games
I have no idea. I've never seen a mediocre series get circlejerked as hard as kiseki
Everyone makes mistakes. Yours was developing bad taste and an overabundance of restless impatience.
You know those are ironic right?
does anyone know where I can download a vita rom of FC? i dont wanna go through the patching stuff to try a game I might not even like
None of the trails games have a story that isn't self-contained besides the shitty ones
Haha that's our user...
>changes setting, themes, style, and often gameplay between each iteration
>games are all around 60 hours, telling their stories within the confines of the game itself and wrapping things up to satisfy the player
>pacing varies from game to game but generally keeps things moving with each line of dialogue serving a specific purpose, and each sidequest telling the player something new about the world
Final Fantasy eats Trailshit for breakfast. Just look at FFXV or even XIV's style and presentation and compare it to Falcom's $2 animation budget
Once upon a time this site made fun of Naruto fans and other entry-level shounenshit.
The game starts with a bombing mission
This. I honestly thought the game was fucking amazing even before the story got rolling. The little dialogue changes in the characters and the changes from foe to neutral to friend really got me.
Yes you do, and I'll bet you play a lot of shit ones just because they're breakneck-paced and you won't settle for anything less. But hey, keep complaining about JRPGs always being about teenagers killing god and then only playing games about teenagers killing god because literally any lower stakes is "slow and boring" to you
That's how I knew he hasn't bothered with many RPGs, much less Final Fantasy besides the couple he felt compelled to play because they're popular.
"if you like movies you'll like The Order 1886! It's just like a movie!"
Don't pretend that anime isn't an entire fucking medium with hugely varying levels of quality.
Faggot, those are sequels. TITS2 literally starts you off with the same level your characters were in TITS1. TITS1 ends with a goddamn to be continued screen. It was bullshit when Golden Sun did it and it's bullshit now.
>Because not a single Final Fantasy title has dragged out one game's plot for three games
Hell even X took two games
Just get a rom for the psp version. The vita version has a worse soundtrack.
SC and FC also have completely self-contained plots aside from the fucking epilogue of FC
In fact FC's plot is more complete than any of the FFXIII games
Don't play the handheld versions, they're censored and shit compared to the PC versions.
>jrpgs must either be glacially slow slice of life slogs for the first 1000 hours or else they must be generic chosen one kills god stories, there is no in between
Ah another quality Falcom fan fallacy. You can see why they think an NPCs talking about how they're gonna clean their house after lunch, and then talking about how they ate lunch and cleaned the house after the next story beat, is "great world building"
Are you really dragging mmo expansions into this?
Even FC isn't glacially slow for the first 1000 hours user. Again, if it's not breakneck pace to you it's "slow and boring"
Yes considering in the case of XI and especially XIV they're literally all part of the same continuing storyline
Again you're pretending that I said the pacing was too slow. I didn't. I said it was BAD. Pacing can be SLOW and GOOD, it can also be SLOW and BAD (e.g. Trails in the Sky)
You're sole counter argument seems to be "Well you must just not like slow paced games/you must just not like JRPGs/you must just not like anime" when none of those are the case. I just don't like these games and I'm trying to find the appeal, so far your sole defense of your favorite franchise is to try and find some reason why I must be wrong for my opinion rather than just explaining your own.
>Again you're pretending that I said the pacing was too slow
Nah, that's what you said
>n-no a game can be slow and good
name a few then.
if you not playing on nightmare you don't have a right to complain about the combat baby
God I want estelle back, relevant and powerful.
This isn't even an argument. It's a difference of opinion. You need to learn the difference before you can have a reasonable discussion about anything with anyone that isn't a mirror. I enjoyed the pacing, people have told you why. Your response is to get irritated.
The bimbo will never be anything.
oh it's THIS thread again
But just like journalists all the retards that make this thread play on easy or normal because "games are balanced for them" and then, without fucking fail, complain about the game being a faceroll
Like yeah no shit you're literally playing on the difficulty modes for kids.
I generally liked Trails in the Sky but goddamn is the plot of the 2nd one a joke
The villains are edgy as fuck but never do anything seriously villainous
None of their victims are ever seriously hurt
The game takes great care to show you that everyone (Even the nameless school janitor) is perfectly fine!
literally 3 of them are confirmed murderers though
Ravaging Renne's cunt!
In their backstory only
Hell, maybe those people didn't really die either!
Do you take issue with Joshua's past considering we haven't "seen" him killing people.
oh ok, so they have to successfully murder people on screen or they're not murderers, got it.
I really liked the part where Ouroboros attack the soldiers guarding the capital and leave all their bodies on the ground
Then the party shows up and checks all their pulses and turns out "it's okay, they are all just napping! :)"
yeah SC was disappointing. thought it would be better after all the hype it got but it's a generic JRPG most of the time
Something I really liked about this series was just how different it was to your standard jrpg, so instead of a jrpg where teenagers explore the world in a few days and kill god to save the universe, you got teenagers humbled down to a single country and are realistically weak because they're still inexperienced kids...
But that's where it ends because the pacing is beyond unbearable and mind numbing, the world building feels less and less interesting by the minute because it's mostly just teasing for shit that will ultimately disappoint you because it'll never live up to what they built.
I'm not a graphic whore but damn, these games always look like theyre 2 generations and a half behind everything else. When even shit companies like Compile Heart is shitting out better looking games twice a year, you should feek ashamed.
I'm glad that cs3 took so long to come over now because if it came out sooner I probably would've still had some interest left in the series a few years ago.
That's what the game tells you sure, but it never goes any farther with it. The writing is all "tell don't show", and they never make good on any threats or sense of danger. No character of even minor import will ever die, no serious consequences for the heroes' mistakes ever happen, nobody is probably even going to get hurt. The most interesting things are all just backstory that the game tells you about
It takes away a lot of tension in the story if the villains don't do anything more than make a mess
They might as well be Team Rocket
Theres no other series with the sheer world building and detail as trails. And the soundtracks are fucking god tier until sen4
You're right, they never make good on their threats, except that part where they literally kill a bunch of soldiers and ransack an entire city, or the part where one destroys a town's livelihood and causes multiple casualties by attacking them with an enslaved dragon. Oh but I guess if they don't give you a detailed breakdown of the body count on screen then it doesn't count
>"it's okay, they are all just napping! :)"
that happens way too often in these games. guy gets destroyed, MC walks up says "he'll be fine he just passed out"
To be fair if liberl actually lost its entire royal army theres no way Osborne wouldn't find some way to invade
Redpill me on "holding back"
Literally nobody dies to the dragon attack. A market collapsing with a total of one injured maid who recovers without issue, and some apple orchards are burned. That's it. Once again it's an entire chapter with zero negative consequences for the actual current events, and all the death and tragedy is just shoved into Agate's backstory.
>literally kill a bunch of soldiers and ransack an entire city, or the part where one destroys a town's livelihood and causes multiple casualties
Nigger, they never say shit about people getting killed during the events of the game
They just keep promising to be dark and brooding then run away
Okay, so you're just a retard looking for things to shit on it about at this point.
>Nigger, they never say shit about people getting killed during the events of the game
It's how they justify having boss fights without making the mc stronger than every villain
For a series known for its in depth setting I haven't seen a SINGLE toilet in the games...
So you admit you need a detailed bodycount or it's shit?
dang it's almost like the writers are actually incompetent and use really convenient outs like "He was just holding back" or "They're just knocked out, those enemy soldiers didn't actually kill them" to avoid dealing with actual consequences to the plot beats they set up
Quick question about the ToCS PC Version.
Is there any way to get a resolution above 1600x900 on 16:10 monitors? If I edit the config to 1920x1200 it shits out a cut off screen, same with 1920x1080.
To be fair there were multiples instances before that point were they say that needless killing is not a part of there objective.
How can you ravage something so loose?
kek i thought i was only one bothered by this
Just show me ONE (1) time the bad guys make good on their villainous deeds that leave a lasting impression
Nothing fucking happens except they turn off the power for a bit, break the roof of the mall. and bruise a janitor's arm
No dude, a villain has to try and beat Hitler's high score or they're not intimidating at all. If they only kill or injure a few people then it's literally impossible to be scared of them. The Witch King in LOTR is totally lacking in intidmidation, you never have it confirmed that he killed anyone
Just have a big enough dick haha
They give you a bodycount, it's 0. They straight up tell you that nobody died and then the dragon reiterates it because
>oh the experiment was ACTUALLY to see if they could hold me back cause I could have totally killed all those people otherwise :)
I already named several times. You don't need a detailed bodycount for a villain to be intimidating. Some of the most intimidating villains in history don't kill more than 1 or 2 people if they kill anyone at all.
>They give you a bodycount, it's 0
They don't though, except in Bose.
>oh the experiment was ACTUALLY to see if they could hold me back cause I could have totally killed all those people otherwise :)
Who are you quoting?
Another hyperbole fallacy to defend a weakpoint in the writing, this is getting pretty pathetic
Or wait...were you just holding back on me!?
>Final Fantasy is Style over Substance
>Dragon Quest is Substance over Style
>Tales is straight garbage
>Trails is nothing but cash grab after cash grab of generic shounen games that seem original because by the time anyone cared to localize them the tropes that permeate them will belong to the last decade. Filled with padding, each single story has to be split in multiple entries because whoever who's in charge of adapting shounen jump latest hot take into a mediocre rpg with mechanics stolen straight out of Persona and Fire Emblem believes that you can't do a good plot without having to traverse each modern fantasy town over and over again with a goody two shoes master of all trades protagonist, his harem of dumb bimbos who apport nothing and his background male companions. A sad corpse of a series with even a more tragic fanbase, who cling to it either because they think niche is cool or because they spent years learning japanese just to play a literal fan fiction of a retard who played Suikoden and Xenogears and thought that a long lasting series in the same universe would be good, with political themes as understood by a 11 year old and mechas. Literally everything that Kekseki ever did has been done by literally any other jrpg series, but better and ten years before. It's no wonder why this shitshow ranks lower than the most cancerous weeb games in japan, the series has become a shittier parody of itself.
There's an inaccessible room or two in most buildings in the games and there are toilets in the hotel
That's the thing, you see them do this so often that you no longer fear them because no matter what happens you know they wont inhibit you from winning in any way
Says the guy who keeps syiang the games are shit because they don't stop to give you a list of people killed by the villains every five seconds. And the guy saying the Witch King of Angmar isn't an intimidating villain
Okay, name one time that happens.
>DQfag saying another game has mediocre mechanics
>a villain must either kill people every 5 seconds or never ever ever harm anyone, there is no middle ground
It's a copypasta, but like all the other retards that complain about Trails he never played any of the games besides Cold Steel and just looked up a wiki for the rest to complain about them to win contrarian points on a korean basketweaving forum
When does ouroboros actually threaten to do all this evil murderous shit? Walter is the only enforcer who's a straight up asshole but even then he just wants to fight strong guys while Bleublanc isnt even really a bad guy and Luciola/Renne are dealing with heavy trauma. Loewes basically a good guy. Weissman is the only truly evil one.
>Okay, name one time that happens.
Literally every chapter, fanboy
Both School attacks
Both attacks on the capital
The market attack
Dude, he was totally holding back on you
That's how you know he is serious
That's not what I said though, I said a villain can be intimidating without having someone stop the storyline to tell you about all the people who died. You're claiming that unless people stop to say "yeah that guy just died, he's dead now" then nobody could possibly have died at all. Since the Witch King never confirms any kills in LOTR, you're saying he's an ineffective villain.
>Both School attacks
Do you mean the one where that doesn't happen, or the one carried out by a literal comic relief jobber?
>Both attacks on the capital
The one where that doesn't happen?
>The market attack
The one where that doesn't happen? Also, that's not an attack.
I unintentionally ended up dropping the 3rd about a year ago after Kevin has his edgy powerup. I don't think it was all that enjoyable anyway but I'll probably go back at some point for some more Estelle/Joshua interactions
>still thinking ouroboros are the villains
I can’t stop thinking about Rean
>Both school attacks
>"Oh boy can't wait to ransom these hostages."
>"Gotta find the princess."
Why the fuck would they kill any of them?
My dude, it's called "show don't tell". If you want to introduce a dangerous new villain that's a threat to the country then you do that by showing them doing something dangerous, demonstrate why they're a threat so that the stakes of the story are raised. If you just say "Yeah these guys are REALLY dangerous I promise" it doesn't have the same effect. SC spends the first half the game talking about how Ouroboros is this really dangerous society and that it's imperative the Bracers and military all work together to stop them yet all they do in the first 4 chapters is the equivalent of a bunch of pranks followed by a series of "Heh I was just holding back" encounters where the heroes are saved by someone else. It's straight up lazy writing
It's okay to admit your anime game has flawed writing dude, it's not like you're responsible for it
> I said a villain can be intimidating without having someone stop the storyline to tell you about all the people who died
Yeah, by showing them killing someone. Trails doesn't do that, ever
I played them and Sky padding is no different from CS, except that it didn't took four fucking games for Estelle and co. to defeat enforcers or anguis.
>a villain has to kill somebody onscreen to be a villain
Their ability to infiltrate society and orchestrate all of that was pretty intimidating to me. Each time they willing backed off on their pranks. The idea that each prank could have been a harmful attack if they so desired is what scared me.
>My dude, it's called "show don't tell"
Yes it is, that's why stopping to tell you someone died or not any time anyone is attacked is bad writing, so it doesn't make sense why you're insisting that they must do this or their villains aren't intimidating. I think you're the only one in existence who would argue the witch king is a bad villain though, so I'm assuming you're just pretending to be retarded while grasping at straws and not actually retarded.
>If you want to introduce a dangerous new villain that's a threat to the country then you do that by showing them doing something dangerous
So like completely ruining the infrastructure and livelihood of a city as collateral while testing some new technology? Oh but wait, he didn't hop off the dragon and slaughter a dozen villagers randomly for literally no reason, so that's bad writing.
> followed by a series of "Heh I was just holding back" encounters
Which ones?
Cold Steel does, but it's unironically one of the most contrived and worst-written segments of any game. Again, you can have an intimidating villain who doesn't kill anyone on screen. However, you're just fixated on this one thing because you want to shit on a game for contrarian points on a chinese cartoon imageboard.
So the Witch King of Angmar is not an intimidating villain?
Yeah it's getting pretty obvious that these guys are literally just trolling at this point since many of the best villains outright don't kill anyone at all or only kill people late into the story. Then again these people are the kind who probably unironically think Kefka is one of the best FF villains.
A villain has to demonstrate why they're dangerous on screen to be a decent villain, yes. If you want me to believe that the villain is a cold stone killer you better show them doing it. Think back to any decent movie you've watched in your life and you will see this.
Imagine if in Die Hard you never saw Hans Gruber or his gang kill anyone, they just talked about how they totally killed a bunch of people before and were really really bad men. Their total ineffectiveness and failure to accomplish a single task throughout the movie would destroy any sense of tension, any danger to them.
For realsies. Its like these niggas dont know that Lawful Evil exists.
I don't think the psp version has fast-forward for battles though
>A villain has to demonstrate why they're dangerous on screen to be a decent villain, yes.
Okay, so you agree that a villain doesn't have to kill people to be a decent villain?
>A villain has to demonstrate why they're dangerous on screen to be a decent villain
They prove they're dangerous by kicking your fucking ass. Did you miss the parts where everyone in Ouroboros is shown to be way above your parties level in the first half of the game? They have the same structure as Vergil, completely destroying you at first then being even then finally being beat at the end
Hans Gruber and his gang aren't a shadowy global underground Illuminati-like crime organization, they're a group of thugs. Do you have any other false equivalences you'd like to make while continuing to state that you think the Witch King of Angmar, The Shadowlord, Dagoth Ur, etc. aren't effective villains?
>Ouroboros are bad villains because they don't kill anyone
>you don't need to kill people to be a good villain
absolute fucking brainlets in this thread
Okay since you're so obsessed with this weird Witch King comparison I'll address it, using the film version since it's the more commonly experienced one: you know that scene where Gandalf is looking out from Minas Tirath as the army approaches and his staff is shattered? That's the demonstration of the Witch King's power. A character we know and respect, who's power has been shown in overcoming previous obstacles, is immediately outdone by this foe, thus showing us that he is a threat.
The Trails equivalent to this would have been talking about how the Witch King was really strong and destroyed some wizard's staff in a war that happened 7 years ago, only for him to do nothing on screen but walk up and die to Eowyn.
>you know that scene where Gandalf is looking out from Minas Tirath as the army approaches and his staff is shattered? That's the demonstration of the Witch King's power. A character we know and respect, who's power has been shown in overcoming previous obstacles, is immediately outdone by this foe, thus showing us that he is a threat.
Right, just like in SC when the villains are shown to be credible threats because them literally testing their technology is causing crises throughout the nation without them even attempting to interfere directly, or when they nearly single-handedly overthrow the government of the entire country with a group of 4 people until the final boss of the previous games and a couple of other people near his power level show up to stop them.
Oh, but according to you, they're bad villains because they weren't confirmed to have killed anyone. So I guess that means the Witch King is a bad villain too now?
It's not about necessarily killing someone you autist, it's about demonstrating character traits rather than just telling you they're there.
So exactly what SC does?
I remember people hyping the hell out of cold steel 1-2 getting localized and since I was a fan of jrpgs and was looking fir a reason to use my dust collecting pstv I picked them up together and holy shit was this game a chore to get through.
70hrs minimum story, mostly padding, shitty version of suikoden fused with persona and some xenogear mechs because why the fuck not, we cant be any more shameless, right?
Stretches out what easily could've been 2 games into 4 because of greed and making another game soon because it's apparently never gonna end.
The protagonist and characters are straight out of a light novel, you got your katana weilding generic dude with super sayian dark side and a robot and everyone wants his dick. He's also darth vaders son because why not?
The animations are garbage and stiff as fuck, everyone moves like they haveva stick lodged up their ass.
Ouroboros does that tho. That succeed in all of their tasks up until the end of the game. They trivialize military soldiers. It takes a party of 4 to fight each of them and they still struggle against them. Agate, who is supposed to be your experienced bracer senior gets BTFO by Lorence. Walter almost kills the whole party by himself. Bleublanc easily traps the party. Luci progressively put a region to sleep along with your party. You only survive each encounter unscathed because they peace out.
They literally solo your whole party when you first meet them though
Okay, now I'm starting to understand why I just can't seem to enjoy these games as much as ya'll. It's because Trails fans just have a 3rd grade reading level, got it
>I remember people hyping the hell out of cold steel 1-2 getting localized
You have a pretty shitty memory then since people had been shitting on Cold Steel since the japanese release.
That, or you're making shit up about threads you were never in.
Haha that's our rean
I like going through all the city checking for the changes in dialogue cause I'm an autist
Oh, please tell me where I misread your post then. Because it seems to me like you were saying that showing the villains' capabilities (like SC does) is enough to make them a good villain even if they don't kill anyone (like SC does). So what are you even arguing about? In your post you objectively proved that Ouroboros are effective villains.
Its amazing the dialogue changes even for the tiniest of progress you do.
I was so paranoid that I was going to miss the wedding between those 2 nps in SC.
>A character we know and respect, who's power has been shown in overcoming previous obstacles, is immediately outdone by this foe, thus showing us that he is a threat.
So if instead he did the same thing but to Aragon, Legolas, and Gimli, it wouldn't count? That's exactly what SC fucking does you stupid autistic faggot. Hell in the fucking movies the ONLY representation of Gandalf the White's power is him BTFOing those three when they meet him in the Fangorn forest.
>villains repeatedly kick your ass, kick everyone's asses, always succeed and general fuck everything up for everyone
>they're bad because they're not murdering people onscreen
>backstories and history dont matter because anything offscreen doesnt count for anything
Real big brain stuff :)
Name one thing that Ouroboros accomplishes in the course of SC.
They're bad because of these scenes where they were "just holding back" that I keep referencing as if they exist, without naming a single one, because i didn't actually play the game and just briefly read a summary of it. Fuck off falcomfag
Pretty much. Praise be the guy who put quick/fast mode in the game too
acquire a nearly omnipotent holy relic and send an entire nation in chaos
Acquiring the Aureole, which is literally their entire goal. Making them more accomplished than the vast majority of villains actually, including one you claim is effective while continuing to argue that he's not (the Witch-King) in fact.
>say the guy looks credible because hes stronger than established characters
>the entirety of SC is ouroboros dabbing on absolutely everyone except for a few extremely special cases (Cassius and Richard)
Okay retard
>activate the four towers
>restore power to the Liber Ark
>disrupt the military and political order of Liberl
>obtain an ancient relic with divine powers
well for starters literally everything they set out to do in the first place. Did you even fucking play the game you stupid faggot?
>and Richard)
Not even just Richard, but Richard and several other people close to their power level in addition to the main party. They don't even consider retreating until they're actively outnumbered 2:1
Bro they literally won in the end and got the Sept terrion
It's pretty obvious this dumb nigger read a wiki and didn't actually play the game
Notice how he keeps citing the "holding back" shit which doesn't start until Cold Steel (unless you count Arianrhod in Ao but she stops holding back if you actually do enough damage to her) and then continues to dodge the question when someone asks him to name an instance of that happening in SC at all
>it gets after 80 hours and an entire prequel game!
got the Aureole (and everything required to release it prior), gained more data on Pater-Mater's performance, got rid of their bad sheep in leadership
We're talking about Sky not Cold Steel
>saves liberl by forcing cassius back into the military
>dabs on ouroboros and saves the capital
>can solo all of The 3rd, even Cassius
Is there a more based character?
So am I
I thought we were talking about Trails in general
Loewe held back hard in the colosseum and Grancel castle
The holding back thingy has been since the first game
How worth is the series considering after the original trilogy according to some anons the game goes to shit?
>after the original trilogy
The crossbell duology is better than the sky trilogy
Because he was in disguise at the time and didn't want to blow his fucking cover you dipshit
That only really applies to the fight at the end of FC and even then he's literally just fighting you for shits and giggles as his goals would be actively harmed if he killed the cuckquean, as shown by him holding his sword in the wrong fucking hand
Does rean really get permant white hair in cs 4? Is this a fucking parody or what
It only goes to shit with Cold Steel, like most games that switch to a school setting
Cold Steel 4 is a joke of a game that literally destroyed what little integrity the franchise had left
You can also romance everyone and several character arcs are completely destroyed to make room for that "feature"
Oh also I forgot to mention that ANCIENT ALIENS is a plot twist in it
How can one writer succumb so low.
I wanted a "grit those teeth Richard" and they fucking gave it to me. Brought him to his senses and he became a chad.
>the first encounter Estelle has with the enforecers they don't even fight but gets btfo anyways
>the second she also gets btfo even if she defeats them, because they were holding back
>she only defeats them in the third encounter at the axis tower, where two manage to escape
>lloyd and co. also get btfo in the first half of Ao
Why does Falcom insist on shitting up their existing franchises instead of just creating something new? They'd probably be more successful if they put their effort into making a game that didn't have 8 predecessors to play first
you forgot nebula
Haha that's our rean alright.
>Zodiac and Clock ex his ass
>Win fight
What a lad
I want to kill this fucking faggot, HE EVEN HAS RED EYES JESUS CHRIST.
>teases a new anguis for four games in a row
>he's busy sorry xD
please just buy his game they need to fund CS5
>teases a new anguis for four games in a row
At long last, the honor of the turnip clan is restored.
I mean Adol can turn his hair black now...
On the bright side Kondo said he wants the series to get darker after that mess of an arc so it might of have saved trails in the long run
A LOT of signs point to Nielsen - especially the VA from a certain epilogue section of CS4.
Why does he gets white hair?
Did he wanted to look exactly like his dead not so dead boyfriend?
>Kondo said he wants the series to get darker
The faggot think giving demonic powers to rean make him complex so dark for him might be just mindless violence and gore and shock for the sake of shock.
I think it was the second or third one. Arianrhod and the doctor anguis talk about him in Ao and he is teased through CS
Do you want short or long answer? (speculation based on evidence at hand)
nicoblog / cdromance
So I am a person who enjoys torturing himself by making some arbitrary rule where I play every single game in a given series in some numerical order by way of release dates. Where would I start if I wanted to try these series of games out? My own researching led me to this op image as part of "The Legend of Heroes" series, where the first ever entry is Dragon Slayer from 1989 on a shitload of old consoles. Should I start from here to work my way up to Trails in the Sky and beyond?
Go for the long one
He's the best character. Literally everything he did was right. Think about it.
>Guys, signing a piece of paper won't stop Erebonia from fucking us. Only Cassius Bright who has a plot brain can have us win
>Guys? Queen? Fuck it I'll do it myself
Literally the only thing he's done wrong is not fuck Kanone.
What causes a man to suddenly think is good writing is bad and proceed to create anime self-insert nonsense? I don't get it. Did he have a mid-life crisis? How can he regret writing Estelle like that when she's one of the best female leads in the genre? Is inevitable for Japanese men to go down this route?
>Most based character in the series
>He's one of the few who haven't made a reappearance since Sky
>Later games constantly bring up hints and references about him though
Fuck he better be in Calvard.
Yes, start with Dragon Slayer on the PC Engine to experience some of the best voice acting and stories of that era in video games.
i played on hard my first playthrough and found the battles quite challenging, its on the level of FF4 hardtype version imo if not harder when you consider optional boss fights like Lorence (2nd enounter)
Business needs often trump creative integrity. Falcom needed an easy boost in the market and they got it with a game that pandered to a particular demographic.
Making it darker does not mean making it better. Trails doesn't need to be 'darker', despite all these faggots crying about Ouroboros not going on a massacre.
That said, they really did need to show more people dying in the Erebonian Civil War. That was just retarded.
Haha... that's our Rean Ogro Blanco for you...
I wish they could have made it a new IP or a spinoff instead of cucking hardcore/political Erebonia.
I'll just copy a reddit post then as I'm way too tired to rewrite this shit
Up to Zero/CS1: It's good to note that in the 3rd the jaeger possessed by the Spear of Loa also had white hair, the mafia members who transformed in Zero got white hair and Ernest's demon form has lighter hair color than normal: All demonized or arguably demonized individuals, Rean and jaeger have got their hair color turned closer to white if not white.
up to Ao & CS2: Ernest in the big demon form has now white hair if it wasn't clear before. Wald is arguably the first demonized person not to have a white hair, but he's a special case anyway so same rules might not apply to him. Testa-Rossa (And Vermillion apocalypse) follow along, also having white hair while calling upon demonic weapons. Not really the same kind of demonization, separating being cursed with Zoro-Agruga's blood for now. Also Mcburn, although not exactly white. All demonized (save for special case Wald) have had their hair color turned into white in addition to the jaeger, Rean and Testa-Rossa and McBurn. Still no connection between the two.
up to CS4: Lets add Crow, Black Alberich to the list. Also Mcburn's true form has pure white hair. We also know that the Curse is the direct cause for the hair color for Rean, Crow, Black Alberich and Testa-Rossa (most likely). For Demonization it's mafia, Ernest, Joachim and by a small leap of logic the jaeger probably as well(we know artifacts can demonize people from the 3rd). That leaves us Mcburn. The only connecting factor between all of these is the connection to the Outside through Curse[there's no way the Curse has no connection considering the evil eye motif, compulsion à la the 3rd and Testa-Rossa's demonic weapons, not to mention access to Pleroma Grass], through Gnosis or just by being McBurn who has an innate connection. In the Curse's case it seems to be more selective but that just might go with the nature of the Curse and how Ishmelga directed it.
I think we should buy the dip
So is he merely pretending?
That’s our user
Based beyond belief and redpilled to the next level
I was going to say Tokyo Xanadu but then I remembered its still part of the series.
yeah trails/kiseki games are fucking trash
in the past on Yea Forums, the kiseki shills only over felated it because it wasn't translated and then as soon as everyone started calling out coldsteel for the trash that it is, they moved on to another game
dilate, shit eater
>Sen 3 was surprisingly good for a Sen
>Sen 4 happens
Ha ha
I was so innocent
Haha, that's our shitposter...
I love sword autists
Nothin Personnel 3 PC when?
Give it from 5 months to 1 year
>there are people who will play CS3 without playing Zero/Ao
He saw the fujo yen
But my Kiseki itch is growing steadily more desperate. I need something to play, anything. Fuck at this rate I'll just outright replay the sky games, there's bound to be heaps of little things I missed on my first playthrough.
Classic Reddit
>he waited for geokek
Replay them
Or buy a cheap used ps4 and resell it after completing the game if you are that desperate
I go to /fg/ ever once in a while the games are good rean memes but every time a thread about these games show up you guys can't help but bump it to hell and back
LOOK 231 posts and 55 posters you niggers gotta get some shame you know, generals are there for a reason fucking kike ass nigger pussy
just get akatsuki
By being replaced after Ao
Kondo isn't a writer, he's a director and producer
The writer who wrote Estelle left after Ao
>if I post it enough it will become true!
>smash bros
>pokemon gachashit
>fire emblem
Keep doing it for free hall monitor-kun.
Headpat me rean!
>Just show me ONE (1) time the bad guys make good on their villainous deeds that leave a lasting impression
t. never played crossbell
Nobody said Ouroboros were the bad guys.
If you wanted an Estelle thread you only had to say so.
I was under the impression the The Legend of Heroes were a series of solid JRPG's, but thanks to skimming through some threads here I've realized that the Cold Steel games aren't really that good.
Well at least I hope the Trails games are alright since I already downloaded them.
why are you letting Yea Forums tell you what to think
Oh it's not that, I saw the dialogs myself. Like I said I'll still play the Trails games since those seem fine.
>I saw the dialogs myself.
wtf is that even supposed to mean?
The character interactions, in-game dialogs. Looks like a bunch of common anime tropes.
If you're playing an English "translation" you're playing fanfiction.
so you literally know nothing about the game except some cherry picked bullshit Yea Forums trolls posted. Again you shouldn't let Yea Forums tell you what to think, retard
>I like a slow burn.
And gaius still manages to have negative personality.
Ys is better. fight me trails niggers.
He's definitely the worst character in the series by far.
Can american adol beat Rean?
>how to tell if someone is a no-taste bandwagon faggot:
>they use the term 'trope' at any point, in any context
Just stop. We know you go to TVTropes, we dont need to hear about it. And you literally just sound like a retard. Stop.
Are there any unofficial english patches for these?
>Again you shouldn't let Yea Forums tell you what to think
The final decision lies with me and I didn't just read the troll posts, I went through threads and saw people's opinion on it, I think that's a solid way of getting a feel for the general opinion.
So what is she actually saying here?
yes. the virgin turn based has no chance against the chadol bump.
>Are there any unofficial english patches for these?
I don't think so.
It doesn't really translate. Closest you could probably get is "what's with the kid!?"
>he's your future husband you ungrateful cunt.
>I went through threads and saw people's opinion on it
so like i said you're literally letting Yea Forums tell you what to think
Sorry to bother you user. But could you tell me how much the the localization deviates from the original in the Trails games. How much context will I be loosing story wise?
I'm basing whether I'm going to like a game on comments from people that played it and are fans of the series. It's like game reviews but more honest. Say what you want, but this method rarely fails me.
>Sorry to bother you user. But could you tell me how much the the localization deviates from the original in the Trails games. How much context will I be loosing story wise?
It's been like that since Sky. those treasure chest messages wasn't in the japanese version.
The entire trails series translated by xseed is fan fiction.
Just deal with it or learn japanese
Play the PC versions with the Evolution voice patches and you'll be able to see the difference without even speaking a word of Japanese. I really wish I could say the English translations are good, but they're worse than SNES translations.
putting aside weeb autism, the Trails in the Sky localization is widely considered the gold standard in localization.
Gold standard in fanfiction you mean.
Why would you think you're losing any context.. this is fucking retarded man. Please stop listening to retards on Yea Forums
working designs beats them any day of the week
Working Designs is the platinum edition.
BROS...... I can't believe they had the characters say the same thing in a DIFFERENT WAY instead of translating 100% word-for-word... bros.....
I see, that's rather unfortunate.
I'm aware how much freedom localizers tend to take with Japanese games and I don't like it. They even go so far to completely change some character's presentation in the game.
I prefer to experience the writers original intent and vision. Guess I don't have much choice here though.
sorry about your autism. If you're gonna be like this then go learn fucking japanese, god I hate weebs so fucking much. kill yourself
put some respekt on falcoms name you stupid fucking zoomers
t. EOP who's lying to themself
Xseed literally tells their audience they change shit for no reason all the time. They literally have a developer blog to do so.
I kept myself playing cold steel for 40 hours until i said: for the love of god fuck this bullshit. Pure garbage game. College girls in skirts fighting against tanks. Boring as much as a game can be. Ey look, it's another trip, like the one you have been doing six times.
I think my reasoning is justifiable when the difference is as big as this.
>He says while browsing Yea Forums in a thread about a japanese game
I feel like this irony might be lost to you
sorry you're retarded but there's a difference between someone who likes anime and japanese games and a weeb. Weebs are you and that idiot who keeps crying about MUH FANFICTION.
I liked the first two but the third was annoying.
Oh and the Jaeger unit did nothing wrong.
Pacing in Trails is amazing. It's one of the few series that are not rushed as hell.
You got something wrong here I'm certainly not obsessed with Japanese culture, though I like a good anime or too. I'm simply concerned about the integrity of the content that's being presented to me, whether it's French, Italian, English or Japanese.
I want to know what the writer, the person who wrote the story, originally wanted to say as closely as possible and not what some localizer thought would be more appropriate. This can cause many nuances to be lost and may make certain characters appear very different than how they were originally imagined. I think that's important in story heavy games like jrpg's.
It doesn't matter anyway, since I don't have much choice here.
then go learn japanese fag
God what a bitch
Estelle's translation is by far the worst part of the English version. She's much less of a cunt in Japanese.
Sorry but I'm not a weeb
What tactics games would you recommend?
Calvard when?
I love her so much bros...
Never ever haha
And I love Renne.
I'm on chapter 4 now, and the game just feels entirely devoid of original ideas and personality. It's what a bot would produce if you fed it every JRPG from the 90s and told it to find the lowest common denominator. Sometimes it's comfy, but mostly it's just kind of boring.
>jibun mo omae no youna bukiyou na otoko ha kirai dehanai
Wait, how does the 'dehanai' become a question? I understand it as:
"Like, you, I don't hate those without grace."
Why do people like these games? The pacing is atrociously slow, the combat is some babby's first tactics game level of simplicity, the art style outside of the portraits is garbage (and only gets worse with VII's switch to 3d), and the plot itself is like watching an above average seasonal anime stretched out to 50-100 hours a season. I cannot for the life of me understand why this series seems to have such diehard fans
>Just show me ONE (1) time the bad guys make good on their villainous deeds that leave a lasting impression
The Red Constellation Raid in Ao No Kiseki.
>finish the Sky arc
>start up Zero
>no turbo button
This playthrough is gonna be painful.
Be strong, user. Zero is Kino when it gets rolling.
Make a speedhack button in cheat engine
I gave up the last time I tried to use it.
My Chinese ex loved them and tried to get me to play them. I drew the same conclusion as you, OP. Also dumped her ass.
Is the PSP version good enough or should I play the Vita version? I've been looking for something to play when its slow at work and I can emulate the psp one easily.
Crossbell Police, Special Support Section. You're coming with us.
The jury's out on the Vita version. Gameplay-wise, they're nearly identical, but people keep arguing about whether the Evolution soundtrack and art are better or worse than the PSP version.
I'd just buy the one that's cheaper, really.
>start CE
>select the exe
>click the speedhack checkbox
so hard
I wanna fuck Maybelle and live in comfy Bose
Lila would be relieved about that, too. Finally Maybelle found someone.
Imagine if the calvard mc is rean 3.0
I've got a hacked vita and already own the game on pc just looking for something I can play at work since I have a couple of super boring tasks that damn near boil down to press button wait 5 minutes repeat for 8 hours straight. So I literally just sit there on my phone.
>people keep arguing about whether the Evolution soundtrack and art are better or worse than the PSP version
Can't comment on the art but I listened to the entire evo OST a while back. Was shocked to find its a big downgrade to the original. Not the worst thing to ever happen but still, they dropped the ball hard.
Only track I found that was actually improved was this
Is it possible to bind it to RT on the controller or will I have to constantly swap between it and my keyboard?
Will Kevin ever come back?
they have no taste and will eat up aboslute shit as long as it has uguuuuuuuuu kawaaaiiii anime girls in it. quality is literally not a factor to them its all about mass amounts of trash for them to consume so making a shitty anime girl game very long will make them happy little consumers and spend all of their money so they can larp and fantasize about being cartoon girls.
this applies to xenoblade fags
Fuck off. Xenoblade 1 was genuinely good.
Yes, just use DS4windows
no it wasnt
As an absolute fan of JRPG weebshit, I think that the Kiseki series is absolute garbage. A game shouldn’t be boring to be good. The only appeal is the waifus. But you don’t need to play the games for this.
way to contradict yourself in your post bud
How close he is to Loewe power-wise by Sen 4?
In Calvard probably, so not any time soon.
I have an xbone controller though.
the pacing is only a problem in the first game. the 2nd game literally starts with you being framed for the kings murder for fucks sake.
I only liked the first game. Then again I'm one of those guys who enjoys Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4 a lot.
In Cold Steel 1, the pacing is worse than in Sky 1.
Trails would be higher regarded if it came out in the late 90s and early 2000s when boomers had more time to play video game.
Imagine if he's based Rean again haha
FC has the worst pacing in the series. CS1 is in the bottom half too but at least they try to involve you in some major events like the kidnapping and the railgun shit.
P5 intro is terrible though. I agree on P4, the intro is a masterpiece.
>tons of action means the pace is amazing
Fucking retard
Characters, story, music, exciting moments. The same reasons people like other JRPGs.
>i'm not a graphic whore but please rape me with your massive RTX
Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force
Use the Steam controller config. Add Zero to steam and bind a button in the config.
>He's a filthy EOP
It's not exciting when everyone is holding back all the time
Problem is that speedhacks speed up the audio as well. That was the great thing about the TiTS turbo mode, you never fucked up the music by using it
Could have been worse, could have been the dullest RPG of all time. Each attempt Obsidian makes to create their own universe rather than simply deconstruct a setting made by others, has been more disastrous than the last. Aside from the outdated gameplay and lifeless cities, Pillars of Eternity's only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of combat mechanics, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Sawyer vetoed the idea of making anything at all innovative or original; he made sure the game would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable nostalgia pandering to ageing Baldur's Gate fans. Pillars of Eternity might be anti-casual(or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Divinity series in its refusal of spontaneity, fun and excitement.
>a-at least the writing was good though
The writing is dreadful; the narrative was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time I engaged in dialogue with an NPC the game presented me with a Wiki-page style infodump instead of anything resembling actual human conversation.
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time this was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Sawyer's mind is so governed by obsession with pointless minutiae of the lore that he has no other style of writing.
Later I read a lavish, loving review of Pillars of Eternity by the same David Gaider. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kiddies are playing Obsidian games at 17 or 18, then when they get older they will go on to enjoy Dragon Age II." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Pillars of Eternity" you are, in fact, trained to shill for Bioware.
decently close. He's not at the point where he could solo every other enforcerer or do well enough against Arianrhod , but since Oliver apparently got to Bleublanc/Low tier enforcerer level in CS, Joshua should be up there.
>start Zero
>controller button binds are completely reversed from what was the default in 3rd
>changing binds in the config exe doesn't work
>game won't work if the windowed checkbox is unchecked
Is there like a super secret patch for this or am I just retarded?
Add it to Steam and you should be able to rebind it through Steam. Might have to have it in big picture mode.
can I play Ao/Zero without playing TITS first? I just want to play Tio's game but everyone says I should play TITS first
You can but some of the best parts of Zero and one a couple in Ao kind of depend on you having played TitS
Go play TITS first
Because you should.
Is there no fix for fullscreen? It just fails to launch. I got the keybinds working as they should at least.
based and Piercepilled
Launch it windowed and use Borderless Gaming to do what it says
>have to resort to outdated psp version translations
>Sky gets an official translation and release in the west
>Crossbell only has a fan translation
>Steel gets an official translation and release in the west
Why did Falcom skip through the middle part of the story like that?
>Why did Falcom skip through the middle part of the story like that?
Falcom doesn't localize the games.
Well, you get what I mean. Why weren't they localized like the rest?
cold steel was the new hotness at the time. xseed is really slow so they could not have translated the crossbell arc before releasing steel
Because Hatsuu didn't actually play Crossbell despite calling herself "Mama Trails".
Theres not fewer than 100 posters this entire thread shouldnt exist
Haha... That's our spreadsheet user for you!
Trails is otome and harem cringe incarnate, I don't know how people who aren't degenerate waifufags can get past that.
If you want the best kind of Burn, play Cold Steel.
Because Trails didn't get any real traction until Sky FC became a Steam Sale stable circa 2015. The original PSP release of FC bombed in the west, so SC got put on the backburner initially. Then when it was picked up again, it ran into a ton of issues during localization, forcing it to be delayed for literally over a year. By the time it came out in the west, the PSP was basically dead and there was no real incentive to work on Crossbell. Falcom was also auctioning off the license for CS around the same time and gave XSeed a "take it or leave it" ultimatum when it came to getting the first two games.
what could anyone like about cold steel haha?
Why did she turn into a rapist bros?
She was so pure and innocent..
unlike this whore who was a slut from the start
It was relaxing for me.
I still remember playing these games in the winter evenings wrapped in blanket.
Because Crossbell was finished in 2011. Sky wasn't on PSP in English until 2011. They would have to get through several games on a dead console in order to get Crossbell over here.
Post that outfit
You know the one
>being this out of the loop haha
Based Team knows what's good
fuck, forgive me daddy Rean
Oh no no no no
>Laura AP
Jesus Christ people are weird.
>Keksekis are fucking bestiality-loving degenerates
Based and homelandpilled