Gears 5

>no leaks about the campaign yet

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Other urls found in this thread:

who cares?

Because it's shit.

The game starts as a normal Gears game.
Act 1 is linear
But after Act 2 the game becomes sort of open world.

Woman saves the world
Marcus is 127 years old

Saved you the money, user

Where’s Kait?

cuz no one fucking cares

Because Gears died with the third game? I forgot about the 4th due to how bad it was.

Microsoft is dead. Next console will end up like dreamcast

You play as JD in Act 1 then you play as Kait few months later.
That's why you can see the old JD without a beard and without his burned arm.

I need MOAR.

Because no one gives a fuck.

Does Myrrah really come back or is it an hallucination?


As far as I know at the moment.
Act 1 take place in the past during the Swarm invasion as this is how the Swarm becomes a real threat to the New COG. JD/Del are welcome again into the COG and Kait is the new recruitment.
Few months later during winter Act 2 is where you take the control of Kait JD/Del/Marcus/Baird/Cole literally everyone already knows about the medallion of Kait, since Act 1 she started to see thing, dream about the Hollow, she wants an answer about her past and the medallion, Marcus know the answer but this journey belong to Kait if she is ready to know then go.
Act 2 happens first in the frozan surface near New Hope Research Facility then you inside it.
Act 3 happens in desert like area with red sand long a time ago a big battle of the Pendulum Wars happened.

I like how you dumb incels who have never played a Gears game act like Kait being the granddaughter of Queen Myrrah is not a big fucking deal. Fuck off with your fake outrage.

Zero interest from the real fans, and the ones they're trying to appeal to don't exist.

Based. Ahead of it's time and loaded with fun games? The next xbox will be a pc.

You're full of shit. This game is goin to be a big hit.

>This game is goin to be a big hit.

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I'm excited to go back to the New Hope Facility. It was one of my favorite levels in Gears 2.

This explain some a lot of things from the trailers.
Act 2 = Mount Kadar
New Hope Research Facility, even the Rift Worm died near this place.
>Act 3 = Vasgar
Neutral Nation near Kashkur, the Pariah tanks are first seen in comics during the Battle of Ragani, the Invasion of Kashkur.

You guys know the reason why they aren't hyping the campaign is because the focus will be on multiplayer and selling you microtransactions.

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why would you play this fucking sjw corner cutting trash. its really like an early ps3/x360 game

Nobody gives a shit about it.

Has anyone cared about Gears of War in the last 10 years? Is this just xbone owners desperate for games?

The campaign has been the most hyped part of the game the past 3 weeks you dipshit. They saved campaign for the end because it's a totally different take on Gears of War and didn't want to spoil it.

And what about Act 4 or Act 5?

Because no one who actually plays Gears cares about campaign shit. Gears is a multiplayer series.

I care about both tho

>real fans
You mean campaign and horde kiddies who drop each game a month after release? And get BTFO of MP each release because they can't wallbounce?
Real gears fans couldn't care less about the campaign as long as the MP is good.

I, personally, cannot wait to traverse through the land of Gears in the snow. I'll be having fun!

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Barrett Wallace is in Gears now?

>gears now has a mini map as well
Going to be FUN!

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>Another empty open world full of pointless trinkets to pad the length

Damn, she's hot.

worst character is getting a game

Fun fact, the dev's stated you traversing the land is totally optional. If you want to get right back into the main story you can just ride the snowboard from point A to B and get on with it. You don't have to do any of the extra shit. But doesn't matter to me bro, fuck you I'm going to explore the land with a friend and have fun!

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Dead Series, nobody cares.

Do you play JD after Act 3?

So you dont play as the negress for the entire game? they should be advertising that since literally everyone thinks her character is boring, even reddit

Sounds like youre blinded by some pretty thick nostalgia googles user, gameplay in 4 is the best its ever been, only the writing was lacking

i only ever played the campaigns, the multiplayer is a big meh

me :3



Imagine being Klobrille and imagine being expected to shill this shit lmao

>sony pissy pants players still mad as fuck they don't get to play Gears
Goddamn it sure feels good knowing that you guys literally seethe over this.

They seethe over everything Xbox and Nintendo.

>literally zero threads about gears since E3 because no one owns an xbone and/or cares about the series anymore
>suddenly thread pops up with one guy desperately trying to fake hype for the game

>Xtranny delusion at its peak again

Sea of Thieves is 2018's PUBG hahahahhhaha

Go falseflag some user scores on Metacritic

Get a load of these bozo's tryna act like there hasn't been plenty of Gears threads. My dick can only gets harder with every shitpost you turds make!

I can't tell if this someone taking the shit out of marketers or actually a marketer going 'how do you do fellow kids'
Either way it's embarrassing.

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Reminder that most of Yea Forums sucks at Gears pvp multiplayer.
Just remember that fact as you sift through the shitposts that Yea Forumstards write when it comes to anything gears related.

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>being this pissy

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>playing Gears of War after 3

Rod-senpai said not to leak the story.

How many times are they gonna remake the same game over and over? But this time it's a girl lol.

Act 4 will probably be them destroying that city with the Hammer of Dawn (again). Considering the last achievement is titled, 'The True Threat to Sera', I think Kait realizes at the end humanity is destroying Sera.

Came here to write this. Feminists ruin everything.

>Rod "Thank You For Not Smoking" Burgerson

Kait isn't even feminist or forces a feminist message. She just expresses displeasure as being a female in a society where they are forced to become breeding machines.

wow its just like with drumpf
bravo rod
93 metascore inbound

Who gives a shit

>never played a Gears game
>want to complain about gears
>blames feminist, sjws, or lol xbox
>bring up the 'drumpf' achievement when it isn't relevant in the present game

Latin America

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Kait's mom got kidnapped and killed when the Swarm tried to force her to be the new queen and it appears Oscar died when they tried attacking their village apparently to find Kait. It's so dumb people quote this line when they're trying to make fun of the game.

I do, already preloaded Gears 5 on steam

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Looks like that Metroid Prime planet

>it's ok when based phil does it

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me faggot

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OP, why do you think people give enough of a shit about your game to leak anything about it?

Here, let me give you a plot summary:
>an ancient evil has arisen
>edgy quasi-lesbian MC has a great and mysterious destiny due to her heritage
>your favorite character from previous games will not be featured
>shit blows up
>MC is a terrible person but wins anyway due to the powers she possesses from her mysterious past

Why the fuck do you need to ask for leaks anyway? You already know how this game will play out just by looking at the fucking OP image.

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how do i pre-load this game with xbox gamepass ultimate i got for $1 back at E3?

Should be on the Xbox app that it makes you download.

>female protagonist

youre a zombie

This right here.
For as hardcore as faggots here pretend to be I ALWAYS see someone crying about wallbouncing and Gnashers.
I had some retard try to tell me Escalation was a shit competitive mode and when he got BTFO he just kept repeating "M-muh E-sports is cringe right guys? No one takes vidya seriously now that we suck dick at it!!!"

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>big gears fan
>not at all interested in gears 5
They ruined the series gears ago, but somehow this one looks worse than previous titles.

is it odd to anyone else that they put her both in the forefront and in the lineup in the back
and she's grinning in the back for some reason too

The promotional team this time around has been pretty fucking garbage, ya.


Looks like an big improvement for me, not sure what your smoking but that's like, your opinion man

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Not him but that new game mode that makes rifles stronger sounds like it's going to suck dick and the only people that are going to play it are people that cried about Gnashers and weren't even trying to adapt to the game anyway.
What's worse is that I'm on PC and not Xbox now so it'll just be a hind and seek fest with little PC nerds sitting on their mouse trying to shoot you in the back because mouse accuracy doesn't make a difference in shotgun battles when wallbouncing is involved and the retard is hard aiming

It looks like a steaming pile of shit, this series should have been a 1 off.

Gears was better when multiplayer was only Warzone/Execution, and first to 10 wins.
It was the shit. A game could last over an hour and you'd constantly be countering and counter-countering the enemy team's tactics over rounds.
But paying attention for that long was too much for the modern zoomer sperg.

It was also better when the women were locked in breeding farms.

Speaking of PC
>Dipshits tried to use wallhacks in fucking Gears
The sound and visual design in the game makes it so you have to take an extraordinary amount of effort to completely hide from the enemy, anyone that isn't blind or retarded has a general idea where any one enemy is on the map
It became less funny when they started aimbotting their shotguns though because they kept getting creampied

The game in general has been slowed down to appeal to hard aiming core babies. It's funny how they said they tried to combine both core and comp tuning from 4 for 5. This shit is literally just core tuning with less ammo.
I've always been a annex tard myself.

Will this game have fucking Wingman?
That's all I wanted from 4.

God I fucking loved Wingman in Gears
>Playing Gears 2, was an absolute demon at the game
>Play with friend from high school
>Get into a wingman game
>Manage to kill every single other team myself before they even meet each other
>High school buddy is losing his fucking mind on mic

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That face is repulsive

Back in the Gears 2 days, me and my friend were top 1000 in Wingman.
Shit was so cash.

>>edgy quasi-lesbian MC has a great and mysterious destiny due to her heritage
I mean, I think everyone believes that the Locust coming back is the WORST case scenario.

Based and redpilled, I can't wait to play this game.

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>adapt to the game
>zero skill

Every gears has been nothing but wall bouncing and gnasher spamming. Why wouldn't you welcome something different for once?

why does the character look like a tranny?


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>Having to master an unorthodox movement system and aiming to adjust to said movement system while you and your enemy are doing it in near point blank range
Compared to
>Sit in cover and wait for them to walk into an area they can't get to cover from fast enough and laser them down
How about we don't reward retarded scrubs that are too afraid to play a high stakes playstyle and make them actually have to work to get downs/kills instead of making an automatic you can fire from the safety of your spawn stronger you shitty sperg, you not being able to adapt isn't a problem for someone else

>Cuckhead avatar

i dunno man
the robots didn't feel as cool to shoot as the locust
also the robot weapons felt really wimpy, and half the time didn't feel like they did any damage
maybe it was the lack of blood on most enemies, but a lot of the game just felt dumb and floaty
at least the weather was cool, fire tornadoes were dope

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There's a reason why TC made Arcade mode for casuals like him lol Either so, very excited for this game

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Problem is on PC it'll be the most populated since most PC players suck shit at shotgun battles and rely on aimbots when they get really upset

I just wish there was more of it in 4 and that the game was more gorey. Otherwise it was better in really every way. I just miss the fun grindhouse style of the others and hopefully that comes back in 5

the game is crossplay on all modes

Can I play as Skorge in this one?

You could play Skorge as a multiplayer character in Gears 4, so I'm not sure, maybe they'll bring him back in future skin DLC. All we know is that its like Fortnite battle pass but it's free, complete certain challenges, you get this skin or mark or weapon skin or gesture. If you don't, you cant earn it anymore and there are no loot boxes, as compared to that gay ass Gears of war 4 loot boxes. As for microtransaction, it's all just cosmetic, not pay to win

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See what i mean.

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why is this a thing, i was playing 4 over the past few days and see a bunch of mexico flags on their names

Your terrible at shillings.

i have to second this, gears of war 4 up until the swarm is incredibly unsatisfying cause of shooting robots. gameplay is great otherwise.

All he said was “who gives a shit” about the game. He never brought up any of the stuff you said in your post. Seriously learn how to larp properly and your shilling will look more real.

Heres hoping they bring back some judgment models then.

I liked Jungle Tai and Young Marcus.

Looks like a decent step up from 4. I'm struggling right now to find any fun in there while playing it.
Feels like I'm playing The Division with how much I have to shoot an enemy to down them. Who thought that shit was fun?

Can you wrap your tiny brain around the fact he was replying to two different people?

>Grenadier locust skin? yea thats my favorite multiple character to use, what gave it away?

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what does the halo reach preorder thing mean?

Despite all the marketing and shilling, almost no one.

Is this some new type of ridiculous astroturf attempt to create fake hype? Claim that OG console kiddies have some type of advantage? Any random idiot with a mouse can plant a OHKO gnasher shot in a fraction of the time even a pro player could shoot with a controller. What a joke. Just talk about how fun your game is gonna be faggot, I'll toss you a pity buy and never play it if you just stop being retarded.

nevermind. I read up on it. I don't have good enough internet for multiplayer so I will just wait till reviews for single player or a sale to get it.

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No, it's from personal experience, PC trash is garbage at Gears, below even 100+ ping spics

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>Female Gears in 3 and especially Judgment have beautiful, tight asses
>Gears 4 and on have box axes with no curve or crack
>Addition of Kat from Halo Reach means the devs will erase her ass too

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Will she get a skimpy outfit? I want to stare at her fit ass.

the way the camera moves is giving me a headache

>woman saves the world
she's next in line to be the locust queen

It just occurred to me that so many people that are loyal to PC as a platform have sub 2k even invested in their machine and get religiously defensive over any slight to it.
How this guy can even post his specs and it's better than someone defending the PC community as a whole is just fucking laughable, I doubt most of the "master race" in this thread can even run a game on Ultra at 60 FPS passed like 2015

M&KB really doesn't give much of an advantage at all. aiming isn't really hard in Gears in general because of how big the hitboxes are, so the only thing it offers is better accuracy with snipers and faster sensitivity. At the expense of making movement MUCH more clunky, and movement is one of the most important aspects of Gears. Alot of M&KB players in 4 are shit.

This. Who cares about gears of shit

>You mean campaign and horde kiddies who drop each game a month after release?
Actually yes, that's exactly what I was talking about...

OP specifically asked why there were no leaks for the CAMPAIGN, they didn't say anything about MP. As in the real fans, the ones invested in Marcus and his crew couldn't give two shits about the new kids on the block, especially that bitch, and her angsty identity issues. As for multiplayer, slap as many new coats of paint on it as you want it's the same damn thing over and over again, and you people keep paying for it, completely ignoring the campaign that had at least 10, MAYBE even 15 minutes of thought put into it, usually referring to it as nothing but a glorified tutorial on how to play the MP mode.

I think that's why the new trailer (the NIN one) seemed to focus more on Marcus and Delta. The previous trailers made it seem like Cait basically tells the rest of the cast to fuck off, and the whole game is just her and the black guy on an adventure.

>As in the real fans
Feigning interest in something just to bitch about it is sad user.
People that actually play Gears are more important than story shitters that buy the game at 10$ 3 years after release

>Play Gears 4 a year after launch
>In King of the Hill
>Doing alright, usually get 2 kills for every death, not top of the leaderboard
>xxMexicoSpicDandyxx has invited you to a party (wasn't his real name but he had a mexico flag)
>Join because why not maybe he wants to party up, lots of people did that in Halo 3 when I played in my teenage years
>Find out that he's on the enemy team, and he and his 3 spic buddies literally screech about how I'm terrible as soon as I join

Mexicans are addicted to gears, and they're all faggots.

I appreciate that they didn't give the Han/Luke treatment to Marcus, and that he's still a fairly prominent character. I hope they continue to resist the urge to give him some kind of bullshit heroic death.

the last good gears was 2. still some of the most fun I had in multiplayer.

First few months of Gears 3 was the best Gears play ever.
Then they got rid of dedicated servers and it returned to slock

>M&KB really doesn't give much of an advantage at all
if you ever come across PC players who actually know what they are doing, you will eat your words.

*Laughs in Longshot*

Hopefully, Tai and Dom are my favorite Gears of war characters, along with Dizzy as well. It would be funny if they brought Theron guard Marcus and Dom.

I would play it on the PC with M+KB, but wallbouncing is kinda hard to pull off, unless I reassign it keybinding wise , but man, that shit hurts my thumbs when I'm in a gnasher battle, so I'm used to the Xbox controller.

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>Every gears has been nothing but wall bouncing and gnasher spamming

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Will cross play filter out the controller and KB olayers?

there's been this meme going around of "controller is better for wallbouncing"...
KBM is absolutely better for wall bouncing and character movement. The only reason people (on console) think this is because stick aiming is so comparatively worse when it comes to aiming.
On KBM, you're to use the mouse's movement speed to look at the cover/wall you want to slide to (wallbounce) then quickly shift over to another cover. It is easier and superior to the controllers limitations.
Also, you're gonna see ALOT of youtubers and streamers, who've made their livelihood playing Gears, for Gears 5 that have switched over to kbm exclusively. They may even tout the same meme of "controllers are better for _, kbm is better for _" but they ALL conveniently play on kbm. They will never admit to how much better kbm is because that would alienate their viewers, who are primarily console players. Actions, not words.

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Campaign leaks out now on YouTube

Nobody cares enough to bother leaking, or searching for leaks.

to add to this, aiming is far, FAR, more important than wallbouncing. It goes back to how much worse aiming is on controllers (compare to mouse). Of course thats why a console player will think wallbouncing is superior.

They aren't spoiling the because they're pulling a ton of characters and unresolved plot points from the past games including Judgement into the campaign.

This guy uploading gameplay walk through of the campaign, if anyone interested


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>you ever felt like you died, but nobody told you

Gears had its moments

>Who asked for this
>Why isn't Gears 2 & 3 on PC when Gears 1 is?
This is all that is needed to be asked.

>Unresolved plot points

I really enjoyed Gears of War 1 & 2 and stopped but passed that it was just a tired franchise it is time to rest

Gears of War is probably the longest running third person shooter franchise but it just goes to show you can only keep things quality for so long before they stagnate

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I'm hearing Niles Samson(the AI from Gears 2) is gona play a major role in this game. Pretty much hinted to be the big bad considering he's the multiplayer announcer for the Swarm side.

I mean, I'm a PC player on 4, and people have accused me of aim botting before. Despite using a controller. Again, aiming is easy in Gears, KB&M is a negligible improvement. It's probably a different story though if you just started to play.
A controller is better for wallbouncing because left stick bouncing is infinitely easier with, well, a stick, compared to WASD. So you can really only camera bounce on M&KB.

I agree that there shouldn't be cross play with PC now that the rifles were buffed. But I also think the game has been the same for 10+ years, games 1 through 4 exist and you should go back if you only care about the gnasher.

RIP Lizzie Carmine.
She is with her uncle Anthony and Benjamin now.

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Baird's old squadmate from Judgement, Paduk appears in the game and is most likely gona tie into what happened to thier other squadmate, Sofia who was kidnapped by a group of unknown COG soldiers.

RIP Paduk he was a hero.
At least he loved Sofía till the end.


I've made 8 new xbox live accounts on Gears4 because of playing on PC. All the accounts were reported into the "Reputation Status: Avoid Me" which didn't allow me to use the match making service for online play.
Thank Christ, Microsoft finally and only recently updated the way reputation status works now .

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>a sale to get it
You can pay $2 right now and basically rent it for 2 months. Is gamepass really this unpopular? Same happened with Forza horizon 4.

Heres hoping they readd the indies and add in General Karn

That is Gears 4.

should i bother playing 4 before trying this
both are on game pass

If there wasn't crossplay , PC would die in a few months. Arcade is really the only mode where I could see KB&M getting bitched at since it will attract all the new players and rifle headshots kill. It's really not enough of a advantage in normal modes to have a outrage.

Yeah or at least watch the cutscenes on youtube since the story of 5 probably won't make much sense if you don't.

Same engine = Same game.
Gears 4 = Gears 5
Also Marcus needs to die.

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It was a good game after all.
Play it, you won't get disappointed. Act 2 is where Gears 4 really starts.
If you can deal with the slow beginning of the game you probably enjoy it at the end.

Paduk and Sofia's ass were the only good thing about judgement.

Is this real?

New gameplay looks good. Dialogue is also a lot better this time around with less quippy humor. Also fuck Fahz is annoying and I really hate this how bullshit they have going on with JD painting him as an asshole who is just constantly reckless. He’s nothing like his dad

I don't know how the fuck you people don't know that Gears 4 existe.
That shit happens during the campaign.
Gears 4 came out 3 years ago.

>vag of war 5
yeah no thanks.


Wrong thread.

He is right.
Campaign (Act 1) is on YT (for now).

>Kait’s story is unironically the most interesting story since Dom saving Maria in 2.
>Kait is a much more interesting character than JD.
>Yea Forums is mad girl is the main character in a bro shooter.

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Yeah, I’m thinking he’s based

Well its only $1 on pc so that wont be hard

Wish they would just bring the only good one, 2, to pc.

no leaks because it looks shit. what the fuck were they thinking making the worst character in 4 the main character in 5. fucking retards

Read the thread

2 was only good for horde and the campaign setpieces. The rest was a travesty

>So you dont play as the negress for the entire game
There is nigress in the game, she's a White hispanic

Which Carmine was her father because she mentioned Clayton was her uncle? D. Carmine?

>Enemies with healthbars
>no skull when low health
>smoking is bad kids

They're taking this series in the wrong direction by trying to make it more accessible to children. It's only going to have cartoony violence and zero mature themes, remember when characters committed suicide and meaningful characters died.

They never got rid of dedicated servers, just that supposedly dedicated servers are for season pass owners only but hasn't been proven.

>open world
The meme claims another. Not a big gears fan, but it's still sad.

theyre hubs

Nah dude I bought that pass.
Those servers were NEVER as good as they were at launch and anyone saying otherwise is fucking lying to you

>health bars
Can be turned off
Can be turned off
>new health system
Dogshit everyone agrees
>smoking bad
A non-arguement that was blown out of proportion by the people throwing a fit over it. Only 1 character in gears has ever been seen smoking and it was for all of 10 seconds in a DLC package 9 years ago.

Halo Infinite will also have this.

Well I never had shitty connection in Gears 3 multiplayer considering I have shitty Australian internet.

I only wanna know if Marcus dies.
Why the fuck there's no ending available on youtube yet?

So it is the best looking GAME on consoles at this moment?

I think only HZD can handle G5 as a game and probably DS when it came out.

Probably the best looking game on XO until Halo Infinite.
Gears of War 4 a U4 masterpiece, I expecting a review from Digital Foundry.
Days Gone vs Gears 5 both games uses U4 and both games where released this year.
U4 on XO needs a lot to even be comparated with Horizon Zero Dawn and Death Stranding.
Decima Engine was develop for PS4 but U4 wasn't made for XO only.

Probably Slipspace Engine will show us the true power of an XO sad because it will be the last game on the console.

>1st review

Gears of War 4 when it released and the 4k video footage of it was crazy good.
Not only does it look incredible, the optimization of this game is some of the best I've seen in years. This game will run 4k well above 60FPS on lower tier cards.

They're aping nu Star Wars with their overall story so of course he dies.

Man her face is really tired

I bought Gears 3 on PC (never had an xbox) after hearing xbox fags talk about how good the series is. It was one of the most boring games I've ever played. Couldn't even force my self to play past the first few levels.


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>I bought Gears 3 on PC

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>Gears 3 on PC

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1 INR has been dipoosited to your account

>Gears 3 on PC

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Gears 4
You know what I mean, fags.

No one cares

Would it kill to give you some kind of vehicle if they're going to make it semi-open world?
Who even asked for Semi-Open world anyway? Still considering getting it but fuck me sideways I'll probably run through the campaign once and forget it existed.

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Nevermind I'm retarded

Source or shitposting?

looks tight as fuck so far from what i've seen and preconceived notions are slowly going out the window with every other bit of gameplay im seeing

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the direction and cinematography of the cutscnenes is so far ahead of old gears its insane

It's not even that, since I don't mind playing as chicks in other games. Cait just came off as an insanely unlikable cunt in the E3 trailers. I noticed that they made her less irritable in the most recent trailer, not to mention made it a point to say "SEE? MARCUS AND DELTA ARE IN THIS TOO, DON'T WORRY!"

JD and Token were non-characters in 4, the chick at least has the Locust Queen angle going on.

Tell me about it. I can't wait to see the red sand area. So far I'm happy with the direction they are going.

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It's probably the reason why Yea Forums sees it as "oh it isn't anime girls who're skimpy, it's another SJW woke western game" TC took extra precautions of marketing, they really didn't hype it off "look at Kait, she's a stronk indapyendt woymn who don't need no man! Girl power!" if this game was super hyped and Yea Forums sees it, obviously, they're gonna want a TORtanic, kinda like Fallout 76 and Anthem. They teased us and kept it hidden from us, sure that e3 2019 was gay, but now with more sneak peeks and promises, you can see why people are getting more excited as we are 2 days away from early releases, I know I am! I mean, overhyped games are the bastion of Yea Forums, isn't it?

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It looks like Mad max kinda vibes, you have a skiff that you can explore around and do side quest, some people are saying it's like Metro Exodus. Gears games are usually linear and kinda go in the room, uh oh bad guys, shoot to they're all dead, and alright next room. Look like a different approach and also they added in RPG elements as people are saying.

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>tfw no jago or fulgore characters for gears multiplayer

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>Revisiting Azura
Really liking the use and inclusion of locations, characters and stuff from the past games so far. It really feels unlike the Star Wars sequel trilogy, where past stuff feel they're just included to nostalgia pander and are basically irrelevant to the overall narrative.

FPBP as always.

This one contains some heavy spoilers, but if people are eager to see shit here you go.

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>female carmine
wtf not tranny carmine Gears of Women 5 is not progressive enough

Wait what?

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cope that gears has gone woke and is getting broke as we speak

nobody likes leftism

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>carmine is back, too old for this shit.

Damn son, based.

>youre a zombie

Attached: 12.png (632x796, 204K)

pretty messed up as to what happens after this

i also do like how the hammer of dawn is now seen as the terrifying thing it would actually be in real life, old gears game said how it destroyed their own cities but we never got to see that. i forget was the hammer in gears 4?

Only in Horde

The series ended after 3

Anotha one

They show cutscenes in Gears of the hammer completely decimating targeted areas.

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I always thought Paduk killed Sofia as an act of love and mercy.

Sofia was kidnapped by COG soldiers , Paduk was alone, he killed Sofia then he recoverted her dog tags. He had to kill Sofia because the situation and that's why he told Baird years later "Let's never see each other again" and when Baird look at the dog tags he realized it belongs to Sofia.

I undestood the dialogue between Paduk and Baird in that way.

still doesnt seem as impactful as it is here, seems like a good retcon desu. when you see the red spark in the sky and even marcus is like "ah shit" you know things are bad

>the queen

All these characters are infinitely more likeable than cait or Marcus's son.

Nah I know what you mean. I think that also comes from the fact that before the current timeline the hammer was controllable. It caused insane damage but he knew it wasn't going to fuck up. Current timelines show how unstable and dangerous the hammer is now that the satellites are totally fucked.

I also really like the direction they are taking Marcus. He's got a very heavy emotional weight to him.

Attached: Still Dont Know What The Fuck Happened To Anya.webm (1300x548, 2.8M)

I hated the robots crap in Gears 4.
Robots and drones are the go-to ideas when you're a hack writer.

>no one owns an xbone
Gears is also on PC.

I don't care about the campaign anymore. Gears 4 turned JD into a bland protagonist, the girl is a mary sue and for some reason the writers had to bring back the old characters. Don't get me wrong, I like the old crew but I thought it was supposed to be a new story with new characters.

It is a new story with new characters. Most of the time the old characters aren't even with you or fully together. Also all the old characters make sense in there placement.

Marcus is a grumpy ass old man and all he knows is fighting so he continues on with his son.
Baird was way too valuable an asset to send out fighting so he is leaping forth the technologies the COG can create.
Cole had nothing left in his life ("you ever feel like you died but nobody told you") so he's fighting again because it brings him life.
Sam continues being a helicopter pilot.

Most of the time it's JD, Del and Kait together. It wouldn't have made sense to just totally toss out the old squad when another war is all out.

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found the TC tranny fag. Your studio and team is shit who punts bugs and features 1 year from launch.

Also, corporate and marketing and Microsoft is actively shutting this one down. No E3 coverage because of the 10 hour hourde faisco and lack luster sales.

franchise is dead and TC helped kill it. GSD this TC fag.

Why are you so upset, user?

Attached: I want to swim with Kait.webm (1300x548, 2.89M)

I can wait for September 5 :)
Literally replayed every gears (even judgment) on insane to prepare for this.

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Am I the only one who liked Gears Judgment? The modifiers were a nice addition to the campaign.

>tfw played gears with m&kb for the first time ever

god if feels weird having to learn to get used to it but i like it so far

>Called just "Gears" instead of Gears of War
>Strong female protagonist, muh cinematic struggle

I seriously can't believe this happened. Things have changed a lot in 1 generation.

Projecting, angry in the morning.

This franchise is so fucking dead it's laughable they keep trying

I thought overhyped games were bad, according to Yea Forums. Seems like a hidden gem to me can't wait to play it on the 5th, and relax, this game is going to do just fine. Seems TC didn't want to hype it and keep it more hyped for its player base while trying to introduce a game mode dedicated to newcomers, aka Arcade mode. I'm sure TC didn't hype it and became cautious with Fallout 76 and Anthem being "go woke, go broke tortanic 2.0"

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Since when is it dead, obviously there's a dedicated Gears fanbase who are waiting for this game to launch, so far I been seeing positive comments from die hard Gears veteran, including I, of how the direction this game is going.

I stopped at 3. Is judgement and 4 worth playing? And is this one lookin good?

>Like the look of Anthony Carmine the most.
>hes the worst Carmine because he dies like a bitch in the first game.


ChadUIR > virgin cogs

It's true. Maybe Arcade mode is right up your alley if you do go give Gears 5 a shot.

You are either dev or a shill

dev probably because even the shills gave up on this shit.

Don't worry user's, me and other will have fun playing Gears and there's nothing you can do to stop our fun! :)_

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3 was a shitty way to end things, desu.

>The main character's father, who happens to still be alive, and who happens to have made every significant scientific discovery of the last couple decades, also just so happens to have made a plot resolution machine that will kill all the bad guy factions with the push of a button

Shit was lazy and anticlimactic as hell. They don't really deliver on any of the questions put forth by 1 and 2 (history of the Locust/Locust Queen, the Sires, etc). Not to mention the Lambent were annoying bullet sponges that made the game a chore to play, and the Ice-T mission feels like useless padding.

I'm playing 4 right now, and it's not terrible. I think it's a better series soft reboot than Halo 4/5.

Thank god for microsoft money. I don't care if I'm the only one playing. I fucking love gears.

he mad

>playing gears for the sp
lol what are you gay

I remember saving for X360 just for GoW. Then they announced it for PC and with new missions and I was happy as fuck. Bought it at launch and even got a T-Shirt.
Then I had to buy X360 anyway since 2 and 3 never came to PC. Fuck Epic. At least MS ports everything now.

I like that they made 2, 3, and Judgment 4K on Xbone X at least, so series marathons aren't so goddamn jarring. I swear that the 360/PS3/Wii generation is the ugliest in the history of the industry, and the hardest to go back to, but at least the resolution boost makes it not painful to look at.

anyone have spoilers?

I hope the level design will be less predictable than in Gears 4.
>fight in small room
>big area with lots of cover
>big fight starts
At least each level in 4 had nice and original visuals.

Uh no, I genuinely love Gears of War, even have some merchs for it too, either way, you guys have a nice morning

Same, see you on the battlefield in 2 days uwu

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Reading through this thread, it seems like 5 is going to be semi-open world.

4 felt like they just threw a campaign onto horde mode.

>4K meme
Can they at least run at 60fps? To me, the big problem of the 360 version is the 30fps lock + motion blur. That shit gave me headaches everytime I started playing.

its open world now because niggers complained

5 is 60fps at least

Unfortunately, it's still 30, but I'll take 4K/30fps over 720/30fps.

Judgment never got 4k

Attached: Gears of War Judgment (1).jpg (3840x2160, 1010K)

That's a shame, I'm sure there were other solutions than falling for the open world meme.

Yeah it was weird at times.

yeah like hubs because it has hubs

You shoot monsters and hide behind walls trust me my dad works at gears of war 5

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Oh, did it not? I can't remember when or why, but I got it as a free download along with 1, 2, and 3, and those are in 4K, so I assumed that one was too.

It’s out boys. Here’s the hidden link from the Instagram promos

>it’s on steam and yet Pc players still don’t care
Just sayin

Fucking SIN to kill this slut off.
I really wanted Paduk to be happy with his young gal in the end

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Gears: the one franchise that needed a female protag the least.
lmao this will flop.

Shame. Sofia's ass was the main appeal of the game.
Why do people hate Judgment? Is it because it's a prequel or that it wasn't made by the same studio?

The multiplayer made by EPIC shat on the games nice gameplay from 1-3. It was quite silly and a weird way to try to appeal to new players who’ve never touched gears
>starting weapon is is free to choose in any mode and goes from lancers to even markas
>wall-bouncing is hard nerfed
>2 weapon limit essentially
>only like 5 maps
The campaign was ok fun and took the arcade aspect of 3 well with the silly modifiers enhancing scenarios. But the multiplayer was a just not for gears fans. People can fly made the story

Kait was the second worst character in gears 4. Legit has nothing to do with her being a LADY. Don't know what the fuck you are smoking.

I thought that the class system was a good idea for Horde/Survival.

People I’ve talked to from the forums/reddit and even here with the occasional thread found survive neat with its maps but like beast from 3, TC has yet to even bring it back and improve it. I just hope the escape mode is good fun

It dose not have a fun campaign, but at least it makes up for it by also not having a fun multiplayer

The Hammer of Dawn was powered by immulsion. It should have been rendered inoperable by the events of Gears 3. This anti immultion waves went through the whole planet. They would reach low orbit.

>I just hope the escape mode is good fun
Yeah me too. It's weird that it's not a 4-player mode.

>I like the old crew but I thought it was supposed to be a new story with new characters.

You're why nu star wars sucks. Like it or not this story happening in the same universe as the old games means it continues the story started in the old games.

Wait Myrrah is still alive? Or at least it seems her counciousness is, in the Swarm hive network.


why would anyone want leaks? knowing what happens in a game before playing it kills off the excitement.

I know which is what I still don’t understand. I’m pretty sure Adam Fenix didn’t successfully find a means to actually kill Inukai on, rather he stalled it. Like he said before he died the dude had to inject himself with it because he was running out of time and had to find a solution fast. I mean, he gave the world 25 years of “peace.” Honestly just don’t know yet. I’m pretty sure it killed imulsion but wasn’t powerful enough to destroy the actual ocean sized lakes of the shit underground or fully reach into outer space. The satellites aren’t THAT low.

for shitposting

>300 replies for the fifth entry in a stale series about crouching behind walls and peeking out of cover to shoot at things while cliche, cookie-cutter characters bark complete nonsense at you
man Yea Forums's really gone to shit

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I just don't want to see the old crew look like grandpas with big bellies in COG armors, like the TOS crew in the Star Trek movies.
>You're why nu star wars sucks.
I hate Disney Wars.


If the swarm can hack robots by shooting quills at them, literally anything is possible. The game jumped the shark at that point.

Have you see the shit posted? The old squad is still jacked as fuck

this actually looks solid

So you can control the fuckin Swarm!!
Cool. I love it.
And I don't wanna se more of this no more spoilers for today. I'm really hyped.

Silverbacks are back baby!

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My favorite feature from Gears 3.

Hi Pajeet

What the fuck is that?

a silverback from gears of war 3 literally a grub killing machine sort of apu from the matrix

Most people are shitting on it though

>drumpf' achievement

There's a drumpf' achievement? Is this for real?

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You're right, we need another smash thread or another Twitter cap thread

You got a video source with audio?

Most of them are seething pony trannies that can't wait 2 months for their own game.

>Silverbacks are back baby

right off the god damn bat.
self replying fpbo DOES IT AGAIN

seething sony shareholder

If those people don't want to play against PC players then why don't they disable the crossplay feature in the options menu?

I have a copy of Gears 4 on PC but never got a chance to play it because of the fucked up download system on the Windows Store.

I hope I can play as my wife Kait and not the beta JD

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t. Rod


The shill contracts have started, I see

How did you know?

Hey if you leave now, that's 1 potential customer i lost, why don't you go ahead and do it?



Does this even has the high resolution textures included?

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You are the first person I have seen on here to call kait his wife.

whats the new health system??
just no skull?

Made it worse

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just dont get that low in health

Don't want CoD red jelly all over my screen over the old one

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I guess no since what you're downloading is only 60gb. Also on Steam you have to download it separately.

looks based tbqh

From the webms posted, it looks like Kait has a nice ass.

did you see the gameplay video xbox posted? kait's ass is literal perfection.

I guess he needs someone to care about his stream now only about 5,000 people watch anymore

>Nobody has cracked the game yet

Female carmine is cute

Quick somebody crack the preload

4 is good. It reminded me of why I got into gears in the first place. I think the campaign was around 10 hours or so. Everytime I thought it would end there was another fight.

Good game. Solid mechanics. Quibble: some enemies felt like damage sponges and honestly the weapon variety didn't really do it for me.

What a bunch of bullcrap
M+kb will always be the superior input method whether it's plain point and click or wallbounce

Basic technique that can carry anyone through social multiplayer is just press spacebar while looking left and right

Cretins still defend a thumb stick

>Cretins still defend a thumb stick LMAO

just dont play bro

Genuinely pretty cool

There was a promotion for Gears 1 Ultimate, IIRC, where you simply had to play it on your profile before the end of the year (2016, I think) and you got those for free along with access to the Gears 4 beta.

This game is going to bomb really fucking hard. Microsoft will blame game pass freeloaders instead of the obvious fact that they made a Gears game, the most dude-bro franchise ever, around a strongk WOMYN who don't need no man. That’s something nobody wants.

Didn't the last one sell alright?

They're adding him as an actual in-game character? If so, that's pretty cool.


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Gears ended years ago with 3

i think it sold alright but was the lowest selling game in the series except judgement

I don't want anyone to crack the preload anymore. Holy shit this is going to be a shit game.

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Why? Because they're adding Batista? Goddamn that's some autism right there.

Fuck off wrestling faggot.

Yeah i hate when they do shit like that.

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just finished 4 and yeah i'll play but once they give it away for free like 4.

I care a lot. Love Gears and 4K gaming

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lmao, not even a shill could possibly believe this. It's going to flop very hard, just every other MS """exclusive""" this entire gen.

oh no spidey is less shiny
lmao xrat cope

Who is best gears girl and why is it Sam?

Call me faggot again, i dare you.

The campaign hasn't been talked about much because it's fucking ruined. The enemies are Destiny and The Division tier bullet sponges with health bars, it has a retarded loot system, and instead of linear levels it is open world split between a couple different maps. It's utter dogshit, they killed it.


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Lizzie Carmine RIP


Should I add you to play gears?

Actually, they'll do as they always do and pretend all the people who played on gamepass (only a tiny fraction of which actually even paid for it) were copies of the game sold and that it was a massive success. The reality is that gamepass is failure and every MS exclusive has bombed, but they pull this laughable stunt every time to try and damage control just how badly they are hemorrhaging money on both fronts. Gears 5 won't sell shit, there's no interest left in this outdated, irrelevant boomer franchise. Same thing with Halo. Xbox is sunk.

I really like all the guest characters so far. I never would have thought in 2019 there would be T-800s and spartans fighting eachother along with Bautista. Hope we get more wacky guest characters

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Between this and the Terminator stuff, this is cringe as fuck bud.

>10p has been deposited in your Snoy Entertainment Network Account
Thank you for your service!

Gears 5 is the Microsoft battle royale.

PC master race
Just stop buying potatoes

>buy a $10,000 computer that you have to upgrade every 6 months
>buy a $400 console that will play all the hottest games and last years
the choice is clear, anons, Project Scarlett for me


Attached: 1566472409486.jpg (1280x720, 348K)

How will MS shill cucks ever recover? Based

they cant
theyve been screaming for days now how its the best looking game running at 60fps and 4k lol

Attached: gears of downgrad3e.jpg (1258x1363, 907K)

Hope you're getting paid enough to spam that pic you shill.

lmao, that's pathetic but unsurprising considering how laughably bad the Xbone hardware is. No one gives a single fuck about this irrelevant franchise anymore anyway though. It ended last gen same as Halo and MS is too creatively bankrupt and devoid of talent to be able to move on to new IP. This will easily be the biggest flop this year.

What skin will you be rocking in MP, my anons? Esports Kait is VERY sweet and cute!

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Did Cole's VA change?

hope you get paid to damage control that pic bro its not even true 4k

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Between Marcus, JD and Emile while i wait for the Carmine bros.


>Esports Kait

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>Carmine bros
A man of culture I see

Don't forget, the campaign also has a loot system to go along with its new open world and damage sponge enemies. It's absolutely ruined. This game is fucking garbage.

A. Carmine
Beast Rider

>hasn't played it
>this game is garbage

>loot system
A handful of rare weapons to be found doesn't make it a loot shooter you absolute retard.

>open world
It's not open world bitch, there are just some open-ended levels like Metro Exodus.

>damage sponge enemies
Okay, you don't actually play Gears, opinion ignored.

Paduk for me

so many fucking shills. i really hope you people are at least getting paid. this shit is just sad.

>A. Carmine
Sorry to disappoint you but none of those are in, at least not at launch.


Pathetic shill.

I'm aware of that sadly. They gonna drip feed characters just desperately trying to keep a lifespan for it. Gears 3 had way more characters at launch than this shit and which is really pathetic for a Gears game in 2019 than in 2011.

So 1500p to 1900p at 60fps?
I'm fine with this desu, especially from a $400 console
Next gen will achieve 4K60 and make PC gaming irrelevant

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This. MS is so desperate to keep this dead franchise and their dead console afloat lmao. It's so blatant and pitiful.

shoo! back to your smash thread.

Unless there's a nude code for the female protag, I ain't going to bother even pirating. I never liked Gears of War, but the females have always done something to me 'neath the breeches


Where the FUCK is the sad trailer lads?

>look how cool i am
>i'mma go in a thread for a game i supposedly don't care about and then tell them how much i don't care about it
>im so based, can't wait for some yous!
You cared enough to make that low iq post and then samefag it to death. Just stop posting.

are you talking to yourself? i don't own a switch, not gonna buy that shitty tablet.

Gears 4 was a boring mess. It was necessary for Gears to change, and become more Destiny-like.

how fucking sad.

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Is Classic Cole in multiplayer
What about Kim

Nice bait, I almost fell for it

I own both the PS4 and XboneX
Ps4 is honestly the worst console I ever owned. I use my Wiiu more often than that piece of shit

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yeah you definitely used it

You have zero valid arguments bro, the shit spewing out of your mouth gets immediatly debunked. Keep trying my man!

meant for

i am very new to 4channel!
meant for

>Marcus is 127 years old
What kind of fucking steroid longevity serum do they feed those fuckers?

I swear to god they better not have Kait kill Marcus in this.

They made her kill her uncle

Full achievement list, no “Drumpf” in sight.


He's talking about 4, not 5 dumbass.

Nobody gives a fuck about the new characters. I thought the Legacy character were gonna be safe from this BS.

Hell they might end up killing Clayton for all we know, despite the fact he was voted to not be killed off.

Well they killed Clayton's niece

Holy shit there is a Drumpf achievement.

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What's the problem with that? The elections hadn't even taken place at that moment.

And that’s supposed to make me feel better? They killed Anya off screen because they wanted to force a relationship issue with Marcus and DJ.

Hoffman is still alive

>What's the problem with that
Because they're still seething that he won


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can't wait to wallbounce you fags in multiplayer

>the absolute state of soýnýggers

>Because they're still seething that he won
They're not even american.

to bad it's nerfed, again.

These are canucks we're talking about, of course they will upset.

how? source?

Looks fine to


I didn't even know that this existed

How does it make you feel? I bet you're mad as well. >:(

You barely slide at all anymore, just look at this shit along with the Gnasher having a even bigger spread now, it's less effective than ever. Notice that all his kills in the video just come from up As.
Anyone with half decent aim can easily hit a bouncer since you barely move while bouncing in 5.

No obstacles or anything, just a glorified loading screen? This game looks like crap

This, so much this. These 11 seconds of a tutorial section made me cancel my preorder.

I am not mad

its 500