how do we fix modern wow?
ill start
>remove flying mounts on azeroth (people will be pissed idc)
>remove transmog so level 1s stop looking like level 100s
>stop item/mount sharing between classes that way people are forced to pick and play only one
>maybe a gold crunch
>remove dungeon finder
How do we fix modern wow?
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because classic is honestly rough. starting over is rough. the zones look rough
you pull the plug
everything but the gameplay is better tho
they can easily just bring back classic elements like the original talent trees. animations look wayyy better too
yea I love classic's 2 button rotations
thats modern tho. maybe it depends what classic idk about you but modern feels so much like diablo especially the talent trees
Can I play it for free yet? I don’t want to have to pay for bfa
They will never take out core mechanics that have been in for multiple expansions. Try something else.
They actually built WoD entirely around not having flying but people bitched so much that they added flying in at the last minute. Blizzard is okay with removing stuff but im not sure the players are.
>blizzard gives free 100 boost to old players right when Classic name reserv opened up
>blizzard gives free 110 and BFA to dedicated classic players in hopes they switch to where the microtransactions are
could care less. game is so far gone down the rabbit hole any major shift would piss off the zoomzoom gimme now mentality player it would hurt it even more. old players aren't going back.
>remove transmog
>i want to see hundreds of people wearing the same fucking stupid ass outfit that isnt even a tierset
there is already a minimum level requirement for transmog, you braindead niggerlicker.
What you are asking for is the removal of heirlooms.
not actually knowing what people are wearing is the stupidest fucking thing ever
its too far gone user, let it go
new player shows up to wow
"whooaaaa this guy looks badass"
"no he's displaying gearing from 2008, he actually sucks"
"that guy sucks? then who's good?"
"its literally impossible to tell"
cool loot game
>>maybe a gold crunch
Good fucking luck, poorfag
>right click inspect
damn so fuckin difficult
i don't understand why wowbabs cry about transmog. enjoy your dresses and clownsuits i guess
This makes no sense because you cant transmog stuff that you didnt earn/acquire. If someone looks badass, they look badass because they at one point acquired the armor. He doesn't suck. Looking badass has nothing to do with being good either since honestly a bunch of good gear sets look silly. Anyone with half a brain can just inspect the person to tell if they're good.
It needs a full world revamp again. Something that fixes the jumbled up mess that Cataclysm brought. It's fucking retarded that you magically travel back in time once you hit level 60. Not to mention that leveling itself is so screwed, that level boosters act as a bandage to prevent people from experiencing the balancing issues Blizzard's implemented on your way to 120.
no one is retarded enough to think looking cool means good in a game anymore. You have the brain capacity of a donut if you think that is the mentality people have anymore.
WoW is a loot game. The ironclad law of loot games: the flashiness of the player's gear must scale with his accomplishment. This is what makes RPGs fun: progression. Rags to riches. Wimp to badass. If you haven't done achieved anything you should not be happy with the way you look. With Transmogrification somebody who just hit the level cap can look as cool as somebody who's killed the final boss of the expansion. All he has to do is farm up gear from old raids. It's ridiculous.
user, are you forgetting that a level 120 can farm content that previously took 10-40 people to grind through? Killing the Lich King is an hour-long stroll.
retail needs some desperate help but these suggestions are fucking retarded except for the remove dungeon finder
>flashiness of the player's gear must scale with his accomplishment
But it doesnt, and often hasnt SINCE Vanilla. Most tier sets actually look worse.
professions beyond alchemy and engineering are relevant again
>I don't understand why wowbabs cry
I don't either, user.
They cry about literally everything. Everything and everyone.
You literally cant. Its like saying how do we take this turd and turn it back into steak?
You dont, you go out and kill a new cow and make a new steak. Retail WoW is actually, dead. Creatively and in terms of its rapidly shrinking player-base. Its run its course and you will be lucky if you get two expansions out of it before they announce they are stopping mainline development on the game.
If Blizzard is smart they will get all the old vanilla devs together and make them update Classic to Classic+ slowly with a shitton of care. Meanwhile they would make a new team of people to create a new MMO based off vanilla but with modern convenience for the raid crowd who obviously prefer the casual retail experience over the hardcore vanilla one with lots of gear treadmill mechanics but less bullshit which retail has.
But 'fixing' retail WoW is impossible.
Cool so by your logic every bit of cool loot that is ever released eventually gets turned to absolute utter dogshit and is a wasted asset once the expansion it is from is over. Whats the fucking point of it ever existing anyway if you cant even wear it to look neat anymore?
This is always the excuse. If the gear doesn't look good it doesn't matter; at the very least it signals the accomplishment of the player. He has that = he did that.
>hardcore vanilla
doing that while fighting is stupid
imagine playing an rpg where gear doesnt even matter
>Remove flying mounts.
Literally don't see what is wrong with them and the current system where you have to do a long ass achievment/quest line for it is fine.
What they need to do is bring back talent trees and make world PvP a thing again.
Is bfa free yet
You use N'zoth as the perfect excuse to launch WoW 2. His return reshapes Azeroth, people can carry over their original character to WoW2 in appearance and flavor text only (Characters die and go to the Shadowlands and are returned to the mortal plane in a 1-10 leveling zone)
Fixes the mog issue, fixes the flying issue, fixes the current inflation issue and let's Blizzard update the engine.
Vanilla is hardcore and you're just a wrathbaby
They should just make WoW 2
What do you mean while fighting? What reason do you have to look at what gear a person has unless you are considering grouping up with them?
>Knowing what they're wearing by eyeballing alone
Actually have sex
Yes but you keep trying to associate looking good with being good and thats just not the case. Nobody is harmed by wearing fancy looking old gear. What do you gain from making people wear what they currently have?
And why do you insist on that being available at a glance instead of just taking 2 seconds to inspect their actual gear?
I want to be a lil more ambitious:
- i want completely different stories for horde and alliance. And a serious world pvp revamp
- i want the ability to lead soldiers like in warcraft. Climbing the ranks grants me more and better soldiers and eventually the game would play more like an RTS with you being the main boss.
- you can capture dungeons and raids and be the be the new end boss of the raid. Eventually capturing main cities and driving the other team underground in recovery mode.
- you can even alter the dugeons by making alternate pathways and adding new things (all this needs level scaling obviously ).
Imagine the dynamic and immersive gameplay. Every server will have a totally different story to tell.
A themepark mmo, where the players take center stage instead of hero npcs. If no one makes tgis i will find a way.
>imagine playing an rpg where gear doesnt even matter
transmog is only cosmetic and if cosmetic garbage is all that matters to you, then it says a lot more about you than the game
>>maybe a gold crunch
Blizzard has been trying that since the end of WoD and all it does is fuck over the people who DIDN'T get rich from abusing garrisons
Because flying itself is a problem, even post leveling.
>Need to do a quest? Guess ill zoom over there in 10 seconds without any danger.
>Need to avoid PvP? Guess ill just fly at the first sight of danger and swoop in on quest objectives.
>if cosmetic garbage is all that matters to you
Dude, people defending Transmog are literally putting playing dress-up over gear signaling accomplishment.
It is irredeemable since they turned into pixar shit.
I'm not that other user. I was just pointing out you don't need to have skill to acquire good looking gear in WoW. Content that previously took a team of people working out the boss mechanics now just has a high level player walk up to the mob and right-click them once.
ignore those people and play the game?
gear signaling accomplishment means fuck all in a game with 15 years worth of gear and lazy sets that do not even look good. Tier sets dont even exist anymore. What is the point of invalidating 15 years worth of gear just because you want to sperg about transmog?
>reeeeeee everyone needs to be wearing the same brown shit colored set and look exactly the same reeee gear needs to be thrown straight into the trash once its irrelevant reeee
stupid nigger.
>lets fix retail by making it classic
its not going to work, the game would die in 3 years, and im saying that as someone who loves classic. leave it as it is and let the retards enjoy it
since WoD, Blizzard either can't or won't design zones that don't feel like shit without flying, even if you can't fly in them at all
Yes. If you just hit the level cap you should be wearing ordinary drab same-gear-as-everybody-else crap because you haven't done crap. You haven't earned the right to look cool. That's what RPGs are: progression. It's called good game design. Look at the thread we're in: how do we fix retail? Look at what game just came out: WoW Classic, which people have been begging for for ages and "transmog" comes up again and again as a reason why retail sucks. The jury is out. This shit sucks. Nobody wants to play a loot game where terrible players can transmog themselves into looking good. It's garbage, it devalues gear for everybody, but the good news is that the superior version of the game is out and we don't have to deal with it anymore.
>leave it as it is and let the retards enjoy it
even the retards arent enjoying BFA
you could revert to cata or mop levels and be fine, probably wrath as well.
zoomers probably couldnt handle bc heroics though
>15 years of progression
>clear the most difficult content in the expansion
>as soon as the new expansion is out, you may as well throw it away because you cant ever wear it again
WoW classic is dying. Molten core and Onyxia have been cleared in less than two weeks. its not transmog people want removed, they want the dungeon finder gone and a return to form of actually having a server community.
You cannot transmog yourself into looking good you dumb neolithic period ape. You cannot transmog into something unless you get the fucking gear in the first place.
You want people to be in ugly ass clothes and homogenize the appearance of everyone and invalidate 15 years of gear just because youre a lazy nigger who cant inspect a character.
You are peak retardation and nothing you are posting is of even remote credibility. It does not devalue gear, in your scenario that gear will never be worn again and has no value period. You cannot transmog into current gear unless you fuckin earned it. Youre so fucking stupid. Stop being a bitch.
>You cannot transmog into something unless you get the fucking gear in the first place.
yeah, I sure earned my Ashkandi by running through BWL oneshotting every mob
>>remove flying mounts on azeroth (people will be pissed idc)
>>remove transmog so level 1s stop looking like level 100s
No legitimate reason to do this, customization/looks keep people interested longer.
>>stop item/mount sharing between classes that way people are forced to pick and play only one
...what? Why is this an issue exactly?
>>maybe a gold crunch
Will never ever happen thanks to WoW Token, it would destroy the balance of the economy and potentially kill sales of it, that thing is the only thing keeping Retail afloat because idiots equate gold = sub as a better deal than $ = sub, standard Mobile Game tactics (that work, sadly)
>>remove dungeon finder
As refreshing as the trip down memory lane has been in Classic, the one thing I don't miss is spamming Trade Chat for 30mins to get a group set up and going, on top of having to go out there.
Cool so the person who actually did that content years ago should be fucked too right? Also in what universe is transmogging a 15 year old weapon make you look like a good player? Everyone is aware its an old fucking weapon and not indicative of skill. Are you fucking daft?
I don't understand why anyone would argue against Transmog. It's pure fucking aesthetics, who cares how that dipshit over there looks - if you don't like it, close yo eyes nigga!
>remove flying mounts on azeroth (people will be pissed idc)
No, make flying the default method of travel for all world content going forward.
>remove transmog so level 1s stop looking like level 100s
No, stop giving unique appearances to raiders all together, they already get an unreasonably large amount of the art resources available and make up a small fragment of the player base.
>stop item/mount sharing between classes that way people are forced to pick and play only one
No, make collections even more robust, allow people to transmog into other armor types.
>maybe a gold crunch
No, stop worrying about gold inflation, it's irrelevant.
>remove dungeon finder
No, and also improve the custom dungeon finder menu to make it easier to form Mythic+ groups.
Because they're pearl clutching faggots who dont actually understand the problems with retail and are just clinging to whatever flavor of the month argument they can come up with, regardless of if it has a valid or sane reason behind it.
1. Yeah, you toss them out. That's how it was from Vanilla to the end of Cataclysm and it worked just fine and dandy. Those cool pieces of gear that dropped from those raids were designed to make people who earned them at the time stand out. Letting people display that gear over their pre-raid rags makes no sense at all. And let's be honest: people aren't transmogging down. They're transmogging up. They look like shit and they want to look good without working for it, and transmog allows them to do that. That's why it's popular.
2. WoW Classic, dying? Those raids were cleared by a tiny % of the playerbase. They were cleared by private server weirdos who have been speedrunning the game since 2011. It means nothing. I wouldn't accuse retail's raid content of being bad even though it, too, gets cleared right away by the hardcore.
Okay without being a nostalgic loser.
Remove Pokemon battles
Make mana actually matter again
Stop making things that should be simple like flying and farming rep hard
Let me buy flying and a tabard for reputation, no casual player wants to do world quests for 2 hours then log off
Stop giving people epics, this should be the hardest part of the game (gearing up)
Bring back PVP vendors and currency
Remove heirlooms and the WoW store
Balance gay ass faceroll classes like DK, DH and Monk
>idiots equate gold = sub as a better deal than $ = sub
What's wrong with that? You're not gonna be using all that gold you have anyway, so why would I waste money on wow if I can have it for free?
you can't fix it you must start new, it has 120 levels worth of worthless content that can never be made relevant again outside of farming for cosmetics that everyone else already has
You can disable transmog effects in options.
Classic played like shit, literally the only reason people are playing is nostalgia.
In Burning Crusade, if you saw the guy to the left, you would know he was a hardcore raider.
In BFA, this guy—this guy with glowing red eyes and skulls impaled on his pauldrons—could very well be the least progressed player on the server.
That's the power of Transmog.
The problem is, was, and always will be scaling.
It is a problem that gets worse with each level jump and each xpac reset only keeps it at bay for a moment.
Each time a lot of content is released by patch or xpac it becomes a rush to get to it as everything before it becomes more and more trivial. Balance becomes harder to maintain as some skills go from nothing to godly and others hardly change. 1 level or 1 step up in gear becomes a greater and greater canyon between the last.
The improvements to the game over the years aren't really at fault, its always been the same issue. Balance is bad and gets worse so a new xpac comes out to hit the reset button but with each gear jump that reset is shorter and shorter because it doesn't do anything to fix that issue in the long term. So instead all or most content being made to matter and making the journey up valuable, we rush to max level where it becomes more and more a treadmill because they need more time to slap together another raid delay.
As someone that did a lot of BGs and did a lot of raids, and hit the character cap over the years. Most of my good memories were stupid shit leveling in dungeons, or events, or goofy moments. Most of those happened in earlier days or when an xpac is about to come out so nobody cares about the grind as much and just does whatever. Very few happened on that gear treadmill (a couple did mostly amazing failures due to bad luck rng like dieing with KT at 30hp)
tl;dr Gear scales faster and faster creating greater gaps and trivializes all but a tiny percent of a content rich game we blur through with a feeling that only the end matters.
no you cant
Congrats goyim, you've played right into their hands. Keep being a good little bragging point on their stockholder calls
The chance to fix retail was back in Cata. It's too late now. Just make Classic+ and let there be two games like Runescape.
I can't imagine the new player experience in wow, you have to grind out 110 levels before you get to the current content, the entire experience is basically automated, and you learn basically nothing about the story because it's mostly told in raids you won't be doing until max level
>transmogging up
If you do not meet the level requirement for a piece of gear you cannot fucking equip it. You dumbfuck bitch. And even then, you have to have obtained that gear to transmog it in the first place.
Your argument has no credibility whatsoever. Stop fucking posting.
>waaaah private server weirdos
>rag cleared in 3 minutes with shit geared players, some of whom didnt even have all their trees filled
difficult and engaging content. truly. take of the rose tinted goggles faggot.
And if you arent a neolithic period amoeba you would look at him and go "oh, burning crusade armor" and go about your fucking day you dumb bitch. In no instance does anything you say make a single nugget of sense.
Of course you can transmog up. If you're in BFA pre-raid gear and you transmog to Wrath raid gear, that's transmogging up.
Oh, youre retarded. Carry on then. In no universe is transmogging to level 80 gear while level 120 transmogging "up". And the fact you think that is the case cements your brain as having less brain cells to rub together than the average gacha player.
Hey, WoW Classic is out and doing fantastic. And no transmog! Everybody loves it.
Ah yes, the lack of transmog is the reason why people are playing a flavor of the month nostalgia grab. Not because it fixes the lack of community in retail wow, or that quests are overall more engaging and interesting. it's because everyone is wearing clown suits for gear. That's the real attraction.
Why do I have to explain this? Pre-raid gear, in any expansion, is always uglier than the raid gear from old expansions. Otherwise they wouldn't have anything to visually improve upon. Pre-raid gear is drab, ugly. That's why people transmog to raid gear from Wrath and Cataclysm: because it looks better. They're transmogging up.
In conclusion, WoW 2 is the only answer.
Retailbabes need to be fucking shot
They aren't transmogging up you daft niglet. Transmogging up would be a retard in lfr gear transmogging to mythic gear. Which they cant fucking do. Nobody can do that. Wearing outdated gear for transmog because you like how it looks does not effect the game whatsoever other than giving the player more agency and choice. Nobody is going to think you are an amazing player for wearing a wrath set in 2019. if you actually think that you are a stupid fuck.
>Quests are engaging and interesting
Yeah killing boats and spiders and getting a liver every 4 pigs is extremely galvanizing
It is when theres not a big fucking arrow/blob on your map telling you exactly where to go. By engaging I mean it gets people out in the world and looking for stuff instead of just following the fucking arrow.
WoW is unsalvageable garbage. It’s time to let go and move on to a real MMO.
As someone who just left it thats bullshit. XIV just doesnt hold up once you get to max level. The MSQ is great in SHB but after that its the same old daily roulette weekly raid nonsense, with a dash of slice of life IF you care about housing.
>a good mmo
Half the people use addons to do just that, it’s always been that way m. Quality of life changes are not the issue with retail
Arguing with wrath fags who like immersion breaking ARPGs rather than MMOs is stupid.
They just like looking 'cool' because their ego is all they care about. They dont think about the consequences of things like transmog on the immersion and play-ability of the world. Its more than just cosmetic its a functional gameplay mechanic which WoW ruined.
>which they can't do
But they can, just to any previous mythic tier which is by design fancier than any LFR including current.
Bad players shouldn't get good looking gear period. Transmog violates that
>remove dungeon finder
>make story mode for retards who don't care about socializing where they can solo content with minimal strategy and no loot
>stop pandering to the two elite guilds in the world and don't design raids around a fucking addon
And yet you cant put it into words why. You just say TRANSMOG BAD.
You are a fucking chimp. I explicitly just told you that you cannot transmog from lfr of a tier up to mythic gear of the same tier unless you have earned that mythic gear. Do not move the goalposts you dumbfuck bitch. Transmogging to lower ilevel gear is irrelevant and not at all a valid point. It is outdated, and everyone knows it is outdated, so who fucking cares if you wear it.
>Transmogging to lower ilevel gear is irrelevant and not at all a valid point.
Just because its outdated doesnt mean it should lose its prestige. Honestly if people wanted to keep transmog in the game, you should only be able to transmog gear you got when an expansion was relevant.
It has no prestige. Your argument is once its outdated it should go in the trash. What fucking prestige is that you autist?
>how do we fix modern wow?
Who cares lmao.
Even if you fix it, Activision will put so much cash shop stuff in it that it almost breaks again.
Or were you expecting an answer like "try to make a good game, instead of a whale milker"? They're not going to do that.
Well, you could start by doing the opposite of whatever Christie Golden wants.
The cash shop is the least of retail's problem. I dont care if someone buys a pretty mount or pet.
>remove flying mounts on azeroth (people will be pissed idc)
Yeah people were pissed when they did this in WoD. The outcry was so bad they caved and introduced it for WoD but locked behind an achievement. At this point they are better going the route of Runescape 3 and just cater to the people who still play the game instead of trying to bring back people who only resubbed to play Classic.
>Wearing outdated gear for transmog because you like how it looks does not effect the game whatsoever
We're never going to agree on this. I'm of the unswayable opinion (and I'm not alone by any means) that in loot games how you look should correspond to your progression. If you're badass, then you look badass. If you are not badass, then you do not get to look badass. You do not get to farm old raids for flashy gear to cover your rags with. Now you'll say that the most powerful gear doesn't always look the best. Fine. Sometimes it's ugly. Who cares? In the unlucky event that the more powerful gear you've obtained is less cool than the gear you had on, then at the very least the gear signals that you accomplished something by virtue of where you got it from. That's how gear should work in a loot game. To disrupt this and to allow everyone to look how they wish (as long as they complete the onerous task of one-shotting old bosses) is to destroy one of the avenues of progression that makes RPGs fun—upgrading how your character looks, whether actually or symbolically.
Make World of Warcraft 2 and release it at the same time as the second movie Warcraft 2.
But you're already being contradictory because being badass in WoW doesnt make you look cool like it used to when tier sets were the best. In modern WoW being a badass and minmaxing gear makes you look like a clown. And when everyone looks like a clown in modern WoW (assume they didnt have transmog) then how do you find out if someone is a badass? You inspect them.
>make world PvP a thing again.
It's either that or flying mounts. Pick 1 and only 1, they are mutually exclusive.
Keep in transmog, but when you inspect someone's gear it should say something like "Acquired in Patch X.XX" to differentiate people who earned it and people who just went back and farmed it for transmog.
Flying mounts
World PvP didn't fucking come back as hard as I though it would in WoD, and the beginning of Legion. Meanwhile, I've had a more engaging moments of World PvP on the fucking Timeless Isle in MoP, an expansion that did have flying.
I addressed this. Either the gear actually looks cool or in the event that Blizzard messed up the visual progression and it looks lame, then at least it signals you accomplished something by virtue of where you got it from. I think that's the way gear should work. I get that people like to dress up their character with head-to-toe coherent outfits, but when a hardcore raider and newly capped character can stand next to each other and only the initiated can tell which is which, that's a problem. In a loot game that's a problem.
Do you have any argument at all or are you going to spam buzzwords?
By Manipulative ways - it was literally "HEY GUISE, FREE EPICS ON THE GROUND!" and they rang a dinnerbell triangle and you call came running like the easily-played faggots you are, the pvp was just forcing peoples' greed out, "MY LOOT/RARE BOSS, NOT YOURS! FUCK OFF!"
I just think its kind of petty to say shit like "Unless you play the game hardcore you deserve to look like shit" and also invalidate all those cool iconic older gear sets that look way better than modern gear choices. In MY opinion its wasteful to have all those assets become irrelevant.
>Timeless Isle in MoP
The one place you can't fucking fly. What a retard.
All right. Agree to disagree.
>I've had a more engaging moments of World PvP on the fucking Timeless Isle in MoP, an expansion that did have flying.
this would kind of work. Some gear (cough Tusks of Mannoroth) is still an achievement even if you got it after it stopped being relevant
The whole point is when I see ChadMcDick enemy player, I should be able to tell if he's a fucking monster with all BiS or some noob who just hit max level. As it is now, there's literally zero difference in looks.
Are you guys really spergy enough to go around inspecting people so you can message them going "HAHA YOU DIDNT ACTUALLY EARN THAT WHEN IT WAS CURRENT"
No but I might silently judge them
remove every expansion being a new land and just continue to build on azeroth. stop making all previous xpac gear so extremely irrelevent
>how do we fix modern wow?
Remove all MMO elements
Remove mindless grind
Rebrand BFA into a singleplayer RPG
Add dialogues, actual skill/attibute/perk system, meaningful loot progression and mod support
Focus on classic as main MMO and try not to repeat the same mistakes as retail
It's really not that difficult.
I should have been clearer because I guess my point was missed. We can have flying and WPvP in an expansion through areas similar to Timeless Isle.
It was an area that actually promoted WPvP instead of hiding behind the flying excuse that blizzard used just to hinder content consumption and get lazier with quest designs and expansions overall. And there were items there that did promote faster escapes and breaking from unwanted PvP Engagment. despite no flying. No flying like WoD until the last patch, isn't the answer, and neither is the bullshit timegating Pathfinder in the following expansions.
Also, stop with the catch-up mechanics. If patch number 10000 gets released with top gear, you should still have to clear patch 1-9999 to be ready to do patch 10000.
The whole point of WPvP is it happens naturally. If it only happens in a single area it might as well be another BG.
WPvP is less fun when you're relegated to a tiny zone where everyone is expecting and looking for WPvP. Then its just basically a battleground.
>gear signaling accomplishment
People still care about e-penis?
The reason gesr looks like shit now is because transmog exists. If it didnt Blizzard would actually have to design gear. Now they just say "fuck it. They'll use classic armor anyway "
It's an MMO. What else would it be about?
The funny thing is. Yes. You've never seen people hover around you because your transmog looked cool. I did see people follow around a tier 2 raider with Thunderfury.
That's the thing. Nobody gives a fuck about your transmog and after a few hours. You dont give a fuck about it either because it took you no effort to accomplish by breezing through TBC raids.
The game needs to be rewarding.
Dungeons shouldn't be something you grind through lfg and they shouldn't be a speedrunning e-sport. No multiple difficulties, a single daily lockout.
Same thing for raids.
Less dailies, let people play how much they want instead of giving them a fixed daily amount. Raids should last more than a patch. Convergence of fate from legion and the arcanocrystal were a good example, they were good through the whole expansion.
Less focus on item level, and some stats should be brought back. Mastery should be made more interesting and versatility should be removed. A lot less rng. No more titanforging and sockets should be fixed.
Better class design, but this is hard to explain.
if the guy is hardcore, then he will be wearing the fullset of whatever is the most current Mythic raid right? It's not like you can get that anywhere else.
And when the expansion ends, then the Hardcore guy will just get the newest Mythic sets, it's not really a big deal here.
Not everyone who headed into the Timeless isle was there for WPvP. Area like that had a bunch of other stuff like rares and items, and two world bosses a week to kill. It presented opportunities of the opposing faction getting in your way and killing each other in a more natural environment
Where do you think you are? This entire thread is full of people arguing about this very thing.
Oh, and a more permanent game. Stop removing content, like the ring questline in wod and first aid achievements, or the tower.
Let new players have the chance at fully experience the old world instead of autistically funnelling people to the newest patch zone.
thats the whole point of getting it in the first place y ou fucking tool
And yet it was the only area with some wpvp. Listen you can just stop answering because you clearly don't get the point of wpvp. You've either never played vanilla or just don't care about PVP and are shitposting.
I wish pvp was removed at all. It brought nothing but headaches and autistic minigamers that ruined the game with their balance bullshit-
do you remember seeing your first person in tier 2?
Roll on a carebear server like the rest of you faggots. It's the best part of the game.
no the player should never be the hero. the world is the main character. if u wanna be the hero go back to retail
I did that, my experience is still ruined by the obsession with balance between classes that should not exist.
I never said it was the only, just listed it as an example. But if not accepting Blizzards retarded reasoning for attempting to remove flying in future expansions, yet those same expansions failing to bring to the table what was promised in its "sacrifice", is shitposting, then you got me I guess.
transmog is fucking stupid shit that should exist only on rp servers
>I never said it was the only
And yet, IT IS the only one in MOP. Don't really know about WoD or Legion, but I'm ready to bet the only places with active PVP don't have flying.
>But if not accepting Blizzards retarded reasoning for attempting to remove flying in future expansions, yet those same expansions failing to bring to the table what was promised in its "sacrifice", is shitposting, then you got me I guess.
Maybe you're not a shitposter, maybe you're just retarded. Everyone fucking knew flying was coming back. It's like saying your kid shouldn't be fat because you didn't give him candy for a month but then proceed to feed him 10lbs of chocolate every day after that. You're just dumb if you don't see how this affects the game.
Jesus, are people really complaining about transmog? Transmog takes absolutely nothing away from your game. Their ilvl is right there anyway for who gives a fuck what they are wearing, makes people look varied and nice.
>he thinks there wouldn't be any balancing if not for pvp
lol autsitic raiders are hundred times worse than any pvper. They're the one screeching if some class has higher dps than others in raids.
>Can't tell if I'm about to attack mister ultra chad BiS or some guy who just hit max level in all greens
Yea, doesn't change shit...
wow should copy the ultimate raid rewards from xiv already
its mythic equivalent raids only give unique transmogs that are very easily identifiable as opposed to wow mythics that drop gear that's just a few ilvl higher and is a shitty recolor of the same clownsuit gear you get on the lower difficulties
Yeah flying came back for WoD, after the expansion that tried to Axe it was already fucking over. An entire expansion that didn't amount to shit what was promoted. Flying being placed on a backburner for WoD, and Timegated for months in the Legion didn't help at all. No opinion on BfA because I haven't seen a reason to go back,
If you can't tell by looking at their hp then you might have problems.
You are the one picking the fight ya tosser. You just after an easy kill?
1. Tone all damage/health wayyy wayyyyy down.
2. make blue items actually rare to see, only from last bosses and 0.0001% world drops. Epics from raid bosses. catch up gear should never be anywhere near as powerful as blue items.
3. Arena rating requirement for armor / weapons.
4. (My original Idea) Make specific transmogs require an achievement. For example, if you want to xmog to the cool Tier sets from previous expansions, you need to beat the current expansion's final boss in at least heroic mode first.
This way we can start having some separation between good dedicated players and average players. Atm everyone looks like a mythic raider or a gladiator, and that makes no one special.
Vanilla fags are shit in pve and even worse in pvp. Obviously they only want to attack people who are below their level or undergeared.
The entire fucking expansion was designed with flying in mind. How fucking stupid can you be do I have to spell everything out?
>Relying on interface instead of visuals is just as good
That's why you're retarded
I'm at knowing what I'm about to fight. If some nigga is all BiS and I just hit max of course I'm not going to fight him in a fair open fight. That's how I know you're some faggot carebear, because you think PVE should be fair.
>interface is not visual
are you ok retard?
You might as well play text based games if you can't see the difference retard.
>removing transmog when they've stopped designing actual tier sets
>being ok with every classing wearing the same absolute shit tier raid armor for their armor class
Well that's pretty much what wow is.
You can't.
WOW has been bad far longer then its been good, the only way you could 'fix' WOW is to slowly neglect the current bad systems and decomission them over time while reintroducing old school concepts to the game
The biggest issue though is that because the game has pretty much been tailored around mouthbreathing LFR tards who whine when they die to something, and WOW already killed any returning player's faith in the game with WOD
The best thing you could do is use Classic as a stepping off point for an 'alternate history' WOW, effectively making WOW 2.
Problem is blizzard is not the company to make WOW 2, all the talent that made WOW what it was left the company over a decade ago, or retired into a management position, now they have interns and playtesters pretending they're game designers and programmers.
>already killed any returning player's faith in the game with WOD
then they killed it again with legion, and then again with bfa. I'm still mad I listened to my friends and bought legion.
1 button rotations*
Not sure why this is a bad thing, in live you're still a DPS turret, but your situational abilities are worthless 90% of the time, or have been completely removed from the game, the live game is pressing 4 buttons to cast 1 good single target nuke or cleave, over and over again, if people could they would macro that shit to be a 1 button macro, but then they would get even more bored.
>But raids
And thats the problem, raids in WOW were supposed to be the most boring thing ever, you're just hitting dragons for 5 minutes and splitting 3 peices of gear amongst 40 people, and the game hasn't really ever evolved past this, the 'mechanics' of live WOW aren't more interesting, they're boring, because they're non-interactive, you just avoid the instant death mechanic and beat the DPS check and you win, the only thing preventing you from beating a boss is either because its overtuned and you need more gear, or billy the retard keeps dying to the positioning mechanic, because every mechanic in live WOW is just a variation of "Dont stand here or else"
>Design WoD "with flying in mind"
>Hey guys, we're announcing that we're not gonna have flying in future expansions. We decided to tell you this right as we leave for holiday.
>Lose subscribers to the point that you hide them (later switched to time played metric instead of subs)
>Flying was never really gonna be gone you guys
>Implemented at the last patch when there's fuck all
But yeah, I'm sure this was totally a well thought of move in Blizzard's game of 4D chess. Comes with a really convincing bullet wound in their foot.
>they're non-interactive
What do you mean by interactive? You literally have a raid boss during which you have to teleport raid members one by one to the next room. How is that non-interactive?
Nigga you just dumb if you think blizz actually planed on not having flying, I don't know what else to say. Castrate yourself to make sure your retard genes never spread.
You have to be fucking retarded if you think that wasn't the plan when the majority of their content amounted to pretty much nothing, need I remind people of the selfie cam patch, and needed a way to slow down content consumption of the majority of what content they did have. But I'm sure Blizzard learned from their lesson and didn't continue to have short sighted ideas one after another.
Modern raids boil down to "click the doodad, step out of the void zone, beat the enrage timer." There's zero consequence for raid composition or giving certain classes time to shine for being those classes. "Bring the player" has been an unmitigated disaster for raid design because you are no longer allowed to use class mechanics as raid mechanics, which makes raids incredibly stale.
To tack onto this, "bring the player" didn't actually quash class stacking, it just unfairly elevated classes that have defensives that allow raids to ignore mechanics in the raid. It needs to fucking go away because it forces raids to be reliant on spectacle.
YOu can't fix modern WOW, its a completely different game.
You would have to fix 12 years of damage before you could get something remotely good.
But if we lived in a magical special fairyland where everyone would be okay with rampant changes to the game then...
>Next expansion is a reverse cataclysm, reorigination is initiated, the emerald dream 'invades' the world effectively resetting the damage that was done with cataclysm leaving all cities in ruin
>No more 'big bad evil guys', instead the game is in a reletive time of peace
>M+ and Island Expeditions rolled into one system, the rewards are pretty much the same, but won't be upgraded in 9.1
>Using island AI and dynamic tech, new dungeons are designed to change every day, with new bosses, new paths, ect, as well each dungeon will have exclusive crafting recipes and materials hidden throughout, 3 or so dungeons the size of BRD, but with paths changing daily, and class based shortcuts, like rogues/blacksmiths/engineers able to open locked doors, or mages/warlocks able to open nascent portals to other parts of the dungeon
>Warmode is revamped, when enabled everyone is immediately set to a static level and statblock that can only be improved with gear exclusive to warmode, warmode gear is gained by doing warmode quests, farming materials exclusive to warmode, or by new warmode based PVP activities
>Old world zones revamped so there are conquerable keeps in each major zone, such as Feralas or Arathi, these keeps are conquerable by guilds, not horde/alliance, owning a keep gives you access to resources that can be used to craft elite warmode gear, but this gear can't be repaired unless you own a keep so it requires you to actively play this game mode if you want access to the gear
>New raid tiers are half as long, but each raid tier now comes with 2-3 one shot bosses like Onyxia which does not have any difficulty scaling, only 'mythic' mode difficulty.
I fucking loved legion, but mainly because I was raiding on like 4 different characters through out it and that’s all I did. Legion had some fun raids.
>Fun raids
Yikes, the only good raid was Antorus, because it was the first raid in fucking years where every boss wasn't completely cancer
No, it's sometimes a bit tedious but I have had more fun the previous week in classic than I had during several months in BfA. It is a bit unpolished but it's a genuinly good game
Instead of fixing modern wow we need a sequel or a full world overhaul.
It's fine, we just need a bigger world.
Is one of the best things they've ever made, people who disagree are only hating it because it's "nu wow" and they hate everything after Wrath.
>item/mount sharing
Why? Transmog, mounts, pets, even the stupid toys are NOT why modern WoW is bad. It's stuff involving the actual gameplay.
>gold crunch
Again, not a reason the game sucks.
>remove dungeon finder
After several large scale server mergers I completely agree.
What needs to happen is a removal of silly grindy progression systems (azerite, artifact, garrison) and focus entirely on what made the game great: Having fun and engaging questing experiences that differed by race and class, leading into an endgame of attuning to raids and progressing as a group/guild.
If anything i'd rather see mounts get actual gameplay mechanics and not just be "I can now fly, walk on water, and move 100-310% faster"
>>remove flying mounts
will never happen, they tried it with WoD and the playerbase went ballistic
You can't fix modern WOW
The game is inherently broken, and the company that made the base game no longer exists, its kept on life support by a lawyer pretending to be a game designer and a bunch of cotton candy haired interns pretending to be programmers, who can't even fucking recode eyes of the beast or increase the size of the backpack without hundreds of manhours invested when it was probably something old blizzard could knockout in a weekend
It does, even in classic wow i saw a 40 warrior with full scarlet gear & tabard like day 3 & i was like "damn, not bad"
Transmog takes that away
Which makes no sense, after you 'beat' WOD and would have normally unlocked flying like every other expansion you just AFK in your garrison and raidlog, there was nowhere to fly too.
From what I heard about BfA, they tried (or are gonna try) doing that. Not sure how it would work if there's stuff like the waterstrider.
Probably might have been better accepted if there was something tangible to show that it might actually be worth getting rid of if something else got better. From what I experienced going through the game, nothing really made me say "this was totally worth getting rid of it" (Or the increased amount they started charging per expansions starting with WoD, which I feel like it's a thing that should be brought up when talking about how bad to irredeemable these last three expansions have been)
If you had the water strider you got a bind on account piece of mount waterwalking equipment.
Just make classic + and give up on the old game.
They're just making the niche mounts less niche by adding in mount slots.
Still, i'd rather see mounts get mechanics, flying wouldn't be such a problem if it wasn't pretty much playing the game with noclip on.
>Consolidate Realms together, first and foremost. Any servers which are currently cross-realm with one another, should just be consolidated into a single overall realm. Barring that, make all realms that are cross-realm with each other share the same worldspace.
>Get rid of sharding. Replace it with layering if you want, but sharding needs to go.
>Make LFG only pool from those on the realm. If you engage in the first point I made, the experience of using LFG is effectively unchanged, as the pool of realms it was originally pulling from is now all on one realm. Except since now that you're all on a single realm, you'll actually see the people you're randomly grouping with out in the world instead of never seeing them again, or once in a blue moon, if you're lucky.
>remove transmog
yeah fuck off. not my problem you dont have any unobtainable sets that shitters get jealous of.
WOW's mounts are really boring by design, ground mounts are just a 100% movespeed boost and flying mounts are straight up OP, the only way they can make the game interesting is by forcing you to not be able to use flying mounts, which is why they keep pushing the pathfinder system on people
If mounts had mechanics, like energy, speed up, and combat abilities it would be way more interesting, i'd rather have a system where mounts have a set amount of health and energy that gets depleted instead of random fucking daze or not being able to use flying mounts for 80% of an expansion.
You can't fix modern WOW, if anything modern WOW should be made into a Pariah, a shining example of what -not- to do when it comes to designing an MMORPG, every WOW clone that has come out in the past decade crashed and burned because modern WOW is not a good game.
theres tons of world pvp in nazjatar
Just go back to classic with your bros
We are!
Make WoW 2. BfA is shaping up to be the perfect jumping-off point for that.
>Dissolve the big two, rework rep factions into a big web who are att odds/allied with different ones you can fight for
>Mounted combat to solve the flying pvp debacle
>Rework world quests so that they don't come with the downside of overstuffing a zone with mobs and useless crap nobody cares about
>Clean slate for the economy, leveling process, PVP
>reinvent fight design philosophy to not mandate DBM and whatever other bullshit you need to download to be viable in endgame
>Kill off every big lore character so the shit lore can die with them
It will never happen, but flying mounts really just need to go entirely. They were a fucking awful idea and ruined your involvement in the world. Fly up, fly to minimap icon, land, complete objectives, fly out again. You don't interact with the world around you beyond the absolute minimum and geography changes don't matter, so every zone becomes identical
That or blue tortoise shell needs to to be baked into every class's kit, like warriors throwing a chain spear and yanking people off them
That only solves the pvp problem, but flying still ruins leveling by removing your engagement with the zone.
You might want to gauge your PvP opponent, for example. Whether he's wearing a full tier 2 dungeon set with a legendary weapon compared to a ragtag assortment of random equipment is a big deal.
>You don't interact with the world around you beyond the absolute minimum
Still going on in early Legion before part two pathfinding was out.
Why are people even crying about dungeon finder? Besides the first run that is usually involved with a quest for the story, and the first heroic runs to gear up you have no reason to use it.
All the gear is going to come from mythic dungeons and raids and you have to form groups and go to them the old fashioned way.
>wearing hats indoors
Sasuga WoW-fags
Thats the kicker isn't it, removing flying doesn't really solve anything because WOW's world is dead, WOW has become raid or die, 90% of game development goes into less then 1% of the content, content mind you that becomes obsolete in mere weeks after it comes out
Classic, and to a lesser extend BC was different because you were encouraged to spend time in the world, the major rep grinds weren't locked behind dailies that took 20 minutes to complete, crafting in the live game is completely fucking worthless 90% of the time, and the other 10% of the time its extremely niche, like method abusing crafted ilvl to beat the personal loot bullshit Ion has been forcing on people to discourage splitfarming, but in classic many best in slot items were crafted, and some weapons in BC as well, like Stunherald (Though Stunherald was still raider exclusive )
In BFA there is no reason what so ever to engage with the world except world quests, and world quests aren't emergent content, its a collection of dots on a map for you to do daily to fill a bar to exalted for a fucking mount skin.
Seriously, removing flying doesn't fix the problem, people had flying in BC and still had more world interaction such as farming elementals at the throne of the elements or various demons or blood elves to improve their scryer/aldori rep, but in BFA there is no content except world quests, and world quests are clearable in 10 seconds
because in an MMORPG i should immediately be able to determine the characters strength from the gear hes wearing.
The fact that you can roll around with obscene gear and have your entire wardrobe look like rags is completely against MMORPG style.
If you want to play an action game with skins, stop ruining the MMORPG experience and play path of exile
I wanna learn to be a deathknight UNHOLY can you guys help me please?
Dungeon Finder is an issue with boring fucking dungeons designed for speedrunning to farm badges/points, i'd rather have dungeons the size of BRS, BRD, Dire Maul, ect, where there are 20+ quests to complete, and a few choice items to pick up from a handful of bosses put around the dungeon, but the way dungeons have been designed since BC, the dungeon content is fucking worthless, the only thing you care about is the badge you get at the end.
>warcaft movie poster, framed too
>meme gaming chairs
>LGBT keyboards
>Junk food because getting off the chair and eat properly is bad for the gayming
>Cringelords banners
Blizzdrones in their natural enviorment
Addons are mandatory, get a good weakauras that tracks your dot, cooldowns, runes & procs
I keep forgetting badges aren't a thing anymore, but the point still stands, the dungeons are designed for speedrunning, they're now designed around M+, even fucking legion's karazhan, which was marketed as a return to classic style dungeons was still a massive linear hallway designed around an optional boss speedrun, even if it had twice the boss count of your average dungeon, and then it was split in half and added to the cancer that is M+
It's called looking at their health pool you retard.
>Visible Heath Numbers
They cleared vanilla raids 5 days after release with sub 40 players and many of those players were not even 60.
Vanilla raids are basically a step above LFR in terms of difficulty.
>a step above LFR in terms of difficulty.
Not even, they are seriously below that
Flying was a mistake and blizzard knows it.
>Method isn't streaming anymore
So they went back to retail?
>WOW, a raid designed 15 years ago that has been beaten to death by guilds on private servers who constantly have to reset their progress as servers die every year and have gotten used to speedrunning to end game so they can rank 14 grind was beaten in 5 days by 30 a bunch of fucking people who have been prepping for this for litterally a decade
Color me suprised
Method has been destroyed at every step of classic, no world first 60, no world first rag or onx. Then they regected an advertising deal and one of their top players is in prison for domestic violence.
Method is fucking dead.
Cope harder
>retail cucks: classic will never succeed !
>also retail cucks: make retail more like classic !
>Then they regected an advertising deal and one of their top players is in prison for domestic violence.
Also Sodashit and his slaves are clearing MC right now so that should be world first Horde MC unless i missed news of one already, cucking Method on that too
Don't be retarded, heroic modern raids are beaten in less then a day after release unless they're bugged, people have been clearing MC on private servers for over a fucking decade, and 1.12 was tuned for Naxx, not MC.
In live WOW they have to time gate the dungeon difficulties because people would fucking quit after a weekend of a new patch because the content is clearable on day 1.
>B-but mythic
Mythic difficulty is a worthless meme, the gear is vendor trash in 6 weeks and all you get is the WOW equivelent of a free hat, aka a stupid fucking box popping up on your screen.
Its what my friend who actually follows this crap has been telling me. I do t remember any names or anything because streaming culture is a fucking joke.
look at the amount of HP then retard
That's the endgame experience, which I can't really speak for. I'm a slow leveller, I enjoy pootling around the map seeing what's up. I resubbed about two years ago, played from scratch all the way up to the mid 70s. I was planning on hitting max level, which would have taken a fair while longer at my languid pace, but unlocking flying mounts just made the whole experience suck. The new zones weren't interesting anymore, because they were reduced to being a postcard that scrolls by under my character that I'm not interacting with. I don't have to fight my way into that fort or up that tower, I don't have to follow the winding path or descend into the canyon. I just land next to the objective, do it, and fuck off to the next one. It forced me to become a mechanical grinder just hitting max level asap even though that's not where I was getting my fun. Flying blows
Why would I cope? Blizzard fucked up with classic, the mobs are not tuned correctly, they decided to launch with limited content on the 1.12 patch.
I am still glad its back and doing well because retail is shit, but I am not suprised of the organized autism of people in 2019, no one should be, WOW isn't hard, and never has been, it was always the casual soccer mom MMO, thats why it was successful, but even soccer moms are bored of retail because if everything is piss easy except for .1% of the content that is mostly a RNG gear check, then you get bored and quit.
Thats Blizzard being incapable of balance shit unless they make fights bloated with bullshit Dante Must Die mechanics in Mythic
Vanilla raids were never hard and in absolute no way WoW has never been hardcore on PvE, especially in Vanilla since Mythic and Mythic+ are the closets thing to Hardcore PvE
Not really into Vanilla, but I loathe retail (Seriously, just give me an option for Classic Sub only, then I'll try it), but I just want the game to either make decisions to direct it being a good game again, or give me servers of the three good expansions WoW's had. I foresee the latter happening first if any because the first one is too hard for the idiots currently at the helm of blizzard who can't swallow their pride and keep moving forward with decisions that makes the game worse.
Don't talk for me faggot, I don't want retail to be anything like classic. Classic is shit and I never want to play it. Fuck "community", Fuck talking to people to look for a dungeon for 20 minutes to find out no one has a key.
I'm happy for classic fags as all that sub money is going straight to retail so I can enjoy my mythic+ and other fun shit.
What you're saying is redundant because a "new player" these days is probably from Fortnite and there you can look like the coolest chad ever buy buying a skin and never having played a single match
>flying mounts
BC never was negatively affected by flight. THe problems with modern WoW did even begin until BC was long gone and done with.
Transmog is purely visual and only benefits you if you've actually unlocked the things in question. More visual customization IS NOT the problem with modern WoW.
>stop item mount sharing between characters/classes
>gold crunch
Change the monetary system to a new one, end the old one, make the exchange rates terrible so everything starts the new system with little to nothing.
>remove dungeon finder
But none of this would fix modern WoW, the problems are far deeper.
>transmog is an fotm argument
sure, fotm for the last however many years lol
visual clarity is extremely important in knowing what a player is wearing as far as immersion and 'readability' goes.
assume you're on a PVP server and Brickfucker the orc warrior charges your ass, not being able to see what he's even wearing is retarded. is he some dumbo in fresh max level quest gear? is he wearing fuckyourdickoff full PVE DPS gear? is he a super mega thunderfuck tanky bastard in full resilience gladiator gear?
who fucking knows, he's transmogged into bright pink gay shit and you have no idea what you're actually against outside of some dude playing a warrior in mystery nigga attire, and that fucking sucks
transmog is good on a conceptual and casual level, but an absolute failure of multiplayer RPG game design
>lmao nigga just inspect him hahahaha how is visual information even real hahaha just right click him hahahahaha
>Be american
>Wear shoes and hats indoors
Quality culture.
You have to earn transmog gear to use it. You don't just magically get it. Getting rid of transmog wouldn't do anything but force old gear to go back to never being seen anywhere ever which is fucking stupid.
The anti transmog crowd are drooling subhuman retards.
seperate it into a seperate game
make the makers have to be responsible to the PEOPLE WHO BOUGHT IT, not those who are nostaligic to the game
expansions don't work in multpalyer games
have sex
>how to fix modern wow
remake vanilla WoW, but with some modern improvements, and modern raid bosses, ban addons in raids, redo the design of every single ranged dps (except mage) and give them some risk/reward system with boss mechanics, start the story over, and replace the developer monkeys who thought an MMORPG should be single player.
It wasn't a problem in BC because you were unlocking it at level cap, after you had already explored the zones properly
>all dwarves and gnomes
>one night elf kneeling over at the back right
So you want to go back to having no customization and old gear just getting sharded because it's completely useless?
Getting rid of transmog is a terrible idea.
Have a better idea like updating all raids to the current max level at least so they're never NOT a challenge so everyone that has the skins always earned them. The game has zero visual character customization, transmog is the ONLY thing that makes up for it.
If Blizzard actually allow high end visual character customization one day? Sure. Get rid of transmog, maybe keep it for green and blue gear but not purple and legendary gear. And don't share transmog skins between characters. Make the list be stuck to the particular character that did X Y or Z.
That's true now. The achievement needed to unlock flight can't be unlocked until you've completed the achievement which means you've actually run through everything and hit max level.
>assume you're on a PVP server and Brickfucker the orc warrior charges your ass, not being able to see what he's even wearing is retarded. is he some dumbo in fresh max level quest gear? is he wearing fuckyourdickoff full PVE DPS gear? is he a super mega thunderfuck tanky bastard in full resilience gladiator gear?
All i read is
>I want to pick my targets and ignore full pvp people because i know i am gonna get wrecked hard
Just look at the fuckers health or just run if he fucking starts the damn fight. You going to jot down each piece of armour you see on the cunt then do the numbers in your head to work out if you can win this fight easy?
But what do you expect from knuckle dragging pvp troglodytes. They just want to gank lowbies but not fight someone that can fight back.
So what? The history of WoW is cuck players whining but still paying their $15 a month. If Blizzard had a creative passion they would design what they wanted, instead all the good talent left years ago and Blizzard plus WoW are soulless husks.
Yes but now there is content AFTER BC that you can fly in from the get go, which is the problem. BC introduced a problem that didn't really take effect until the next expansion
>I want to pick my targets
Like every other PVP MMO?
Stopped reading there. WoW's PvP is completely brain dead and comes down to whoever has the bigger stats. No silhouette or any other information will change the outcome of a fight. WoW PvP involves no skill.
If you don't want transmog in PvP say, but no one gives a shit. At least say it right, say you want all gear stripped from WoW PvP and for players to go in with preset gear and stats into PvP based off their spec. Cut it off wholly from the main game and stop trying to change the rest of the game to fit your shitty little pvp mode no one gives a flying fuck about.
nah you just want to gank instead of git gud for deal with surprise buttfucks
BC flight couldn't be used in wrath. You had to buy Wrath flying. That was a mistake with making it so cheap people could buy it right away which is why they switched to the achievement system which means the problem has already been fixed and all arguments end with, "blizzard already solved the problem, you're ranting about nothing"
What MMOs are you talking about? Modern MMOs all have visual gear customization now.
>pvp mmo
There's no such thing.
Well I quit in wrath because flying with leveling bored me to tears, so it was absolutely still a problem for my attempt at resubbing
The only issue is that Pathfinder part 1 should be all that's needed. Waiting to for part two and no doubt Blizzard timegating the second part is a dick move.
>you have to do the turd which is 1-60
No thanks.
Modern WOW is unfixable, it's too far gone down casual shitness.
Why bother fixing it when all people who actually play it right now would screech?
Remove LFD/LFR entierly
Remove flying mounts
Remove Item level
Remove Transmog to spite transsluts
Remove useless shit like pokemon autism
Remove WoW store
Make game hard and engaging so all nuwow faggots complaining about romoving things above leave.
See that shit won't work.
>WoW's PvP is completely brain dead and comes down to whoever has the bigger stats.
i think you missed the self-awareness with the image you're replying to, this was ever argued against
> No silhouette or any other information will change the outcome
>comes down to whoever has the bigger stats
and you completely contradict yourself with that. if it comes down to stats, why are you unable to visibly gauge the stats of your opponent?
or in this case, the stats of your tank, your healer, your DPS who might have randomly joined your group for something? you have zero idea how well they can manage their aggro or keep the group alive, because they're all radiating with absolute godlike power from a glance due to wearing shit from ten expansions ago to mask whatever good or bad bullshit is actually in that armor slot
it's already been posted above by another user, but robbing the "visual accomplishment" from players who've actually done the time to look fucking awesome in their current-era functional gear is one of the biggest reasons people dropped warcraft from a non-casual perspective.
it goes entirely into the goober mentality of 'everyone is a rockstar', which was firmly cemented by Legion when literally every player character became their legendary-wielding, class-related second coming of christ
and that all fuckin sucks
transmog sucks
you suck
Double up the number of talents, let us double dip certain rows. Almost like...some kind of tree.
Remove LFR until pre-expac content draught. Warfronts are way better for casuals who just want to AFK farm purps.
Whenever you tank/heal a dungeon in lfg you get an account wide buff that moves your dps spec que to the front of the line.
More engagement, less RNG, more dangerous gameplay amd griefing. Root out the snowflakes and you will see the community improve.
Accept the toxicity and the whole game becomes less toxic as SJWs migrate back to maple story or w/e.
>He doesn't take off his shoes to put on his house shoes
>how do we fix modern wow?
You fucking cant
>can't remove rdf
>can't remove flying mounts
>can't remove walfare epics
>can't remove you solo'ing 5+ mobs at a time
>can't remove major butchering of the lore since pandas
There's so much wrong with this game, but people will still buy this steaming pile of shit becouse it's blizzard, and they will swallow everything you throw at them it's insane
remove it from original wow aoe
make it its own game. then they wont have the attention whore party there only there for
fuck you guys dont get anything ive said this multiple times and you dont listen
they stole the populalirty of the original game. .the people who play it only want to destroy the original people just like blizz did when they made expansions for an online mp game. You CANT make expansions for multipalyer games. they dont work.
DURR ANOHTER 100 retarded opinions that dont matter cause ur all wrong
and is just *whats it called of me.
Lore is the only thing that people cling too. But removing dungeon finder might work. force you to make friends.
its not the same game but they wont stop suing people for playing vanilla on cracked servers or showing videos of it will they?
tahts teh fucking problem.
It's time to start over. Caverns of Time story and start over from classic.
>Fuck all these quality of life features!
WoW babies will cry about anything
Everything OP posted is wrong.
Adding tedium is not going to fix the game, nor is making it like Classic (ie back when there was more tedium). All the things mentioned from flying (which isn't even possible in BFA until you grind out the whole goddamn thing at least once ) to dungeon finders make the game better - if you have a problem with them, you are the problem.
There problem with BFA is too much DIFFERENT tedium. Too much grinding dailies and rep-gated content, too much grinding to upgrade Azerite etc. The kind of thing where it feels like you only make progress if you can come on and do dailies to the max every day. If anything BFA's problems (most of it doesn't allow flying until you grind out the achievement so things like that aren't even a consideration) are because of being worried about the no-lifers.
They made so many time sinks because they were worried about the complainers of the people who played all the time, knowing the people who would absolutely max out the dailies/weeklies every single day and week would clear things in a month or two etc..... but not realizing that the majority of players who DIDNT max out every day would take much longer. When are they going to learn, worrying about the hardcore who grind everything out ASAP and then complain about "no content" ruins fucking games
BFA and WoW in general needs more comprehensive content - they've done a great job with Legion most agree and it had all kinds of things that were listed here, but once they paired down the grind, it was fun etc. Blizz is capable of this - the battle pet system is fucking fantastic for instance, a whole "pokemon" game within the MMO, if you so choose! They need to start making (perhaps remaking) much of the landmass to have zones with multiple levels of content, vs a single level range and then you level out of it. Add housing for real, get back to immersion but without adding tedium
>Remove useless shit like pokemon autism
you shut your whore fucking mouth, that's one of the most entertaining off-hour timesinks and economies the game ever implemented
until they powercreep'd it with absolutely unbeatable blizzcon pets that just shit on everything every time they're implemented what the fuck
>The anti transmog crowd are drooling subhuman retards.
The only point they have is in PvP. So give players the option to disable seeing transmogs.
>But we all know blizzard won't allow that
>They will start selling transmog skins at some point
>being able to disable them defeats that purpose
Give me a situation where knowing what the opponent is wearing would actually matter. And give me some actual items that you can actually identify at a glance, not just some conjecture. Gear can't be transmogged into a different type as far as I know (so no turning plate into cloth appearance) and that's literally the only case I can think of that would confuse people.
I don't get how you can white about transmog and glamours. Give me one good reason why players in the endgame should all look exactly the same.
They tried selling cosmetic pieces of transmog already and boy did that fucking backfire and no more has been in the shop since. Now mounts on the other hand, they can't fucking stop.
>its not the same game but they wont stop suing people for playing vanilla on cracked servers or showing videos of it will they?
They can't sue you if you just play on a private server, they can, however, target you if you're streaming said server or you're it's owner
>The only point they have is in PvP
just want to point out that, if you see this as a negative, it's only more apparent how far the game has fallen down the shitter from constant progression into being farmville with swords
a failed MMORPG is defined by creating an environment which player interaction is not only looked down upon, but vocally discouraged by its own community
Remove all the hamster wheel shit. Dailies/weeklies/titanforges.
See what as a negative? Transmogs? Transmogs in pvp? What exactly.
This, OP is a retard and they need to remove the repetitive shit. It's fine to be able to 'beat' the game, then just have fun doing pvp.
>remove THING others like but I dont
>remove THING I don't like
>Remove a feature to make path finding hard
Your ideas suck and you also suck too
>Lore is the only thing that people cling too.
It can't be true. WoW story is one of the worst story in any video game.
MMOs have always been treadmills. They have never respected a player's time because their whole business model is built around sucking up your time for $15 a month and to keep you paying for that sub every month.
>login to classic
>everyone having fun
>retarded 18 to 23 aged zoom zooms with a fucked dopamine receptor are quitting in masses
>servers still full as shit
>logged into bfa
>full of seething faggots bitching how bfa is dead, their Guild is dead, and the AH is on panic mode
>all they do is bitch all day
>they hate bfa also but are just addicted to it and can't stop
I feel so bad for you stupid lite zoom zooms. Smart phones and social media has fucked you do bad that you can only play games with instant rewards.
If you use any of the following you are a faggot and you will quit classic because you have the attention span of a rat
There are probably others but I'm such a boomer I don't even know what you faggots use these days. Ohhh
Get off social media retards. Stop searching for validation. Your brain is so fucked. It's why only Boomers can enjoy classic.
yea i know so, what for?
just say its old photage, i mena wtf?
holy FUCK trying to get the quest done in stonetalon drove me FUCKING INSANE, do you have any idea how long the corpse run is from there? it's almost 5 fucking minutes. of just running as a ghost. you FUCKING NIGGERS
You're the fucking epitome of what is wrong with retail WoW. Get fucked and die you fucking cancer.
Man I went to sleep and woke up after calling the anti transmog tard a tard and now he's moved onto "REMOVE TRANSMOG BECAUSE I CANT LOOK AT HP VALUES TO DETERMINE HOW GEARED SOMEONE IS" further cementing they are in fact, a fucking tard who only wants transmog removed so they can go look for undergeared lowbies to gank. Sasuga brainlet.
>was a level 26 warlock
>saw a level 28 alliance human warrior
>raped him so hard and feared him into mobs
>he couldn't even touch me
HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA JUST QUIT FAGGOTS. Mmmm my free mount is going to be so HOT.
they should add flying mounts hwen your dead like they were when i played wod. i thoguht this was pretty neat and was the only way flying mounts should of been implemented
also id add more mailboxes to tb and uc
cheaper respec costs assholes
straight up flight paths
qol when without shitting everywhere and makikng tbc
The genre is fucked and people still complain but don't realize they are the reason why it's shit.
WoW vanilla gets a pass because of the worldbuilding and discovering Azeroth.
But the other expac never really change the formula and if you keep playing them you are just a drug addict.
I'm pretty sure that's long dead.
>plays a class so easy and so made for babies that they dont even have to turn to cast an infinitely recastable nearly instant cast CC
yikes and big cringe from me dawg
As a more casual player since classic, I did not raid. Didn't have the time for it, and even when I did, I didn't like being under pressure if I actually had an important role. Latter issue stems from the community where tryhards expect you to know every fight the day the raid comes out, have all the BiS and exliers or you're kicked. Blizzard can't fix that. They seem to think they can by dumbing down all the content, but nerfing raids doesn't address why I don't like doing them, while also making it worse for those who do enjoy doing them.
tl;dr, stop appealing to casuals by nerfing harder content.
Only thing I agree with from OP is cutting dungeon finder. You're lucky if anyone says hello anymore, and seeing anyone while questing is also a rarity if you're leveling an alt. Makes the world feel empty.
Imagine actually being this retarded. All classes are easy retard. And I played warrior to 60 I'm vanilla before patch 1.5. You faggots have it so easy to level a warrior. 1.12 made them so good.
Bring the player hasn't been a thing in ages.
>playing classic for difficulty
Guess who is the bigger retard?
After grinding Classic for an entire week, I kind of just want to go play retail but then I think about all of the shitty things in retail like Azerite and Titanforging and just keep grinding on Classic
I played WoD and we were running maraudon i think, and all of a sudden i got this idea that the healer wanst there and was boting. i was noticing he was healing. then i stopped, we were out of combat, and i started walking around and told noone to follow me, and said i think he was hakcing. he kept following me around like he had me on follow. then i started combat and he would auto-heal. he was botting. we kicked him out of the grup, this was prettty early and replaced him.
they dont even care about playing the game. also gms dont care about roll hacks before their latest expansions which i caught.
>retail wow
>mythic plus
>bring 3 rogues
I haven't played since a couple of months into TBC. Went and looked at some of my old characters yesterday and they were decked out with some dank epic gear. I'd forgotton how much stuff I'd done.
But what the fuck was even going on in that version of the game? I couldn't made head nor tail of where to even start. My priest was a discipline priest or some shit and all my healing spells were greyed out. I guess I'd need to start again at the beginning again until I know what the fuck it's all about.
No time for that now though. Vanilla was perfect and I lost interest in TBC.
as annoying as it can be to find a group, dungeon finder (and older dungeon design) really did help the community feeling
in classic i've been just chatting with people in my party while waiting for more members instead of the usual 'hi' at the start of dungeon finder and then silence, i've added people to my friends list because they were good at their role, and it's less likely to see someone booted for minor hiccups unless they're literally incapable of playing their class
it also helps that the dungeons are more engaging than just rounding up as many mobs as possible and aoeing them down unless you've got a specific party comp for that, because that's what pretty much all of the retail dungeons aside from higher M+ boil down to
A battlepass/season pass would unironically save WoW
>make base game free
>sell season passes for content, has new raids and items that are unique to that season
>rewards as you progress as account level (separate from character level) that unlock stuff like mounts, gold, transmog appearances, etc.
Make it a real treadmill instead of half-assing it with the tired subscription model. Keep players invested in playing out a season for a tangible reward instead of just playing til cap and doing the same thing every week. And make the items unique to the season (unlikely to come back) or at least on rotation.
We take the lessons from Classic that have won the player-base over and try to apply them here.
>Flying is removed, which makes the world feel smaller and makes WPVP less aids.
>Teleports are removed and you have to ask mages for them again. Zepelins and boats reintroduced.
>Transmog is something you unlock at maxlevel. If you're levelling, there's no hiding your heirlooms.
>Just completely get rid of the cross-server shit. It's retarded that you can chat to people in BGs, or even the General, and not be able to add them to your friendlist.
>It's too late to get rid of store shit. Let the people that buy shit from the store continue to purchase things.
>The story for BFA is clearly a lead up to a big twist, where they're going to try to change your opinion on why the story has sucked for a year. This sucks, cause we're lead to believe all of this shit is happening for fuck all of a reason and we're hoping it's not another Garrosh.
>Remove dungeon finder. The fun of finding some people to do dungeons with as I level has been great.
>Make professions actually matter again, so we can create actually interesting items for PVP or just make some money. This shit only works for maybe the first 2 weeks of a new patch if you're at max.
>The servers should be split back into normal, RP, RPPVP and PVP. If you've joined a WPVP server, you shouldn't be able to complain when you're shit on. Only if flying is removed though.
Do you plebians seriously play with health values hidden, so that you need to determine your opponents strength by how they look?
No fucking wonder transmog gets hate if this is state of the players.
>Levelling tree is reintroduced so that you can play 10 or so different specs no matter what class you are. I know Azerite gear sorta does this, but it's not really interesting or customisable enough.
>Make mob encounters actually a bit difficult when you're in a dungeon. Your pulls should matter. This will also hopefully make the levelling process a little bit longer and rewarding. Retail has been focusing on the endgame for far too long to the point levelling is dogshit.
>And on that note, remove scaling. Remove the fact everything is the same level as you.
>Revamp Silvermoon into an actual city again now that Undercity has been nuked.
>Completely remove rep requirements for shit like flying allied races.
>Take the concept of Timewalking Raids, and apply it to all raids with that level-sync feature so current guilds can play older raids and get cool gear instead of waiting a week to play again.
>Every class gets a class quest every patch that gives them something interesting
>Remove the timelimit of sending messages to others in the general. Chinese gold sellers and demon hunter level boosters are stuck in the capital cities. If I'm in Brill, I should be able to talk for as long as I want while I'm there.
Ultimate brainlet post that misses the point of what went wrong with retail and wanks classic for all the wrong reasons.
>literally say why
Do you need help?
Well, feel free to put forward your own ideas to fix retail. Those are my issues and solutions, I'd like to see yours.
I'll keep saying this.
Put the RPG element back in the MMORPG. Have sub factions again to gain rep with that would make another sub faction hostile to you. Have different decisions in quests like they do in TOR and ESO.
But most of all, by all means keep the Horde vs Alluance thing in the background but make your character a freelancer who's tired of the same thing where they fight each other only to band together for a bigger threat. With you as a freelancer you have full access to Horde and Alliance locations whilst both factions try to secure your service. You can choose to fight for either faction or stay a sell sword.
>Wrath babies actually think old school MMO players will ever touch retail
>Levelling tree is reintroduced so that you can play 10 or so different specs no matter what class you are. I know Azerite gear sorta does this, but it's not really interesting or customisable enough.
Pointless, the optimal route will be found and people will only play that.
>Make mob encounters actually a bit difficult when you're in a dungeon. Your pulls should matter. This will also hopefully make the levelling process a little bit longer and rewarding. Retail has been focusing on the endgame for far too long to the point levelling is dogshit.
>And on that note, remove scaling. Remove the fact everything is the same level as you.
>Revamp Silvermoon into an actual city again now that Undercity has been nuked.
>Completely remove rep requirements for shit like flying allied races.
>Take the concept of Timewalking Raids, and apply it to all raids with that level-sync feature so current guilds can play older raids and get cool gear instead of waiting a week to play again.
>Every class gets a class quest every patch that gives them something interesting
100% yes
>Remove the timelimit of sending messages to others in the general. Chinese gold sellers and demon hunter level boosters are stuck in the capital cities. If I'm in Brill, I should be able to talk for as long as I want while I'm there.
Sorry that won't fix anything.
Mythic plus already meets the "travel to the dungeon" thing
The real problem with wow is catering to fucking guilds like method. Raiding should be easy and fun. FF14 savages are brain dead as shit but a slight buff ahead of savage for wow would work. Both ultimates and mythic raiding is cancer.
One difficulty, 1 tier set, the last boss might be hard as shit. No one wants to play wow for the difficulty. BC raid design for places such as tempest keep and SSC while both shitty raids had the right idea in making most of the bosses some what difficult with the last boss being extremely difficult. In my opinion this is the most important aspect of the game. Player mystery of never beating the last boss unless you are really good and geared as shit.
In my opinion when your progress through a new raid, new dps checks should be done that can only be solved by playing extremely well or run the raid for weeks.
The end of the day majority of most players are max level and won't be leveling up. The game is about end game now. And the end game needs to get better. 1 difficulty only. Raids should be like this.
>first 5 bosses
Normal difficulty
>next 3 bosses
Heroic difficulty
>last 1 or 2 bosses
Mythic level
This in my opinion is the Best raid design.
just because people find the most optimized shit doesn't mean it's not fun to explore it regardless, might as well remove anything unoptimal with that mindset
>Mythic plus already meets the "travel to the dungeon" thing
Yeah, but you too are focusing only on the endgame. I'm talking about the 60+ or so dungeons that are between vanilla and BFA.
Dungeon spamming is the most annoying fucking thing.
>Click on the Dungeon Finder
>Find a dungeon in seconds
>Don't talk to anyone
>Try to talk to anyone, they're all silent
>Try to clear the dungeon as fast as possible so you can move on to the next one
>The difficulty is so easy that it's just brainless drooling on to the keyboard while numbers appear on the screen
Meanwhile, BG take 20+ minutes to find people, and it's usually fucking awful.
>First 20 seconds, someone dies
>After that, he quits
>Followed by another person
>Half the team has quit because it wasn't an easy win where they get to shit on people for 10 minutes
How do you think wow got to where it is? People bitched things were unoptimal until class design as a whole died to prevent that bitching.
>what, youre not playing the optimal talent allocation as stated by EJ or Icy Veins or insert shitty retard theorycrafting website here?
>fuck you lmao out of the group
I dont think you have played modern wow. Modern day mythic dungeons need communication. If you have a Brazilian n your group you are fucked because he is not going to understand anything. The solution is ready there. Yet the game is still shit.
Dungeons are not the problem with modern wow.
It's time for a reboot. There's no fixing the mess that is WoW right now, it's too bloated and ungainly.
If they wanna do a sequel/reboot, then learn from what happened. Taking the best bits from Classic with the best from retail has the potential for a really fun game. Give us difficulty, both in mobs and general gameplay, Fuck heirlooms and give us interesting loot that's exciting to obtain. If you want to have flying, properly design your zones around it, and limit it to certain areas.
You dumb fuck I'm not talking about mythic dungeons
I agree, delete WoW, make warcraft 4 with a fresh new mod tools.
There is absolutely no way in hell that they'd reboot WoW, especially with how everything up to Cata has been solidified as turbo canon by Metzen in the Warcraft Chronicles.
I was hoping for
>Warcraft remastered comes out
>They sell expansions using the same engine like Warcraft 3: The Burning Crusade, Wrathbaby, etc.
>Change the really retarded story issues where characters don't make any sense
>Eventually lead into Warcraft 4
This guy gets it. Wow shouldn't be like overwatch. In classic I often pick PvP targets based on their gear. It's an intuitive and immersive way of gauging player strength. Looking at a health pool is not.
>There is absolutely no way in hell that they'd reboot WoW, especially with how everything up to Cata has been solidified as turbo canon by Metzen in the Warcraft Chronicles.
They are so arrogant lmao. They don't realize that everyone hates WoW lore, and the reason people still give a fuck about Sylvanas and her shit story is because of her boobs and because people somehow kept playing that game since 15 years and can't let it go.
You faggots seem to be under impression that vanilla was some holy grail, while it was the most casual mmo on the market, and surprise surprise it still is to this day. Literally nothing have changed in that regard. There is no saving wow except for mercykilling it to make way for a paradigm shift in mmo design.
for 15 years*
>Transmog takes that away
no it doesn't, gear has to be earned before you can transmog anything into it
I've been complaining about how random armor sets look like shit and how you can't use whatever appearance you already earned (ie. transmog) since back in original wow, it really pissed me off I couldn't look like my hard earned shaman T2 because "LMAO BiS" faggotry
this is in fact one of the main reason I don't play classic and no, I don't play retail or any other MMO either for other reasons
transmog is fine you fucking nigger faggot
you can't fix "modern wow" or any other modern online game unless you replace their entire communities, by the way
you would think current paradigm is attracting such shitty communities but I say it's the other way around, games have slowly been changing to accommodate their population of drooling morons: dungeon finder was added when most people started behaving like fucking "just wanna run this dungeon real quick then quit man" NPC, but I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing
We know classic was the most casual mmo on the market. It also happened to be the best mmo on the market. Arguably it still is.
This says more about what hot garbage the mmo genre is filled with than some delusion of classic being a holy grail game.
you forgot this
>WOW has one of the worse communities and I tried to put them on my ignore list but I say to myself " hey I cannot ignore everyone can I?"
kek'd muh community in vanillia
>Actually WoW is a grind fest and a time consuming game.
The Old Ones knew it 15 years ago, but say that today and bunch of nostalgiafags will start beating you to death with their untrained unarmed skill
No it wasn't and no it isn't. Unless by best you meant most overhyped with the biggest casual playerbase, in which case you should be praising fortnite this very moment for doing essentially the same.
Most mmos in vanilla timeframe was better than vanilla in everything but production values (with some exceptions that hurt the games more than helped) and casual friendliness.
This. Blizz drones are the biggest addict of the industry and they deserve every bit of shit that Blizz give them to eat.
>remove flying mounts on azeroth
Straight into the trash
>They actually built WoD entirely around not having flying
Horseshit. The zones were obviously designed with people flying around them at some stage in the future, as evidenced by the fact they aren't complete trainwrecks from above like both pre and post Cata Azeroth
Oh, and the fact you could fly from almost day one with goblin jetpack/glider items from your garrison
The problem is people confuse tedium with elements that made the game better back in the day
The worst thing is they defend systems that are significantly more tedious and unrewarding, comparing it to superior systems.
For example i'd rather do BRD a handful of times to get the quests I want done and the gear/enchants/recipes I need, is BRD tedious? Yes, but compared to running the same 5 dungeons on M+ for months for a mere chance at a gear upgrade in a weekly chest, i'd fucking take emp runs any day.
Only smart thing you wrote was removing dungeon finder which would force people to find groups through social interactions. Unless this is a bait, you OP are a retard.
how nerfed is level 110 gold grinding?
>didn't played legion not buying bfa
>could play with gold but 220k for each month is a scam
>"Tank LFG Urmom's Ancient Bordello PST have key"
>"GJ everyone, thanks for the group!"
so social
instant teleport is cancer though
they need to release a classic version of bfa. bfa content but vanilla game design. no flying, no lfd, lfr tools, no portals, no crossrealm bullshti, no sharding etc. etc.
also titan and warforging and rng loot, i hate that.
Pull the plug, then make a new game in a new engine.
Create a passive talent tree and a dynamic one where the passive one functions like a tweaked version of the original talent tree and the dynamic one functions more like the one introduced in Cata and onwards.
Give each spec in each class clearly defined strengths and weaknesses.
Restrict dungeon finder use and functionality so that you cannot rely on it and that it encourages groups to stick together, possibly for multiple runs or another dungeon.
Provide more character customization options.
Cater to PvPers and roleplayers because unlike hardcore raiders, they won't really run out of content and it is much easier to provide content for them.
Soft reboot in terms of lore.
>new game in a new engine.
It's called retail
>new engine
have you tried not shilling today?
Dungeon trash difficulty is actually one of the worst parts of bfa. All the instances are full of mobs that have casts you have to interrupt or someone/everyone just gets deleted. Trash is already harder than bosses in most dungeons, and fortified and teeming only make it worse every few weeks. Default dungeons, heroics and low mythic+ dungeons are piss easy and boring, where you can just spam any buttons and everything dies instantly and deals no damage, but all the casts and debuffs become way too oppressive once you go past +15. Trash being as hard as it is just makes running mythic+ a chore, when you just have to keep pulling big packs full of possible instant wipe mechanics to beat the timers.
The engine is constantly being improved. Why would they start everything from scratch retard.
>game can't even handle 40 people in the same place without the server shitting themselves anymore
>new game in a new engine
literally why ?
to get fancy cloak physics ? it's pointless, out of every problem wow has, the engine, the graphics or the artstyle isn't one of them, it's even their strong point
because its still the modified engine of fucking Warcraft 3
>improved = new
you still have the 16slot bag? then its not new
>moving the goalpost
Anyway it was improved. Better graphics, better physic = they worked on the engine.
You aren't satsified? Too bad they won't hire new devs just for your shitty taste.
And why would they do that when classic just gave them $100 million dollar of profit in a week.
So what? You know what is an engine? You know that unreal engine 4 is just the modified engine of UT99?
you are the retard moving the goalpost
This desu. WoW also runs on any potato.
I've had enough of pretty MMOs my friends with shit pcs couldn't play with me.
Still waiting, big brain
Found the retailtranny. Sorry your transmogs have become irrelevant
>look at the current graphics of retail and tell me they weren't improved stupid retard.
andy yet retail is so much more mindless because you never to think about threat or resource management. the only "challenge" is doing the synchronized dancing while you're doing the 4 button rotation.
None of those things you said have any weight on a game engine retard. Jesus fuck stop posting.
wow I guess tod Howard is making adjustments to skyrim all the time with those high graphic mods right? Jesus fuck you are a retard.
Yes it does. Good like trying PBR on a 2002 engine.
mods don't change the engine stupid retard. They are just different texture/shader, which don't improve the graphic tech at all.
My problems with retail are the health pools being insanely large. The transmog gear giving bad players a cool outfit. The lfr destroying all social cohesion and the general lack of community.
If only you weren't such a retard in having reading comprehension
>explaining how an engine works when user made fun of you for not understanding how a game engine works...
You do realize that HUUUUR in the end and the green text was supposed to be you retard? You were the fucking retard thinking better graphics means the engine improved. It has no fucking weight retard. HENCE THE POST.
Yeah we on classic and happy af
Ofc it does. You need to improve your engine to gets retail graphics. It uses modern tech rendering.
That's why Warcraft 3 reforged graphic sucks : Because it's the same old engine and can't handle basic things like PBR.
Defending people who farm old content makes me cringe so fucking hard. You cant be that retarded
Biggest problem when any expansion added is that it makes the old world worthless and you are in the new expansions content for 95% of your time. The world should always be relevant. BC lost the world and gave flying. Vanilla had high end content use in almost every zone in the game. You could be a 60 in STV, tanaris, asharha, dusk wood etc. Also the world encouraged world pvp and sometimes a player would simply pvp in any zone for defense or offense.
Play classic you retail faggot.
You can't do that, the playerb want all of it just play classic leave this walking corpse with all the worms living in it
So does Tod Howard need to update skyrim whenever I download my 200 sex mods in it? None of which change the game engine...
You again are proving to be a retard. The reason modern wow can't handle players is because the game engine wasn't design to have so much spell detail and calculations. The games engine has not changed but they continue to tack stuff on top of it.
mods have nothing to do with game engine retard.
i don't care about your players issue, just saying that the game engine was improved.
Stop being dumb, find a job.
Retail faggots like you are exactly why the game is fucked
I'm level 20 and loving every fucking second, retail tranny
Based bc player calling retail trannies out
Retail faggots like you make me sick, you hold on to your precious rehashed gear like you earned it. Defending all the faggots who where lk gear after wrath. I hate faggots like you
Retail mop trannies like you should die of cancer, slow and painfully
Time for bed, Little Zoom.
You couldn't even get cold weather flying in Wrath until 78, when you hit Icecrown/Stormpeaks. Cataclysm has been the only expansion you could fly in from the very start. Every other expansion required a higher level/pathfinder achievements
Level crunch so that when youre forced to play the patch at least it isnt behind weeks of grinding to level 120
Unbalance everyone because pvp in a world where everyone has everything is fucking terrible
>Everyone has their 2 minute damage CD
>Their 3 minute defensive CD
>Their ranged 5 second stun
>self healing
>Gap closer
>Escape button
>Soft CC/polymorph clone
That you dont have and nobody cares about because everyone can get???
Retail faggots NEED to die
>make other specs bad at PvP so I can actually kill someone
Bullshit, you could get it at 68 for a measly 50 gold. You don't need it at all anymore according to Google
You could only get it on lower level characters with a lvl 80 character who could buy a BoA tome for your lower level characters. The first character had to get to 78 to fly, which usually happened right when you were part of the way through Stormpeaks, a zone where you need flying to get around.
>Other fun shit
Like what faggot?
Alright then. I can only speak from personal experience, and as mentioned a few times, I went through Wrath late after resubbing, well after they made flight there unrestricted and free, and it killed my interest in the game
World of Warcraft was always rank piss. "Going back" to older patches or game design will never fix what a tedious grind it was. It sucked up your valuable time and gave you nothing in return.
>4 button rotation.
having 6-8 buttons to mash and watching buff uptime for your standard dmg rotation doesnt make the game better. i gave up on my feral druid in cata because the number of buttons to press became unreasonably high. i bought a 20 button mmo-mouse just for this shit and hated every minute of it like in the sinews in my hand started to hurt after playing feral dps for a few hours.
it was insane and stupid.
So use ground mounts then. It's not like the game is competitive, do whatever the fuck you want. Besides Cata and a few small areas of BC every zone is designed with the idea that you're on the ground anyway.
>you have to earn it
After the conent was released 8 years ago.
Fucking dialate you stupid retail tranny
thats every game dude.
why you support activisionblizzard?
of course its competitive, its a fucking mmo.
>every game sucks
Sasuga, Skinner's Box faggot.
A reminder that Classicfags are literally zoomers who were eight years old when WoW released. They only think it was difficult and particularly engaging because it was their first MMO and probably the first game they played with more depth than whatever 3D platformer they grew up with.
They've grown up to be bitter 20-somethings who complain because they are too socially awkward to talk to people in-game anymore and can't find a guild to do Mythic+ with.
There's only one way to fix wow and that is by actually makign the story move instead of making a mess of things. To advance the story they should finally declare a victor between the Alliance and the Horde, the loser's faction will be destroyed, and every race of that faction will still be playable but they won't be buddies with the other races. Azeroth will then truly be a World of Warcraft.
This, glad they hate life
maybe gaming is just not the thing for you if you think its not worth your time. i bet you think wageslaving is what people should spend their limited lifetime on.
>Every fight must be a 12 minute rock paper scissors match decided by who used their cooldowns wrong
Its boring. Its tedious. It doesnt really reward skillful play it just punishes mistakes. I can watch Xaryu do mage/rogue all day but when every matchup is "play your cooldowns tight and wait for them to waste their defensive CD" its not fun its just a meta "wait for the button to light up and hit it"
Fuck I could probably make a weakaura that lights up my offensive CD when the enemy 2s dont have their defensives up
Come around to eastern kingdoms faggot. Cant tell you how ez it is to farm locks with my chad hunter
>>retarded 18 to 23 aged zoom zooms with a fucked dopamine receptor are quitting in masses
I feel like this is unfair and disingenuous. I didn't stick with Classic not because I didn't constantly get rewarded, but because the questing system is abysmally repetitive and unfun. Theres very little variety in it and tons of nothing but mob grinding at low rates.
It's fine if you don't understand, go back to retail with mods and your quest helper.
Only a nigger uses a dumb insult to defend his stance. Get fucked.
As soon as I'm back home from vegas I'm going back to classic. Enjoy your dead fucking shit game, stupid retail tranny.
I always thought Myspace was for social media faggots too, I was young but I always knew the dangers of putting your public information out on the Internet.
Did you missclick? I only asked why.
Cope harder you massive faggot almost everyone I know who played classic is 40+
All of us dont even know what mythic+ is, it sounds like something a retail tranny would say
The game engine was only improved a few months ago around 3 months ago to help the game engine detect higher core counts and use them. This didn't change the engine however... Again. This only changed how many cores can do calculations for the game. Again you have zero idea how a fucking game engine works. They don't change the game engine ever. They can only modify how the game interacts with said engine. The game engine is extremely limiting in what they can do, especially on interface options. Stop it.
Ok I'll give
Anyone who defends transmoging are the same people who cant cope with current content. For vanilla and bc you can clearly gauge a person by their gear, once they introduced mogging it was useless to even present yourself in anything flashy.
Play classic and you'll understand
>be 30 yr old boomer
>at work right
>phone posting because you fucks post porn constantly
>all I am thinking about is going back home to my wife, and dog...and play wow for 5 hours again tonight.
Game is so good. You zoom zooms have fucked dopamine receptors not letting you enjoy it
Nah you're not making sense. Wanting to look how you want has nothing to do with being able to clear content. You're overthinking it. You can clear the best content in the game and look like a clown doing it, or maybe you don't like the way modern sets looked in recent expansions. Transmog is there to give you the choice to look how you want. I understand why you want people to look like gear they earned, but to the majority of players looking cool is more important than trying to show off their mismatched high end gear.
>without any danger.
There's no danger in walking anywhere either. This is true even for vanilla, the only areas that are actually dangerous are elite areas, the problem is BfA doesn't have any.
Pulling 3-4 mobs normal in Vanilla is a death sentence at all levels unless you're a Mage or Paladin. Plus PvP encounters.
Then your argument is fucking irrelevent because nobody cares about 8 year old content and people still need to earn transmogs from modern content, imagine being so fucking stupid that you think the past is the present.
People shouldn't be allowed to wear good looking gear unless they earned it when content was relevant. Either remove transmog, or make it so you can only transmog an item if you acquired it when it was relevant.
How does flying stop you from pulling mobs? You're never going to do it when you're just traveling from place to place, again that's also true in vanilla, doubly so if you have any mount at all. You can say there's a problem with people hovering around combat areas to pick things off, but in BfA combat is so braindead anyway and any class can pull a dozen mobs at once that people who do that are just wasting their own time.
At most, there should be situational disruptions to flying, like an area having a lot of flying-based mobs who can dismount, or AA turrets that can shoot people down or slow them, or just having more indoor complexes where you can't mount at all, an on/off switch is the laziest possible solution, and also one that makes no goddamn sense and fucks over what little immersion the game has left.
even if missmatched gear looked like a clown suit it still had prestige behind it. like if you saw a warrior wearing those pink bwl boots youd think wow this guy fucking raids. transmog waters this down. nothing is cool anymore because everything looks cool.
Old expansions should be deleted entirely, I agree.
But people still have outlets of showing off by transmogging or wearing current Mythic gear. All you're saying by removing transmog is you want everyone to look ugly just so a few people can show off.
Mythic raids already drop mythic exclusive appearances
Then do it like MHW does transmog. Make it so people can go back and do all the old raids, but its scaled to that level and you unlock the ability to wear its gear based on the difficulty.
>almost everyone I know who played classic is 40+
And they've moved on, while zoomers are wallowing in childhood nostalgia and throwing all of their money at Asmongold. I had been playing MMOs for a decade before WoW came out, the only particularly great thing about Vanilla was its popularity.
You could not pay me to give blizzard a chance with anything ever again you battered housewife syndrome bitch
Its the other way around and you know it. Zoomers cant handle Vanilla and already left. I know you hate streamers, but not everyone who followers streamers is a zoomer.
I dont play retail, you retard niggerfucker.
Challenging and engaging faceroll content btw. Enjoy your dead nostalgia grab in 3 months.
If you don't like flying, don't fly. The last three expansions have been built so you can play them entirely on the ground. Personally, I don't want to play WoW any more than I have to, so the convenience of flying is well appreciated.
Stamina and ilevel have a 1:1 correlation now. You can immediately know how well geared someone is based soley on their max health.
>If you don't like flying
This argument never works. The game is inherently competitive, even if it doesn't seem like it. You compete for mobs, you compete to gear quickly, and you compete to get into groups. By choosing not to use flying in a game without flying you are severely gimping your progression and the rate at which you can get into groups later in the game, thus heavily limiting your experiences.
Make WoW like PoE.
Seasons and leagues constantly coming out, doesn't increase the level cap. Every 3 months or so.
Need to re-roll to get the latest loot.
Make leveling up twice as fast.
Unironically this.
>Just make it straight up into a dress up lobby game fuck RPG elements and the game world
Considering the time they tried to take flying out far more people complained, than agreed with the decision, and they reverted it, clearly the people still playing WoW like flying, which would suggest taking flying out wouldn't improve the game for the people still there. If your argument is "it would bring back the people that quit," I disagree. No one who quit WoW is going to look at retail and say "ahh it doesn't have flying, I'll resub," because BfA was exactly this for the first year and its sub count dropped to record lows.
>Its the other way around and you know it. Zoomers cant handle Vanilla and already left. I know you hate streamers, but not everyone who followers streamers is a zoomer.
No one who played an MMO before WoW actually thinks that Vanilla was peak MMO design.
>Yfw Nathanos is stronger than Malfurion
>>LGBT keyboards
>zoomzoom the post
To be fair. Bfa was also a step back from legion in just about every single way, which had more to do with the record lows than anything. Logging in and having your class feel slower, gutted, and now without an artifact weapon that you spent basically a year building up did way more damage
It might not be peak MMO design, but its peak WoW and the best option you can get for an MMO currently unless you like playing on dead private servers of superior games.
peak wow design is gutter trash tier mmo design.
imagine being against transmog.
I'm leveling on classic right now and I look exactly like any other fag warrior that had to do the same quests to level up.
Everybody is a fucking clone and its so boring.
Yeah haha a random guy with a sword killing boars should look like a godslaying space soldier
whoa it's almost as if you're a soldier of your faction amongst many others like you...
You're retarded. Most transmogs have level requirement. The best looking ones need like minimum 80-90+ level, so shut the fuck up and dilate.
>become part of the hivemind goy
>blend in with your fellow npc's
From scratch. Inject the original creator with 20,000ccs of youthful enthusiasm and you're good to go. New story and all.
What happen is what happens with anything that takes off, it gets corporate. The og team moves on to other projects. They start listening to the whinging of casuals thinking they're pleasing everyone, but pleasing no one.
true. just watch a warlock raid video
This is honestly the best MMO I have ever played, mainly because of the community and sense of adventure. Everyone is so nice and willing to help and the world just feels alive. People will quest with you but you have to ask them in local or general chat. You will go on adventures together. Just yesterday I met a dude during a quest and we grouped up with one another for a couple of hours grinding some shit until we came across an elite bounty. We both came to an agreement that we would attempt the elite bounty as long as we can find a full party so we went on a mini quest to scout out the perfect party members to help us kill the bounty. We found a party and they were so chill, they were heading to the same quest and they were a higher level then me and my friend so they just invited us and we all ventured to the quest location and murdered the boss. It was a lot of fun. Words don't do the experiences justice.
There isn't any point to trying to salvage it. The whales who support it now would throw a shitfit if you took out any of the convenience changes Blizzard has made over the years. I can only see two solutions.
>Start making WoW 2 and don't let the current dev team touch it
>Create Classic+ and avoid the pitfalls retail stumbled into
The first option is the least likely to occur because it would still make retailfags seethe over losing their mounts and cheevos, and the second option isn't that likely either.
So like one of those games that gets funded on Kickstarter and then some and still fails?
just get rid of lfr and make gearing a challenge and no catch up gear for people make them do the older raids for gear
I think the issue lies in games where YOU, CHAMPION/COMMANDER/ORDER HALL GOD, are the main character instead of the adventure and the world.
>but its peak WoW
No, and only zoomers think that because they were eight years old when they played it and didn't know what the fuck was going on.
Name a better MMO.
The game wow ripped off after wow's devs ruined it with their raidlogging autism.
anything that doesnt try to copy or emulate wow.
Ah I see, you're the guy that decides that all gear except the best should look stupid and make you look like a fucking clown at low levels.
I fucking hate you.
So... Guild Wars 2?
Then what was?
So which are you, a TBC elftranny or a WotLK casualkiddy?
>if I keep calling everything that dares differ with my own mental narrative a tranny or casual I can maintain my mental gymnastics of superiority over anonymous people
Your arguments are weak and so are your opinions.
Start work on wow 2 and don’t fuck it up
Pretty much. I think that the story started being shit when it wasn't just to establish the context of the world and was driven by NPCs rather than players. It's not that an overarcing narrative is inherently a bad thing, it just doesn't work that well in MMOs.
I want Blizzard to have a staff of people who play the game AS the hero NPC's, doing plot lines and being potential targets for players to try and assassinate, radically altering and changing the course of the game's future.
Similarly, as much harm as players could do to these characters, players could also assist, protect, and heal them for rewards if the character survives such an assault by the opposing faction.
People that play WoW, regardless of expansion, don't want to play an MMO. They want to play a live-service RPG with co-op.
i dont know why they want to play a live service rpg with co op and then choose wow since wow is not an rpg
I started a month after launch of Vanilla, and I had been playing UO, EQ, AC... etc., basically every major MMO prior to WoW, since 1997.
You're a zoomer, and vanilla sucks.
based oldfag blowing wowtards who think their game did anything but kill the genre out of the water.
nothing is bop so it doesnt have to bee earned. i sold MC gear on the ah
Well you asked for Kil Jaeden, Kel Thuzad, Saphiron, Kael, Illidan, Vashj, Zuljin, Arthas, etc. to be turned into loot pinatas.
So it makes sense for the game to refer you as a god.
Of course some NPCs had to be with you in order of the story not to be complete shit
mad cuz bad
u guys were the ones who made the excuses up to make all the shit for the casual players.
>oh they dont want to wait to get into a dungeon cause they only have a couple hours and they have to work
I started to notice this moreso when I played Skyrim with a mod where you just start out in the world. The world feels larger when you are not reminded of your status.
I also thought of Oblivion where they hand you a dead Emperor, a fancy necklace, some directions, and a boot in the ass to go figure it out.
WoW lacks any sort of drive to want to see the world outside of where I need to quest, and in Retail the best fun is oddly when leveling and just kinda seeing the world and people in it (NPCs)
>game is designed for fat nerds playing 3hours per day
>Blizz figures out that no everyone can be a zombie and makes the game more accessible
>"zommmmg it's for casual"
you can only transmog gear that you have earned so what is wrong with that. if it effects PvP just have PvP remove transmog. i haven't played wow so i don't know how transmog actually works but if it works like everything else then it really shouldn't be a problem.
It's the same for the witcher. It's good because Geralt is treated as what he is (until tw3 where he becomes too much a mary sue imo).
>3 hours
casual numbers. part time workers play more vidya than that
Give the alliance races buffs
Hire developers who mainly play alliance
Just to even things out
>In Burning Crusade, if you saw the guy to the left, you would know he was a hardcore raider.
So I would knew he is a cancer who killed the game
>Hire developers who mainly play alliance
You already have them.
>Well you asked for Kil Jaeden, Kel Thuzad, Saphiron, Kael, Illidan, Vashj, Zuljin, Arthas, etc. to be turned into loot pinatas.
I honestly think this is one of those things which would be better off left as a gameplay thing rather than being considered canon in the narrative. I mean, if any of the named characters had this sort of kill count, wouldn't it be pretty ridiculous? And this also doesn't account for new adventurers who didn't actually go and do any of that shit either.
>remove flying mounts
Perfectly fine, the ones who will screech can fuck off, they'll be replaced by many more.
>remove transmog
See above.
Actually yes to everything, also remove and consolidate realms, get rid of sharding / layering Avengers: Infinity War bullshit.
Blizzard are full of fucking cowards though, they'll deer-in-the-headlights until retail WOW is nothing but a handful of furries, weird weebs, and method.
Oh wait.
MMO autists love to kill big boss and be acknowledged for it.
You know why wrath babies exist? Because "they killed Arthas"
Dont make a game for a genre you know the demographic for then try to change the demographic. "An MMO for casuals" should be seen as an oxymoron.
Lore wise your character was just serving as part of a band of mercenaries there at these events while major lore characters did most of the damage.
That's worst because :
1/ It doesn't fix the shitty story which makes ton of god like character being killed in one expac
2/ It's not satisfying as a player for a RPG to see your kill being stolen.
They just had to focus on smaller scale conflict, characters, with their own story, instead of destroying the lore since the end of vanilla.
>Remove tmog because it devalues gear
When I'm not currently raiding I'll just slap on my Judgement set while I idle in town. That way a new player can run in and see my cool gear and think I'm based as fuck. Then when I point out that I'm actually not very good and that the guy wearing the ugly brown shit is the guy in endgame gear he can get disappointed
>like if you saw a warrior wearing those pink bwl boots youd think wow this guy fucking raids
Actually all I'd think is "wow this guy looks fucking stupid"
Your gear shouldnt be about which is prettiest. A player should be able to recognize how geared and good someone is even if their gear isnt a pretty full tier set.
>Your gear shouldnt be about which is prettiest.
Begone Tigole
>A player should be able to recognize how geared and good someone
That's why you have Inspect button
This whole debate boils down to some guy thinking that anyone who doesnt Mythic raid should look like a bag of shit.
It depends. For example a full t1 warlock is shit. Best gear is random pieces since some of the set sucks. For example warlocks want a random robe that drops off of trash instead of their tie chest. Most decked out classes look like shit
And hes right. The only way to solve this is to only allow transmog of items you acquired during the patch it came out in in terms of dungeons and raids.
Just stay in Classic. It's a quarantine game for people like you.
For based real gamers? Dont mind if I do.
>Retailbab thinks hes not the one being quarantined when Blizzcon will be all about Classic+ and TBC/Wrath servers and maybe if you're lucky the new expansion trailer
Congrats, you missed every single thing that make vanilla popular
>being this delusional
>thinking anyone in their right mind would play the nostalgia cash grab, or the current retail version of the game
Continue to slurp blizzard shit you stockholm syndrome crack addict.
why are you gay?
>For based real gamers?
>all content can be done for 4 days
You realize Classic is already way bigger than retail right now, right? And its only growing in size.
>I did a skip glitch speedrun of OOT in 15 minutes so thats all the game has to offer!
lmaoing @ u
>i-i-it's just a glitch
No user, you are just shitter
No, retail plays like shit.
[citation needed]
both require the same sub, how can you even state this?
Just fire all the larpers and bring Mark Kern back, you fucking cowards.
No, new character models are retarded.
>make wow 2
thats what htey should of done in hte first place instead of (((expansions))) with everything in them people hating about it, (flying mounts) for example
>ideas for another wow, basic and functionality ideas for stuff not starting in the game.
for anohter wow, idk. the ideas you come up with for things added after the basic game, i dont agree with any of that, at all. For them to expand on hte original idea, in any way, I wouldnt myself know how them do that. I wouldnt take any ideas added after the base game and call any of them good. or know how to expand or change those ideas to make them good. See rpgs fucking dont keep continuing. not without abandoning the other stuff.
but this whole thing isnt my problem or deal to make to create. it would take their creativity to do it, and I havent came up with an idea how it would work, and its not my job or problem either. im just saying it would be hard and thats what it would take.
>character customizations
thats called barbie dolls and thats another type of game. there litereally are computer games that are just taht. stop stealing other games ideas and fuckign stop appeasing morons to get more people in your game. they wont be happy except for with a game surrounded by that idea. I would suggest to barbie doll fans the game THERE. (search it)
cancer. worst players in the game. theyre not there for playing the game. they have their own idea. its like griefing but being allowed to do whatever until the devs come up with some idea that what you done was bad. the biggest moron crybaby diaper changing shit ive ever seen. PVP can work but it doesnt in wow. other games, yea
wows pvp is akin to pushing someone off the joystick near the end of the game and ending their game by kiling their character then running out the continue timer. fucking faggot, (cancer)
more faggotshit
>Everything OP posted is wrong.
>Adding tedium is not going to fix the game, nor is making it like Classic (ie back when there was more tedium). All the things mentioned from flying (which isn't even possible in BFA until you grind out the whole goddamn thing at least once ) to dungeon finders make the game better - if you have a problem with them, you are the problem.
>There problem with BFA is too much DIFFERENT tedium. Too much grinding dailies and rep-gated content, too much grinding to upgrade Azerite etc. The kind of thing where it feels like you only make progress if you can come on and do dailies to the max every day. If anything BFA's problems (most of it doesn't allow flying until you grind out the achievement so things like that aren't even a consideration) are because of being worried about the no-lifers.
>They made so many time sinks because they were worried about the complainers of the people who played all the time, knowing the people who would absolutely max out the dailies/weeklies every single day and week would clear things in a month or two etc..... but not realizing that the majority of players who DIDNT max out every day would take much longer. When are they going to learn, worrying about the hardcore who grind everything out ASAP and then complain about "no content" ruins fucking games
>BFA and WoW in general needs more comprehensive content - they've done a great job with Legion most agree and it had all kinds of things that were listed here, but once they paired down the grind, it was fun etc. Blizz is capable of this - the battle pet system is fucking fantastic for instance, a whole "pokemon" game within the MMO, if you so choose! They need to start making (perhaps remaking) much of the landmass to have zones with multiple levels of content, vs a single level range and then you level out of it. Add housing for real, get back to immersion but without adding tedium
Glitch or not the point is you didn't clear "all content in the game" by spamming the 2-3 most efficient dungeons and one raid boss.
If it's a client-side only option, I don't really see that as a booty pain.
Retail doesn't have a new engine, it's just a house of cards they've desperately kept piling higher and higher with different enhancements and it's already fallen, leading to my second point which is that the game looks like absolute garbage.
Do you guys not realize how hard it is to make constantly new games with new engines as opposed to expansions?
>no lfd
>no lfr
>no flying
>no warforging
>no raid difficulties
>separate 10 man and 20 man raids (no flex)
>every raid has ulduar hardmodes
>remove 99% of mounts (only horses & gryphons etc, basic)
>remove pandas (keep monk)
>remove dh
>cure worgen curse
>add attunements (onyxia & tbc style)
>player/guild housing (furniture is boss drops)
>pvp focused world zone (organic quest zone, not winterspring instance)
>tone down spell effects
>new horde: orc, troll, tauren
>new alliance: human, dwarf, high elf
>other player races become npc
How else are you gonna hide your bald spot?
Why do you need to if its all immediately outclassed by said raid bosses drops?
Mostly agreed, all that as a base-line.
The mess piled up from too many expansions needs to be handled differently. Frequent stat squishes keep wrecking shit.
I'm kinda thinking they should have two versions:
1 is just Classic servers. Make Loremaster achievement require doing it as originally intended. Maybe optimize it so it all runs under one engine and doesn't take up hardly any additional space, if it doesn't already.
The 2nd is I think they need to do a quest-chain squish, that give you a good sense of the story. You don't skip any expansion, but they probably cut the less important lore out. Quests still take a long time, but there are less of them, maybe with more cut-scenes or just some of the same things happening without you having to do actual quests for them to cut down on time, also with the ability to skip things for people leveling alts.
but that STILL leaves the same problem. New expansions pile up over time, so you either make them do more content, regularly scale everything back like they do now {and fuck it up}, or AUTOMATICALLY scale everything as soon as more is added {which I'm sure would still fuck it up}.
I dunno. Maybe that sounds pretty fucking casual. but they need SOMETHING to get new players exposed to the lore and invested, and for the pace of getting ready to raid be a standard length instead of fucking things up with regular stat squishes that ruin how everything was before.
Leveling to max level should take the same amount of time that 1-60 in vanilla did. You get some real challenges, you learn your class {pulling 2 mobs requiring you to actually learn your abilities}, you make some friends as you size each other up while in combat. THOSE need to be the key measurements for whether the scaling is successful.
Maybe the only shortcuts from that should be when leveling a class on the opposite faction. You really want to give players a proper amount of time to learn a new class.
There is no saving this shit.
you dont have to make a new engine on a repeat make another repeat game. its an mmorpg we want new content but when you dont cater to the customers and see them as payers it turns it into shit ala flying mounts
ill proveit right now. seperate bfa from wow vanilla. call each expansion a seperate game, wow, wow2, wow3 ****
noone would play the other shit, it would take it away from the original game
just like the developers have done anyway with the game its not the same.
its only hte POPULARITY which they have stolen
>high elf
Nobody wants to buy roughly the same MMO 5+ times user.
>(furniture is boss drops)
>>remove transmog so level 1s stop looking like level 100s
What do you mean by this? There are no level 1s. Wow only exists at level cap
>having 6-8 buttons to mash and watching buff uptime for your standard dmg rotation doesnt make the game better.
That's literally what it does