Maki and Kaito were the best characters in V3

Maki and Kaito were the best characters in V3

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>Discount Kamina
>Discount Kirigiri

Part of why I thought V3 wasn't as good as the others, but I still liked them the best out of what we got

Shuichi is the best character in the entirety of Danganronpa
Nagito is fun but Shuichi is just the only porperly written character

Nagito's laugh is great, I was sad he doesn't laugh during the last trial in V3

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my cumdump wife

Miu was pretty entertaining

This has to be the absolute worst taste I have ever seen in a danganronpa thread
That's very impressive

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>edgy bitch
>best character

I see how Kaito is a discount Kamina, but I don't see how Maki is supposed to be Kirigiri when they don't have the same purpose and barely have the same personality.

She's pretty cold at first but I wouldn't say she's edgy, Miu is the edgy one

You'll need to do better than that.

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Kokichi was the only thing making the trials and shit interesting

V3 is absolute trash, and I felt that way before the ending.

He was also written like fucking garbage.

I guarantee you she’s a virgin

how, he seemed about par with what i'd expect from the series

Because he was just meant to ride the Komaeda wave of fujobait shit disturber. It worked with Nagito because most people hadn't seen something like that before, but Komaeda was written to pander and it was shit.

Yeah fuck no.

Kaito is just okay. The devs clearly really wanted you to like him which only made his death more obvious. hes okay, but way less interesting than the rest of v3s cast.

Maki is close to being the worst danganronpa character, but kirumi and junko have her beat. She is the epitome of bland. people often defend her saying "she actually has a character arc", but she didnt whatsoever. Himiko genuinely had more of a character arc than maki did. the fact maki survived was infuriating.

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Shit taste, expected of a Ryomafag.

I understand defending maki, but you cannot defend kirumi. There is absolutely nothing interesting about her. The whole twist about her only made her less likable. the only positive was i never really suspected her.

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Kirumi I agree with, but you can fuck off talking shit about Junko.

>I understand defending maki
I don't, nothing but waifufags.
>There is absolutely nothing interesting about her.
t. didn't do her FTEs.
>The whole twist about her only made her less likable
Shit taste.

I really enjoyed all of V3's cast except maido, and even she's miles better than Soda. Miu is hilarious and has some of the best lines, I cannot comprehend how someone can dislike Miu.

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Dude i really wish each entry had its own villain. Junko brings down every game. For a game with great voice acting, hers is fucking terrible. Shes impossible to take seriously and has me laughing my ass off every second. Junko is one of the biggest problems with the entire series.

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I was so glad to find out V3's mastermind wasn't Junko, that saved the whole thing.



Move kokichi up one and Tsumugi down 3 and I'd more or less agree with this list.

Threw this together really quick.

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it did. v3 is the only game i wasnt laughing at the final trial.


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