how do you feel about perfect dark?
How do you feel about perfect dark?
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Loved fighting the AI bots
I thoroughly enjoyed perfect dark zero
>tfw killing meat sims over and over on ravine
Never played perfect dark. Should I?
great game, some amazing memories with friends playing this
yes play it on a emulator with mouse and keyboard
Steam version when?
Which one?
I tried to play it a couple times. Can't do it. The sound design is absolutely atrocious.
It was phenomenal.
Easily in my top 3 games of that generation, played it to fucking death with my friends.
God tier soundtrack, too.
My fucking nigga
It’s literally the most perfect shooter ever
>me and neighbour put the kill limit as high as possible
>see who can hit it first
>game runs at 8 FPS
>loved the everloving fuck out of GE
>PD comes out
PD is literally fucking gravy
It's a good game and they did a really good job with the 360 port.
>Realizing what Rare has turned into
They were my childhood/Teenage year heroes.
8 frames per second of pure kino.
>play pc 60 fps keyboard+mouse injection
>combat simulator
>vs dark sims
>still get ass handed
a-am I that bad?
i dont like it
dark sims werent even the hardest
It's the best FPS of all time IMO. Best weapons (personal faves are the Cyclone and MagSec), OST, characters, level designs and the best single-player mode that makes the overall atmosphere of the game repeatedly enjoyable.
I never even beat the game I just did combat simulator for hours
>yfw n-bombs
Please tell me when y’all played this game y’all changed the controls so you move with the arrows and aim with the analog stick? That’s how you really do it
i remember being blown away seeing there was so much more to the game after getting the expansion pak
Perfect Dark is perfect.
>that reload sound
>Pic related
You're a nigger with shit taste, obviously.
HA HA HA HA. Poor little PC cuck
You realise it can be played on pc with mouse control for aiming right?
And it's extremely fun like that.
For me is Joana.
Emulation, yes. I know that I have played Goldeneye and Perfect Dark using that method. I was laughing at the retarding going "plz add to Steam". Why would a "currently" Microsoft exclusive IP be available through Steam?
>PD available for XBox Arcade
>The failure of a prequel is never mentioned
Fuck that prequel and fuck everything about it.
What the hell were they thinking.
Timesplitters was a good successor.
cant read those 3 letters in the top left
Money user. Microsoft wanted easy money by using the Perfect Dark name to lure in fans. The game was subpar at best. Hell, if it wasn't a prequel to Perfect Dark. It might be remembered as decent rather than trash.
We ALL wanted a sequel to Perfect Dark. Either on the GameCube or Xbox. Not a lore breaking prequel.
Wait, is it considered a successor? As that is something I've never thought about.
no worse than getting nailed by aimbots in any other game
i recall a story from one of the developer behind the scenes videos where a playtester while fighting a darksim suddenly died completely out of nowhere; it was found when the footage was replayed that the darksim he was fighting ducked out of cover, killed him, and went back behind the corner he came from in the span of like a single frame. they toned them down after that but they're still designed to be bullshit, you have to get meta to take them on
One of the best games ever made. The amount of features they stuffed into it is still impressive to this day, you wouldn't see that much effort from modern developers.
PDZ wasn't terrible, but it also wasn't a good PD game. I hope MS realizes the potential of the series and makes a proper sequel.
Absolutely badass game. The definitive shooter of that generation. Sucks that Rare never did anything with it afterwards.
I wouldn't have even minded it being such a disappointment compared to PD if it hadn't also shit so completely on the lore.
>tfw we never got a proper Perfect Dark sequel on GC and never will get anything from it again
Fucking imagine it man. It could've been so good.
All it says is perfectdark(dot)com
the perfect dark GC sequel would have just been more exaggerated gritty reboot anime game garbage like PDZ was
besides that the only attempt at making a followup turned joanna into an edgy jaded chain smoking binge drinking dyke and had EPIC PLOT TWISTS AND TURNS just for the sake of twists and turns and includes such jewels as time travel, elvis betraying you, and mr. blonde coming back as an established character even though he was just supposed to be just another faceless skedar. id rather it stay in the past than someone pick it up and fucking ruin it. at least PDZ was a prequel so PD64 chronologically comes afterwards and fixes all the stupid shit PDZ did to the canon
It's poor.
>some of the best tunes in the game were cutscene music so they didn't last long or repeat as well as the level music
it hurts
>Fucking imagine it man. It could've been so good.
I know that feel user.
>Sequel where Joanna, Elvis, and others from the Carrington team travel throughout the galaxy to fight against the Skedar.
>Cube graphics
>Cube controller with added features
>Improved multiplayer
What the fuck are you talking about user? Look at the original game and how it had a Hollywood EPIC PLOT of twists and turns. We go from breaking into a corporation, a government cover-up, to battling against damn aliens.
Timesplitters 1 was made when Perfect Dark was winding down and the team left to form their own studio. It was made on a super tight budget and time constraints which is why it had a weird singleplayer component. 2 and Future Perfect play like love letters to Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. Definitely recommended.
People would be reeing about gender politics if this came out today
Man I dont remember this trailer giving away so much of the plot.
I like to think that PDZ was awful due to corp meddling from Microsoft.
>Mr blonde coming back
You know it could work as him just being the 'generic' shape and person that the Skedar take on. A dozen different people wearing the same body and face could be a fun villain.
>you will never play a full Rare PD co-op campaign again, but in GC tier (or above) graphics, with even more weapons and an even more crazy story with more of everything
You're fighting a mega corporation, that turns out to have government ties, and ends up being puppeted by aliens. They had fun with it but it wasn't plot twists for the sake of plot twists and nowhere near the contrived bullshit the sequel was supposed to be because they had no goal other than to subvert expectations as much as possible and be as unpredictable as they can possibly be which is an absolutely shitty mindset for a writer
Seriously play future perfect. It's everything you'd want. It's the original team and Dr Doak goodness.
Dont have to tell me twice, I loved Timesplitters, and I mourned Free Radical just as much as I did Rare.
But whilst I loved Timesplitters, I adored Perfect Dark.
One of my favorite memories of this game was finally figuring out how to get into the secret club on Chicago and being rewarded with cheese.
It wasn't a dozen blondes. It was one mr blonde, written as the exact same one from pd64 (which actually contradicts what you just said because instead of letting the blondes in the extraction, g5, crash site, and mr blondes revenge appearances possibly be any skedar, it was retconned into all being the exact same person) who pops up at the end of the first game of the planned trilogy for revenge and leaves you stranded on an alien planet which turns out to actually be the earth but in the past but actually the future
And besides that it makes no sense for the skedar to keep their disguise active when not used for infiltration because it hampers their combat ability
user, I have played and love Time Splitters. Been wanting another game for years now to the point I would give them my bank account to help fund it. I just never thought of TS as a successor to PD until now. Which, damn, you're right it is one.
A legit sequel would have to raise the stakes a lot for the fans to not shit over its story. How you can move onto aliens attempting to take over the Earth after the events of the original game would be more than difficult. What's next? We go into Mass Effect territory of god aliens or something where Joanna fights a higher power? All speculation aside of what a true PD sequel would do for story purposes. The fans would love the combat regardless if it was an improvement of the originals.
That's really *really* stupid.
Fucking hell.
I consider Perfect Dark (N64) to be the best FPS ever made.
This is Micro-Rare we're talking about here. I'm surprised they didn't attempt to recon the first game entirely because fuck Nintendo due to the bad blood at the time from the staff that stayed on after the purchase.
Not everything has to be dbz, the scale of the story doesnt need to be raised with each iteration. Perfect Dark is a loosely defined sci fi vaguely cyberpunk series, they could do pretty much anything with what was already established in 64 and just flesh out the universe more and be fine. Humanity just got introduced to alien civilizations, both the skedar and the maians. One of the major inspirations, ghost in the shell, didn't need to introduce higher powers, gods, etc. to keep telling g stories. Work with it. Besides, Zero already raised the stakes and had that old Chinese guy turn into a god and we all know how beloved Zero is for changing up the story
you did find the hidden cheese in every level and 100% the game right
original was good
sequel was shit
>Not everything has to be dbz, the scale of the story doesnt need to be raised with each iteration.
Fair point. I was overthinking it. More aliens and keep the story where you explore our solar system would be more than sufficient. Imagine going to fight the Skedar on a smaller lunar object.
>Bullets in low gravity.
>New aliens to be allies and enemies with
>New vehicles with larger maps to use them with
This could have been Nintendo/Rare's Halo if not fucked up.
>hidden cheese
Wait what? Explain. Tell me where the first one is and I’ll boot the game up right now
you had better fucking be trolling me
Best shooter ever created. Also my first fps game.
Originally there was a hidden wedge of cheese in every level that when discovered would unlock cheats. The devs changed their minds and removed the cheat unlock feature but left the cheese wedges. I'm fairly certain that almost every level except four or so have them hidden.
Any games similar to Perfect Dark and Timesplitters?
the multiplayer was goldeneye 64 perfected
>The devs changed their minds and removed the cheat unlock feature but left the cheese wedges.
This was never the case, the cheese was always just a developer in-joke because one of the developers remarked to another dev working on texturing that one of the textures he'd made looked like cheese, so he went ahead and hid pieces of cheese throughout the game
what game is that
Any games similar to Goldeneye, The World is Not Enough, Perfect Dark and Timesplitters?
WWF No Mercy
>the only person man enough to handle this is a woman
Excuse me?
You're really gonna do this to me?
...who were the hardest? Don’t darksims literally cheat (teleport, etc)?
>combat simulator mission with the 2 aliens
>every time I kill the retard alien the other comes and slaps my shit
I swear I beat this shit as a kid even with the 64 controller
I saved up my allowance to buy it back in 2000, but then I ended up spending my money on something else before launch and to this day I have never played it.
darksims can be gamed based on some technicalities like the fact they always aim at your head which lets you nail them if your head is blocked by something. perfectsims, at least, aim at center mass or whatever else they can so they aren't as easy to fuck with. thats all i know about perfectsims beating out darksims, though
ive heard the teleportation thing but i dont know if its ever actually been substantiated, or even if it could. ive fucked around with darksims before and could never really get them to appear from across the map in a time that couldnt reasonably be achieved by good straferunning (while keeping in mind their ablity to open doors at any angle)
that one is hilariously trivial as long as you use the tranquilizer gun. the only ones that dont have some sort of trick to them are the last two
>that super slow motion combat sim mission
That it was on par with Half life 1. Doesn't get better than that. Games like this simply can't exist anymore.
forced meme cock sucker
What would you say comes the closest in the last 5 years or so?
It was cool to get a kill with the gun that lets you aim through walls in versus play. That's about all I remember, apart from unlocking cheats.
>bomb that forces all within its range to go blind and be in immense pain
They knew all along
fun on the pc in 60 fps
what emulator and how
fucking hell i forgot 0 even existed
I wish i could forget. i was hyped for that shit when it was supposed to be for the gamecube. And then when it was supposed to be for the xbox. And then it came out for the 360 and it was god awful.
I went into it knowing it was gonna be disappointing, and was still disappointed.
One my favorite games on the N64 during that era. I played countless hours of it 4 player co-op with friends back in the day. It sucks that Golden eye still receives so much praise yet Perfect Dark did everything better.
Haven't played it in probably 15 years, have great memories of playing it in high school with my buddies, but I think this is a case where it's probably best to let memories be memories.
>gun range
>block the door with the crate
>get throwing knives
>fill up one of the guys with knives
Cassandra de Vries is a top tier villain.
Best soundtrack ever.
The sequel was shit.
I was not ready for "Kill-harmonic orchestra".
Yeah that part is actually pretty funny. The majority of the game pales in comparison to the original though.
Most certainly. I bought it for the morbid curiosity, and still couldn't believe how severely they failed to replicate the strengths of the original.
One of my favorite games of all time, it's one of those games where I feel like I know everything there is to know about it but always end up finding something new out when I play it. Sadly the N64 version is practically unplayable to me nowadays due to the awful framerate but thankfully the XBLA port exists and 60FPS with mouse aiming exists in emulation.
Yeah, wtf is wrong with the movement speed? It feels so unnatural. Also, I remember that a lot of the weapons in the original had secondary functions unlike the sequel.
Hat a crush on Joanna Dark desu. Amazing game, best of it's kind (mission based fps).
You can't make accusations like that without evidence. I assume you have some?
Probably the coolest and most varied weapons of any FPS ever made.
Joanna is and always will be waifu.
makes me think more of No One Lives Forever than Perfect Dark
>buy the original since muh gaming magazines told me it was good
>didn't really have any idea why it was praised so much but had fun nonetheless
>don't really remember much about it except that it was pretty fun
Feels good being a casul at shooters
I use to be so autistic about this game, I would go down and grab a box from the lower floor in the complex area, bring it all the way up, then block the training room door and throw knives at the dudes face forever, trying to get as many knives as I could. Also on the plane level, I would shoot the guns out of everyones hands, then shoot there legs and make them get on the floor. I did it with everyone on the play like a no kill run.
Reminds me of myself, me and a pal spent hours placing remote mines in the bathroom of that one GoldenEye level. I have no clue what 10 y/o me and my friend found so funny about it.
Hard difficulty sims are outright cheating user, combat bullshit with bullshit.
sea of thieves, its actually pretty fun if you have like three friends to fuck around with
I can't ever forget that sound and i've played PD 15 years ago.
It was perfect.
If I had a way of tracking how much time I've put into Perfect Dark, and the Remaster over the years, it might well be one of my most played games following after Doom.
I had a friend who would come over to my house all the time, or I'd go over to his all the time after school, and on the weekends, and we would play Perfect Dark all the fucking time. We had all sorts of custom characters for our bots in the combat simulator, and we had all sorts of story, and characterization for every single one of them.
It wasn't close to being the only game we played, but it was probably the one we spent the most time on.
No, Perfect Dark had some of the hardest bots I've ever seen. The only time I've ever actually won a match against perfect sims was in a 2v2 with my friend vs 2 of them. It was in the Ravine, because even at their best, the computer was prone to suicide in that level. We camped in the top corner of the level. We each constantly replaced laptop guns at the two ways into that corner. We would keep a steady stream of proximity pinball grenades flooding the level, and we kept proximity mines set up at the doors. We would then sit on an ammo case we pushed into the very corner, and farsight them as best as we could.
Even with all that bullshit to help us, we BARELY won, and we only pulled it off once.
It is in my top 5 of all time
I ASHUME you have some
>all those challenges
Fuck. So much rage just flew into my memory. Christ almighty, what have you done?
>Play combat simulator with full bot complement and nothing but phoenixes
>Can't tell what the fuck is happening from all the screen shake
Timesplitters 2
It's even better than 1
One of my favorite games of all time. Spent so many hours in multiplayer with friends.
No One Lives Forever
that seems like it would completely ruin the game balance given the enemy reaction time is designed around using a controller
Emulator shouldn't matter, but mouseinjector.exe.
I think the mouse injector recommends project 64, but I installed that shit like 10 years ago, so I don't remember.
The amount of knives, and darts that man has been shot by probably outnumbers all the guards ever shot combined.
Amazing game but I wish it had a native PC port, I'd prefer the N64 version just getting straight ported rather than the XBox Arcade remaster but I'll take either.
Why me?