Is THIS a good WRPG by Yea Forums standards?

Is THIS a good WRPG by Yea Forums standards?

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it's trash

No, god's no

The first one is.

No, this is

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Probably the second worst dragon age.

It's a 3/10 as a WRPG, and a 1.5/10 as a Dragon Age game.

Plays like an mmo, really shitty

It's the GotY 2014.

>hating chad Hawke over the virgin Inquisitor
I legitimately don't understand user. Explain.

I don't think there's been a good WRPG in decades.

just a little over a decade, but yeah its been awhile.

I liked Fallout 3 and NV

not that bad, but its elven propaganda.

All Bioware games were trash after ME1 and even then ME1 was just a 6/10

So it's just worse than Origins? That's not saying much.

Cultural Marxism

By game journalist's standards, yes this is a 9/10 game and GOTY of 2014

Theres some gay and tranny stuff but i enjoyed it.

Also fuck solas and fuck iron bull.

>putting inquisition or 2 above Origins
unironically I hope you die a violent death.

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What? Are you fucking retarded?

It's really fun. Who cares what Yea Forumseddit thinks? Form you're own opinion.

It has its moments, but it's also seriously flawed. I might have been willing to overlook some of those flaws if the female characters weren't offensively ugly.

No, you just deserve nothing less.

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it's okay, but the mmo size open areas with little to do really hurt its standing imo
again didn't actually mind 2s story but redoing the exact same areas 3 times with only extremely minor differences is mind numbingly dumb
except the taliesen dlc, my blood boils just thinking about that fucking dlc

You're fucking retarded. Get better reading comprehension.

u rite, but inquisition is still worse.

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I'll take inquisitions large and mostly empty but different areas to the same one 3 times, but we're at personal taste differences really

on another note, no one seriously sides with the Qunari after origins right? I tend to leave Sten to die on replays too

I'm not talking about just areas, I meant the games as wholes. Inquisition is dog shit mechanically and storywise, and pisses all over the games lore for elf wankery. To top it off it's the least stylish of the 3.

It's pretty heavily padded.

Travelling the open world is intentionally slow, the mounts are a joke and getting one doesn't help you travel any faster. Despite you being the 'Herald of Andraste' and the leader of the Inquistion it has you doing menial tasks like collecting flowers and mining iron deposits, which feel like things you should just be ordering people to do, then just drop by to collect.

Combat is also a slugfest, where just a mundane, plain soldier can withstand blows from fireballs, arrows and 2 hand mauls like a champ, dragging it out completely and resulting in a death that feels like a stupid overkill by the time they finally die.

Overall it feels like a good game, but they just spread it so thin that half of your time is just awkwardly trying to jump up the side of the hill, or stuck in some tedious fight with health sponges.

Does Pathfinder: Kingmaker counts as WRPG?

>elf wankery
>their gods aren't real, they were just really powerful elves who ruled as gods and enslaved most of the rest (including using the tattoos LARPers put on themselves lmao)
>entire reason their civilization fell was due to the actions of themselves, humans just BTFO the crumbling ruins of what was
only place that is fuzzy is how the darkspawn fit in, but I hardly call that pissing on the games lore let along elf wankery, considering it ruins the dalish image of themselves totally

That's my point, they were too busy beating off about "muh elves" that they didn't even see they were ruining them as well. It's like the fags who made Inquisition never played the first game even though Gayder was still at the helm.

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