when's the last time you got your ass completely btfo?
yes, in a videogame
When's the last time you got your ass completely btfo?
>invite bro from highschool over to play
>kick his ass at vidya
>wife comes by with snacks
>bro continues to lose for awhile
>excuses him to go thank my wife for snacks
>mfw I never get BTFO in vidya
the hell is happening in the background there
you're a white man, you should know
I don't play competitive games because Im not a zoomer.
White people conquering and pillaging? Awesome.
This is the first of his comics that I don't get.
All niggers should hang :)
I assume the robot is the game's "bot"
Couple months back, in the spanish desert, buddy destroyed me a fuckton of times at 3.3. It was fun.
>machine vs yokel
>machine is losing
>I don't play competitive games because im afraid of losing and having it be my fault.
there, fixed it for you.
Oh I didn't even make the connection that he's a country bumpkin.
The joke is that people often will comment on someones clean play a fighting game by saying: "He plays like he's a robot". The comic author subverts this expectation by show a robot breaking into a sweat while playing against someone that is clearly a human.
John Henry
>The joke is that people often will comment on someones clean play a fighting game by saying: "He plays like he's a robot".
Every time I get onto Fightcade on Super Turbo, I challenge a specific player that's almost always there. And without fail it ends in a complete massacre, with it only stopping when he gets bored of winning for a half-hour to and hour straight.
With all of my practice the past month I've finally managed to take a match. I'm not proud of the win, but I'm happy that actually investing time into learning the game gave an ounce of result. It makes those weekly beatings worth taking.
my friend plays a mean samus and a barrage-of-fucking-ammo snake
the worst I was ever btfo was I got three-stocked and only landed 80% damage
Oh yeah, that mountain digging man vs the machine right?
why is that black olympic wrestler's left eye so far off his face?
This guy draws eyes floating in front of the head.
the good thing about being thrown into the pros early in fighting games, is that you can quickly start grasping the stuff they know
it's just a few painful early months of not winning matches and practicing fundamentals in training
that's cuck porn user
Forgot my pic.
Yesterday actually
I had bought umvc 3 because it was cheap and I played with one of the few people online and got bodied hard but still had fun
Stay bad and mad
2 seconds ago by a druid named Blunt in d2 pvp on my bone boi
been out the game 5 a min. sheeeit
fun af tho
Most of my friend group barely play video games so I’m generally the one winning.