Cute western vidya girls don't ex-

>Cute western vidya girls don't ex-

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Is this dying light? I don't remember her.

>-it the theater in a calm and orderly manner.

what the fuck is wrong with her hair

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Not in the main story. DLC expansion IIRC.

>punk girl with hair dye, two labrum piercings, choker, and a dozen bracelets who hasn't showered in weeks

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Seriously what is it about western devs that suck at female faces?

What the fuck is that and why does she look like an elderly woman?

they just generally suck, nothing unusual.


They go for realism

realism mind

Sexy goth granny. I would imagine that's how kids feel about Winona Ryder.

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"Adam, you're reading this in my voice. Sexy video game men don't exist."

>tfw you get cucked by a dyke

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>I'm 33 years old and I've slept with more than 10 guys but I think I am still cool and sexy
Yep, pretty western alright.

Why are you posting a picture of my concubines?

Did Deus ex have some cuties?
I barely remember HR except gunning down all those people in the final level when you have to cross the bridge.

>western women aren't cute

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You write this like it's a lot


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>Drive to pumping station

I'm at the pumping station, now bend over.

go away roastie, keep your infections to yourself

Imagine genuinely thinking 10 is a lot of sex with flings.
Imagine 10 guys fucking you once each actually makes you a roastie.

Theres a reason that only people who took 50 guys or more a month used to be the only ones known as roasties, whores and hookers.


>Modern video games have literal safe spaces

How far have we fallen?

>hasn't showered in weeks
haha yeah, who'd find that attractive? haha

Imagine trying to convince someone that 10 or more sexual partners is moderate for a female.

For modern women it is pretty moderate.
I mean they are the sex controlling gender and we're in a constant population boom meaning suitors are everywhere.

They get just as horny as you and they don't have to jerk off to get off.

>For modern women it is pretty moderate
>modern women
Yeah that really helps your case. Modern women have no sense of what is decent and moderate.

>They get just as horny as you
No they are not you literal fucking retard. Men have 16 times more testosterone that women do.

what's the deal with this choker shit? seriously. Is this only in us and canada?

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Some sex starved incel who puts haha meme jokes in their posts?

>Modern women have no sense of what is decent and moderate.
There are no moderate women. Even under a draconian overbearing society women will still fuck freely, nuns and priests were practically at it day and night, muslim women cheat by inviting strangers in disguise of hospitality and country girls make do isn't some catchy slogan, it's a complaint that there's little dick in the late 1800's farmlands.

>Testosterone causes hornyness
Okay retard, doesn't even deny that they can fuck a dude as easy as you jack off. You will never, ever gain a woman who didn't fuck a man if you yourself weren't her first.

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>that skank
literally kill yourself

>ywn be their castrated cuck slave

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>doesn't like chokers

A sign of low test.

Western women have turned me from bisexual, to full on gay.

>bitch white knight tries to defend the honor and moderation of sweet innocent little females, the reasons he thinks they fuck so much nowadays is because evil social constructs corrupting them and they would abstain from all sex before marriage if they were let live freely without influence
Sounds to me like you're the white knight chronicle.

This was taken on the Long Island railroad. Pretty much all the girls are this trashy

go into the parking lot of a dennys at 2 am in any state and you'll find a girl the spitting image of this doing heroine or asking you for cigarettes

I too once thought perfection didn't exist.

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>safe spaces
Just another awful idea the japs infected video games with

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Sarah's game came out 6 years ago my man

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They can, just not in America.
Burgerclaps pride themselves on being honorary nigs.

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that nigress digging through the trash was kawaii af


>Cute western vidya girls don't ex-
your picture didn't help you there buddy

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Why are Western zombie apocalypse stories so unrealistic?

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they look like they fuck black guys

Whatever you say, Ching Chong Ping Pong.

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fuck off back to your shithole

Imagine how tiny and nasally the lil asian guy who wrote that post must be. He probably sounds like he has a cold 24/7.

This. They fucking the superior Muslims you AMERIKEK

I don't think you know how the world works outside of your piece of shit country

Why do you project so much, Mr. Wong?

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A few. I imagine maggie chow could be pretty hot with modern graphics.

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the girls in RDR2 are better looking than literally anything Weebland has ever put out aside from Chun Li

>he likes sluts

shes gay btw

>You are in a safe space

That pissed me off
>Scorpion killed off before Crane could get some
>meet emo girl and think okay second chance here
>she's a gay over-emotional and dumb to boot bitch
>then Crane either gets blown up or becomes a horror and spreads the virus
Why did the devs shit on him so much?

She's ugly as fuck.

why are her breasts so low?

They even carved out a hole to specifically show you there's nothing pushing them up, are you blind?

she's either got breasts on her stomach or a giraffe neck

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Who are you quoting?

Industry is centralised in California. Which is controlled by jews and non whites.
The whites that live there are shamed, emasculated and defeated. The women have thrugh social pressures turned into bootlickers of this multiracial program.

How was the multiplayer in this game?

If only nu deus ex wasn't so fk soulless. It is like a Chinese farm of gingers made these games.


even euro games seem to have this problem, same with canada.

This pic doesn’t do ezgi justice she looked good

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What videogame?


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It was kind of like monster hunter missions, up to 4 players, large areas, generally a big boss to kill at the end, but everyone has magic mech armor. It was okay

she cute

>fuck you dad
>omg save me :(
Yeah, attractive.
Now the mother? That was hot. Imagine...

Karen is cute.

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Are you op?

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For real though

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What fucking game you faggot

find out for yourself zoomie

Based but OP said western bidya

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fuckin nigger
under the witch, patreon game

Fucking disgusting

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>red flags huge enough you could sail a warship with them
Have to pass this one, friend.

I agree, but do you think that they would still feel that way if they weren't marketed as being deus-ex related?

Fortnite has cute girls all the time.

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Why are you guys trying to bring identity politics into this? Don't stoop to the level of the SJWs with irate bitching, and especially don't stoop below them by trying to be more racist than them. That's what they want.

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>muh horseshoe theory
We’re right, fag

You don't have the luxury of the perceived moral high ground or brainwashed academics to be racist or sexist. Not that you should be.
The best thing you can do is ignore and not buy it. Unless the devs start lashing out at the consumers, it's best to just not give them publicity if it's never going to be bad. The cure for excessive political correctness is to starve it of all except negative attention.