>releasing in under 2 months
>no hype whatsoever
Releasing in under 2 months
Other urls found in this thread:
If there's no hype then why is there always a post talking about it on the board at all times
Its a walking simulator
Kojima fanboy weirdos mostly congregate on Twitter and Neogaf now.
So what is the game, like what's the gameplay?
That’s because all the hype is going to PIC RELATED
Its for kiddos
>this is what pc fatasses want to believe
>someone makes a thread about the game
>oh boy! sony shills at it again! lets shitpost!
>nobody makes a thread about the game
>lol dead game! why isnt anyone talking about it?
this is why Yea Forums is the worst place to discuss games
Is this going to end up being a game that was gimped for current gen consoles with a way better release on PS5?
We know next to nothing about the fucking game, of course there is no hype
MGSV killed the idea of hype for me.
PS4 exclusives produced with close oversight by sony are basically first party exclusives, they make full use of the PS4's cell to allow super fast and high quality renders and as a result amazing graphics and effects, like in Horizon Zero Dawn and Uncharted 4.
I honestly think this game will run amazingly on the PS4.
There's hype everywhere but here. Personally, I think the game looks incredibly boring
No hype?
Everytime they restock the Collector's Edition anywhere, they get fucking sold out in hours
Yes. No. Maybe? I don't know. Could you repeat the question? It was developed by Guerilla Games which is a Sony subsidiary, but unlike Naughty Dog, they focus on releasing complete editions of their games on the same console they were originally made for. It's very possible since the entire game uses a heavily modified/upgraded version of their custom engine.
There's no hype because nobody knows anything about the fucking game. We had seen 'A Heroes Way' about a million times at this point for MGSV but we've seen jackshit except an insultingly simple walking sim where your character takes a piss and walks to one of Kojima's butt buddies. The marketing has been TERRIBLE for this game.
Sorry, Kojima. You personally killed the concept of buying a $60 game on release for me. I had every hope for MGSV and Silent Hills, but V ruined it all. It turns out that you're just a trailer, with nothing meaningful behind it. Every neat scene in your ads is just a hook with nothing else behind it, so an intelligent person need not buy your games. I'll watch it on twitch and youtube for free, and laugh heartily at the seething buyfags, wherever they may be found.
hard to build hype when no one even understands what this game is about
I wouldn't say there's no hype, more that there's little to discuss since nobody really knows what the game's about and what the gameplay even is still. The only threads discussion to have so far is:
>dude I wonder how often you'll need to piss haha
>what's in the packages you're delivering?
>how is babby formed?
CDPR and nintendo shills are shilling hard against this game working overtime but it will still win GOTY and blow them out of the water.
Because Kojima is retarded and dont want to show real gameplay
But fuck this. I'll have sex with my two sisters (pic related)
go on
Holy fucking based. You fuck your soulless phone-addicted whore siblings, user.
the guy who hosts the game awards is literally in the fucking game, no shit it'll win goty
what does her shirt say?
seething nintendo shill.
Enjoy missing out on GOTY while me and the rest of the sonychads are enjoying it on release day
This is my good hair day tshirt
The fact that we still have next to no info is concerning, they're keeping their hand close to the chest.Hopefully it's a full house and not a pair of twos
>everyone who thinks a walking sim looks boring is a tendie
Are you falseflagging to make Sony fans look bad?
It's not rigged, you're just losing
>not rigged
Reminder that the only rigged GOTY pick ever was BOTW
Kojima has not contributed to a good product since MGS3, so why does anybody have a reason to get hyped.
Kojima worship started in earnest during MGS4. MGSV is where it reached its fever peak and resulted in numerous insane men who will never let go of the dream of a perfect sequel.
I like this, there should be more versions of yujuro. I would like a pirate yujiro because I am a pirate.
This. I haven't enjoyed anything in life since V came out.
It was never about having a perfect sequel, it was about having a finished game. MGSV still has no real ending :(
Nobody is actually hyped about the game, people are just mocking and/or dicksucking on kojambo.
Because it's shit.
>no hype
Speak for yourself you piece of shit. Death Stranding is LITERALLY the ONE interesting thing coming out in FUCKING YEARS
you and me both.
what the fuck am i looking at
A very cute girl (male) that wants you to try impregnating "her".
finally watched "gameplay" youtube.com
honestly pissing on stuff. same antics as mgsv. there's likely nothing in this game. They likely revealed everything already in trailers so the game is spoiled for us, without realizing it yet. I guarantee it's likely just a walking/pissing/ladder extending simulator. You drop off packages, run passed scary things that will annoy you until you drop off packages, and that's likely it. Boss at the end is defeated by piss mushroom soup
Sounds based as fuck.
So is japan just not interested in this, or are they waiting for the official release, there is like ZERO porn of it out there.
I figured with the whole "mama's milkies" reveal last month at least one or two fetish artists would hop on that shit.
>terrible taste
why am I not surprised?
walking sim
This. I wouldn't confuse vuh's mildly condescending fascination with it for hype. What we are is much closer to indifferent.
r u serious
Can't wait for Death Stranding to win multiple GOTY awards and BTFO Yea Forums just like God of War
There's no explanation from Kojima what his "Strand genre" is supposed to be. Is it based on survival? How do the player to player interactions work? Does it require a server connection like Survive? How is the gunplay? Is there skateboarding? Is there a research system? How do you progress? What is the goal? Is there a crafting cost for using tools like ladders?
Nobody knows a thing about the gameplay beyond "Amazon baby delivery simulator."
I've never bought into hype ever since ME3 and ACIII.
So that's why all collector's editions and steelbook editions are sold out?
kojima is just talking out of his ass, it's definitely amazon baby delivery simlator with occasional scapper/black goo man attacks
Cause we know nothing about that god damn game.
Game looks boring.
>no gameplay showcase
>big focus on celebrities and story
>sony exclusive
>"hurr why is no one talking about it"
sony games never get any discussion on Yea Forums, and for good reason usually
COPE more PSfaggot
Shit I meant PC
Nobody wants to buy a walking simulator
I like Kojima, but I haven't finished one of his games since MGS2... so that's a "maybe I'll pick it up in 2022" from me, user.
Xcucks and Konami shills need garrotting.
I actually am excited, but I got burned badly by hype for the first time in 2015, like real bad, and so I'm gunshy about looking forward to this. Waiting for reviews, but I am interested...
They cancelled the pc release, so i quit caring
its basically metal gear in a different setting
I'm not the target audience, too stupid to understand Kojima's genius so I just avoid his games.
Kojima is being too coy with it.
Being this mad
Kojimble has a big ego. Why would you add coop elements and say that makes it a new genre?
Send Mr Hiyakawa my regards.
>>no hype whatsoever
People who only look at Yea Forums to gauge consumer interest are unironic smoothbrains
>episodic movie tier delivery sim garbage
I promised to spoil you the entire movie on Nov 6, and that's exactly what I'm going to do. Just be on Yea Forums and you won't miss it.
My friends in the east get disc version in retail like a week beforehand which I gladly dump for mining.
Otherwise preorder into chargeback and play it 48h early and I'll upload the entire fucking movie on youtube unlisted and to other providers.
The gameplay reveal looked like absolute turd.
The epic store is a ploy to kill pc gaming concocted by sony chinks because they saw that pc is the most popular plattform for gaming now.
What do you mean there are piss threads constantly
that's empowering it, not killing it. Tim Sweeny wants all exclusives on his store, which is PC again. PC wins.
Sony are hopeless queer ridden degenerates with movies and censorship as main goals, their only hopeis to make more sales through help of the PCMR.
Yea Forums is not a representation of the outside world.
I'm much more interested in Project Awakening than Kojima's latest starfuckery, since the director of that game was actually responsible for the FOX Engine
Unironically redpilled
>empowering anything
You're either a retard or a (((double retard)))
yes it's empowering the PC by taking Sony games away as exclusives.
Don't talk about communism that word is like a new gateway galaxy for you underage autist to comprehend. Kill yourself.
>nobodys hyped, people are just shitposting or hyped
>7m views for the E3 trailer
>no hype
Nigga MGSV’s trailers barely made it to 1m, the hype is there but people dont have any idea what the fuck this game is about.
>hyping another kojima ruse cruise before it comes out
Man literally hasn't been heavily involved with a single good story-based game since MGS3
The gameplay we have seen honestly looks boring as fuck. I will probably play it because I like comfy empty boring games but normies are gonna hate it.
Cringe, how old are you kiddo
Dont forget the rival companies trying to steal your shit
MgsV with fetch quests
what's wrong niglet triggered already?
its almost like kojima is LITERALLY problematic , ok?
polniggers like you are mentally ill. Stop injecting your fantasies into discussions
This is egat happens if your marketing is shit. Nobody knows what to expect. Only zoomer are in awe by the "omgggg what's goinngg onnn???" marketing but they possess no purchasing power as they're prone to pirating due to living on their mom's wallet.
you are so incredibly TOXIC i cannot even handle this
delete yourself off twitter NOW
Oh boy, I can't wait for walking and peeing simulator!
>We had seen 'A Heroes Way' about a million times at this point for MGSV
Oh man the memories are coming back
found the triggered jew
Peace Walker was good for what it was. And so was P.T.
>implying that's a pol fag and not a false-flagging trannie
I cant wait
Death Stranding and Epic store confirmed to be jewish turds
TGS is in 12 September so shut the fuck up until then homo demons
Maybe the real hype is the friends we made along the way.
>no hype
theres a thread every minute are you blind or something?
mmm gawd go off sis
I'm glad there isn't much hype here on Yea Forums, it makes it much easier to ignore than MGSV was
So I'm not defending Kojima, because I think his advertising for Death Stranding has been pants on head retarded, but what does being a programmer for a game engine have to do with being able to make good games?
You need to be raped.
Why does Yea Forumseddit insist that what Yea Forums thinks is shared by the majority?
You are never right.
Even with MGSV and your beloved GZ, MGSV is the best selling MGS ever, and GZ got slammed for being a scam.
It's hilarious that Yea Forums's opinions are specifically the opposite of the majority, and then pretend you matter.