Dancing on the wind up and down again, round and round the xiv thread

Dancing on the wind up and down again, round and round the xiv thread

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I want to fuck her.

This may tingle your dick a bit!

Bigger is better makes your dick 50 inches

Sprouts are scum of earth and I dont want to play with them. Why is there no option to pair in DF without sprouts.


never been motivated to level shit before but i need one of these

>Tfw finally beat E4S
>Even rolled 99 on the mount
Feels good, man.

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>he didn't beat it week 1

Because the majority of people would tick it, the sprouts would have stupid long queue times and it would ruin any semblance of new players aka money to the game

This but crownfags instead.

I just want her to smile

DF roulettes and whatnot exist because of sprouts retard. Don't want to deal with them make premades intstead. But you can't because fucks like you who hate sprouts likely don't have any friends in the first place.

I guess that makes sense. What doesn't is trying to explain what to do to sprouts but other non sprouts on your team tell you to "stfu he is new". I just shut up in dungeons at this point and don't talk to anyone and just do what I must. No complains, no remarks, no suggestions. Tired of trying to help only to get shitted on

How is this game for a new joiner?
I heard they are plannign on cutting down main story content in a year, do you think I should wait till then?

>healer is friendly and supportive
>always the first one to throw a tantrum and blame when something goes wrong

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Meh missed opportunity if you ask me.If they had given you titan's boomermobile instead I'd might have been actually assed to do savage this time around.

It's true I dont actually have any friends but that won't stop me from complaining about retards, youd probably be on that list too user


Well, to be fair, it's a less obnoxious looking 4 man mount so for me it's fine.

Am I just shit or does DRK constantly have moments where every single offensive cooldown is begging to be used at roughly the same time
You don't want to let MP cap so you're using Edge of Darkness to deplete it and keep Darkside going. Then there's Plunge, Carve & Spit, Abyssal Drain, Salted Earth, Delirium which are all on 30/60/90 sec cooldowns, and Delirium also accelerates MP regen so you're getting even more Edges. I was just in Ridorana for leveling through alliance roulette and I had my hands busy just keeping my damage going even though someone else was main tanking. I recall things being comparatively simple for lv70 Dork in SB.

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yes DRK is about burst. you line shit up, do your burst, then wait for it again.

No do it now. They build on those quests later on and by the time they address it you'd be long done with them. No reason to wait really.
I don't think they'll give people the option to opt in/out of the "streamlined" quests so just do them now. If you're anything like me you might regret missing out on the original quests later.

I beat her at PAX last Friday and got a shirt for it, feels good.

>N-No you!
Yeah no I'm nothing like you sorry. I'm not the the friendless loser seething about sprouts like a little bitch here.
I'd bet big money you're a fucking mentor as well.

DRK is braindead I don't know what is giving you trouble. It's just bootleg Inner Release spam. Do your 1-2-3 then unga bunga away and maybe weave in an oGCD that's drk for ya.

Any good fishing bots that I can buy? This is the most shittiest gathering job.

That's what I figured too, just use cooldowns as they come up, keep blood gauge and MP from maxing. But the thing is that while there's downtime, the evenly matched cooldown lengths mean there's also times where it feels like double weaves aren't enough to get everything back on cooldown instantly. And that's damage lost, you know? Things naturally get more hectic if you're main tanking and need to start touching your defensive buttons too.

Now you'll fap again
Fa la la la la la

alright I'll pick it up as is then

DRK in pvp is pretty amazing. Blackest Knight is OP.

DRK is my favourite job just because how easy it is to do good in it. You literally can't screw up.

why do WHM exist when SCH is superior in every single way?

Did they fix SMN yet?

>there is a smn in my static who refuses to swap to blm
>we could be doing way better speed clears if he swapped

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SMN is still shit
Shit damage, worse utility than rdm and shit to play.

It's not Stormblood anymore

Dude let him just play what he wants.

Does anybody else think she kinda sounded like Ruby Rose at times?

you swap to blm then bitch you can still get the 5% bonus with two casters

If you are in a speed clear group and are not playing the meta then fuck you. Only reason this fag is still in here is because he's dating the healer

who here /stretchingoutfreetrialaslongaspossible/
i have three classes around 36 now

Fester ruins got fixed. Dreadwyrm Trance and Egi Assaults still need fixed.

Stupid tranny

Was thinking of picking this game up. What's the best class to play if you want to be a white mage?


I'm so glad ShB gave us good music again. Fuck that middle eastern asian bullshit from Stormblood. I could farm this all day and never turn off the music. That bassline is god tier.

black mage

When is 5.1

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probably happy hes getting easy 99 since nobody play smn


>i'm sick of this shithole castle

why did titania say this?

Yeah, that's pretty much how the job flows. A bunch of downtime, a mini burst phase every minute, then doubleweave city every other minute or so.

A proper opener will stagger your cooldowns out enough that you should have time to hit them all when they come up, and if/when shit gets a bit misaligned, delaying one for a single GCD won't really fuck you up too badly. when it comes to aligning with burst windows, making sure you have a lot of MP to dump is a lot more important than making sure you pop every cooldown you have anyhow, missing a plunge or abyssal drain hurts a lot less than being bottomed out on MP when buffs come up. As for defensive cooldowns, you're going to need to eat shit one way or another, be it moving things back a bit or just sucking it up and doing the emergency triple weave of shame

That's true and one of the reasons I wish they'd rework Inner Release. DRK has more shit to weave between GCD than WAR so Delirium can feel a bit clunky, specially if during raid buffs where you ideally want to unleash all the MP you've been building up

>Sid gets his own personal elfloli fucktoy and doesn't even realize it


Fairies are genderless as confirmed in the latest liveletter, cope.

So you can still fuck her her hole.

they still have a mouth and butt right?

I want lorelets to leave

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I remember Feo Ul referring to herself as 'she' during retainer dialogue but I might be misremembering.

I fucking hate getting titania because it exposes shitter dps and almost always leads to a disband and 30 minutes of wasted time.

What gender is your retainer?

>we could be clearing 20 seconds faster if he swapped
oh no, all that wasted time

>oh no they said this to appease trannies they must have meant it
You trannies are pathetic. go 40% yourselves

I wanna rub my dick on Titania's smooth barbie doll crotch.




Planning to be a SCH, tell me about it bros

post your comp

also if he has the titan SMN book what can you complain about

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>we could be clearing faster if he played a role he's less proficient at
that doesn't make any sense at all

As AST do I use Sleeve Draw to fish out minor arcana buffs during Divination?

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For me, it's Arya

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>FFXIV fags are so pathetic, they stand up and clap for a woman just because she wrote the latest weebshit expansion story


mnk, drg, blm, smn. Double blm is the metta and this fag needs to switch

>people appreciate quality content

Man what fucking cucks lmao



You should have a bare understanding on how all classes in your category (melee dps, ranged dps,heals,ect ) and switch to the best one to benefit your group. I wanted to play War but I went PLD because it is the best for the group if I go pld

And to this day, no healer carries harder than a White Mage.

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>still running DRG after NINs glorious return
umm? is your DRG gonna switch too


>Midlander with the same "I'm slightly nervous and on the verge of crying" face and eyebrow combo copy/pasted among 30 other midlander npcs


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Is there a way to quickly switch between controller and kB+m? I like doing controller for fishing but it's annoying always going to system config to change it.

>nin provides sam rdps as drg but drg personal + rdps still outweighs it
Nah, nin is still trash. It's better but it isn't good

It's quite literally the healer for people that don't want to heal. Just let lily do most of the work while you broil away with the occasional ruin 2 + ED spam. It's fun trying to be a "green dps" as much as possible while ding the bare minimum of healing.

speedkills have NIN in them now bro.... they're slowly returning in droves



Have sex.

>Yea Forums suddenly likes HW
what the fuck happened

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T.cutscene skipper.
What's wrong faggot? Bored of classic already?

Yea Forums has sucked HW's dick from the moment SB released and showed them what a shitty expansion actually looks like.

Apparently what happened is you have Alzheimer's.

So what do Japanese female game writers have that American/western female game writers don't? There has to be a reason you fags are praising Ishikawa when you usually loathe women doing anything with a game.

It's to be expected that wow players don't like women but shouldn't you be in a queue right now?


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Because your blowup tumbler sexdoll cat/bunny is so much better right? Ugh.

Macro it?

Unironically me
At least cast aero you sluts

Can't when the tank pulls 2-3 groups.

The ability to actually write something that isn't shit

literally the #1 speedkill for all tiers have ninja and a bard or dancer in them

watch the dragoons slowly be phased out by ninja the next few weeks

easy they still have to answer to the man leading the ship. western females get the man leading the ship fired and then sink the ship.

I mean yeah
But when they're standing completely still while everyone is in full health is just stupid
Especially when we're in Copperbell Mines

So your issue is with ultra newbie healers?

Well for starters japanese women in video games aren't jealous of beautiful women and try to fill their games with ugly women in a sad attempt to "redefine" what is beautiful, Obsessed with trump and/or trying to shill a political agenda.

September 2019... I am forgotten...

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Holy spam? And maybe use some of those oGCDs?

Can you?

nice buzzwords faggot maybe you should make a better character

>Midlander can't cope so he uses his bogeyman

I'm not a bunny, cat, or ligger, blandlander. What are you gonna do now?

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Ah a pedophile player then.

Go back.

Don't know you'd have to scour the text commands to see if it's possible.

this is the most reddit thing I've ever seen

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- Slow, mana runs out fast.
- Stuns stops being effective after the 3rd debuff application, you will be at 50% mana when that happens.
- Damage is fairly low for all that mana spend.
- Holy shit did the tank just get slammed to 20% of his health? Sure hope metanoia helps!
- Benediction is for emergencies, like unlucky tanks. And saving my own hide.


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your'e looking at a mirror lmbo

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What? The plot was great for those.

What a shit healer

>Slow, mana runs out fast.
Join us in 5.0 dumbfuck
>Stuns stops being effective after the 3rd debuff application
By which point all enemies should be dead or almost dead. The length of all combined stuns is effectively a Hallowed Ground on every pull
>Damage is fairly low for all that mana spend.
>Holy shit did the tank just get slammed to 20% of his health?
Not if you're casting Holy
>Benediction is for emergencies

Are you fucking serious? nothing is more brainless than DRK

You really don't play any healer, huh?

Holy only does 8k per enemy. It got nerfed bad.

red mage
every other tank which is either on par with or so slightly ahead that it barely counts

>- Slow, mana runs out fast.
>- Stuns stops being effective after the 3rd debuff application, you will be at 50% mana when that happens.
>- Damage is fairly low for all that mana spend.
t. hasn't touched WHM since 4.x. Holy is required for big pulls because it's nearly 10 seconds for you to catch up on healing while enemies are stunned

I don't care about whatever gender crap, is there a penis in there? That's all that matters.

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I have all of them at 80.
>only 8k per enemy
Even most small pulls are 3 enemies minimum. Learn to do simple addition you dumb motherfucker. What's 8+8+8?

>Holy is required for big pulls
I can do big pulls on sch and ast just fine without the stun. Granted harder time with ast compared to whm and sch but it's still easily doable

The MP cost is also laughable now, there is no excuse not to throw them out throughout chains of big pulls

Again, I really don't think you do what you preach.

that sounds gay

You can clear anything with anything. Including relevant savage. The whole point is to have fun and nothing is less fun than a bunch of faggots complaining that you’re playing the wrong job because it makes the run 10 seconds slower. Fuck off. He should drop you and find a new static and better friends.

Damn she's cute.

It's the ghost of a dead kid turned into a mischievous spirit-creature
You do the math

More like 99% of the playerbase can't make a decent character that isn't just a default face with clown make up and heterochromia. Almost all people who choose the "hot" races don't bother to actually customize it beyond the mentioned above and maybe some hair highlights. No putting on some red lipstick like some 2 dollar hoe isn't what I'd call a good looking character.

Meh if you're a femlala there might be some hope left for you but if you're a ooga booga roegafaggot there's no hope left for you.

The best healers are basically babysitting 7 retards most of the time, so it's easy to understand why they flip off so badly and easily.

Yes. She rapes you with it if you are the last one alive and you get binded.

I agree with most of your points but trash packs will not be "almost dead" by the time your three Holys are done even with good players shitting out fucktons of damage

It's a dead kid's spirit unable to join the Lifestream you retard

I don't see a bulge and Titania is cute enough for me not to care either way.

Remember me?

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Wow, how dare people show appreciation for others. They should just be ironic zoomer fags and just ironically hate everything and fill up the internet and real world with whiny apathetic filth, just like everyone else does.

>Holy is required for big pulls
Either you are really bad or your only experience healing in 5.0 was pre-buff AST because you are retarded. The extra mitigation is nice but “required”? Are you serious? Wall to wall pulls are easy with literally any combination of tank and healer.


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Best opening theme. I want the FF prelude back instead of the shitty expansion themes.

>incapable of basic math
Don't go to Ridorana

Yes, I remember how you killed a superior game just to chase after the WoW money.

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I wish they would let us pick which login screen we want instead of making the current one mandatory, having to suffer through two years of *crowd noise, schwing* nearly drove me insane

ARR > HW > Shad > Liquid shit > SB

No most of those healers are healer only faggots who can't do anything but heal. Of course they'd act like close minded faggots when they don't know jackshit about the other roles. Never met a healer that wasn't chill when I found out he's not a heal-only babby

Stop hugging the ground you piece of shit.

1.0 is shit and so are you. Go play classic if you want old and broken garbage.

Remove salted earth from the game and replace it with scourge!

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>figured out a cool glam for SMN
>never play SMN

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Salted Earth is fine, just make it hit a little harder

If only viera looked like that.

>Game goes half a decade with no in-game way to gain a + two seater (without referral codes)
>Drops a free 4 man event mount during a time where no one wants to be subbed to the game
>Drops another 4 man mount obtainable in game
I am skeptical on this sudden generosity on there part.

>remove another ground target skill
fuck you
fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you

Nah keep projecting drama queen I play all roles. Healing is piss easy and you are just a faggot.

I'm not a potato nigger or a roe (but even roes are better than bland midlanders), try again.

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WoW Classic exists
Your game doesn't need to exist anymore.

Have fun dying over the next month.

Fuck you, salted earth is the gayest shit. It doesn't even give blood anymore

guys i wanna fuck an elezen

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They know they can give away 4-person mounts and people would still buy new mounts, no matter if they're 1, 2, or 4 person, just to have them. Or maybe Yoshi P just wants to be nice.

If only elezen looked like that.

Isn't it a tragedy that WoW needs to rollback EVERYTHING done in the past 10 years in order to be good again?

I do welcome it though. Retail WoW is such a massive steaming shit that the only correct course of action is to pretend this last decade didn't fuckign happen.

I want an elezen to fuck me.

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>You will never live in a perfect city like Amaurot.

Why even live?

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they still look good to me i dont care what you faggots say

Me too, I want them in my catholes.

>Amarot is a perfect city
>Amarotines so fragile a noise makes them blow up the entire planet and tear reality

Fuck off Emet

There is no macro command to do that switch. I've looked extensively. Unless one was added in 5.0, but wouldn't that be in patch notes?
You can macro it to open Character Config, then manually hit the switch. It was the best I could ever find.

So the eden savage is 4 people mount?

>playing wow classic made me want to play mmos again
>arr is just retail wow with a weaboo coat of paint
>eve is great everything but shit gameplay and boring
>osrs went down the drain
>everything else is dead


only baboons with room temperature IQ unironically use this as an insult. It's bland because you and all the other cretins lack the IQ to to anything more then basic settings.
Also newsflash retard, when everyone decides to dress up like cattle or some cheap hooker in some vain attempt to be special, no one actually is.

It wasn't just a noise user or they wouldn't have survived longer than 2 seconds as a race.

Then fucking buff it to make it better
Why is the average xiv player's first reaction to anything in gameplay to call for either nerfs or deletion
I swear Squeenix made the changes to Salted Earth from SB to ShB for the sole purpose of softening players up for its removal in 6.0

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Nah why would they end xiv for a mediocre port of a mediocre game that's going to die in a month or so because there is no future for said game?

Might as well accept it. MMOs are a dying breed. MOBAs and Battle Royale games are the future.

user, please don't play Eve. I don't want to see you do this to yourself.

>Healing is piss easy
am I just bad then.
I can keep a group alive but I feel like I'm having a heart attack while playing WHM.

It literally was just a loud shrill noise that made them scared and cause their creation magic to go out of control. The real lesson here is that they shouldn't have been absuing their magic so much if losing control of it meant the entire dimesion was going to start shitting out Lovecraftian horrors.

The guy doesn't play healers. It should be obvious to you.

>no on-model giraffe proportions
Trash, garbage, throw this filth away right now.

classic is here for you.


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They did that with Shadow Flare so probably

>It literally was just a loud shrill noise
How can people misinterpret so hard? Beyond that even, how do you not apply logic to what you're saying? If any loud noise would trigger them into destroying everything they wouldn't have survived thus far and would have ended the world a hell of a lot sooner.

Did you know you can rewatch cutscenes at the inn? Do that.

Go play Ephenia PSO it's better than all of these games anyway

Lack of Cultural marxism and jewishness in general?

Play on a FFXI 75 cap private server. FFXI is the only MMO with soul.

Man, playing classic made me realize how garbage this game is. It's just a single player game for autists.

>gear doesn't matter
>everything aside from savage raids can be done by a person with negative iq
>no interaction with other people
>dungeons are extremely easy and all of them can be aoe'd down
>crafting and gold doesn't matter

This game is literally made for retards, I don't know how I managed to play 1k hours of this shit.

I don't get it

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>tfw Castrum and Praetorium

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I stand by the idea that they were dumbfucks who got in too deep with their creation magic either way. Anything that has the potential to cascade into a reality ending disaster should probably at best be incredibly highly regulated if not outright forbidden entirely.

Of course WoW players don't like women. Christie Golden is the lead writer and is fucking awful.

It's basically retail wow but in FF universe with 3k hours of cinematics.

>use duty finder on crystal
>get this in your party
It's just a normal data center guys, really! Stop believing the memes!

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Yep, it's a triggered midlander

Maybe if 90% of the midlander population stopped using the same two faces and prancing around in their boring glamours saying they're somehow more unique because they're not a slutglammer, bland would stop being an effective descriptor for what blandlanders are.

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I play highlander.

Most of you're kit is about healing and you only like have 2-3 dps skills and even then if all you did was heal and kept the party alive that would have been okay in my book. As for the anxiety if you're new to healing it's understandble but then again It didn't bother me as much as I was a tank main proir to picking up healing so I was used to "pressure" so to speak.

Nah nice strawman faggot. Sorry normal people can also heal without having a butplug up their ass.

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What did they mean by this?

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>walk through ul'dah on balmung
>half the search infos have /c/ or ERP info in them
yeah, perfectly normal server.

That's not that bad, I had a tank wearing a mix of unaugmented ryumyaku and ghost barque gear in Holminster Switch

Is playing this game partly for the story and mostly for the ost a good reason? I've heard great things but I don't really want to just listen to it on youtube if I could

>wanting to live in a city where the sound of a katana unsheathing scares everyone to death

Play highlander

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Please stop posting my character.

It's perfectly fine to play it that way if you don't mind it costing you $12 per month to play it that way

>someone is different than me

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I don't understand the autism over player races when almost all of them are just humans with extra shit slapped on them.
Hrothgar are the sole exception to this but they look like shit.

I see that on aether too

>has to use a dozen mods to not look like a man

Why are you playing as a man?

Elidibus isn't everyone. Plus Elidibus only had 3 katanas. He was outnumbered.

Go back to classic then faggot. Lmao wasn't 1 of those "hard" bosses like downed within a week?

You're a lying faggot
Dilate and have children

>lakshimi ring at lvl 72
Oh no!

It has always been like that, and according to Yoshi he wants the next FF MMO to be even more casual lmaoo.

Know you the source of this corruption?! Heterodaelyn! She must be wiped out, lest these cis scum fester this star. I know just the spell to do it...

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Honey. The LGBT are everywhere

I'm not into /vg/ shitposting about trannies. I'm sure you can find someone to engage in this fantasy since you seem so eager.

Why do you care?
this. god forbid people be different.
But, this thread is going to devolve into a DC shitposting war so I'm just gonna leave now.


Kys fag

>Call him by his name

>mod it until you look like a midlander
what's even the point?

>uhm... WOW! i heard Yea Forums was a safe inclusive space... i had no idea it was so toxic and full of alt-right incels... i'm going back to my discord sweaty
Later nigger

You DID tell G'raha Tia that it was good to see him awake, RIGHT?

lol, you seem upset

Story and ost are some of the best shit in the game. Another thing you could do is collect all your favourite tracks as orchestrion rolls and make an ingame playlist

Why not just play Viera since you don't need mods for them to not look like men?

They're level 80 wearing level 70 gear.

They also didn't use a single card until I pointed it out at the end.

Sorry, but I'm gonna shame you on a chinese anonymous cartoon board.

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So he can post about how he plays an unpopular race on Yea Forums

Anybody else just chatrooming this game? I log in to idle when I wanna watch videos. I have no desire to really play this anymore but the time invested makes me not want to stop

Based and Ala Mhiganpilled

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Please stop or I will report you.

>wow classic raids are easier than how private servers made them
>was downed by abes all on level 58 characters

Nah, I think that's fine though. I enjoy playing, doing whatever, and chatting. It's an MMO, nothing wrong with just hanging out and talking to people.

cute boy

t. useless mentor

>rule 63 Bayonetta

Shouldn't matter for this dungeon since they're synced to 72.

Sup bros, don't mind me, just doing my ninjutsu.
*misses trick attack*
oh dayum, sorry bros...

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Mental illness and/or cultural degeneration arent things to be celebrated and accepted. There is diversity of personalities, and then there is trannies and sex weirdos

Because I wanted a bigger woman but not fuckhuge big like roe, and not lanky like elf. Midlanders are just weird. Especially their run cycle.

>Maybe if 90% of the midlander population stopped using the same two faces
Funny thing is, this phenomenon also plagues the other races, but because the other races are "exotic" and whatnot and it isn't as noticeable with them they get a pass. Sorry if not having a god ugly character who's only good for a pump and dump is being considered as bland.
And you know what? It's not like I hate the other races per se. I've got some friends who actually bothered with the rest of the settings and their characters actually look good so I know it's possible.

Viera are bigger than highlanders, and don't look like men.

Why do people mod this? Just go to Skyrim.

who cares, retard

Hey, bro, it's alright. You couldn't have known the boss was about to turn around and fuck up your trick attack. I'm just happy to play with you.


with what evidence

Lmao, you make this yourself user? Fucking awesome.

>Have a blast playing through Shadowbringers MSQ
>Remember that all that's left for me now is the godawful endgame cycle
>Will to play any further dissipates in an instant
I really do wish this game was single player, the MMO aspects fucking suck ass.

Attached: 1566399694227.jpg (700x469, 81K)

How glib

Thanks bro, you too my man.

Attached: bro.jpg (235x250, 15K)

Are you doing this at the start or after a single wipe? The game is more fun blind by a mile. Theres rarely anything requiring you to say shit before hand because fuck ups are easy to correct.

I said woman, not filthy animal.

Attached: 1562968615523.png (908x763, 1.31M)


t. jawlets

Gentle reminder that strong facial structure is desirable in a potential mate, and that weak chins are the mark of weak genes.

Attached: receeding jaws.jpg (800x533, 276K)

Unsub like yoshi p wants you to

*sloppy jumps into thread*
Sup bro-- OH SHIT
*elusive jumps*
That was close, that AoE almost go

Attached: Ilberdoon.jpg (1000x1000, 330K)

So you'd rather have a tranny than a woman with ears?

>fftrannys think people play wow classic for the raids

lmaoing so much

True north exists for a reason, that ninja was sloppy.

We should think about replacing him with a SAM

Damn bro, those were some sick skills. I knew you were the best DRG for the job.

>Start parsing very recently
>Join tiddy ex with party that has 3 melees
>Top DPS despite being shoved in the outside puddles as melee
>Also despite having shit gear
What the literal fuck

>he doesn't know how to dps as a healer when the tank pulls 2+ groups

It's really not that difficult to apply regen, have asylum up, using thin air, using presence of mind, using lucid dreaming, spamming holy, use assize when it's up, throw a tetra when available, use divine benison, blowing your flowers with solace so you can misery, and throwing a cure 2 here and there. There's literally no reason not to dps unless you're actually trash.

Attached: 1554080311532.png (600x500, 98K)

just stop parsing user. not because its against the rules. but it will make you sad to realize how shit players really are when you can see all their actions in full detail.

You're right that default highlanders look like men. But thankfully mods fix that. And I only care about how my character looks to me. I'm pretty sure no one stops to look at my character. People only stop to erp with cat sluts and lalafels.

I do it because I'm competitive and like competing even if I'm the only one who knows

Rip, I'll rez you man don't worry.
he ded dude, probably latency

No way, he's my bro. Now keep me healed up.
*casts superbolide*
*immediately cancels it*
Come on, man, adjust.

Attached: GNBberd.png (922x921, 1.72M)

Well I'm sure you totally picked highlander over viera because of mods and not because you just want a dude with tits

Don't let the plebs discourage you user, highlanders are cute and strong jaws are attractive.

Welcome to the hell that is parsing.

You now realize everyone in this game is retarded

People don't play classic for the raids, raids in BFA are much better than raids in classic, but BFA is just as shit as FFXIV so you just know you're wrong.

Cute giraffe

Time to play the true game of becoming a MB/GS god.

Give him another chance, bro. I'm not taking my man's spot.

Attached: Sambrdai.png (1000x1000, 1.99M)

That's an awfully long post to justify playing as a dude user

fair enough. I like to see where I stand against others too.

What's the point of playing an mmo then if you don't care how your character looks to others? I genuinely don't get the modfags for this game.

So you don't play WHM. Figures.

Modfags only play to jack off. They don't care how they look to anyone but their fellow modders that they spend most of their time ERPing with on discord.

>Someone else in the party is the same class as you
>The ranking for first keeps changing every 10 seconds or so

Attached: jojo_1.jpg (1024x576, 132K)

>ywn nibble on elezen ears during a sweaty session

Attached: ded.jpg (494x705, 189K)

Thanks for the raise bro!

I think you're lumping a lot of people into one basket based on a few.

Not with the fuckers you get on roulette you don't.

>muh muh muh exploration
>muh muh community

No, there's a reason nearly every mod is sex related. Musclegirl mods and giant tit mods and fetish clothes mods. It's all about jacking off.

Well, viera wasn't out when I made my character

Attached: highbutt.jpg (1900x769, 97K)

I really can't remember the last time that happened. Even in the same job I'm always considerably ahead unless DNC partner and a lot of the times even if they have DNC partner I'm still ahead.

So much this desu

You are a retard.

See what I mean?

One day you'll become enlightened, user.

Attached: bara.png (116x128, 26K)

I remember last week there was two DNC and two SAMs(one of them being me) in my Eden normal party.

That was the most fun I've ever had in there.
I won.

I want to princess carry the Crystal Exarch back into the Tower and hold his hand

Consensually and in the missionary position of course

Attached: 76138427_p0.png (726x1000, 1.07M)

give me the mods to make your highlander look like that. I'm sick of seing the ugly default ones.

is there a more passive aggressive fuck you to the party than a healer doing 0 dps when nobody needs to be healed?

>The guy doesn't play healers
>Only he actually does
Yeah piss off faggot we're done here if you're going to move goalposts. And WhM is literally the braindead entry level healer. Babbys first healer so to speak.
Face it you suck ass.

Honestly the nude mods aren't even that good. If people want a sexy nude game to jack off to why not just play Skyrim?

Gay people are enlightened?

You do not play it. You have no argument here.

>Plastic face covered with 5 layers of makeup

Vanilla is just fine.

I want 5.1 just for the new frontlines.

Right, but I mod even the biggest jumbo tits on my character (and by extension others)
but I show it to no one. and I don't jack off to it myself. It's just fun to see. I still play the game 100% normally.
..You mean exactly what *I* mean? It's one person. Out of... thousands? tens of thousands possibly?
Who cares what they do with their own time anyway

So you dress up your cat in a bikini for everyone else to see like 99% of the playerbase? Even if you dont slut glam and just dress normally, how many people have actually said anything to you about how your character looks? Probably never. Only ERPing faggots waste their time looking at other characters outfits. It's YOUR character not someone elses so just do whatever you want with it.

Attached: high.jpg (858x857, 74K)

Only face 1 is a chinlet

Sex is everwhere, user, you have no point. There's a lot of mods that are for QoL.

People actually play PVP?

Appreciating strong jaws is the mark of a man with IQ above room temperature. There's still hope for you to realize this.

Emet went from 10/10 modest Amaurotine women with stunning long legs to popotos, Roegadyn 'women', furries and womanlets

No wonder he's so desperate to bring about the Ardor, he went from filet mignon to Spam

Attached: 75926370_p10.jpg (1000x1420, 171K)

Vanilla highlanders are ugly as fuck.

>Who cares what they do with their own time anyway
You're this faggot, aren't you? You defend actual tranny ERPers linking their f-lists, and then you try to pretend the mod community isn't about sex. Go back to your discord you dumb pornsick faggot. You'll never be a real woman.

When you put it like that it makes a massive amount of sense.

Are you okay?

>you notice your attack animations start to sync up

Attached: so this is spiral power.jpg (640x360, 117K)

rent free


Getting 2 DNC buffs is fucking great, better yet when there's another melee in the party and none of the dancers stop being your partner, you feel like a total chad.

>It's one person. Out of... thousands? tens of thousands possibly?
One look at the available mods says you're full of shit. The mod community in this game appeals to exactly one type of person.

The vast majority of female faces are chinlets, with viera being the most egregious example of receding chins. Only elezen, certain midlander faces, roes, and highlanders have jaws that don't scream "I am a beta".

/vg/ invaded

Okay, I like strong jaws, but not masculine ones. Am I enlightened, or do I have to be attracted to titmen like you to become enlightened?

>he actually does just as good or better than you
I commend them for that.

Attached: Tsuyu1.png (360x360, 258K)

Incorrect and weak-chinpilled.

>thread has become some modfag dumping pictures of his Jessica Rabbit clone

Why doesn't janny nuke the threads that deserve it

It's okay to admit you like men. We're on an anonymouse chinese basket weaving plankboard.




Attached: 1560558178424.jpg (962x973, 144K)

>I like strong jaws
>But not masculine ones
Highlander jaws aren't masculine, I'm afraid you're still cringe.

Every one of these threads should be nuked until 5.1 drops if we're going down that road.

That is okay. That is what is what I want you to do, user-kun. Do not come back.

Bro, he wants you to enjoy other games.
I'm always subbed but I play tons of other shit anyway. 13 hours/month more than makes up for my sub, and I usually play double, if not triple or five times, that much.

>raid group wants to keep doing speed clears
>I just want to play Astral Chain

Just imagine what Emet must feel every time he sees a Lalafell woman....desperately trying to mask his revulsion and maintain his flippant demeanor while this amputated soul stump flesh nugget writhes and poses for him in a way that he's supposed to find 'cute' but that only serves to remind him even more keenly of what he's lost

Attached: 75685897_p0_master1200.jpg (811x1200, 427K)

>If doesn't like women with a chin receding into their necks, he must like men.

Funnily enough, viera and au ra make up the majority of the tranny population, and they have the weakest chins. Funny how that works.

Attached: trans rights.jpg (334x530, 30K)

Will cumbraen faggots fuck off to /xivg/, the point of Yea Forums threads is you faggots refuse to talk about the game

>viera and aura make up the majority of the tranny population
Oh, it's this nigger again.
Go back you tranny obsessed freak.

How many times does he have to tell you to unsub from his game old man

>Ser Aymeric bot controversy
>Aether hunts discord decides not to remove the bot

Holy fuck you god damn retards, why does every third party in this game always piss me off with their shitty decision making?
Triggernomatry and their Blacklisting
Gshade with its dumb shit permanent banner
Mogboard with the developers faggotry.


Attached: False_Ss.jpg (527x401, 34K)

Attached: 1496036623544.png (1280x985, 793K)

I'm now going to dump my folder of tranny players I've spotted in the wild. You anons can see which races they play.

Attached: fierce knot.png (307x445, 181K)

Didn't mean to quote

Oof you just don't know when to give up do you faggot? Anything to defend your position as the special snowflake cumbucket right? We can't have "normals" join in as a healer and fuck up your queues and complicating the message and whatnot right?
Healing is piss easy and you are shit. And WHM is piss easy too literally a ton of people flocked too it just for the rolequests. I'm going to keep playing as a healer and there is nothing you can do about it.

I don't fucking care, retard.

>>Ser Aymeric bot controversy
what happened. I am curious

Attached: big futa bun.png (336x531, 114K)

>>Ser Aymeric bot controversy

>why does every third party in this game always piss me off with their shitty decision making?
Because they're all based out of discords, which are full of a certain type of person I'm sure you're already aware of.

that highlander fucks horses and roleplayer as a garlean

Attached: boy (girl).png (341x532, 116K)

Angelise is a Midlander

What does that /c/ mean?


Attached: femboy kitty.png (336x529, 113K)

It can literally become a spybot if someone were to edit some of the code.

The allegation is that it's only "2 lines away" from becoming it.

Been going all night bb. Sub 5 min queues.

>Highlander jaws aren't masculine
They are though? They literally have the facial structures of men aside from their eyes and cheekbones on some faces.

f-list url


It's the hot new fad on balmung where people list their fetishes.

Attached: femboy mech.png (336x536, 124K)

what does /c/ mean?

it's a site that lists your fetishes

welp time to remove it from my fc discord. Thanks

Attached: image0.jpg (1242x1446, 635K)

>desperately trying to mask his revulsion and maintain his flippant demeanor while this amputated soul stump flesh nugget writhes and poses for him in a way that he's supposed to find 'cute' but that only serves to remind him even more keenly of what he's lost
me seeing a miqo'te

Attached: 1565193387096.jpg (707x1000, 486K)

>They literally have the facial structure of men
>Except the parts that don't look like men.

Not a convincing argument user. It's fine to like weak women, but don't disparage the Chads who prefer strong musclegirls and fantasize about giving them a gentle mating press.

Attached: futa viera.png (337x530, 103K)

Except the parts that don't look like men, which are less than 20% of the face, and then only apply to 1 of the faces each

How new to the internet do you need to be not to know that Futa and trap ERPers are dudes with terminal gamer, not trannies.

I dress up modestly and role appropriate and have gotten a few flirts and whatnot from time to time. Not that it matters though. But it's funny you say only ERPing faggots waste their time looking at other characters outfits when I'm 100% said faggots are the only kind that would bother with mods in the first place.

Oh, are you seriously dumping this boring shit because you're mad someone doesn't like your race?
They're all good, I like every race in the game. You need to settle down.
Both my tranny friends hate Miqo'te btw.

Those three things aren't mutually exclusive, guy.

Attached: i am a male.png (333x519, 120K)

>tfw level boosted and MSQ skipped to SHB content because richfag friend wanted be to play and gifted me all that shit
>get to titania trial, healer and tank shitting on my because I'm a sprout
>do all the simon says dancefloor mechanics perfectly while they end up face targeting the floor
Why are people so bad at this game? I've seen some retards in pugs in my WoW days but it seems like there's an overwhelming about of keyboard turners in XIV that just like to stand in the big orange death polygons.

Attached: NKDzsQi[1].png (908x749, 947K)

>futa viera

Do i buy a blm boost? Getting it off player auctions for cheap

>BBC Slave
neck yourself

I'm comfortable being the minority with my opinions, I just want to pass this cringe compilation curse onto you all.

Attached: male viera.png (340x544, 171K)

>trannys say futa and trap are slurs
>futa and trap ERPs are all trainnies
Low IQ.

>You are safe here.
why must everyone talk like they are some official leader now? just talk fucking normally

>play fempotato
>never have to deal with faggots hitting on me

Win win for me

>want to play viera
>they can't wear hats
Getting real tired of being my fem elezen

Just for you

Attached: hung futa bunny.png (336x532, 98K)

Nothing wrong with this one.


Oh shit, someone actually based?

Attached: RANCE.png (342x532, 133K)

The only way Emet had a kid was by fucking the tallest Garlean woman he could find and making her dress up in a hooded cowl and mask

She just thought he was into some kinky shit but little did she know how hard he was trying to keep his dick from going soft

Attached: 1562428011835.jpg (670x680, 300K)

Yes because they /pet you instead

>Newbie healers that have full lv70 gear

>play fem potato on aether
>got hit on constantly
>switched to primal
>don't get hit on again
I am convinced aether and crystal are containment servers for tthis shit. Since coming to primal I have not been bothered at all.

There's where you're wrong kiddo.

Attached: lewdlala.png (404x547, 207K)

>new fag
Try and not reveal how much of a newfaggot you are just because you made a character on balmung to stock a bunch of roleplaying faggots like the mentally ill obsessed tranny you are.

I'm fine with that. People who get offended by that shit baffle me.

>not Deep Canal Raider

>some fag listing ERP tags on his lala somehow negates what I said


Story skippers who boosted their way up. You can actually see if someone is boosted if they wear full unaugmented scaevan gear with 1 alliance ring.

I'm not sure how your train of thought took you down the track to that conclusion, user.

Attached: small boy lizard.png (345x538, 174K)

Ryne is for ________

Attached: 1560565817332.png (296x312, 145K)

Based. You're an okay lala in my book.

Basically some faggot is starting drama on Twitter. I'm shocked.


Attached: trao.png (341x538, 134K)

Not that user but f-list urls are not a new thing by any means.

For anyone that gets quarn's normal in the roulette, you don't need to obtain the stone tablets to proceed to the boss room, you'll just get 3 adds to kill

thats minfillia

I don't doubt it.

Attached: OwO.png (342x539, 128K)

what's your minion and why is it pic related

Attached: gaelicute.jpg (245x256, 32K)

I used to make decent bank getting all the Stained Chef's Aprons and shit and making them to sell.

My minion is Gaelikitten, because you said it was.

Armadillo roller is my new best friend

Attached: armadillo.gif (500x302, 1.49M)

But I use the mameshiba!

Attached: translizard.png (339x536, 135K)

Nana Bear master race

Attached: nana bear.jpg (584x334, 17K)

My favorite pokemon is scyther.

I hate discordfags so much but I'm stuck using it and I hate how none of them understand how damaging it is.

mr tora jiro

Attached: translizard2.png (338x538, 123K)

i prefer my void goth cutie

Attached: scathach.jpg (347x396, 98K)


I don't use any but one of my favorites is the smallshell

Attached: 61251104_p0.jpg (1254x1612, 147K)

For me, it's Omega-F

Attached: omega f.png (800x930, 821K)

That's a weird pic of mini Ravana.

>not maining Attendee #777

Au ra trannies make no sense with their retarded size dimorphism.

Attached: WHY.png (341x530, 125K)

only trannies are the face 4


Attached: forty.png (557x944, 296K)

Holy crap Lois, it's Y'shtola!

Attached: y'sthola.png (340x529, 126K)

>not Farfetch
You disgust me

Minute Mindflayer, because his big ass collar matches my gambler's coat collar.

Attached: trap2.png (333x537, 123K)

my wife

Attached: 1503273019736.jpg (230x181, 22K)

Holy shit. It just hit me. Emet is to the Source what WoW players are to WoW Vanilla. How fucking tragic is that?

Attached: sayuuhiro-1164899854189027334-0.jpg (707x1000, 91K)

I don't want to learn an new raid to unlock this minion but a voice in my head is screaming I must

Attached: ageplay.png (337x529, 105K)

I see you are a man of culture

Sup bros, me and the bros are going to do Ala Mhigo Hard. Who wants to come with?

Attached: Monkberd.jpg (1000x1000, 349K)


Attached: 1528315143949.png (1350x1770, 1.59M)

being a lala and getting pets is really the best

Sure thing bro.

Attached: incineroar.png (348x532, 134K)

A based cat? You decide.

Attached: no viera.png (342x529, 145K)

I'd rather be in a party full of sprouts than crowns

Sprouts you can teach to not be bad. Crowns are cemented into their badness and cannot be helped.

Sprouts are fine if they're willing to listen, crownfags are just retards insisting to remain retarded.

The only good crowns are those who never display it, prove me wrong.

Attached: commie witch.png (365x536, 152K)

I hate fishing holy fuck.
Also, this game has a prety damn nice intro cinematic youtube.com/watch?v=h542YbZuwkQ

fuck off already

Sprouts ignore all advice.

Attached: potato maido.png (340x527, 127K)

The leader of an FC I hung out with once and thus got invited to their Discord legit talks like some dude running a cult whenever he makes an announcement. Like about making the FC a paradise where people don't have to worry about drama or whatever. Skeeves me the fuck out.

>clicking at plot for 10 hours
>shitty FC with 4 members, no one with a job over level 60 relocates to plot
>housing system is fine

fuck this shit

>I hate fishing holy fuck

crowns deride you for presuming they needed your advice

Attached: teddy.png (344x524, 155K)

>Still stuck on E1S
My closest clears were with pugs week 1 and 2, everything's gone to pot after that. My FC has only saw enrage once.

I did get it to 6% tonight though, scored my highest parse yet, 76%. We just had too many deaths after the spinny orb phase.

So rdms, what is the point of Reprise?

Only erpers play on crystal, we get it


Hell yeah, bro, you know I love doing content with ya.

holy fucking shit there are ERPers on BALMUNG AND MATEUS

what pants are those

If you're dumb and want to waste mana, it's useless

I don't erp and I play on crystal
and I've beaten titan

>still no porn of Titania or Feo Ul
>not even any porn of the sin eaters or fat cat
What is this shit

You're not looking hard enough

Are you new to this game?

pretty sure its the legs from the far eastern maiden set they recently put up on the mog shop

If you fuck up and cap both manas at 100
Otherwise it's just RDM's scathe

>no porn of female WoL getting tied up and raped in kugane

well shit i been wanting something with shorts and pantyhose

>no WoL corruption/transformation porn



I hope you like deviantart tier cats, lizards, and bunnies with dicks because that's all you're going to be getting forever.

>Tfw thought about drawing porn of my own WoL
Would that be a weird thing to do?

Attached: 1566138596037.jpg (1200x1600, 281K)

>Vauthry literally has mind control powers
>no Vauthry mind control corruption NTR porn at all

i wont thats what the screenshot tool is for


Attached: z.png (1190x934, 1.65M)

but there is sin eater porn. Especially futa sin eaters fucking lizards/cats.

when can we going home bros?

Attached: sharlayan.jpg (304x309, 50K)

Not at all. Do it.
Draw bad ends!

They had better have a dungeon where we get Mini'd and have to fight basic ass ladybugs and star marmmots as dungeon bosses

This is one of the inherent downsides to MMO storytelling, I think. There's no time to process/reflect on any "ending"s or character losses. Everyone just does endgame immediately after and there's no feeling of permanency. You beat Sephiroth, FF7 ends, and you have forever to think about that. In FFXIV, you beat the villain of the week then move on.

But I still remember you, Selchy.

pet lalas

Attached: ffxiv_08282019_170814_064.png (1920x1080, 2.03M)

>get mini'd
>every boss tries to eat us
>get a detailed description of us getting digested and becoming one with whatever ate us

>Bad ends
Over my dead body

Dear Amauranons.
Once again the Creation Bureau declined my idea for a subservient humanoid race of cat people to act as servants and sexual relief aid.
They keep telling me I need to create male ones as well to make them able to be a part of the ecosystem. I don't get it. What should I do?

Attached: smug hentai cat witch.jpg (582x668, 73K)

That's the spirit!


I think that's the idea

Fuck you

Attached: 1557072156874.gif (275x206, 1.7M)

Well there's one at least. Thanks!

Dumb Faggot here
I'm near the end of the MQS, how do i prepare for end game content? I heard horror tales of getting the Tatiana weapons. Like Jesus people can't do even dancing plague normal right. Let's all take them one by one please....and they all spilt up again.

Attached: 1567390726881.png (456x524, 209K)

You don't. Get ready to fucking suffer.

I'm gonna vomit



Attached: emet 324422423423.jpg (400x1200, 53K)

>no porn of female WoL getting chained down by 71 dungeon's final boss and getting drained and tongued by it
please someone make it

I want to make saplings with Feo Ul!

Pet lalas while impregnating them!

the second boss would be hotter

>tfw have so many porn ideas but can't draw and don't have money to blow on commisions

Attached: Baffled.jpg (232x186, 10K)

Like it gets worse
The healers keep running out of MP and the tanks keep getting killed. It was a cluster fuck, I can't imagine going for the weapons if this is a normal

Attached: 1567179002243.png (419x358, 284K)

I can draw, but I ain't taking comission.

Attached: 1559183842581.png (583x405, 164K)

>female WoL is chained down and is getting forcibly kissed by 2nd boss and tongued from behind from final boss so much that the tongue goes through the WoL into the 2nd bosses mouth

farm goetia for 440 gear and phantasmagoria for 460
farm the raid for tokens for 450 gear and kill titan across 6 lockouts for your 460 weapon
good luck getting a titania clear this far in. i imagine only the mouthbreathers are left in PF, if anyone at all

>any porn of ffxiv that isn't about 2 characters making out with futanari dicks
i wish

Take it a step at a time, really. Once you get to 80 you will do the level 80 dungeon and trial to complete the story. Then you can do the two other level 80 dungeons (the quest for one starts from a person near the Aetheryte in the Crystarium, while the other starts in the ship wreckages in Eulmore). After unlocking and doing those, you get Expert roulette. That's a daily that gives a lot of tomestones, which are the currency you use to buy gear. There are two types. Goetia are uncapped weekly and buy weaker gear, while Phantom-orgasms are capped at 450 per week and buy stronger gear.

After that you can start gearing up bit-by-bit with those. Then you can start doing Normal Eden (unlock it from a guard near the aetheryte in the Crystarium) to get weekly tokens to buy another type of gear. Normal Eden is harder than those Expert dungeons but still easy. Then you can do Extreme Trials (Titania and Innocence. You unlock them from the minstrel in the Crystarium). These are a bit harder than Normal Eden and may take a few tries if you're completely unfamiliar. Normally they're done with groups in Party Finder rather than the Duty Finder.

After you do those and are confident, if you want to keep going hire you go towards Savage Eden. This is the hardest content (currently). It's done through Party Finder like the Extreme Trials, and it usually takes many tries for a group to get it down, especially a group of randoms.

That's basically the flow for most of the game. In 5.1 in a few months they'll add a 24-man raid that's about as hard as the Normal Eden raids that give catch-up gear that's pretty strong, and tokens that allow you to upgrade the Phantom-orgasm gear.

The game always has this flow of difficulty,
Dungeons < Normal Raids < 24-man Raids < Extreme Trials < Savage Raids
and the quality of the rewards is identical to the increase in difficulty. Usually the rewards are weekly-capped, though, until they become outdated and the cap is removed.

please draw it

Attached: 1563622790304.jpg (482x490, 46K)

You lot aren't thinking big enough

>chained down, drained and tongued by the 71 boss
>Trapped in an illusion, mindbroken, then slowly drowned by the 73 boss
>Pounced and devoured by the 75 boss
>Incinerated by the 77 boss
>Enslaved and raped ending for the 79 trial

Have you considered making subservient humanoid race of cat people that are 90% female and 10% female but with a dick?

>not fused to the front of the 77 boss and violated in every orafice

Fucking amateur

Alliance raids are (in)arguably more casual than normal mode raids

>71 dungeon, 1st boss turns you into a sineater and rapes you, 2nd boss rapes you in an attempt to netorare Alisaie, 3rd boss chains, drains and tongues you
>73 dungeon, 1st boss water tortures you, 2nd boss waits until you are fully matures and big enough to take it's dick, 3rd boss uses it's tentacle form to fuck you silly

nice blog

>24 mans

Why is it always the 3rd boss that's a clusterfuck comparatively in these

*blocks your path and makes your alliance vote abandon*

Attached: download (1).jpg (1280x720, 268K)

Why ch do you hate more?
>Fat Asian chick who takes everything too seriously.
>White gamer girl causing drama in your FC by making every male in their an orbiter

I would argue wrangling 23 retards is harder than wrangling 7.

I choose option three
>beta losers who orbit a girl online just for existing
She can't make anyone orbit her, the weak willed and lonely losers in your FC are the weak link.

They're technically easier but it's also much more likely you get one retard fucking things up when you have 24 people. I see wipes FAR more often in Alliance raids than Normal raids. It's very rare to see a wipe in a Normal raid after the first week, but Alliance raids usually have at least one boss that fucks the raid up once or twice, even for a month or two after release (Ozma, Deathgaze Hollow, Command Tower-Man, Mathbot, and Cid, for examples).

>Seven votes cast, seven shitters foretold. Yet at the end of the broken alliance lies vote abandon, and vote abandon alone.

Farm party for Titania EX, bros. No dupes. You in?

Attached: Partyberd.png (2456x620, 2.99M)


people think women are the problem when all they are doing is tapping the lonely retard market

>See people failing mathbot all of the time
>Someone actually used the "uhhh I have a disability" excuse

What the fuck NA?

>Were you expecting a modicum of clears?

Is there a PLDberd? I've seen a variation for all the other tanks but not PLD.

Count my axe in, bros.

Attached: warberd.png (700x700, 933K)

Are they not? They know what they're doing and instead of trying to stop it, they'll abuse the system.

I can fill in whatever DPS we need, guys, I like leveling and gearing alts in my spare time!

Attached: DPSberd.png (1000x1000, 2.05M)

Quit being friends with dudes who will sell you down the river for pussy they aren't even going to get. These thots are doing you a favor by showing you who in your FC can't think without getting a second opinion from their dick.

You didn't answer the question btw.

Oh I'm sorry you are too stupid to read context. This must be why you blame women instead of your loser friends who go full retard for virtual catgirl pussy.

You didn't answer the question again.

Palaberd was one of the original ones, he was just like the original Schberd but with blue and green instead.

Attached: schberd.png (700x700, 1M)