
He's in Smash

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck Yeah!!!


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No idea who he is but he looks neat so I'm excited.
I'd rather have someone else, but that won't change any time soon so we may as well be positive about it.

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Don't fret, Hayabusa Bros.
Do fret, Birdlady fags.

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Rock you

>people actually think Terry was never popular
There are bandwagon hoppers don't get me wrong, but don't be this fucking stupid.

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See you on the other side Terrybros

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I mean, I'm not a Tekken fan but I'll take it. Hope he has the femTerry skin as an alternate.



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I was always more of a Blue Mary guy, but Terry was my secondary in RBFFSpecial.
I'm so fucking pumped!!

>beating inceniroar

Based terry

>Nintendo: *fucks up and leaks an SNK character*
I wouldn't trust a leaker to tell me the weather if they were standing outside.

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holy shit i hope his taunts include R U OK??

im going to spam the fuck out of that

I really hope they add the comfiest version of Big Shot, just for a menu theme or something.

I would prefer Doomguy, but I respect Ryu as well friend, good luck!

also this makes me wonder if sakurai was just sick of needing female characters to go through CERO examinations and just didn't bother because really? we're through the whole DLC pass and no women?

Literally every newcomer in this game has been leaked.


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Not Joker

He'll make a nice mii costume

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For me it's Art of Fighting
Mainly because it reminds me of Mega Man Zero in some ways.

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>terry is in
>so that means ryu is in

Damn that's cool, but what the hell happened at bethesda when smash team interviewed them?

Doombros... did we lose?

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You're just letting Dmitri win AGAIN

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fuck you I want some Metal Slug characters

Terry better absolutely fucking demolish Incineroar's ass, I want Hayabusa

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Oh so its ken with a hat
okay then

SHE'S in, you mean.

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This. Banjo is the only newcomer anyone fucking asked for
>No Doomguy
>No Shantae
>No Crash
Fire Sakurai

Man thats boring
Who likes this guy honestly now

>Doombros... did we lose?

>Furfag wasted a spot for one of my most wanteds.
>My other most wanted gets revenge for him
Absolute kino

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But that is your fate though, terry would fuck edel up no sweat too if they ever fought.

Nobody but Yea Forums will pretend they do just like they did for Corrin and Incineroar

How does that mean Ryu is in

>the last two fighters are literally ken and ryu

You can't make this shit up.

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fellow doombro here

we lost, but im ok with the pass as a whole. TerryChads and Hayabros glad to see yall got your characters

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That are shitposters. Everyone around that isn't a literal zoomer know who he is.

Anyone who ever went to arcades after school for their whole childhood.
Its alright, user, maybe next game.

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>Implying a Shit Nobody Knows character could touch the most provocative character of 2019.

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>not a metal slug character

>BUSTAH WOLF'S his entire fucking torso off
Please God

I did and I played Metal Slug and House of the dead
beat em ups were never fun

Terry better murder that fucking cat

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I bet all the gay and bi guys will love it, honestly most tekken and KoF men look really "feminine" like I get making them look animeish, but seems like the creators went way overboard on their designs. Terry looks like some super feminine version of Ken.

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>Beat em ups

stopped reading there

Incineroar will get more hate in this week than he's ever gotten in Smash if he doesn't get shit on like a Heel

Sakurai stated up front he was given these choices by Nintendo, it's your fault for not seeing the signs and getting overinvested in dlc for a childrens party game you turboautist

but we already have Ken

If the voice clips theory is right, will he have a female alt?

>we live in a timeline where terryfags fucking won
absolutely radical

I want Nakoruru just because Ultimate has been a fucking sausagefest so far in terms of new characters.

Fuck this shit man where the fuck is Phoenix Wright

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user have you fucking seen this man's biceps.

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Reminder to post this image in every SNK thread to trigger the autists that ruined Smash.

Don't worry doombros, the best thing we can do now is congratulate the others for getting in.
We still have the doom games to enjoy, and him not being in smash won't change that.
Stay positive bros.

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There wasn't much chance that he'd show up for Ultimate in the first place, sadly. The groundswell for him happened quite recently and it's questionable that Nintendo would have opened up dialogue for a character from a franchise that, at its very best, is a niche favorite in Japan. I have a feeling it's going to take years of sustained support before we see him in SSB.

>not posting the REAL hot Terry winquotes

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edelgard would make a nice SPIRIT

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Dude thats the complete opposite

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gay guys like muscles and often like being muscular

literal who is in smash? what now?

The original Fatal Fury honestly was a glorified beat em up


What the fuck, please don't.

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True but nothing about that screams "feminine". Ken and Terry are both womanizers.


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Crash? More like Trash Bandicoot!

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>the autists that ruined Smash.

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Trigger who?
We won lol

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>Young Edelgard and Emperorgard are spirits
>Oldergard is playable
Ken 2 is nowhere to be found

Coming from someone who's played multiple KoF games (but admittedly doesn't know the series as well as SF), isn't Kyo considered the face of the series even though Terry's quite popular himself?

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Is this user okay?

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>Buster Wolf will most likely be the final smash
>won't get to hear it hundreds of times every match

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In umvc3, go play it

He's from Fatal Fury, not KoF.

Terry is literally a fucking virgin bum like Dante, what are you talking about?


ofc, already preorderd Doom Eternal

gonna be pretty based. what about you Annon?

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KoF literally inspired some of the mechanics in Smash you idiot

Doubt, it's not powerful enough.

Yes, because the game Terry originates from is Fatal Fury, not KoF. Kyo is the original protag of KoF in which Terry is a guest character. Memers however do not know this because to many Terry is just le funny catchphrase man.

Please don't try so hard, pokemon will be the biggest seller of 2019 your fotm will be forgotten next FE

I going to laugh my ass off when Athena gets "his spot"


Tell me right now that Blue Mary isn't chasing after Terry.
Dante has banged Lady, you can't change my mind

[Citation Needed]

>tfw wanted Terry and Doomguy since the beginning
>It might actually happen

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Isn't it like a Final Fight characters in SF situation, where they originated from that game but are well-integrated into that series?

Where do Terry's iconic moves come from? Fatal Fury or KoF?

Kyo was made for 94 to appeal to young people to contrast against older fans who were expected to pick Terry.

No idea why you fuckers trust more in a leaker than people with common sense.

All leakers want clout. Sabi got lucky, that's all. Don't base veracity on that idiot, please.

It's also super damn obvious SNK will come, and them going "HURR DURR MY SOURCE TELLS ME IT'S SNK", makes you lot fucking stupid.


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Saving up for the collector's edition on Eternal, but worst scenario I just preorder the standard edition a week beforehand if I fail to make up the money in time.
Besides that, I've had the time to finally sit through the older doom games and I'm having a blast. I can't play on anything higher than HMP yet, but that's what practice is for I guess.

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>Sheik 2
>Robin 2
>Duck Hunt 2
>Ken 2
>Greninja 2
Great fighter pass, thank you Sakurai

Doomfags, I have never played a Doom game, but I want you guys to know I never had a problem with most of you. Here and there I'd see a guy get uppity but I always saw another Doomfag tell them off. You're going to see a LOT of false flagging around Doomguy because of how popular he was, but in my eyes you guys were alright. Hope your dude gets in eventually.

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Maybe fighters pass 2

He has Blue Mary, Alice and Shermie wants to fuck him. So, no.

Isn't Blue Mary his canon girlfriend?

It’s terry and hayabusa

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would love to see this happen. Doom guy would be an Ultimate finisher. but I doubt it

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Thank you kind user.
Nothing is ever gained by being rude, so a chill fandom is a cool fandom.

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>Terry, a more femine Ken
Do what?

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Fatal Fury

>Geese Howard boss fight

would be based

Im 34 and Ive literally never heard of this guy


Ah. I figure he'll have his own command inputs like Ryu. I wonder if he'll get a MAX Mode gimmick like Geese in Tekken 7.

>More obscure irrelevant anime shit

awesome dude, been also playing through the Trilogy, and 2016 on Nightmare mode. been pretty fucking fun so far! but im gonna take a break when Spyro releases on PC tomorrow. also respect saving up for Collectors, thought they sold out.

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>sustained runs/steps
>rolls and how they are implemented
>all stars fighter format
>even the basic way jump pressure works
You fags owe KoF but are too underaged to even know. Lucky for you Sakurai isn't as dumb as you.

more like gayman haha


>Hops and rolls come from Kirby
>Sustained jumps come from Street Fighter
>Implying SNK has "all stars"

There's this.


Depends on the artwork and how he's drawn, like a lot of fanart depicts him as more feminine than how he looks in games. I guess Ken is probably the same way.

I had to look him up and he is from some SF2 clone


Sakurai wanted this for so long, goddamn yes! SNK INVASION!!

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Fair enough. Ryu's cool too.

Special mention goes to this song because its definitely coming to Smash now


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It's gonna suck if not a single character on the fighters pass is an actual Nintendo character. But if it's a Fire Emblem character I'd rather have nothing.

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thanks user, you are pretty based my dude

been kinda painful letting go of Doom guy not getting in. But I have accepted it now and im happy to see we didnt get dumbass zoomer shit lol. hope your characters got in user

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Terry is perfect for Smash, I hope he has his command inputs so I can destroy my friends with class like with ryu and ken

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remember to hype responsibly

So let's get this straight. So far the DLC has been:
1. A Megami Tensei character
2. 4 Dragon Quest characters
3. Banjo and Kazooie; classic characters owned by a direct competitor.
and now...
4. A Neo Geo character
This is so far turning out to be a fantastic use of $25

What’s wrong with rayman

>I don't know who he is so that means he sucks
So you're telling me you knew who Ness, Captain Falcon, Marth, Roy and Shulk were before Smash?
I would say Pit but I'm a boomerfag who played Kid Icarus 1 before Smash



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Here is your shoot em up rep.

>tfw no Geese Howard assist trophy to match Down+Back Guile assist trophy

Sony first party will be the last character at this point.

If number 5 is actually Hayabusa then that sells the pass for me

Nothing, I just like to shitpost my dude.

He looks like Ken with a hat that the problem
I wish he was more original looking

Thanks. Good luck with the rest of the Fighter's Pass, and here's hoping you get someone from your wishlist.

If Capcom vs SNK songs arent in Smash Sakurai is not a true fan

>Geese Mii costume
>Mii Brawler's counter down-b
It's perfect.

>also respect saving up for Collectors, thought they sold out.
Did it go back in stock yet? Last I checked they were all still sold out on amazon.

>He's blonde so he looks like Ken
Also the original Art of Fighting/Fatal Fury team was made of people who created SF1.

I was thinking this exact thing.
Too bad he'll be all chibi like.

>Fire Emblem popularity polls
>Roy in the #2 spot
>everyone else from Fire Emblem 6 not even present

Read that wrong oops.
From what I can see, they're still sold out. I'm hoping they put them back up for a "limited last chance" set in october or closer to release thing.

>Throw 100 darts and 1 will hit the bulls-eye

So another waste of a slot? Does Nintendo hate money? Geno has been asked for SINCE FUCKING 64 yet we get NOTHING but a fucking PNG. Absolute horseshit

Now that I got your attention, please recommend me the good games that Terry's in.

Dantefag here. I was really looking forward to the possibility of having a demon slayer throwdown with you Doombros. Maybe fighter pass 2 or in Smash 6, don't stop believing my friends.

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>Not Power Geyser, his original SDM.

Imagine a hugeass Triple Power Geyser across the stage.

>hat goomba bad
>hat ken good


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Its not just the hair
But whatever I dont care enough
Congrats to the winners

Wouldn't this mark the first time he's playable against Ryu since Mark of the Millennium 2001?

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You are wrong on all three points, good job

Do any of you faggots even play the game or do you only care who gets in lmao

Fatal Fury Special
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2
King of Fighters 98, 13 and 14
Garou Mark of the Wolves
Most are on Switch eshop except for the later KOF games.

Easy. One is a protagonist the other is a common mook.

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You picked teams in 94 not characters, and you were expected to pick Kyokugen not Fatal Fury.


This. I haven't bought the pass yet because I'm not the biggest fan of Joker or Hero (which I should just to learn those match ups better) but at least 3 out of the 5 characters I'd be a big fan of.

Season 2 is still a possibility, If this end up being true, DoomGuy is definitely a front runner.

I get what you're saying, but that would actually lower the chance of any sticking, let alone to the center.

Isn't there going to be another 5 dlc character next year anyway? All fighting games are going down this "seasonal character DLC" path lately so I assumed nintendo was going to do the same.

I swear to god, no matter how good the track list will be, it will still feel like it’s missing something.
At least Geese’s theme is pretty much a lock if the Terry is actually in

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oi, i've read that terry's inputs in his games are all charge-like. is that true?

A spirit in world of light. You should've accepted defeat and moved on back in December like me.
Geno and Shantaefags take note

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I never say 'at the say time'?

Assuming it's just 3rd parties again if we get another pass at all, I'm hoping it looks like:

>Doom Guy
>RE rep
>??? (maybe Master Chief?)

no one likes kyo

Real Bout Fatal Fury Special and KoF 98 are both on Switch.
Those are my favorite.

Here you go!

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>Edelgard getting BTFO by a blonde chad

Fuck if the next character isn't Terry then imagine the shitposting.

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On one hand is a boring looking literal who
On the other western fags lost and God knows smash needs to stay clean from western games
banjo is bad enough already

One is a filler side character from a series with 3 characters already in Smash while the other character is the face of a company that has made multiple systems and was a juggernaut of arcade fighters. Smash might not exist without King of Fighters, don't you think it's high time for it to get a rep?

No you incels. This is Reimus game now. Shes the real Red White.

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I much rather have someone from Namco like a Tales of rep or a Soul Calibur rep than another 2 capcom reps.

>reading comprehension
FUCK, I just realized that.

>1. A Megami Tensei character
that literally only has one move that can even be considered an acknowledgement of MegaTen and it's a counter

fuck off

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>Ike and Roy won the very first CYL
>Marth hasn't even won one yet
Being grandpa is suffering.

he's way cooler than fucking Iori

personally, if I HAD to choose an SNK rep, I'd go with my girl Leona Heidern though

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He is a hybrid of mostly command moves with some charge moves. But KoF often changes characters movelists between years so it changes alot

Joker is not a Megami Tensei character. And I am happy for tmyou because outside of the SNK thing the pass has been a dumpster fire for me

the spirit of Dimitri lives within Terry.

Joker hasn't. Hell, even the fact that ALL characters in the game, including bullshit like Young Link and Pichu, are in wasn't predicted. The closest we got is prediction that all Smash 4 characters are returning.

>than another 2 capcom reps.
Honestly, Capcom deserves more simply because more so than any other 3rd party, they have more characters who would more than fit in.

Fuck it, that last rep should be Chun-Li or Akuma in that case.

thanks babe, feels like sakurai is gonna go with the og inputs at the end of the day

Just want to make sure, but you know there's a difference between SMT and Megami Tensei right? Joker is objectively a Megami Tensei character.


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>Three Houses DLC introduces a new house/route the Hungry Wolves house featuring house leader Terry and other Fatal Fury characters

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>Next character is Fight Man #3

The final character better be someone more interesting

>Nintendo leaks the SNK trademark themselves
>"""Leakers""" after months of silence, "SNK CHARACTER IS COMING MY SOURCES SAY"

Wasn't it in the Smash Ultimate data that there was 30 additional slots for new characters? If that's true then pretty sure everyones literal who is going to get in because they'd run out of characters

cope edeltard

Literally Zero. Just look at his assist trophy and all the moves it can do. He's gotta be upgraded in the next game.

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This shit gets me everytime

Stop doing this to me. I refuse to believe this because I actually fucking want it

Kind reminder that leakers are full of shit and must be left rotting on the ground devoid of attention.

The pass kinda fucking sucked.
Who asked for this?
At least Japs love him, and because they got their super fan service we got
The best character on the pass
Why not someone from Mortal Kombat if we have to get another generic fighting game character? At least Mortal Kombat is still relevant worldwide.
>Ryu Hayabusa
Who asked for this? Like, really, other than Yea Forums shouting out their random wants, who? When's the last time he even got a game, let alone was relevant?

I wish the google theory was real.

Gonna need an edit of Terry wearing the MAGA hat

Imagine unironically being happy with Hat Ken
like you can't even call him Ponytail and Hat Ken, because Ken had a ponytail in Alpha as well.

He is literally just Hat Ken. Fuck him.

>paying money for roms

Let go. And just believe it.youtu.be/vBOC7EwFf4o

>Why not someone from Mortal Kombat
because it literally doesn't exist in Japan

Which were the characters from the Google theory?

Right because Terry doesn't beat up smug blonde businessmen for a living, idiot.

hold the L, thanks in advance

Sakurai asked for them, of course

>Relevant worldwide

Thanks for the laugh.

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The only place SNK isn't popular is the united states, for some reason.
Checks out

The thing about fighting games is that they're not the kind of thing you can really play once or twice to try them out and get a good feel for the game. For example, 98 and 02 are generally regarded as the best KoF games, but you'd have to play them a LOT to understand why those are the "good ones" beyond the roster size. Most people probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference mechanically.

I don't see Ken with a sweet ass bomber jacket.

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>antiGenofags desperately need to throw him out all the time
Thanks for keeping my boy relevant.

It's funny, because not only is Terry actually based, but you can literally filter the zoomers and casual faggots by who had no idea who he was until this supposed leak. Get fucked, faggot

First time I've ever heard of it.

I could see MM getting another rep, but I'd imagine it'd be Proto Man as a MM semiclone or something even though Zero is obviously an incredibly probably character.

I've been wanting Ryu Hayabusa since Smash 4. And Terry isn't someone I actually wanted but since I'm a KoF fan and have liked the character since I was a kid, I'll take it even though MK would be just as based.

Joker and Hero do suck however.

lmao not one leaker has been right its just been guessing everyone and that causes someone to be right, its going to be really funny if the SNK thing really was a mistake and these leakers look retarded once again

Banjo, Doombo, Artorias DarkSoul, Ryu Hayabusa.

Joker is Megami Tensei, it's not SMT but it is Megami Tensei

If this was a different fighting game then Terry is A-Ok. It's just so much worse in Smash because he will probably have the same "OG Input" gimmick as Ryu/Ken already have. It's literally just going to feel like Hat Ken.

Ifrc, it included Banjo, Doom Guy, Artorias, and I think Joker? Might have included Ryu Hayabusa

>Has a Garou Alt
>Has a SNK Heroines alt
I would say thats a shitload of work but they did literally make 4 anime swordsmen with different voices for Hero.

For all the older KoF games, including Garou, just download MAME and play them that way instead of spending money. KoFXIV is still regarded as being really good and still has people playing so that's an option too.

My fucking nigga. I've been wanting Dante in since forever. It's going to be hype when we finally get Dante vs. Bayonetta vs. Ryu Hayabusa as well.

But that sounds like absolute garbage. How is it any better than what we're supposedly going to get?


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>hat ken
>bomber jacket ken

>classic Terry and Garou Terry have their different engrish for their moves

that literally changes nothing in regards to my response
>only one move is actually referencing recurring elements of MegaTen and it's a counter
He's a Persona character through and through.

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"""""Nintendo leakers""""" are just that kid who's dad works at Nintendo but they grew up and instead of lying on the playground they lie on to adult playground that is Twitter.

>Why not someone from mortal Kombat
Because it's a shit series and KOF has always been objectively superior to that dumpster fire westaboo faggotry

Kyo is actually played in KOFs and terry is not.

>Ryu Hayabusa
>Who asked for this?
I remember a lot of people wanted him during the ballot, most of those same people wanted Simon or Bill Contra Man.

>Yfw fem Terry is an alt skin

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What a boring choice.

Yes, but persona is a Megami Tensei game as classified by Atlus, now you're just moving the goalposts

Wasn't Hero supposed to be a FE clone with a counter according to Yea Forums?

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this is gonna be in all the online matches isn't it?

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You really gotta broaden your horizons if you think Mortal Kombat is relevant worldwide.
>only cares about banjo
Oh nevermind I get it.

Mortal Kombat is on the top 100 kusoge list in Japan,it's a joke there.

Rayman is the definition of obscure and irrelevant.
Reminder that Rabbids has a better chance of getting in at this point.

Is Cloud not a Final Fantasy character? All of his moves and music and stuff was taken from just one game. Just because something isn't represented very well doesn't mean it isn't represented. Joker is from Persona 5, which is a Megami Tensei game.

Fuck you Boco!!
If you're lucky, you'll get fem Terry as an alt for your fetish.


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Why would this trigger post revival meleefags?

Gonna need an edit of you in the dirt for trying to apply politics to based Terry.

>is actually based
Oh no no no

Honest question, what have either of them been right on up to this point compared to what they've been wrong on?

>the Am*rican fears the Rising Sun

What fetish is that?

And just saying, this guy isn't any different from Ken and Ryu. Kind of a waste.

>Itll never happen again


That makes me wish all the former Friends did reaction vids because I'd fucking love to see their reactions to Terry's reveal. And Ryu Hayabusa's too, assuming both are really happening

>Another Shoto? GET DAT ASS BANNED

Attached: IMG_1394.jpg (350x350, 27K)

>last game Ninja Gaiden got was in 2014
>it was a shitty spin off
>last real game it got was in 2012 and it was so bad even paid off reviewers said it was shit
Remind me why Ryu Hayabusa should be in?

Theyve been right on pretty much everything except Virginben got trolled to hell and back with DBFZ

can't be terry, terry is KOF's ken. if anything it has to be athena

The KOF tagline started with Fatal Fury 1. AoF didn't use it till AoF 2.

>doom is arguably the most important FPS ever
>DaS might be the most influential franchise of the decade

I'm glad to see him make it in, but I feel it's a boring choice, overall. The Metal Slug quartet would be far more interesting, but that'd probably require more dev time. I'm not really sure what to think of this.

>for some reason
It's because Midway is a US-based company, so they have much greater access to local distribution channels than Japanese companies. They had a VERY easy time getting their game into as many US arcades as humanly possible, so more Americans were exposed to it than KoF (which was often competing with other Neo-Geo games for space on the arcade machine). That's also the reason every fucking American arcade had a Cruis'n game, while in Europe Sega had less competition for arcade space so later Sega racers are SUPER common.

Because Ninja Gaiden pretty much created the Nintendo Hard slogan in the 80s?

Based and honorpilled

Attached: this.gif (143x345, 1.35M)

They've been right on proving that leakers are pedantic faggots who have a fetish for backpedaling when proven wrong.

Verge is a cuck
Sabi has been 100% correct and even correctly leaked all of the last e3

Because every other Big Name NES character is already in and Ryu has some pretty damn good games

>Fighting game man
>Ninja man
Damn, those are some super boring choices. Would much rather have had a Metal Slug character. I'd almost have rather gotten anyone else, just to get some fresh aesthetics and playstyles in the game.

Cool legacy character

do I seem like I give a shit? he's a fucking lame representation of MegaTen. Unlike Final Fantasy the words "Megami Tensei" literally aren't even in Smash Bros. I'm not moving the goal posts, I'm saying he's a shit fucking excuse for an MT rep when he doesn't rep elements from MT

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Because DOA6 just came out and we know that Team Ninja is going to make another NG game eventually.

>source: the minecraft in smash dude and a twitter man saying "dude trust me"
What happened to female with throwing weapon? What happened to mech? What happened to Nakoruru and Marco? And doomguy? And Hayabusa? Sure, just trust them dude.

>Who asked for this?
Rep for Atlus in general, and they've been pretty important for supporting Nintendo's handheld line.
Plenty of people wanted something from them in Smash.
>Why not someone from Mortal Kombat if we have to get another generic fighting game character? At least Mortal Kombat is still relevant worldwide.
MK is no relevant worldwide and it was never known for actually being good on Nintendo consoles. In addition, an MK rep would probably be balls in terms of creativity compared to Terry.
>Who asked for this? Like, really, other than Yea Forums shouting out their random wants, who? When's the last time he even got a game, let alone was relevant?
Ninja Gaiden is one of the most important action game franchises aside from DMC.

Another post for the compilation

How is Ken with hat better than anything?

I'm conflicted on MS. On the one hand, it'd be unique, MS arguably deserves it, and the run 'n' gun genre deserves representation. On the other, projectile spam is already bad enough in Ultimate as it is and you just know a MS rep would be OP as shit considering the current meta.

>I'm not moving the goal posts, I'm saying he's a shit fucking excuse for an MT rep when he doesn't rep elements from MT
That's not what you said, you said
>Joker is not a Megami Tensei character.
So yeah, what you are doing is moving the goalposts but at least you've acknowledged your mistake now

>boco the tripnigger doesn't play video games
how expected

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For what?

>gun man
wow so much better

I don't care about how "important" those franchises may be. They could've saved the gaming industry and for all I care I would still consider them to be incredibly dull choices for Smash.
You seem to have conveniently forgotten that they included Chocobo Mii costumes and recurring summons like Bahamut, Ifrit, Ramuh, Leviathan, and Odin.

It's called stop believing Yea Forums leaks

I don't care about any of the DLC so far, but i'd like an Ash Crimson miioutfit at least.

I just don't know what fetish you're referring to.

A muscular blonde man doesn't really fit into any of the ones I'm thinking of...

What makes him play like Ken?

It would be fun to have a playable Metal Slug, while the actual character only pops out to fight after it's taken enough damage.

Don't do this to me. I actually looked forward to whatever bullshit woolie grabbed. I was hoping they would somehow play variable geo only to discover it was porn.

Fair enough

Yet here you are, believing Virgin Ben and twitter posts.

He absolutely isn't. Just because I don't support boring ass choices like Hayabusa and Doomdude doesn't mean that I like the idea of having Terry.
He's literally a generic shoto fighter, just like Ryu and Ken.

you replied to two separate people, shit for brains

i literally never did

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yes yes, and i'm sure Ryu and Luigi are totally the same character

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Take generic punch and kick man, make hadoken go on the ground, add falcon punch, put hat on him. Wow, so unique, so dynamic, nobody like him.

What do they have to do with fetishes? My head hurts...

>don't care about how "important" those franchises may be. They could've saved the gaming industry and for all I care I would still consider them to be incredibly dull choices for Smash
What makes them boring but Hero and Terry not?

Gotcha, so he'll be a Ken clone like how Hero was supposed to be a Marth clone

Vergeben has been totally wrong on Minecraft stuff being in Smash and he was extremely late to confirm Banjo, so that makes me doubt him to an extent

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>Maifags you were based and I was OKAY with you
It's over.

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I think we gotta get rid of Mario and Luigi in he next game guys. Punches? Kicks? Fire balls? An uppercut? Ken already does all that...

>yfw MkLeo (a Mexican) wins next year's EVO with the SNK character

Attached: Mexicans.jpg (420x378, 55K)

You still made this post though where you said he isn't an MT character
Anyway, I don't know why you keep replying, this isn't going anywhere

You fatal fury fags are delusional
It will be kyo.

>Take generic punch and kick man
Half the roster?

Terry's boring as fuck as well. Dunno where you got the idea that I'm on board with him.
Whoever said that Hero would be a Marth clone is retarded as fuck.

Not being Hero level quality of representation doesn't mean he isn't still a Megami Tensei character. You said he isn't a MT character, which is objectively wrong. If it makes you feel any better, "Revelations" and "Megami Ibunroku" show up, but it's all semantics. Final Fantasy doesn't show up without being followed by a "VII" but Cloud is still a FF character.

>boring ass choices like Hayabusa and Doomdude
Doomdude could at least have a unique aethetic and moveset for smash, though many shootermen could have the same. I don't much care who gets in the last 2 slots, I'm just pointing out anyone believing these "leaks" is retarded.

I think Mario's moveset should be changed more next game

>at most it will beat him after it wiped bowser jr, K rool, ken and villager
>its a heel meaning it lost on purpose anyway
Incinechad cufucking autistic and underaged fake nintendo fans even an year after making it. What a legend

Terry coming to avenge Ken from the incineroar trailer confirmed

One of the things I love about Fatal Fury and KoF's designs is that they're regular if slightly stylish people. No one would bat an eye if you dressed like Terry. Geese is literally in a Kendo uniform.

I've never even played a KoF and I can still see how this is a good pick. Congrats, Terryfags.

He doesnt have a sword but KoF games do have a lot of tech that could be ported to Smash so maybe.

Unless he has the stupid turning shit like Ryu and Ken then nobody but the true bros will main him


terry being in would make me really happy bros

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>rosterfags pretending to be terryfags not knowing terry is buddies with wrestlers

every time

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Yiff in hell tranny.

>le animu swordsman
>le generic punch man
fucking hell does this shithole actually like any character
all you people do is rosterfag while also complain about 90% of the roster being shit

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Reminder that when people say he's "boring" what they really mean is "I've never played his games and he isn't what I wanted please stick your cock in my mouth and shut me up."

There is fucking nothing based about Mai Shiranui. She is the original gamer character.

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Yeah, this. Terry is happening, but this leak is obviously bullshit.

If that's the lie you need to tell yourself, go for it.

Incineroar is a Heel, user, its all a setup

Reminder that Terry/Incineroar/Ken is THE trifecta of Smash starting now.
>masturbating to imaginary characters killing each other over imaginary games
this is sonicfag levels of autism go back to your shitty battle royale game

Would be an awesome reveal for him.

Oh I'm sorry were you trying to buzzword meme me? You'll have to try again.

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>all these assnuggets calling it a KoF rep

I fucking hate you bandwagon shitters.

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>>Ryu Hayabusa
>Who asked for this?
Me. I did.
Eat shit.

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I know. And he is friends with Raiden/Big Bear and Tizoc/Dinosaur. So it doesn't matter and treats it as friendly spar. Although he probably has no kayfabe.

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>Smash players knowledgeable about any game that isn't smash
You ask for too much

This. I suspect Maifags only ever wanted her in because "LE GIGANTIC ANIME TITS xD". Literally the most boring KoF character you could put into Smash.

Last non-collection Castlevania game came out in 2014 and the last decent game came out in 2008 and yet Simon is in and everyone was excited for him. Ryu is the same way, cool legacy character.

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Ironic considering most sonicfags eat up Incineroar. I just hate his design, one of the worst to come out of nu-pokemon.

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Nah the classic is POOOWAAAH GEYSAAAH or that dunk geyser

hell I think buster wolf is a newer move

I accept your concession

Smash doesn't really have a "gun man" yet. There are a couple of characters who have gun attacks, but nobody really uses it as their main thing outside of characters like Megaman and Inkling.

Damn let me predict this amazing new moveset we're gonna be getting:
>Up B - Rising punch
>Side B - Forward rush punch/kick
>B - Projectile
>Down B - Counter
Can't wait

I'm more mad about them calling him a Tekken character, atleast he's in KoF.

Yeah, I always wanted regular guy in smash.

I think the last character will be female because that's something that matters to a lot of people + they'll get the waifu bucks.
I think of the possible female characters, 2B or Jill Valentine are the most likely. I'd prefer the former but the latter wouldn't be bad at all.
I DEFINITELY don't think a western rep is happening at all, and I think the Ryu leak is bullshit because it's too specific.

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??? even in fatal fury he's masculine as fuck

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Doesn't Snake already does everything a Metal Slug character would do?

Only good one is Doomguy. The rest are platforming fags. Cartoon mascots are gay.

Terry is gonna be the first Anime fighting character, mark my word, he'll be based off of KoF13 and his combos will be some utter bullshit

Nakoruru would have been lame, but better than punchman #3.

>You said he isn't a MT character, which is objectively wrong
I didn't, but OK.
>Final Fantasy doesn't show up without being followed by a "VII" but Cloud is still a FF character.
He's a Final Fantasy 7 character. Only pedantic neckbeards parade Mario around as a Donkey Kong character. The Persona series has long formed it's own identity separate from SMT and MT as a whole so it's disingenuous to claim it as MT representation. Not technically wrong, just fucking stupid.

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And once again Sakurai blows his load early. If the leaks are true then Banjo and Hero really should have been the last reveals instead.

This and This

>liking wrestlers, luchadores, Tiger mask and pokemen equates to being a dog rapist now

Gotta tell the Tekken fans that their luchador is supposed to be hated too because an autistic Sonic fag thats 10 years old says so.

Nah, it's an insult to waddle dees to call snowflake spear a mook.

so if terry get's in I'm assuming his stage is a train like every game?

I've only played Symphony of the Night and I didn't think Simon was boring. I've played Animal Crossing and Pokemon Su/Mo and I thought Isabelle and Incineroar were boring.

If you faggots complained about Joker and DQ Hero being a "generic anime swordsman", then you better believe they would call her the same thing.

>She is the original gamer character
More well known and liked than hatken.

>Down B - Counter
just like hero amirite

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>Buster Wolf
Shit like this is how you know that not a lot of people here genuinely know or give a fuck about Terry and just know him as le funny catchphrase man. Andy is cooler than Terry.

I don't even dislike Mai but she is like Iroha in that fucking no one knows or cares about the character beyond the porn. Iroha is far, far worse however because at least Mai is storied with an actual personality and is kind of funny because she is an immodest turbo cunt that no one likes (in-universe).

*Fatal Fury

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Sarcasm is very hard to read in text form.

Maybe the train, or it could be Geese tower or some other street in Southown

>Americans got cucked out of really good japanese games

shame, is it why they think Guitar Hero is a second coming of christ?

It should be like this:
>Up: Power Dunk
>Side: Burn Knuckle
>Neutral: Power Wave
>Down: Power Geyser
>Ultimate: Buster Wolf
>Charge down then up+A: Rising Tackle

I like Terry, but I'd have taken any other SNK rep, honestly.

>leak Simon
>leak stage builder
>leak an SNK rep
You would think that such a videogames giant would be more careful at avoiding leaks. Guess not.

fuck that, they would all be fist fighters
cept maybe billy, he'd use a spear probably like his pole

>*Fatal Fury
i think that was the point

I still think it's amazing how he had like 30 specials and not a single one of them was a counter.

I don't know anything about SNK games other than seeing their characters in Saltybets all the time and honestly i'd prefer the metal slug crew/samurai girl instead of Terry just because Terry looks like the most boring shit ever gameplay-wise. I went to youtube to watch how he fights and its exactly how you'd imagine if you just had "generic fighting game man" as a description, except he punches the ground for a fire wave instead of a hadouken

I'm kinda guessing rolling train with another one showing up in the background with character cameos and parts of the train unhitching and new cabooses coming out and being linked to change the stage up.

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No, it's because it's easy.

Lolwat? I was excited as fuck for Joker and Hero.

>rosterfaggot projecting this hard
Nice try fur fag, I bet you're that twitter autist that pretends to hate the character and spams Yea Forums every day so hard, the twitterfags doxxed you. Keep sucking off to IncineCHAD.

>tfw boomer but never liked fighting games
>feel sort of left out
Enjoy SNKbros, you guys probably feel how I felt when I got Simon and Dragon Warrior III hero. I hope Doomguy or Ryu is next, both would be rad.

stage builder was quite obviously, intentional


Same, he's a bit too generic and there's a lot of unique SNK Mascots.

I'm confused, Mii Brawler is already in the game. I guess Terry can be a Mii echo.

If they give him a charge input like that I'm sold.

>someone unironically defending Incelroar
Now I've seen everything.

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Down B is usually reserved for the "Broken Gimmick" for most of the DLC.
I mean think about it

>Smash 4 Ryu Focus attack was busted
>Smash 4 Cloud had Limit
>Smash 4 Bayo literally killed you from 0 with Witch time
>Smash 4 Corrin counter is well... The strongest counter in Smash 4
>Joker has Comeback mechanic he can fill off a fucking Gyronhit


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>faggots assuming ryu hayabusa will get in
not gonna happen

I really like Terry as a character but I don't know what can be done to mechanically differentiate him from Ken/Ryu.
Can any KoFags elaborate on him?

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It's not about Nintendo being a video game giant, it's about how many damn companies are on board with Smash Ultimate. It probably makes it very hard to keep things under wraps.

Snake doesn't even really have a gun projectile of any sort. The closest he has is the guided missile.

Sonicfags hate Incineroar, what are you on?

Your poor attempt at humor only makes you look ignorant.

We are definitely in the minority unfortunately, people still shit on those two with the "generic anime swordsman" label. I expect some to do the same with Rye if he gets in. It feels like no one can wield a blade without being called a "generic anime swordsman" in this community.

I want Terry because it really adds to the crossover aspect of Smash. I look at Terry and I think "Oh hey it's the guy from those Neo Geo games!" Some of the other ones might take me a moment to figure out who they were again. Plus Terry is cool.

When the FUCK was Joker leaked?

Terry was always the better brother.

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It's just a Slugfag who seethed hard at my Mii Gunner comment.

user I know Power Geyser is his classic super but Buster Wolf was immediately popular when Garou came out, come on.

>says the guy using incelroar like a fucking owl

play a fatal fury game maybe? He plays way different from ken or ryu.

See: Terry and the shotos really have a very different fighting style, hell Little Mac, Mario and Mega Man are more similar to Ryu and Ken than Terry would

Didn't the leaker say that it was going to be a confusing female character from a fighting game? SNK Heroines Terry seems to fit the bill.

Attached: female terry.png (806x1156, 390K)

Yesterday. Didn't you hear? Some user told us he was going to be in the game!

Fuck that move and fuck Garou that game is ass

ok, lets get facts straight:

>Sora, he's a disney character, not square, nintenod wont pay whatever amount they would want for his use, HELL! they didnt even allowed square, THE COMPANY WHO DESIGNED HIM, to use him in WOFF.

>Doomguy: he might be a choice, but since a stupuid leaker said he was in, it automatically makes him deconfirmed.

>Reimu: she might have a chance next game, just like doomguy

>Ashley, Isaac, Krystal, Geno: Spirits and ATs are final, they will NOT be playable in this game.

I hope you all realize this makes perfect sense, one of Sakurai's formative childhood memories which he's brought up several times, was beating a guy in KOF and embarrassing him in front of a female friend at a local arcade.

He said after he beat the guy and saw how humiliated he was in front of her, it messed him up and he never wanted to make a game that would cause that kind of humiliation if you lost, which was a major design goal behind smash.

There was a post dug up on both Yea Forums archives and Reddit.

remember that one time when terry tried to ape Geese (and Rock) by having his own deadly rave-esque super? fun times

Imagine the seething Californians

>garou is ass

I will destroy you

>wins both Smash and KoF15

Now you listen here, faggot
Yes I'm contrarian as fuck and enjoyed Garou but it did a lot for Terry's character, leave me alone

>Mega Man
Do you say that only because Mega Man's up tilt is a Shoryuken? There's nothing else in common.

Just drop it.

>Imagine having an objectively wrong opinion this fucking shitty

Are you a bitter Stevefag user?

>make a game that would cause that kind of humiliation if you lost, which was a major design goal behind smash.
Shame that the faggots who turned it into a competitive game skipped that.

For someone like Terry, I assume it would be MAX mode and just make him ridiculously strong for a few seconds once the bar fills up.

It wasn't an attempt at humor, and you thinking it was makes you look paranoid and ignorant. Terry's only unique trait is his goofy engrish and power wave. Mii Brawler has most moves he would have, Ryu and Ken as well. He's both niche and redundant. But hey, maybe your favorite fake leaker is right this time around, and we'll just have him in as a boring, bland, redundant choice. If so, enjoy.

>Little Mac, Mario and Mega Man are more similar to Ryu and Ken than Terry would

jesuschrist, terryfags are fucking braindead aren't they.

Liking Garou is in no way contrarian, the only bigger dickrider game than MotW is Third Strike.

the smash community don't tend to rage when they lose though they always high five and fist bump. whereas when people lose in like, SF, they look dejected and cold

Terry has a raging storm in 03 and XI, it makes sense since bith of them had the same master and have the same "earth" powers

Dude, fuck this guy up the ass. Seriously, we already have Ryu and Ken who a minority play anyways, so why are we getting another?

Alright, now that I got your attention again, please give me some god tier tracks that'll probably come with Terry

Different guy then who ever you were talking to.
Mega Man's up tilt is the Mega Upper/Rock Upper, it's from his own fighting game.

In SOME cases people just lose their shit like actual retards.

>June 10 2019
>Faggots assuming Banjo will get in

Not gonna happe.n

that was supposed to be a raging storm? I thought it looked more like a power geyser except a pillar and centered on his own position

Only if we get the PRANK'D version

Really? I always saw that role filled by CvS2

I got a couple hopeful picks

Joker was leaked when there was an .mp4 of him doing Fortnite dances to Lifelight.

actually, the Mega Upper was used first in Megaman 2 the power fighters.

So punch, punch, ground hadoken from punch, explosion punch, punch, and tackling air punch. Dynamic.

Woah, it just occurred to me. Remember how last year an earthquake delayed a Nintendo Direct? Well we are coming up to the one year anniversary of that direct. What if they were going to reveal Terry, but because of that shockwave attack he has, they delayed his reveal by exactly one year to give things a chance to cool down so they don't offend people? It all makes sense now! The direct will be on the 13th! Duuuuuuuuuude

You just don't know shit about the character. Both Mario and Mega Man have a senpuukyaku (except they hit with their hands as they spin instead of their feet), a shoryuken and a hadouken. Little Mac not so much though i fucked up there

I always preferred SamSho to FF/KoF, but I'm glad SNK fighters are still getting their recognition. Who knows, maybe some of the alt colors for Terry can be SamSho based anyways

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Give it to me straight, Yea Forums, does he still have a chance?

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Of course it is, and even in that game it was probably inspired by Ryu's Shoryuken. Both of them are Capcom's property after all. At any rate, I was merely trying to find the rationale behind that retard saying that Mega Man is more similar to Ryu and fucking Terry.

That last one is fucking nice

Athena Asamiya is cool as fuck

Probably this one


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I really hope that not.

She's more likely than Terry.

So I guess his main ""gimmick"" is that the Power Geysar will be a foward smash that you can charge three times?

>It could have been Sol from Guilty Gear
>It could have been Kazuya from Tekken
>It could have been anybody from Soul Calibur
>It could have been any Metal Slug character
>No, let's give the spot to the MC of one of the most niche fighting game series ever created, so much in fact it; that SNK almost died because of it
>Literally just here, because Sakurai played KoF when he was young

These DLCs all fucking suck, but THIS is the worst one, so far.

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Yes, punches, just like every single other fucking character in the game except the sword users

No his main gimmick is that he has a super meter that will let him go "Project M Turbo Mode"

Why should I believe what they're saying?

Remember when Tracer, Nakoruru, Ryu Hayabusa, Doom Marine, Dante, Steve, and Sora were all locks? Yeah, this is a lot like that.

Yeesh I take on nap and Yea Forums explodes again. Ehh whatever, I wanted Terry too.

No because I want Nero instead.


Damn, these are really good. Pretty hyped for this guy.

>Mega Man is more similar to Ryu and Terry.
That gave me a headache.

Take your dosage and chill.

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Are Nintendo Directs usually uploaded in a specific weekday?

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With Terry's inclusion smash is now officially MUGEN




I don't want Terry but this has a lot more going for it. All of that shit was just random ass Yea Forums posts.

They've been very right so far about Smash Bros. Honestly, at this point i'm convinced that people who say Vergeben is untrustworthy are just taking the piss.

Kyo doesn't even have his own isekai.

hypocrites like you should not be allowed to post.

i can bet MY SOUL that if any of those picks were in, you would complain about they in the exact same way.

you dont even play smash, that im certain.


Really power gayser and raging storm are the exact same thing they just have a different shape, you could say raging storm is the more "proper" way to do the technique but Terry mixed the shape up because he's cool like that


Chances are with nintendo setting up pages for DLC, that theyre gearing up for it soon. You might hear about it tomorrow

Except he doesnt play at all like Ryu or Ken.

Honestly i don't even have a most wanted character, i just wanted characters that made me go "oh wow" instead of "i really don't care" and unfortunatly we're 4/4 into "i don't care" territory now.

only characters Id fuck in smash are lucina and palutena, maybe daisy if she was less cartoony.
Incinebro is still a chad that cucked you like they said and you're still an autistic baby thats gonna stay cucked. Stay mad your wood doll meme and your blue furry dog are forgotten.

kill yourself, boco

Either Fighter's Pass 2 or Smash 6

You are a faggot

Yeah, Joker, Hero, and BK are sure using a lot of punches. K Rool and Ridley too. Just punches, right, haha. Retard.

don't be mean user

>Literally just here, because Sakurai has better taste

How long until the Stevefags use Terry for Shitposting? Guess they kind of owned themselves for setting up the Tracer paper tiger.

Whos the ryu?


I personally want these

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Nintendo themselves accidentally leaked that one of the dlc characters will be from SNK. The “leakers” never mentioned this stuff before the Nintendo leak but are suddenly acting like their sources are confirming everything

People actually like Terry, so never

Attached: terry bald.jpg (640x496, 26K)

Like what? Random twitter posts and random gamefaqs posts? The only "reliable" leaker said female with a throwing weapon.

Yeah true enough.

Jeff has never been playable right?



>Incineroar jobbing to Terry

Who booked this shit? Should've thrown in a jobber like Bowser instead instead of a main eventer.

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Those are some nice 5 exceptions in a game with almost 80 characters, pendejo


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>Nintendo themselves accidentally leaked that one of the dlc characters will be from SNK.

>He looks neat so i'm excited!

What about Ken in casual clothes and long hair looks neat?

The DLC page for Character number 4. Did it in about 10 different languages before they took it down.

Attached: 1567367428406_0.png (505x560, 35K)

Doesn’t play like Ken at all, he’s not even similar to Ken in story.

Joker, K Rool, and Richter weren't

Don't forget Piranha Plant. Absolutely no one even guessed that shit.

He could have two like Ryu and Ken. BUSTA WOOF at range and POOOWAAAH GEYSAAAH when close.

I'm going to trust Vergeben because he got Erdrick right half of a year before reveal despite everyone saying otherwise.

I wonder who would've been the Blockhead's mask this time around? Im not too versed in the SNK world though. Who would delusional, annoying, tasteless faggots support in that Universe?

Are you ready for THE LINE BATTLE SYSTEM to make its triumphant return?

In all seriousness its probably MAX mode

Read the August 12th leak. Basically said Terry and Hayabusa were last characters. If their trailers are continuations of Simon and KenCineroar's then we get Ryu

Tekken, GG and SC are just FAR MORE deserving to be in than KoF. At least they get a crazy amount of hype when a new game get announced.
KoF used to be the "Call of Duty" of fighting games, getting low effort sequels almost every years from the 90s to 2013.

What an unusual choice for a smash character

Nice to know you guys are getting who you want.
i'm just hoping for doomguy, honestly. he's the only guy i want in now besides ryu hayabusa or dante

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I'm going to say Raiden, but only because I hate that fucking guy.


Raiden is actually well liked, so no.

What about that faggot who resembles Adon?

What has that person leaked before? Vergeben despite being sometimes wrong has had correct info, Sabi seems reliable and SNK was leaked on the Nintendo website.

there's literally no basis for the 5th though.

Holy shit, niggas are really mad on twitter lmao
fucking uncultured zoomie fucks with no goddamn taste for soul

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feed me, I want to read bile


Sorry Links spirit is inside of him so it can't be him.
Unless you're talking about the other funny hair guy.

Honestly I just want people to spam hoes mad on twitter because i guarantee the original posters of that are probably pissed

I just searched for "terry smash" and people goes from excited to ok I guess but mostly excited. Also everyone knows who he is.


Attached: Terry2.png (79x89, 9K)

probably duck king but I like duck king. His stage gave you seizures

Terry is basically the only Sakurai guilty pleasure, he likes Fatal Fury and wants to share his love for the game with his fans. He already gave us Banjo... can we let him have this?

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hungry for rise taco

Get real you know he's gonna be boring

It should be "are you okay" instead

He got Joker and Hero too.

This why u should never pander to rosterfags wahhhhhh nuhhhh the rest has to beee my literal who dead characters wahhhhh stop putting in actual characters wahhh I want muh rosterfag ones wahhh
Fuck off rosterfag
Appeal to them a little and thy think it has to be all about them

I forgot how fucking good Duck King's theme is.


What character isn't boring?


Faggots like this tween here. Saw more zoomers repeating the same shit on my feed


Cool user.