No vr thread? C'mon, bros.
No vr thread? C'mon, bros
VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.
Tell that to the millions of people that play AAA VR video games every day. It's a lifestyle.
Recently, I've gotten into Beat Saber.
Man, it's a goddamn blast.
One handed mode makes me feel like a straight up ninja.
Never got darth maul saber to work
What am I missing?
It's so much fun. Gets you moving way more strategically too, and your movements have to be hella swift.
why do you have a tripcode
Shut the fuck up Onsokumaru
Also I agree, it's fun as shit. How is korea.
Holy crap this thread is so bad because VR is so bad...
Good times.
Don't reply to tripniggers
VR needs good games already
its been 4 years
It has plenty, I just got a headset a few days ago. I already have 15 games.
VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.
Name 5 good VR games.
>Spice and Wolf VR finally out on PSVR in a couple days
I am excited.
Its a 5 minute game where you sit and do nothing but look at an anime girl for $15.
How is borderlands vr?
Same as borderlands 10 years ago.
Will do.
I've been considering getting an index but have never used vr and am not sure if I would like it.
been meaning to try it but i'm always broke
i'll try it in 15 years when the price drops
>millions of people that play AAA VR video games every day
I agree, but after getting my first job I've nearly saved up a hot $1000, and the index is looking fuckin' sick. Probably not worth it, but I can't deny I want it. Also, would a gtx-1060 survive VR or do I just have to be rich?
probably the right idea, but maybe not that long
Index is the worst purchase you could do for VR currently.
Literally vive+knuckles is better due to the QA on Valve's index being terrible.
Not that dude but I have VR.
Audioshield Before Beat Saber became a thing
Keep Talking Nobody Explodes, a game that implements VR really well.
Pavlov VR, another one that implements VR really well.
Superhot VR, short but intense and made me hit my wall several times.
There's some other games I want to get but I'm saving money, Blasphemous and Astral Chain would be two I would get first though.
>Index is the worst purchase you could do for VR currently.
cope poorfag
it's not really worth it but i don't think there's another PSVR title with head and tail petting
Mate, playing SUPERHOT VR in Index is one of the best gaming experiences I've had in 30 years of my life.
Even if it's overpriced, you can't get out of that experience and feel bad.
I was just almost considering getting a vive before I reminded myself that it'll just be a huge waste of money
Just got an oculus rift s l;ike a week ago as my first headset because new job and money to blow. never tried vr before. works really well but gotta wear ity with my glasses because I'm near sighted and it gets foged up pretty easily. vr porn is pretty lame. Got a early access game that came out a few days ago called Until You Fall, and it's pretty cool. I think my fevorite game so far is superhot. but for some reason i haven't mastered throing shit and whenever i toss sometyhing it's super weak and innacurate. when I firts got a vr headset i thought hte people that bust shit all thed time were fucking idiots. but when I playec vr for the first time I played Gorn and I punched the shit out of my monitor a million times and I smashed my hand on my desk and I'm amazed I didn't break the controller. thanks for reading my post
Fact: every post calling VR a gimmick is poorfag cope.
>Mfw poverty tier pancucks seethe about VR
I hate the cord. It's so heavy.
Stop saying "poorfag" if you own a VR headset, you are the sole reason everyone hates us. Be more compassionate and less vindictive.
This is one of the only vr games that is good and makes a great showcase for vr. Most other games are dogshit tech demos.
gtx 1060 6gb with 8gb of ram gets you good performance, you can lower the headset's refresh rate or lower the game's graphics so it's not a big deal.
Name 1 (one) VR game that you can play for hundreds of hours without getting bored of tranny sims do not count
>VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.
Then why did the Quest outsell the Switch at several points this week
Gun autism simulator and Totally Not Counter-strike. Take and hold and M.E.A.T.S mode are incredibly fun.
Modded Skyrim
No VR games either, daddy-o.
is this pavlov?
>Gun autism simulator
Read the spoiler
Alright, here are the problems with VR atm
>Current graphical standards don't match up with what ideal VR graphics should look like (+4k resolution or higher to minimize screendoor effect, consistent +90 framerates, sufficient antialiasing and texture filtering so that the images in game look sharp and real)
>Due to said graphical limitations many VR games look mildly dated in order to get the most out of the end user's setup (badly detailed meshes/models, clunky animations, lack of proper physics, lighting errors, etc.)
>Current VR hardware still has a lot of improvement to make involving both the included hardware and the end cost of the hardware (better quality lenses with larger FOV and less blurring, improved built in microphone/speakers, a stronger and more comfortable head strap, and a lighter headset. As for price ideally an HMD + controllers should be equivalent in cost to a current gen console unless the built in hardware is notably more powerful.)
>More major game companies need to support VR, either by adding VR support to currently existing/upcoming titles (see No Man's Sky) or creating full on VR exclusive titles.
>Game developers working towards developing a universal control setup/physics engine a'la Boneworks style. A common pain when playing VR titles is having to totally adjust your expectations and how you play when switching between games because those two factors are entirely different.
At least these are the most prominent issues I can think of as of now. I think VR is currently in its adolescent stage as of now, and hopefully it'll work its way out of that stage soon.
t. a HTC Vive and Oculus Quest user
Pic unrelated
man kindergarten is getting pretty weird
kill yourself for doing pic unrelated
Beat Saber if you love rhythm games, Pavlov VR if you're into shooters.
god damn imagine this in AR
How come most VR footage seems to be recorded from the left eye? Most people use their right eye primarily
its straight up vanilla borderlands 2, though i think its finally getting the DLC.
no new gameplay mechanics that take advantage of it being in VR.
I thought it was supposed to be a story driven game where you play third wheel to Laurence and Holo
where can I buy a quest? I'm a switchfag too.
I actually use my left eye.
but its probably cause left eye is the original video, right is the altered angle.
>Valve's index being terrible
funny that you recommend the knuckles and then say the headset is faulty.
you do realize that the majority of the problems are coming from the knuckles and not the headset?
in stock on amazon this week
>didn't even know about quest until just now
I hope they ship to Korea.
Don't @ me slime
meh just not right now. I haven't used my headset in weeks.
It you don't play games like NMS, 1060 is enough.
it's the first look at what real VR should be, once you've had wireless you never want to be tethered to a PC or fuck around with buggy Steam VR ever again
>I agree, but after getting my first job I've nearly saved up a hot $1000, and the index is looking fuckin' sick. Probably not worth it, but I can't deny I want it.
I just got a new job recently and instantly bought a Valve Index. It's the best VR headset ever made and worth every penny.
>Also, would a gtx-1060 survive VR or do I just have to be rich?
Should be fine but if you want 144hz you're gonna want at least a 1080.
And 144hz is fucking amazing.
>shooting gallery
Which game?
I Expect You to Die. Went to a playtest before it was finished, seemed pretty cool.
Anyone else fallen in love with the 50 caliber rifle in Pavlov? With a holo sight it’s almost unfair.
There are still zero good VR games, and VR headsets are more expensive now, not less
So, no thanks.
Because the recording tools are retarded by default and like all things VR, the smart solution hasn't been widely adopted but is available to big brains
It isn't, he's just not leaving cover.
i actually play VR literally everyday, its far from dead, 70% of my wishlist games are VR
How well does it work??
Is it as graphic intensive as using a PC?
And can it run all PC steam games (including porn) or is it all just approved stuff?
It's been built into steamvr for several versions.
>Right click on steamvr window
>Display VR View
>Click menu in upper left
>Right Eye
>Is it as graphic intensive as using a PC?
It uses a phone processor
>And can it run all PC steam games (including porn) or is it all just approved stuff?
Facebook's walled garden full of shitty ports
If it can't run VAM and Honey Select it has no place in my household
You can load unapproved content (Half-Life or Quake) via SideQuest.
cause if you want a good image that fills all the whole screen without rendering the whole scene a third time, you need to some cropping magic and no one agrees which view is the best
>Is it as graphic intensive as using a PC?
Obviously not, it's a mobile processor but it looks damn good considering
>And can it run all PC steam games (including porn) or is it all just approved stuff?
Things can be sideloaded easily without jailbreaking or anything (Google sidequest), and yes you can watch porn with it
The porn is just an added bonus. I was half joking.
But so cool. I'm definitely gonna grab one if/when I head back to the states.
I can't wait to play Beat Saber easily.
fuck porn
gameing is much more fun
Should I buy a Quest just for porn?
if you just want video porn you can get buy with a Oculus Go
>3dof uninteractive porn
It's like building your own personal movie theater just to jerk it to screen projections of a sears catalog
Is it normal to get an erection in place of motion sickness?
Only if you play RecRoom
I always pop a stiffy during moments of extreme vertigo but never had one in place of motion sickness
seems like a lot more than 40% going, there.
i like vr and i don't think theres any of those besides resident evil and some racing games.
only if you play porn
When's the foveated rendering coming?
We're still on gen 1.5, you're better off just forgetting about foveated rendering for now
But I want my high FoV so it doesn't feel like I'm wearing ski goggles
>high FoV
get a pimax
are there any photos/recreations of what being inside a headset actually looks like?
All I've ever seen are the "spectator" view of people playing VR thats just in full HD, but I'm assuming it doesn't look anywhere near that clear inside the headset, since I always see people saying how they can't read some line of text even though its clearly legible on the spectator view
Yes yes we all want VR to be at least two decades more advanced than what it currently is
It's highly subjective and every HMD is different with its own set of strengths and weaknesses
And if you don't have an existing point of reference from actually trying a modern HMD you have no chance understanding what it is actually like
A lot of the SDE comparison shots people do have horrifically bad methodology too
We have had that on Oculus go for nearly 12 months, I think you are waiting for much wider FOV, much better lenses and eye tracking to go with it.
Try putting your eyes basically directly to your monitor and read my post, it's sort of like that
20 years ago was the ps1 era. You have no idea how much changes in 20 years.
>want it to not feel like wearing goggles
>puts on goggles
Ive had a quest since launch and i found a torrent with all the quest games so ive been able to play all of them. I also hooked up my quest to my pc and use it as a pc head set. Some of the best stuff is on pc. Feel like ive good a good grasp on what vr has to offer.
Favorite vr things
> Virt a mate is the best porn ive ever experienced in my life. Jerking off with a headset on is weird since you cant see your dick.
>Google Earth vr never gets old.
>Superhot is probably the most fun ive had in vr
>Blade and sorcery is perversely violent
>I expect you to die, is an actually well written quality puzzle game with a kino spy aesthetic
>Poker stars vr is cool even though the market is wack.
Bottom line, buy a quest, torrent everything. Having a headset you can take wherever is fantastic. I often stream from the pc to the floor beneath where theres more space. You can also fuck with the headset to get 2x supersampling so it looks real sharp. You can turn on 3x but then the frame rate is all fucked.
I have Windows MR and a Go, and while I like the idea of having the best of both worlds, I don't need a third headset in my life. Maybe I'll upgrade when we have Reverb resolution with Pimax FOV and Oculus lenses. Sigh.
Where was the torrent?
You can stream from your pc to the headset and play all pc vr games.
>5ghz router in the same room.
If you don't have a 5ghz router join the modern era and get one. And ive streamed from the second floor to the basement and its was fine.
The most fun I had in VR was probably poker on my DK1
look at your computer monitor through a magnifying glass and you'll get an idea. games are designed around this so it's not as bad as it seems but you'll notice the pixels right away.
Fuck around and find the fourm about quest. Its a mega link with a password. I think you need to make a free account but its worth if for all the quest games.
Already on there, just didn't think it was anything but Steam. Cheers, bud.
you can pirate games on the oculus quest? do you have to jailbreak/root it or something?
You need to turn on developer mode, install sidequest on your pc and a few other things. Just look up how to side load apps on oculus quest. Theres tons of videos with faggy guys walking you through the process. But once its done. Is literally a drag and drop process. Drag the apk onto side quest and then itll install in the headset.
god damnit stop selling me on the freedom of the oculus quest I already have a rift, psvr, and labo
Shoulda waited for it to get good faggot.
Hahahahahhhfhfhffhhfhd how could you be such a chump
>Virt a mate is the best porn ive ever experienced in my life.
It really is amazing but so goddamn fiddly
Curious how Illusion's new game is going to integrate VR
My headsets been collecting dust for over a year. Shit gimmick til tech and software improves.
If there's one definitive game to own for VR it's Beat Saber. Probably the one game I recommend people to try, in VR arcades / malls of course though. Don't shell out $300+ just on Beat Saber.
Currently 40 hours in with maybe 400 songs downloaded, probably don't see myself stopping and may keep the daily routine of playing at least an hour since it's considered exercise too.
Hell if you're too poor to afford beat saber (but somehow you own a HMD)
It really is fiddly. You just have to know what you want and save scenes so you dont have to spent fucking 20 mins getting ready.
I have zero faith that the japs will make a properly good porn game. There so fucking stuck in their anime ways, and think people want more than just playing around with naked girls.
See the music i listen to isnt beat oriented. I don't like rap or electronic shit or club music. I dont think rock mixes well with beat saber.
Here's the problem, we are absolutely not gonna see a "revolution in VR" in terms of technology/graphics if Oculus is around for a long time.
Why? Because of Oculus Store for Gear VR / Oculus Go / Oculus Quest.
Everyone and their mother is developing for this stupid platform because that's where majority of the userbase is. Not Steam VR. A large majority of the fucking games out right now are Unity based trash because it's easy to port over and optimize for Android alongside PC.
Bone Works will have its one week of glory, but beyond that what happens? Who the fuck knows.
Fuck Facebook. Fuck Oculus.
I just wish it had some baseline behaviors available like flesh slapping, reactive expressions, vaginas that didn't actively repel dicks, etc.
Some great autists are working on these issues but its slow going. Meanwhile Illusion as habitually shit as they are, have a lot of good features in their games however after tasting VAM's level of physical interaction, it'll hard going back to shit where your hands just fucking clip right through their bodies
Check your graphics card. It might have a USB 3 C port.
*saves virtual reality*
just shut the fuck up already
Theres a mod for vam that i use that kinda gives the girls emotions. They close their eyes and moan of you touch their face, tits, or pussy. They occasionally look around. Theres also breathing sfx. It helps alot. Also the compliance mod. Easily the best mod.
E-Motion is good but it gives the girls retarded facial expressions
I use a pretty old cslist someone put together that does the trick more elegantly but lacks the reactions unfortunately
Someone also released a facial expressions pack not long ago that are actually pretty good
>All the good stuff is being made by modders
This things never leaving early acess is it?
You must have a fundamental misunderstanding of what VAM is
It's just a highly customizable character creation program with physics sandbox capabilities and an adult angle. Daz with dong collision. It is never going to be a game for brainlets to effortlessly rub one out to (as if anything in VR can be effortless.)
The real issue is Patreon creating a nasty divide in the community, god forbid the chinks get a whiff of it.
what are some decently cheap headsets? just want one for vr chat and porn
HP WMR is ~$224, that's the cheapest decent headset right now.
>He is STILL going
Got to admire his autism if nothing else.
>Released to Patreon now, full release at 9AM. Leaked within the major update to The Lab was source code for an unreleased Half-Life VR game, that up until this point was unknown to the general public.
Actually, rock mixes with it pretty well. I was playing at a buddy's house and they had a custom list filled with stuff from The White Stripes and Queen.