Post best girls from their series

post best girls from their series

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I just recently found out her voice actress did some shitty b-movies and got topless

post more

That isn't Farah

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ugly and wears ugly clothes. probably the worst tales heroine

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Luci’s voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

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Colette is the purest. Sheena is the most earnest. Presea is the most endearing once you dig into her character. Raine is pretty boring even if she is the most broken in battle.

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my man

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She's topless in Extreme Movie and some other shitty one

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lmao no ass tf is that

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probably the reason she does voices

I love Fuuka!

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>no ass
yeah thats one yike.

Stop pretending a thot from your pansexual race of slave whores that were created to mirror what the oligarchy is DESPERATELY hoping to turn western women into is popular.
It's Tali.

I love Anne

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shit taste, but then again thats expected of weebs

I love Tharja!

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Thanks for the example of absolute worst girl user. Now we know what not to post.

Anne is wonderful.

>those weird creases in her thighs and the small of her back
Heather Hogan used to be a hamplanet?

Magic Knight will always be the best to me.

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At least her Maxim photos look better

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Not even best girl in her own game.

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Superior smelly mage coming through

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3 simple words: FLAT IS JUSTICE

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excellent taste, user! 3rd reyvateil always best reyvateil.

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My wife is just regardless of her chest size.

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no i don't have a sub folder just for best girl

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future Babe of Budehuc, coming through

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