Can you imagine yourself playing video games when you're 30 years old?

Can you imagine yourself playing video games when you're 30 years old?

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Can you imagine spending your best years and free time shitposting on a Vietnamese cartoons internet forum instead of anything remotely productive?

Ask me in three years

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i'm only four years away, chief. i WILL be a wizard

I'm 33 and playing games, ask me anything.

The amount of (you)s you get from making variations of the same worthless thread over and over will never make up for all the time you've wasted making them.

How old are you?

Can you imagine being me?

Ask me 18 years ago.

Pro-Tip: The answer is "Yes."

I plan to die with a controller in my hand, bro.

I don't imagine it, i remember it 9 years ago.

I'm 55 years old and I play video games.


>tfw you feel like you're wasting your life but then you remember you're an ugly loser who'd never achieve anything anyway


35 here.
I play video games a lot less. Maybe 3 hours a week, but I still do.
I play less not because I have more stuff to do, work, or social obligations. I play less because new video games kind of suck so the good ones I savor and cherish. The last game I beat was Dragon Quest XI and been playing FE Three Houses slowly for the last month.

Actually 30 and over is probably the best time to play vidya. Your body and energy levels start to deteriorate so you're less athletic and you go out less. Kids playing video games is more pathetic. They're wasting the best years of their lives in front of a screen.

Can you imagine being forced to do something you didn't want all because your penis got some dumb bitch knocked up. Enjoy angry parenting Kyle. Your life is over.

Yeah I played some that year. Frostpunk, Fran Bow, XCOM 2. Good shit.


Now that I'm 18 I am going to give up videogames

I'll let you know in two months


Modern videogames fucking suck, I can't imagine playing modern Vidya as I get older,no

I'll go fire up ePSX I guess

I can imagine myself being like my grandad playing sims and all sorts into my 70s too.

Rolled 4 working on number 5.

>tfw 25 years old
It's all downhill from here, isn't it?

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Im 99 and still play kinect sports while using my zimmer

Pretty dang good. I don't suffer from finger pain nowadays, since I got a pair of handles to more comfortably play my switch in handheld mode.

I can because I am.

Yeah bud. Your best years are behind you.


Right? Thank god im 33 and not 30 anymore.

shouldn't you guys be getting your wills sorted out?

Probably. I got a while until im even near 30 so who knows?

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Yeah I can imagine myself playing video games a year ago.

What's the female counterpart of the wizard (30yo virgin status)?


Imagine being a zoomer and coming to a boomer website.

Discord exists.

I'm spending time shitposting on a Philippine puppetry forum so I guess it could be better

Cat lady

witch obviously


>26 incel
>Play those jap games where you go to school and have friends and girls interested in you
>Tell myself it's just fantasy and nobody actually has that in real life
>Doesn't work
>Will spend the rest of my life wageslaving, hating what I see in the mirror, and being alone until I kill myself

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No? Life is pointless and nobody cares if you do something with your life or not, might as well just have fun and then die.

ill play as long as i dont get bored with gaming/devs keeps releasing good shit
hasnt happened yet (29 going on 30)

>mfw 29yo NEET with depression and no will to do anything

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but discord's shit

>mfw 35

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i cant.
t. 29 year old.

It came so fast.
Who'd thought school was the only thing keeping time from flying.

I should get a job I hate.

Haha...yeah...imagine that...
>tfw 32

what gaem

Imagine being under 30 and thinking you deserve video games

Get a job. You may not like it. You may have no social skills. You may be a total loser. But if you get a job, your life will slowly start to come back together again, trust me.

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no you're not

Literally EVERYTHING is downhill from this point
Your peak physical and mental potential is at 25.

I'm 30 and I don't play games anymore. Still shitpost.

Diabolus Ex mod for doom

Well two of you are lying

This unironically.

>get a job
I'll just waltz down to the free job store and get one.

>mfw literally don't care about jobs even while working them
>have quit every job i had feeling nothing since working 7 years ago

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Well then and will be your free job store. Don't be like that user, I believe in you!

Nigger, I spend 12-16 hours a day on job boards sending out applications.