Honestly the more news we get about this the more it gets worse. I was ok with the first gameplay trailer...

Honestly the more news we get about this the more it gets worse. I was ok with the first gameplay trailer, the combat and routes, daytime city, small but detailed map, etc. Lately tho it becomes clear they are doing whatever it takes to please the mass with the gender bullshit and we still don't know what else they are changing. I will wait for final product to judge the works of CDPR

Attached: Cyberpunk-2077-gameplay-stream-1171560.jpg (590x350, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>I will wait for final product to judge the works of CDPR
What???? You can't do that!

shut the fuck up that gender bs doesn't even remotely affect you in any way

lol "they're putting more options in the character creation menu, this pisses me off because I'm retarded" grow up fag

>Seeing a sudden rise in Cyberpunk shitposting
>Realize it's been a long time since I saw a shitpost from that dude with the youtube channel who flipped the fuck out over Resident Evil 2
>Head to his youtube channel to check out what he's currently having a shitfit about
>Lo and behold, his most recent videos are all about Cyberpunk
Michael you're mentally ill please get help.

Really feels like theres a full court press against CDPR, fuck nut check Mark fags larping as over the top alt-right fucks.

>Bloating a useless feature that you won't see 95% of the time

almost as useless as caring about it

If it's such a non-issue then why was it added in the first place?

>bottom current build

Attached: 1567467457533.png (2044x2041, 3.04M)

Why not? It’s not hard to implement.

The real reason is for good press. But beside that, it's a small, easy change that removes nothing from the gameplay and won't impact the experience of most players at all, but for a small minority it will significantly improve it.

I'm going to buy CyberPunk 2077 on day 1 (not preordering though) and there's nothing you can do to stop me. I'm going to have fun and you'll still be here shitposting on Yea Forums holding your dicc

Attached: fast food tiers.png (1064x545, 249K)

I just wanted a game where I could get a job bashing nigger skulls in and repossessing their cybernetic parts they bought at the pawn shop on a payment plan. Why can't I have that

>bottom current build

Attached: 1567428328468.jpg (3840x4320, 3.12M)


Attached: 1567436677462.jpg (640x543, 158K)

The only thing that made me drop this game was the removal of genders in the character creation screen is fucking stupid why not just add a third slot for the queers instead of forcing everybody into that no gender BS

Attached: 1559826346453.jpg (788x960, 62K)

>I will wait for final product to judge the works of CDPR
how can you say something so controversial yet so brave

>Just accept it, goyim

>a small minority it will significantly improve it.
Those are people that piss everyone off, so by catering to them they alienated their core audience. I don't see how this is "good press".

I will be pirating this game day 1, and help as many people as possible pirate it as well, not because I can, but because I should.

Attached: sawine.jpg (788x685, 83K)

There is literally no difference except the removal of the letters 'M' or 'F'. You want to play a male or female character? Select either one and decide they are male or female. Congratulations. Nothing will contradict you. I guarantee you no one will explicitly refer to your character as nonbinary or whatever, and you can screenshot this post.

>I will be pirating this game day 1, and help as many people as possible pirate it as well, not because I can, but because I should.

Does it really bother you that much?

You were never going to buy it in the first place. A real chad would just pirate it and not boast about it like a soiboi.


so what was the whole gender thing again? NPCs won't call you he or she?

honestly the more bait threads this game gets, the more I know it's going to be a great game

NPCs will only call you Yea Forums

uhhh, sure buddy

>Those are people that piss everyone off, so by catering to them they alienated their core audience.

No they haven't. Only a small minority of players will actually appreciate this change, but an even tinier minority will actually be turned off by it; certainly not enough to outweigh the goodwill they'll get for it. Almost nobody will actually get bent out of shape over this.

*Sips drink*

>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesnt need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesnt need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
>it doesn't need VR support
>it doesn't matter that it's cinematic garbage
>it doesn't need good AI
>it doesn't need good vehicle handling
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need to have substance
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077


Attached: 1528831861010.jpg (326x412, 24K)

Basically, yes. No one will use gendered pronouns to refer to you, just terms like "boss" or "stranger" or "hey you" or the like.

You don't decide your gender you are born with one . Is not the removal of a letter is the idea behind it what i don't want to support .

Yes it does. They are literally exluding normal people to make a few queers feel more "included"

t. increasingly nervous cdpr shill

>a literal fabrication
Are you fucking serious?

Can you proof that ?

>*whistles for magic car R.O.A.C.H.*
>"Come on, R.O.A.C.H."
>*autodrive to quest marker*
>*Activate cyber toucan vision*
>"Mhmm....nail marks all over the victim... and small footprints...a Woman™, gotta be"
>"Lets go, R.O.A.C.H."
>*Follow footprints with your cyber toucan vision*
>*People in Woman™ costumes appears*
>"Shit you ugly"
>sets them on fire with cybernetics and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic rifle spin and turns them to slag"
>"Mhmm....Trannies™ pretending to be Women™......better tell the megacorp about this"
>"Come on, R.O.A.C.H."
>*Autohovers on skyroad back to industrial slums*
>"Just some Trannies™ posing as Women™, here's proof *shows dildo for dilation"
>10 credits received

Attached: maxresdefault (30).jpg (1280x720, 142K)

Hey, it could always be worse. You could've been excited for Outer Worlds...

This is an autistic thing, isn’t it?

Attached: D369C1A5-2DB9-46BC-99BA-4AA2AAF93B80.gif (470x437, 1.55M)

Outer Worlds has genders so its a billion times better than cybertranny


Imagine having this crap saved and spamming it in every thread.

It fits perfectly with cyberpunk though. You insecure fags that constantly have to be called a male on every menu screen or you start having doubts about it can suck my Futa V's cybercock.

Attached: 1564435817212.png (500x625, 152K)

Who is paying OP to shitpost?

Nu-uh outer worlds also has trannyshit but at least it has tpp so it is only slightly better

And they're all brown dykes and black guys, Outer Worlds bros have it worse.

Attached: OuterWorldsUgly.jpg (3200x1600, 707K)

Lmao you sound really mad.

Are you mad?

Rhymes with red-brick frame snore.

Lmao no zoomer, go do your homework.

Keep coping trannies while I play as my STARIGHT MALE CHARACTER IN THIRD PERSON

For you.

Ah, the jews, I see.

Attached: I understand everything now.jpg (800x542, 89K)

>Shitbux that high up
>KFC higher than Popeyes

Iv watched the recent gameplay vid at least 20 times and I'm not exaggerating

/*Sips drink*/i
/>*whistles for magic car R.O.A.C.H.*/i

The people in the bottom image looks like Slavs with tans. If you have a problem with that, you're genuinely mental.

What gets me is they flatout made fun of the 80s meme cyberpunk aesthetics before and then they put this motherfucking casio watch looking UI now. What the fuck are they doing?

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-09-01 13-03-52.png (1366x768, 763K)

Yeah, it gets better every time you see it. You see new things every time, it's crazy. Every frame is a painting.


why not just surprise download it?

where is top from

Huh. I'd read that somewhere but I can't find an official quote. I guess that'll teach me to repeat things I hear second-hand. My apologies, user.

>surprise download
the fuck is that?

>alt-right fucks
lol at the triggered chapo tranny

are you fucking retarded? who gives a solitary fuck

>Generic, open world, follow the quest marker game.
People are excited for this?

That UI looks sick, I like it a lot.

as if it couldn't get any worse

Attached: 1564839491865.jpg (226x223, 6K)

You mean, do I have reliable survey numbers? No, I don't. Neither does anyone else in this discussion. You'll just have to collect whatever arguments you can and make a judgment call based on those, weighed against your own life experiences and assumptions of how the world works. That's what we all do.

>surprise download

I don't like the sound of that.

Attached: HAHAHA.png (231x363, 208K)

vain third person nerds OWNED. get clapped

I welcome your politeness and you are promptly forgiven.

>Mirrors Edge Catalyst
>Wolfenstein 2
>Wolfenstein young lesbians
>Mafia 3
>Watch Dogs 2
>Mass Effect Andromeda
>Revolution 60
>Depression quest
>far cry rage 2
>life is strange 2

>Mortal kombat 11

>Tekken 7
>Kingdom come deliverance



where are the dick girls


If you think those games succeeded or failed primarily due to their political stances, then you are beyond help.

>Starbucks top tier
How does it feel being a tranny user?

I don't think it looks bad, but it's the exact thing the developers and shills on here were saying they were going to avoid.

Why does Thot V have a Weezer logo womb tattoo?

seems fake.

Did you guys forget that you could be a furry in the board game? And having more gender choices is what pisses you off?

gender ambiguity and themes discussing post gender societies are core themes of the cyberpunk and body modification/augmentation canon

Attached: puppetmaster.jpg (840x463, 42K)

What was the channel again?

They don't piss many people off, annoying, sure, but the only people who are even remotely bothered by this can only be found on this board
Because its full of shitposters

>I love cyberpunk! I love all the cool sci-fi-aesthetics!
-Brainlet who doesn't understand the underlying transhumanist and anti-corp themes inegral to Cyberpunk.

Why the fuck would gender exist when you can literally pick your own body? Probably half of Night Cities general population would be considered transgender by today's standard in that case.

In the G:itS manga it's hinted that major Motoko Kusanagi may have been a male before the accident that destroyed her original body

Attached: str2_wow2803ghost_ETCH_cn.PDF.jpg (940x1846, 144K)

>is the idea behind it what i don't want to support.
Judging something from the entertainment industry by how much it fits with your worldviews is the most faggot way of thinking, it is exactly the same way trannies and feminazis think. You are equally a crybaby and have really shitty taste.

>gender ambiguity and themes discussing post gender societies are core themes of the cyberpunk and body modification/augmentation canon

Attached: candy tier list.png (1064x467, 444K)

user there is a difference between an SJW game and just plain bad game, most of you "go woke go broke" examples are just thaf, bad games

>they added tatoos

imagine giving a shit about gender options in a fucking cyberpunk game

Okay so why are you here? Go back to your hugbox reddit

Because I lost control over my life and am too lazy to make an account there

It's LITERALLY a cyberpunk game with a focus on roleplaying, and it's been shown people sometimes modify their body to insane degrees so that they don't even resemble their original selves. People fucking with their appearance is extremely standard for cyberpunk and I can't imagine anyone but filthy secondaries are actually upset about this, it took no effort and it clearly belonged in the setting.

the last gameplay was fucking shit, the graphics are worse than 2018, the aesthetic looks even worse, the constant colourful warm ambient with palm trees and sun is garbage and disgusting, and now we are not going to see our character in the cinematics, this is a fucking joke, if they tell us in 2013 after the trailer the shit that this game will become, people would die of laughter

pic related did cyberpunk 100x better

Attached: Jak_II_front_cover_(US).png (760x1079, 2.06M)

But user, I just want my pew pew internet guns

Making the NPCs go out of their way to avoid using any pronouns is a bit much. Unless you're some tranny that's for this kind of stuff.

link pls. I enjoy listening to people sperg out over games

What annoys me more is that they put in effort to remove genders and all this other bullshit, but I still can't play as something like a fucking cyborg/android as a race or background

Attached: matoko_243672424.jpg (640x888, 95K)

I prefer bottom one though, you have everythings you need and it's clean, while the top one look like everything is needlessly separated in its own menus

Attached: 1567207710817.jpg (425x412, 20K)

Sounds like you have the attention span of a zoomer teenager.

How close was I?

It's literally Far Cry now.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (524x360, 38K)

Based, I'm buying the game on day 1 and refunding it right after.

Attached: haha sure.jpg (474x472, 23K)

>Sounds like you have the attention span of a zoomer teenager.
>How close was I?

Attached: 1562295820262.png (388x388, 146K)

the whole cringe in this post is awful

From an August 2018 gameplay build according to a website

Attached: 12312514432.jpg (1618x942, 168K)

>making NPCs go out of their way to avoid using pronouns
That's not even a new thing, shit like saints row has been doing it for years. And trannies would want their gender referenced? It seems like you're negligently trying to pin an agenda onto something that doesn't have one, is saints row an SJW game by your standards now? Games that let you choose genders originally write dialogue as gender neutral and add gender specific dialogue in later stages of writing if they have the budget for it remaining. Let me ask you, did pokemon crystal reference your characters gender in dialogue? Can you even remember? Since you can't, did it even matter?

Saints row is garbage and pokemon is for children.

What's your point?

Man, you're obviously baiting by spouting memespeak around but I'll bite, explain to me how everythings being more condensed and easier to navigate a bad thing.

Attached: 1559752254986.png (158x160, 2K)

>this is an officially released screenshot
Look at this shit.
Does this actually look good to anyone or are you people just shilling?

Attached: C79DcRS.jpg (3840x2160, 1.06M)

>Not pirating on day 1

Attached: Zack.jpg (210x240, 17K)

Jesus Christ im so glad they changed it

Oh, I will. I just want to refund the game to fudge their numbers.

looks comfy

Looks like GTA V on the switch

Attached: 1563606227288.png (273x263, 164K)

It isn't but they are running out of things to shill about

I definitely miss the aesthetic though over the shit-stain brown colors they picked
I wish they didn't remove 95% of background check

Attached: 59937ada062e89a1cae5902c6c6832f72f8b5577_s2_n2.png (1652x960, 939K)

The color is really the only bad thing about the new inventory and character UI, but aside of that one detail it's just straight up better.
Let's just be fair about it, the devs are fucking up a lot of things, but this isn't one of them.

CDPR decided to involve politics not me if they lose a sale because of it thats on them not on me

They better let me choose my pronoun

before was what we would have gotten with pc only release. modern version is the console downgrade. thanks again console kiddies

Wow what a compelling argument. But the point was do you think saints row has an agenda? Do you remember if crystal even references your gender? All you did was prove by point by avoiding it.

Because an adherence to sjw ideology internally fucks your workforce so hard that it can no longer make a good game, you absolute brainlet.


>Why night city
>ex lover
>im an asshole
Holy shit these options suck

>gender ambiguity and themes discussing post gender societies are core themes of the cyberpunk

Attached: 1561856934377.jpg (540x532, 45K)

Fuck off with your “cybergender” bullshit. Literally has zero bearing on Cyberpunk as a genre and using a literal AI as an example from an animation is pathetic.

My only complaint is that they decided to release it on current gen next year. They needed to wait and release it only for next gen and PC. Now we're going to stuck in game that was limited with console technologies and possibly downgraded like Witcher 3. But CDRP fans are going to eat it up, while other companies can't.

Still better than no options at all like the current build

Attached: 16126197.jpg (294x235, 19K)

Because androids and cyborgs aren't fully human and until the human race goes extinct we will never be removed from the male and female dichotomy. Which is just foine

It just keeps getting better and better

Attached: D5EB1A2F-9BA4-49A7-B4BE-2A31C7A506E3.jpg (750x593, 51K)

>but I still can't pway as sumthing wike a fuckin cyborg/android as a wace or background.
>trailer literally shows the main character has cybernetic arms/eyes/face/body/feet
God damn. Are you really this stupid or are you not watching the trailers at all to begin with?

Attached: 1494157093179.png (816x754, 122K)

Cybertrans trannypunk

Who the fuck cares? It's literally more options even if you don't want to use them

Nice try shill, but this is adding parts to someone that's human. Technically that is more cyborg in that case, but an android is a literal robot creation with human characteristics. Which is not an option in the gender or race menu.

based and redpilled

>Still better than no options
It's like they didn't even try

Looks like high-tech low-life to me.

Looks like the same washed out shite as everything else

You're right, it's like CDPR didn't try at all

Attached: 3242621431.png (1146x480, 867K)

For the billionth time she's called Motoko, dyslexiaman.

Attached: annoytoko.jpg (170x216, 37K)

why is the game so fucking ugly?

Attached: 568443.jpg (1200x675, 106K)

>but I still can't play as something like a fucking """"""cyborg"""""""/android as a race or background.
Nice try tranny but it seems that you're too stupid enough to follow a 3 minute trailer to save your life.

holy shit it actually looks worse.

I didn't name the file user

Attached: d17id5j-37273d6e-34e8-4cfe-8f29-883c064de73c.jpg (547x767, 99K)

What did you expect from a tranny poster who gets confused into thinking that cyborgs and androids are the same thing?

Attached: 1494569884582.jpg (200x200, 12K)

>nice try tranny
>also ignoring the """"android""" part of what I said
I'm not the one who's buying the game, shill

Attached: 532.jpg (339x300, 30K)

>fallout 4 with the saturation turned up and rick and morty tier characters
no thanks

You could have told me this was a spiritual sequel to Dying Light and i would have believed you. Both of these games look heinously ugly

I never even said they were the same thing, I even pointed it out for you in the last post sperg

>sit down restaurants are fast food
based retard

>In the G:itS manga it's hinted that major Motoko Kusanagi may have been a male before the accident that destroyed her original body
Have you read the manga?

Cause if you'd read the manga you'd know that it's the opposite, we have hints that she was NEVER a dude.

-She's referred to in the third-person narration as "female"


- When Batou accidentally puts her brain in a male body she's taken aback by it and points out that walking with a dick between her legs feels weird.

-in MMI we're told that the body they gave her was identical in shape to her human body, and it's a female one.

- in Human Error Processor we're told that cyborgs can't fake their gender online, and she appears female online

-her psychic projection in the Net is female

And there isn't a single hint that she might have been a dude at any point.

Stop spreading those retarded rumors. Those rumors are based on three things:

- a mistranslated interview by Shirow that actually said that his original plans for GitS involved a male protagonist rather than a female one
- the wikipedia page of the movie that includes some bullshit gender studies nonsense about male viewers self-inserting as Motoko because she's got muscles and can't bear kids
- a joke in Stand Alone Complex.

Who's the brainlet now?

Attached: boozetoko.jpg (376x567, 247K)

>its ok for the art direction to look ugly and cookie cutter because its cyberpunk!
>its ok to have nothing but non binary genders because its cyberpunk!
>its ok to have numale punk music instead of electronic orchestral piece because its cyberPUNK!
>its ok to have a fat bald tranny as the art director because xe's cyberpunk!
So am I supposed to like this cyberpunk genre?

Funny you should say that, they're outsourcing a shit ton of work to a studio that gobbled up a bunch of devs from dying light.

You ingrateful douchebags don't know how much blood, sweat, and tears CDPR have POURED into this game! They're trying their best and you guys just SHIT on them for it. Cyberpunk is going to be the best game of 2020 without question, just watch.

Attached: basedcdpr.png (960x540, 1.05M)

Im skeptical about the trans and queer community.

But what cyberpunk is doing by removing gender references is a non issue that shouldnt really offend anyone. What? They are taking away the names of the body types? So what?

Perhaps its the "why" instead of the "what", tho.

But there is alot of other things that you can complain about too. Like exclusively male goons (what i saw from the trailer), is selling the stereotype of the expendable man. Where is the complaint about that?

Instead, people are offended because of anti christian commentary? If it doesnt solely target one group or race, then it doesnt offend me.

That was witcher 3, they game that forced them to stop the production of this game because people were dropping like flies.

all true and I'm not that other user, but in SAC (and this might even be the bit you're referring to), Batou implies that she could easily switch to the male model body if she wished. It's not a core theme of the series but its implied that its possible and not unheard of in the world

1 zlotty has been transferred to your account.

It's not unusual to outsource your 3d modeling but damn they really shouldn't have went with those guys. The ugly aesthetic is really killing the cyberpunk vibe that they're going for.

Attached: 1528705435986.jpg (1280x720, 659K)

Possibly, much like how there are cyborgs who are just a box on legs; but they're always presented as an exception.


fun fact it's pronounced "zwoteh"

Yeah, they have the studio head and the lead designer from dying light working on it. I see the resemblance.

there are like five separate canons

kek, the resemblance is uncanny

Attached: DyingLight_E3_final__3_.1370990504.jpg (1500x844, 1009K)

If it wasn't written by or based on the works of Shirow it's not canon.

You know what this means right? It means CDPR has barely put any work into this game

Is anybody surprised that a generic and cynically produced game is generic and cynical? All of this "we're real gamers just like you and we want to make you the game WE want to play" is just typical PR speak to try and win an audience. Gamers don't make good games, developers with years of experience and understanding of games systems make good games, and these people typically don't play games.

It's all (loosely) based on his works except for the live-action film though, which is based on an episode of Tekwar.

>MFW I cancelled my preorder after Worldgate

>MFW I knew I was justified after seeing the Keanu Reeves Bullshot from the Gameplay reveal

>MFW I WILL be pirating it when the day 1 crack comes out on Denuvo.

Attached: 1566546938220.jpg (600x450, 74K)

>It's all (loosely) based on his works
Don't really care for the guy, but still.

>bottom pic
It literally looks like dayz trash, holy shit

Attached: 1558172404833.png (416x533, 227K)

>haha, look at me mom, I'm making a narrative by lying on the internet!

It's true though. It seems really scummy but that's the bottom line. I bet they're outsourcing because they've already wasted enough time on it and they want to get to work on their next cash cow.


Attached: 1566092232355.jpg (512x512, 50K)

Canon GitS requires spin offs because it fucks with the Major's character so soon into the source material

This will be RAGE 2 all over again.

The original lineup of Section 9 lasts literally less than 2 years.

It will get a 95+ metacritic score, sell 30 million copies and there is nothing you can do about it

i like the sjw claiming only a small minority will be put off by this , did you assure americans trump wouldnt be president or that brexit wouldnt be voted for? you ever stop to think maybe you dont know what youre talking about? dont get me wrong trump and brexit were bad ideas but i knew they get the popular vote. this gender bullshit was almost enough to cancel my preorders . i dont want to play faggotron 2077 i dont care if its made but i dont want to play it even if you call me a homophobe nazi whatever. youre the idiot minority telling everyone else theyre wrong. we know what we like not you. i cant play as a male anymore because they took it away to appease the mentally in. let me pick to play as a male. not body type. and then let them pick non specific.

this game has to be perfect now, i wont buy another game from them if it isnt. i dont need or want sjw games , or movies, or any media get woke go broke.

sadly there are no lies here user

Attached: 94857124985.jpg (1500x1700, 607K)

topkek you could have told me this was from the new trailer

yeah, but an exception that's relatively fine. Like the section 9 team look at the box on legs guy kinda like he's a retarded weirdo, but they don't care that much. Point being you can do retarded body image changing stuff and people may think you're an idiot but you can do it haha

>this is going to be the absolute state of Yea Forums for the next seven months

Attached: mysides.jpg (512x512, 74K)

the original manga shows far less of section 9 just doing stuff, so SAC was made as its own universe instead of shoving non canon stuff into the original canon. Much better to create your own canon than mooch of Shirow's

wow it's literally the same game reskinned.

Attached: 1445208307130.jpg (1000x1166, 433K)

That depends on the type of stories you want to tell.

Who cares. The yearly FIFA release sells more copies than all the rest of the games made in any given year combined.

Argumentum ad populum is as flimsy an argument as you can make.


I agree that 2077 looks sub-par, but I'm having a good old kek at people deciding to not buy the game over a bunch of screenshots. Surely if you were down before, you'd be down now, its CDPR afterall, you know its going to play like an fps witcher 3 with some slight differences in quest structure and maybe a bit more variety if you're lucky

To be honest Gits quickly turns into contrived garbage after the first arc. The only canon anything in my head is the 95 movie.

they now ditched the entire third person perspective in cut scenes with is really unnecessary

fucking obviously lol, but we're talking about something that already happened, SAC has already been made and they already decided to make it AU. Of course you can tell stories that fit the original canon. Manga Makoto is so different to most people's image of her that I think the people making these shows are hesitant to stick too closely to the source material on that front

Yes, Andromeda famously failed because of being "SJW".

I hope they did, I like fixed perspective in games, and I don't give a shit that I'll never see my characters in game now, all you were ever really picking was a voice

this game will be on gog

>He isn't going to put Meredith's heart back together

Attached: iayk28gff6k31.jpg (4010x2052, 1.78M)

Matching that picture with any of the generic fights from the reveals would do a much better job

yeah i suppose your right, people who love CDPR and the witcher series aren't going to be turned away by screenshots or boring gameplay, they're already sunk cost. On twitter and leddit i've been seeing alot more skeptics turning away as more and more features are getting pruned closer to release like the 3rd person cutscenes which is interesting as we know these are the people CDPR is trying desperately to reach and get them to buy their game.

I thought the sign in the Dying Light screenshot really added to it though, it makes it look very cyberpunk

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There are literaly hundreds of pages of people canceling out on the steam forums.

That works for people with autism but most people are going to be looking at the dude.

it's a good thing it's selling millions, then

Could just edit the dude and the first person bat swing from the Dying Light screenshot into the 2077 screenshot, but I'm too lazy for that

>Kingdom come deliverance

literally nobody talks about this game except /pol/ autists

Utterly based.

Out of curiosity after reading your post i went to the CP77 forums on steam and the entire 1st page is people talking about trannies.

Attached: psptan.png (400x400, 177K)

based piratebro

yeah, their marketing certainly hasn't been on point for this game so far. Keanu Reeves is by far the best thing they did in terms of generating interest since that original 2013 trailer

It was the late revenge for Inquisition. People raped andromeda because bioware went full sjw.

god damn I hate how people give so much of a shit about issues like this.

>I will wait for final product to judge the works of CDPR

Same face as Ciri and Yen

(and I mean that as a bad thing)

>not because I can, but because I should

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Gamers are rising up.

We are everywhere and we redpill everyone. Even pissed pedro got fed the pills by his neckbeard cohost. Day of the rope is innevitable.

He wasn’t wrong, though.
If you can’t pick a gender then characters won’t have a he/she to refer to you as, or you will just always be called V.

Seems like it's for more variety in character customisation. Was it an issue when SR2 allowed you to make a male character with a female voice or vice versa?

Seems like you'll be getting that though.

Or maybe you can choose your pronouns in the beginning too lmao

Why are CDPR saying that it's more immersive to be in first person for cutscenes? I'd say i was pretty immersed in RDR2 and I played that entirely in third person

>a literal meme in SR
>now a back of the box feature for 2077
strange how things turn out this way, and because CDPR are talking about it, people suddenly care and don't want it/want it

to me, going first person in rdr2 was less immersive than 3rd. I think its more about switching perspectives all the time being a bad idea

The more news come out the more annoying you become.

Was it really something being touted as being of that great importance by CDPR? It seems like something mentioned in passing and the journos are the ones lauding it so much. I don't remember them specifically mentioning doing away with gender in any of their official marketing material

They're still a glorified AA studio who couldn't figure out how to change perspectives at will without it being jank, this is just damage control

The steam forums aren't even a hundred pages along. They're barely a quarter that. Even if you meant threads, there's not even close to one hundred. There's maybe enough to fill one to two pages, and almost as many counter-threads expressing dismay that so their peers are so worked up about the gender thing.

>retards ITT crying about sjws
a major theme of the whole cyber punk genre is hedonistic consumerism you tards its never presented as a good thing unless you are a room temperature autist who can't understand things that aren't just surface level

yeah I more meant what you're saying. I actually have no doubt that CDPR have their priorities straight for development, whether we get a good game out of it or not. But people have latched onto it as if its an actual feature that has any relevance to the quality of the game at all.

I mean, it is kind of weird from an rpg point of view.
Can npcs call you guy or lady? Do you pick what npcs would call you? That would be weird because then you would have people making their character look like Dwayne Johnson but every npc instantly knows that they are “female”

has any game done both third and first perspective well? I can't think of any off the top of my head. rdr2 and all bethesda games fucked it up like crazy

True, I'm excited for the game but have my own reservations on whether they can deliver on other promises. I just don't see at all how this no gender thing is such a big deal especially given the cyberpunk setting and I mean that for both sides of the fence. Why the hell some are so excited for this 'feature' and others so against it is beyond me.

>pre-defined character

Attached: not how it works.png (500x500, 77K)

I think GTAV did it well. RDR2's somehow didn't work as well for me.

no it doesn't. are you retarded?

There's two angles to this.
First off, there have been some group of faggots, possibly paid for by some other company, constantly shitting on literally everything CP77 relatyed 24/7 no matter what it is. So it's safe to say most of the doomposting is actually just an attempt to tank this game so that CDPR becomes ripe for a corporate takeover or something.

Secondly: some of the news that comes out legitimately IS bad and worrisome. All cutscenes being in first person seems like a horrible idea, because that makes it so that you pretty much can't see your character. Only reason they do it like that that I can think of is making the development easier/cheaper. Considering they had no trouble having proper cutscenes in Witcher games, this makes me think there's something wrong with the project.

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saw a black dude with a cyberpunk tshirt and told him to dilate and called me a faggot whiteboy

that is weird, especially considering in that 40 minute gameplay video, doesn't Jackie call female V by a specifically female nickname?

You forgot RDR2 on your list of SJW games that sold well. That and pretty much every other successful game

why do whitet*ids think Yea Forums is acceptable behavior irl

I don’t have the picture but there was some shit with epic and cdpr I think

>red dead
>sjw because you shoot the kkk

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I can't wait for this shit mechanic to die

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I think in the gameplay he kept calling here Jaime but where he j is an h because he’s Mexican

>please the mass with the gender bullshit


And things like the terrible graphics, voice acting, and stripped away RPG mechanics are all indisputable facts

>BOTH are right.
no one will get this reference

The only timeline I'll follow along with your mental illness is in a broken dystopian future, faggot. I hope you do the right thing and end yourself.

Really? I thought they raped Andromeda because it was a janky, poorly optimized, unpolished, ugly game with a senseless story, uninteresting levels, and unlikeable characters so shallow they disappeared when they turned sideways.

I wouldn't be surprised if it just never comes up. To be frank, they were probably minimizing the use of gendered pronouns even before they made this explicit decision to cut costs. This probably isn't a big change.

If you are not sure don't pre order you fucking spergs. The game will sell like hot cakes even with full autism campaign on Yea Forums, seething right wingers and dilating trannies.

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Its objectively a Deus Ex/GTA hybrid with 2013 graphics. Love it or hate it thats what the gameplay videos are showing us.

my thoughts exactly. I guess this is just the issue of the times currently, everyone feels the need to comment on the topic these days, despite it being something that only effects an incredibly tiny group of people.

I tried cancelling my pre order and best buy said a gender scale wasn't a valid reason to cancel

>delete useless feature
>Yea Forums hates it
>add useless feature
>Yea Forums hates it
Like clockwork. And Yea Forums isn't even one person.

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They said WHAT!??!??!?

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He does. We'll see if that changes in the final game.

Nah man we're all just larping and the few losers who take this shit seriously will sit here dick in hand flinging shit at eachother while we men of culture enjoy the latest CDPR Lūdōgraphy

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Michael does life


>I tried cancelling my pre order and best buy said a gender scale wasn't a valid reason to cancel

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the deus ex influence is undeniable now that we've seen how they're thinking about level design. Not that it would ever not be, considering the ways cybernetic implants can actually have an effect on gameplay. CDPR actually name dropped the original deus ex and vampire tmb as direct points of inspiration for the gameplay and writing in 2077. If they can deliver on that it'll only be a good from my perspective

In cinematography it's pretty well accepted that a single unbroken continuous shot is more immersive than a series of cuts to different perspective. In HalfLife 2 the entire game takes place in first person including the cutscenes, some would say this is immersive. Similarly in God of War 2018 the entire game was one long unbroken 3rd person camera including the cutscenes and it was considered by critics to be immersive. In RDR2 the game is 3rd person but the cutscenes often don't even follow the protagonist's perspective or see things the main character isn't aware of, instead opting for a more traditional kino experience. Some would argue that this isn't true immersion because the editing makes the game into a movie at times taking control away from the player, but it's immersive in a fimic sense so RDR2 could be considered immersive.

CDPR is following the HL2 formula of immersion which is to keep everything in first person and just lock the player in place or lock them in a room with a talking NPC until the point where the scripting allows the player to continue playing the game. It's kind of a cheap gimmick in 2019 but it is by definition immersive.

would be funny if trans people load up this game only for it to constantly misgender them because cdpr didn't bother to iron out all the kinks in their dialogue lmao

First person cutscenes are so fucking lazy. I don't want full "immersion", I want cutscene directing and the ability to see V. This isn't an artistic choice, it's blatant corner cutting.

that would be EPIC

I hope they do this to troll them >:D

this. perspective changing is a bad thing, its never done well in the first place. Plus V is mostly just a voice anyways. You aren't as much of a character as Geralt, but this won't be a pure create your own character rpg experience and that'd been obvious since they first revealed V as the protagonist. ledditfags are going to be super butthurt about just how little role playing you can do outside of the general character they have in mind for V

>that would be EPIC

>I hope they do this to troll them >:D

Attached: z.jpg (750x562, 31K)

Holy shit that's an actual incel autist if I've ever seen one.

since when do you need a reason to cancel a pre-order?

paid $250 upfront for the collectors edition over counter

they were right then, gender scale isn't a valid reason to cancel if you were already hype enough to drop 250 on an unreleased game

It's almost like that the renders are taken during sunset


no, you're just a retard who pre orders useless junk you don't need

Andromeda being shit was a given since it was made by women and mutt niggers. It would have been destroyed in any case though. You will see that very soon. Cyberpunk caving will be it's doom. Ex-Bioware thing will come out in a big way. You can't stop the memes.

t. the hacker known as "Anonymous"

Why are they using the Team Fortress logo in the bottom pic?

that doesn't answer my question
you still have the receipt, I presume
so what's the problem?
I'm getting memed on here, right?

Catering to corporate cultural engineering isn't a good look for a game called "cyberpunk". Not only does it bow to this, but it doesn't even look anti-transhumanist. It's like someone watched Blade Runner and unironically thought Tyrell was the good guy.

Attached: youheardme.jpg (640x469, 73K)

>>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
Oh, no wonder. Explains quite a bit.

The real reason they removed third-person was so that they could add so many hats and in such complexity that they would crash the game if they had to be rendered in the game world.

There is a reason why VTM:B and Dues Ex don't translate well into highly polished triple A games, it's because games allow players to fail by not correctly allocating their skill points into useful abilities. You can put all you skill points into persuasion in VTMB and then get permastuck in the sewers because you can't do enough damage to the boss who can't be reasoned with. In Deus Ex you can put all your points into swimming and get stuck with a broken character making the game 100x harder than it would normally be.

Simply put they don't cater to the lowest common denominator of player and the freedom to create a broken character can't exist in a game like CP77 where millions of dollars and the entire company's future is at stake. I personally don't see the DNA of DE or VTMB at all in the game, it's closer design wise to Dishonored, where you get guns and overpowered abilities or you can be sneaky if you want to tie an arm behind your back for the extra challenge. It wont be as good a power fantasy as Doom Eternal, or as good a stealth game as Splinter Cell Chaos theory, you get a milquetoast experience between the two.

>needing a valid reason to cancel a preorder
Where do you live with draconian Best Buys?

>drawing conclusions based on observations is hacking

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>Devs try to cater a more larger audience
Dropped. Probably get it in a clearance bin in 2022

He lives in the same fantasy land everyone who thinks CP2077 isn't going to be GOTY 2020 live in.

who cares?

there's a GOG version

it will be free on day 1

Attached: 1532307280496.webm (368x640, 1.85M)

They count it as a sale, you git. Why would they count refunds? Doesn't make 'em look good. Just don't buy it.

That's a mockup, clearly not an actual screenshot. The real game will look worse.

Little timmy with his Playstation 4 can't pirate his videogames, and has to ask mom for $60 whole dollars, which is more than she makes in a day :(

>condoning trannies

First person cutscenes aren't lazy per se, but erd person cutscenes are basically mandatory for an RPG. CDPR are so far up their own asses at this point they think they can get away with anything.

There are two types of people that play RPGs: those that play themselves in a different world, and those that create an OC that they see themselves as the writer/director of. I can see the former being into first person cutscenes...but not a voiced protagonist. That just seems like an ill-fitting combination.

>missing the forest for the trees

third type is most people, they just play the game and click things with no rp whatsoever

>first thing you talk about is 'gender bullshit'
Wanna know how I know you don't care one bit about the game itself? It's literally 2 words lmao.


When did they do that? Make fun of it?

No they're not.

I think we can all agree that first person with voiced protagonist is the worst compromise. It absolutely ruined Fallout 4.

2501 has nothing to do with gender you literal spastic.

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yeah but you're a blind retard if you think it doesn't fit into the world. Just because you can't possible consider gender to be part of a story because muh SJWs doesn't mean it isn't just a part of life like anything else. Letting these people dictate what is and isn't ""cool"" to like is fucking stupid and you're a weak minded bitch if the left or right influences you in any way at all

>Depression Quest

Attached: 8c3.jpg (640x496, 45K)

Full body cyborgs in 2077 are rare, expensive, likely to murder you at a drop of a hat and are super overpowered.

Lets get real. You always planned on pirating it. You're just looking for a reason to justify it. At least man the fuck up and admit you just don't want to pay for it.

i'm still amazed games look this good.

You saw the character creation process in its entirety?

Yea Forums doesn't go outside so they don't know about sunset.

Nothing I have seen in the entire promotional material says anything about gender and critical theory in regards to trans-humanism and modern transsexualism. No mainstream cyberpunk work has it as a central, secondary or even tertiary focus and I struggle to think of one that really took it seriously; for the most part, it's just thrown up to go 'Look how fucked up and perverted things are! We got a transexual that's going full on Rocky Horror as a muscular body guard!" if it's even thrown up at all. This nonsense is you going back to a genre and looking at it through a particular lens, desperate to try and find anything to latch onto for shitposting purposes, or to try and justify claiming legitimacy for some strange reason.

Not my point at all. Body modification is big in cyberpunk media. This could easily be spun into a story that involves gender in some way. I’m not sure why you’re so opposed to it for some reason

I'm not; but acting like it's an integral part of the genre is ridiculous. Furthermore, CP2077 aside from the usual devotion to the modern day religious orthodoxy in press statements has shown no signs of exploring it either in the game.

Indeed, you're more likely to find that outside of cyberpunk and in more conventional SF genres.

I never said that, I just said it could fit into a general cyberpunk setting if someone wanted it to. And I agree with you because that was never my point, it’s certainly not a theme in 2077 or gits or anything else. I never said that it was and I don’t mind either way if it does or doesn’t show up as a theme in any cyberpunk media

Why have character creation now when you’ll never see your character??

CDPR is full of LA faggots now


Why are there no furries in CP77?

Senpai don't even play it.
Play shadow run instead and dab on the faggots playing their redditshit AAA crap

Even Fallout 4 had TPP in dialogue by default (though you could turn it off), IIRC. This is even worse. A real clash of styles.

There are in 2020, and if there are in 2077 I imagine that's one of the things that won't be shown in gameplay previews, like first person sex scenes.


We are now at the level of you inspiring others to show how much of a faggot you are on this board.

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We are now at the stage of you inspiring others to show how much of a faggot you really are.

Attached: I made this just for you.png (553x555, 287K)

>replies to the post without comprehending it

>when the most successful WRPG developer decides to flip off their consumers and make a shitty Far Cry clone

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Bottom pic looks like F2P shovelware