If this game didn't have Ubisoft's logo or the Assassin Creed brand, Yea Forums would worship it. This was a legitimately good game.
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
Play as Kassandra and play it in Japanese. Kino
It's way too focus tested. Doesn't even feel like vidya, but a corporate product equivalent to Franken-food.
They should do one in the Mongol Empire.
You make this thread daily and always use the same image. Don't you have any screenshots you can use?
already done, it's called botw
They didn’t have to pair her with such a puss of a baby’s daddy though. Natakkas is too much wuss for such an alpha amazonian goddess like kassandraF
Why Japanese? The shitty voice acting does grate me. Is it better in another language?
It's terrible gameplay though. Very MMO like. Everything's an XP grind or a healthbar.
No. They'll fuck it up.
You didn't play the game. You level perfectly fine just doing the main quest and important side quests. You never feel like you need to grind at all.
It is a good game, I agree. Also, it was one of the few open world titles that had dynamic content that felt meaningful. The Peloponnesian War dynamic allowed the bounty hunters, region changing, and other dynamic elements to continue to give you something to do and make it useful, beyond all the static stuff. In many games there isn't much real repeatable content or what dynamic stuff there is is useless, but AC:Od did a good job.
Not to mention the user-created Stories which are pretty neat, the additional free Lost Tales which are all solid quest lines and fun, and both expansions seem to be content heavy)
All in all its a good, perhaps even great game with a lot of play value. Ubi figured out they have to iterate on their open world dynamic and they added enough new stuff that makes it feel fresh. Not to say there werent some issues - I personally felt they needed to do something different about the player skills/abilities, allowing for more "decks" (ie an "out of combat only" or basic command linking , instead of having to only slot 8 total melee, even including things like buffs (ie poison, fire) and the stealth/non-combat only (nyx shadow cloaking, rush assassination etc).
>You didn't play the game. You level perfectly fine just doing the main quest and important side quests. You never feel like you need to grind at all.
Then why does Ubisoft charge $10 for 50% faster exp?
I would worship if it wasn't a pos money grab microtransactions singleplayer shitstorm
no thanks
Yeah, there's no reason to grind unless you want to do NOTHING except the main quests (ie no side /story quests, no clearing an area etc)
Its worth mentioning that there are several "main quests" in your Odyssey and finishing one of them doesn't mean the game's over. Also the choices you make impact what endings you'll get. This is all aside from the 2 expansions one of which is a good idea to play after but is perhaps okay during some part of the main game, and the second expansion is definitely after you complete the main game world completely.
We get it you haven't played
To get $10 from people that buy it. Are you retarded?
Yeah it's actually pretty based in Japanese. Great voice cast including Nakata Jouji as Leonidas.
it's a great game, but you already know this site is nintendogaf.
rule #1: Yea Forums is always wrong about videogames.
Origins was better. This felt really soul crushing by comparison and I'm not sure why. Probably because absolutely none of the sidequests before endgame stuff are interesting in the least.
call me a giant dicksucking faggot but I'm cautiously optimistic for pic related, their BotW clone, if it can fix the problems I had with BotW it could be fun, will probably be more enjoyable than AssCreed shit anyway
I never liked playing non Japanese games in Japanese. That goes for voice and text. It just never feel up to par.
It isn't actually assassin's creed so I'm not interested. The witcher looks more fun for that type of experience.
Same. Curious about this one.
There is no greek voice option either. And ham-fisted fake greek accents don't count. So you get to choose from "unauthentic ear cancer" or "unauthentic but good quality dub"
It's going to be odyssey but without ass creed setting holding it back. They're going to go all in on the fantasy shit like the atlantis dlc for odyssey.
No it fucking wasnt. Every enemy is a fucking damage sponge, every quest is boring as fuck and none of the stories go anywhere for fuck sake.
>That storyline about a plague hitting your home island that never goes anywhere
Every fucking item gets assigned an arbitrary number in the laziest piece of shit progression system Ive ever witnessed.
I could go on but im not going to because its not even worth discussing.
Ill just mention the fucking ending which is you going up to a mountain and having the most anticlimactic conversation in any game ever where you can just convince your sibling to surrender randomly depending on some random decisions thoughout the playthrough just like in witcher 3
fuck this piece of shit game and its bloated repetitive content and fuck you OP for being such a tasteless faggot
wish it was possible to play a later update on a pirated copy or something
Agree. I had a lot of fun playing the game and will start another playthrough at NG+ with a fuckton of resources so i can try various builds. People on this fucking board talk so much about how the gameplay/combat is the most important part of the game and this game has a fun and dynamic combat.
I've said it before it's a good game it's just a shit Assassins Creed game. More so than Ubi Soft or the AC title if you just removed all the AC elements from it they could have had a decent new franchise going forward.
was the Atlantis DLC and stuff any good?
It's a 7/10 game. The enemy scaling is obnoxious because it never feels like you're progressing. The story is a little too overwrought at times. There's large swathes of the map that are empty to make way for later DLC. There's little point to the war/invasion mechanic beyond grinding for gear.
there's no reason for this game to be so fucking long.
I'm 60 hours in, and I'm not even half way through.
No is repetetive as fuck, has all the Ubisoft open world traits and problems. And i a ancient greek fag, but the setting alone wont save your game.
>There is no greek voice option either
How can they fuck up this hard?
>Retards unironically think this
Game's as deep as a puddle. Which really disappointed me honestly
>Y-you didn't play the game
This horseshit needs to stop. The most bitch response. The denial makes you look like a retard