
I feel like Marisa isn't appreciated very much these days. Say something nice about Marisa.

Attached: Marisa.jpg (2591x3624, 1.09M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Touhou isn't a "game" per se. If you're gonna play a game for the waifus why not choose one with the best waifus?

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i'm not a lot into lolis but i do like witches so she's fine in my book

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Because touhou is a fun game to play, still a dayum shame about OW, was hoping it would fill the TF2 void

She has some busted jank shots, fucking malice cannon


I am convinced at least 90% of the Touhou 'community' doesn't actually give a shit about the games and just waifufag over the girls. I've tried playing the games several times over the years and they're just so one-dimensional that I can't imagine anyone except the most hardcore oldfags still bothers playing them for anything other than the novelty of new one-liners from cute hat bitch #4823. Look at /jp/: compare how many threads are about Touhou girls and how many are about specific stages people liked or strategies they have when playing the games.

The music is top notch though

Marisa is the coolest protaganist. Reimu a shit.

Marisa's okay

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Marisa is still crazy popular what are you on

Has more character and a better design than Reimu

Reimu is the coolest

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Name a better bomb than Master Spark
protip: you can't

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how about instead you say something about videogames? Fuck you and fuck anime and fuck tohou. You are the source of all that has caused my problems over the years. I hate you and your shit. I'm just gonna be blunt: fuck you."

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I've played all the games, but there's only so much discussion you can wring out of them. They're not exactly complex, so of course the girls are going to be the most discussed thing.


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she's fast

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Back to your general cuck

Any Lunatic 1cc players here?
How much time did it take for you to clear games on harder difficulties?
I'm getting cucked by the clown in Normal

Marisa is like, freakishly powerful for a human. She doesn't have bullshit Shrine Maiden hax like Reimu. She's just a hard working girl who kills youkai.

If you want to get a 1cc on higher difficulties you should play something else than Touhou 15, try PCB or IN

You can do the same if, instead of coming on Yea Forums, you spend your free time on something else, like Marisa did by studying/practicing magic. You can become Marisa too, just try it.

If we're going that way, Cirno's not even the coolest

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Marisa is the most fun 2hu and I love Master Sparking hard and laughing at the hard spell cards.
Other things Marisa can do:
* The decimal system
* The number of thorium decay products
* Esperanto
* All the decimals of pi

Penetrating fairies over and over feels really good.

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One of the most underrated tohous. she is in my top 3

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She has a very appealing design and personality

you're like a babby, watch this!
*calculates the width of the Sanzu river*

Post your rankings fags

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It's mostly stagnation.

I love Yuugi!

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forgot image

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Nice Hina and Parsee, pretty solid

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She is actually frail as fuck according to the manga. Magicians get exposed to miasma that fucks over their bodies.

she's a nigger

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Those tan lines say otherwise

>green eyes
Thats not Marisa


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then who would it be?

Marisa is an old hag, not a loli.

She looks pretty strong to me

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This seems like the right thread for this. How do you use the Marisa/Alice team in IN? Do they have some kind of gimmick going for them because while Marisa's shot type is fine Alice's is just so narrow.

There's always the MAlice cannon if you dont care about exploits

Long and cheesy > Unga Bunga

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what's that?

Shift on, shift off

Just rapidly click shift as magic team and watch your dps shoot through the roof

I think Marisa is a thot!

>Autistic Pooloo
>Superior Nippon Shrine Maiden

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What exactly is canon anyway? Does Reimu and Marisa always work together or do they take turns fighting?

Her wolf shot is fucking busted

Shes always appreciated. In fact I prefer to use her instead of reimu in the games

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Since Alice' shot instantly covers the screen, you can toggle between them to deal lots of damage. It takes some time getting used to the timing, and you shouldn't do it while you have to move with precision, but it can utterly destroy slaves and thus make some spell cards trivial.
>Shift on, shift off

Her pussy is okay so long as you don't mind the worms.

Everyone’s shot is fucking busted in 17

play CAVE shooters

generally Reimu, I think Marisa is canon for UFO and at least Cirno is canon for HSiFS

Play doujin shmups instead

yeah, but mari has the most busted shots out of everyone

Parsee pretending to be Marisa

Play Youmu Konpaku and the dungeon of lewd creatures

it's funny how easy it is to weed out SHMUP posers when they always say "play CAVE games instead!" when in reality we don't have brand loyalty.

do you prefer reimu or marisa Yea Forums?

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Parsee is cuter than that

I'm a homing kind of guy

I like Marisa more but I'm a shitter and can't use her, so I'm stick to Reimu

Honestly I don't hate any Touhou girl, don't know how ZUN/the fanbase makes them all pretty likeable

Both Wolf and Otter Marisa are extra busted. Is Eagle anything good for anything except clearing stages and Haniwas?

also Yukari is even smarter, according to Ran "she would determine not only the Sanzu's width but also the depth of the bottom of Avici. She'd find out how long it would take Ursa Major to devour the North Star, all in an instant."

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But user, Marisa is the strongest in many games.

i just like their games and find they're a bit less one dimensional than most 2hus. i enjoy doujin shooters too

Marisa is just a fun character, its hard not to like her. Reimu is probably the blandest character in the series if we're being honest.

>dodge bullets in the opposite side of the boss
I'm THAT shit

eagle is definitely the odd one out, but she's still really good. eagle hyper is completely busted, and the unfocused shot is actually quite good for stages. you also still do a lot of focused dps.

Is Fantasy Kaleidoscope worth watching? What games does it cover?

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She's cute

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Everything else is referenced in intros or in the background

Yes it's actually great
Next episode will be against Mokou in Imperishable Night

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Does the hyper even do good damage on bosses? I get sad when I see puke filling the screen and not hitting the boss. It's awesome for stages, at least.

>Marisa thread
This is a blessed thread.
Quickly, post
>Best Marisa theme
>Best Marisa shot type
>Best Marisa bomb
>Best Marisa spell card
>Best Marisa outfit
Go go go

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it does a little bit more than wolf on bosses if you shotgun. it also destroys mayumi

I'd lick that bellybutton

>Best Marisa theme

Attached: 532.jpg (460x628, 106K)

>Magus Night
>Master Spark
>Master Spark
>Regular outfit

How did she get tan underground?

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>in many games
I wouldn't say 3 is many

My answers.
>Marisa B PCB
>Black Magic "Event Horizon" is very pretty, it's a toss up between that and Machine Gun Spark for being such a Marisa spell.
>HSiFS, her scarf is cute as fuck.

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>Shotgun in WBaWC
Surely no one here is good enough to pull something like that, right?
I guess Eagle is the shot type for pros.

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You are forgetting 6, 9 and arguably 11.

Fuck yeah, this song is awesome.

New marisa design is cute

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>Best Marisa theme
>Best Marisa shot type
mariWolf from the new one
>Best Marisa bomb
dark spark from ddc
>Best Marisa spell card
asteroid belt, i have a very big love/hate relationship with it
>Best Marisa outfit
what said

thanks, just tried it out. seems like it'll take a little getting used to but it was pretty fun.

>Eagle Youmu
no really how can you miss an oversight this big

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I feeleth yond the Crown Prince hasn't reciv'd much positive attention lately, prithee sayeth something nice about her

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Reminder that Marisa is fucking tiny.

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eagle youmu makes me sad every time i think about it

shotgunning in wbawc is very boss dependent. you'll probably find it most helpful on urumi (st2 boss) and mayumi (st5)

3 if you don't count boss characters
4 this one is debatable, but I'll stand by it
6 (in the most literal sense, anyway)
9 in netplay
16.5 (maybe, haven't kept up with the meta)
Honestly, it's easier to count the games where she's bad (15, maybe 11 and 12, and that's about it.)

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It's super satisfying. I wish more Touhou games let me bash buttons for extra damage.

Sure thing, but sorry if I seem kinda tired, I just got done installing sprinkler systems in all the Buddhist temples :)

LLS is the best PC-98 title but dear lord stage 1 is just so boring. It just goes on way too long

My wife has grown!

MAlice cannon is honestly kind of overrated. For Lunatic runs, I vastly prefer just running Solo Marisa.
If you didn't know you can unlock solo shots by 1cc'ing the game with every team.

Speak for yourself, I fucking hate having to mash the shot button in SoEW and PoDD.

She'll still manage, somehow

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It only adds to her appeal

>Best Marisa theme
Love Master, can't go wrong
>Best Marisa shot type
>Best Marisa bomb
master spark, come on
>Best Marisa spell card
the star one from IN
>Best Marisa outfit
her classic look from IN. The PCB outfit is cute as fuck too

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i've already 1cc'ed (on normal only) with border team and netherworld team. with the MAlice cannone i think I can do magic team too. Any tips for SDM team? the few times i've tried them they seem kinda bad.

>the star one from IN
But user that's literally all of them.

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it's mostly just sakuya that's bad. just don't forget to preposition your familiars as remi as you're good

The Malice cannon is a bit special, since I only use it when I don't have to move with precision. It's more like 'bam, big opening, gotta spam shift!' than a constant mash.

SDM is really good if you have the stage layout memorized, otherwise they're kind of tough to use.
At the very least, Sakuya is pretty good at wave clearing so stages shouldn't be too big an issue.

Would it be weird if I named my daughter after Marisa?

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I dunno, maybe I've just never been very good at abusing MAlice, but I just don't like relying on it.
Solo Marisa is so good that I don't really feel the need to, anyway.
>tfw never have to worry about accidentally triggering Alice's completely ass bomb as solo Marisa.

only a little. at the very least marisa isn't a bad name

It's a nice name

I really like their gimmick. Just be quick to position it between/before spell cards and you can often just dodge around while dealing constant damage.

non-directional laser, thats what I meant
marisa is a real name, so its ok

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>Daddy why did you name me Marisa?
>I named you after a little girl in a chinese shooter game I jerk off to.

Marisa and Alice!

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I mean there was that one user that named his daughter Reimu

>Love-colored Master Spark
>MAlice cannon
>Master Spark
>Event Horizon/Oort Cloud

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ZUN even acknowledged during Nikenme Radio that Eagle Youmu is the most difficult shot type.
Either the low damage cap really was a typo or he nerfed her intentionally.

Not really. Well, maybe she would find it weird if you have decorated your room with Marisa figures and play Touhou constantly in front of her, but if you are stealth-mode fan, no one would notice.

Nice bounce

Marisa is an Italian name I think? Marisa is our resident Caucasian female so its all okay.

Your efforts are in vain

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I like Marisa so bad that she's one of the few Touhou I actually don't fap to. Dunno if it's weird but that's just the case.
Also MoF is underrated.

This is the best Marisa related video and you can't prove me otherwise.

>Eagle Youmu gets fucked by a typo
>MoF Marisa B is overpowered because of a typo

the only characters I could imagine being Caucasian would be Alice, Hecatia, Clown, and the Scarlets just from the mythological origin

sure, any reccomendations?


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Best and worst 2hu names to name your child IYO?

is hecatia the weirdest character in touhou still?

Attached: Hecatia_4.png (1650x1700, 1.5M)

Best: Alice
Worst: Eternity Larva

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She has to be, just look at that shirt

That's pretty great, but not as great as

Best: Marisa, Alice
Worst: Shinmyoumaru, Hecatia

Cho Ren Sha 68k
Hellsinker now on steam

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Best: Marisa, Alice, Remilia
Worst: Byakuren Hijiri

Best: Alice, Marisa, Maribel
Worst: Sunny Milk, Star Sapphire, Lunar Child, any of those would be doomed to be strippers or porn stars.

>Best Marisa theme
>Best Marisa shot type
>Best Marisa bomb
Master Spark (got me through my first EoSD lunatic 1cc)
>Best Marisa spell card
Asteroid Belt
>Best Marisa outfit
>Best Marisa
Picture related

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Didn't some Yea Forumsirgin name their child Reimu?
if so, she should meet skyrim: the kid


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Raiko is probably one of the worst just because her kanji for "ko" is named after an object instead of the traditional naming kanji for "ko"

maybe i'll finally get around to playing cho ren sha, i see it reccomended pretty much universally. also, hellsinker is p good.

my favorites are nightmare trip, qp shooting dangerous, and blue revolver if you count that

Isn't a real name.
I know, it's shocking, but I looked it up.
There is actually a few instances of the name in the early 1900's, I posted the fruits of my research on /2hug/ when it wasn't complete shit. I concluded that, based on the name's origins, Remilia was secretly a descendant of Blacula.

Marisa with large boobs or flat boobs? Personally, I think she's cuter with flat boobs and a large ass.

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Best not mentioned yet goes to Doremy or Hina. Clownpiece is definitely the worst

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petite boobs

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Not completely flat, but I think she works best with small.
Don't mind large though.

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Personally I think she's cuter with moderately big boobs

and a large ass/thicc thighs.


all good choices
this is OK sometimes, but i think her being petite is the cutest

alice's the one with tits, marisa's got the ass instead

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ZUN proportions or bust

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Best is Alice, at least for westerners
Worst is Five Magic Stones, and for a non-meme answer, YuugenMagan

You definitely should, everything about it is great and it all meshes into a perfect combination

Attached: Sneaky Fucker.webm (640x480, 2.87M)

Why is so cute yet so sexy at the same time? Marisa gives off such a fun/sexy vibe.

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tomboyish attitude

What's wrong with naming your daughter after the cutest Touhou?

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I dunno, I think Giant Catfish would give him a run for his money for worst name.

And yet she's still weaker than an Enma and an Oriental Demon.

>filled with shitskins
>best waifus

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I haven't seen many serious touhou videos. Got any more Marisa ones?

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because 99% of people in the west wouldnt be able to pronounce her name

Hags unite!

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Also works for some shot types in DDC

i mean, if youre chinese, you could get away with naming a daughter juxing nyanu

If you don't fap to ZUN Marisa you don't really love her.

She strikes a fine balance of being fun loving while not coming across as superficial or lecherous.
It helps that she has depths to her character, making her feel more like an actual person and less like a pile of cliches like many characters from similar otaku-centric series.

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Man of reason. If you are gonna love a 2hu might as well love her in her full potato faced glory.

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i agree that she's is a cute 2hu, but it's a terrible name

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Post real tomboy qtπ2

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I love my strong wife Yuugi!

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Do you still have your results lying around? I'd be interested in reading. is also pretty great and heavily features Marisa.
Aside from that, most of the really good ones I can think of tend to be melancholic or Sekken-ya. can post those if you want.

Seija isn’t a tomboy, she’s what’s known as a rebellious bitch.

No need to be mad virgin boy

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PoFV is such a cool game. Too bad I never managed to play it online.

It was primarily a shitpost, and unfortunately the archives are dead so there's no way to dig it back up.
I can't even find the shitty sprite edit I made to go along with it.

It's never too late.

Attached: netplay help.png (1367x4101, 1.99M)

You should save your posts, at least your ambitious ones. Not necessarily to turn things into pasta, but at least for yourself.

i love my mom kanako

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It can't hurt the thread, although I won't have time to stick around and watch them at the moment, unfortunately.

I've also probably made a half dozen or so 2000+ character posts vividly describing why I love Marisa, though, so perhaps it's for the best that such endeavors are lost to time.

You're a cool user. I wish more people here were as passionate and knowledgeable.

give me a summary why you love her so much and ill draw u a quick marisa

Well, you can always come back after the thread dies.
Posting my personal favorites off the top of my head.

Bonus is literally the only entertaining thing to ever come of IOSYS

She's almost as cute as the strongest fairy.

And to counter the sad:

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Goodnight Yea Forums

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I hope that user didn't run away. I really want to see this happen now.

im still waiting!

Night user, dreams of Gensokyo await

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It was really clever to coax them with art like that, and the rest of us could get both text and art, so it's like a double present if the two of you manage to deliver.

i really enjoy drawing marisa so im ready whenever he is. i said quick so dont expect something crazy

Marisa's a little weird, Kirisame doesn't seem like a foreign name and Marisa's written in kanji, plus she's got the Japanese name order unlike, say, Alice. But you're right, Marisa's a pretty western name.

Thank fuck I got to do one of these lately. Too bad it doesn't have the Books and CD characters, this already took like over an hour and a half to do otherwise.

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That's overselling it. I just enjoy doing silly things sometimes.

I wish I saved one of them so I could just copy paste it. My prose was never very good and it's only gotten worse.
Marisa Kirisame is the best character ZUN has ever written, and is an exemplary part of the Touhou franchise. In fact, it is not in any way an exaggeration to say that she's the most important character in the franchise, grounding it in a way.
She is certainly an oddity among the Touhou cast. Where as most character have some amazing ability that defines them, Marisa has none. However, what could easily be a weakness becomes what is perhaps her greatest strength. She has shown, time and time again, that she is able to keep up with even the heavy hitters of Gensokyo with nothing more than her grit, her wit, and a drive to improve herself. While one would be forgiven for believing her to be little more than a silly, carefree individual, peeling back her lax personal reveals a radically different side of her. Here is a person that dedicates a majority of her free time to study, research, and the development her of magical arts. She is innovative, and is willing to observe what others in her field are doing, and improving upon their work, adding a little bit of her own personal charm to the spell in question. Even though she is clearly aware of her own limitations, she continues to push her own boundaries regardless, ever striving to reach new heights to keep up with her rivals. I believe this is the crux of Marisa's charm as a character. She is flawed, certainly, yet she is always trying to do better, always putting on a brave face despite the odds being stacked against her. In this way, it could be said that Marisa is the most human character in all of Touhou. That's what makes her the best.

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Thats a pretty damn solid top 10 except for china

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>Best Marisa bomb
sa nitori
>3 if you don't count boss characters
she's the second worst overall; only kana is worse.
>9 in netplay
debatable, but reimu is probably better and has more top finishes in the east opera tourneys. in the top three for sure though.

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She's my phone wallpaper. Also I play as her every game, even when she's bad.

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>it doesn't have the Books and CD characters
Usami and Kosuzu and the rest are right there, or do you mean like DiPP and the minor manga characters?

It should be noted that Marisa is spelled with Kanji, whereas foreign names such as the Scarlet's are spelled with Katakana. This implies two things
>Marisa is meant to be pronounced as a Japanese name rather than an English one.
>Marisa herself is Japanese.

Fuck me, forgot the best one.

Reminder to show your love for your favorite characters by following what Keiki says and Create!

Attached: Paru is Done!!!.jpg (4032x3024, 2.79M)

It doesn't matter much if it's quick or dirty, since it's happening here.

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I like big memehus and I cannot lie

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Cute franken-fumos, nice needlework. And mounting them on the side of your wall is certainly creative if a little bizarre.

Honestly that one is kind of on the short side. I was having trouble getting started and I'm really rusty with this sort of thing. Sorry about that.

>she's the second worst overall; only kana is worse.
I know nothing about 3's meta but I disagree on virtue that I have my Lunatic 1cc with her. I don't care if that's ultimately a subjective as fuck reason.

>debatable, but reimu is probably better and has more top finishes in the east opera tourneys. in the top three for sure though.
Reimu is carried heavy by her Level 2 being borderline broken with latency taken into consideration. Frankly, I have no idea what ZUN was thinking with that one (though such can be said of many of his decisions, I suppose. That's the fun in having a drunk dev, I guess)
Still, theorycrafting taken into consideration, Level 1 i-frame abuse should in theory nullify Reimu's biggest advantage, and in a meta at that level Marisa's ability to spam Level 2s should make her the better pick. Still, I suppose that's just simple theory craft, and in no way constitutes objective fact.

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Thanks! And sorry my phone camera auto rotated it

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What is Marisa's personality Yea Forums

my god she's adorable, i want a keiki gf

Attached: 1567232868304.png (916x788, 531K)

Well user you can always try your hand and Create! her

Tomboy Witch that shoots lazers at things.

Straight forward and honest, but also at the same time carefully constructed and showy.
A contradiction, which is fitting for a series all about dichotomy.

She doesn't have one, user is just being a retarded waifufaggot

I mean, you could say
>no personality
for 95% of the cast of touhou, but saying that for main characters like reimu, marisa, and yukari is just you being retarded on purpose

>Character analysis is now waifufaggotry.
Yes, yes, please do go on user.

Attached: 1394507578438.jpg (800x540, 455K)

have sex

user's love for his waifu serves as an example to waifufags everywhere

Attached: oh yeah ran.png (442x472, 317K)

If Keiki can create her daughter from clay, so can you

Attached: __haniyasushin_keiki_and_joutouguu_mayumi_touhou_drawn_by_hillly_maiwetea__bba5a3a68eaed98db100923d6 (1000x1500, 762K)

bend over


thank you for posting this. i actually have the same exact reasons why i like marisa too

heres your quick pic!!

Attached: 1543796936412.png (915x859, 160K)

I really do love how Sanae legit has a character arc (which is something I would love to see more of in Touhou.)
>10: Cocky newcomer who's used to being the biggest and baddest person around. Gets her shit kicked in for it.
>11: Has started to make the transition into Gensokyo life, though she might not completely "get" the local culture yet.
>12: Is finally starting to get involved, but is still heavily reliant on her paternal figures (her gods) for assistance and guidance.
>12.3: Decides to go on a short adventure independently. Ends with her standing up to and challenging her god (much to a proud Suwako's delight)
>13: Venturing out on her own, using a shot type that has consists entirely of her own power rather than those borrowed from her god.
She goes back to using her god's powers for 15, of course, but to be fair she is facing the most op faction in all of Touhou, aside from maybe the Hell cast.

I'm not a slut like Marisa

it sucks, just like her

Cute Marisa!

......................... cute.......................

Thanks user, that's a wonderful Marisa.
Do you post in one of the draw threads, by chance?

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I think it's fine. It somewhat captures what I love about Marisa: she's not afraid to push herself, to the point where Remilia even asks her if she is really human (at which she replies that she is a fun human, which is when she really stole my heart back in EoSD).

How hard would be to create a fumo from scratch? I've never sewn a sock btw

Attached: 1554407133728.jpg (600x652, 56K)

>Reimu shitposts in Touhou threads when she has nothing better to do, becoming bitter when people post loving comments about other girls.
>She's also behind Reimu Smash thread.
I'd believe it.

Attached: Keiki_13.jpg (800x1200, 741K)

Marisa always has the best dialogue, that's actually why she's the best 2hu.

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it's nice to see meiling being ranked so high

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Better than what I can do....

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top cute!

cute chinaman

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>from scratch?
thats much more difficult than what most custom fumo makers do, as even people like yumemey utilize a pre-existing fumo as a base, hence why the other user said frankenfumo
i would say though, that obviously difficulty comes predominantly from the complexity of your chosen characters design, luckily for me yuugi is my favorite, and has a rather simple design, which helped immensely as my first yuugi (the one on the left) was an experiment for myself, as making her was me teaching myself how to sew, and yuugi2 and parsee after were me continuing to learn.
there is no guide though for custom fumo making, as due to how unique the majority of characters designs are, a single all encompassing guide would either be, impossible to make, or filled with very generic information that one can readily find by searching things like "how to make (article of clothing) for dolls" and applying a fumos measurements to it
for materials, a good knit cloth is good for clothing, if you wanna replace the hair, you can try a soft felt, minky, or really any other material so long as you are comfortable with it
tl;dr i didnt know how to sew when i made yuugi1, so you should be fine, just find a good base fumo and go!

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I honestly meant to post a crying marisa, but i couldn't find it lol
I do not participate in draw threads
I just like her a lot because in comparison she isn't some superpower freak, just a normal person that trained really hard. really inspiring stuff imo.

thanks for the messages everyone! i just really enjoy drawing her
keep going user, if you love her keep drawing her

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I mean I keep trying. Someday I will get to a better level

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Well, I love what I've seen, so I'd be happy to see more of it in the future.

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Marisa is my wife!

Attached: 1300516611346.jpg (850x611, 363K)

focus on structure! if you like a certain artist copy their pictures to understand more (and understand the character!). i'm still a beginner but its very helpful to deconstruct and reconstruct your favorite artists. once you do that, go apply what u learned to a new pic.
maybe ill post more in a touhou thread. i'm still a beginner!

I can't buy a fumo, but for some reason I was thinking about buying some fabric and improvise because why not; maybe I can make a mini-fumo and worst case use glue instead of sewing

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I love your Marisa's dumb giant hat.

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spics sure do love goku huh

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>Layla aging
I'm such a sap, this gets me every time.

Attached: 1554286808314.jpg (2670x1500, 745K)

thank you, her hair and the hat are my favorite parts to draw. she has a very energetic vibe to her which is awesome when drawing

pic related, my marisa collection. not pictured: stack of (non-h) marisa doujins

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>use glue instead of sewing
i would STRONGLY advise against that, as fabric glue is basically a last resort of sorts when it comes to crafts work, i only use it for attaching yuugis horn
however, I shouldve also gone into greater detail about making a fumo 100% from scratch, its obviously a lot harder, regardless of scale (with actually a smaller one potentially being even harder than a full sized one). the big thing that keeps most people out of making their own fumo 100% from scratch, is that basically you have 2 options for eyes, either you effectively cut out some thick fabric and attach it to the face, which will give the eyes a 3d effect and make them look very weird, or you can embroider them, which is what normal fumo eyes are, for that though youd need an embroidery machine, and embroidery is something i know nothing about, if youd wanna know more, theres an user on the fumo threads on thats making yuukas from scratch, and embroiders the faces, so i definitely suggest popping in there and asking them about it but please do not let me dissuade you from making a soft friend of your favorite characters!

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It's a shame 2hu threads on Yea Forums aren't as common as they used to be though, that may be for the best. The community in those old threads became incredibly incestuous, and in turn drama started popping up left and right. A perfect example of the type of shitstorm that can occur when people start meeting outside of threads.
We actually did have a fun drawfag who would consistently come to the threads in the past. Sadly, the only thing of his that still gets posted from time to time is the Clownpiece image.

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I like your doodles, they look like the doodles of a pro. Just out of curiosity, how good can you draw when you give it your all?

the clownpiece image?

Haha nice! I have my own giant Marisa Nesoberi plush!

Attached: STORYTIME.jpg (576x768, 62K)

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Fuck, you spooked me for a second, I thought you posted my Marisas somehow.
Don't have that small figure, but I do have a few more fumos and a Nendoroid

Attached: 1557894310512.jpg (500x500, 158K)

>be me
>come into thread
>autism says to save all 2hu in thread
>have a feeling that its pointless and a waste of space
what do i do?

My only 1ccs are with Marisa.

Attached: 1566273693053.jpg (1200x1697, 820K)

Don't listen to common sense and keep saving

Attached: 1566913347311.png (625x1007, 535K)

I'll be completely honest (and I'm sorry for making the thread about me in a way, not my intention) but pushing a picture fully with lineart, color, etc., I'm not super great at. It's just me being a pussy and not going all the way since it gets way harder. I'm trying to get improve in that area though.
nice! its a very nice plush, mine holds the american flag most of the time.
i got the small figure, fumo, and the 2nd large figure this month in akihabara when I was in Japan for Comiket. Don't have a nendroid though
my touhou folder is like 5gb of just pictures, do it user

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they do, but this artist is a jap

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i don't like dragon ball that much but this is really cute, i can totally see yuyuko and goku bonding over food

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Fuck, wish I could go to Comiket.
Most of my stuff is from the ill-fated Touhou Con from years back.

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>the ill-fated Touhou Con from years back

Attached: 1556971356293.png (900x1300, 479K)

touhoucon was a 2015 convention in anaheim

Attached: 1551047254166.png (800x800, 485K)

>I'll be completely honest (and I'm sorry for making the thread about me in a way, not my intention) but pushing a picture fully with lineart, color, etc., I'm not super great at. It's just me being a pussy and not going all the way since it gets way harder. I'm trying to get improve in that area though.
That's almost what I wanted to hear. I it is sort of encouraging to hear that you can draw passable OC without being a full pro... although I suspect you're still way beyond a beginner, and that you are just used to comparing yourself with people who are better still.

Honestly, if you're a big touhoufan, don't go to Comiket. It's worth the visit ONCE but the Touhou content isn't that huge because most artists/creators go to Reitaisai instead since its ONLY focused on touhou.
I went to Comiket very early, bought the new Touhou game from ZUN, then got all my doujins within the hour since it was early. Reitaisai looks much more fun (I'm going to Autumn Reitaisai in a month)

I made another one while you said that

Attached: Marisa doodle neu.jpg (1600x1200, 160K)

>Reitaisai looks much more fun
it is, and its a lot more "intimate" despite still being a massive convention

Attached: 1536862528662.png (705x1140, 327K)

You didn't know?
It was honestly a fun con. Panels sucked, but it had some really good merch and an the gameroom existed I guess.
They had a PoFV, Soku, and ULiL tourney too. Everyone there fucking sucked, and I was pretty easily able to win 2 of the 3.
But yeah, ill-fated. Apparently funds were horribly mismanaged, and the whole thing was a financial catastrophe. It's a shame, but I suppose it's not too unexpected of the Western touhou fanbase.

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No, don't do that to your computer-drawn doodles!

Attached: 1552231780684.png (650x800, 238K)

FUCK. .png only right?

.png with transparent background so I can easily shove your art into other pictures for laughs.

Attached: 1551595909622.jpg (847x1200, 280K)

>decide to read about the lunarians since everyone hates them
>all they did was tell Reimu and everyone else to fuck off even after they tried to conquer the lunar capital

Attached: 1516023304236.jpg (522x600, 58K)

They cheated.

>finally finished reading all the official mangas, including both Grimoires
>nothing but a feeling of emptiness remains

I need more.

Attached: 1396396321575.jpg (750x1140, 450K)

Hold on lemme do that

Attached: Marisa doodle neu.png (1600x1200, 994K)

this comiket for touhou, we only got half of the west hall floor 4. reitaisai we get the entire hall. thank you for the kind words. but i'm completely honest i still have trouble with lineart and overall 'finishing' a package. i'm just very comfortable sketching.

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Honestly I find sketches comfy as fuck.
Not that you should slack off on improving, mind you.

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Sketches are comfy as fuck, but there comes a time when you should really push out of that phase. and i'm trying to do that lol

Attached: 1567232425911.png (1024x1354, 1M)

>Both Grimoires
Which ones exactly?
Also have you read Curiosities of Lotus Asia? It's comfy as fuck.

Last chapter of Fairies soon.

Attached: 1565946317065.png (1228x868, 1.25M)

Grimoire of Marisa (Marisa's comments on people's spellcards)
Grimoire of Usami (various people's comments on people's spellcards used as fireworks displays)

I want to do more doodles but I should get a sketchbook for this shit. Was never a person who did amazing drawings anyway since I just did abstract shit and never liked to draw people

Attached: MZ.jpg (894x1194, 167K)

Remember that, no matter how bad your art is, you could always do worse.

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can you post a drawing you have? im interested
theres always someone better and worse than you

I've already posted in the thread before, but okay

Attached: Eiki doodle reduz.png (1284x588, 80K)

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>Grimoire of Usami
Fuck me I didn't know we got a new GoM-esque book.
Regardless, have you read the other books yet? PMiSS, BAiJR, SoPM, AFiEU mainly?

sorry, didn't realize it was the same user. keep drawing user. copy some artists you like (but dont pass off the work as your own, obviously)

Grimoire of Marisa and Grimoire of Usami. I'll see if I can download it on my phone to read it while outside.

I'm very excited. I just finished reading Wild and Horned Hermit after dropping it after a few chapters and it was really good, I found failed jew Reimu very amusing but the fact that Marisa actually gets fucking pissed off at her for ignoring the HSiFS incident was something else.

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They literally didn't. Reimu has the same powers as Yorihime. Or at least she could have if she wasn't lazy ass.

Oh we're posting our MSpaint Touhou art?
I have a motorskill dysfunction so bad I can hardly write my own name legibly[/spoiler}

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Read "Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red"

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Marisa has a ton of fantastic moments across all of the manga series, she's always great.

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Its all good. we like touhou and marisa is one of our favorites im gonna assume

Attached: __kawashiro_nitori_and_kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_sasa_kichi__7c723457ea1e57499f68d83f201b9222. (768x1024, 487K)

Here's my attempt at Marisa.

Attached: MARISA.jpg (226x301, 9K)

shes my favorite so much that i cosplayed as her

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I don't like playing on Easy but I had to for 12, FUCK UFOs. The game would be so good if it weren't for that gimmick

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Real talk, at one point I wanted to get swole so I could pull off Manrisa.
Gave up on that when I realized being in shape didn't actually improve anyone's opinion of me.

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God I gotta say I appreciate how ridiculously long the ghosts in 17 stick around compared to the UFOs. Also there's no worse feeling than being a shitter like me and letting a big UFO get away because there's too much shit going on.

Just ignore them past stage 3

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many free bombs, son

UFO is still the only game I don't have a Lunatic 1cc on.
New Touhou and HRtP notwithstanding.

Attached: 1539752377689.jpg (700x894, 82K)

no, just did it at a con with friends for fun, got drunk too. the real fun is being drunk and walking around in a touhou outfit


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I used to hate Seija but she's been growing on me lately

This is a good thread. kkthxbye and thanks for all the OC.

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They're really distracting for me even if I avoid them
Jesus, I can only barely get normal 1ccs. I feel myself improving gradually though

I've been thinking about being Manae and having my manlet blonde friend be Sucocko. We'd just need a real tall guy to be Manako and we'd be golden.

Attached: 1553158291811.png (800x942, 582K)

I've noticed more genuine Touhou threads cropping up recently.
I feel like WBaWC had a more positive reception than HSiFS did. Which I'm fine with, I really did enjoy the game more than HSiFS, though HSiFS was by no means a bad game.

Attached: 1567026655937.jpg (800x1119, 713K)

*shifts color as you are 1 second away from grabbing*

>I can't imagine anyone except the most hardcore oldfags still bothers playing them
That's me!

Knowing ZUN, Kanako's probably not actually all that much taller than Sanae.

She's a compulsive liar and thief, but is completely honest about being a liar and thief.
She's incredibly hardworking; whereas Reimu cruises by entirely on her insane innate talent, Marisa is someone with perfectly ordinary talent who matches her through intense hard work and study.
She claims to solve incidents for the sake of personal greed, which is mostly true, but she does care about the welfare of Gensokyo's humans though she often won't admit it.
She's confident and flashy, but she also has issues with commitment, possibly stemming from her estranged relationship with her father.

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Ayy, you're welcome! Thanks for putting my shitty drawing in the screencap. I'm lower-left shitrisa.

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>I don't care if that's ultimately a subjective as fuck reason.
haha alright man. that wasn't how you presented it in your original post, but if you want to get carried away with your bae then so be it. and while general stratification is obvious, there's no set meta afaik, so you can i guess you can say she's best if you want.

as far as 1ccs go, she's middle of the pack. 5-6th with kotohime; i'd argue 6th but they're close enough. middle of the pack for scoring, too.

>theory craft
you aren't wrong with her strengths - and she is strong - but if you're going to account for latency then your iframes are going to be far less abusable, especially since they're hardly relevant to begin with vs reimu. ultimately, it's still her l2 (and her charge attack treating all spirits as activated spirits) that helps her deal with reimu, assuming she can survive and win the war of attrition, because after things ramp up there's too much shit on the screen to consistently get through the three waves of a single reimu l2.

you might be interested in watching some of the east opera matches if you haven't already. here, you can watch hs' marisa beat the reimu of sumetane (who won the previous two and the following tourney) in a gf:
(nested spoilers for victors)

Attached: 1558621621557.jpg (800x1000, 615K)

>Jesus, I can only barely get normal 1ccs. I feel myself improving gradually though
If it makes you feel better, I was in that same exact position a few years back. Hell, coming into the series, I told myself that all I wanted was to get my normal 1ccs and extra clears, and that was it. The progression will happen naturally, just keep playing, don't be afraid to look up strats and routes seriously if you don't now the gimmick behind some spells (cough cough Honest Man's Death) they can be borderline impossible if you get stuck, and you'll make progress naturally.

If I had a girlfriend I would totally make her dress up as Ichirin and myself as Unzan.
Though I suppose that would also require being swole.

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Brb restoring Rhodesia

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Thanks for putting three of my Marisa’s on here

lmao this is great, thank you

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Attached: oh shit delet marisa.jpg (1243x689, 90K)

Speaking of motivations, I absolutely love how UFO lays them out.
>Reimu motivated by either Greed or Sense of Duty
>Marisa motivated by either Curiosity or Greed
>Sanae motivated by either Sense of Duty or Curiosity
Also appreciate that the route that's most likely canon is the one where Marisa is motivated by curiosity.

Fuck me, people in past threads had always referred to Eastern tourneys being more hardcore than what we had in the West, but this is the first time I've seen someone actually follow through and post something. I'll have to give this a look, thanks.

>haha alright man. that wasn't how you presented it in your original post, but if you want to get carried away with your bae then so be it. and while general stratification is obvious, there's no set meta afaik, so you can i guess you can say she's best if you want.
I'll admit, I don't know anything about the PoDD meta (or that there was one).
If I had to wager a legitimate guess, I suppose I'd assume that the boss characters and Mima are top tier in that game, though I could be completely wrong.
>as far as 1ccs go, she's middle of the pack.
Honestly, considering the most effective strat for cheesing out luni 1ccs in that game is just going full pacifist the last two fights, I'm curious as to how the list actually looks.

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Someone post that canon bleeding Marisa from WaHH

Attached: 1552753272381.jpg (631x793, 251K)

I'm not even sure how to judge the quality of a shmup (or at least how to express it in words), but the goasts are fun and OP, and there are some good spell cards and newhus. The music is also good, and set the mood well together with the backgrounds.

Attached: 1559574094014.png (700x900, 515K)

(: it's good

Very nice, that a licorice stick or a recorder?

>marisa thread gets a ton of posts
You didn't let me down, Yea Forums..

Attached: Kirisame.Marisa.full.1632410.jpg (1000x823, 601K)

Nah, it's stated in other media that Marisa keeps /fit/ explicitly to avoid fucking up her body too badly.
Hell, we even see her climb a mountain in a manga (Not sure why, the girl can fly).

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Someone post Marisa's canon pussy from the Fairy manga

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Why do people climb things when they can just drive cars

If I had a car that could climb mountains I'd sure as hell use that instead tbqh

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Cute witch.

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A thread like this needs a little music

based thread

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Very good user

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is it ma riss uh or ma ree suh

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mah ree oh

You mean Mario Mario?

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Ma Ree Suh, with how it's spelled in the source material.

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So what's Yea Forums's opinion on eratohoK ?

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Just pronounce まりさ, each letter at a time in japanese. Ma-Ri-Sa.
subarashi, user

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Marisa is the most hardcore 2hu to be fair.

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I don't like hurting the 2hus and I don't enjoy rape, mindbreak, etc.

I prefer happy, consensual sex, thank you very much

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I love it, though it's not really something I come back to very often. It singlehandedly turned me around on the idea of fapping to text.

Because Marisa is the embodiment of honest hard work, you simply can't not love her.

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why is no one posting Marisa's canon pussy shot in the fairy manga

Be the change you want to see.

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I mean, to be fair, you don't have to see those things. Just turn the NPC factions off and a vast majority of that disappears. Then it's just a strategy game about conquering Gensokyo and having consensual baby making sex with ur waifu-hu

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you do it

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I don't like it either, that's why I disable all the shitty faction events and go for love with as many 2hus as I can.

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After all these years I still don't know what the hell Nitori's hat-logo is supposed to be.

what does the m stand for?

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I'm late to the party, but

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>one piece swimsuit Marisa
>one piece swimsuit light fairies
>one piece swimsuit Clownpiece

This manga is blessed.

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Shirikodama maybe? It's pretty consistent with how ZUN usually draws spirits.

Witch, she's wearing it upside-down.

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you must really like seija

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That's because it's drawn by a borderline pedophile.

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We have been truly blessed.

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he's just spamming to kill the thread

>reimu that low
>fortune teller that high

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>master spark burns through the earth and blows up a mansion

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Thats a lot of love for the bunnies

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>fortune teller just wants to be left alone
>reimu needs to enforce the law
Who was in the wrong here?

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Junko get off the internet


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tbqh I prefer her dorky swimsuit from that other manga.
Wish I could find it, but it seems this thread is coming to a close.

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Props for fortune teller for trying to cheat the system, but he got what was coming to him

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I love the bunnies

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Fortune Teller the Hitler of Touhou. He did a lot of things wrong but you really can't blame him for it.

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Fortune Teller for assuming Reimu would roll with him turning into a smug ass bitch youkai. Granted, Reimu is ruthless as told in the manga.

Based and Saved.
This one's cute tho.

>reimu is a law enforcer
>help ancap beastards to overthrow a peaceful state

How did Reimu dodge this? Did she phase out of reality?

Sorry, I don't like "shrine maidens" that work for youkai and kill innocent people.

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Thank you.

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Here we see Marisa shooting to kill.

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>Expecting logic out of the anime that gave us Fantasy Seal Rasengan.

There's this word again.

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>youkai shrine maiden
he's not wrong you know

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Here's what I got

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He didn't want to be human cattle anymore, so his actions are perfectly justified.

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whats the image limit on Yea Forums again

This was SSiB, right?

Doesn't matter as this post will hit the thread bump limit.

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And so are Reimu's t b h

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I was mainly curious because I swear it was 250 but thats not the case


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It's 300.

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That's not Marisa. That's an unbalanced ccg game ruiner

Good thread

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Why can't /vg/ have 2hu threads this good?

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there used to be some damn good western pofv players, and i imagine most would still be fearsome if they derusted, but you do kind of expect japs to be the best. would be neat to see the alternate timeline where we have international lan tourneys for the phantasmagorias.

east opera had a website with all the replays, but it died a long time ago - before i realized how nice it would be to have those. don't know if there are backups anywhere, just what's on youtube and from a motk post that came up in a search. i have some in a zip, but i think it's just from one tourney, and there' no labels to know who's playing who or what part of the tournament each match is from.

>the PoDD meta (or that there was one)
no, i'd love for there to be one. i meant that you could tell overall who'd be strong and who'd be weak. i did a semi-thorough analysis for giggles over a few days, but it's mostly what you'd expect after spending a while scoring with each character, since that highlights how things will go when shit hits the fan. i guess i'll just post it, though it's obviously not definitive (and sadly of no practical use):

yeah, there's always the cheese strat, but there will be some shitstorms no matter what you do, so some ex attacks will be sent over (and more will be sent over if you play normally). some ex attacks do nothing to the ai and others can destroy it, so against some characters the ai will usually die well before it's supposed to; sometimes this combines with other stuff onscreen but it's mostly the ex attacks. other considerations are movespeed, charge speed, charge attack, and the amount of pellets in boss attacks.
from easiest to hardest 1ccs:
yumemi... reimu... rikako... mima... kotohime, marisa... kana... elen... chiyuri
not 100% on the powergaps at the higher levels, but the middle feels about right and the bottom three are indisputable.

You know you love slam-dunking with Dorothy.

Because it's a circlejerk.

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Thanks for letting me know.

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Choose one.

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New Phantasmagoria fucking WHEN

They're always talking about Touhou, so they've run out of things to talk about, leading to shitty threads

I like /vg/

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>there used to be some damn good western pofv players
I was pretty good.
Surprised Chiyuri is so hard to clear PoDD with. I assumed that her spells would fuck up AI like Aya's do in PoFV.

of course you do seijaposter

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Justified? Maybe but he shouldn't be such a retard and he could off himself outside of village. Or even better maybe he should tried something else, it's not like it is forbidden. Also.
>believing a guy that had no problem with lying and framing shit all around
The fact that he proceeded shit talking local officer is just the cherry on the cake. You can defend him sure but you can't deny that this guy was such a dumbass.

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We know, Seija shitposter.

I've been posting here way longer that you've been into Touhou and I'm tired of these petty crossboard wars that lead to nothing good.

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God, there have been so many games since the last that I have a hard time imagining what a new roster would even look like.

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I hate /vg/ too, Seijanon.


>I'm tired of these petty crossboard wars that lead to nothing good.
>Proceeds to spam threads to death with his shit tier waif while the jannies do nothing.
What did he mean by this?

I hate everyone equally.
People who post on Yea Forums, /vg/, /jp/, /qa/, /bant/, other smaller chans, etc. They're all the same losers and limiting yourself to a single place is just sad desu.

Thanks dude.

Who are you quoting?

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