Where were you

When Halo MCC was announced for Steam? I still can't fucking believe it, its going to be the greatest experience to hit Steam in a very long time.

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The funny thing with halo is when it was released on PC is that it got really mediocre reviews, almost like it really wasn't a good game and it was just x-drones being drones

Mediocre shit cashing in on your pathetic nostalgia.

Gamers make me sick.

I never experienced Halo mp properly, guess I'll try this one.

>not even ONE game has been released yet

yeah nah, not interested

Name your favorite games from the last 3 years and I can make the same argument.
You literally are winging that you missed out on the greatness that was Halo during it's golden years, hopefully you come to your senses on release if you don't continue to shitpost about it and not try the game.

3 years? Are you actually retarded? Holy fuck.

>Rush a release/port
They should have took their time on it! I don't want a half baked buggy mess, I'd rather wait!
>Take too long to release a good product:
It's taking too long! Not interested!

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>try the game.
I did it was a mediocre first person shooter that x-box owners hailed as the best thing ever same as with Gears of War

Sucks to be you faggot, keep replaying the same JRPGs for the 16th time over and reading doujins

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>Pull out Xbone to play MCC
>Put on Halo 3
>The fucking FOV made me think my game was zoomed in or some shit
Christ, I'm so glad console games having FOV sliders isn't uncommon now.

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Yeah I was really surprised. Been hoping for a release of MCC on PC since it came out on Xbox.
That means the only Halo game not on PC will be 5 right? I hope that gets released as well. Aparently it's not as good as the others but I want to see myself

I will thank you

It was announced awhile ago, keep with the times, gramps

>"I still can't fucking believe it"
You fucking retard, I clearly know it was announced months ago, how mentally impaired are you?

Maybe don't put a question mark in randomly, you ESL shitskin

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how mentally impaired are you?
Well he likes Halo, so that should answer your question.

What did he mean by this?

>question mark in randomly
Lol what? There is no random question mark, re-read the OP, the subject leads into the post you fucking brainlet. You /pol/tards always seem to BTFO yourselves, it's fucking hilarious.

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I don't feel very strongly about it because Halo was always pretty mediocre

Nah, I pirated it a few years ago and it was boring. Plenty of games came out on this steam this years that are better.

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the custom multiplayer servers has always been the redeeming quality of halo series

Never played halo, is the single player any good?

REmake 2
Blood fresh supply
Amid Evil

Attached: ange.jpg (1280x1440, 264K)

It's really good. I played 1 and 2, and while the campaign for both of the games was pretty fucking mediocre, multiplayer was amazing. FPS with vehicles is the best.

Can't wait to play halo 3 multiplayer on Steam.

>Menu uses UE4
>Meaning everytime a Steam drone buys a copy, Epic gets a cut of Halo
>Steam drones bought this game as a 'fuck you' to Epic


Top 10 failed boycotts?

Attached: epic revenue steam.png (714x1017, 96K)

It's entertaining enough. It has downsides, like Halo 1 is criticized for backtracking for example, but it has good moments, weapons and vehicles are fun to use, and enemy ai is decent, so I'd say it's worth a shot.

i bought this as a fuck you to epic? im pretty sure i bought this because i want to play reach on my keyboard and mouse.

I just want to play halo 2 ranked team snipers again

So you're just not going to play it because "it took too long"?

So when this is released, which game should I play for MP? Reach or 3?

3 but Reach is coming first while 3 will basically be last
Ignore 4

>Coming Soon™ since April
Yeah this shit ain't coming out till 2021 at the earliest.

I suspect they just don't want to release Halo before they release Gears 5.

who the fuck cares? the entire reason this series was good because it was on console. its going to be shit playing with kb/m online

and all my friends have moved on from gaming.

It's been 5 monts and still no ETA to release

I doubt reach will release this year

>playing an fps with a kb/m is somehow shit
No way. Sorry about your friends growing up, maybe you can play with Yea Forums.

>maybe you can play with Yea Forums.
Yes what could possibly go wrong

Those communication skills are on another level, sasuga Yea Forums.

Gears 5 releases in a week though.

Halo will come sometime after that.

With the pace things have been going, I'd honestly be surprised if it even came out next year. They JUST started the Fight test program or whatever it's called even though it was supposed to start around E3.

You are a dumb fucking bigger aren't you. Do you really believe Halo Reach suing UE for the armory means Epic get a full 5% cut? You really think MS would allow that?

Halo is an overrated and idiotic game with little substance.

Playing the better Xbox MP game. Gears of War.

That's how it works. Sorry if it makes you seethe.




based and I LIVE AGAIN pilled

too bad Yea Forums unironically hates Gears because they can't wallbounce

What's your favorite map? For me it's Lockout

Attached: naruto tier list.png (1064x581, 388K)

Most games are. You want substance, read a good book


>its going to be shit playing with kb/m online
El Dewrito exists, and it plays great.

halo sucks fucking retard. sell your pc and stay on xbox.

Still waiting on a fucking release date.

And yet it was still played by the masses

>in high school someone managed to sneak in halo ce onto the school servers so any computer linked up to the server could install it
>almost everyday was some huge blood gulch fight

Based. This was me at my school. You're welcome.

Shut the fuck up pleb.

Reach, because that's where Invasion is.

Remember when Yea Forums made fun of Halo and other console garbage? Good times.

That was while the console peasants BETA tested it, now that it's finally finished and released to the master race it's a great game (just like with all console games)