Any1 playing the 3 remaster? Just picked it up after beating judgement
Im waiting for the physical release
Waiting for PC ver
Never knew how much i missed the pre-0 Kareoke songs until i heard saturday night lover again
I've tried playing Yakuza, but it's just too long and the music is too slow for my taste. I want a more relaxing game with a shorter load-time. I want a game that I'll still have a long enough amount of time to finish before moving on to the next. I want a game like Street Fighter Alpha.
This is now a turn based franchise.
yep running into new substories is awesome
I forgot how comfy 3 was
literally based
Same, I hope it's coming
They basically diplomatically confirmed delayed release to hook double dippers, as usual.
Everyone is waiting for the Kino physical edition.
I'm waiting for the physical release in February, though I won't be able to play it for quite a while what with FF7R and 207u. Just got Judgement today though. How long did it take you to beat?
25-30 hours for a normal playthrough
100+ for 100%
Still deciding if I'll wait for physical or not. I've played them before so there's no real rush. I'd probably buy it now though if digital wasn't an extra third of the price for me.
100+ hours
i've done a lot of drone racing and the VR minigame but also all the side cases and substories were time consuming
>VR minigame
god damn that's fun
goddamn this fucking baldie
can someone explain why they thought it was a good idea to completely redesign one of the main characters for the remaster?
probably contract bullshit with the actor
They replaced the actor he was based off because he was arrested for drugs or something like the guy from judgement
Man, why does this shit keeps happening with RGG?
well at least I hope people can mod him back in
whats up with the japs being so ashamed of getting busted for drugs anyways
Tachibana was based
well it all started with fear of opium...
Do we know of they censored anything?
they restored all cut content except answer x answer
how come they removed the tranny storyline from the 3 remaster but kept the Pleasure King in 0? I just beat the ever loving shit outta him
tranny storyline was a step above anything else
it was removed in the japanese version too though so it's less censorship and more deleted content
You are the first supposed human being to ever praise the Yakuza chase missions.
Shit like this.
Real fans are furious. Yakuza was always known for its insanely deep combat system and now they're gutting it completely.
Because Yakuza games are basically the only Jap ones face scanning local celeberties because cultural sim.
I think it's more about it being a tranny chasing you down to rape you, rather than about beating them up.
reminder to not reply to this guy
Kiryu's character has been altered so that he doesn't give a flying fuck what your sexual identity is (not counting pedo's), he just beats up people who start shit. Thus why Kiwami added the cross dressers you beat up and had cross dressing Majima.
I pre ordered the physical release
>Physical release
What did he mean by this?
Those guys are wrong, he wasn't busted for drugs. He had a friend who took a pic of him next to a table that had some white powder on it. It spread like wildfire in the media and then it turned out it wasn't cocaine. The actor got pissed at how the media treated him and took his ball home. He's retired now and out of the celebrity lifestyle.
Your pirated copy doesn't come with an empty PS3 case tho, who's laughing now?
Do bosses in this game have gorillon of HP or am i under leveled?
he means he has a well paying job
I hope the pc versions comes individually
I don't want to buy Y4 since I already played it a few days ago.
lol rubber bullets
harder modes in yakuza 3 just make them really long fights
Also the friend told the media that he was gay.
See Also since cutscenes are prerendered, you can't really bring the original one back without downgrading the prerendered cutscenes with him to 1024x768 30fps anamorphic widescreen with no AA.
And they couldn't bring him back because he retired due to the cocaine accusation shitstorm and refuses to renew his contracts.
I went in hating it and now it's the thing i enjoyed most about the game
How the fuck do I learn that cursed shit
Why do people say start with 0? Wouldn't you miss out on all the build up of the last 5 games?
The addition of numbers on the tiles in 6 made mahjong 100x more enjoyable for me, i can't go back to not knowing shit.
No, 0 is designed to be a starting point, any references to future events is just fan service. It's not like playing Metal Gear in order of continuity.
Is there any reason to play the other games after 0? Everyone says they're a massive step down.
Started from 1 like a non pleb all originals.
Nah 3 is the worst Yakuza game and I'm not interested in replaying it.
Kiwami 2 is supposedly really good.
Works for both 0 and Kiwami 1
When does Kiwami 2 get better? the combat suck balls if compared to 0, it feels floaty and imprecise as fuck. The substores and soundtrack kinda suck too.
No shit. So it's a prequel done right? They're usually so reliant on the games that came before.
I tried asking in another Yakuza thread but the anons who replied to me said the series is boring garbage and not worth playing. I wanted to get into it though, like they said to start with 0, but honestly it wasn't worth the time or money. Also wanted to play Judgement but was told that was trash as well.
It's like most fans of the Yakuza series hate the series in reality.
That's debatable. I was told to play Kiwami and Kiwami 2 but one user said Kiwami 2 is fucking god awful. Guess everyone feels differently about it.
The most overt it gets is beating up the final boss of 2 as an 8th grader undergoing super puberty as Majima then later talking to a fortune teller as Kiryu only for her to say he'll one day face a foe to match even him as the kid then walks by in the background.
I wish this was available sooner, i'm done with those.
Thankfully these remasters already have them built in from the gameplay i watched.
Never, Dragon Engine is shit.
This will make the combat a bit less shit though:
Throw and kick use items in the world, kicking or throwing people in to a rack of bikes or other props is a sure fire way to kill everything since enemies take dmg from props in the world when they hit them. also if your not on PC the 30ish FPS kills the flow.
>Thankfully these remasters already have them built in from the gameplay i watched.
Aye, they do.
3/4/5 Remasters, Y6 and K2 all have built-in numbers.
Y0 and K1 don't and need a mod.
That looks cool, thanks.
It basically gives you the classic DoD moveset and make Kiryu play more like he does with DoD in 1/2/3/4/5
Ps4 releases get censored across all regions so it being cut in Japan doesn't mean they just didn't want it
Y3 remaster came out in Japan before the Sony restructuring, faggot