Which one was actually better?
Which one was actually better?
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Xbox 360.
It's kinda desingenous to compare a first gen ps3 to a late model 360, the later model has all the production issues fixed at that point.
Early on the 360. After Microsoft basically abandoned it mid-gen and the PS3 came down in price the PS3 won out in the end.
Neither are good but I'd give a slight edge to PS3 because late into its life it started getting half decent exclusives. The only thing I can remember about the 360 is Lost Odyssey & the first version of Tales of Vesperia available to the West, before the game got ported to all 8th Gen Consoles.
When I see an Xbox 360 I turn 360 degrees and walk away
Considering that microsoft was willing to fix the RROD stuff, the 360. It was cheaper, had better exclusives, and ran most multiplats better.
The 360/Halo 3 days was the only time Xbox was winning. It's only downhill from there.
360 wasn't that memorable, otherwise people would've flock e to Xbox One.
>Tfw never had a PS3
>Just now learning about all the cool games on it if you're a fan of Japanese stuff
I bought a PS4 and I liked Bloodborne and a few others but I regret it
The one that had Halo
Pre-Kinect: 360
Post-Kinect: Wii
the 360 because of xbox live
360 no contest. had great support for orange box, l4d, l4d2, halo, etc
friend had a ps3 and would constantly come over to play halo 3 and reach
360 ports were generally better and so was the control pad. However, an early model PS3 basically had the greatest gaming library of all time (3 generations worth). That's huge if you're living in 300 sq feet in Tokyo.
they didnt and couldnt fix the issue
they only reset the console and probably cleaned the fan. up to the slims the 360 is designed to overheat after play without constant maintenance.
I started with 360 and ended with PS3 but the years I played 360 were vastly more fun than the PS3 years with the early JRPGs, Dead Rising, Gears and Halo 3.
the ps3 had games and free online, so the choice is clear.
>free online play
>actual games
>many exclusive
>good price
>good controller
rehash games
no exclusives
bad controller
have to PAY to play online
dies after 2 months
360, if you're a Chad that likes playing better multiplats and exclusives.
The PS3 didn't have shit other than rehashed shit that attempted to copy MS and Nintendo's successes.
PSN was always down and it was full of shitskin brazilians. In a way I was happy with the pay for online thing because it weeded out all the undesirable poorfags. Also every game ran better on 360 because of PS3's garbage architecture.
360 easily
360, no contest
Before anyone types xbox 360, I would like to remind you how many folks were affected by trash hardware and trash after-service.
Holy shit, it doesnt matter whether you have a good library or not, it was a fucking gamble buying the system.
All fat PS3 are gone too
PS3 also had YLOD. Microsoft fixed the 360 fast enough and were also repairing them for free.
Nintendo is the only company with any original shit. Just play PC for everything else, faggots.
ps3 > xbox 360 (by a lot)
ps4 < xbox one
>le bingtendo + pc maymay
you can't play wii fit on that
Not everyone likes shitty kids games or Nintendo mate
PS3 was the last console with soul ever
You cant compare YLOD with RRD, which was not the only issue with xbox 360.
MS got into trouble because they didnt cover many of the hardware issues.
Despite the rough start, PS3 definitely won in the end.
The ps3 and the xbox were radically different consoles. First off, the ps3 had a dual core CPU and 4GB of RAM, while the xbox came with a single core 1.4Ghz and a single gig DDR3 RAM. The best ps3 game was never on the top 10 in the ps3 store on the day after its release, while the xbox had the top 10 highest selling game after several months. PS3 games also usually didn't have any major bugs. The xbox games were buggy and had many annoying glitches. PS3 games were better than the xbox game only in part. The ps3 never had game that is similar to the xbox game for the same price. Sony knew the true market, not the 1 or 2 million person.
ps3 had
>free online
>built in ps2
>8 usb ports
>built in wifi
>blu ray player
and didn't breakdown like a piece of shit 360
>built in ps2 only in select launch models*
So why own a console and not just a pc? Looks, functions, and plays better with others. Microsoft and sony don't produce anything worth owning their consoles when I can just own a pc.
ps3 ended up being better, anyone who disagrees is an idiot fanboy
wii was dead by the time kinect came out, it only got xenoblade and skyward sword, the latter being shit. Wii was a great console console because of 2006-2010 though
Uhhh... What?
The Xbox 360 was overall the better system but the PS3 got better over time and I love the PS2 collections it has
no games
>ps3 had 4GB of ram
That's odd. I had both and the undesirables clearly flocked to xbl at the time. Most of the people I met on PSN were Scottish and Welsh and shit.
2006-2011 360
2011-2015 PS3
Because a console is like 300 dollars and I wouldn't spend a penny more than that to play kideo games.
360, higher resolutions, more games, better games, better online play
you can play wii fit on dolphin.
>free online play
only good thing about ps3
>actual games
>many exclusive
not at all opposed to x360
>good price
>good controller
>rehash games
>no exclusives
>bad controller
>have to PAY to play online
only bad thing about x360
>dies after 2 months
As someone who has owned multiple PS3s and 360s
PS3 Slim>360 Slim
360 Fat>PS3 Fat
360, I honestly believe RROD is overhyped. I’ve lost two PS3s to YLOD and I think my slim is on its way out as well, the only 360 I’ve lost is an original where the laser died(easy fix)
In conclusion, they’re both good consoles with their own advantages and disadvantages. A true patrician owns both.
They were basically the same
Ps3 for the free online and better library, 360 originally had the the library edge but somewhere around 2011 they just stopped having any exclusives that weren't Gears, Halo or Forza.
>RROD is overhyped
it was the biggest hardware disaster in the industry, over 50% failure rate at launch costing MS over a billion dollars. Your anecdotal evidence means nothing
>You cant compare YLOD with RRD
Yes you can
Every fat ps3 has or will succumb to YLOD. Even slim models can experience it
360 from 2007-2010
ps3 after that
dear god did ms drop the ball with their focus on kinect and only making halo gears and forza
Nintendo 64->ps2->360->ps4->?
>50% failure rate
Read and At least MS did something about it meanwhile every fat ps3 has failed or will fail
If you didn't have both you were missing out
I reballed both my ps3 and 360. They will never rrod or ylod. I used lead balls baby.
Hacked PS3.
2006 - 2008 = Xbox 360
2009 - now = PC
360 early on
PS3 later
Ps3 because of fucking mgs4.
Fuck anyone pissing on it, it was amazing and completely mind-blowing back then, and the game play is still superior to anything in the genre. Even mgsV has less moves than fucking mgs4.
Oh, and uncharted 2 was a nose breaking punch too back in the day.
YOLD failure rate was much lower than RROD failure rate
>At least MS did something about it meanwhile every fat ps3 has failed or will fail
You are implying sony didnt do anythiny. They have warranties you can use.
Meanwhile xbox had to recall due to its staggering failure rates and had to spend 1 billion dollars fixing the issue.
What a disaster the console was for everyone involved.
Early 7th gen, xbox 360 was better hands-down. This was peak "PS3 has no gaems" era, and it was actually true. It wasn't for several years that the PS3 got its shit together, but I'd say from about 2010 onward, PS3 was better than 360.
But man those early years were rough for ps3fags.
360 early, ps3 late
>You are implying sony didnt do anythiny. They have warranties you can use.
Sony didn’t repair consoles. They just replaced them with units that still had cheap solder that would eventually fail again.
2005-2011 360
2012-2013 PS3
This. I was PC-only for the first half of the gen. Then when the PS3 got hacked in 2010, I decided to buy one. I think it was $250 for the slim with uncharted 2 and some other game bundled. Which was great because with the early hacks, you needed a legitimate game in the drive to be able to boot pirated stuff anyway. After that I just swapped out the HDD for a far larger one from a laptop and it's been smooth sailing ever since. Never bought a single other thing for that console; best vidya investment I ever made.
YLOD was around 10%, not comparable
Thats because the failure rate is low. There is less chance that you would get the same issue when you get a replacement.
When the replacement is higher, 30~50%, the chances of you receiving a faulty replacement hardware is so much higher. They couldnt just get away with giving people replacements because there was something fundamentally wrong with the hardware.
PS3 had free online play
GOW3 (Though it wasn't that good)
Could download almost all of the PS1 and PS2 library
A blu-ray player
So in the end, Xbox had no advantage over PS3 other than that online shutdown/security breach PS3 had that summer.
Xbox's only property that has ever been worth a damn is Halo, and I personally don't like it.
Xbox has/is/always will be for fratboys who want to play NCAA, Madden, and FPS.
Other than that, Xbox controllers are or can be instantly compatible with PC's. I don't even know the facts of that other than I've heard people playing emulated games with them and seen Xbox controllers in the PC gaming aisles.
Playstation will always be better than Xbox. It'll cost more, but it will probably always have some visual advantage be it resolution, blu-ray or the future movie player before it's competition, it'll always have better IP's than Xbox which isn't hard when the competition is just Halo, and the Playstation controller just can't be beat in the end.
Until Xbox gets some fucking games, people will pick Playstation, cause playstation does everything Xbox does and more and has better games.
Nintendo may never be able to match in capabilities, but at least they have the IPs to make up for it.
So long as Nintendo owns Zelda, I'll always buy a nintendo when the new console Zelda comes out.
I have absolutely no reason to buy an Xbox.
Sorry im kinda slurring right now . What i meant to say is because the failure rate of the ps3 was low, the chances of getting a faulty replacement is low. The chances of getting a faulty replacement was high for the xbox on the other hand.
It was a more fundimental hardware issue.
PS3 and it's not even close.
X360 was only better if you really care about Gears of War, the mediocre Halo games and multiplats with 4xAA instead of 2xAA.
That all being said, Wii was best
I HATED that motion controls and how it fucked nintendo out of all 3rd party developers, BUT, way better exclusive game library
Wii Sports
Twilight Princess
Smash Brawl
Red Steel 1 (Yes, I unironically like Red Steel 1, I only hated the sword play, though who knows, maybe if I went back and played with the motion plus it'd work)
No More Heroes
Red Steel 2 (not as good as 1)
No More Heroes 2
I could download ALttP and Mario 64)
Weather channel
Everybody Votes
Gamecube backwards compatible