What is the worst video game fanbase on the internet?

What is the worst video game fanbase on the internet?

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Super Smash Bros.

Smash or pokemon

smash bros

honorable mention to pokémon

samefag here, *dishonorable mention. my bad

the hardcore video game fan. They spend most of their waking hours playing video games, and it is a hobby (albeit one that they love to hate). The hardcore video game fan is typically not interested in discussing anything related to video games. They want to have fun, but they are not going to discuss real life videogame issues. They have an intense anger about videogames and would never admit that they like videogames. This is why their video games tend to not interest them, although they do listen to what others have to say about video games. But I don't really have much of a problem with them. It turns out that videogames and a good education are in many ways one in the same. When people can learn about them, they'll appreciate them more. On that note, the hardcore video game fan is most likely to be an olde-school gamer. These people are like a lot of other old-school gamers. They like to have "class" and they like to play games.

Smashfags are the single worst fandom in the history of the internet

All of them. Every fandom fucking blows

nintendo. especially smashfags.

this. "gamers" are literally who all the marketing, useless merchandise and fake hype from AAA studios is targeted towards. gamers are the most shallow of people to talk about games with.

Smash bros
Kingdom hearts

There you have it.

> 1. Smash Bros
Power Gap
> 2. Sony
> 3. Doomfags/QuakeFags
> 4. BOTW fags
> 5. Salesfags
> 6. Twitchfags
> 7. Metacriticfags
> 8. FF7 fags
> 9. Nintendo fags
> 10. Rockstar drones
> 11. CDPR drones

Smash Bros, and i'm a Smashfag.


Smash Bros, Pokemon. Undertale, Touhou and Gachashit

The Dead or Alive fanbase is pretty fun and comfy, all they do is waifu post their favorite waifu and nobody takes anything seriously.

this is a good list

Not worst, but delusional dedicated fanbases are second worst.

You see the game is shit, but you won't drop Sonic of other games which do what it promised infinitely better.
And you spend your retarded autistic time making custom levels for it or autistically polishing a turd of an idea which will never ever work. Any attempts at a good game are autistic solo projects led by idiots who don't understand that what Sonic promised was a lie. You cannot have blazing speed and quick time reaction platforming.

The Aliens Vs Predator is the most beta orbiting fandom I have ever seen.

I'd put twitch fags higher but good job

this board.

Twitchfags are nowhere near as bad as BOTW fags

The smash fanbase is full of trannies and basedboys

Anything Nintendo. Fucking Splatoon is an amazing game held back in a few small areas that could be fixed but Nintendo is retarded and the fan base is absolute terminal cancer.

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super smash bros
followed by this very board
combined they become a million times worse

The undertale fanbase is insufferable but you know why?

Because it's a spin-off of Earthbound fanbase


Right now it's CD Project Red fans

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It doesn't matter


Is pokémon really that bad?
The only thing I find cancerous are the genwunners and that Gamefreak caters to them because they have nothing else to offer.

Smashfags. They don't even play video games.

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>Everyone says the Nintendo and Smash fanbase is shit
I love you guys...
All of you...

overall Nintendo

but if you're talking about franchises, either Sonic or Smash

actually good list

Pokemon for being such bootlickers.

Marie Rose destroyed the fandom

>sonyfags above nintendofags
>when there's literally 3 branches of nintendofags in the list (Smash, BOTW and Nintendo themselves)

I seriously cannot understand there being a fanbase for the video game side of a movie franchise.

Sonyfags are worse than Nintendo fans, but the fans of Smash are infinitely worse then anyone else combined

Not Sonic's fault you're a retard whose reaction skills have been completely shot

Those who say Sonic are just using the cringe fanart that EVERY fandom has.
they just want good games.

I fucking like Nintendo's stuff like Splatoon and Zelda and so on, but fucking christ smashfags never stop speculating about their fucking game. It's like it's the only thing that matters to them, the only reason they live. Their entire fucking identity revolves around who's in and who's not, it's goddamn aggravating.

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Easily Smashfags

and smashfags are just a sub-group of nintendofags

AC fanbase post-NL is up there, but I'm not too stressed about it anymore considering all the newcomers from NH will likely drain the cesspool

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Gonna bandwagon and say smashfags because I dont like talking about video games and they took away my Wojacks

i wonder

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smash unironically only consists of trannies and autistic children

Soulsfags. Sonic's is just autistic, and that was pretty much an early/mid 2000s thing. They don't even seem active nowadays. But the Souls fanbase has been the most obnoxious one all decade

I really wish they would just make a board for the smashfags to go to, because god this shit is annoying

>all the SEETHING in this thread about Smash being a huge deal

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yes but smashfags are so cancerous even other nintendo fans don't want anything to do with them

Is this rostershit going to end once the last fucking character reveal or are they going straight to the next game? Also why the fuck are mods such gigantic nintendo fanboys for allowing their autism to go unchecked for a year?

Sonic. Without a doubt


I'd replace Rockstar drones with Bethesda drones but otherwise good list, user.

They'll expect fighters pass season 2, and if that is confirmed to not happen, the roster of the next game
it'll never fucking end

the majority of the undertale fanbase that aren't just let's play-watching children are former homestuckfags though
>reddit spacing

This by far, Sonicfags don't make 50 threads daily for an entire year speculating and getting enraged over the same few cartoon characters getting into a party game

Bethesdafags have been btfo by f76 being absolute garbage.

Nintendo retards
The rest

Pokemon is fucking abhorrent. Instead of just actively refusing to innovate and improve games they remove content each generation. After the Sun and Moon games they just re-released the games under Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. Usually the 3rd version/updated versions have enough to justify re-selling 90% of the same content at least but all these two added was a couple more legendaries and a surfing minigame.

Gamefreak is one of the worst companies out there. Even bethesda isn't on their level.

It's a tie between smellee fags and furfags.

the worst part isn't even the 20+ threads they have up at all times, it's that they also go into threads about any series even tangentially related to their party game and derail those too. and if rosterfags are mad that a series you like got a character into their party game, good luck ever discussing that series again on Yea Forums.

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As a person who casually play videogames and is mainly a Sonic fan, I would say the Nintendo fanbase is filled with the most autistic thinking in the gaming industry. Majority of them praise Nintendo for everything you can imagine. I rather classify myself as an autistic Sonic fan than a Nintendo fanboy any day. I love Nintendo games, but God, I don't want to be grouped with those autistic freaks.

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The Sonic fanbase isn't that bad as many people think.

Fucking this, Gamefreak should be fired, i make a better pokemon game.

>Is this rostershit going to end once the last fucking character reveal
of course not. there will be endless "leaks" and "rumors" of another fighter pass, and constant bickering over who's getting cut from the next game.

This. I can't believe there are always multiple threads on the front page of Yea Forums just speculating which character might get in the game several months from now. All of them get to bump limit too

the excuse is that they're "discussing vidya," but it's actually just a bunch of shitposters from discord flinging shit at each other while avatarfagging as different characters.

JoJo isn't really vidya, but as a JoJo fan, I hate the fanbase so much

They don't even care if the character will be good or not. What's the point if a character from some series gets ported if it sucks to play as? Why do they think being in smash is such a big deal?

Then there will be the speculation of the next smash game obviously

WILL RONALD MCDONALD FINALLY JOIN THE GAME? Imag-ayfag from twitter that's an "official" leaker* (maybe) says so! We have to make hourly threads about this!

And not to mention that few of them they make fun of others shit, even Sonic/Sega because "their lost shit".
How hillairious that those fanbase pisses the Fnaf fanbase on youtube when there has a reference or a profile of a Foxy in it, in truth they are also has a shit fanbase too, hell Fnaf fandom make great fangames here.
>rather being a autistic Sonic fan tham a Nintendo fanboy any day
Your not alone, me too a Sonic fan.

Yes maybe in 2011.

It's not even about who's in any more, it's just whatever causes the most shitposting.
>if character hivemind wants gets in, shitpost about how they were right and how everyone else is btfo
>if character hivemind wants isn't in, shitpost about how everyone who wanted the character is btfo
It's nothing but endless playground arguments, the new console wars except even more vapid and pointless

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>tfw like smash but hate rosterfagging
I don't even want more characters for fuck sake, but no-one wants to discuss nuances of characters nor potential modes that would improve the game as a whole

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>Why do they think being in smash is such a big deal?
they have an absurdly inflated opinion of their party game's importance. i've literally been told by a smashfag that getting into smash is the highest honor in gaming and that smash character announcements are more relevant than the oscars. they weren't joking, by the way, they were serious.
these autists think that smash revives franchises (despite being full of dead franchises) and that the industry plans all their business decisions around the smash roster (which is why they were convinced that persona 5 was getting ported to the switch).
the truth is that they're just way too obsessed with a mediocre party game. they project that obsession onto everyone around them so they can feel like they're not weird for being so obsessed.

The Sonic fanbase can be pretty autistic, but at the same time they tend to create some pretty cool stuff (e.g. SRB2+Kart, Utopia, Sonic Studio, etc.), and even made the best Sonic game in years. There are far worse out there.

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it's infuriating


Metal Gear


Sonicfags are cringey at worst. Nintendo fans and Smash fags by extension are literally the biggest losers I've ever met in my life. Most people who are fanatic about their hobbies exhibit some level of self awareness and are friendly even if you don't share/understand their hobby. Every single interaction I've ever had with a smasher has been unpleasant in every way possible.

Smashfags. They don't give any shit about gameplay. All they care about is circlejerking whoever gets in their party game. It's unfortunate because platforming fighters are a cool genre, but any game that isn't Smash is left to the wayside becuase they don't have someone's favorite bing bing wahoo character.

nintendo fags don't go around spamming wojak bullshit, whereas that's literally all sonyfags do

the lgbt gamers community

>nintendo fags don't go around spamming wojak bullshit

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No, they create abominations such as hd steve or whatever the fuck that thing is called.


Disregarding resetera trannies, i'd have to say that sonyfags are the worst. That stupid fucking onions wojak picture is legitimately starting to make me want to destroy my ps4 with a hammer. The worst part is, all they talk about are the games they hate. They never once even mention the sony games they claim are so superior, if there even are any.


Smash bros, unfortunately. Sonic has chilled out now that it's no longer 2006-2013 or however long that shitstorm was.

both of em do, retard
There are kids in every console base

Move Nintendo fags below CDPR Drones

they're just children

hd steve was pretty based

Fans of anything Nintendo related.

Smash Bros. or Pokemon
Nintendofags and Sonyfags alike act like double digit IQ speds around here

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pokemon is the only real suggestion in this thread because their fans are the ones keeping that series from evolving
every other suggestion just reeks of butthurt

RIP Shantae threads pre-Smash ballot, I 'll never forget you ;__;

I would have no trouble with it if it wasn't spammed for months with those retarded good morning threads

no it fucking wasn't. die.

>TFW you realize Smash is just the NBA draft but all year round

this thread seems to have come to a unanimous conclusion, but honestly I'm surprised nobody is mentioning Resetera or Neogaf

Smash, nothing but cancerous fags that clog the board.

Smashtrannies no fucking doubt.

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>Resetera or Neogaf
Those aren't video games.

dante, travis, raiden, sol badguy

t. idort who likes nintendo the most

wojakposting is a cancer

they were based

Wojackfags are second only to smashfags in terms of absolute cancer

Sorry if it's some shitty Wojack edit. It's the only one I can find that mocks Smashfags. I knew I should've used pic related.

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much better.

Edit tournament to thread

Fucking this. Nothing else is even close to those two at the moment.

It’s truly a shame because the franchise has so much potential and a shit ton of money to back it up. Part of me wants to buy SwSh out of habit but I know it’ll be shit.

league of legends

Anything else?

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Smash Bros. They're the k pop fans of gaming

Fucking this. Sonicfags are just some autistic edgy furry teenagers

Smash (and I'm a Smash player)
After Smash, I'd have to say Undertale

I'm being serious, I want to make this much more funnier to make Smashfags seethe really bad.

I don't get this, nobody gives a damn about Undertale anymore, or not in a really obnoxious manner anyway

you should add twenty more tents just to really capture the level of shitposting that smashfags do.

>Muh mods are nintendo fanboys
>When the word so.nygger is literally filtered
The absolute state of snoyboys

not only that, but millions of retards are completely and absolutely fine with this so they'll never improve, literally too big to fail

Street Fighter fags

last i checked, n.intenyearold was also filtered.
"snoy" is the most forced buzzword in the history of Yea Forums, spammed endlessly 24/7 in every thread for months, and still hasn't been filtered yet, which should tell you something considering how quickly "c-brain" got filtered.

Twitch is tied with BOTW for me, but overall accurate.

Smashfag, Dorksouls fans, and NuDoomniggers

Eh I tried to put more tents in, but didn't want to ruin the charm of the old pic.

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Still taking suggestions though.

I dunno about the whole internet but here it's definitely Smash.

FF7 is the rpg goat sweetie, observable fact

>ctrl + f smash
>compared to the amount of posts in the thread
I think it's been decided. I miss when Smash games didn't have DLC so discussion died faster.

They think a character being in smash means that said characters franchise might be revived from the dead.
Even though there isn't a single example of that actually happening.

>but the fans of Smash are infinitely worse then anyone else combined

Smash as a franchise was originally produced and developed as a collaboration of NINTENDO games by the company/corporation for it's fans. Trying to create artificial categories as a calculated assessment of "quality" of people (i.e of better or worse) to create "distance" between the "fan-bases" within the Smash community is asinine and disingenuous. Pokemon, DK, Kirby, Kid Icarus, Fire Emblem, F-Zero, Star Fox, Mario, Pikmin, TLOZ, Splatoon and Metroid are all Nintendo Intellectual Properties in the end, and, the people who buy Smash products are fans of Nintendo and their products. There's no overall, real differences among them in terms of behavior individually or generally; the only "difference" is the preference or tastes of the previously stated titles.

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smashfags by a wide margin

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they think smash revived fire emblem with its shilling. the truth is that fire emblem almost got cancelled between brawl and smash 4, and only managed to survive by selling out to waifufags and ironic weebs.

And viagra was originally heart medicine. Your point?

>trying to discuss metroid prime in a thread one day
>smash fans barge into the thread and spam zero suit porn, calling me a cuck for liking Metroid Prime
>they say that ZSS is the only good part and proceed to destroy my thread until it gets deleted from porn spam

Fuck smash.

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you're no better than the smashfags, acfag.

>developer listens to fan roster requests while also doing whatever the fuck he wants designwise
>fans get their character(s) in
>still bitch that the design is not faithful enough, the moveset is wrong, they're too good/bad
Super Smash Bros.

>someone who ACTUALLY WANTS TO DISCUSS VIDEO GAMES is no better than a fandom of millions who hate video games and just want to spam porn


I know a meleefag who hates Nintendo, so not really

Fuck off

Now you know how I feel when I want to talk about video games and my thread gets bombarded with a myriad of smash posters who think the thread needs more cropped and uncropped ZSS porn.

>And viagra was originally heart medicine. Your point?
>this poor reading comprehension

I'm saying that the majority of the Smash fans are Nintendo fans (i.e 95%). Trying to separate them into a "distinct" section or category because of the negative aspects that the Smash community displays publicly is "somehow divided" from and away from the Nintendo fan-base as a whole is false and disingenuous. Is that simple enough for you to understand?

Smash bros. Yea Forums(nel)’s faction of them is honesty better than most
Pokémon. Millennial version of Disney-obsessed boomers
FNAF, but it’s pretty much dead now
Dark Souls. Have been regurgitating the same memes and quotes for nearly a decade
Minecraft. Every zoomer came out of the woodworks recently and started circle-jerking it to counter:
Fortnite. Slightly younger than zoomers, already taught to play twenty dollars for cosmetics
FIFA. I have friends who hate the game but still buy it every year because they know everyone else will buy it
Fallout. Has taken the place of Fire Emblem for having the most in-fandom clashing.

Yea Forums.

>hurr durr wurr

Imagine being so upset about the fact that every videogame fanbase is an anemic shell of its former self, that you're suddenly upset about smashfags of all things.

You faggots probably dont even remember shit like zelda fanbase, the fucking Tales fanbase, FFfags sperging over 13 and it sequels, and so on. They're all fucking dead.

The Sonic fanbase has mostly just become depressed these days as almost all sects of the fandom have lost hope in whatever their looking for from Sonic.

Are you honestly trying to say that there is no such thing as a smashnigger, but rather they're just nintendofags? That might have been a thing in the past but now I bet most of them don't even know where half the characters originate from.

Marth in melee is responsible for fire emblem coming to the west. Closest thing I can think of.

the zelda fanbase is still obnoxious and autistic, which you can see for yourself by criticizing botw on Yea Forums.

Sonic has the biggest extremes in its fanbase of autistic weirdos like chrischan and other hand have fas that single handly made the series worth caring about with Mania. Honestly the mod scene for sonic in general is better than probably any other fanbase

Back in the early 2000s, you used to eat a ban for calling Z2 "The Adventure of Link", because that implied it wasnt a real zelda game.

At least the dex culling made a lot of long time Pokefags sick of their shit. I'll still play new games if possible but I won't be paying for them.

Why? Did they ban anyone for mentioning Link's Awakening too?

Just turn /vp/ into nintendo exclusive board.
it requires containment board at this point.

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>Are you honestly trying to say that there is no such thing as a smashnigger, but rather they're just nintendofags? That might have been a thing in the past but now I bet most of them don't even know where half the characters originate from.

It's difficult to believe that on a individual level and/or on a community basis that they wouldn't know what video-game franchises Samus Aran or Fox McCloud (as a basic example) originates from. The entire appeal of Smash games is the collection/collaboration of ICONIC characters from their particular franchises, WHICH, the majority is comprised of Nintendo I.P's. To say that Smash fans are not Nintendo fans is ridiculous.

He didn't quote your entire sentence; he's not acfag

is this a good idea?

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I honestly don't care if they're a specific subsect on nintendofans or all of them, they should hang themselves for being such autists.

Just turn /vp/ into /nin/

sony fans. Twice.

Yea Forums would be better if it was broked into internet celebreties and gossip -/incel/, playstation video games - /pv/, xbox video games -/xv/, nintendon video games -/nv/ and PC video games -/pcv/

Metroid fans are the bronies of vidya

banjo kazooie.

And on today's episode of "faggot fanboy proves the point"