Saying this was done to increase immersion,that's a Bioware / Bethesda level marketing spin. The full immersion argument is BS. Witcher 3 was immersive. Downgrade, TPP cutscenes cut, boring gameplay, no gender, no classes. Loosing all interest.
Other urls found in this thread:
Couldn't give less of a shit. Third person cutscenes aren't gonna save this open world garbage, and neither is neon or the moon.
It was inevitable, 2018 demo looked too good for consoles
>TPP cutscenes cut
>boring gameplay
The game isn't even out yet and the game isn't even out yet but sure, whatever you say.
>no gender
>no classes
>i wish they would shit on themselves in PR
See you tomorrow, nigger.
Subjective and the game isn't even out yet but sure, whatever you say*
I had a stroke lol.
blunder of the century, this is gonna crash harder than tortanic.
Nah, it's gonna be garbage but still sell billions lol
Accept it in advance
>downgrade is inevitable
It factually isn't
>no gender is wrong
Body ≠ Gender, they went out of the way to change it
>no classes is wrong
It isn't though. Calling the build mixes we saw in the Deep Dive video "Solo" and "Netrunner" is flavour the narrator said, ingame there are no predefined classes, you can mix and max whatever skills you want
this game is going to be so aggressively average and thats so goddamn depressing
I didn't know "advanced RPG mechanics adapted from the PnP" equals the same style of skill trees all AAA games have been using for the last 6 years
>TPP cutscenes
Not the Trans Pacific Partnership!
oh wow another fucking cyberpunk whining thread
They back-tracked all over the developed of the game, they toyed with trying to bring a real RPG experience with AAA quality but they opted instead to get fucked in the ass by western video game journalists
They said it themselves that the only classes avaliable are Solo, Netrunner, and Techie, and even then in the story they're forcing you into you'll still only be doing what a Solo would.
Here's the thing though. There are no classes per se. As you can see in you have "Hacking" for Netrunner, "Engineering" for Techie and everything else for Solo, but you can mix and match whatever skills you want. There are no predefined classes you choose at the beginning of the game and stick with, like in Mass Effect for example.
That's besides the point, the game still forces you to be a Solo.
>That's besides the point
It's not when it was my whole point initially to which you replied to
Computer, reroute the PS4's primary power coupling through the phase inducers to create a complete holographic field on every server. Create multiple holographic Cyber Hons in a full state of rage-lust, with extra genital barbs, one for each person on the server. Program the Hons to view any player or guest as Yea Forums. Disengage safety protocols.
What is with the massive shitpost campaign being waged against this game? Who is paying these people?
>no matter your skills you still only end up being a solo and doing solo things
Look, buddy, we were all crazy about the game back in 2012 when The Witcher 3 was looking to be hottest thing, but time has fucking passed. CDPR has fired all of their good people, Mike Pondsmith is only sticking around for his first paycheck since the 90's. It's fucking over man.
Whomever is doing it should stop because CDPR is as bad as any shitty western studio these days.
The only thing that bothers about the downgrade was the sandbox, in one interview they said something about having multiple builds, and I'm sure the original team wanted some kind of open ended game in a sandbox environment, but that probably wasn't what CD's investors/CEO wanted, they wanted a normal RPG game, shame.
you're gonna play it anyway so who cares
Holy fucking misinfo batman, do you have any shred of source to back this up?
Cyberpunk 2077 clearly isn't a normal RPG game, even CDPR calls it an action-adventure story.
Nigger do you even know how to read, are you retarded? ESL?
>A shitty twitter bio of the game's account
What is wrong with you people?
What's wrong with CDPR? They're the ones who are doing it.
>Meaningless marketing
The game has one class, and every single skill only gives you damage percentage bonuses. It's about as much as an RPG as Fallout 4.
>The game has one class
Tell me how Cyberpunk 2020 plays.
Do you understand the basics of a tabletop RPG?
its not an RPG. it looks like generic western AAA garbage.
>He can't tell me how the roles in Cyberpunk 2020 work
Dumbasses can't read
2017 they said they experimented with multiple types of gameplay, and had multiple builds of the game, and if I'm not mistaken they fired a portion of team between 2013 and 2016, I'm sure a portion of the original team wanted something open ended, and another wanted a streamlined game, there is a lot of assumptions, but, I cannot discard that the original idea was close to an open ended sandbox cyberpunk rpg using CP2020 rule set.
>Ask for source
>Not only doesn't provide source but doubles down on source-less information
>CDPR could have delivered the first AAA cRPG but instead chose to shit the bed and become Rockstar 2.0
This is like the JFK assasination but for video games.
You pick a class and you stat accordingly. In Cyberpunk 2077 you only get to play as a Solo who sometimes hacks stuff.
Just read all the interviews between 2016 and 2018 related to CDPR.
>I can't give you a source, you do the work for me
What's Mike Pondsmith doing right now? Is he unhappy with how this is turning out? He must have played a couple of good cRPGs in his time, right?
He's working on the game you illiterate retard
Doing what?
>read that as "sailing, horsecock"
What the fuck is wrong with me
>Loosing all interest.
>mfw retarded zoomer OP can't spell
Also, the dev interview thing really sold me on it even though the 15 minute "gameplay" video was pretty meh. The thing about the cutscenes is that they stated before and now again that you'll be able to interrupt them at the right time in order to peform a different action (like with the dialogue ones in the old 2018 demo) so it makes sense that they stay first person. I really hope they pull this off, the ideas they discussed seem really cool, like the spiderbot being enhanced by the techie skilltree and used in a variety of ways, possibly even for stealth takedowns or the guns having alternate fire modes and specific uses (better damage against cyborgs for example). Fuck preordering though.
Why is a guy who builds ponds working on this game ?
>He thinks that choosing a role like rockerboy means you just pretend hang out in clubs while everyone else does their thing
>choose your sex
>show male and female but remove the words male and female
If people this stupid necked themselves, the world would be a better place.
Because these threads are a cesspool.
Sure is a lot of complete lack of sources for claims in this thread.
>b-but if people don't constantly remind me that I'm male I begin to doubt myself!
It looks like base storyteller or those new shadowrun games... and both were pretty good
>Should we make Baldur's Gate 2077 or GTA 2077? Which one will sell more?
Saw it a mile away. Stop crying and enjoy it for what it is (assuming it will be any good).
Real reason for first person is they're trying to save on rendering time because it's going to be console trash as well.
>Grant application for open world and multiplayer
Not a source for anything that was said by him.
>seamless multiplayer and living city leaked
Not a source or interview by CDPR
>Job postings articles
Not an interview by CDPR
>Pondsmith interview on character classes
So here are the quotes
>There are roles such as rockstars, journalists, can we really expect that to be in the game?
>Yes you can, they're all gonna be there but I can't tell you more other than you're gonna find some surprises about how we done. There's a lot of subtlety going on there
So that's also not a source.
>Article about possible gameplay - theory crafting by some nobody
Not a source or interview
>Article speculating on the business hiring someone
Not a source or interview.
>>There are roles such as rockstars, journalists, can we really expect that to be in the game?
>>Yes you can, they're all gonna be there but I can't tell you more other than you're gonna find some surprises about how we done. There's a lot of subtlety going on there
lmfao he was full of shit
>he was full of shit
No he wasn't. He literally tells the guy it's subtle.
>Some PDF that I cannot read
As far as I'm concerned and unless you can prove otherwise, not any source or interview by CDPR
>Another speculation blog post
Why do you keep posting these?
Oh fuck off you turbo autist.
They could have a npc eat a burger in a trailer and if they dont have a dedicated eating mechanic you would spout "cut features".
Fucking all the shit has been changed is the most benign shit, and anything less than the game being the second coming makes it irredeemable or something.
Like shit, the fags even made a big deal that what they showed in earlier demos wasnt a final product and that minor shit was clearly goimg to be subject to change. But that shit doesnt fit some major tortanic narative of the game being the worst thing to grace the world.
Every one of these threads plays out exactly the same, 1 autist having a conversation with himself, shitposts and extraordinary amount buzzwords that make it all read like its some kinda fucking psi-op.
>Using speculation from journos as evidence
Your fucked mate.
You didn't even read the thing, CDPR asked and received money for multiple aspect of the game, including MP and AI.
>Seamless Multiplayer - kompleksowa technologia umożliwiająca tworzenie unikalnej
rozgrywki dla wielu graczy, uwzględniająca wyszukiwanie przeciwników, zarządzanie sesją,
replikację obiektów oraz wsparcie różnorodnych trybów rozgrywki razem z unikalnym
zestawem dedykowanych narzędzi
>City Creation - kompleksowa technologia służąca do kreacji "żywego", grywalnego w czasie
rzeczywistym, miasta o wielkiej skali, która bazuje na zasadach, sztucznej inteligencji
i automatyzacji oraz uwzględnia opracowanie innowacyjnych procesów i narzędzi
wspierających tworzenie najwyższej jakości gier z otwartym światem
This guy is really trying to shut down all discussion regarding this game and its really pathetic.
For the MP they received 6 677 368,30 PLN and 9 935 394,75 PLN for the city system.
People are simply being realistic about obvious downgrades. Calling it a shitpost campaign won't make them any less real.
Yeah because the game, like every fucking game, changes as new shit is added and other shit removed. It entirely within the realm of possibility that they tested multiplayer and class and shit like that in there earlier builds, but its fucking irrelevant, that not the same as releaseing a finished product with advertised features not being present.
Fixed that for you user.
Theres a difference between discussion and witch hunting retard
Yes I also wonder who could be behind this
>He literally tells the guy it's subtle
Uh-uh. There's good gameplay in there, it's just "subtle" lmfao. You sound like you have some real subtle intelligence, my dude.
Funniest part of all of this, is that I'm not even attacking the game, and fanboys act aggressive just for stating facts.
>Asked and received money
This doesn't mean anything. I'm sure you have asked for pity sexy from girls too as they laughed and walked away Inb4 he tries to claim projection.
So I'm intelligent but I hide it? Nice insult, you loser class ape.
People, we're gonna keep talking about and enjoying the information coming out about the game. Just block out the one autist spamming the same images every thread. Don't even engage the dude, he's mentally-ill, he feeds on the attention. Just ignore him and let him rant in to the void. We're gonna keep talking about the game. The game will be good, the game will be fun, it will be a GOTY contender, there is nothing to worry about. Just ignore the autist, guys, alright?
>The game will be good
How do you know it will be good ?
imagine when they game will come out
I can't wait for those levels of salt and coping
Wow, you sound like a cult member
Are you afraid the facade of your enjoyment is gonna fall off if you don't repeat your mantra enough?
>Salt and coping
I know, right? Can't wait for the autist to start spamming himself on suicide watch after the game is a massive success.
Im under the impression that its an invasion of discord and resetera level fuckwits determined to undermine it by falseflagging and spreading hearsay. You can see entire conversations that just look like a puppet show that always end with "....." and the like.
How do you make a game that you hate crash? You drum up its flaws to exagerated degrees and spread hearsay.
>You are a heretic if you do not like my game
It's just a game user.
nigger how dense are you? there's no differentiation if skills are just damage. RPGs rely on players picking strengths and weaknesses that lock them out of other choices, that's the whole fucking point of classes. when everything is available to everyone you end up with shit like Skyrim where every build eventually becomes stealth archer because there's nothing stopping you from gravitating to the most powerful gameplay.
this game is looking more boring by the day
Seeing as Deus Ex is dead I am fine with this taking its place as the cyberpunk FPSRPG
>Doesn't understand how tabletop RPGs work
>Especially this one
You dumbass motherfucker. Everyone is the same bass class. A role is an additional thing. You play as a medtech and you have healing capabilities for your squad mates.
>When everything is available to everyone
You dumbass motherfucker. We have literally see skills and speech checks. Meaning there will be plenty of things not available.
The Game isn't even out yet and the amount of autism to seek out everything about this game to bad mouth it is baffling. I've been waiting since the first trailer to get this game and I haven't looked into shit. The Witcher 3 has brought out the worst auts out because CDPR made a good game that was popular. It's the equivalent of the Alita BA praising shit posting.