This is not a picture. This is an 11 year old video game

This is not a picture. This is an 11 year old video game.

Attached: 1453334403_cloudy1.jpg (1920x1080, 1.03M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

I could tell from those PS2 textures on some of the buildings.

I'd bet good money you werent even alive when the PS2 launched.


Looks like shit. Ridge Racer 4 on the ps1 had better graphics

Attached: fff.webm (768x432, 2.88M)


Hand picked pictures are nice but it probably either runs like shit or doesn't look like that during actual gameplay

What game is that? GTA IV?

Actually it's lots of pictures. That's why it looks so realistic, it's literally photos of real buildings plastered onto basic ass models with the lighting flattened out so it doesn't look weird. But once you see it in motion from different angles the illusion is busted. That's why you only see this and a handful of other screenshots posted over and over again.

>cherry picking

Attached: 1565809792635.png (600x800, 692K)

>My state of the art computer can't run this because the port was coded by drunk vietcong
that makes it impossible to run decent on normal modern hardware

Attached: stakeout.gif (688x807, 243K)

It IS a picture. What it is not is a photograph.

reminds me of that one gta 4 mod video where the main character from crysis is riding a tron bike playing kesha on it. can't find it

>based on New York as it is now
cringe tbqh

That's not a default car model. The base game doesn't have real life vehicles like that Crown Vic there.

This is from 2013. Can this mod run at 60fps in 2019?

It looks alright but still not as good in motion as OP's pic

Steering wheel 12 seconds in

No this is
Covering up your shit with mods is the equivalent of a girl wearing makeup

Attached: 4740-gta-iv-screenshot.jpg (1280x720, 148K)

that looks pretty good when it's overcast

they say he's "dead" the guy who made that. others say bullshit
i was told by the dude who did the gta:t mod multiplayer, mod, the same dude who made multipalyer for gta4 work and got visited by the fbi who told him he couldnt do it anymore, real news. he told me the fbi had told all the gta modders they can't make fun stuff.
thats why all the multiplayer mods lag and are just pure shit with no real internet code.

i played on a multiplayer mod that WORKED smooth animations and no lag, to guys in europe whne i was in u.s.a. i was using the joystick and auto aim and it worked to auto target and shoot without every bullet missing like it does on any other multiplayer mod.
they were called y.a.m.m. wished i hadnt thrown the source code away..

the hubcaps are the only things that look like shit

>PS2 textures
Could you name a single PS2 game with the texture resolution shown in OP's image?

never ever. had been waiting for years for it, and his last twitter update was like in 2017. Dude's isreali so he probably died in a building explosion or something