MGS didn't predict stuff like this
neither did Deus Ex
MGS didn't predict stuff like this
neither did Deus Ex
Other urls found in this thread:
What a bitch
1984 did.
Wait is this legit?
This is a fake one isn't it? stop spreading misinfo.
You're right, especially this stuff with language that has taken a very strong hold in media.
Pure Orwellian fearmongering syntagm.
We'll never know, her account's protected
Source? She's protected her twitter.
can i get a quick rundown on whatever this is?
stop making threads mobilefaggot
it's a fake tweet
Five Guys Zoe Quinn accused dude of rape on Twitter, dude killed himself
Has anyone that joined in on the dog pile that lead to this suicide apologized yet?
do you guys think she made it all up, or do you think he was guilty of what she said
It doesn't matter if he did it or not. This should've been handled by the courts. Not social media.
Not as far as I know. They either deleted all tweets / made their accounts protected, or they doubled down and say he deserved it and that Zoe is the real victim
This can't honestly be real right?
Jeez with family like that, this dude never stood a chance.
Probably a messy relationship on both sides. Maybe he did something Quinn wasn't comfortable with at some point, but she's absolutely lying and distorting some of the details for her own benefit.
Tweets have been deleted for what that’s worth.
She's a documented pathological liar, but it's the truth that she spent a month at his place...
I'm willing to believe as far to say that they did participate in rough sex and they didn't part on good terms
They're not stupid to apologize, that's a weakness reserved for decent people. They already mentioned his (((death))) as such, not as a suicide. When that cunt pops back up they'll mention it as an unhappy episode that (((chuds))) tried to weaponize.
deranged is right
So should 100% of Yea Forums drama, yet here we are talking about it.
That should be focused on. It's both an admission of guilt and a shameful act of deceit.
We're discussing the aftermath of a suicide because of social media #metoo believewomen shit. I'm willing to hand rape cases to the courts but if a man kills himself due to social media dog piling that's 100% okay to talk about.
Or are you suggesting no one should respond to this situation because the situation was created out of mishandling the original scenario in the first place? That's retarded.
what the fuck holy shit
It's impossible, his family turned on him.
He said, weaponizing it when the dude's own sister thinks he did exactly what she said he did. You sure showed them by doing exactly what you imaginary projection of them said you would do.
How can there be so much evidence and so much different people coming out to tell us what a trash person Zoe Quinn is , yet she's still always the brave innocent victim. I mean take a look at this shit, these people are awful
Because, like in academia, they control the narrative by controlling the outlets. Normalfags won't value opinion of someone from Yea Forums over a (((certified))) journalist. Why do you think twitter gave blue checkmark to every cultural marxist available?
Well, it’s too late. It was so many people talking shit to the guy it’s just impossible to keep track of them all.
Maybe she is a witch and has hexed anybody that follow a particular ideology.
Go figure. She’s been instigating people to kill themselves since her something awful days and no one gives a shit. She says she’s killed a man before in self defense and no one ever gave a shit. This is no different.
Surely there are some "industry legends" in that circle who weighed in? Or at least who blocked their twitter after. It's a very guilty thing to do.
How do we know these deleted tweets exist in the first place if there aren't any?
>How do we know these deleted tweets exist in the first place if there aren't any?
Because Kiwifarms has the archive links and archive links don't lie.