How do you balance gaming and exercising?
How do you balance gaming and exercising?
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i dont
By playing games and exercising
i used to pedal on a recumbent bike while playing handhelds but now that I've got an elliptical bike it's hard to play video games
Playing shitty mobile games on the treadmill helps pass the time lmao
I don't game. I never game. For exercise, I run most mornings for about 3 miles. It's not much, but some of it is uphill and it's better than nothing I guess. After the 4 mile run, I usually meet up with Dave at the cafe for 2 drinks. There's a lot of good people there such as Steve, Chris and Dan. I get to see a lot of my friends and some people that I've known for a few years. We'll usually grab a drink after the run and I sit there listening to a good book. They're usually very funny. We don't go out any longer than that and then I take a big walk around my neighborhood which is about half of my neighborhood. After talking to myself or just spending time with my mom, I'm usually back at the gym. Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Wednesday is just resting and reading and I like writing to be honest. I like it more then I like other genres of writing. I really hate grammar mistakes.
Exercise 5 hours a week. Game for 25 hours a week. Work 40 hours a week. Sleep 8 hours a night. That gives me 42 bonus hours to drive UberEats/DoorDash so I can afford to donate to my favorite titty streamers.
who is this semen demon
It's quite simple really.
Farm labor for my day job.
I dont, between my masters program and full time work and my GF I have let exercising go for a bit of gaming. I am about to turn in my final project so all that time spent doing schoolwork is about to go into losing all this college weight.
All my local gyms shut down a year ago. I couldn't do my standard routine anymore and I eventually lost motivation. I ended up ballooning back up to 170 pounds but I started an EC stack and I've gone back down to 155. I should at least run, but I've always hated cardio, even when I was actively exercising.
>tfw no fit bf
I just exercise as part of my morning routine and that's it.
fuck off /fit/
I plank during queue times, is that not enough?
I dress out at work and go directly to the gym after work. I only spend on average 2 hours a week at the gym. It doesnt really take meaningful time away from my schedule
it's really hard for me to have a routine, i don't know how people do it
I do full body routines.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
The days inbetween are rest days or optional Abs/Oblique days.
On Monday and Wednesday, I go before work from 8am~10am
Then on Fridays, I go after work
Its possible to balance if you actually want it.
I count my calories to keep them in check and use my waifu for motivation to get some weightlifting in after work every day.
I'm a professional comebrain, so I play games with my right hand and fap 24/7 with my left. I've came 34 times today, and finished marathoning the touhou series. Magnificent experience all around. Also, if you don't reply to this post with dubs, your mother will die in her sleep tonight and you'll become trans.
balance is optimal when the centre of gravity is low and the base is wide
My mother is already dead and I fuck trannies if that counts.
My weekdays usually consist of working 8 hours and gaming for about 6 hours. I don't have time for petty and useless shit like exercising.
I spent over half a year playing Peace Walker in its entirely from start to 100% completion while jogging on a treadmill. Having to hold the PSP steady, maintain a pace and balance, and actually play the game at once without falling was a solid workout and an extra challenge for the game itself.
Since it had all those long casette tape audio clips, I could lift weights and do other things while listening to those, then go back to the treadmill once I was playing again.
And with its little wifi hotspot gimmick, I'd wander the neighborhood, getting a long walk in, some fresh air, and a bunch of volunteer soldiers.
How do you balance gaming and sex?
Explain this one to me
>weeb name
>trip code
ON MY Yea Forums?
how do you plead?
I just do five minutes of calisthenics each morning and then swing my sword 500 times. I'm cut, and it's barely any time expended, so this works well.
Work -> Gym -> Food / Games. Easy.
Working out takes like an hour or two tops every other day, how exactly do you manage to NOT balance it?
good joke like you can play games and have sex.
practically opposites.
I've been here way before you even knew what Yea Forums was.
It's not hard OP all it requires is 30 mins - 2 hours of your day depending on workout/intensity. Go to /fit/, google, youtube, whatever to look up guides on what to do. Learn time management OP and learn how to cook your own meals.
Well that's all about your exercise
What about gaming?
Did you even look at the opener outside of a cursory glance?
And I have been here even before you, doesn't make you tripfagging in 2019 ok.
Different user, please don't appeal to your own ethos
Attack his words head-on
Up the post quality
I cannot even imagine spending 10-20% of my waking life trying to make myself more superficially appealing to other people.
You have the be a seriously sick person to do vanity (weightlifting) training, unless you are a pro athlete. Cardio is another story.
by working out while my sim game runs in the background
You did set up you defense to be self sufficient right user?
I think a portion of people would end up actually having EXTRA time once they start exercising. Your body's metabolic rate goes up so you're more energetic, if it takes you 10, 30 minutes or even an hour to work yourself out of bed you might notice you can effortlessly jump out as soon as your eyes open. That extra energy prevents grogginess so you're not dealing with as much 'brainfog' where you only have enough focus to refresh Yea Forums over and over again.
>Go to job
>Go to gym
>Come home and play video games until i pass out
I do it more for myself because I don't want to ever go back to being a 115 lbs weakling and also I have someone who loves me very much :3.
Every other part of the day can be used for gaming once you've gotten that and other things out of the way. Clearly.
The point is, exercising is just a small part of the day, a few days of the week.. 2 hours at the most unless you're a body builder in which case exercising would totally be your thing.
>I cannot even imagine spending 10-20% of my waking life trying to make myself more superficially appealing to other people.
Women don't even like the gym body, they like skinny tall guys with pretty faces
my work as a delivery driver is basically exercising
Most people do it for themselves, they just want to be the best version of themselves. Not everybody enjoys being a fatbody/skelly/skinny fat fuck like you.
>I do it for myself
This is the same bullshit post-rationalization that women use to explain why they put on makeup for an hour every morning.
It's bullshit in that case, and it's bullshit here. You do it to market yourself to other people.
by not doing either and wasting my entire day here
I go for three one hour sessions at the gym a week, I run to the gym as well. Sometimes I do something in the weekend like a longer run but not always because I have to fit everything in between work and uni plus Yea Forums reading.
There is nothing personally beneficial about doing vanity exercise. You don't get healthier - in fact, you will destroy your joints and damage your heart, not to mention risk of things like hernias. You spend a large proportion of your wakeful life doing a mundane, repetitive activity.
The only benefit is that you might look more appealing to other people, particularly male homosexuals. It's only worth it if you're a first-order normalfag (emphasis on the fag.)
>Every other part of the day can be used for gaming once you've gotten that and other things out of the way. Clearly.
Yeah, but do you even do that?
Sure, but you're talking in a potentive sense, not how you spend it specifically
Is this a subtle admission that you post more on Yea Forums than playing games?
I do it 50% for myself, 30% to please my girlfriend, and 20% to appeal to other people.
I just wanna look better in my clothes. Especially here in Korea where everyone is so fashionable, hot and skinny. Although having muscles now is bringing in the attention. It's nice.
I do neither and shitpost on Yea Forums instead
It isn't a bullshit post-rationalization. Seems more like you're just trying to rationalize being a retarded fat fuck by talking shit about those that pick up heavy things.
Your hand is yourself so wouldn't it be 80% for yourself?
Still great to see your feet while standing though.
Kinect ;)
Wii fit :)
Vanity exercise has nothing to do with obesity. The way you become healthy is by doing cardio.
Oh, I workout. At the library.
I am probably in better shape than you. When your argument starts to become predicated on presumed psychic knowledge of your opponent, it's a sure sign you've lost.
Cardio is actually bad for your joints and is entirely unneeded.
The one person who gets away with being a lifetime runner is not the majority.
basic calisthenics(pushup squats chinups situps)
jogging/swimming/long walks
watching what you eat and eating well
getting good sleep
dealing with stress
find a hobby that is mentally and or physically stimulating
That is all you need for personal fitness
Yeah I don't really care either man, I'm narcissistic so I enjoy looking at myself in the mirror. My knees are already fucked from being a paratrooper for 5 years.
>You spend a large proportion of your wakeful life doing a mundane, repetitive activity.
Like video games? Your job? I mean there are a million different things you could be doing with your life yet instead you're here. Not like it really any of this matters.
Counting calories is a meme, just avoid sugary stuff and don't overeat.
>I am probably in better shape than you.
Highly doubt it if you can't even grasp why people pick things up and put them down. I did track in highschool and I still do cardio daily, no need to get upset about being called out for being fat.
>either exercising is the single most important thing in your life or you're morbidly obese! No exceptions, no inbetween!
I give almost 0 shits what other people think of me that aren't myself or my girlfriend. I don't like being weak and lifting gives me those sweet endorphins.
Counting calories is useful if you are have a traveling job, but for most people you are right you dont need to count.
All exercise is bad for your joints, but cardio (particularly bicycling & swimming) is the exercise group which is least damaging to the body, while most healthy to cardiovascular function (which is what kills old people if cancer doesn't)
Weightlifting and other vanity training will destroy your joints rapidly. Bare joint on joint contact by age 50. The quantity of food you need to eat in order to maintain a vanity physique is also incredibly taxing on your digestive system. Diverticulitis, sudden onset of IBS, and other complications frequently occur among weightlifters. The problem is often exacerbated by hernias.
I had continued to do the same for several more years, the PSP was basically the best workout tool I ever had. I would lose track of time and realize I'd been on the treadmill for hours, absolutely drenched in sweat from head to toe, a pool of sweat on the floor behind me. I had almost completely exhausted the handheld's library thanks to custom firmware. A shame both the PSP broke and that treadmill track wore down from the excessive use, I might still have been using it to emulate older gen games.
Now I use a stationary bike and a tablet, emulating several console gens and using a bluetooth controller, alternating between games and youtube videos. The only time I'm not both playing and exercising at the same time is when I'm at my desk playing something on PC.
That's not really what I'm getting at, more so why user can't grasp why people enjoy working out.
This is pretty much the reason. Those that have never step foot into gym sure overthink it. Most guys do it for themselves and the endorphins are just a bonus.
My dad at his ripe old age of 65 still runs and lifts, helps he was an athlete in high school and a marine for most of his career. I don't get why people see a problem with lifting and cardio?
>be first human
>hunting is bad for your joints
>after 2000 years it’s still bad
I work out more than I play vidya. And can only be glad for that.
You're also a filthy unvirgin, Onso. You lose your gains to the semen demons.
why is this tripfag samefagging himself so flagrantly
holy shit i am getting proxy embarrassed for him
I do low rep and very, very slow exercises when taking breaks from VIDEO GAMES
slow as in doing one rep takes over ten seconds
I stay as stationary as possible too and stand on my tippy toes for balance gains
ideally only the bar and my hands (or legs if squats) move otherwise I'm a statue
takes under 10 minutes usually but I'm slowing it down more and more (instead of adding weight)
2-4 times every day, break day every two weeks-ish
I eat a lot of sugary stuff and do 30 min of cardio everyday, I'm pretty skinny and my BMI is pretty good, but I'm probably not that healthy overall, I just love sweet stuff too much
>Most guys do it for themselves
lol, no they don't
gyms are filled with the same kind of people who unironically purchase & read self-help books: wistless, confused young men looking for a magical ritual that will make women like them. they think lifting objects and putting them down is that. spoilers: it isn't
oh and also since I use a standing level desk I do very slow stretches even whilst playing or during small breaks in gameplay that aren't long enough to lift
I don't do enough exercising that it would get in the way. 40 squats and 40 push ups, 6 days a week. 5km jog, 2 days a week.
I should probably work the first part of that up a bit more.
In terms of imageboard culture, are you a desperate beggar or a second-rate marketer?
>all these genuine posts without tummy
what the h*ck you guys?
Haha. We all gotta grow up some time, man. She and a friend the reason I started, but now she's annoyed by it by how much I diet/watch what I eat.
Some people are more sensitive to weight gain so that's not a wise thing to tell people. And you at least need to watch your macros. Especially protein and fats.
i dont want health issues and i dont want to become a fat or skinny fuck. that other people also like it when im fit is just a plus.
I find it weird that women have been complaining for years that entertainment & culture have set unrealistic standards for women's bodies, and yet we have men spending hours every day lifting, eating, even taking drugs to try to look more like Chris Hemsworth. And this is basically the new male default.
Tummies on girls >>>> Tummies on boys.
DOUBLE based! Posting tummies!
>And you at least need to watch your macros. Especially protein and fats.
What are macros and how do you watch them
>i dont want health issues
Then do cardio. Vanity training will destroy your body.
I really don't get people who bother with reading, exercising or "social interaction". Like, why bother with any of that?
i do it for the runner's high
420 blaze my muscles
being physically /fit/ allows you to play video games without getting tired
>Play vidya
>Take a break to do squats, leg lifts, lunges, and hip abductions
>Fap to the smell of my armpits, crotch and butt
>Resume vidya
Why would you ask Yea Forums? Everyone here is either a skeleton or morbidly obese