How's the Berserk Musou?

How's the Berserk Musou?

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Other urls found in this thread:!hAYlBAoI!XFKVQLPmnNneSM66aW7MVb03b_HNtykJJjpwloof8NY

One of the worst unfortunately.

It's pretty meh.

Just watch the cutscenes. They are mostly better than Berserk 2016

Why did they make the title so retarded? All they had to do was have a colon instead an "and" and it would have been fine.

It's musou and looks like shit.

It's really... loose? I'm not sure how else to say it. It's not an issue of you moving around as you attack, but basic movement feels sloppy.

Berserk 2016/17 is a MASTER FUCKING PIECE
And it looks better and made better than the old 90s Anime (which I am rewatching right now because it's still good)
I'm not OP but I've been on a Berserk binge lately and I want to play this shitty game so bad but FUCK OFF with the $60 price tag.
And I will fight everyone on this God Forsaken earth who hates Berserk2016.

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You disgust me.

I will cut you in half

>Berserk 2016/17 is a MASTER FUCKING PIECE
my dude, you're a nigger, not even my kind of nigger, you're just black fucking nigger, with no taste

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>And I will fight everyone on this God Forsaken earth who hates Berserk2016.
I don't think that's a hill you want to die on, but your boneheaded commitment to a losing cause would make even Gutts proud. Kudos, my friend. Take this (You).

>shitty games
>lack of anime, and the two good adaptations cover golden age arc
>manga has been derailed for what 200 issues at this point and Miura seems disinterested and just wants to write loli adventures and play idolmaster
>not concerts, no audiobooks, no nothing

Is Berserk cursed?

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Why aren't you watching Berserk Redux like a true patrician?

Masterpiece if going a bit far but I didn't hate Berserk 2017 and maybe late 2016, the 2016 one especially in the beginning looked almost unwatchable but they improved it later with some slipups here and there though.
Also LE CLANG memes went on ages after that sound was already semi-removed.

It literally sounded like a frying pan out of Tom and Jerry.

>Animation ended because of turbo autist purist
I fucking hate the berserk fanbase. Bunch of whiny faggots that they dony stuff and when we finally do they ruin it.

Yes but that was toned way down somewhere in the middle of 2016 and yet every time his sword hit anything people screamed CLANG because they couldn't let go of the new reddit meme

Interdasting, didnt know it existed.
I dont see how this animation for this scene, or the writing is better in any way than the Kushan clip I posted fom 2016 ep 3 i think, or how the 3d movie did it. But the music feels good as fuuuuck.
I mean, frying pans are made of iron, his sword was a HULKING IRON MASS


Genuinely terrible. I'm not the biggest Musou fan, but I really liked Hyrule Warriors and was hoping for Berserk to be of similar quality, but it's really lazy. There are only like four levels in the campaign that actually even have you controlling an army and taking over bases, i.e. the only other gameplay mechanic in Musous other that hitting square square square triangle over and over. So what do you do in Berserk? You hit square square square triangle over and over, then occasionally watch censored clips from the Golden Age movies until they run out of those and replace them with lazy in-engine cutscenes (that still look better than the 2016 anime, but not by that much). There's no reason to play it at all.

>Not watching the manga

Still it is a blade. Not only that but it's a blade going through flesh and bone most of the time. I'd probably expect that sound against a heavily armored opponent or maybe a wall or pillar but against those Kushans in that video? Its hilarious.


I know you're baiting me but i really do hate you

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The Berserk fanbase is worse than the Star Wars fanbase, somehow

I've been a Berserk fan since the 90s. I have every available volume of the manga and every collector's edition iteration of the original 97 anime and have the brand of sacrifice tattooed on my neck.

I refunded the heaping pile that is this musou after 48 minutes

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If you cant find the redux files I have them saved somewhere and can upload them.

the amount of shit they left out / altered from the manga is criminal .... and yet these still managed to include rapehorse.

also Wylad finally made an appearance in something outside the manga and his theme is pretty sick

Based. You're truly a PC among a sea of NPCs.

I'm not baiting shit, it was great. I want to link the angels fight and gush over their fucking absurd care over the details, where they even include the little tiny 3 second moment where guts its about to get smashed by the breaking wheel, says "I cant dodge it" and does his patented armblast + sword swing that he learned in the dead kids chapter previously. 2016/17 was a work of PURE passion.

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I want to link the angels fight but youtube removed it on copyright grounds, is what i meant to type.

>absurd care over the details
>Berserk 2016

We are approaching levels of delusion never thought possible

If it was so good then why does everyone hate it?

Are you the only smart person on the earth who can recognize its genius?

How genuine autism. We must treasure this.

I linked you the Kushan fight that's nearly 1:1 with the manga.
Cause everyone is garbage. Look at the way you type.

I found it, thanks bud.

not even very good for a Musou, but if you're okay with your games being braindead and care more about feel or visuals, then it's fine

It's very average, but one thing that amused me were the cutscene summaries. They really understate what happens, like for instance
>Guts is sold to a pedophile by the only man he trusts
>Gets raped as a child
>No one cares and in fact Guts is making the guy who sold him very rich
>The cutscene summary explains this as "Guts is betrayed"!hAYlBAoI!XFKVQLPmnNneSM66aW7MVb03b_HNtykJJjpwloof8NY dropping this here, play this shit instead of the fucking musou

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>MC is a cuck The game

Oh shit. I remember making one of these with Griffith on the Hill of Swords awhile back. Warms my heart seeing more people doing these -whatever you call them.

Berserk game/10


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Neat, link what you made if you still have it.

I'll watch this too, thanks for linking it user.

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Some guy saved the low fps rip I decided to post on /wsg/ (inb4 /wsg/ fagget) and posted it on YT. Maybe I was hoping it would get some more exposure there because I usually don't frequent any other boards than Yea Forums and Yea Forums.

There will never ever be a good berserk anime.

Not lying. See.

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Whatever happened with the Castlevania dude wanting to do a western animated version of post-golden age Berserk?

It's perfectly done, real nice job. I hope you do more if you ever have the time or will.

Why does Guts still has his left arm Prove it

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It sucks. Couldn't bring myself to finish it.

It's the only musou I've actually dropped partway through. Shit was awful. Play Ken's Rage 1 if you want a good musou based on an animu/manga.