I cannot beat the Soul Master for the life of me. Any tips or can I come back to him later once I've upgraded my charms? Where the hell can I go from here anyway?
Hollow Knight
I don't remember what you even did the soul sanctum for. I think you get the dive bomb which I also think was essential to progress at that point. But again, don't really remember.
The boss is among the easier in the game I guess but at that point you might just not be used to how the game bosses work so it gets harder than it is.
You upgraded your Nail, right?
Yes, once.
>boss is incredible hard and complex
>i cannot beat a boss
>i don't know what to do
>i must repeat the fight until i win
see faggots, souls-like game, not metroidvania.
now shut up already
>there are people killing him and then his dream version right away
>and then there's OP
Why is there such a huge gap in skill in video games, Yea Forums?
>incredible hard and complex
Unless you're fighting the radiant bosses, that does not apply to any regular boss in the game.
>2D platformer
What exactly about him is giving you problems? Have you made it to his second phase? Not being rude, I can offer some advice.
Jesus Christ you must be fucking retarded if you can't beat this boss. Good luck with the trials later on in the Godhome, brainlet.
You can sorta cheese him by standing near the left wall. The projectiles will just hit the wall as you hop over/under them and dissipate, and most of his other attacks are pretty predictable.
Just keep trying and learn how to avoid the attacks. It's not a hard boss at all. Maybe explore and get more health, I don't remeber if you can have more than 5 masks at that point in the game, but it's worth a try.
Also, use the staggers to heal instead of attacking if you are missing too much health.
This is an optional boss.
Did you upgrade your nail?
>>incredibly hard and complex
I honestly don't understand what you're having trouble with. He was one of the few bosses I one-shot
As a Hollow Knight fan, stop shitposting.
the dream one maybe, normal radiance really isnt that hard its just basic platforming
>Normal Radiance isn't har-
not dream, godhome i mean
Play Salt&Sanctuary and try and make that argument. Not a great game because Souls works better with three dimensions but IT IS Souls in 2d, even when they stick to this idea to the game's fault
sure it looks hard if youre as good as this guy smashing him in seconds but if you take your time its fine
Git gud.
I'm going to name the attacks and what you must do for most of them
>Magic Soul Ball Attack
If he's in the air, dash towards it. If he's on the ground simply jump around the projectile
>Six Magic Soul Ball Attack
He's going to summon six spheres of goo, stay in the middle of the arena and you should be ok, most of the time
>flying through the arena
he's going to fly through the arena, just jump over him
>body slam
He's going to slam on you because he's a fat fuck. Dash away from it. Jump over the shockwaves.
>body slam rampage
just keep dashing away from it. Eventually he'll stop in place, that's when you should try using your spells.
Having the Abyss Shriek and the Shadow Dash helps a lot. Also, upgrade your nail, so you won't be a helpess bitch.
that's just the basic stuff, btw. You can always get the Shadow Dash/Sharp Shadow, which makes things REALLY easier.
i died like 6 times trying to figure out how everything works.
in the first stage, stick to the right wall, and fight him from there, that worked for me.
2nd stage just do your shit and memorize what he does.
"wow great help retard" i know, but i haven't fought him in a while
I never gave it much thought, but it really is amazing how every boss fight in godhome has a background really in theme with where the boss was first fought, like rain for soul master, infected bubbles for broken vessel, and black egg marking seals for pure vessel. Love their attention to detail, nothing quite like it
What fundamental law of nature forbids it to be a souls-like metroidvania (which it is)?
Maybe he means it story wise? As far as story world building goes it's similar but then again, it's not like souls invented the concept of ruin kingdoms.
t. retard
Just dash away from the bodyslams and jump over the homing energy balls.
At least you're honest.
Stand directly in the middle of the arena as much as possible, don't chase him too much. When he does the attack where he sweeps from one side of the arena to the other you can heal if you just stand in the middle. Focus on not getting hit more then trying to get a hit in. In the second phase dash early when he dashes down on you.
You can come back to him later, but the ability you get from defeating him is pretty neat, and his patters are not hard once you get the hang of it.
Nevermind lads. Just beat him. Good lord he was a pain in the ass.
If you struggled with him, you're in for a surprise when you get to some of the later bosses.
>Soul Master
Are you fucking kidding me?
He's easily one of the tougher base game bosses, not including dream variants
Are the dream variants required or optional bosses?
>He's easily one of the easier base game bosses
Is Ninja Gaiden a soulslike?
>kept putting off defeating hollow knight because i wanted to get everything first
>accidentally the whole game when i was Just about to right him
Fuck life
Fuck everything
Im not installing it again, most of it is a stupid grind until you get the right medals and enough slots for them
How can it be a grind when there's no leveling up?
Most of the medals are Fucking useless and their only purpose is to get enough medals to be able to purchase more slots to equip medals and you need the cash to buy those pointless medals and the slots to equip medals
What are you even talking about?