I'm sorry to inform you it's terminal. At best you have a year

Would you still play video games?

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I don't even play video games

I would mostly focus on doing every type of drug I could get a hold of.

I would focus on finishing my backlog

I'd finally start learning japanese so I could play Rune Factory 5 when it comes out.

What's terminal? a year before what?

I would start cooking meth haha let me know if you get the reference


The board.

>doctor says this while smiling
that's terrible bedside manner

Haha I love the walking dead

Why's he so happy?

terminal 7

Nah. I'd probably rack up a ton of debt while travelling across europe.

Everyone would be fucking ecstatic if they had irrefutable proof that you were going to die soon, Yea Forumsirgin.

Probably blow my money on hookers and do all kinds of drugs.
I would probably still play videogames on my off days.

I'm mostly afraid of dying a virgin
I'd probably come off to any female i vaguely know and when that failed, id go to a hooker

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I definitely wouldn't work, that's for sure.

So literally nothing changes?


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I probably wouldn't change anything aside from spending more time with my family.


This is what happens when you have a medical community that fucks around with mice instead, you know, trying to cure things in humans...

"OMG! We just made a mouse live 3 times as long by tweaking a gene! OMG! OMG! OMG!"

"That's great, Dr. Frankenstein. Now let's stop fucking around with Mickey and try doing something nice for the humans, shall we?"

It's been 50 years since we've landed on the moon and we still can't figure out how to cure Alzheimer's. Yup. Progress.

I'd probably just kill myself right now and save some time.

Obvious bait.

I've seen enough literal schizos around to be unsure

If only there was some race of abhumans so universally reviled due to their complete lack of empathy and universal sociopathy that no one object to them being put in camps and experimented on. A pity no group like that exists

Medicine is still "throw shit at a wall to see what sticks".

why wouldn't I?
I'd drop out of college and binge every media thing in my backlog, plus travel to Europe and Japan because fuck debt I'm dead soon anyway

I'd get high on all drugs known to men.

Nah, nigga, I'd spend my time going skydiving. Or rocky mountain climbing. Or see if I could go 2.7 seconds on a bull named Fumanchu.

I would play my Switch when on the plane to USA, Europe and Japan. Blow all my money on seeing sights and whores.

Then in my will have it so my family plants a tree on top of my burial spot.

Whys he so happy

Surely there's a way to siphon gallons of semen out of the brain, doctor?