How come in DMC 5 the enemies are so passive? They barely attack or even come after me...

How come in DMC 5 the enemies are so passive? They barely attack or even come after me, they usually just loiter strafing around as I kick their asses. They even just sit there watching me beat up their comrades.

Meanwhile in Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge, the enemies are relentless. If I even stop moving for one second they're on my ass. If I run to get some breathing room, they chase me all around like angry bees. I can barely charge a UT without them racing to where I am. I can't focus on one guy unmolested, his friends WILL attack me. The enemies are constantly molesting me. In DMC the enemies seem like jokes, why is this?

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this is true

man dmc is so easy compared to ninja gaiden 3 razor's edge for the wii u and sony playstation/xbox systems

Because DMC enemies are only there to be combo targets.

Ninja Gaiden enemies are there to kill you.

You can't have both, if you had legtimiate dangerous enemies you couldn't have a high-stylish combo game because you'd be constantly being interrupted or you'd be one on one and they wouldn't be hard.

>In DMC the enemies seem like jokes, why is this?
Because the games are designed around DMD and go backwards from there, with the lower modes being tutorials

this has never been more explicit than in DMC5, a game that has a tutorial for a new game mechanic during the end credits.

>You can't have both, if you had legtimiate dangerous enemies you couldn't have a high-stylish combo game because you'd be constantly being interrupted or you'd be one on one and they wouldn't be hard.
dmc3 on DMD where enemies DT disagrees, in that game in order to style on someone you need to stagger them first, which is different for every enemy type

casuals hated it though so its gone in dmc4/5

is dmd even hard in 5

Itsuno is a former fighting game dev, so he sucks doing anything that isnt combos.
DMC1 had both


Nope, you can get most bosses to 20% before they use DT without trying.

fighting games are harder than any single player enemy could possibly be because you can't cheese the game with shit like izuna drops or instant charge UT

Yes, but also because AI reads your inputs or you're playing against a real person, which are two things DMC has never done.

Well in DMC5's case specifically, a built-in mechanic/bug/exploit/whatever is the fact that if you don't have the enemy on your screen, it will not be hostile at all

thats a staple of the dmc franchise though isnt it? im pretty sure it appears in all games

That's been around since 3.

Has anyone modded Vergil's face onto V?

Bayonetta does a pretty good job at providing you with both combo tools and enemies that are fun to fight and pose a threat.

Attached: 1542825081044.webm (960x760, 2.9M)

They really aren’t, they’re aggressive as fuck
>Negro Gaiden
Shouldn’t you be maintaining your X-box instead of shitposting on Yea Forums

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I mean Vergil's face with V's hair and clothing.

I don't think that's how DMC is designed at all. DMD plays like complete ass for most games in the series.

Attached: 1553042677966.gif (268x350, 2.96M)

Nigga can you read

Multiple factors.
The AI is just bad. The enemies move too slow and they take too slow to decide moving and to decide attacking. DMC3 and DMC4 weren't perfect at this but they're definitely faster in deciding than in 5.
The camera aggression system favors the player massively. All the enemies, even the long range types, need to be in your view to start attacking and most enemies are easily staggerable. Add the removal of dynamic fixed camera angles and have the camera always at back and you never have to see enemies behind you and so they can rarely attack.
Buffing airtime and the ability to stay in the air such as jump cancelling and enemy step hurtbox size made it so melee enemies can no longer attack you in the air. Enemies in DMC1 all had a melee attack and a ranged attack to deter this.
DMC5 is for casual friendly juggling and Ninja Gaiden was always about killing as fast as you can. Capcom is still intent on casualizing their franchises so don't expect any changes soon.

A deliberate decision choice to make you think the combat system is better than it is by allowing you more easy oppurtunities to do cooler stuff

DMD gives bosses new moves in every game in the series. it gives you more elaborate enemy layouts where they can cover their weaknesses in every game besides 1 (which instead just replaces weaker enemies with the more advanced versions, in either case its expecting more of you), the enemy stats are actually able to withstand the gigantic damage you can do on DMD and the game doesn't require you to get hit dozens of times before dying

"plays like complete ass" aka you cant just spam launchers all day and beat the game

It's always been a feature but some enemies were exempt to it. The AI being bad/slow just makes it worse. The enemies used to quickly try to move in to your view to quickly start attacking. DMC5 enemies just take too long.

>Vergil's face onto V
he's not gonna get any better looking than this

>You can't have both
DMC3 on DMD has both. Enemies are extremely dangerous, and you can combo.

razor's edge is on wii u

ninja gaiden is shit compared to dmc, the combat is boring and clunky and stiff, and the enemies are way too cheap, like the fucking dogs in the kevlar vests are total bullshit

Razor's Edge is on ps3, 360 and the wii u.

That's not really true. That might have been true for 1 but it's not been true for the Itsuno games. It's balanced against SoS imo. It's when enemies get all their new moves and a sizeable health buff. I've always been critical of DMD. The superarmor, health, and damage can be really unfair and it's not DMC1 where you can kill enemies off before Enemy DT if you know what you're doing. Want a solution? Better/faster AI. Give melee enemies ranged moves and ranged enemies melee moves during DT. Keep the health at SoS levels.

bayonetta = ninja gaiden >>> anything dmc

bayonetta is a garbage character, I'd rather play as Nero or Dante

hayabusa is cool too

haha...these enemies are so passive, just braindead sandbags!

ha ha...oh

That's not normal speed and there's still the problem of melee enemies not being able to hit Dante in the air when the enemy step hurtbox is a size of a comet.

Which ninja gaiden is playable on pc?

None afaik, your best bet is Sigma and Razor's Edge on the ps3 emulator. I would recommend against playing Sigma 2 since it's a botched version of the original 2 on the 360.