Cyberpunk 2077

Can you all shut up now?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>pedophile tranny ERA faggots crying

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your game will be shit retard

>first person


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>put a bunch of customization options
>cool ass clothes and ornaments
>'in cyberpunk looks are everything'
>can only occasionally see it

What a waste

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I remember when this game was first shown off and frog/wojackposters were jizzing all over it. Now that it has more gender options you all turned on it so quickly it's hilarious.

>Can you all shut up now?

No because I have the following concerns:

>If dialogue choices matter.

>Whether the combat is good even for an RPG.

>Are the sidequests good or shit like "go to this warehouse and kill higher level recolors.

>I know how the game will play before touching it

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it's not an rpg anymore

>blablabla kurwa kurwa kurwa also you will be able to see your role playing choices in a fagass inventory screen exclusively lmao.

with each new day this piece of shit game sounds worse and worse.


This still doesn't justify why they had modellers and artists spend weeks upon weeks creating tons of clothing items you will never fucking see for 95% of the game.

>Games can only be immersive if they're first person
What a crock of shit.

Stay mad casual weeb nigger

This deal is getting worse all the time.

>"achieving full immersion in an FPP game is extremely important and the decision made by the team to go 100% first person..."
>third person driving sequences

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>What is every Witcher game


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>any third person is not immersive
>inventorie menu and third person driving is immersive
wtf is this shit? They're just cutting it to save time and making bs esxcuse.
Day 1 pirate.

They're growing up, this is their first good game ever since it's not baby dragon wizard faggot shit.

to be honest im more mad about multiple apartments not being a thing

when has RPG ever been about the player?

he's completely right there is not 1 single immersive video game that lets you see your character in third person

>believing their lies now
They keep whittling away at things that were promised and expecting consumers to be excited for the scraps that are left from the original product.

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the horseshoe is real...

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facebook frog and feels guy from 2011

entire immersive sim genre is first person

>Full immersion
>Not allowed gendered pronouns because 0.00001% of the population finds it offensive

They created a problem that didn't need solving. I'm perfectly immersed in the role of Adam Jensen when I played HR and MD, and he went into third person all the fucking time. These people are fucking retarded and so are the people still excited for this 8/10 video game.


witcher 1 is one of the most immersive games i've ever played and it was entirely in third person

thief is the most immersive game I have ever played and it is entirely first person

>thief is the most immersive game I have ever played and it is entirely first person

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Yeah, hopefully there is at least a good deal of customization for the player apartment.

I hope we get a new Deus Ex soon.

Does Thief also have a character creator and custom clothing options that you will never see because of the perspective?

This is the second-coming of Deus Ex, faggot.

Copy paste of Witcher 3 dialogue and quest design. Except expect different ways to accomplish entering the warehouse and dealing with enemies.

the third person shit in hr and md was fucking pointless half the time just to show some 'press x to awesome' bullshit. didn't help that the character model looked like complete ass in both games.

Well you're in luck, because this game is gonna pretty much be Deus Ex, complete with big ass vents and hacking cameras and shit. That's not a bad thing, but I thought Cyberpunk 2077 was gonna be a whole lot more

>then says 3rd person in cutscenes, driving, and mirrors

Do these people understand what 100% means?

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potato niggers are just too lazy to animate another character

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no but you are referring to real life and at no point in real life do I think 'wouldn't it be cool if I was looking at myself in third person all the time'. that is why mirrors exist.

it's just a line of bullshit they are feeding people to excuse cutting content from the game, they will probably patch it in after release as a free DLC to get some easy praise

What fucking nonsense. Why do I want to see my character solely in an inventory screen? I might as well just open up the character creator.

>we made the decision to go 100% FPP, but not all the time

Yea Forums is retarded, no argument there, but this confusion is entirely on them.

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Based af make the tpp faggots seethe HARD

I'm starting to think that instead of caving to trannies they just faked them out with a fake "win" only to go strictly first person to sidestep the issues piling up around char customization.
>female too pretty? hambeasts and their beta male rapist allies will complain they're unrealistic beauty standards.
>female too ugly? now the other side complains
>shit now this one trannie is mad they can't be a 9 foot tall gorilla with a visible, and always erect, 9 foot long cock.
>"What if we just...went first person pov, and all these complaints go away?"

>wouldn't it be cool if I was looking at myself in third person all the time'
But wouldn't that be cool?

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I Genuinely prefer first person camera for RPGs, and agree wholeheartedly that its more immersive than 3rd person cameras.

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I love video games but I can't imagine getting upset about this one way or the other.

Jesus mate they live rent free in your head.

I'm not going to spout memes about whether TPP or FPP is better or whether I like this decision or not.
Why would a game dev make such a very fundamental and important decision 6 months from release? This is a huge decision to make close to when the game should be complete. Something is wrong with Cyberpunk and they had to completely rework a core part of the game to try and fix it, or they running out of time/resources and starting to scrap stuff. If it's the former, Cyberpunk might be a buggy unstable mess. The latter is worse. If they got rid of something as huge as TPP, imagine what other "small" things they've had to scrap behind the scenes that we don't know about. What if they decide to scrap character customization altogether in a few more months before release? What if they get rid of classes?

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It doesn't have ANY gender options. It has a slider, basically. You can choose a voice.

itt: ironic autism

>we ran out of time and money so we could only afford the cutscenes for the demo
can't wait to see this trainwreck in action

>the mind of zoom-zoom

No, it's a loot-and-shoot Borderlands 2 clone with even uglier art direction.

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You're a fucking retard.

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8/10 means above average

What do people have against first person?

You know all the gameplay we've seen so far has been in fpp right moron?

Its really only loons that would. I know only one guy that would be pissed at this and he's a sperg that always plays as a girl and tries to send me political videos all the time.

I thought you could customize your character and change clothes and stuff though, why bother if it's all in first person?

Told you guys this game was gonna be fucking SHIT

Now go watch Altered Carbon for a true cyberpunk experience

>Deus Ex
pick one

>Why would a game dev make such a very fundamental and important decision 6 months from release?
Can you think of a single game that allows both third and first person perspective and pulls both off equally? Almost all the time one perspective is good and the other sucks. CDPR probably thought they could do it and then, like everyone else, discovered you can't tune a game to work with both perspectives simultaneously and so they had to pick one.

because irl you can't watch yourself from a third person perspective, third person isn't realistic and this game is meant to be a simulated life, you dont play V, you ARE V

Now this is shitposting.

I'm gonna say something really unpopular here.

Deus Ex is overrated trash. There, I said it. Just watch the X Files, same fucking shit but at least Scully is hot.

You're right. It's not an RPG. It's an immersive sim with role playing elements.

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It's not a slider. You choose a male and female body type first and have access to both sets of character customization.

Here's what both sides of this bullshit don't understand: It probably would have given you access to both sides regardless. They just tried to capitalize on this by removing the mention of male/female on the body type to earn good boy points with the side that bitched about the trans horseshit from before.

But user, video games are supposed to be fun.

STFU CDPR retard

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>Scully is hot.
She's hot in that girl I know that is kinda cute/office hot kinda way.
She's a five at best and apprently dines at the Y.

>you are V
>we're forcing upgrades on you you don't want
>you don't get to pick your class
>there is only one way to play: kill everything
>we'll just trick you into thinking you have options by letting you quietly kill everything
yeah, great immersion there. I really feel a part of the world now

Cyberpunk 2077 isn't about fun, it's about a realistic simulated experience of being in a realistic cyberpunk city and making realistic choices that affect YOU. You ARE V. Why would a third person camera make sense, can you shift outside your body to see yourself? No? So why would the game allow that?

it's a shooter retard

>Just watch the X Files, same fucking shit but at least Scully is hot.
The closest X Files get to being the same shit as Deus Ex is that one episode that William Gibson wrote that didn't suck.

skill trees != RPG

>So why would the game allow that?
For fun

Your not even trying at this point lmao keep it up your gonna be in the big leagues soon bro

Well no i don't think its a HUGE change before release. The game itself seems to be designed around first person. I'd bet the main reason why they decided to cut there 3rd person cutscenes would be related to some visual director noticing how long they were taking to refine and ultimately deciding that swaping between 1st and 3rd person view between gameplay would be jarring and "take players out of the experience"

fallout 4
metal gear solid v

How do you know you don't want those upgrades though? You are roleplaying as a mercenary in a cyberpunk city, it's YOU if you were in that world.

>trusting kike momot

stupid goyim

>no dmc like combat

And here I thought you fucking niggers couldn't be more contrarian.
Sage and hide. You dumb kikes should go to the nearest mental facility if CP2077 triggers you so much.

>Jizzing all over it
Revisionist bullshit. When it was first shown, Yea Forums was all sunposting.

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I told you this game isn't supposed to be fun, it's supposed to simulate the cyberpunk world created by Mike Pondsmith. If you're looking for "fun", go play some shitty asian game full of schoolgirls and big breasted demon women. This is a game for mature adults.

slavs will never be able to replicate deus ex atmosphere and story. because cyberpunk is literally a nigger thing

>being cyber scum
my body was crafted by God, why would I let the filth of man corrupt it?

>>there is only one way to play: kill everything
This is literally fucking wrong. Why do you fags keep lying?

Metal gear Solid V is less immersive due to allowing a third person camera. I just can't take the world or characters seriously due to the camera being third person.

Why would I PLAY something that isn't fun?

Extremely clever and devilishly hilarious post.

God is dead and doesn't give a fuck about Night City, tech is your god. Now get your fucking implants and stfu V.

Not him but jesus christ

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>cyberpunk world created by Mike Pondsmith.
That's a bad game tho

yeah, because that gameplay demo showing the different ways to do a mission sure didn't always end with you killing everyone

So you can experience the harsh realities of living in a cyberpunk world? What did you think the game was gonna be, some dmc ninja gaiden hack n slash with you running on walls fighting cyber ninja as metal plays during a heavy thunderstorm on top of a rooftop at night?

>t. Paddy O'Malley

>What did you think the game was gonna be

Some players can't immerse themselves in a game unless they're playing "me, except I'm taller, handsomer, and have a motorcycle".

We knew it was going to be FPP only from the start though, what the fuck are you talking about? TPP is only for driving and a few cutscenes, they haven't changed anything

Oh yeah, I'm sure showing a video with nothing but conversation and skill checks would be exciting. You nu-Yea Forums tourists would have a field day with "NO GAMEPLAY" or "MOVIE GAME" maymays.
We have confirmation that we don't have to kill anyone to beat the game. Now fuck off to the nearest Smash thread you autistic mongrel.

>Character creation
>Can't see your character

This sounds so fucking dumb

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It's not a game, it's training. The dark future is right around the corner anonymous, you gotta be able to keep up or get left in the dust...

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>supposed to be able to upgrade your own body
>can't become a cyber ninja
great customization, Pollacks

Hes not wrong, a huge chunk of Yea Forums was interested and 1 autist managed to start a shitball avalanche with sun posting and from there its been nothing but bait threads and shitposts.

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>expecting to not kill people
>in cyberpunk

So wtf were you expecting, to play as a tibetan monk that refuses to hurt people?

Are you ok? Your like a retard

Cyberninjas aren't real and were never in the tabletop game. That's weeb shit, cyberpunk isn't some weeb crap. Go play astral chain.

These threads are so fucking bad. Everyone should take a break for a week just to think of some new shit to day.

It would've been so much better to have the option to opt out of cybernetics in exchange for humanity.

you should try taking a break for a month and working on your transition

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>A week
Some of these autists have been at it for over a year now.

Yeah then you can have fun being everyone's bitch. Not having implants in the sickdark cyber future is suicide.

>I know what the choice to comfort her means before clicking it

I don't care, I wanted that difficulty. I wanted that freedom. I wanted fun.


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Why are trannies the constant in these threads? How are they relevant?

I sewar I see the same five words over and over on this website

>were never in the tabletop game
The tabletop game is trash and everyone played Shadowrun instead of it for a very good reason

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>achieving full immersion
>here's your preset character that already has a name and history
This is like calling the Witcher an RPG when it's just a action game with stats.

Kingdom Come?

thats what yout inventory screen is there for, sweetie.

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>from devs who can't stop lying about their game
wow user, how can you be so stupid?

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A lot of people hate shadowrun specifically because its a fantasy setting with dragons and special snowflakes user.

>dungeon crawler
pick one

Deus Ex Human Revolution doesn't have an equal hot-swap for perspective but it dynamically changes based on actions like using cover or being in conversations.
By the sounds of it, CP2077 will be similar where you see your character in driving segments.
I really don't see anything wrong with this.

The people who are complaining under the notion of "RPGs need to see your character" are just faggots who want to play dress-up instead of having an immersive game world.

Shadowrun has fucking elves in it. ELVES. Elves don't belong in cyberpunk and neither does magic, this isn't warhammer 40k, take your faggot eldar and fuck off.

>Just wanted to play Witcher in the streets
>Got a NotDeus-Ex fps instead

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>Now that it has more gender options
There's only 2 genders . I don't know wtf you are talking about.

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Joke or not I am disgruntled at this actually being a thing

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>"Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven, commonly abbreviated to Might and Magic VI or simply MM6, is a role-playing video game..."
check and mate.

fantasy and magic don't belong in fucking cyberpunk, we want dark gritty realism and rain soaked streets, not your le futuristic elf ninja girl oc with big tits that wears a cyber suit and fights dragons on rooftops

Thats some weird ass way for you to cope

Same. Now if only the protag wasn't voiced as well.

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and that's a good thing.

>trannies wont get to play dress up with their character
Haha fucking based. Anyone who cares what their character looks like in a single player game is a fucking fag

This entire shit smells like development hell,
Anthemâ„¢ Style

>By the sounds of it, CP2077 will be similar where you see your character in driving segments.
>I really don't see anything wrong with this.

how about using "emersion" as an excuse but then breaking that rule whenever you want?

And no one played Cyberpunk because it was a bad game. I live in the same town R. Talsorian is based in, no one played that garbage system.
And yet its still the better cyberpunk game.

I want to be able to get through the whole game without touching a single person (this includes "nonlethal", thats just killing without blood)

stay mad doo sex retard

Driving will work better in 3rd person though, just like how cover works better in 3rd person.

Just admit you wanted to play dressup.

voiced protags just simplify and cheapen the game

Its more about expectations when you heard the word RPG, and why they even bother without character creation if 99% of the time is just the same shit. The removal of gender option also implies that there will be 0 differences whether you played as male or females

>linking wikipedia

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No as the game is shit, the more you shill the more we will say it

>why they even bother without character creation if 99% of the time is just the same shit. The removal of gender option also implies that there will be 0 differences whether you played as male or females
Fallout 4 had both 3rd person camera and gender options.
Neither made it a good RPG.
Turns out 3rd person camera just let you see your characters ass while shooting the same was as first-person and genders just mean they re-record the pronouns for certain lines while everything else stays the same.
I don't care if you record 10,000 names Todd, it doesn't make it a good RPG.


is it really true that a lot of people from me:andromeda are working in this game?

The west really loves the FPP meme. holy shit.

this, half of the threads are misinformation or some retards that thought the game was going to be TPP

>Driving will work better in 3rd person though

driving in third person isn't immersive, irl you don't leave your body when you drive a car, dumbass

>loses an argument
>has a sook

>driving in third person isn't immersive

neither is driving in fp with a fov of 60.

this literally isn't an argument.
you know for a fact 1st person driving would be a nightmare in a messy cyberpunk city with shit all over the place.
Just admit you wanted to play as a woman to play dressup and now you can't do it without feeling like a tranny.

>get mad at someone for pointing out the obvious
>deflect madness on that person

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you either go full on first person mode or none at all and I really dislike goalposts moving comments with propped up words
I'm really disappointed in recent cdpr
looks like I'll be cancelling both of my preorders
yeah no doubt it'll sale like hot cakes but it just ain't clicking for me anymore especially with all the recent redflags

Not sure why you brought up Fallout 4 because I also hate it for having character creation but shitty 3rd person view mode, but at least its great exploring the wasteland.

>but at least its great exploring the wasteland.
it's like you really want us to discard all your opinions.

What is there to gain from this?
Actively spreading misinformation and the like?
Is it an autism thing? Is it a psi-op thing?

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Why did you have 2 preorders?

Don't know why they couldn't do an elder scrolls and let you choose the view.

>this btfo
Embarrassing desu.

The game was going to be in FPP and we knew that from the fucking start, why are you retards acting like this is a new thing? Are you actually fucking autistic? They literally never said that the game was going to have TPP

You can see much better in 3rd person because you can zoom all the way back and enjoy the scenery. And who is this "us" you're talking about? speak for yourself, Yea Forums isn't 1 person

that would take effort and a modicum of skill
and when you hire the ME:A refugees that left Bioware, you sure aren't getting those

Because they're lying. They're cutting things for time, not making dramatic core gameplay decisions within months of release.

>linking unreliable sites is BTFO now
oh no, color me devastated

>Muricans need to hold a gun to be immersed

yes, Fallout 4 had great scenery.
Its world map wasn't complete trash.
Thank goodness you could expand the fov the tinniest amount by being in third person and appreciating it.

for me and my younger brother especially since it's coming out in his birthday
and now it looks like I have to buy him something else...

Damn straight. TPS is a commie invention.

they also showed conversations taking place in TPP
they only care about "immersion" now that they're running out of cash

It's manufactured outrage. Redditors want their TORtanic and they will get it.

>people who criticize product must be from the no-no place
you aren't tricking anyone shill

They still have that conversations though? The game is the same, they haven't changed anything.
I'm seriously starting to think that. I refuse to believe people can be so retarded, even if it's Yea Forums

>external links
>"The History of CRPGs""
>"What an old RPG can teach"
>"RPG Vault"
sook more.

whether the scenery is great or not is irrelevant, its the perspective. Or did you just agree with me about 3rd person view if the map is good?

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>and they will get it

When they announced that it would be without third person they said that you would still be able to see your customized character in cutscenes. Now they are saying that the cutscenes will also be in first person.

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my whole point is that the elements people are complaining about don't make any game an RPG or even good.
They're present in FO4 and don't improve it at all.
The notion that expanding the fov the tiniest bit and then obscuring the lower corner of the screen with the character's back somehow let's you appreciate the scenery more is ludicrous.

if they're aiming for a fully fps immersion through the whole game might as well remove the third person driving along with it since it doesn't go along with their whole "immersion" thing
because all of this sounds like a lazy excuse

>they also showed conversations taking place in TPP
No they didn't.

About what? This literally just confirms it.
>very occasionally
Could easily be like 3 times in the entire game.

driving in crowded cyperpunk streets in first person would not work and you know it.

The game was already dead to me when they decided to make a first person shooter instead of an RPG. The art direction was also dissapointing and being a dude bro merc with a fluid class system instead of a fixed propper job system is probably the worst part of the whole thing.

On the bright side there is nothing on the game that i particularly care about so i won´t really feel i am missing out on anything. Ok, maybe Keanu, but there are tons of Keanu cyberpunk themed stuff out there so...

Please go back to the no-no place.


Critize all you want, that's not the problem here. Just don't go apeshit over misinformation. We knew it was like this, we had this discussions when the game was revealed to be in FPP, that was a year ago."It's the same shit with retards saying the game has more than 2 genders" "You can't play as a straight man" "The game forces you to be a tranny"
Third person cutscenes are still there. It's a first person game, a lot of first person games have third person driving. That's not a new thing, it's there because first person driving is bad in every game. The whole "immersion" thing is just a shitty PR move

>you dont play V, you ARE V
Dropped off the tallest building in Blade Runner. Fuck self-insert garbage.

>Redditors want their TORtanic

Holyshit you jackasses are new if you think this. The devs are literally gutting the game everybody was looking forward to on Yea Forums since its reveal, every goddamn month, and you faggots think its Tortanic Heads?

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why not?
gta 5 did it

It's actually funny people bring up Fallout 4. When I played it, I decided to play a melee character for once and switched over to third-person camera the entire playthrough because it worked better for that gameplay. I'm sure everyone using guns stuck to first person, and I don't think either one of us is wrong; different cameras just lend themselves to different types of gameplay.

It would've been nice if we could switch between cameras to facilitate different character builds, such as melee or stealth, in CP2077. First person is only immersive when you're just walking around and shooting; when you need more exact understanding of your character's positioning, it really smacks you in the face how much more limited your FOV and feedback are in most games' first-person camera than in real life. It doesn't help you immerse yourself in the game unless you can convince yourself you're immersed into the shoes of someone with severe sensory disabilities.

Oh well. Can't have everything, I guess.

>That's not a new thing, it's there because first person driving is bad in every game
Worked in Hl2

>he think 3rd person view is RE4/Gear of War over the shoulder view
Ah I see this is where you're confused. By 3rd person view, I mean witcher 3/DMC5 level of perspective. In fallout and even GTA5, you can adjust the camera to your liking, you zoom it as close as possible to your character, or as far as possible to get wider fov

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you'd be constantly driving into trash and people.
First person driving barely works in GTAV because streets are easy to follow and there isn't anything on the ground.
If you made driving intended for first person in Cyberpunk you'd then have to compromise how you designed the environments so players weren't constantly getting stuck by details that look great on foot but can't be seen while driving.

just like real life

>trannies will get to fully immerse themselves into their tranny character and probably even look down on their body in first person
This is THE tranny game.

But Night City looks like a midsize capital of a flyover state? Why would it be anymore crowded then GTAV?

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>first person game with third person driving
>with quite a few third person scenes

can't you see how stupid all these sounds?
you either go full FPS or TPS or none at all man

seriously I don't even hate this game but it all sounds some bullshit excuses

That's exactly the point you dipshit. They want the blunder of the century. The game that plenty of people are unanimously excited for is the ideal target. Kids love a good scandal. Nobody who is vocally shitting on this game actually wants it to be good. From what I've seen, you barely even know what it is.

This is why Halo bothered me. Chief looks so cool and you almost never get to see him in gameplay except on a warthog or whatever that shit was called

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Nah, in real life you have your eyes/head and neck rotation so you can actually see your entire body below the neck, in the game you'll probably only see from the bellybutton below when you look down.

There are games that do this already, newfag. You're only crying now because CDPR is doing it.

I don't like a first person game having some third person cutscenes, I'd prefer it in fully first person. But that's not what I'm talking about here. It's been a year since they revealed the gameplay and they said it's going to be first person, they also showed a short third person cutscene at the beginning and a third person driving section. It's still the same. There's literally no new information about the camera perspective. We've already talked about this last year, why are people acting like it's a new thing?

Honestly, I feel like the think that kills my hype more than anything at this point isn't even them whittling away at promised features, since I figured a number would be removed and only half implemented anyway.
I think the thing killing my hype is literally Yea Forums

yeah sure dude
enjoy your garbage when it comes out

Did they run out money? Why not just make both and let people choose which way they want to play?

damn you're pretty obsessed with that youtube guy

That would required effort

After everything they've showed, I'm actually so surprised so many people are still looking forward to this game and fighting for it. It's an uphill battle; it's gonna be disappointing

maybe I'm too quick to jump on things as for now..
guess we'll see when it comes out

Cyberclown 2019

I don't think it would work with the dialogue system

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>I think the thing killing my hype is literally Yea Forums
Well duh, that's intentional. They want you and everyone else to join in on their epic hate-machine circlejerk.

The beautiful thing about Wikipedia is that it has this little source links at the bottom that you can follow and investigate yourself to confirm authenticity of facts.

>My head cannon is that its "kids" who hate the game I am looking forward to
>There is no other reason

You made no fucking sense. Shut your "Everybody is attacking the game I like" dumbass up.

Honestly, the perfect balance would be something like Half-Life's cutscenes, never take away control of the player, you can just use the d-pad/numbers to maker your dialogue choice while moving around. They already showed some scenes like that in the game but not all of them are going to be like that.
>make 3rd person scene and camera
>now for first person version attach the camera to the character's head
>limit the degrees the camera can turn.
and there ya go.

>They want the blunder of the century

Another one? Can't that be satisfied with the one they already had?

>little source links at the bottom that you can follow and investigate yourself to confirm authenticity of facts.
That's the burden of whoever is presenting them as facts. Using wikipedia itself as a reference on anything is laughable. You're told in highschool not to do that shit.

>my high school english teacher / college professor told me it's not a good source so I took that as law
yikes oof cringe

But RPGs make great explosions in first person shooters. Sometimes a laughing matter, but losing your legs ain't fun. Or is it?

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Let me reiterate. Yikes, oof, cringe.

I think the forced dialogues will take the control but other than that you're free to do whatever you want. It seems like a good system so far, and I think that's the main reason why the game is in first person.

>wiki man bad

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Sorry, but I've seen this happen too many times to not be certain. You want it all to be one big lie so you can say "I told you so". To the degree that you're willing to make shit up and execute incredible reaches to do it. Even if it comes out and manages to be the greatest game ever made, you will pretend that it's the opposite.
>"Everybody is attacking the game I like"
How is this not the case?

>That's the burden of whoever is presenting them as facts

git gud

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That was some of the worst shit in both games.

I personally dont care, since i enjoy FP games, know they fucked up when they have to explain something like this...

please drop all the cut scenes

Wow you are dumb...

The fuck?

boomer alert

The FUCK?!

communicating with your fanbase during development is a mistake
I wish devs would just fuck off like other media makers do and make whatever they want without caving to fan pressure
all that happens in the end is there's a mix of things fans asked for that devs didn't really think about, and things devs wanted that don't really mix with what fans asked for, and the end product isn't really as well put together as it could have been

Get ready for the "Troubled Development" articles:
>"There was no vision until 2018"
>"The internal FPF/TPS schism"
>"Insane crunch times"

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>we want to go for maximum immersion so we put keanu reeves in the game
nothing makes me feel immersed like seeing a celebrity in a video game

It's not the same.
Americans are full of estrogen and have dry uncomfortable penises, so they'll complain about anything
>m-muh cruch
it's called having a job.
literally no other country has an issue with doing work for money.

>Defending or attacking anything from E3
Ignore all that shit from E3, its just garbage.

Nvidia probably bribed them into removing TPP so more people would buy RTX cards since raytraced reflections are about the only way left to get a look at your fucking character lmao

>different apartments/houses gone
>backstory customization gone
>heavily altering cybernetics gone
>language cybernetics of varying quality gone
>unable to permanently join a faction
>unable to work for a faction in such a way it alters the plot of a game
cy2077 is going to do great commercially, but let's be fucking real. It's going to play like gta5 with just a few more story choices

the most impressive raytraced game so far just got released and it's third-person only.

pasted wrong image url :0)

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>be CDPR
>spend years bringing your CP2077 vision to life
>unveil at E3 2018, super proud of it
>unbeknownst to you, every SJW and tranny has latched onto this game
>they expect the game to cater to their delusions and mental illnesses
>every interview is 70% about trannies in the game
>push back a little and get criticized in wrap up articles, lots of "what's the big deal" on sites like Kotaku
>fuck that sucks, but keep working
>a new year
>decide to lean into it a bit
>tell sites that trannies and other insane people will have the open, flexible character creator they asked for last year
>every interview is STILL 70% about trannies and shit
>oh but now they see an in-game poster and your game is transphobic
>oh there are black bad guys, sorry CDPR your game is racist
>"what's the big deal" articles again
>still getting tons of questions about catering to trannies
>twitter SJWs are getting more and more demanding
>now people who supported us since Witcher 1 are tuning out
>what do we do
>fuck it, it's all first person now, trannies can't even see their dumbass shit

It's the last arrow in their quiver

I hate game journalists so goddamn much.

>be you
>spend minutes typing this out
>just for me to not read it

Not to ruin your narrative, but it's been confirmed first person for longer than the whole tranny thing's been going on.

This, wikipedia isn't a real source.

>unironically believing wikipedia after massive censorship.
Yikes. 9/11 was just an accident.

it was confirmed to be first person only before E3 2018 though. This shit is happening because journalists are trying to make the game fail, half of the cyberpunk 2077 articles are misinformation

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Amazing to see a studio kill their own hype . Should shut up and finish the game. More i learn about it worse it gets

>dude its ok, more options is a good thing, it's immersive, it fits muh themes
>who cares other games did it years ago
I'm sure you won't be saying that if c2077 would let the protagonist be a pedo
it's like faggots that think bigger open world=better

At least you can stare at her ass and not her manjaw

>deus ex sequel can't even replicate it
>second coming

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>unironically considering a game being categorized as within the RPG genre as the product of censorship
now THIS is damage control

first person is the ultimate pleb filter. literally only retards cant handle first person

they're Polish. they fall out of trees when raking leafs

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