Nice world lore bro
Nice world lore bro
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spoonfeed me
nice thread dipshit. nobody has any idea what the fuck you're implying
Either that the Tauren knocked over a Night Elf signpost to make their own or that the Night Elves haven't been to southern Kalimdor in so long that the infrastructure down there has fallen apart
the night elf signpost is in pristine condition so clearly it was put there recently
I'm pretty sure it being tilted over and surrounded by weeds is an attempt to make it look like it wasn't put there recently
They aren't gonna make a custom model/texture just for one environmental storytelling detail
now you're just speculating. look at how nicely polished and sanded the wood is, it's brand new
This is nonsense
use to be a night area, now its a horde area
this is in 1000 needles
So the idea is to misinterpret the obvious intent of a buried grown-sign sign behind a newer one, and to instead insists they accidentally put to sign posts there for no reason, and then to be even more obtuse, imply its lore breaking for there to be two signposts? Pretty advanced troll if you ask me
you're the one assuming meta knowledge like custom textures when blizzard gave you the clues you need right there you stupid shitbird
Its buried and obscured its obviously Blizzard quickly making a dilapitated sign with what they had
id take it over no world lore at all.
can't see past his own assumptions you will never solve this mystery user
Kalimdor belongs to the Horde and Night Elf females belong to Orcs.
I swear I've blacklisted and booted 20+ people for not rolling for chests in dungeons, are people really this retarded?
>Being this sensitive about chests
night elf females got TAUREN'd
honestly wow lore is good potential gone to waste.
i dont like the early days of the lore (the games) but later it was pretty gud.
>cutting down a tree and making a whole new signpost from scratch instead of just repairing an existing one
cmon Tauren, I thought you were all about protecting nature and shit
environmental storytelling is the worst meme to happen to video games ever, now every brainlet is looking at insignificant doodads in the environment and trying to extrapolate some deep meaning behind it
>tfw questing in stonetalon mountains as an alliance night elf female on a pvp server
A slut like you deserve all the pounding yer getting.
>Giving a fuck about 1 Moss Agate and like 3 glasses of milk
I rolled a 100 on the weapons crate in BFD and it had a grey staff in it. And then I rolled an 11 on a need roll for Sleepwalker from Kelris. Fuck chests.
At least I got the wand from the quest.
in darkshore and swamp of sorrows, what could it mean?
Completely unrelated to OP's post but the number of people I've baited into attacking me, only to watch them get their skulls bashed in by the booty bay or gadgetzan gob squads, is almost a joke at this point.
Have they changed how neutral guards work in retail? Or does just no one play on PvP realms anymore?
its how chen got to kalimdor
Night Elf craftsmanship dude, it's that good
Foreshadowing for the best expansion since BC.
Saw this again for the first time in ages last night. Always thought it was a reference to the Pandaren back when they were just a meme since the design of the little hut is very Chinese themed.
However, other than the wandering isles, I don't recall ever seeing Pandaren and turtles even mixing in MoP, let alone having little houses on them.
The only thing like that anywhere in the game is the Tuskarr in Wrath but their architecture is Inuit inspired.
Was it ever explained who or what this was (other than being an old god general or something)?
Quest text confirms that they are used by Naga. I don't think this was ever picked up again in expansions.
Nothing to do with pandas.
We've lost out on good BoE's but it's just the principal of not being a cunt or a typical Brazilian, I think I've blacklisted over 100 BRs just today
Their mount is a turtle-caravan.
I'm usually the only rogue in our dungeon group and I have a house rule that 1 and 100 beat all others and this dude rolled a 1 on a dope BoE and we gave it to him, he's in our guild now and he's a total bro, the game is fun when people aren't cunts
No, they're about respecting nature.
Probably the coolest place in vanilla
Apparently Soggoth the slitherer, a herald of the old ones.
Yeah what the fuck was this quested there today it's all cultists who shout about some god they owe and all they really do is heal themselves
>I don't think this was ever picked up again in expansions.
at least that was just a fairly minor plot point (I think technically it's just an explanation for why there are naga in Ashenvale and shit, especially the darkshore ones), the Neptulon plotline just never getting picked up and being hand waved away offscreen was infuriating
Old god minion that got killed by a titan watcher. Both it and the titan watcher are now "rare" spawns in the new BFA darkshore warfront.
The fuck are those huge skellingtons in Desolace?
ya got sauce?
Why would literal fish people who only carry weapons need a turtle with a wooden house on the back?
>the grey, flat space shuttle runway of Kalimdor
>"rare" spawns in the new BFA darkshore warfront.
user i wanted to forget about all that
Everyone forgot because the place isnt relevant anymore.
It used to be a fun spot to engage in pvp wars but on retail the alliance and horde auction houses are linked in main cities now and everyone can fly over booty bay with their mounts.
Snake-men wild gods that were killed by Agammagan, the Quilboar God. Kalimdors vague untamed-land lore is pretty neat.
Pretty sure there has never been an explanation for them. Probably one of the many things they put into the game because it looked cool without being aware that the game would still exist 15 years later and that every single detail about it would need to be reasoned.
As far as I'm aware it's the same case as those giant skeletons in Tanaris that make no sense in comparison to the size of Tanaris itself.
Doesn't thousand needles also have a submerged statue up on the southern cliff that looks exactly like the statues in the early concept art for the emerald dream?
Makes me wonder if that ED concept area is still up where Grim Batol should be, or if they scrubbed that for classic.
Is this where Mankrik's wife is?
I bet Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked that sign lolz
anal [Signpost]
Why is there a level 8 leper gnome in the Undercity??
Because gnomes can be undead too, you colossal bigot
and factioned horde?
You just got Ganoosh'd
well undead humans are factioned horde
Because they probably treated it better than the gnomes did. Alliance are racist as fuck.
Can someoe explain this? is he ever related in any quests or referenced?
next time you go in westfall ,check this.
sweet dreams
"Another leper gnome named Apprentice Crispin said that Ganoosh "bent the knee to Sylvanas, thus making him one of us."
>dolan dark
commit suicide
He has no purpose in-game, but it's safe to assume that he's there because the royal apothecary society - the group that sits around all day creating new and exciting ways to kill things with chemicals - wouldn't mind having a leper gnome around to poke at.
Seeing him and the Human female mind slave walking around really reminded me of how borderline evil the forsaken originally were, compared to their post-cata revamp of being whacky, yet misunderstood, narcissists.