IRL bosses

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iron rod through the fucking head

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>With the prisoner unresponsive, Hijikata was said to have suspended the man by his ankles, restraining his wrists, and driven five-inch spikes into the heels of the man's feet. Placing lit candles upon the holes, hot wax dripped deep into his calves. The prisoner eventually claimed that they planned to set fire in Kyoto and capture Matsudaira Katamori, the daimyƍ of the Aizu clan whose duties included policing Kyoto at the time.
What a nice guy.

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That's no boss. That is a cute summon

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Complete with mobs

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>its a multi-boss fight

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i wanna fuck third from right

Pam, Roid, Skids, GendX, Bellybreasts, Mongoloid, and The Northman.

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President Andrew Jackson

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Attached: Trudeau attempting to greet based tropical trump.webm (900x506, 2.91M)

Lol wtf

man Yakuza 8 looks amazing

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>Tropical Trump
although I think Bolsonaro thought Trudeau was motioning for him to shake the other guys hand
which is awkward as it is, but in the longer video he turns back and shakes his hand

>Boss commits suicide before you fight it


woah that homeless guy looks so awesome!!

you just posted cringe