is it going to die?
Is it going to die?
once BG3 comes out it will be dead because that will have multiplayer
I don't even play the game but you're an idiot if you think it will die. There's literally nothing else like it on the market.
Everything dies
WotLK was peak WoW. As long as they add expansions up to that point the game will eclipse retail.
Sitting in a fucking 9000 queue right now
It's going to die in 3 months tops. By die I mean 90%+ of the WoW player base will be back on BFA
it's already dead
>peak WoW
>inb4 some fag links sub numbers and think more players = the game is better
Millions of people love all the Marvel movies. That doesn't make them good.
lol I'm never going back to modern WoW fuck that game. They are even trying to entice people back to it by giving away BFA and a 110 boost for free if you hit 60 on classic.
>never played wow
>want to give it a try
>fucking $15 a month
>$180 a year just to play it
Fuck that. It looks fun, though.
The original version came back 15 years later. What does that tell you? Obviously it's still stronger than retail.
Wrath was the peak of WoW. Only a contrarian would argue against that and only for the sake of being a contrarian.
>crowds still unbearable
>still have to wait in line 15+ minutes for ever named kill quest
I never even played BFA, if it's anything like MoP or WoD fuck that shit, never got bored so fast in my entire fucking life.
join a foreign server. i've learned basic german in the past few days
Nah. Dungeon finder, welfare epics, and heirlooms, automatically disqualify it, and there are almost definitely other things that people much more familiar with it than I was can bring up too.
>fire res
These are things you do not need to clear all content currently in classic wow.
I love how much weight everything has. From every item upgrade to the world, to the professions
I like how it's simple yet challenging.
I like how it encourages communication
I like the tension between factions in the open world
I hate how bloated and hollow retail feels, but its just so much smoother. It's one big rep-grind but Classic just feels like a mini-game.
>going to
It's already dead. Phaze 1 completed before even a week.
TBC was peak wow
also some Marvel movies are alright like Iron Man and Iron Man 2
you have to pay for both modern WoW and classic WoW? so its $30 a month?
l m a o I laffin
>Dungeon Finder
Only for level 80 content. Didn't open up full on until cataclysm
>Welfare Epics
Bad luck protection like badges isn't a welfare epic. It just rewards people for clearing content repeatedly. Also catch up gear is needed as players hitting endgame deep into the content cycle wouldn't have time to clear through previous tiers to get to the current content before the next expac launches. Stop being an entitled gatekeeper.
By that point WoW was played at level 80, not 60. Clearing the vanilla content and TBC would take far too long for. New player to get to the wrath end game content elsewise. By that time Heirlooms were necessary. I hope when we get to WotLK Classic we get our already purchased heirlooms available.
No it's one subscription for both.
Yes, the honeymoon period will end in a few months. The only thing that could keep it going is if they gave it a small dev team to create new "classic" content like what runescape did.
If they went that route it would become a phenomenon again.
I disagree
No just the one sub gets you both.
Ok so you are wrong. It's ok to be retarded.
old school runescape's numbers were absolutely tanking until they started adding updates. blizzard will face the same problem, it all depends on what the playerbase are willing to accept
More than likely there will be a massive drop off , but i think original WoW will find its niche.
Could be a Runescape situation where it becomes more popular than new WoW
Warcraft 3 was peak WoW
There will never be a 'Classic +' retard. We are getting TBC and Wrath servers. Deal with it.
Well you have zero argument. You just shitposted some buzzwords you don't understand and I beat you the fuck out. Your zoomer is showing and you need to leave.
>it all depends on what the playerbase are willing to accept
imagine this shitshow, whatever they'll do, there will be shitstorm
when the next wow expac drops, classic will die
Splitting the community is probably the worst thing they could do.
I would bet my mortgage on every server being Wrath within a couple years.
Why would I bother arguing when neither of us is ever going to be swayed? It'd just be a waste of time. You don't get cool points on here, bud.
>By that point WoW was played at level 80, not 60.
which is the fundamental reason that wrath sucks dick, endless number infation/gear treadmill bullshit where the only things that change from 60-80 are a handful of moves that have no real reason to not be given at 60, and that the numbers are much bigger so all the gear you already got is pointless
Asmongold spent years ( as did a lot of people ) begging blizzard to release classic wow servers, For many leveling experience..the RPG elements that disappeared throughout the old zones..Grouping up with other players all the time...
There's a million reasons we all wanted classic wow but I think it's really sad that he and many streamers shit talked BFA forever and said they would play classic differently only to go around begging for gold and items. They spent YEARS saying " WE'RE FINALLY GOING HOME BOYS!!! " " WOW IS ALIVE AGAIN " .. " WOW IS BACK BABY ".. Only to beg for gold and items from other players after saying they strictly wouldn't.... Only to spam Scarlet Monastery to level. ...Only to beg for gold for your first mount when you said you wouldn't... Only to say " CAN I GET THAT? " whenever an item drops....Only to say " I don't want to do that quest it doesn't give good enough loot "...Only to do the same exact things and behave the same way you do on retail
You had a second chance to re live classic wow and you threw it all away. You can't use the excuse " but I decided to roll on a pvp server sooooo I don't want to be behind..." Because we know that's an excuse. Don't even try to justify your lie. You asked for legacy servers for years but when they came around you just weren't strong enough to do it without begging for gold and items. At the end of the day, Who cares he's just one person. But as a top WoW streamer it's sad.
You failed classic, you failed your fans, but most of all, You failed yourself. We thought more highly of you.
You're disappointing.
I think it'll have a steady player base for about 6 months to a year. It's the only decent MMO on the market. After that who even knows but till then im enjoying leveling. I made a Dwarf Paladin because I love the class and like Shitting on rogues
they should leave one and let those nostalgiafags live there and masturbate to their t3 sets and no flying
i dont know but im having a good time reporting all the spergs on my RP server for having bad names
>sorry Thiccnjcy, thats not RP friendly 8)
lmao what WoW player base
Everyone and their mother quit in TBC or WOTLK
>he didn't beg for gold and items in classic wow
Nobody even knew about warcraft until WoW. RTS games are dead for a reason.
>endless number infation/gear treadmill bullshit
i'm ready to hear your propositon on expanding wow, since nobody is going to raid og naxx forever
uh world of warcraft more like world of warcraft!
from my experience that's 3 hours during daytime
Wrath was peak WoW. It hit the perfect balance between general accessibility and challenging content for Pve and I am told most PvP players prefer the structure of WotLK to any other expac (not that anyone cares about PvP except pathetic incel failures). Wrath is factually the best and perfect WoW expansion. It has the highest ratings, highest sub count, best dungeon and raid content ever in the game hands down (ICC and it's 5 mans, Ulduar, Naxx, Ultgarde Pinnacle, ToC and the five man Trial of the Champion) ,The entire Argent Tournament content, the best questing and story telling content. Best capital city (Fucking Dalaran, come on).
Dont increase the level cap, patch whats currently in the game, add new content for level 60 and new leveling content
Copy paste from Leddit
I think there is a free trial up to level 20. Also 3/6 months get discounts
You mean MoP and WoD.
hes a fag but it is true though
I'm ok with that.
how is this different from adding new leveling content past lvl 60, why is lvl 60 magic barrier to stop chainging one numbers but it's ok to add new content with bigger numbers
Crafted epics that were better than raid gear existed in vanilla. Welfare gear was always a thing in wow, people are just too retarded to realize it. And don't even get me started on how retardedly powerful crafted gear was in TBC
Most definitely. I used to play Classic, was hyped for it but after 30 levels I started remembering how much this game sucked.
Wrath is when the game started to stop being an MMO and instead become a level-cap raid grinder with no other redeeming features. That's why it is not and will never be peak WoW.
Once more you can't defend your position because you know I'm right. Deal with it.
Because if you add more levels you now need to rebalance all the skill trees and make more abilities for classes or else it's just oh heres a new Frostbolt that's the same as before but more mana and damage.
Way to remove any credibility you might have otherwise had, retard. Go back
>wow originally came out in 2004
>it's now 2019 and wow classic has proven that the genre has made no real progress or innovation whatsoever, and that a 2004 mmorpg is legitimately better than whatever is out on the market right now
where did it all go so wrong for mmorpgs, besides publisher greed
You have to raise the level cap and accept progression.
>Boo hoo my Vanilla raid gear is worthless two expacs later
Of course it is moron. The idea is your character gets stronger and stronger to face new challenges. That's the very essence of progression dipshit. How fucking stupid are you?
Lmao this sums it up pretty good. The game is 15 years old. How is it supposed to compete with other games without the QoL shit once the nostalgia wears off
Hardcore's will keep playing because they've convinced themselves that it's objectively better other expacs or MMO's, but they're caught in the hamster wheel made from their own delusion
You can just add skill books to new dungeons and raids to do the same thing. It's an idea blizzard toyed with for a bit but ended up raising the level cap in the end.
>t's just oh heres a new Frostbolt that's the same as before but more mana and damage
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, sounds like skill leveling in vanilia
>shitbolt lvl 1 - 30 mana, 50 dmg
>shitbolt lvl 2 - 40 mana, 75 dmg
you want to stop on shitbolt lvl 12 on lvl 60 and then give nothing new for 15 years?
Classic isn't a good game (and neither is retail for that matter). People play it because they want more warcraft not because they think it's the pinnacle of mmo gameplay. Retail sucking doesn't make classic any better, it's just a different flavor of bad.
Anyone who knew what kinda streamer Asmongold had become knew this was going to happen, there's a reason that Wojak comic exists in the first place.
>have to keep releasing servers to keep up with demand
>op cannot stop sucking dicks
In all honesty the game does fucking suck. It's an addictive, mindless grind fest but the community is what made it. Made hundreds of friends over the years playing it.
That's why I don't know if I should bother playing classic. Don't care for the game itself.
>not because they think it's the pinnacle of mmo gameplay
some shitheads believe that
15 years ago wow was smashed for being too casual, kek
how come I don't see pets in party interface?
Dungeon finder was the killer. Period. I defeats the purpose of an MMORPG
>he is paying blizzard $15 per month to play the worst version of wow (classic) instead of playing on a comfy wotlk private server with more capacity and no layers
People you met on the internet are not actually your friends user, please take a shower and go outside for once in your life
nostalgiafags want to go back in time to 2004, when mum was making dinner and they could spend all night getting 10 boar's asses
it was never about game being better, but some of them still don't get it, but it's slowly creeping in, especially with speedruners doing phase 1 raids before first reset, with ub-60 raid in shitty gear
true, but it's still better than anything else out there. wow has a fuckton of shortcomings but it at least did a couple of things that people liked that no other game had done by then, namely the chill social multiplayer gameplay. other genres have largely poached that crowd by now, or they've grown up out of video games. i'd wager that most people who played wow eventually transitioned into playing assfaggots or something
are there any good TBC servers?
>sitting in city and looking for a party for 2 hours
>doing quests and get notification when party is ready
yes, it killed wow fagget
>true, but it's still better than anything else out there
in the mmo genre i mean. you can't really find a game where your character can explore in a huge, consistent world with hundreds of other players that is as good as classic wow. i've played a fuckton of mmorpgs and they all manage to be worse than vanilla wow is
I am using the term friend loosely m8. I do still speak to and play other games with quite a few of them regularly though. People I wouldn't have met otherwise.
that's part of the challenge ;)
No dungeon finder
>groups that meet up in the world and travel to the dungeon together socialize along the way and potentially do multiple runs together if the group goes well
>people actually talk and try to help each other because it takes some amount of work to make a group and get there
>5 equally antisocial people get placed in a group together by the game and automatically teleported to the instance
>nobody talks except to rage, and nobody helps one another because finding new members is easy
>you think you want it but you don't
was stuck as a lvl 5 gnome trying to kill the fucking non-instanced quest boss for two days. why are blizzard so retarded
>more people can do content, espeically raids, without being hardcore raider
>when somebody ragequits you just seek new member without leaving
>you spend hours looking for group and then going to instance
>when one of your party guys leave in rage or whatever you must go back to the city to find replacement
i'm not 14 user, i don't have time for this shit today
kek. I hope you aren't baiting.
no dungeon finders
>can't do dungeon while leveling 1 month after the release of the game because there's not enough players in the low level zones
dungeon finder
>can do dungeon whenever you want by just pushing a button
WC3 literally brought the bulk of the initial community to WoW. The rest came due to word of mouth from other players; the typical critical mass effect in MMORPGs
goddamit, at this moment try to find group for ZF, everybody is still spamming SM as 5 man
but muh community and bonding
I started in TBC and it wasn't a problem finding groups. That's just wrong.
>is a game that caters to NEETs in 2019 going to die?
>catering to the lowest common denominator is good
>people often ragequit without LFG tool
>oh no a time investment in an MMO. How terrible
Why play an MMO if you don't care about the social aspect? Retail and XIV are exactly what you want if all you care about is end-game raid shit.
>making things up
>I think there is a free trial up to level 20
Isn't that only on retail?
>nobody knew about warcraft until WoW
>RTS games are dead today so they were dead 18 years ago
zoom zoom
Kicking and then replacing people makes dungeon interactions straight up hostile.
claims like these make everyone on this website seem like dumbasses
>catering to the lowest common denominator is good
yeah, all those hardore MMO's like EQ are doing so well today, they just surpassed WoW in subs many years ago and are climbing up up up
>Why play an MMO if you don't care about the social aspect
i have social aspect, i have guild and friends i do quests with but oh i forgot, you can't have those things on retail, my bad
When was the last time wow got a reaction like this?
Never played vanilla, was autotracking not a thing? I enabled it in the options but whenever I accept a quest I still need to go the quest log and manually do it.
What';s the most fun class to play? Never played wow but mage looks fun.
It died in everyone's hearts when some private server nobodies killed Ony and Rag on day 5 with no gear and 3/4 full raids. Can't go home again, boys.
K dude. Here's your (you). Enjoy being a retarded faggot who refuses to acknowledge the shitty aspects of dungeon finder and thinks a game from 1999 (which actually still has a dedicated playerbase, so eat shit) is evidence of anything.
It starts tracking when you make progress on an objective
Look, it's an unironic seething retailfag.
Let me guess, your friends and guild are all playing Classic atm and you're pissed about it?
millions of players still play BFA and millions play classic, you're delusional
they're all boring as fuck
No such thing. Every single class will have something that you will get pissed off at and you're going to think the grass is greener somewhere else but it's all misery once you've tried them all.
WotLK was terrible. TBC might've started the disastrous trend of making old content obsolete but WotLK solidified it. Not to mention the awful decisions of adding achievements, lfg finder, railroaded quest hubs, and quest tracking (ok maybe this one was in cats?).
I recommend mage, druid, shaman, or warlock. You have a lot of survivability and they have reasonably straightforward roles in groups. Other classes are fine too but you need to do some research how to play properly.
Understandable. Who would willingly stay after the panda driven lore rape.
as a retail player i haven't noticed even a dent in the playerbase. there's still people everywhere (thanks to crz) and mythic+ keys are still as available as before so who cares, all the dumb casual "don't-bother-to-actually-do-challenging-content" crybaby classic bitches are gone, who cares? containment complete, BFA is a better expansion because they're gone, feelsgoodman
tbc when
I need blood elves NOW horde is ugly
rolling a mage means you can raid as DPS and get away with being a retard, best class
>making things up
lol sure, have fun forming a party for maraudon in 2020
show me the numbers then. oh wait, they keep it a secret these days. I wonder why
>has dedicated playerbase
which is smaller than wow during wod
most people don't want hardcore mmo and most people have money, so actiblizz is doing everything they can to get this money
you got classic, for real hardcore gamers and can play it and do all the shit you did 15 years ago
>you can either play classic or retail, god forbid playing both
If you wanna credit anyone for classic going official it should be Mark Kern and the nostalrius team. Streamers had fuck all to do with it.
its going to be so retarted to see everyone wearing tier 3s in 2 years
im a rogue and im thinking of rolling hunter so i can run faster, chase people and roll through pve more quickly. what's the greener grass over at rogue side? cc and damage?
I'm sorry to hear that.
Yeah I kind of miss them too. Also best starting zones.
>TBC might've startet the disastrous trend of making old content obsolete
ah yes, i remember that you needed full raid to do onyxia, even in raid gear
oh wait, people were 5maning onyxia in naxx gear
Warcraft was fucking huge before WoW. The difference is that normies didn't play games back then so the audience was much smaller.
>raiding in both
good luck
stealth and cc, if you're into pvp
I keep wondering whether the influx of normies has been a boon or a curse to gaming in general.
Cat sucked but Goblins were the masterrace, both in starting zone and aesthetics.
I'm afraid to try it out because I know I will get addicted
Stealth is beyond amazing in both pvp and pve. Being able to pick your own lockboxes. Then you realize you're stuck making thistle tea, poisons and other reagents for blind and vanish. Leveling lockpicking is a chore too. Hunters seem great until you realize you lose a bag slot to your quiver and have to keep buying ammo and pet food. Damage isn't great either. All classes have annoyances that put you off in the end, it's never comfy all the way through.
Only if you are a teenager
>hard raiding
pick one
number one is also numer of mechanics most vanilia bosses have, so hardcore
and don't say shit you need BiS in every slot, people were doing mc on private servers in shit gear
>hundred of guides design to make class/leveling experience easier
>molten core already clear
>onyxia already clear
retards are gonna be starved for content by the end of the month.
Raiding in vanilla is a 2 hour a week ordeal.
Takes 2 hours just to walk to the raid lmao. Soul!
I mean yeah when you look at it like that it sounds awful. When you remember that 180 bucks is 3 games nowadays it doesnt seem bad at all considering I'll get way more playtime out of wow than any 3 games I can think of.
Your average player couldn't just go pick up a no effort naxx item at level 58. The old content was still there and was the norm for almost everyone; it wasn't made obsolete. Very few people ever even entered naxx.
boon to producers, since it's $$$
bane to gaming
how dare you say that, back in 2004 it took 7 hours just to kill onyxia, hah remember that epic animation LEFT SIDE MANY WHELPS haha classic
You got fucking told kid. Stop trying to show off
What does it matter if BFA still has players when you don't even need to interact with them?
Classic is not very rp friendly
Sounds like youre a contrarian faggot
Haven't seen the state of the tavern yet on RP servers, how are they?
i interact with them fine, just because you're a social cripple who posts spidermans doesn't mean everyone is, put in effort, get effort back, put in zero effort, get treated like dogshit (this is your case probably)
>The old content was still there and was the norm for almost everyone; it wasn't made obsolete
ah yes i remember taking down kel'thuzad in my gray items from silverpine forest
you needed some parts of gear from previous raids to take part in most raid groups
and if you were a meme spec you were either barred from raiding or were innervate machine like druids those were the times, when i just put stone on autoattack key as paladin and could go masturbate to porn mags and raid at the same time
>you don't even need to interact with them?
you do realize dungeon finder is only for norma/heroic dungeons and LFR, these content become irrelevant after a month.
mythic dungeons and normal/heroic/mythic raid requires a premade group
>add new content for level 60
user this is Blizzard we’re talking about. You’ll be lucky to get to BC again
i'm glad, trade chat is actually trade again, classic fags bitching on shit they don't understand are gone, it's great
i guess it's because of my limited experience as a leveling combat spec but i'm not sure the stealth justifies all the other shit. it's nice sometimes, but usually when i want to kill someone, the main problem is that they break out of my bullshit eventually and escape and then either kites me or just turns around and whomps me over the head with a whirlwind axe if they're a warrior or something. alternatively, i just never catch them because they're running away and stealth slows me down to a crawl. i just don't have a patient playstyle, i like running fast and kiting people, or charging into them from afar.
i guess it'll get better once i reach something like level 60 and can respec to some cold blood hemo meme bullshit and can start one-shotting people, but what's the point if there's no honor yet? i guess i could be griefing other people in other areas for the fuck of it, but i don't really like griefing people and much rather would hunt down specific dickheads (which hunter seems more equipped to do). it only really makes sense to stay in a pve spec to do dungeons and raids and shit for gear, but then what do i need gear for if i'm not pvping as the pvp class? it just begets the question why i'm even playing the game if i'm playing a pvp class to play pve.
i dunno. i kinda feel like quitting altogether. i'd play some other mmorpg but they're all worse and my friends are playing this one.
wrath was fucking cancer. If they are there in a few years, noone will play it.
There best bet is entirely new content. Make new raids. new tiers, keep basic mechanics.
Come to Deviate Delight, we have lots of fun-filled activities like gnomes pretending to be babies and 24/7 Hogwarts RP
abandoned because modern wow is just straight up better for roleplay
wotlk has the best raids with ulduar and icc
it's forbidden to interact in retail, you didn't get the memo?
if they make classic+, #nochanges crowd will be loud
if they start bc servers, classic only crowd will be loud
whatever they do, there will be seething, so blizzard will do nothing and just keep 2-3 servers as ghetto, so people can masturbate to their t3 armor and fact, that they spend 30 mintues getting from one end of the map to another
wrath had the shittiest puggable raids that required no skill and gave everyone a glittery shit trophy.
Kill yourself and go back to retail you casual.
A lot of the fun of Vanilla stem from unintentional shit like week long Alterac Valley, wall walking, elite kitting, plague infestation, ect.
Those are things Blizzard will absolutely refuse to recreate because they are deem unfun
yes? Nobody is arguing against that. It's part of levelling up and getting good.
That's not the same as tbc making large swaths of the old world utterly irrelevant.
yeah people don't know about this because they do LFR once, hate it, and judge all of BFA on that one run, meanwhile we're in +15 sweating cause the game is hard as fuck and they'll never fucking know because they're sheltered classic babies
Ninja it’s not even a “damned if you do damned if you don’t” kind of situation, it’s almost a guarantee that if blizzard does anything they’ll just restart the expansion cycle
>go back to retail
I'm actually playing wotlk right now
yeah 70% wow pop are chinese and 20% are latinos from ragnaros, BFA GOOD GAME
it's funny how much harder the dungeon finder gets after the first month when good players stop using it
first half of your post: fuck you
second half of your post: fuck yes, segregate those autists!
good, stay there on your shitty private server.
>you needed some parts of gear from previous raids to take part in most raid groups
ok but you dont need any gear from previous high level content to get absurdly strong green outland items. the old high level content has been made utterly obsolete. if you dont see how this is different youre fucking stupid.
fucking retard ROFL
>t. never played Wintermaul
which has more players than classic on one server and no layers
What the fuck
Wew that seethe that someone’s having fun in a game you don’t like
You could just put the game down until battlegrounds are released, wpvp is a meme anyway. Hunter is fairly weak in pvp due to the deadzone and lack of real escape tools. Or just quit, that works too.
Is there any roleplay where i can break character and do 4th wall jokes without getting banned?
Literally no chance, but I am glad you are happy and think that. Doesn't hurt anyone, so enjoy!
The #nochanges crowd got caught exploiting the raid group exp bug so nobody listens to them any more.
when did they raise the price?
>That's not the same as tbc making large swaths of the old world utterly irrelevant
most of the old world was relevant only because there was no endgame, so world pvp became one and thus camping in stv
if there was some endgame hub, people would go there, but there wasn't, so stv became one until bg were open
how would you like to add new content wihout making old one irrelevant
Weeklong AV wasnt fun but it was better than zerg av.
If you left you lost all your honor, it was dumb.
Nostalgia bites hard, which is why boomers were pushing for QOL updates like reinforcement count and barbershops etc.
your kids, kids will be playing WoW. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
sure go to the retail big roleplay realms and find out fag
Honestly I hope so. I think Blizzard needs to be focusing on making current WoW better. Leave the old servers to the community if they wish, but spending all this on nostalgia (which is a boom/bust cycle at most) isn't a good idea. Many new players will find it grindy. Many old players will realize after the rose colored glasses wear off that old and tedious isn't fun.
They need to dedicate more time to WoW's future not focus on its past.
All they have to do is recreate old 1.0 AV on the side, people had ways to stick around
What server? I wanna roll my spacegoat paladin.
server has 13k capacity and is full from 16 to 23 european time every days
I play for 8 dollars thanks to russian vpns
Is Yea Forums always so Reddit?
>he old high level content has been made utterly obsolete
so, you should raid naxx before getting to outland? apart from hardcore players nobody wants to do shit like this
imagine this today, with 7 expansions, you need to beat all raids from previous expansions to get to next one
apart from hardcore gamers, nobody would be doing that, also finding group for AQ 13 years after it was relevant, good luck
Which server user?
TBC was too autistic. WotLK was more accessible but maybe too accessible.
Can I add somebody to friends on WoW classic without it doing battle net shit? IE seeing my account and friends and all that
well you are right, I will switch to retail perhaps as a new classic player
you can add friends by character so they will appear online ingame only
this image is ironic right
No needto be angery, just asking a question.
I've been told by GMs in the past to stop breaking character.
Idk i doubt they will, the dev team seems lazy to put in the reinforcement system.
you know if Atlantiss TBC is any good and decently populated?
what is the context of the original image
>Get yet another character to level 14-18
>Want to play something else
This is why I'm a failure in life, I can't even stick to a single character in a video game.
Fun classes are limited to druid, mage, warlock, and rogue. If you're playing in a group, also include warrior.
finding your class is hard
I've never played there my guess is 1k peak and 500 midnight NA
Maybe you're just bored with the fucking game.
looks like some liberal arts students protesting the latest media outrage
i'd buy it if it was a one time purchase. fuck subscriptions. absolute poison.
so, in terms of $$$, it was a goldmine for blizz
they do things that bring them monies, same shit with classic, they calculated that this will bring enough $$$ to cover production costs, so they made wow classic and now are raking money from subs
wod was shitty and then we got legion, which brought back players dissatisfied by wow, bfa is around wow level of shit so next expansion will be polished, to get that $$$ back
but some autists want blizzard to cater to 0,1% of playerbase and are angry when they don't do this
>currently 8k queue
we'll have to wait and see but the anti-classic shilling has only gotten worse since release
warmane queues and pop are very fake, they just want to annoy you into donating $5 to bypass them
>The entire Argent Tournament content, the best questing and story telling content. Best capital city (Fucking Dalaran, come on).
user, are you a retard?
that's because retails specs are more involved than an entire classic class, just give up the charade and play the real game you fucking pissant
is that shit or what
They show player numbers on their website
I don't know BC servers, but it seems decent considering this expansion is not that popular on private servers
To be honest I havenæt tried rogue or warlock yet.
If I'm so bored why do I keep playing?
Perfect example of
they're not, I find players in every zones
this, i got 3 60's back then and i have no intention of doing that again
but some people find it fun to massacre whole forest to get 10 bear livers and i respect it, but i don't respect the fact that they must also keep screaming RETAIL BAD NO CHALLENGE while they didn't get past lfr
>Naxx will be cleared day 1
just pay 15 dollars for one month and cancel
>argent tournament
oldfags remember the shitstrosm and halfassed raids
naxx will be cleared in 2 hours, now there will be tons of warriors in each progressing guild
>FFXI holding FFXIV's hand
The shitposters that were clowning on classic pre-release have now joined forces with the disillusioned zoomers that realized that uncle assmongler lied to them and classic maybe wasn't the best game ever made. Just wait until the boomers lose their rose tinted goggles, that's when the real shitposting starts.
That's like 200 people per faction so yeah with lvl 70 it's dead.
some already lost goggles, reddit was on suicide alert when apes cleared mc and ony before first reset
I don't get it. Why not just play retail at this point? Did you just like the story in wrath or something?
i'd rather just not play it than pay for a game i can't keep.
post ironic
exactly. that shit would suck. but it also sucks when all that cool shit is just nonexistent overnight. which is why they need to find a way to at least keep the old stuff relevant for a bit instead of making it useless as soon as you step through the dark portal. for example, raiders expected their naxx gear to take them to at least level 65 and there's really no reason it shouldn't have.
>what a shock, 15 years old game has no secrets and people have 15 years of experience playing it
i can't believe that there were people really thinking, that raids won't be cleared hours after opening or getting most of your raid party into 50+ lvls
Pretty much dead with no content and Ragnaros and Onyxia defeated in less than 1 week
>but spending all this on nostalgia (which is a boom/bust cycle at most) isn't a good idea.
not necessarily
OS Runscape has like 5 times the players "new" Runerscape has, it's their moneymaker. Though it is extremely dangerous for the "new" game because it'll get less attention
well, thunderfury and wolfshead helmet were in use, latter was BiS in TBC if i'm not mistaken, so parts of old gear were not made obsolete
shit, thunderfury was used by tanks until they nerfed it
They weren't true boomers then, anyone who played back then would know that MC would be stupid easy with 1.12 talents and skills.
Seethin r*tail cuck
oh my god albion
holy fuck that game was bad, like painfully so. i got so mad at how stale the gameplay was that i got kicked out of my guild
it would also suck to start playing in tbc and not being able to progress through hellfire peninsula without naxx gear, while everybody would be doing tbc content
there is no good way out, but making old gear obsolete on the start is probably the best for new players, starting from scratch in older expansions
when classic dies, retail will get worse
the irony of classic killing BFA
>classic dies
>nostalgiafags get back to retail
blizz, just keep 1-2 servers as ghetto for them, plox
You have to consider how many are from retail, other MMOs, private servers or just zoomers that are trying it for the first time.
The only ones that might make it to end game are private server fags and nostalgiafags. The latter is much less likely. So it will be left with a very small fraction compared to what it's started with
Paladin or Warlock?
I'd imagine blizzard will try to change retail so it's more like classic in order to draw the classic crowd.
>everyone saying you can see everything in Vanilla in a couple of weeks
cool I only have to play fifteen bucks
hahaha all the people who replies to this are so angry, lmao. And it's funny because he's right
they will say "BC/Wrath soon!"
depends if classic will still be bringing money in 6 months
now we are in hype phase, but after zoomers hit the wall around lvl 40 or get to raiding and see that challenge like frost mage rotation they will go back to other games, including retail
How is that not obvious
But that's it
You could remove everything else but mythic dungeons and raids from the game and it would be the same. You might as well be able to queue and lfg from the login screen.
I know it's a fucking meme but I would legit play a MoP server. I never had more fun playing warlock and druid as I had back then.
reminder that the ideal form of WoW is vanilla itemisation + MoP gameplay + WotLK aesthetics
i can't figure out if to play on a PVP or PVE server. i mean, pvp is just pure harassment. its like beign at the arcade and beating a game and some jerk comes over and grabs your joystick and shoves you out of the way and wrecks you. then looks and you and smirks and laughs. then you and your buddies beats him up and throws him outside. except this is fuckign the internet and you cant do that and the fucker can keep doing it, over and over.
pve has the same shit almost.
is there any benefit to pvp? why do so many people idiots play it?
whats the largest pve population server to join?
Play a different class. I leveled a rogue to 60 on northdale and quit because it was just so boring to me. I don't know why I got to 60 because I knew I hated it.
For me it's paladin or shaman. Those are my log in everyday and have fun classes.
What really gets me is the people complaining about log in queues when other servers that don't have queues exist.
pruning half the stats and making universal int/str/agi gear was gay as shit
Yeah he's totally going to LOVE leveling a paladin if he wants to run fast and hunt people down. Jesus man read the post before you reply
world pvp is vanillia endgame unfortunately
especially now, when raids are on lower difficulty than lfr, so you will burst through them in 1-2 hours
but muh favorite stromer asmoncuck is playing on that server so i must play with him
Wrath babies are cancer
pve means you have to play nice with gathering nodes and mobs with the other faction
pvp means you can fuck the other faction up, or get fucked up yourself. also ganking is fun
it is a personal preference (like/dislike pvp) outside of realms with heavy faction tilts where pvp is a dumb choice
I agree, that's why vanilla itemisation a best
>shittalkin t3
Listen here you hand-holdin faggot, give me one reason why 50% of the t3 sets arent the best looking sets in the game
zoomer fags like yourself are going to ruin classic
If you like hybrid classes go pally, shammy, or boomkin.
If you like ranged dps go warlock.
But paladins shams and druids were the least played classes according to lights hope stats.
What I don't really understand is how will Blizzard keep Classic WoW going? I mean, that's the point of expansions, right? So what? They plan to just re-release all the expansions again? That's retarded.
Players will eventually do EVERYTHING in Classic WoW and there will be no end game. No progression. Where will Classic WoW be 6 months from now? A year from now? Did Blizzard not stop to think about the longevity of Classic WoW?
i dont believe they should add any expansions
t. retail cuck
We'll see. People need to stop worrying about the future and just play the fucking game. Remember when people said OSRS will die? It never did
Warrior isn't 50% of the classes user. Tell me which ones you think look good so I can laugh at your shit taste
god damnit i dont want to have to repsec 50 times (at 50gold costs)to stay in a pvp spec, so i dont die in pvp FFFFFFUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKKKKK
blizzard cant you figure out this game isnt fucking tuned to mmo status cause of how early on it was an mmo and lower the godamn costs
fuck man
When was the last retail patch? Of course classic will have more discussion as it's still fresh, while retail probably hasn't had a patch in months.
Classic is not meant to last the way you think it will.
This is a battle between the BFA team, and its opposition.
If classic succeeds they will take the helm on BFA and future games.
If it loses wow will probably be shut down.
The BC rumors are just testing the waters for the mindset, BC was an underperforming expansion, even though it was good.
But the panda stuff barely touched existing lore. It expanded on Pandaria, but outside of that it just expanded on the faction leaders. WoD was also mostly stand-alone. Legion is when the real bs happened with "lol lets bring back every name character" + "lol everybody gets a legendary named weapon" + "lol Voids lmao"
OSRS route
small team that steals ideas from the community and then holds a poll for them, if it passes they shit it out
oh and expansions were a fucking mistake. classic+, if we get it, should stay at 60 but add new content consistently
adding shit like allowing you to upgrade lower itemlevel items to a higher level via crafting would also keep old content relevant, or just having + versions of raids with a few new mechanics and higher ilvl drops
none of that gay ass titanforged shit and limited lockouts for + raids, like you can do three + raids a week so you don't have to end up running every piece of old content just tuned up every fucking week
now that I think about it this sounded better in my head but someone less retarded could make it work
> Ha ha, yeah blizzy will never release the classics, they won't kill retail for it
> Yes it's just a fake announcement to reassure people it will never make
> Only 4 people create it, they will never finish
> But will not release it until 2024
> Calm down already, it will not be a classic, there will be delivered modern graphics and features
> New blizzy can't not crap, it's a totally different game, they're probably somewhere but obosrut.
> Yeah sure dude, release this game no one will be interest, will be watching 300 people
> No queues on the server won't be, no one would play it, now is not that time!
> Yes, now the ducks just enough of the month, and the game will die, they do not pull to lift 60th and so much to spend time on the game
> Yes, there will be a classic the most successful, popular and profitable game on the planet surpassing all current competitors and breaking your own records!
Feels great when someone jumps you and you proceed to remodel his shithole
> defeated in less than 1 week
This shouldn't deter people at all. This is a private server guild that has leveled to 60 so many times and have done this boss so many times that it's basically like second nature. Getting to 60 as fast as they did requires basically no sleep or account sharing. It literally takes about 3-4 days played time to get to 60 if you're power leveling ( I can't stress this enough). Not everyone has 8+ hours a day to grind it out like they did. Not every guild is going to beat this dude in a week like they did.
The average person won't beat this guy for at least a month or two and that's a good thing.
Realistically the majority of players are probably around the 20-40's range. Vanilla is a fun experience and the people you meet along the way and the fun you have with others is what makes it. Enjoy the game..
Ohhhh bfa schoolbois right there! If everything is so simple, then why haven't YOU made this FC?
Oh yes, well, Methods are no longer Methods of course, nice shoes you have there.
The forum already had many proofs that the current version of the classics differs from the one in 2007 by 20-30%, and maybe more.
It only proves that classic players>>>>retail players.
While method cant even hit 60 lvl, APES already done with the raid.
That means boars in classic ARE HARDER than ANY raid in retail.
Fuck retail pussies
Do you understand that APES is literally 0.00000000000000000001% of players and nobody will be able to repeat the kill in the coming MONTHS? You understand that the 60s level have ONLY them and that the raid is able to close ONLY them, but no one else.
>retards who played the content for years beat retards who discovered the content
Is the difference really that big? I'm an XIVChad but I feel sorry for people wanting the vanilla experience if there's that big of a gap between the versions.
quick question; do they have a wow classics free trial or that only applies to retail ?
t. salty retail player hoping his thousands of mounts wont be completely useless
Best raids - classic.
Best leveling - classic.
Best combat - classic.
Best pvp - classic.
Best class design - classic.
Best pve overall - classic.
Best locations and passing - classic.
Every DLC for wow made it slightly worse and now we have pure piece of shit
idk how everyone hates pandas but love tuskarr they're the exact same thing
not doing a search here
half of you are larping (((google))) shills just wanting to bring hits to their site
all me
raid was cleared ONLY by Apes. And apes had 10 years of practice this speedruning.
I bet my anus that it would take MONTHS to repeat their achievements.
They are top tier players, even better than Method which are the best what retail can offer, they had a lot of practice and know what to do.
Average Joe is level 35 right now. It would take months for Average Joe to even hit 60, then it would take even more months to get pre raid gear and clear first raid.
Never forget that Apes even better than Method and Method are better than 99.9% retail players.
Classic is hard, very hard, much harder than retail, it is so hard that method can't even hit 60 lvl, so fucking boars in classic are harder than Azshara.
But apes... these guys... they are TOO strong, TOO prepared and TOO trained for that content.
We CAN'T judge whole classic only by their success
Not right now it's not. I'm on a 7000+ queue for Skeram. That's like 5 hours, fuck.
You shouldnt need a reason to interact with people. You should interact with people because you WANT TO interact with them.
Needing a reason is mainly an excuse for
>I'm to anxious to talk with strangers / i dont care about it at all.
If your friendlist in bfa is empty, it will be in classic too
you could not be more wrong, people will not be social if the circumstances don't encourage it, you'd know that if you had ever been to a party
rag got beat by day 5 geared, playing raid. sure they had some pre-bis.
well ok they also had 16 debuff slots. blizzard made it too easy. its 1.0 content and everything there with 1.12 fighting tactics
>you could not be more wrong, people will not be social if the circumstances don't encourage it
The people you're refering too are not called friends, they are called tool. They also dont want to be friends.
You'd know that if you had ever been to a party
>Best pvp - classic.
yes I loved having to spend 24 hours a day grinding honor to reach rank 14, a system which encouraged account sharing and underhand tactics
>is it going to die?
Obviously. It's not getting content so sooner or later people will reach the end of the road because there is one, as opposed to a retail and xiv where content is released periodically.
How do you even have to ask?
#NoChanges No lifeing is good for the game.
There's always fun things to do in classic even without new content. Do you not replay old games because there is nothing new? Retarded retail zoomer. Go zoom zoom in reddit you fucking cancer.
Streamers will only bail once the hype over classic dies down, and most others will eave shortly after that. What will be left is a significantly ssmaller hard core base, but they won't generate the profits that bliz wants so ultimately it will be dead within 24 months
Was shit back when I played it when it was new.
It's even shittier than I remember now with this
dumb ass phase plan.
Even games that already happened have roadmap development plans now, just kill the human race and start over with sentient squid already.
>server over 5000 queue
>takes hours to get in
>finally get in
>it feels empty
Is this because of that layering bullshit?
Have you ever been outside? Ever interacted with a human? People don't just spontaneously stop in the middle of the street and talk to random strangers. There needs to be a situation that allows for communication. For instance, waiting for a bus together, wearing the same shirt, meeting a fellow countryman abroad, being at an event, etc.
get the fuck back to bfa shitter
3.0 was great. 3.1 was great. 3.2 was shit and 3.3 lasted waaaay too long. WotLK was legendary on release but by the end we all realised WoW had changed forever.
Classic will be Classic. It should be supported OSRS style. To be honest it is an opportunity for a canon reboot. The rest took place in the dark timeline.
Are you having a stroke? What the fuck is this ape quality posting.
I said "sooner or later". Learn to read. Eventually people will reach end of the road. You're not going to have a crowd of people perpetually playing the game and doing the same things over and over until they fucking die.
They will hold on until the next big BFA patch, then come back as Classic patches come out.
Oh yes, last week on my way to wizzard of the coast i met a long haired dude listening to in flames. I randomly started to talk with him and now im chatting with him.
>There needs to be a situation that allows for communication.
The first friend i met in WoW was a guy i randomly talked to because his sword looked cool and i had no clue what it was (i was a noob that didnt know about thunderfurry)
Stop pretending there needs to be a reason to become friends.
Why are we talking to each other again? its just an anonymous imageboard with a topic that is not even the thread. Wouldnt you call it random?
No King rules forever my son
Will I get banned for calling someone a homosexual?
"you might be a homosexual"
Why do you need to be rank 14?
yes it took a year for it to die
I think you misread the post, claimed there was a 30%+ difference between vanilla and classic. I don't give a shit about the expansions
>all these fucking druids running around
Classic really is hipster central. The class sucks.
I'm new to WoW. Started playing during the Classic stress test a month or so ago. The first thing that was ever said to me was "FUCK YOU FAGGOT." These are my people.
>Level 24 human warrior
>level 14 nelf warrior
send help
I agree but I still want to know how harsh Blizzard is with punishments and how often they do it. If you reported him, for instance, would he have been banned?
Good news is that you won't have to see them for very long because they'll be stuck grinding gnomeregan if they want to do anything but heal
you start seeing druids everywhere once aq20 is out and they get nasty
That's exactly it. You saw noticed something about them that made you initiate conversation. The simple circumstance of "I also like your thing" encouraged conversation just like the first guy you argued with tried to tell you. Would it have been different if your initial interaction was because you both needed each other to achieve a goal? Both present opportunities for social interactivity.
I don't even see what you're trying to do here.
>Wrathbabby enjoys shitty casual content and the gearscore era of wow
No surprise there. tBC is peak WoW
Ulduar was amazing. I barely remember the rest.
elwynn is 90% warriors and paladins on m y server
just a wild guess but we are all in this thread because we want to discuss wow classic. thats hardly random.
Is there any more satisfying ability!?!?
Wotlk was beginning of the end. The expansion that killed the growth.
They all use 3 abilities at most
And how isnt that possible in bfa?
>hey we both like the same game, lets play with together
>i don't even see what you're trying to do here.
It's because you`re hard in denial, thats fine.
However, to bring you back to the topic.
Original post was
>What does it matter if BFA still has players when you don't even need to interact with them?
I told you that you dont need a reason to interact with them appart from wanting to interact with them. So why dont you just create a social guild for people that simply want to play together?
What exactly stops you from that?
>Getting constantly gayed out in PvP by frost mages and hunters
Fucking hell, the nightmare never ends
Mage, Hunter, and Rogue are the most fun
Warrior is fun as well if you have a healer constantly on your ass, otherwise you're worthless.
What class?
Thats not cleave or whirlwind
What can horde mages even be without BE?
> its 1.0 content and everything there with 1.12 fighting tactics
People dramatically underestimate the impact that being on 1.12 has.
Players were extremely more powerful in 1.12 than launch. It's not even close. Bug fixes, new abilities, talent improvements, etc. were almost all universally in favor of the player, plus the higher debuff limit and other mechanical changes.
By the time 1.12 rolled around in retail classic, people were regularly stomping Molten Core with pugs and fresh 60s. It was not considered a difficult raid at the time. Onyxia could easily be 10-manned at that point as well, even without geared folks. The class improvements were just very impactful.
Classic using 1.12 was always going to make the early raiding game significantly easier. It was an interesting argument as to if they would go #nochanges with the health values and such or if they would try to temporarily re-tune the raids to make them feel more authentic. They decided to leave the original values, but that's pretty much going to mean most of the content is going to be pretty easy until AQ40+
this isn't even up for debate, you will meet more people before you're level 40 in classic than playing bfa for 6 months, something obviously went very wrong
Undead and troll. Undead mages alone make up like 30% of the Horde
>Classic is hard, very hard, much harder than retail, it is so hard that method can't even hit 60 lvl,
How fucking much of a pathetic loser can you be if you think smashing 2 buttons is difficult?
>people were regularly stomping Molten Core with pugs and fresh 60s
Less than 20% of the player-base
No one gives a shit about raids
forsaken make up 90% of the horde, it seems
if they could be druids the tauren would die out
>Onyxia could easily be 10-manned at that point as well, even without geared folks
I remember people doing meme runs like a bunch of priests just wanding Onyxia to death and switching aggro with mind blast. That was a fun video
>Undead mages
Why undead? I thought troll was best mage.
> 2 buttons is difficult?
Yeah? If it only 2 buttons then why Sco was so fucking bad at tanking in BRD? Why did they die on arena encounter?
Why did he can't hold treat on casual fights?
Because it's not 2 fucking buttons, that's retail rotation. In classic you have 15+ situational buttons and 4-5 rotation buttons.
method is a shit guild who exploit to win.
>Because it's not 2 fucking buttons, that's retail rotation.
Colossal cope
> Methods are the best what retail can offer
> They consider to be the best players of the retail version
> Many world first
> Much achievements
Hey, guys, any retail retard still wanna defend retail difficulty and retails raids?
I mean just look at this shit, your BEST bois don't even start trying MK while our classic chad already DONE with it.
Ho much time did it take for Method to kill Azshara? Three weeks? I bet APES could have done in one week
you use more buttons in dungeons than raids desu
They got a heal and have a cool aesthetic
They should keep it vanilla but update the features to the pre-BC patch.
you tell me
>he doesn't /exit for the day at an inn while /sleep ing on a bed
Don't you want your character to be comfy while you're away?
>you will meet more people before you're level 40 in classic than playing bfa for 6 months
It' out new, so all people are at the same spot. This will change in a month when people are max lvl and not stacked in the level area.
How does that answer my question anyway? Dunno about you, but in all the 5 days i played classic every single group was just "hi-->kill mob--->cya" and a mob tagging contest.
Only people communicating are nostalgiafags in global channels. I really dont see the difference
Yeat they are still THE BEST what retail could offer. Just imagine that - best retail players are fucking cheaters and they SUCK DICK in classic, and non of retail players could compete with classic players.
Every fucking retail player STRUGGLE to event kill a fucking boar. Just imagine how low skilled retail players are.
That's why i said that APES could beat Method on retail if they wanted it
just like OSRS
>all the people who subbed for classic will start playing bfa
Why would anyone think this? If they didn't play bfa before classic then why would they play it after classic?
Initial hype will die down, and the poopsockers will be the only players left
Then, once the poopsockers complete all the content, the game will be barren.
Blizz may consider adding new content, but the /nochanges/ crowd will cry too loud and prevent Blizz from doing so
Then people either go back to retail, or drop the series
2 months for the hype to die, maybe 6-8 months left until it's barren, and 10 until it's completely dead
method were grinding SM and basically everyone outleveled them
>best guild
my ass
OSRS has more players than BFA
Troll is the best for PvE but Undead has a really good pvp racial and just looks really cool as caster in general, plus a shitton of lore and the edgelord appeal
I liked classic and mop. Everything else sucked and I didn't play bc so I cant give an opinion on that.
>within the context of raids where roles are defined and there are plenty of people to plug holes
>doesnt take into account leveling where mages have the most diversity of any class and have to use a extremely broad range of spells to be effective in different situations against different enemies
99.9% of the game takes place between levels 1 and 59.
The rotation of a mage in that time period is more than retail.
Get bent loser.
You can use the word homosexual but you can't use it in a pejorative sense
saying "I'm homosexual" can't get you banned
Not him but I'm sure there will be a (small) fraction of them for which some of that statement will hold true. People who were out, got back in for classic, eventually dropped out of it and migrate to BfA because sub is already there and paid for and then stay for another sub or maybe classic awakens the desire of having more.
Again, not agreeing with him about "all the people", not even close, but I'm sure the scenario I described will happen to some guy here or there. Maybe even a few.
APES did the exact same 10 man SM/ZF farm, idk how they beat Method by so much
The best possible move is Burning Crusade Classic with the option to start from scratch or make a copy of your Classic character to port over, while keeping the original intact in Classic. The Classic server itself will remain completely untouched. It will also be included for free in the sub to live. The only moaning that can had then will be 'this killed the Classic population it's not fair bros!' but that's just complaining about something being more popular than something else.
>look good
See I knew horde were all faggots
>ask a mage for some food
>he tries to charge me 10 silver
>double pulls on low hp , I save his life
>just walks off and says nothing
>later run into him waiting for an escort, offer to invite him , he declines says he’s in a group of 5 but none are there and he was there first so it’s his escort
>tell him to go fuck himself and either leave group to do quest with us, he can’t hog it to one person for no good reason
>click faster than him and take it, he seethes
>an hour later run into him again at a different escort and cuck him out of that too
not being bad
epic story
Yes, they are the best and that says much about retail players skill.
Most people say that nowadays players are much more skilled than in vanilla times, but that's a lie, current raids are much easier in comparison with vanilla raids and because of that retail players degrade. They become literally degenerates and even fucking BRD is iron wall for them, and they have to deal with it with bare hands. That's how hard classic is for retail players
Method are shit, Paragon would bend them over as usual if they still raided
One of Classic's biggest strengths is that it's a fresh start. Retail WoW has been going for over a decade. I suspect a big part of why so many people don't want to mess with retail is that they feel left behind. Even veterans who've played a lot over the years most likely haven't played nonstop; they've played on and off. They come back and open their Achievements tab and see that they've gotten 20% of them. They're way behind on mounts. They're wondering what the hell even are battle pets. Even when the next retail expansion comes out I bet a lot of people stick with Classic simply because they feel more significant in a game that just started and which they got in at the beginning, whereas in Retail they're constantly being reminded of what they're missed out on.
Thanks please subscribe and like for future content
>private server guilds are killing rag while top retail guilds wipe in fucking leveling dungeons
Yikes! I thought retail raids were at least harder than leveling dungeons?
For me, it's male night elf rogue.
>running through redridge come across a mage who double pulls
>run up and take one mob off him and save him
>thanks me, give him my mana pots because warrior and he gives me food
>run off and do a quest
>come across him again, hes in the same area so we join up
>spend the next 60 minutes doing quests together, as well as bringing in some other randoms
>we're pulling lots of elites but hes great at CC control while I hold aggro on those that break through, really great class synergy
>stop playing at 1am and go our separate ways waving at each other
A comfy feel.
Stop being so fucking paranoid. You don't need to convince me about leveling, I'm having some fun with leveling right now. I was just making fun of how tiny that rotation in the pic is, I didn't say anything about classic as a whole.
>gets treated like a moron
>n-no im not retarded!
Yes, yes you are.
I miss shitposting in global without being muted. I miss shitloads of people running around killed by over the top layering. I miss people interacting by surging else than dugeons or trade. I fucking miss Kronos.
For anyone thinking of Classic+ what would the talents be like? I'm looking at the Cataclysm talent trees and I think they're interesting because they solve pretty much every problem while removing stupid talents like 15% Rend damage.
>warriors get charge in combat, stun and better rage generation
>enh shaman get 75% less mana cost on spells and 6% hit
>elemental gets 100% crit damage and thunderstorm
>combat gets 6% hit, blade flurry at level 10 and tons of quality of life improvements
And so on. They skip a lot of the bullshit like not getting an instant attack as a warrior until 40 or Flurry until way too late. Granted they started a sort of talent arms race by removing the weaknesses of certain classes but still.
Blizzard had to add an entire minute to the enrage timer in the last raid because their dps was so low they couldn't clear it. Imagine how disappointed Blizz must have been when the dancing monkeys they trained can't even do a simple tank and spank fight correctly.
are enemy robot chicken escorts attackable on classic?
Why the fuck is there layering in any area thats higher than level 20?
Yeaaaaahhh, suuuureee....
Dude, i don't really care about these "If". Nobody does.
There is only one fact: they did not drag methods from the actual and poured the boys from the pirates into the dry, this is another confirmation that the classic is more complicated than any bfa-schmf for vanilla boys. Now it’s the property of history and methods that they will never be able to get rid of this puddle under themselves, and there were so many words ... in principle, as always, from actuals ... only words, but in reality zero without a wand. And by the way, you confirm it again
method didnt spend 10 years on a vanilla private server
So are there any classic pservers left or are they closed now
Which is better for 5-men tanking and battleground; pally or drewid?
Apes themselve made a joke onyxia raid demonstrating on how easy classic is
layers are server-wide
that's about it
When talking about difficulty people just look at raids, because they're stupid and cant look at the big picture.
But actually playing from level 1 to 60 is hard as fuck, in ways retail simply doesn't have anymore because they were removed to make raiding more accessible. The most basic shit, like being geared for dungeons, having gold for skills and buying a new weapon hold you back more than retail and people forget this shit. Not to mention that while your abilities are diverse and strong they are often resource intensive to use and can easily be fucked by your own team mates (dont you love it when the warrior cleaves that poly).
Retail players simply dont get it, because they all joined in Wrath and think WoW was always a breeze until you got to the "real" content at the end of the game and found the "challenge" in raiding.
What the fuck are you even talking about? Honest question. Are you hearing voices in your head? You made an argument about leveling and I said you don't need to convince me about that, but the pic I was laughing was on a different topic. Which is true. Why are you creating some retarded scenario that makes no fucking sense and where are you even taking that from? Hallucinations?
>getting this
They're grinding dungeons. They're wiping in leveling dungeons. They are wiping in content made specifically for new players.
Why was moo_uk so fucking triggered by Americans during his Rag stream? He kept talking down to Americans who said Europeans have an advantage with their social welfare programs, and said that was completely untrue and everyone in his guild was a 'dad gamer' who booked time off work. Fucking really? Why?
Like why lie about something so stupid? Why act like 80% of world first Euro guilds aren't full of Euro neets? Isn't it like half of Italy is unemployed? 90% of Germans are renters? Like how can you even believe that all these guys who poopsocked WoW classic for 6 days straight aren't mostly NEETs? This is just retarded mental gymnastics
>user finally had a stroke mid post after not making sense for a while and hearing voices in his head
>But actually playing from level 1 to 60 is hard as fuck
t. Method
so if the person reports me for saying they're a homosexual in the pejorative sense, will I be banned?
Maybe you should stick to lego games
How classic easy is FOR THEM. Not for Method, not for ANY retail player. That's my main point, bruh.
Classic is easy FOR THEM because they spent 10 years on training to be the best classic players, while retail players spent 10 year on fucking easy raids with 2 buttons rotations.
For Average Joe it would take 1 month to hit 60, 1 month to get his pre-raid bis and consumables, 2 months to clear MK and 1 month to clear Ony.
There was never anything challenging or hard about WoW. You're arguing over a kiddy pool with a ladder and one without a ladder. Anyone not a retard can get in and out of both regardless.
How are you so fucking obsessed with streamers, do you realize you're even more pathetic than whoever you're talking about?
>But actually playing from level 1 to 60 is hard as fuck
Biggest meme to ever exist about vanilla. It's not "hard" your stats simply don't allow you to level as efficiently as you can in retail. There's nothing difficult about watching a mob slowly die one at a time because only a few classes have the means to avoid the statcheck like mage can. Leveling isn't hard it's just tedious and time consuming.
Anyone else making meme specs?
Id say you probably get temp ban of 24hour at worst
Blizzard has the 'volcano' or three strikes model, don't they?
it's pretty safe to assume any streamer is a loser
>tune in to a stream of rag going down for 20 minutes on my second monitor while I mindlessly wand shit to down in 1k needles
I agree 1 to 60 is a fine experience. In the context of this thread and the specific question OP asked though, it kind of sets the answer at yes. Eventually. You can only do 1 to 60 so many times until you eventually get bored and move on.
>excited to play with friends
>quickly realize I barely have time to play because wageslave
>friends already 3x my level
>lose motivation
It's fun and I had a good time, but it's just not for me
yeah thats a huge load of shit. bnet was insanely popular. if you knew who blizzard was, you knew about wc3.
Just because it takes a normal person 30 hours to beat mario 64 when a speedrunner can do it in an hour doesn't mean mario 64 is a hard game. It just takes them longer because they don't know it inside out. Classic is time consuming, not hard. Leveling speed is based on efficiency, not skill.
>Wah Europeans beat us in games all the time ill just make up some conspiracy about literally their whole continent being neets
You know what I meant dipshit
Yeah, but dungeons are hard and Sco can't hold fucking aggro from mobs.
having to kill mobs one by one and regen every 2 mobs is not hard, it's boring as fuck
Theres just not much to do but grind. Even worse its mostly solo grinding. I remember why I couldn't stand it even in 2005. I gave it a shot, but its just boring. I look forward to ArcheAge Unchained. At least there is more to do than solo grind fetch quests.
Italy is not all of Europe. 40% unemployment for people 15-24 isn't even that crazy.
Lol fuck no. Wow classic is like classic rock. If they never change it it's never ever going away.
it objectively wont.
One week in, and still gets 300k viewers or more on twitch.
This is not even factoring in Asmangold reinvesting a part of his 80k a month from subscriptions into duel tournaments which will drive the popularity of the game up more.
Also, Blizzard will stagger retail patches with new classic phases keeping interest in the overall game high.
This is the WoW renaissance and Final Fantasy fans are in despair.
I'm not saying the entire continent of Europe is NEETs, I'm saying poopsocking guilds are full of NEETs and Europe has a very robust social welfare system such that one can live in relative comfort on welfare (and afford a gaming pc, place to live etc), whereas an American on welfare would not be able to afford such things unless they were serious disabled instead of just lazy
but you just posted a demonhunter
Nah. Talent point per level was good, so was spells rank. Nice, every level reward for leveling up.
I see no reason why the can’t just continue on adding 10 talents per tree. I definitely think the classes could be overhauled a little, and given moves from a later expansion though.
Closest thing there is to being Illidan in Classic WoW.
>Poopsocking tryhards that exploited group xp and have practiced the same raids for decades beat content in a week
>This somehow means the game is dead or that these players represent the majority
Normie guilds won't be doing that shit, they will be wiping throughout the dungeon lol. The game will be fine, it would only be an issue if the average player already had ony and rag on farm in week 1.
>When talking about difficulty people just look at raids, because they're stupid and cant look at the big picture.
It's literally one of two pieces of end game content available in Classic, the other being PVP.
>But actually playing from level 1 to 60 is hard as fuck
No, it just takes a long time, it's not hard because the mechanics are straight up easier.
>Not to mention that while your abilities are diverse and strong
They are neither of those things.
>can easily be fucked by your own team mates
Happens in modern WoW, especially in Mythic dungeons.
>Retail players simply dont get it, because they all joined in Wrath
I was playing MMOs for a decade before Vanilla came out, you fucking zoomer. It was babby's first MMO when it came out, and now the people who were like eight years old when they were playing it are in their 20's and want to pretend like it was hot shit.
It was popular, that was the one notable thing about WoW at the time of its release.
Theres already other guilds reaching Rag now that didnt exploit anything.
Does he and his merry band of retards even have aggro meters? Threat is a team effort, no matter how good of a tank you are a priest spamming MB will fuck you. I haven't watched his streams but I assume they're trying to do some big pulls they're not high enough level for and wiping to stupid shit. if you're doing the dungeons at the intended level and you're not pulling like a retard dungeons are piss easy.
This, but a lot of them could be students as well that have a lot of free time. Euroneets have it good though desu. Lazy bastards.
It was a mistake not to beta test the raiding to some degree. Something isn't right about that.
Regarding retail, it’s many times more difficult. Now you’ll write “this is not difficulty, just running around, stretching in time and grinding” - and when they ask you, how would you make leveling Difficult, but without “wasting time, running around, thick mobs, grind and artificial tightening” and you will immediately have nothing to answer, as well as hundreds of the same posters before you.
Instead of leveling, put the last level of Tetris? Or Dance-dance Revolution - jumped skillfully, got level? Or puzzle games? Well, tell me, it’s fascinating to me, only for some reason your tongue immediately goes off your ass when asked about it.
No FF fans are overjoyed because the wowfugees are finally gone and we're getting a Nier Automata raid soon. Nothing but sunshine and rainbows over here my man. Enjoy classic forever for all I care.
True, these are the hardcore guilds that don't poopsock I guess. The average player is still fighting queues and is probably under level 30.
I fucking hope so.
Euros also get free money as students, so theyre under no pressure to take 18 credit hour semesters
But they pay for it in the long run by being taxed 80% of their income once they start working. The only thing I truly envy them for is they dont get their dicks partially amputated at birth
Yes. And these players - the best what retail offers. This stupid dogs can't player classic because it's too hard for them, yet they are still the best players on retail. That only means other retail player ARE EVEN WORSE and retail is fucking mobile game in comparison with classic
post cutting edge, classiclet
Why would it? People have been playing it since private servers were a thing
I'm honestly trying my best to understand what you're trying to say here ESL-kun but I'm sorry I have no idea what you're on about.
And that's not far from the truth.
Hopefully soon. I have so many fucking mounts and transmogs in retail, I don't want everyone to move to classic
I'm still mad about how they ruined OSRS with the grand exchange. There's no old school with the grand exchange around.
if they dont learn from OSRS it'll die eventually
that means more than just LMAO TBC
This user is the peak of faggotry.
Night elf or Dwarf hunter?
Dwarf gets Stoneform but Night Elf makes hunter become a ranged rogue.
The people playing Classic want no changes. They'll sink with it.
Bruh. OSRS have MORE players than BFA have.
> hunter
> Classic
Are you retarded or what? The Worst DPS class in the game. Forget about dungeons, raids and loot if you are playing hunter
OSRS was so much fucking fun until GE
then everything went to shit again somehow, I don't understand how it broke the community so hard
or did it just drive away all the people making the community interact?
the point of OSRS was that they don't re-release existing content (broken in some cases like grand exchange which was a major mistake) because that existing content was what ruined the game
so if they learn from OSRS which they should do there will be no tbc but the game will take an entirely different direction, preferably staying on azeroth
Not him but hunters are GREAT for EVERYTHING but raid dps
guaranteed raid slot in t1-2 content but other than that u rite
I just switched to one of the new servers, I’m liking it but it’s definitely gonna take me a month to get 60 because I can’t play 10 hours per day bros
4 hours go by so fast
>Bruh. OSRS have MORE players than BFA have.
Source:your ass
note I don't mean this to defend the fucking flaming pile of garbage that is BFA, but BFA has not official numbers beyond occasional fan theorizing. The last of which was like a million players which is still about ten times that of OSRS
> guaranteed raid slot
FOR ONE, i repeat, FOR ONE hunter. Maybe for TWO if you are super lucky.
Now imagine how many hunters there would be on your server.
Yes, there is guaranteed raid slot for one hunter, but are you sure that this would be you?
For example here are 9 guaranteed raid slots for warriors and 6 for mages.
>following meta
go back to retail you zoomer sheep
> Not following meta
go back to retail you zoomer sheep
Also even APES follow the meta. That says much
this is our element now geezer
have fun inspecting my purps in orgrimmar while you clutch your greens lmao
>I tabbed to this enemy and shot frost bolt, now I'll tab to the next and shoot frost bolt! This is gameplay at its finest!
I went mage because warlock gear looks ugly and I felt like paladin would be boring. Now I regret it because I remember paladin in Onxyia and MC was fun since I had to keep up buffs, DPS and heal while mage is frostbolt forever.
Rag was beaten with 13 I repeat 13 lvl 60s. That mean with full raid of 60s you can do whatever the fuck you want, you could literally just auto attack it to death while alt tabbed and you'll be fine.
I'm pretty sure they just brought themselves back from the dead
A level 55 mage in greens is better than a BiS Ret, Enh or Elem.
Those aren't sweeping strikes
Lore Rape happened in BC with Spacegoats and Illidan and Kael are evil guys!
Only faggots and Jainafags complain about the Pandas. It was the last time WoW actually had some thought put in and wasnt completely retarded. Legion had potential but fucked it up.
What's even the lore in vanilla, legit question? From my perspective you just kill random shit because why not.
Who gives a shit about raiding in 2019 Vanilla lmao, hunters are god tier for pvp, farming and leveling. People are going to value a good hunter who manages to do his job right than a generic rogue or mage that's high up on the dps chart
>>groups that meet up in the world and travel to the dungeon together socialize along the way
>>people actually talk and try to help each other
> Illidan and Kael are evil guys!
Illidan WAS evil though, or are we just memory holing the hole
>pillaged and killed his way through a bunch of night elves and no shits given
>Only faggots and Jainafags complain about the Pandas. It was the last time WoW actually had some thought put in and wasnt completely retarded. Legion had potential but fucked it up.
are you saying the whole bit about scuttling the blood elves rejoining the alliance made sense as opposed to yet another retarded pseudoretcon for why they remain in a faction they shouldn't be a part of?
and if I get a temp ban, can't I just transfer the character to a new acount?
a mixture of stuff stemming from the 3 Warcraft games (at a minimum you absolutely must player the third game. 2 and 1 kinda suck but give you lore stuff that does appear in wow and sets up 3) and some stuff they created for the game like Stormwind being a fucking mess with the Defias and Onyxia and shit,
the only thing illidan was guilty of was chasing the pusy too hard
>I need blood elves NOW
how dare you, we already have to put up with 1 garbage race
All I know and remember from warcraft is arthas becoming a lich king and ilidian trying to bone malfurion's waifu and then reeeing and becoming a demon once he failed. Nothing related to vanilla.
>Went frost mage
>not really interested in PVP
>my endgame rotation is frostbolt infinity
Can someone refill my drink, I ordered the dumb fuck juice
> Rag was beaten with 13 I repeat 13 lvl 60s
Yes, by APES. For Average Joe it would take 2 months of tries with pre-raid bis and best consumables. Ofc for Average Joe there would be META
Onslaught also did it one day later and they had players who never before played wow and were asking questions like if fire elementals are immune to fire mid raid. Stop pretending vanilla was ever hard and requires some retarded meta gaming.
But Garrosh did nothing wrong and was killed by Horde for it. How is it OK by all means?
dude bruh lmao rofl bruh im dying over here bruh
Illidan's goals were always "good" he was just a fucking retard and fucked everything up completely
I mocked this game and the people that were excited for it a lot, and now I'm playing this shit 16h a day every day, never played wow before. is this my punishment?
Fuck Metzen and FUCK AFRISIABI for not standing up to him while Metzen just butchered our boy.
>Nothing related to vanilla.
you mean like why Lordaeron is divided between the Forsaken led by Sylvanas, who stems from 3, and the plaguelands with the scourge controlled by said lich king. Why the Orcs are in Kalimdor, the night elves and their situation in classic, stormwind and its situation, the trolls? etc. etc. etc.
the warcraft games provide context for a lot of the shit that happens in vanilla (the reason the defias happened related to what happened in the first game), they aren't 100% required but shit makes a lot more sense if you play 3, the first 2 help but also have shit that gets retconned later
>b-but my goals were good
I could apply that to a lot of people considered evil, most of them aren't chaotic evil fags
I’m a hunter and I really want to use a turtle. Was going to run into thousand needles and grab one as Nelf. Bad idea? I hear they’re kinda bad gameplay wise but I really like em
a good chunk of those random quests including the ones with the defias brotherhood are connected to the dreadlord in the Scarlet stronghold instance - all part of his plan to try to take out the Forsaken and the Lich King's forces.
The BWL and Molten core lore is kind of self contained.
Stop user, get a gf, stop fucking that poor turtle.
I do not endorse bestiality user
However I also hate women, so no
>Not reading the quest text and lore books littered literally EVERYWHERE ingame.
There's plenty of lore in the game that they fucked up in subsequent expansions.
> People are going to value a good hunter who manages to do his job
Hunter's job is to deal damage. Mage's job is to deal damage too. Mage in blues deal more damage than hunter in epics and have more personal survivability.
Yes, people are going to value a good PLAYER who manages to do his job right, but hunters can do THEIR job right because they are fucking hunters
This aged like milk lmao
>will be back on BFA
they quit entirely because they will have dealt with the mundane grind of vanilla and have a realization that the game is ultimately a time sink with barely any reward besides shitting on lowbies with your op twink builds, at that point you're just a faggot who can't compete on equal ground and need to dump thousands of hours grinding blues and purples to get an edge
a hunters job is to press tranq and maybe throw down a frost trap
no one with a brain expects hunters to do dps outside of early content
Just get a turtle from the barrens.
turtle is based don't listen to min max fags they're unlikely to take you on their groups regardless cause every classic player is a streamer watching faggot who reads walkthroughs and only wants mages, locks and other OP classes on that patch.
Depends on who you think is the butt of the joke, the zoomer or the boomer. Turns out lilzoom knew classic better than the boomer
It's hilarious how little people know about vanilla thinking that hunters aren't good at dps. They're up at the top with rogues mages and warlocks with the correct aimed shot weaving and a slow enough bow or xbow. Everyone is still in the stupid mindset that purple means better like it does in retail.
go back to bfa then. shit game. go fly and make your way around the "world"
> a hunters job is to press tranq and maybe throw down a frost trap
If so then back to
> They're up at the top with rogues mages and warlocks
Huh? That's why there were only 1 hunter in APES group and 2 hunters in Method group?
Not to mention they have the absolute best threat mitigation in the game and can unload from the start without having for tanks to establish threat
I guess they only had one hunter that knew what they were doing? You can't take a sample size of one and call that statistically factual.
The joke is literally based around the situation that happened retard. The old boomers who played original Vanilla overhyped and oversold the difficulty of the game, and is still trying to enforce it onto newer gamers who know better.
yeah bro im sure this class that is effectively always at 50% power in raids is pumping out those fucking numbers
Method is still in their 40s.
Oh fuck thought it was the old image, apparently there's been zoomer dialogue after recent events rofl
>have a threat reset
>dps is so bad they don't need it
Why would they be at 50% power? Is someone making them stop shooting for some reason? If you think that all they do is autoshot that just proves that you don't know how a hunter is suppose to be played. They have the absolute best threat dump on a 30 second cooldown so they're the one class that doesn't have to stop what they're doing and can always go balls to the wall.
osrs was dying before they added ge and starting making new content
Have you actually played a hunter in vanilla?
oh so they finally did it with only one 60? Proves just how trash is vanilla.
>babbies whining about meta in a 15yo game released in 2019
This is why the game will die. Niggers didn't care about meta in 2005, why do you care now?