I really don't like the NES Castlevanias

I really don't like the NES Castlevanias

Attached: cv1.jpg (2048x1536, 388K)

neon sack of shit

why's that

They're great games, but you're allowed to dislike them.

What about them exactly do you dislike?

>Really annoying enemy placements
>Fucking stairs
>Sometimes the weapons besides the whip literally do not work like the stopwatch
I like the music at least


Understandable. It's level design is painful at times. Like the medusa heads, precise jumping or the INSTA KILL CRUSHERS.
Personally I love every moment of it.

Attached: dracc.png (226x257, 108K)

I didn't really know what to expect, I've just seen images of the general Castlevania vibe and I liked the gothic themes

The japanese version really fixes the enemy placements. I agree the stairs do get annoying. What are you playing them on? Does the new Castlevania collection really have slowdown?

Playing them on Mesen NES emulator
I've been flipping back and forth between the 3, when one aggravates me I switch

That's weird that there's slowdown. I replayed them on FCEUX a while back and I don't recall there being any.

I'm certain it's because of the NES, like when 3 medusa heads are on screen at once

Fair enough, the later levels being "4 hits and you're dead" is a pretty hard pill to swallow. It's very, very unforgiving to newcomers.
Personally, I love Castlevania but CV1 and CV3 are tough as nails. I like the games, but they do have some real bullshit.
Rondo of Blood or SOTN might be up your alley, then. Those games have excellent atmosphere, and are much more generous to newcomers of the series.

Simon's Quest is a poorly designed game, I wouldn't bother playing it unless you end up getting really into Castlevania, since that game's tedious to a T.

The game had slowdown on the NES but I don't see why a modern emulator would have that slowdown.

Anyways, they're great games. I think Dracula's Curse is the best one on NES. Be sure to also check out Bloodlines, Super Castlevania IV, Rondo of Blood and Dracula X.

Thanks lads, I'll check out some of the later games. PS4 has Rondo of Blood bundled with Symphony, are there any problems with that version?

That's okay, I hate classic Megaman.

>PS4 has Rondo of Blood bundled with Symphony, are there any problems with that version?
Nah, they're both great. Lots of people priase Symphony but honestly my favorite CV is Rondo of Blood.

So Rondo of Blood is the same as Dracula X?


No nigga Dracula X has the worst enemy placement of any classic CV game I've played. The most horseshit final boss too.

>Simon's Quest is a poorly designed game
there's a romhack in the castlevania challenge pack that improves it

Dracula X is amazing, git gud you casual