The Great Debate

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There was never any debate you hyper-troglodyte. They're both too different to compare.

Not even close to a debate.

WoW is a proper MMO whilst OSRS is an autism simulator. All you do is mindlessly grind useless stats for hundreds of hours for the sole purpose of seeing a pointless number go up.

How is classic WoW that different? You grind to max, join a raid guild and grind for weeks hoping to get slightly better gear so you can grind the next raid more efficiently.

It only has the one thing to grind

Old school runescape is reddit filled garbage

Aimed at ScapeBoomers. Unique and unlike anything else. Brimming with soul.
>WoW Classic
Aimed at Twitch Streamers and their fans (Zoomers). Caused the death of the Warcraft series. IP based on Warhammer (Reddit's Lord of the Rings). Lacking in soul.


WoW Classic. Jagex fucked up by listening to what players think they want. Notice how WoW failed with WotLK and Cata when they started listening to how players hate grinding endlessly, and how they hate having nothing to do once they hit max level and but aren't good enough to raid? Asking the community for feedback is like going to your friends and asking what you should change about yourself so they will like you more.

Is not a debate runescape is for poor people.

This, everyone that plays OSRS is a fat fucking loser with no soul that defends this pile of autistic shit to the teeth when someone questions why they play it. They also tend to be bad at just about every other kind of game there is.
I lost 2 friends to OSRS, don't let your bros lose themselves to this fucking garbage.

Kinda agree. I quit OSRS because it became a mess due to all the updates, a lot of new content feels like private server shit.
On the other hand, legacy MMOs die if they don't update and add stuff.

osrs of course

Blizzard should just update the existing Classic servers to TBC and make a new set of vanilla servers when it's time for new content. It will give the turboautists a chance to race to MC again, and appease the patricians who think that TBC was the pinnacle of WoW.

p much this

Neither wins, both games are not how they were in their glory days.

that's obvious enough m8 but they're still better than all the other online games bar Diablo II but that's in the same position.
the 80-90s were and 'attitude' era where people didn't give a fuck about social politics and they were free to bring into fruition their full vision

Or MAYBE the debate is more about comparing how osrs and wow classic managed their "classic" version, not doing a direct comparison between the two

Well then maybe OP should have clarified that instead of posting with zero text and a 3-word subject line. It's hardly my fault if OP is a fag.

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>single player autoclicker bot game vs an actual community driven mmo
Hardly a debate to be had here.

1-60 is almost entirely solo faggot

>Warhammer (Reddit's Lord of the Rings)

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never played either at all since my familly were poorfags who didn't have internet growing up so I pick the true superior MMO

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>Can only fight one mob at a time for the most part
>pseudo dungeons like caves and mines are a nightmare solo
>quest that have you kill a boss mob can’t be done solo
It is heavily discouraged. You can level solo to 60 but you would be stupid to not make temporary groups with other people as you level.

>Warhammer (Reddit's Lord of the Rings)
This but unironically



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>Warhammer (Reddit's Lord of the Rings)

He's right you know

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OSRS is more authentic and it has lots of good new content.

just play cookie clicker

also the base game is way more enjoyable and unique


have you retards only ever played WoW clones in you're life you stupid ass retarded zoomers?

OSRS. RS3 is complete garbage and there's a reason more people play classic.

Classic wow was just a lot of grinding, I don't get why everyone's obsessed when they obviously weren't around to play it

Not even close, you insecure faggot.

because WoW is literally a meme
its the only game grandparents know of and its always been the "epic nerd game"


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You posted this already WoWbabby, are you upset ? OSRS has way more unique gameplay and more challenging, nothing in world of shitcraft comes close to inferno

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I quit osrs when it became full of pve shit. Shit like woodcutting became worthless cause you can just kill a mob that drops logs instead.

bad example but some of that is in the game yes
however its usually also more effort

you have based ironbabbies crying about how inefficient it is to cut logs for themselves to thank for that

I don't like WoW either you colossal faggot, OSRS players are literally 90% Venezuelans farming millions of gold to bot on the Grand Exchange, everyone that plays it is a faggot

When I played Zulrah was the big thing like a year ago. Idk if they nerfed the drops or anything but it was pretty op.

they nerfed it but even back when it was big money it didnt impact the market too much
and its not like you can AFK zulrah either

the older "new" content is 10 000x worse than the new-new content though. Save maybe zalcano nothing will ever beat NMZ and wildy bosses at being ps trash content

both suck.


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what is the pic about?