Why do zoomers love it?
Why do zoomers love it?
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They don't.
Zoomers love GTAV and they also pretend to like SA for internet gamer cred.
I just wish the PC port was good. I sold my 360 a while back and I’m beginning to regret it.
Zoomers hate IV tho. Too much story, not enough LOLRANDOM.
>Why do zoomers love it?
Nice try nigger but zoomers like you really love GTA V and hate IV because 'too realistic and gritty'
Why do zoomers call other people zoomers? School is starting soon. You'll all be gone and we won't have to deal with these threads lmao.
It was the first one zoomers played unless they had a boomer big brother with a PS2
>game starts becoming popular right when zoomers start posting here
Zoomers like Miley Cyrus, Billie Eilish, Lil Pump, and Selena Gomez don't care about GTA.
The Rockstar Fanboy Checklist (GTA version):
>it's a single player game
>the loading screens are long because there's a lot of content
>stop shilling for paid DLC
>your opinion doesn't matter
>it's not pay to win
>you're not forced to buy shark cards
>I never bought a shark card
>it's not a grind
>you don't need to buy everything
>blowing up ceo crates is part of the game
>the new casino doesn't count as gambling
>PvP takes skill
>the controls are good
>the cops aren't overpowered
>the AI isn't overpowered
>Trevor is a good character
>muh satire
>the story is well written
>the radio isn't bad
And their personal favorite
>if you don't like it, don't play it
If you think you're arguing with a fanboy, simply resort to this checklist, call him a fanboy, then ignore him. Watch him cower and recoil as he's been found out.
Tried to play it on my PC but the FPS are shit and I have a 1080ti. Wtf
Because most people love their first GTA game the most.
Best story and DLC done properly. Liberty City had so much soul.
Buy a better CPU.
But what if I actually like the radio?
IV fags think their exempt from it. It's just another title in a long line of non-games that consist of all modern big budget games. Make a big but bland big open world, tack on some rpg mechanics, then throw some objective markers on a mini-map and call it a game. What is here for you? Awkward 3rd person shooter with auto-lock on aiming against a single type of enemy? Driving mechanics that get worse every game with no racing? Is it the story? GTA is absolute zoomer core.
I have this Intel® Core™i7 Quad Core Processor i7-7700k (4.2GHz) 8MB Cache.
This game is shit, GTA V runs fine though
>>the radio isn't bad
The pop radio in V had some legit good mid 90s dance gems like Rhythm of the Night. But game is pretty weak radio wise.
i had the same issue until i reinstalled and then it ran fine
>first GTA was 2
>was adult when GTA IV was released
>liked it then
>like it now
>get accused of being a zoomer
I hate the story, characters, art direction, and probably other shit about it, but I fucking love the core gameplay, especially the absurd, exaggerated physics. Best driving in any GTA. Shooting people and having them get knocked back like they got hit with a bowling ball is satisfying as fuck. Ballad of Gay Tony is maybe the best GTA, if it's not SA.
Does anyone know where I can get TLAD and TBOGT as actual add-ons for GTA IV on PC? It's almost like the individual add-ons have ceased to exist the day EFLC was released, but EFLC absolutely fucking ruined the radio.
You don't get it, by that he meant that you should play with low settings, stuttering and be happy with it.
I run it on a Ryzen 3600 with a 2060 RTX, and some areas just refuse to run above 40fps.
For me it's the ps2 era games
>first GTA is the first GTA
>play all of them on Release
>enjoy GTAO
>get called a zoomer
stop bitching
>>the radio isn't bad
Non-Stop Pop FM Los Santos Rock are superb you dumb cunt.
GTA III was the best in the series because the fame hadn't gone to the developers' heads yet.
It also had some of the Law & Order cast who are great actors/actresses.
You're not a zoomer, you're just a retard.
>stop liking what I don't like REEEEE
You can like whatever dog shit you want, just expect to get called out for it.
weird...lol retard
Imagine being so fucking retarded you only discuss videogames using shitty buzzwords like boomer and zoomer, with boomer=good zoomer=bad
i hope all you newfag faggots die in a fire
I don't like pay to win games nor do I like the people that support them like shills. It's getting to the point in gaming where you people need to be beaten down in public in order to save future games. It's pretty much political now.
>pay to win
Only time you can pay to kill someone is with an orbital strike, it also costs 750k and has a long cooldown, and everyone knows that's a bitch move. Basically admitting defeat by using it.
Why should I play it at low settings?
Hell no, this is an outdated game and anyone who is playing it in 2019 is wasting their time. Play a new game that is superior ffs
You can pay Rockstar real money to get in game money to get aircraft, armored vehicles, and the oppressor. Not to mention buying ammo adds up over time when fighting other players.
And you can destroy all of that shit easily.
>*Is kino in your path*
>nothin personnel V-babbies...
I’ve played them all but I’ve only beaten iv and v once. My main grip with iv is that it takes itself way too seriously and v doesn’t have a cohesive story. The map is also shit outside of the city. Tbogt is what iv should’ve been
The driving is shit in iv, people who’ve never driven a car think it’s realistic
I’m a boomer and I think it’s peak video gaming,
>RPG mechanics
>No racing
4/10, made me reply
IV was released in 2008 which was part of the 7th gen, which was firmly part of Early Zoomers' gaming childhood.
>I'm 18 and I think I feel too old for being a zoomer. I grew up playing Minecraft and watching Pewdiepie, which is liek totes different from 12 year old Fortnite Jake Paulers.
Every single thing is true though. Except for PVP takes skill. You’re obviously ass blasted because I blew up your crates and dabbed on you
Can't we just talk about what games we like and dislike, without having to define peoples taste by when they were born?
No, that's not how we do it at r/gaming
No i'm on Yea Forums so I have to be an insufferable tumor about other things people enjoy
I was born in 1992 and was 16 when IV released
dumb cum retard autismo nigger gorilla poster
game runs fine maxed
you're so stupid I swear to GOD
It's fun
With sticky bombs, the heavy sniper, and the homing rpg. Which adds up over time. It's not easy for new players easy. Stop shilling.
gtao has turned into an awful abomination, hopefully rdo turns out okay
Don't crank the sliders to 100, keep them at about 40 or 50
Same. No idea what this faggot is on about, do you?
Who cares about new players? And ammo is dirt cheap retard, just do a mission and you can max out your ammo.
the pc port is decent tho, like just play with a controller and it would be the same as playing on ps3 except better graphics and loading times
op is retarded check this 5
here you dropped this
What's the best mod to fix IV's driving?
V zoomer spotted.
getting gud, a real life mod
Stop being a literal retard. Money is so fucking easy to get in V. Between missions, CEO shit, Biker shit, nightclubs, Gambling, Racing, glitches
Etc etc etc. if you’re counting coppers over Ammo you may want to uninstall.
Any idea who made that pic? It's pretty stupid.
Have you ever driven a vehicle? V is honestly more realistic. Suspension does not work like IV in real life.
But your webm proves why IV's driving is flawed. Real cars don't turn like that
>Mario Kart is more realistic
GTA IV isn't a bad game, but if you think it's better than Vice City or SA, you're a Zoomer.
>V is honestly more realistic.
Because Crowbcat made a video about it.
GTAV has good driving
No i prefer IV over V. I think you're just retarded and only able to think in buzzwords
Exactly my point. The only people that play the online are children that have been playing for a while, or those that use their parents' credit card.
Not very easy at all. This game is fun for people without a job sure. Everybody agrees, except for a small minority of social club shills that infect Yea Forums. Nobody is falling for it anymore. That's why nobody plays RDR2. You lost before this discussion started.
t. zoomers
It is more realistic than IV for sure, deal with it zoom zooms.
>t. newfag
How are they zoomers? They didn't express any zoomer-like opinions.
I disagree with them, I think GTA IV is a game that zoomers would enjoy, but that doesn't make them zoomers for not knowing that.
>GTA III was the best in the series because the fame hadn't gone to the developers' heads yet.
Agreed, but I propose pic related is better than GTA as a whole because at least Cuckstar tried something new instead of LOLMERICA SUCKS GUIZ LOOK AT HOW COOL WE ARE SITTING ON THE FENCE, OUCH, WHY'S MY ASS BLEEDING? Seriously, we get it, America has problems, how about do something NEW with the formula?
>exactly my point
Except not retard, just launch a mission and max out your ammo, new players on ANY game are meant to be bad, you really don't know shit about the game and just make up retarded excuses.
Zoomers began to play GTA by IV. They have never experienced the leap from GTA 2 to 3, and how Vice City was extremely good at the time it was released.
That's not true. Lots of zoomers lived through that leap, they just prefer the new GTAs because they have shitty tastes.
I said earlier in the thread, liking GTA IV isn't enough to make you a zoomer. Thinking it's better than VC and SA? Now that's zoomer territory.
It would be the best GTA if it could consistently run at 60fps on PC.
It's better than VC, though.
V > SA > IV > VC > III > the rest
>Lots of zoomers lived through that leap
No they didn't, and you sound like a zoomer yourself for having such a delusional opinion, have some self-awareness zoomie.
If their main reason for liking the game are the ragdolls and physics then they are 100% zoomers, my younger brother is one and that's all he did, bother NPCs, drive around and crashing, using cheats, same with all his friends.
Rhythm of the night is my fucking jam
Yeah, they did. Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, and Justin Bieber did.
GTA 4 is a shit game for zoomers, just like 5.
Vice City and San andreas are much better
The pc port was one of the worst ones in the history of pc gaming. You're a fucking retard if you claim otherwise.
V had wack ass saints row 3 type driving. shit was trash.
IV > V
So are you implying they played GTA 2 at 5 years old?
Other way around, zoomie.
Also note if you couldn't learn to drive well in IV you don't belong on this board
Cops ai/other ai are perfectly fine. If you actually think anything in a GTA game is difficult then you need to actually turn on your screen. I will say pvp is a joke when it comes to the rocket bike though, as for some reason rockstar thought allowing players to use flares on it was a good idea. Every other vehicle is at least manageable.
A lot of those points are just straight bait.
More like you don't suffer from severe autism. Thank God Rockstar put that boat driving where it belongs: the garbage.
Use the Rocket Launcher to kill MKII shitters, or the Upandatomizer, or just get under a building.
>if you couldn't learn to drive well in IV you don't belong on this board
It's simply too old now. I want ragdolls when I run people over.
Because it wasn't very hard to figure out. There will be a learning curve coming from GTA SA, but Much MUCH harder things exist in video games.
They can use flares to negate lock ons. Plus for some reason the flare effect lasts well after the flare graphics disappear. I don't know if the bike originally had it or not but I know something was added recently that allowed you to upgrade those types of vehicles. The sheer speed those things can reach makes it so a player that's good at driving them is nearly invincible from players on foot.
Not the homing launcher, the RPG, besides if they use flares they can be fucked easily by another MKII with chaff. Yes, it is hard to hit them on foot but not impossible, they need to get near you to freeaim a rocket, just gun them down with a minigun or shoot them out of their bike with the Upandatomizer.
You're retarded if you think that shit driving was worth learning. You couldn't do shit with it.
Nice bait faggot
How do you level the playing field then you absolute retard? If someone spends a lot of time playing a video game, they typically have access to cooler shit than someone who just picked up the game and isn’t even in the swing of playing it.
>nobody is falling for it
Except for the record number of people who logged on 3 weeks ago.
Imagine seething because someone that spends more time playing has cooler shit. Maybe take some of that paycheck and buy a sharkcard. Kek
It's fun
I hadn’t played since cunning stunts, maybe 2 or 3 years ago. I got a free casino penthouse, bought a blackjack table and have access to literal unlimited money. Play blackjack for an hour, bank 3 million dollars, repeat a week later. It took me a few hours to buy every single property I missed since I took a break, i have no clue how to spend all the money I have. Online is the most new player friendly it’s ever been.
If you own several businesses get a Nightclub with all the curators, it's completely passive and sell missions are fast and easy.
>cars feels like they're on rails in V
>in IV they understeer and rock to the sides when turning because lol soft af suspension
>professional bus-riders insist IV is realistic as if cars handle like this irl
they're both shit.
>select all images with boats
>yes, I did in fact follow your advice user, can’t you tell?
Based GTAOanon giving practical advice. That’s the first thing I bought when I came back after I won some blackjack money. I’m doing 1.7 million dollars a delivery. If you don’t have money in Online you have a confirmed room temp IQ.
>V is honestly more realistic
Yeah you can totally rotate your car in mid-air irl, and don't worry if you flip it. Just flip it back over by turning the steering wheel!
V is more realistic than IV, autismo.
V’s driving is more realistic though, it feels more real, certainly compared to IV and especially in first person. Yes the flipping the car over by rocking is dumb, but imagine if you couldn’t? The game would be slowed down even more. None of the games have hit the sweet spot they should be aiming for, which is driving in a realistic way, that makes sense but is still kind of dangerous and aggressive. I don’t know how you’d even go about implementing it.
Look at this webm You 2 are both full blown retarded. IV's not too realistic either but definitely more-so than V's hot wheel ass bullshit
Why do zoomers hate IV so much?
>IV's not too realistic either but definitely more-so than V's
Have you ever drove a car?
Yes but apparently you haven't. Exaggerated body roll is nothing compared to being able to rotate your car in any direction you want mid-air, fuckin zoomers I swear
The driving in V is more realistic though. Anyone who thinks IV has more realistic driving rides the bus
>boatcars are nothing compared to a mechanic made to save players the trouble of losing a car if you flip them
Thanks for confirming you are literally retarded.
The only place I've ever seen people claim that V's driving is realistic, is zoomers on this board who are butthurt that people like IV more.
Back to plebbit, faggot.
I thought we were arguing about realism?
Also typical zoomer probably never played any GTA before it, flipping your car was always supposed to have consequences, and taking jumps had risk to them. Driving in V is boring as fuck because there is zero challenge and ZERO consequences to fucking up.
I like IV more but that doesn't change the fact that V has more realistic driving. The driving is more fun in IV but it's more realistic in V. It's not hard to see or understand if you've ever actually drove a car.
>I thought we were arguing about realism?
Are boatcars realistic? End of argument.
Grand Theft Auto 4's driving was bett-
>g-go back to plebbit!
Ok new-fag, keep trying to fit in
Maybe we’re not speaking the same language, maybe we mean different things, if you put a gun to my head and said, what feels more like driving a real car, the driving in V or the driving in IV. I would say V and mean it. Yes, there are silly things, rocking the car, shooting it up in the air and spinning it, all that. That’s in there for a reason obviously. You can’t make the driving TOO REAL or the game would be an absolute slog. I’m sure you can grasp that. I’m sure you know what we’re all talking about. For the record, I like IV better than V, I just think the driving doesn’t feel as good.
Lmfao, people who defend this are mental.
Is rotating your car in mid-air realistic? End of argument.
That aside, Is the driving in V more or less realistic than IV?
meant to this retard
It was never a problem in earlier GTA games without those zoomer-pandering mechanics. Like I said, that shit makes it less fun and less realistic, no challenge whatsoever.
I can't fathom how anyone would think the driving in V is even remotely realistic, how fucking old are you?
Damn dude, it's cool to admit you grew out of videogames. Just move on to something else, bro. We won't hate you for it.
Far less, feels like a fuckin kart racer.
Cars don't turn on a dime irl like they do in V, even the 3d era GTAs had far more realistic driving.
So is boatdriving more realistic than V's driving? Is that what you are saying?
>1 poster rampantly spamming the thread to defend V's shit arcade driving
So let me get this straight, you think the driving in IV is more realistic because you can't control your car in the air?
The realism between the games is comparable, with V “feeling” better. Midair controllable rotations aside. Driving every car in IV feels like driving a big ass Lincoln continental in real life. It’s incredibly weighty. Incredibly. The wide array of cars in V, especially in Online have cars that seem to feel like their real life counterparts. They did a good job of capturing it.
It's shit arcade driving but it's still more realistic than IV's bouncy as fuck boat driving.
Yes, go get in a car in real life once you get your drivers' license in a couple years and you will find out they don't drive like go karts, dumbass.
Even if IV is boat-like it is still much closer to the real thing.
And 99% of people who played both games would agree, go anywhere but here and people will talk about how IV's driving went in a more realistic direction, that doesn't mean people liked it or have to like it, it's just the general opinion that it's more realistic than V.
Did they skip over basic English in your special needs class? Learn to fucking read
I’m fucking old, man. I agree with you to an extent. Way more thought could have gone in to the system, as far as what your talking about. There should be some consequences to crashing, to driving like a madman, pushing it to the limit etc. it’s not hard to tell why the system in V works the way it works though. That does in fact hurt the realism of it. But what I’m saying is, the driving feels more real, especially compared to IV.
You never drover a car in your life user, and if you did you are helplessly retarded.
I'm 27 and have had my driver's license since I was 16. You're a literal knuckle dragging retard if you truly believe that IV has more realistic driving.
99% of people who played both would disagree
source: my burning asshole
>IV has more realistic driving
Is the average Yea Forumsedditor 14 years old?
I'm convinced I'm being baited, you 2 either drive go-karts or are legitimately lying about having ever driven a vehicle.
According to IV-kun boats drive better than cars.
Your asshole wouldn't be burning if it didn't get ravaged by cocks every night
Oh yeah bro those turns at the beginning look just like IV's driving!
What the fuck are you trying to prove with that video?
Might as well say that to your mom.
I-I'm not the only one who's car does this in real life right? Right?
You mean your boat?
Real life is probably somewhere in between the 2. IV is exaggerated body roll but V has none whatsoever
It’s more than 2 people saying this user, I think it’s 4 different people. I’ve had my drivers license for over a decade. I’m not saying flipping the car in V is realistic. It’s a gameplay choice, so the game doesn’t get slowed to a crawl. I’m not sure what the other anons mean, but I know what I mean. IV’s driving makes every car feel like you are irl driving a big heavy giant fucking sedan. V has tons of cars, based on real life models and they behave how you would expect them to, from all wheel drive, rear wheel, drag, body weight. When you drive in an Elegy in V it feels like how you’d imagine a Nissan to feel in a video game. There’s no other way to say it. It translates very well across the board for tons of the cars. IV literally feels like driving the same boat.
>but V has none whatsoever
OK so you've both never driven a car or played V.
You're delusional. Do you drive a hot-wheels car in real life? Have you ever seen or heard of someone flipping their car in real life from taking a sharp turn too fast? Are you 12 years old?
I just did and she said that I had her mistaken with your dad
Because it makes them look contrarian. Look, I like IV a lot, but it was a bit of mess in terms of GTA atmosphere, story, pacing, and gameplay. The world is well done, though.
No, I'm 27, I drive a WRX STI and yes I have heard of people flipping their car from taking a sharp turn too fast.
Well then you haven't played IV enough or tried many different vehicles, many of them feel vastly different and close to their real life counter-parts like the Blista Compact. Every single car in V drives EXACTLY the same, they all drive like race cars, even the shittiest sedan.
Loool you guys don't even know who is a boomer zoomer coomer anymore.
ITT: one autismo that never drove a car defending IV's boat driving.
>yes I have heard of people flipping their car from taking a sharp turn too fast.
And what causes that user?
You're stupid. Cars flip often when taking turns too fast. You can quit now and save yourself from further embarrassment.
ITT: one autismo that never drove a car defending V's hot-wheels driving
And what causes cars to flip when taking turns too fast? I wouldn't expect you to know considering you actually think V has realistic driving.
Also just a side note why can it happen in every GTA except for V?
This guy is IV-kun and he is really mad.
V has more realistic driving compared to IV, that's what he meant and he's right.
Lmao nice job avoiding the questions
Nice job denying reality.
Why do the cars in V have zero body roll?
I love IV. Ive played through the Base game and the DLC on PC and ps3 several times. It’s a fun fucking game. I prefer IV to V. Of course some of the cars handle different. But nowhere near the depth that V has in terms of that. It’s an older game, I’m sure they would have liked to do it back then. I would hope driving a Blista feels different than driving a Sentinel. It does. But they both overwhelmingly have a boaty feel. If you randomly ask a person about the driving in IV the first word that comes to mind is “boat”. It’s a meme for a reason. It’s true. V has some stupid things going for it driving wise, it requires some suspension of disbelief. But every car I’ve ever driven in real life, and then played with it’s counterpart in game, satisfies the feeling of, oh hey, they kind of got this right. IV doesn’t do this, for any vehicle, except maybe, some of those bigger heavier sedans that do in fact drive like boats in reality.
is this the last boomer game ever made?
user had valid questions though, why can't you answer them?
the radio is fucked anyway because of licensing bullshit. just pirate.
Well I disagree 100%, IV's driving feels a lot closer to real life then V. Spamming the word boat over and over isn't an argument.
IV is exaggerated realism, V is arcade.
They do have, I myself have turned over lots of cars when doing sharp turn on cliffs. Play the game and you'll notice, IV-kun.
im glad im not the only one who does that
Why is this shit thread allowed but interesting threads like the one about video games in prison are deleted by some overweight and mentally retarded trannie-jannie?
>IV's driving feels a lot closer to real life then V
Objectively false and reddit opinion.
I’m a zoomer and get the fellow zoomer fags.
>on cliffs
are you intentionally being obtuse?
Said like a true zoomer
I'm not sure I'd say it's the best in the series, but I think it's severely underrated.
that song is the fucking WORST on it's station
All GTA games have had good radio btw
You said cars had zero body roll, well, they don't.
Fuck off fag
So your argument for them having body roll is that you flipped your car when on a cliff? What about just taking a sharp turn on a flat surface, it can happen in every other GTA game (the ones that actually have body roll even if exaggerated) and not in V (the one with zero body roll)
Back to your circle-jerking inner sanctum, sissies.
Stay rump-roasted
contrarians will try to deny this
I was 18 when it came out and I love it. Not better than San Andreas or Vice City, but far better than V or III.
If the cars didn't have body roll they wouldn't roll no matter what.
Not based
V is literally designed for children in all aspects from the shit story, to the shit 'cinematic' hand-holding missions, the shit p2w online, and the shit dumbed down gameplay in general.
Did you took that pic from reddit?
Do you not know what body roll means? It's not gonna matter if there is or isn't any when driving off a fucking cliff you mongoloid.
>Do you not know what body roll means?
Do you? If cars in V had zero body roll, would they roll on a cliff?
Fucking loved how grimy IV was. Really added to the low life crime setting and the city.
this, any zoomer i've talked to either hasn't played it or hated it. OP is a fag
If boat upsets your condition, perhaps switch to Heft, weight, encumbrance, mass, payload, hindrance. Whatever word to explain why driving a 2 door car modeled on Honda crx feels ingame like driving a hearse. Jump in a car in V, something fast and RWD, feel how it grips corners at top speed, note that if it’s real life counterpart is tail heavy, the game try’s to translate this, in its own way. These things are present in IV, in dribs and drabs, there is oversteer and whatnot, but at the end of the day, the cars all feel...Boa....excuse me, hefty.
Did you take your 'ur from reddit!' insults from reddit? Or did you see another user spam the same shit when you found out about this website earlier this summer after middle-school got out?
V is for true car enthusiasts that like arcade-ish competition, while IV is for zoomie reddit autismos who think spending hours driving boatcars is hardcore.
Stupid fucking memephrase but this is unironically one and done. GTA IV (and Vice City) are the millennial and Gen X fan favorites.
Nigger I'm convinced you have half a fucking brain, or you're just trying to fuck with me. Body roll isn't gonna make a single bit of difference when driving off a god damn cliff you dense son of a bitch.
i'm 1999 but have more of the late y than early z
>being this stupid
Do you know what body roll is, user? Give us your definition.
Exactly my point in calling it exaggerated. There is nothing to exaggerate in V because there is no physics, the cars stick to the road like glue when turning, and no matter what trajectory you take a jump or turn, you can just easily correct or even full blown rotate in another direction. It doesn't 'translate to real life' in any way shape or form.
It still more realistic than boatdriving.
It's basically the weight of your vehicle shifting when making a turn. Now tell me how that comes into play when driving off a cliff?
V zoomers complaining about body roll are coping, the truth is that if you tone down IV's body roll 65% on coupes/hatches and 35% on big sedans/SUVS you end up with something that BTFOs V in every way imaginable. Besides, the aesthetics of the body roll barely affect the physics themselves.
Ok then, agree to disagree.
Reading through some of this shit, I'm convinced V fags have no idea what body roll even is.
IV had shitty moon-physics, your car could turnover by being hit at 12mph lmfao. Even the heavily toned down V's physics are far more realistic.
this is the opposite of reality. the Blista in IV does handle like an actual FWD car; if you fully accelerate while turning you'll get torque steer, conversely if you brake it shifts the weight to the front so it turns a lot better, just like you would expect. the cars have actual inertia
none of this matters in V. all the cars are stuck to the road, no matter their weight or the drivetrain, they pretty much never understeer or oversteer, they all have the same turn-in response
>I myself have turned over lots of cars when doing sharp turn on cliffs. Play the game and you'll notice
You obviously haven't played any of the previous GTAs, and it's obvious you have no idea what the other guy is even talking about
It was their first GTA.
V looks like Saints Row driving
'96 Gen Y here. Kids suck.
Try taking a turn in a RWD super car at top speed in V and then do the same thing in a Grotti stinger, where you feel the oversteer, immediately fishtail and wreck. That happens for a reason. You are literally a retard IV-kun
But it feels like a boat. Not a Honda crx.
>that first-hand google description because he's too much of a primate to understand load transfer
V has body roll, it's just toned down and also capped by the 100mph limit. The cliff example shows the game still have proper physics, but I guess you're too much of a brainlet parrot to understand proper physics, no wonder you glorify IV's driving.
this t bh
IV zoomers wouldn't remember.
>He had to google the definition
You really are retarded, when speaking of body roll your example was that you flipped off a cliff. That's the exact opposite of a proper example showing off body roll, which V has none of.
>they pretty much never understeer or oversteer
I just realized you don’t play V at all. Do they pick on you in the lobby and stop you from having fun? I know playing as Niko is nice and comfy and the bad men can’t hurt you back on the last gen.
because it stars luigi and his cousin mario
Same shit happens with FWD cars in IV though?
You're a retard who doesn't even know what body roll is or else you wouldn't be talking about cliffs you fuckin fool
It handles more like an actual lightweight FWD than the Blista in V which inditinguishable from any other car in the game
Load transfer zoomie, learn physics.
user, it does. Yes. Just not with any sort of the same depth it does in V. Not to mention the 15 or 20 advanced handling flags of which any of them can pop up on the relevant car. They did a good job with this shit in V. It’s just a way more fleshed out system. That then suffers from a different set of problems if you look at some of the kookier things. Christ bruh.
Explain to me, how does load transfer matter at all when driving off a cliff? Especially when V just allows you to rotate the car in any direction?
which is non existant in V. show a single example of using weight transfer to oversteer like in here
IV is more realistic but V is infinitely more fun to drive. GTA was always more arcadey than realistic. IV was shit. You went from chilling with your homies and your jetpack to being a sad cunt with a fat idiot cousin that won't shut the fuck up.
V is not in depth in the least though, every car handles the exact same. And none of it matters when it's impossible to flip the car in the first place, and they all accelerate and brake on a dime.
So that the car doesn’t explode, Strand you at the bottom of a cliff, cause you to walk back, steal a new car you don’t want and add another 7 minutes to the mission. This is highly unrealistic, but the car won’t feel like a boat.
You don't know the first thing about load transfer, let alone physics you moron
>This is highly unrealistic
And there it is. The whole point of this non-sense argument and you finally admitted it.
Listen man you can enjoy V all you want and I can definitely see why people prefer it over IV, but to say it's more realistic is hilariously stupid.
Plenty of cars in V have handling flags similar (or virtually identical) to the ones in IV. There is simply more variance (which IV didn't have.)
Being able to rotate the car in any direction you want isn't cherrypicking you ponce. It completely takes all the risk/fun out of hitting jumps
>wrestling with gravity to land jumps makes it unfun
Exactly, much MUCH less fun than 3d era games and IV. And it's hardly 'wrestling', it's easy as fuck.
Look at this webm The way he just flattens out after going off the hills, fucking retarded ass arcade shit
Because body roll isn't tied with the surface you're driving over, idiot. If you're accelerating on a cliff and do a sharp turn the car will suffer a sudden change of load borne and roll over.
The car will naturally turn in some direction like in IV, but with a high enough driver skill stat you can correct it mid-air.
Less retarded than moon-gravity physics and boatdriving. Despite that driving feels much more realistic than IV's.
gwen dropping truth bombs
So your argument is that body roll is only evident when on cliffs or non-flat surfaces? Sounds pretty unrealistic to me.
IV doesn't have those though, no matter how much you keep spamming it.
Don't blame the physics for you sucking at it.
Doesn't make it any less retarded.
I V yes, because they toned it down when driving on plane surfaces. Still miles better and more realistic than the wobbly driving IV has.
I disagree
>Doesn't make it any less retarded.
Then just don't adjust your car in mid-air, simple.
No it doesn't hurr and it makes atv driving more fun
The game is designed to make you, the cars will even blow up if you land wrong for some weird ass reason, basically forcing you to use the stupid air-control mechanic
It's not stupid though it just gives you something to do in the air
That's okay if you think easier/unrealistic is more fun. I just prefer how it was in every other GTA game.
Deal or revenge?
what the fuck are you talking about the only GTA known for being super realistic is IV.
Revenge, every time.
I'm talking about the air-control bullshit dumbass, like we have been for multiple posts. Do you have amnesia or some shit?
No GTA before V had that crap.
>w-waaaaah you cannot commit to a jump because you can simply adjust your car in mid-air
>then just don't do it retard
>b-but if I commit on being a retard and jump foolishly I'll explode
Lmfao how can anyone be this idiotic?
You are genuinely dumb, aren't you? You were the one who said don't do it, and I explained how you are forced to because the game is designed to be that way. And I find it to be a stupid design choice. Is that in simple enough terms for you retard?
You've never driven a real car, zoom zoom
what is your problem with the port? How is it in any way worse than the console versions?
SA had an air control mechanic too, filthy zoomer
>Why yes i do play GTA IV, how did you know?
The option is there, you're not forced to use it. The driving isn't designed around that singular element. The only retard complaining about not being able to fully commit to retarded jumps while also not liking that your car gets totaled in the process is you.
Come on now user, you know it was not even close to the shit in V.
>The driving isn't designed around that singular element
But I just fucking explained why it was? You will literally blow the fuck up if you don't use it, how is that not the game forcing you to use it?
>The only retard complaining about not being able to fully commit to retarded jumps while also not liking that your car gets totaled in the process is you.
That's not at all what I'm saying though. I'm honestly dumbfounded by how fucking stupid you are if you really can't grasp what I'm saying.
This destroys the V fag.
Not that user but that is his point. You have to use it, hence why you saying "just don't use it!" is infinitely retarded.
except V still has a much more robust and realistic physics system compared to SA it's not even close so I don't know why you're bitching about realism in just this one case.
>i-it's just one thing bro! Stop cherrypicking!
Sorry for calling out a retarded ass game mechanic, and pointing out that it wasn't in the other games of the same series.
I think it's fucking retarded, and that makes you seethe for some reason.
>You will literally blow the fuck up if you don't use it
So you're complaining about your car being destroyed by doing shitty retarded jumps that a vehicle was not made to do? Who would've guess that would happen, huh?
Why didn't it happen in any of the other GTAs before they included that mechanic?
It did happen, even in IV. Maybe if you play those games you'll see.
Show me a video of a vehicle instantly exploding on contact with the ground if you land at a wrong angle, in any of the games besides V.
I've put hundreds upon hundreds of hours into every GTA, and the only one it happens in is V.
You fucking V fags are so delusional that you will resort to flat out lying, it's painfully obvious that you haven't played the other games.
you're actually wrong on that one
Run of a cliff with a vehicle in SA straight into the ground and watch if it will not explode.
the key word was INSTANTLY.
Cars catch fire before exploding when you do that in the other ones, giving you time to get out. You just explode and die instantly in V, I still wonder why they did that instead of just catching you on fire like in every single other one.
you didn't call out shit, you singled out the game for having something one of the other games in the series had as well, cope harder kiddo.
Because its fun
The only one coping here is you, I'm not the one rampantly defending a retarded ass mechanic that shouldn't have been included in the first place.
You're just moving goalposts, even Rockstar acknowledged IV's driving was unrealistic boatdriving, that's why they discarded it.
Maybe for those who like easier, less challenging games. Which is basically the entirety of the V fanbase
gta2 is the only good gta game
t. 91er
>The only one coping here is you
I didn't move shit. I'm just explaining why I think the air-control mechanic is retarded.
Early zoomers liked IV. I prefer it to 5.
Oh no, not the wojaks! You win this one!
Neither did you boat man.
>V fag has no argument so resorts to wojak-posting
jesus it's like you guys follow a script or something
Grand Theft Auto is the worst video game series hands down. The amount of normalfags and children that got into games because of it is disgusting. Everything about this series is awful, the gameplay, the "comedy", and especially the shit fanbase. These 2 games came out 5 years apart and are almost exact copies of each other. Yet, somehow they source of a large chunk of consolewar flaming bullshit that still persists to this day. No one ever talks about the games in these fucking threads. Just everyone stroking their cock about which garbage AAA sandbox their neglectful parents left them glued to when they were young. None of these games are nor have they ever been good. There is nothing to talk about and 80% of the thread is always buzzword spam, why are these not deleted on sight?
Go back to your japanese anime shit
Because gta4 is the best one
gtav is the only shit one though
All cutscenes are zoomed in
I've fixed most problems I had with the port, got it to run at a solid 60fps.
But yes that cutscene bullshit is the only thing I can't figure out how to fix, they also stutter sometimes too.
Alright faggots. This is coming from a literal boomer who first played gta 1 and every following gta on release day including London.
San Andreas>Vice City>GTAIV>GTA3>GTAV>GTA2>GTA1
Sorry swap out 3 and V. I fucked up
The sheer amount of paid shills in this thread is staggering. Maybe with the 240,000 pennies I made from selling crates I might just be able to buy two sticky bombs, 10 Ps and Qs, and a hooker. You corporate lapdogs are a joke.
>imagine doing all the online grinding earnestly like a good goy and not just hack/exploit your way through the top
I pity you moralist plebeians.
IV = VC > SA > 3 > 5 > 2 > 1
VC = SA > V > III > 2 > IV