Fire Emblem Three Houses

Daily reminder that Edelgard did NOTHING wrong and that Dimitri and Claude are wishy-washy fuckups that wouldnt accomplish anything in their routes without piggybacking off Edelgard and Hubert's work to combat Those Who Slither

Moralfags pls go

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>we want the resetranny audience
Stay clear queers here comes the golden deer

Remember to ignore and hide edeltard threads, don't give them the attention they so desperately crave.

>not shitposting edelgard at every moment

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Reminder Edelgard would have had the entire kingdom of Fargheus on her side if she just had sex with Dimitri.

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Imagine if Edelgard was confronted by her past selves.

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>Choosing the 18 chapters route

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now I want to buy red tights

She had the best outcome and no one can deny that. Destroyed the corrupt church. Eliminated those who slither in the epilogue. I don't know why they didn't show it and retires with you. She paved her way with fire and war. What the fuck where they thinking? Do the nips want war?

War was coming no matter what. Edlegard had no choice but to appear to be in league with Those Who Slither in order to lead them into a false sense of security so they could be killed.

Even in the Golden Deer route the ONLY reason that Claude knows to go after them is because of Hubert.

>How strong would Dimitri's autistic anger be if he discovered what the Slitherers did to Edelgard?

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>can't fuck the evil out of Cornelia
>can't dick Claude's aunt

Hagfags got it pretty rough this time huh

based and REDpilled

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>Still no Judith fanart.

What path should I do now that I finshed Blue Lions?

Based Eagles

Black Eagles to get Edelgard's side of the story


What was Edelgard supposed to do? If she openly acted against Those Who Slither she would have just been thrown back in the rape basement and replaced by a double, or they would have nuked cities like they did to Arianrhod.

Reminder that is incest

user, what do you think would have happened without Edelgard? Sure, there might have been no war, but the status quo would have gone on until the Slitherers just took over the entire continent. By the time of the war, the pretty much did control the entire continent and the only thing stopping them from doing so was Edelgard. Without the war, Claude would never have known to fight TWSITD, and Dimitri wouldn't accidentally kill the leader, and Hubert never would have had the opportunity to hunt down each slitherer and kill them. The only reason she pretended to do what they said was because if she didn't, they would just kill her and rule the empire without contest, leading to them taking the Kingdom and Alliance officially as well.

But, user, it's not Fire Emblem without incest.

im not even a footfag and i want to worship them

>implying medieval nobles didnt interbreed all the time
besides they're not blood relate so it's OK

Brainelt post. Every position of power was set to be filled with people going to change the system.

If you actually played the game this would be apparent. Drop the fanfiction

Does Sothis do anything plot relevant after the timeskip in the church or gold deer routes?
I did edelgard's route and blue lions and she did absolutely nothing, until I romanced her.

She only wakes you up, she appears again if you choose her for s-support

>Every position of power was set to be filled with people going to change the system.
That they could have easily killed the same way that they killed Lambert with the Duscur rebellion. The war brought them out of animosity and to the front lines where they could easily be seen and spotted.


Quick! Somebody post the cathedral gate.

dedue was a beast pre-timeskip but he's really bad post, what class are you supposed to make him? he's not fast enough to x2 anything and doesn't have high enough strength to one shot either. dedue is really disappointing compared to raphael the war master GOD

>fire emblem has incest
woah no really

Warmaster. Don't need to double if you crit kill everything or just abuse Gauntlets.

I went with armour classes to War Master and he turned out great. Gauntlets are guaranteed doubles and have loads of uses, so speed really isn't an issue.

>Every position of power was set to be filled with people going to change the system.
so time for Tragedy of Duscur 2.0