Nintendo direct wish thead

hello anons, so, the new nintendo direct is close, what are your gaming wishes for it?

some SMTV news would be nice

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Port Ever Oasis out of the 3DS, and also Mario Strikers 3

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Metroid "5" or whatever. Despite leaking almost all of E3, the two things that didn't happen in the list were WarioWare and Metroid. I'm just hoping it wasn't a case of someone getting an actual leak and throwing in fake stuff for laughs.

new Donkey Kong game with K. Rool at the helm
I am patient because I'd rather Retro Studios plan the next game with innovation in mind (more fluid 2-D sequel, more concise 3-D platformer, etc.)


I don't think they were fake. As far as I know the leak only got three things 'incorrect', and they were as follows;
>New Perfect Dark in development
>New Warioware for Switch
>Metroid 2.5D might be revealed
Of these, the only one they seemed certain would actually be shown was Warioware, and given how accurate the leak is in literally every other area I doubt they just made shit up (if I were them and I was going to do that I'd come out with some really wack shit).

Exactly that
Bayo 3 info
Whatever Monolith Soft and Retro are working on (besides MP4)

MORE Dragon Quest news somehow
Long Luigi's Mansion spotlight
Sword and Shield starter evolutions
Reminders of upcoming Third Parties such as Doom
SNES titles but somehow now DKC

SMTV literally anything please I swear they promised something for early 2019 but we didn't get anything
Pikmin 4
Rare Replay
SNES titles but PLEASE DKC

something nice :)

*SNES titles but somehow not DKC

As much as I doubt it having any chance of happening, I just want SMTV. Something relating to Monoliths new project would be nice too.

Doom slayer in smash along with a doom 64 port

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Rare Replay. That’s all I want. The rest is bonus material to me.

Final fantasy tactics advance 3 hahahahaha kill me

its gotta come eventually right bros?

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This but also doom 1 and 2 are added to nintendo online

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Atlus already confirmed SMTV will be released in the West...later than Japan though

New Horizons news
Silksong release date
Twilight Princess and Windwaker Release
Metroid Prime Trilogy

A Wii U port
Fire Emblem DLC
Final Luigi's Mansion 3 trailer
More Pokemon news
SNES games
New Trials of Mana trailer
Smash character reveal

Uncut TMS port/Xenoblade X port/Wonderful 101 port/Pikmin 3 port/Ever Oasis port/Kid Icarus Uprising port
Panzer Dragoon release date
A new Wario Ware
New Advanced Wars
Shadowdrop of Rune Factor 4/ Rune Factory 5 news
Super Mario Sunshine 2
Monolithsoft's new game
Bayo 3
A straight new Athena game

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Doesn't mean shit when we haven't seen anything about the game.

Bayonetta 3, for the love of God.

>Banjo showcase and release date
>Some kind of Banjo-Kazooie release on Switch
>Metroid 5
>Metroid Prime Trilogy
>Monolith's game
>Retro's game (I still don't believe that it got cancelled)
>SNES games
>P O R T S
>Maybe the next Smash character
>Super Mario Odyssey 2


*Tanabe laughing in the distance*